Shipyards of the first and second types. Shipbuilding production

When creating such a complex product as a modern ship, the overall production process is divided into component parts, that is, into separate production processes. This division is based on the division of the ship's hull into structurally and technologically complete parts, as they are manufactured, it becomes possible to continue the production process until its complete completion.

Specialized parts of the main production process constitute technological stages, the totality of which is called shipbuilding production, and individual technological stages are called types of shipbuilding production.

The formation of types of shipbuilding production is carried out according to the commonality of the methods used for manufacturing products. The general production process of building a metal ship consists of 11 types of shipbuilding production. Their list and a brief description of the works included in them are given in Table. 1.

Each type of production is usually located in a separate (specialized) division of a shipbuilding enterprise.

Table 1 Types of shipbuilding production

shipbuilding production
Contents of the production process
Hull processingManufacturing of body parts, starting from
and storage of material until packaging
and parts storage
Assembly and weldingAssembly and welding of units, sections and blocks, sections
ship hulls with their saturation
Hull-buildingFormation of the ship's hull at the construction site
place before launching, including production
ship blocks
PipeworkingPipe manufacturing, definition, configuration and
preliminary installation of ship pipelines
on the ship
Mechanical installationAssembly of units in the workshop, installation of main and
auxiliary mechanisms, devices,
heat exchangers, shaft lines,
heavy equipment,
final installation and testing
Electrical installationInstallation of cable networks, installation, switching on,
adjustment and delivery of electrical equipment
automation systems and special equipment
Product manufacturing
hull outfitting

products of the hull outfitting range
Manufacturing of plumbing installation
body saturation, manufacturing
and installation of ship pipes
Installation of sheathings, frames for forming
premises, other metal structures
(pre-isolation and post-isolation),
fastenings for useful things, household equipment
and furniture, production and installation of ship pipes
Production and installation of products
finishing and equipment
ship premises
Manufacturing in the workshops of a shipyard
non-metallic and composite parts, assemblies,
intended for ship equipment
premises; production and preparation in workshops
conditions of finishing elements of ship premises,
installation of parts and products intended
for decoration and equipment of ship premises
Production and installation
isolation and
paint coatings
Surface preparation of structures, manufacturing
and installation of insulation, application of anti-corrosion
and decorative coatings
Test production
and delivery of ships
Testing and delivery of vessels

A shipbuilding enterprise is understood as an industrial enterprise that has means of production (means of labor and objects of labor) and a workforce capable of creating shipbuilding products. It should be noted that the work included in electrical installation production is, as a rule, carried out by an independent specialized installation company. It has its own workshops or areas at each shipbuilding enterprise.

A shipbuilding enterprise consists of main and auxiliary workshops, in which the main and auxiliary parts of the production process are carried out, respectively. The shipbuilding enterprise also includes engineering services (design, technological, metrological), enterprise management services (scheduling, economic, control automation, etc.) and maintenance services (administrative and economic units).

Shipyard "More"

The main workshops of any shipbuilding enterprise are the shipyard workshops, which house 10 types of shipbuilding production (as mentioned above, electrical installation production is assigned to another enterprise). A shipbuilding enterprise, the main production of which includes only shipyard workshops, is called a shipbuilding shipyard. A shipyard includes (facilities on which ships under construction are located), outfitting quays, workshops for the manufacture of hull parts, hull structures, manufacturing and installation of ship pipelines and systems, installation of various mechanisms, as well as a group of outfitting shops. The shipyard receives all mechanisms, devices, equipment, apparatus and instruments from specialized enterprises (contractors).

There are shipbuilding enterprises that do not have hull processing and assembly and welding shops as part of shipbuilding production. Such enterprises are called a ship assembly yard, where ships are assembled from blocks, sections and assemblies supplied through cooperation from other shipbuilding enterprises.

Shipbuilding enterprises, the main production of which includes their own machine-building production, are called shipyards. Shipyards produce mechanisms and equipment both for the needs of their own production and for other enterprises. The main workshops of shipbuilding plants, based on the nature of the product and the technologies for its production, are divided into shipyard workshops and machine-building workshops. The products of the shipyard workshops are intended for those ships that this plant builds. The mechanical engineering departments manufacture mechanisms or equipment and deliver them to the warehouse. From the warehouse, the mechanisms are supplied to ships being built at this plant, or sent to other shipbuilding enterprises.

Vyborg Shipyard

Shipbuilding enterprises are also classified depending on the hull material of the ships being built and the areas of their navigation. There are metal, reinforced concrete, plastic, and wooden shipbuilding enterprises. There are maritime and river shipbuilding enterprises. Marine shipbuilding enterprises are divided into 5 classes based on the launching weight of ships under construction (Table 2).

Table 2 Differences between enterprises in terms of launching weight of ships under construction

The relative location of workshops, construction sites, launching structures and other buildings and structures, as well as railways and highways, gas pipeline networks and other industrial networks of a shipbuilding enterprise is determined by its master plan. The layout of the enterprise's master plan is characterized by a development coefficient equal to the ratio of the total area of ​​projections of all buildings and structures onto a plane to the area of ​​the enterprise's territory. At modern shipbuilding enterprises, the construction coefficient is about 0.5.

The economic activity of a shipbuilding enterprise is characterized by the number of products produced per year in value (price) terms. Finished products are characterized by the volume of marketable products sold, which includes vessels delivered to the customer. The total production volume of a shipbuilding enterprise includes the volume of work performed during the year, both on ships delivered to the customer and on ships under construction. The volume of work for individual vessels is determined on the basis of the indicator of progress in the technical readiness of the vessel (as a percentage of the technological labor intensity of construction). The increase in ship production volumes is associated with a reduction in the production cycle of their construction.

Shipping is an industry that depends not only on fairways, depth under the keel and brave captains. In many ways, the success of shipping campaigns depends on shipbuilding and ship repair, anddesign of workshops for shipbuilding enterprisesis a fairly popular service provided by the design and engineering company V-GRAND. Ship repair is often closely related to shipbuilding. Work on the restoration and repair of ships can be carried out where they were built. Or, in parallel, the construction of other ships, individual units and units intended for the shipping industry is being carried out. Modern enterprises belonging to this industry are increasingly combined:

  • shipbuilding and ship repair - when ship repair shops and areas are opened at shipyards;
  • ship repair and shipbuilding - when ship repair enterprises are slowly mastering small shipbuilding.

It is carried out taking into account the fact that shipyards are a complex of enterprises equipped with equipment and machinery, consisting of:

  • from various workshops and areas;
  • lifting and loading and unloading equipment systems;
  • own water area intended for launching ships, laying, etc.

The specificity of shipyards is that they provide full maintenance of ships. This is something that V-GRAND specialists must take into account.

Calculation of production capacity when designing docks, shipyards and workshops of shipbuilding enterprises

Doing p design of workshops at shipbuilding enterprisesOur engineers develop a package of documents for individual sections or the entire production complex based on the full maintenance of the vessel.

The production facilities of shipbuilding and ship repair plants are located on the banks of river or sea waters.

In cases where loading docks are used, slipways are designed on which vessels will subsequently be installed in order to raise them above the water level. Thanks to this approach, it becomes possible to simultaneously service several ships at once, which cannot be achieved in dry docks. The level of water filling of loading docks is calculated using tools such as technological factors.

Shipbuilding is a special branch of mechanical engineering. Its core (main) products are vessels of various types and marine equipment. In addition, the shipbuilding industry produces powerful drilling rigs, self-propelled floating cranes, metal structures, and various consumer goods for the national economy.
A modern ship is a large engineering complex, including complex power plants, special devices, and automated ship systems. A characteristic feature of the production of the main products of shipyards is the long cycle of ship construction, a wide range of manufactured parts and assemblies with a small number of them per batch. For example, the average duration of construction of a serial transport vessel from laying down to delivery is 8-10 months; The construction of a river-sea vessel with a carrying capacity of 3 thousand tons requires over 2 million parts of various types and purposes. For comparison, you can see that the production of a modern passenger car requires about 6 thousand parts. While car parts are manufactured to tolerances that ensure their interchangeability, large heavy ship hull parts are usually made with an allowance, which requires a significant amount of fitting work during assembly. Shipbuilding shops are typically characterized by the high cost and labor intensity of manufacturing parts and assembling components, a relatively high volume of physical labor compared to other industries, and the complexity of its comprehensive mechanization and automation due to the need to perform a significant amount of work in sections, blocks and individual rooms of the ship.

A variety of machines and instruments installed on ships are manufactured at machine-building, instrument-making, electrical installation enterprises and associations, which, along with shipbuilding and ship repair enterprises, are part of the shipbuilding industry. Therefore, they are classified as enterprises and associations of shipbuilding, ship repair, ship mechanical engineering, ship instrument making, and electrical installations (hereinafter referred to as enterprises, except when it comes to the specifics of the associations). There are few specialized enterprises that can be entirely attributed to one of the named parts of the shipbuilding industry. More often, a separate enterprise includes the production of two or three sub-sectors and its profile is determined by the predominant of them.

Shipbuilding types of production

Shipbuilding types production: hull processing; assembly and welding; hull construction (slipway);

pipe processing; mechanical installation; manufacturing of hull outfitting products; installation of plumbing and hull saturation, production and installation of ship ventilation pipes; production and installation of finishing products and equipment for ship premises; production and installation of insulation, paint and varnish coatings; testing and delivery of ships; plastic shipbuilding; reinforced concrete shipbuilding; wooden shipbuilding; woodworking production.

Fig.1.1. Fragment of the classification of production cells according to design and technological characteristics


So, in the course of this course work, the assigned tasks and questions were revealed. In the first part of the work, issues related to the definition of production processes and their classification were carefully studied. Secondly, a methodology for analyzing production processes using the example of the Pella shipyard.

A definition of production processes was given as a social labor process of a group of workers. Production processes are divided into main, auxiliary and service processes. The main processes include technological processes, as a result of which the shape and size of objects of labor change, the internal structure (heat treatment), appearance (painting, chrome plating, nickel plating, etc.) and the relative position of its constituent parts (assembly).

List of used literature

1. Dmitriev A. Design of a modern ship. Leningrad, 2010.

2. Bukhalkov M.I. Labor productivity and production efficiency management system // Production organizer. - 2010. - N 4. - P. 87-93.

3. Gerchikova I.N. Design of production systems, M.: 2001.

4. Gurevich I.M. Organization, planning and management of a ship repair enterprise. - M.: 2007, 296 p.

5. Nikiforov V.G. Organization and technology of shipbuilding, M.: 2004, 301 p.

6. Organization of production and enterprise management: Textbook for universities / Ed. O.G. Turovets. M.: Infra-M, 2009. 527 p.

7. Razinkova O.P. Enterprise personnel management in unstable production conditions: Monograph. - Tver: TSTU, 2010. - 144 p.

8. Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of the economic activities of an enterprise: Textbook. M.: Infra-M, 2009.- 536 p.

9. Serebrennikov G.G. Economic aspects of production organization: Textbook. manual for universities. Tambov: Tamb publishing house. state tech. Univ., 2008. 78 p.

10. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Organization of production: Textbook for universities. M.: Infra-M, 2009. -669 p.

11. Enterprise economics: textbook / V.I. Titov. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - 416 p.

12. Enterprise economics: Course of lectures/ Volkov O.I., Sklyarenko V.K. - M.: INFRA-M, 2006. - 280 p.

13. Enterprise Economics: Textbook / Hungureeva I.P., Shabykova N.E., Ungaeva I.Yu. – Ulan-Ude, Publishing House of VSGTU, 2004. –240 p.

14.Economics of an enterprise (firm): Workshop/Ed. prof. V.Ya. Pozdnyakova, associate professor V.M. Prudnikova. - 2nd ed. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 319 p.

15. Enterprise economics: Textbook. allowance for eco. universities/ Zhideleva V.V., Kaptein Yu.N. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M: Infra-M, 2002. - 133 p.

Samussky shipbuilding and ship repair plant located in the village of Samuska, which is 38 km north of Tomsk, at the confluence of the Samuska River and Tom.Until the mid-90s, the plant was a city-forming enterprise for the village. More than 1,400 people worked there.

Its history began with the forced stop at the mouth of the river of the cargo-passenger steamer "Gagara" in 1879. He was moving to Biysk with a merchant's cargo, but was caught by a sudden cold snap. Ice sludge began to spread across the Tom River. The team chose a place to stop and spent the winter. The fact is that safe winter lay-up for the river fleet is a big problem. Spring ice drift is a grandiose but devastating phenomenon, and in this place the flowing river has formed a convenient deep backwater. Such secluded places on rivers are rare, and knowledge about them is passed on throughout the basin. Since then, people began to settle here, and the Samus shipbuilding and ship repair plant arose on the shore.

Now only 186 people work here. But, as before, they are engaged in shipbuilding, ship repair, mechanical engineering and ensuring safe winter lay-up for the river fleet. Of all these activities, shipbuilding accounts for 84% of the total work.

During its existence, the plant built 333 motor ships of various types and modifications. Boats and yachts, barges and ferries, pontoons and floating cranes, cargo, passenger and cleaning vessels for the river fleet... so much has been launched over the years. But a special source of pride is the non-self-propelled hold barge with a lifting capacity of 2,800 tons, built in 1993. “It is now being operated on the Rhine River in Holland under the name Samus,” says plant director Schwartz Viktor Gustavovich. – This was the first and only order abroad. The river register accepted her, and she left under her own power from Samuski through what was then still Leningrad to Holland.”

Today the plant is engaged in the production of furnished motor ships. The enterprise received this serial government order thanks to the federal target program “Development of the Russian transport system until 2015.” The first stage in this program is the renewal of the technical fleet. Within its framework, the plant must build 13 motor ships of Project 3050 (three each for Novosibirsk, Omsk, Yakutsk, Khabarovsk and one for Krasnoyarsk) and 5 of Project 3050.1 (two for Novosibirsk and three for Omsk).

Project 3050 motor ships:

The task of the inspection vessels is to check the condition of the river fairway. They are designed for measuring the depths of the shipping channel, installing navigational and coastal markers. Their characteristic difference is that the Project 3050.1 motor ships are equipped with two manipulator cranes in the bow and stern.

Motor ships of project 3050.1:

At this stage of construction, the hull of the future vessel has already been formed. Now it's time for the electricians, finishers and pipefitters to get on board and start saturating it. But in general, like any big undertaking, the construction of a ship begins with design. The plant does not have its own design department, so this work is entrusted to external contractors. The project must provide for a huge number of details, including the thickness of the steel from which the future vessel will be made, the loads during its operation, and even the work schedule. Shipbuilding can be compared to building a house. From the start of design to the launching of such ships, it takes from one to two years.

January 2012, when the plant began fulfilling this government order, was the beginning of a large volume of shipbuilding. There was an acute shortage of our own workers, so we had to turn to outside specialists for help. Ship assemblers, electric welders, pipeline workers, people came from all sorts of places, even from St. Petersburg. Today, the excitement has subsided, the amount of work has been dispersed, and the plant has begun to cope on its own, and we were able to walk through and see what stages the construction of the vessel consists of.

Procurement shop.

It all starts with metal processing. It is purchased from the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, however, before sheets of special shipbuilding steel become part of the vessel, they must undergo mandatory training. The factory has a whole line for this.

Sheets of metal are picked up from the warehouse by pneumatic suction cups and fed through the gate in the background:

The rollers are followed by shot blasting, which cleans the metal of rust, scale and other contaminants. The sheets that have undergone this treatment are laid out to be coated with a primer.

It is applied with hand rollers. After priming, the steel acquires a greenish tint. From here, the sheets of metal go to various machines, where they will be cut and bent, making all kinds of brackets and frames, stringers and beams from them in accordance with the project.

The plant has several guillotines for cutting metal of different thicknesses:

Gas cutting machines cut out curved parts:

The edges of the cut parts are cleaned and handed over to ship assemblers.

Or, if the part needs additional processing, it goes to the machine shop.

Mechanical shop.

Here, machines are concentrated on which drilling, turning and milling work is performed. The workshop produces a wide range of products, from portholes to propeller shafts.

At the entrance there are blanks that will later become various couplings, flanges, lids and containers:

Details in production process:

Milling machine:

After the bankruptcy that happened at the enterprise in 2009, it took a year and a half to two years for all the equipment to be put in order. New investors represented by Tomsk Shipping Company OJSC and Siberian Logistics Center CJSC plan to begin modernizing the plant this year. The action plan provides for a gradual replacement of the machine fleet - the acquisition of new plasma cutting machines, modern welding equipment and the replacement of some machines in the machine shop.

In addition to its main activities, the plant is engaged in ship repair. The motor ship "Tide" should arrive from Novosibirsk soon. They will install this Chinese engine on it:

And this is the domestic engine of the Yaroslavl Machine-Building Plant:

Similar engines are installed on MAZ vehicles. Now the mechanics are preparing it for installation on the Project 3050 motor ship.

The dimensions of another engine being repaired here can be judged by these connecting rods:

These parts will subsequently become portholes on the ship:

Tanks for water, fuel and waste are made in the first workshop and then brought here, where machined parts are welded to them, primed and tested.

The rudder blade for the Project 3050 motor ship. In the future, it will control the direction of movement of the vessel:

The process of manufacturing a propeller shaft for the same ship:

Anchors have to be purchased because they are cast, and the plant does not have its own foundry:

The production flow, which begins in the procurement and machine shops, comes together in the shipbuilding shop.

Shipbuilding shop.

The vessel is assembled from several blocks. We were lucky that the plant was working on a serial order, so we were able to see how it goes through different stages of construction. First, the “hull builders,” as they are called here, weld flat sections, from which they then assemble three-dimensional blocks. Then the blocks are joined together and thus the hull of the vessel is formed. The parts are connected to each other using semi-automatic and manual welding.

Here, at the assembly stand, the first and second blocks of the motor ship 3050.1 are assembled:

The workers first welded and assembled a flat section of the deck, after which they installed a metal frame on it, onto which the outer skin sheets are now being welded:

The fifth block of the vessel is already ready, and stands on supports next to the assembly jig, awaiting priming:

The third block was made even earlier and was already primed:

Primer of finished parts:

This is how the ship’s hull is gradually formed:

It must be said that the shipbuilding workshop is impressive in its size. It was built by the Finnish company ASPO in 1988, and it immediately provided for a full cycle of creating a vessel in indoor spaces. A new gas boiler house, built after bankruptcy, allows for continuous operation in the winter. Even in the most severe frosts, the temperature in the workshop is above zero.

At the last stage, finishing, piping, electrical and other work begins. A crane has already been installed on this vessel:

And here the installation of the cabin and internal living quarters ends:

The main engine and two auxiliary ones have already been installed in the engine room:

When all the work is completed, the last operation remains - the final staining. After this, the vessel is rolled out of the workshop, launched into the water and tested. And only after that, it will be handed over to the customer.

Fleet decommissioning and ship repair.

Outside, outside the workshop, over an area of ​​several kilometers, large and small vessels from all over the basin are located for winter lay-up and ship repair. We managed to visit the plant at a time when the river was about to open up from ice, and the entire fleet was still on the shore.

In winter, up to 100 fleet units can settle here. Now almost all of them have dispersed to their place of registration.

Some ships spend the winter in a safe backwater, while others are brought ashore to repair the underwater part. Every summer the plant collects a portfolio of such orders. The fleet on the river is old; for the last twenty years, practically no new ships have been built; many of them need repairs.

These sections of the skin, marked in white, were changed:

This is how all welding seams are checked for leaks: on one side the seam is smeared with lime, and on the other with kerosene. Kerosene has the ability to penetrate very deeply into the metal through the smallest capillaries and cracks, doing this much better than other liquids, and it will be clearly visible on white lime. Thus, if it appears on the back side of the skin, this means that the seam has a through defect.

Ship crews spend the winter next to their ships. They live in a dormitory at the plant. If the repair of propeller shafts, propellers and the underwater part of the hull is carried out by working enterprises, then all other work is to repair the engine, open deck coverings, etc. - executes the command.

Vessels weighing up to 800 tons and up to 97 meters long are lifted from the water by a special ship-lifting structure - SLIP.

With its help, ships find themselves ashore. It also returns them to the river.

The primed hulls of ships in the distance are waiting for their customer, serving as a kind of reminder of the bankruptcy that happened just during their construction:

“At that time there were practically single orders,” recalls Viktor Gustavovich, “there was virtually no serial river shipbuilding in the country. The federal program for the development of the transport system started working only in 2012 and is designed to update the state fleet. At the moment, the industry is 25-30% loaded. The fact is that shipbuilding is an expensive pleasure. The ships that are built at the plant cost from 30 to 100 million. The most expensive project was the Baiterek yacht, worth 500 million for the Ulba Mining and Metallurgical Plant in Kazakhstan.

At the moment, almost the entire fleet is close to being written off, but shipowners practically cannot find the money to re-equip it. And if we talk about borrowed funds, then high lending rates in banks increase the payback period of ships so much that it is almost approaching the service life - 25-35 years. Such long-term investment of funds with an unclear prospect of return does not arouse interest among private shipowners. Thus, it is simply impossible to do without government support in updating the fleet.”

Today the plant is provided with work for another year, so we are optimistic about the future: under federal programs we have proven ourselves to be reliable shipbuilders, so other orders will come from there. Now our task is to cover the time between government orders with other work, which is what we are working on. We are negotiating, so I don’t think we will sit idle.”

Text, photo: Evgeny Mytsik.

JSC Onega Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant has its own engineering services, design and technology department and all the main and auxiliary production facilities necessary for shipbuilding.

IN case production Modern welding and assembly technologies are used:
- automatic submerged arc welding of panels,
- bedless assembly of sections and blocks of the body,
- semi-automatic welding of sections and blocks in a CO 2 environment,
- welding with flux-cored wire.

Preliminary preparation of sheet metal

Preliminary preparation of sheet metal (shot blasting and priming) is carried out on a cleaning and priming line of our own production, consisting of a shot blasting installation, an automatic painting chamber and a drying chamber, connected into a single complex. The sheet is cut on two modern air plasma cutting machines. Optimization of cutting is carried out by the design and technological department of the plant.

The ship-lifting structure slip G300, which allows lifting vessels with a dock weight of up to 2300 tons, a length of up to 140 m and a width of up to 16.5 m, ensures the simultaneous placement of four large-capacity vessels. The slipway is equipped with three cranes KSK 32 and KSK 30, and portal cranes with a lifting capacity of 27 and 10 tons are installed on a concrete outfitting pier 200 m long.

Ship lifting structure slip P600 (longitudinal), allowing to lift vessels with a dock weight of up to 300 tons, length up to 50 m and width up to 10 m.

IN painting industry High-quality materials and modern equipment are used. High-quality primers, paints and painting technologies from Jotun are used, modern Atlas-Copco compressors, airless painting installations manufactured by Vagner, Graco, Hercules are used. To carry out painting work in adverse weather conditions, the slip has a rolling cover designed to protect the vessel's hull.

IN metalworking and mechanical production mastered the production of pontoon-type hatch covers, a ship crane for moving hatch covers KRAB-16000 with a lifting capacity of 16 tons; lowering and lifting device KRAB-5000 for the lifeboat FFB 57С2 for 15 people with a lifting capacity of 5 tons; launching and lifting device SHEAV-550D for a fiberglass rescue boat of type RB400/G1 with a lifting capacity of 1.7 tons. Welding of structures made of aluminum alloys has been mastered in metalworking and mechanical production.

IN design and technology department The plant has implemented a computer-aided design system, which employs qualified specialists in the areas of the shipbuilding industry: shipbuilding engineers, electrical and mechanical engineers. Experienced specialists provide design and technological support for the construction of ships: they revise design documentation for compliance with the rules of classification societies, labor protection rules and sanitary standards, design technological equipment, develop working design and plaza-technological documentation (cutting cards, control programs for cutting parts, templates for bending, etc.). Since the opening of the plant, the team of the design and technology department has been replenished with young engineers who believed in the stable future of the enterprise as part of the FSUE "Rosmorport".