Vegetable smoothie. Vegetable smoothies: recipes for a blender Vegetable smoothies in a blender recipes

A smoothie is something between juice and fruit puree. The basis of such cocktails can be not only fruits, but also vegetables. Smoothies made from greens are also very common. This cocktail is prepared using a blender or food processor. This article will focus on drinks that can be made from vegetable ingredients.

There are quite a few recipes for vegetable cocktails. In many countries around the world they form the basis of detox diets. Their benefit lies not only in saturating the body with useful vitamins and minerals. These cocktails contain fiber. A necessary element of proper digestion. By the way, in the “competitors” of this drink – juices – the amount of fiber is minimal.

Vegetable smoothie recipes

Tomato based. There are a lot of recipes for vegetable cocktails. You can start getting acquainted with such drinks using a mixture of tomatoes, peppers and basil.

To prepare such a cocktail, you need to wash the tomatoes (2 large ones), pour boiling water over them and remove the skins. Bell pepper (1 pc.) needs to be washed and cut into two halves. You need to remove the seeds from them. Basil leaves (8 pcs.) also need to be washed. All ingredients need to be placed in a blender and add ground pepper (on the tip of a knife) and ice cubes (4 pcs.). Blend until smooth and serve in a long glass, garnished with basil leaves.

Pumpkin based. A pumpkin smoothie is ideal as the main dish of a cleansing diet. Pumpkin (300 g) needs to be steamed in the oven or microwave. You need to extract the pulp from it, grind it and place it in a blender. There you need to add oatmeal (3 tablespoons), milk (1 glass) and honey (1 teaspoon) and grind until smooth.

This cocktail can cleanse the intestines and normalize metabolism.

IMPORTANT: Vegetables that are ground or pureed in a blender are better absorbed by the body. That's why smoothies are ideal not only for adults, but also for children. They can be used as complementary food for children from 8 months.

Green smoothie recipe

Spinach based. The cocktail presented below may not be to everyone's taste. But its benefits are simply enormous. Therefore, in order not to deprive yourself of the benefits that this drink can provide, add a little honey to it.

Add spinach (500 ml), soy milk (150 ml), chopped sprouted wheat (3 tablespoons) and pumpkin seeds (1 tablespoon) to the blender bowl. If you have ginkgo leaves (and this healthy food product can be ordered in any major city today), then add them (1 teaspoon) to this cocktail.

The drink obtained by mixing the ingredients in a blender should be served in a long glass.

Based on cucumbers. Another green smoothie will be more to the liking of the residents of our country. The thing is that it is prepared from ordinary cucumbers (2 pcs.). They need to be peeled and cut into rings. In addition to the cucumbers, put 2 cloves of garlic and a bunch of dill into the blender bowl. If after mixing the cocktail turns out to be too thick, you can dilute it with plain water to the desired consistency.

This drink can be used to relieve the heat. To do this, place a few ice cubes in a glass before serving.

Smoothie cocktail

Based on melon. A melon drink can be an excellent healthy cocktail. To prepare it, you need to cut the melon (200 g) into small pieces. Add lime or lemon juice and a few ice cubes to a blender jar. All ingredients need to be whisked and the resulting drink served, garnishing the glass with mint leaves. The beneficial qualities of this cocktail can be supplemented with ginger.

Baby smoothies with vegetables

If your children do not like vegetables, milk, kefir and other products, prepare tasty and healthy drinks based on them. What child wouldn’t want to drink such a smoothie, sipping it through a straw, like adults do.

Carrot smoothie for children

Carrots are very beneficial for a growing body. But not all children love this vegetable. Therefore, in order to include it in your diet, you can use this “trick”. You need to take three medium carrots, wash and peel them. Then this root vegetable needs to be cut into small pieces and immersed in boiling water. You need to cook carrots for at least 20 minutes.

Cool the boiled carrots, place them in a blender and add apple juice (1 glass). The ingredients must be mixed until smooth. If necessary, add a little more apple juice to the bowl.

Smoothie “Winter's Tale” for children

This cocktail is made from almond milk (you can make it yourself by mixing chopped almonds and regular milk), dried apricots, raisins, prunes and oatmeal. For taste, you can add honey (2 tablespoons).

To prepare this cocktail, you need to rinse the dried fruits (choose the quantity according to your taste), pour hot water over them and leave for a few minutes. After they are soaked, you need to drain the excess water and put them in a blender. You also need to pour in almond milk (500 ml), add flakes (5 tablespoons) and mix the mass until smooth. Serve in a beautiful glass.

An excellent breakfast cocktail would be a carrot-ginger cocktail. This drink can cheer you up after sleep and activate the immune system. To prepare it, you need to pour a glass of water into a blender and add peeled and chopped carrots, an apple (1 pc.), spinach (2 handfuls) and a tablespoon of grated ginger. Mix the cocktail for 40 seconds until pureed.

Milk smoothies with vegetables

Milk is rarely combined with vegetables. But there are several cocktails in which vegetables and milk complement each other well.

Smoothie “English traditions”

To prepare this delicious cocktail, you need to boil milk (175 ml). Add onions (2 pcs.), parsnips (1 root), celery (1 stalk) and fennel (50 g). Cook for 15 minutes with the lid tightly closed.

The contents of the pan need to be poured into the blender bowl. Place nutmeg (pinch) and star anise (1/4 tsp) there. Mix the ingredients for a minute at low speed. Then the speed should be increased to maximum and stirred for another 30 seconds. The dish can be served hot or cold.

Smoothie “French Potato Soup”

Potatoes (1 pc.) need to be peeled and cut into small pieces. Chop leeks (1 piece) and parsley (1 tablespoon). Peel onions (25 g) from the upper scales and cut into rings. In a small saucepan, boil the vegetable broth (50 g) and add the chopped ingredients to it. Cook for 12-15 minutes.

Pour the contents of the pan into the blender and mix. Then add milk (125 g) and cook the dish at maximum speed. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Oatmeal smoothie with vegetables

Peel potatoes (1 pc.) and carrots (2 pcs.) and cut into small rings. Grind spinach (50 g), celery (1 stalk) and parsley (1 bunch). Bring the vegetable broth to a boil. Add potatoes, carrots, peas and celery. Cook for 10 minutes. At the end of cooking, add oatmeal (1 handful) and spinach. Cook for another 5 minutes.

Pour the contents of the pan into the blender bowl and mix at low speed for a minute. Then add parsley and cream. Mix at maximum speed for 10 seconds.

Spinach smoothie

Spinach is an excellent source of vitamin C and K. To prepare smoothies based on it, you can use both fresh and frozen spinach leaves. They can be used in various cocktails. For example, mixing it in a blender with pear pulp and the juice of half a lemon. If the mass turns out to be thick, it can be diluted with water.

Broccoli smoothie

Broccoli is a valuable source of substances beneficial to the body. In addition to vitamins and minerals, this vegetable contains compounds that help get rid of excess weight and toxins. But the greatest benefit of using this product is the ability to reduce the number of cancer cells in the body.

An excellent smoothie that includes broccoli is the Cheesy Breakfast. To prepare it, you need to peel the potatoes (250 g) and boil them. Then you need to peel and chop the garlic (1/2 clove). Cheddar cheese (75 g) also needs to be cut into small pieces before placing it in the blender bowl.

Pour milk (175 ml) into the blender, add cheese, potatoes cut into squares, garlic, broccoli (250 g) and curry (1/2 teaspoon) into the bowl. The ingredients must be whisked for 30 seconds. Then pour warm milk (175 ml) into the bowl and continue whisking. Before serving, the cocktail must be salted.

Beet smoothie

Almost all vegetables lose their beneficial qualities when cooked. The only exception is beets. Even after heat treatment, beets contain a large amount of useful substances that improve brain function and can remove toxins and waste from the body.

Beets have one drawback - the taste is not very pleasant. But, it can be “brightened up” with mint and apple. You can add spice to the drink and increase its benefits with the help of ginger.

Celery and apple smoothie

Celery and apples. An excellent mixture with a rejuvenating effect. And if you add kiwi to these ingredients, the resulting cocktail will not only become a source of iron and healthy fiber, but will also fill the body with one of the main vitamins - ascorbic acid.

If after mixing the mass turns out to be thick, it can be diluted with water.

Smoothie with greens

To prepare green cocktails, you can use parsley, spinach, lettuce, celery, dill and other ingredients. A very tasty and healthy cocktail with these ingredients would be a mixture of spinach (1 cup), peach (1 pc.) and orange juice (1 cup).

Smoothie with ginger

Ginger has many benefits. But, most often, the root of this plant is used as a means of burning fat. A cocktail with ginger can be an important part of a diet aimed at losing weight.

To prepare a drink that has a fat-burning effect, you need to mix ground ginger (1 teaspoon), kefir (150 ml), ground cinnamon (1 teaspoon) and cherries (added for taste) in a blender.

Pumpkin smoothie

This bright orange pumpkin smoothie is perfect for replenishing your body's needs with iron, potassium, calcium and vitamin E. This drink is very easy to prepare. You need to peel the pumpkin (200 g) from the peel, core and seeds. Its pulp needs to be cut into small pieces and placed in a blender.

There you also need to place apples, peeled and seeded (100 g), honey and a pinch of cinnamon. The ingredients are mixed until smooth. If it turns out thick, the drink can be diluted with water. The cocktail is served in tall transparent glasses.

Smoothie with cucumber

If you want to fully replace lunch with a smoothie, it is best to mix ingredients such as cucumber (2 pcs.), avocado (pulp of half), apple (1 pc.) and ginger (to taste). Avocado pulp is not only beneficial for its vegetable fats, but can also replace animal products. And cucumbers and apples will add freshness to such a cocktail.

The best drink for the evening might be a parsley and cucumber cocktail. In addition, this drink can quench your thirst in hot weather. The ingredients can be mixed to taste. Some people like more parsley, others add only a couple of sprigs to give the drink a piquant aftertaste.

Smoothie with celery

The amino acids and other beneficial substances contained in celery are capable of restoring the cells of the body's tissues. But few people eat celery itself. Therefore, it is best to make vitamin drinks from this vegetable. For example, mix celery with an apple. This drink can cleanse the body of toxins. It can be consumed both for breakfast and dinner.

Tomatoes contain a large number of well-known vitamins. Compounds that suppress cancer cells in the body have also been found in these vegetables. Making a tomato cocktail is very simple. To do this, they are peeled and mixed with other ingredients. A drink made from kefir (1 glass), tomato and dill (to taste) can be very useful. This drink can replace dinner.

Avocado smoothie

Avocado in vitamin cocktails can have a strengthening effect on the skin, hair and nails. In addition, avocado drinks have a rejuvenating effect.

For this purpose, you can prepare a green smoothie from avocado pulp, large cucumber, lettuce, water and ice. The ingredients are mixed in a blender until smooth and served.

What smoothies are for breakfast?

Nutritionists believe that breakfast should be the largest meal. Therefore, hearty smoothies are suitable for the first meal after waking up. You can use this recipe.
Peel the pumpkin (20 g) and bake in the oven and bake. When the pulp becomes soft, put it in a blender. Pour almond milk (100 g), peanut butter (1 tbsp) and honey (1 tbsp) into a bowl. Mix and serve. You can add oatmeal and spices to the basic recipe.

What smoothies are for dinner?

Puree salads, which can also be classified as the described dish, can be used as dinner. Among vegetable recipes, this version of a delicious cocktail is ideal for this.

Cut broccoli (4 florets) into small pieces. Peel carrots and apples. We also cut them into small pieces. Place ingredients in blender. We also put spinach there. Beat at low speed and serve. It is better not to drink such a smoothie, but to eat it with a small spoon.

What smoothies can you have at night?

But for dinner it is advisable to eat lighter dishes. For meals before bed, you can prepare a kefir-based smoothie. To do this, you can mix light kefir (1% fat) with herbs (celery, dill, parsley, onion, etc.). This cocktail can be used to burn excess fat.

Vitamin smoothie

Vitamins are very important for the proper functioning of the body. You can “close” your daily need for some of them with this cocktail called “Vitamin Bomb”. To prepare it, you need to puree cabbage (1 handful) and spinach (2 handfuls) using a blender. Then add half a glass of orange juice, chopped carrots (1-2 pcs.), banana (1 pc.), low-fat yogurt (1 cup) and frozen berries (1 cup) to the bowl. Mix the ingredients at maximum speed for 45 seconds and enjoy a tasty and healthy dish.

Christina. In my opinion, the most delicious cocktails are obtained by mixing sour and sweet vegetables and fruits in a blender. Drinks made from vegetables that grow in our area are best absorbed.

Vlad. I always make these drinks for breakfast. They enrich my diet with healthy vitamins and minerals. But, you need to remember that liquid food cannot replace solid food. Our body is designed in such a way that it definitely needs solid food. Therefore, my second meal after drinking a smoothie usually consists of solid foods.

Video. My creative: vegetable smoothie | exclusive recipe | a sea of ​​vitamins and healthy positivity

Vegetable smoothies are the most popular dietary dishes in many countries around the world. They are much healthier than freshly squeezed juices, as they are rich in fiber, and very often become a substitute for salads made from seasonal vegetables. Why?

Choose vegetables according to the season and enjoy losing weight

Yes, because preparing this drink is much easier - there is no need to chop food and make dressing. Just put the ingredients in a blender bowl and in a few seconds the drink will be ready. You can add herbs, spices and fruits to vegetable smoothies. The recipe has no restrictions - everything will depend on your personal preferences and what effect you want to achieve from drinking this or that cocktail.

Smoothie for weight loss

Try to make smoothies from vegetables that grow in your climate zone. Thus, you will not only lose extra pounds, but also provide your body with a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Undoubtedly, overseas foods also contain nutritional components, but, as you know, they are much more difficult to digest. And why pay a lot of money for some strange vegetables, if our fertile land brings us various gifts every season.

Spring brings with it the first fragrant greens, in summer carrots, beets and cabbage begin to ripen, and in autumn you can enjoy a drink made from the juicy pulp of aromatic pumpkin. Vegetable smoothie recipes may include additional ingredients, such as dairy products, juices or mineral water. In any case, you will receive a natural, sugar-free drink that will saturate your body with fiber and protein, and its low calorie content will create an overall energy deficit.

What vegetables are suitable?

Vegetable smoothie recipes for weight loss should include only fresh products that are on sale immediately after harvest. They will contain the maximum amount of microelements and vitamins of plant origin, which will also be very easily absorbed.

Important! If you consume environmentally friendly products, you will not only take sufficient care of your health and eliminate the risk of intoxication, but also help restore soil fertility.

To ensure that purchased products retain their freshness for a long time, keep them in the refrigerator, and large quantities of vegetables should be transferred to the cellar or basement.

Cooking rules

Absolutely all vegetable smoothies are prepared in a blender. The ingredients are placed in a bowl and ground until smooth. For these purposes, you should use a mince attachment or a bowl with a sharp chopper.

Particularly hard vegetables, such as beets and carrots, must first be peeled and grated on a coarse grater. The resulting mass is put into a combine and ground. If the recipe includes greens, then they are added at the end and the contents are beaten again. By adhering to this technology, you will save all the useful substances and your time, since not all combines are capable of completely crushing hard vegetables cut into large pieces.

Advice! If you are preparing a smoothie for weight loss, do not add sugar or sweetener under any circumstances. Vegetable smoothies should be balanced and low in calories. These may include low-fat dairy products.


Pumpkin smoothies perfectly cleanse the body. To prepare them, you need to properly prepare the main ingredient. The pumpkin is steamed in the oven or microwave. Thus, it becomes soft and easier to beat until smooth.

Let's look at several proven recipes for weight loss using this bright and fragrant product. The prepared cocktails will be an excellent breakfast, as pumpkin is rich in fiber, which relieves hunger for a long time. This drink will restore hemoglobin levels, save you from apathy and lift your spirits.


This pumpkin smoothie will give you energy for a long time and can not only be a complete breakfast, but also replace sandwiches during your lunch break.

  1. Cut 400 g pumpkin pulp into cubes.
  2. Peel the lemon and half the grapefruit and separate the fillets.
  3. Place the ingredients in a blender bowl, add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and two teaspoons of honey.
  4. Whisk everything.

With oatmeal

This pumpkin smoothie recipe is easy to prepare, and the resulting drink will be an ideal solution for those who are struggling with extra pounds, as oatmeal contains complex carbohydrates and normalizes metabolism.

  1. Grind 300 g of pumpkin pulp and place in a food processor bowl.
  2. Add 3 tablespoons of oatmeal.
  3. Pour in a glass of milk and a teaspoon of honey.
  4. Grind until smooth.

With spices

  1. In a teaspoon, combine dried ginger, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice.
  2. Crush the spices in a mortar.
  3. Cut 400 g of pumpkin and banana into cubes and place in a blender bowl.
  4. Add spices, a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of vanilla.
  5. Beat everything until smooth.


Carrot smoothie perfectly relieves fatigue, monitors the health of your skin and helps strengthen the immune system in the autumn-winter period. This drink saturates the body with valuable vitamin A, which prevents the risk of developing a complex disease - cataracts.

In addition, carrots normalize water and oxygen balance, prevent the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system and reduce cholesterol levels.

With spinach

A carrot smoothie with spinach will improve performance, improve mental abilities and protect the nervous system.

  1. Peel and grate 2 medium carrots.
  2. Peel half the mango.
  3. Wash and dry 2 bunches of fresh spinach.
  4. Place the ingredients in a blender, add 120 ml of water and blend.

With parsley

This drink contains a huge amount of useful substances, including vitamins, macro- and microelements, enzymes. It is effective in losing weight and helps regulate metabolism.

  1. Peel carrots and apples and chop.
  2. Wash and dry a bunch of parsley and a few lettuce leaves.
  3. Place everything in the bowl of a food processor and grind.

With celery

Celery neutralizes harm from carcinogens, makes your figure slim, your hair healthy, your skin beautiful, and your nails strong. Drink a vitamin bomb for breakfast and see the results.

  1. Peel and grate 2 carrots.
  2. Wash and dry 2 green celery stalks.
  3. Peel the tomato and cut into cubes.
  4. Place the vegetables in a blender bowl, add a couple of drops of olive oil, salt and pepper.
  5. Whisk everything.


Beetroot smoothie contains large quantities of ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, a number of B vitamins and microelements. This drink saturates the blood with iron, increasing hemoglobin levels, and removes cholesterol from the body.

Attention! This drink should not be overused, as beets enhance intestinal motility.

So what needs to be done?

  1. Peel large beets, grate them and put them in a blender.
  2. Add 140 ml coconut milk, 140 ml water.
  3. Peel the banana, remove the seeds from 2 small dates.
  4. Beat the ingredients until smooth.


Cabbage smoothies deserve special attention, since the main ingredient is a real salvation in winter, when finding other fresh vegetables is quite problematic. The technology for preparing this drink is special and requires compliance with certain rules:

  • Cabbage leaves should be separated from the head, placed in a bag and placed in the freezer. Using this technique, you will remove the sharp cabbage taste;
  • To prepare a smoothie, first place cabbage leaves in a blender bowl and grind with a small amount of water. Then you can add the remaining ingredients.

Attention! This drink should not be consumed if you have increased stomach acidity, pancreatitis or during breastfeeding, as it can stimulate the secretion of the gastric glands and cause bloating in infants.

Classic recipe

  1. Cut two or three leaves of cabbage into small pieces.
  2. Chop 100 g of raw broccoli with a knife.
  3. Wash and dry 2 celery stalks.
  4. Place the ingredients in a blender bowl, pour in 120 ml of apple juice and add ice.
  5. Beat everything until smooth.

Rules for drinking a drink for weight loss

It is not recommended to drink smoothies too often. It is enough to replace one or two meals with this cocktail, and it can also become a full-fledged snack. Try to increase the daily dose of smoothies gradually, since the vegetable drink has a somewhat specific taste and can quickly get boring, which will lead to disruption of the diet program.

What vegetables and how to prepare smoothies. What smoothies to prepare for children. Is it possible to lose weight with smoothies?

Smoothies are dishes made from vegetables and fruits, which in the 70s of the last century were served in healthy food cafes, and today they are prepared and eaten at home by those who want to adhere to a healthy diet or want to lose weight.

And while fruit smoothies with milk or ice cream can be served for dessert or as a sweet snack, vegetables blended with white yogurt or sour cream have a specific taste and can easily replace the main meal for those on a diet. So how to make the right, tasty, healthy vegetable smoothie?

Health benefits of smoothies

The exotic-sounding name of the smoothie dish comes from the English word “smooth,” which translates as “liquid, soft.” In simple words, this is a mass of raw or lightly cooked vegetables, whipped in a blender. It differs from juices in that it also consists of the solid part of the vegetable and does not contain preservatives, water, or any harmful additives.

It's hard to tell whether the drink is a smoothie or a full meal. On the one hand, it is liquid, on the other – nutritious and quite filling.

Its benefits are clear:

  1. The drink retains all the beneficial substances contained in the vegetable from which it is prepared.
    Since the heat treatment of smoothie products is minimal or completely absent, all vitamins, vegetable proteins, and amino acids enter the human body. There is a general improvement of the body
  2. Vegetables contain a lot of moisture, so smoothies made from them maintain water-salt balance in the human body.
  3. Vegetables contain a lot of dietary fiber, which stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. The smoothie does not burden the stomach and is quickly absorbed. This is an ideal food for the night, before training, etc.
  5. If desired, add useful additives to the vegetable drink: dried seaweed powder, fiber, sesame seeds, flax seeds, etc.

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to prepare smoothies from fresh seasonal vegetables

But a light dish does not always have the same benefit.

  1. Plant acids irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines; if you have ulcers and gastritis, you should not indulge in smoothies
  2. These same acids irritate tooth enamel.
  3. You may be allergic to the vegetables from which the drink is prepared.
  4. Drinking a smoothie switches off the teeth and saliva from the process of eating and processing food.
  5. To ensure that the body receives the nutrients it needs in sufficient quantities, eating smoothies alone is not enough
  6. Eating only liquid food can cause constipation, leading to the so-called lazy stomach syndrome

VIDEO: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SMOOTHIES. Proper nutrition for weight loss, energy and tone

Milk smoothies with vegetables

Whole cow's milk in smoothies goes better with fruits; for vegetable dishes they often use:

  • kefir
  • white yogurt
  • acidophilus
  • sourdough
  • whey

What smoothies are prepared for weight loss?

Losing weight with smoothies has become very popular. And it really has an effect.

  1. Homogeneous low-calorie vegetable dishes
  2. After them there is a feeling of fullness, but the gastrointestinal tract is not overloaded
  3. The body spends additional calories digesting dietary fiber from vegetables.
  4. Drinking smoothies speeds up metabolism
  5. After vegetable smoothies, other foods are better absorbed
  6. The dish is considered detoxifying

Weight loss with smoothies - up to 4 kg per week.

To really lose weight, you need to drink smoothies according to the following rules:

  • consider smoothies a complete meal
  • add skim milk or white yogurt to them
  • eat the dish at room temperature rather than cold, although many people think it tastes better this way
  • do not eat vegetable smoothies with unhealthy, fatty, high-calorie foods
  • drink at least three liters of water a day, not counting that contained in vegetables

IMPORTANT: If it is customary to lose weight not only with vegetable, but also with fruit smoothies, you cannot add heavy cream, ice cream, chocolate, or other harmful substances to them

There are also smoothie diets for three days and a week; eating liquid food for longer is not recommended. Yes, and breakdowns are inevitable after spending more time on vegetable cocktails.

IMPORTANT: With vegetable smoothies you can lose from 2 to 4 kg of excess weight in a week, depending on what mark on the scale you started from.

The smoothie diet is based on the following principles:

  • before the diet, at least a week in advance, you need to reduce the energy value of the diet to 1500 kcal per day
  • number of meals per day – 4-5
  • volume of fruit and vegetable cocktail consumed at a time – 250 ml
  • between meals drink water, green tea
  • It's okay to drink a cup of coffee in the morning
  • make a smooth exit from the diet, gradually introducing solid foods and always meat into the diet

VIDEO: Smoothie for weight loss. Smoothie DIET. Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss

RECIPE: Green smoothie for weight loss

In principle, you can lose weight with any smoothie made from vegetables, but the drink according to the recipe below cleanses the body of toxic metabolic products and promotes fat burning.


  • piece of ginger root
  • celery stalk
  • 1 medium-sized green apple
  • 1 medium-sized celery
  • 0.5 avocado
  • mint sprig

All products are washable

  1. Ginger root peeled
  2. Apples and avocados are peeled and cored
  3. The cucumber peel is removed if it is very rough or bitter.
  4. All products are crushed with a knife, then with a blender until smooth.
  5. Smoothies for weight loss poured into glasses are decorated with mint

What types of children's smoothies with vegetables are there? Carrot smoothie recipe for kids: carrot smoothie

Vegetable smoothies are good for children. Especially the little ones, they don't always eat vegetables. Then the real problem becomes to make their diet complete and fortified. A presented beautiful cocktail with a straw and an umbrella will attract the baby’s attention and, most likely, he will drink it with pleasure.

  1. Smoothies can be given to babies under one year of age as complementary foods for variety, but not as an alternative to purees or soups. The child must learn to chew
  2. For the dish, use those vegetables that the baby is already familiar with and that do not cause allergies or problems with stool
  3. Ingredients for smoothies should be seasonal, fresh, and purchased from trusted places.
  4. Children's vegetable cocktails are diluted with children's kefir or unsweetened yogurt.
  5. It’s better to prepare your child’s smoothies yourself, rather than give them store-bought ones in jars, which are sold

For example, a healthy carrot drink goes very well with kids.

It requires:

  • 1 carrot
  • 0.5 banana
  • 100 ml kefir
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 0.4 tsp olive chasal

  1. Carrots and banana are peeled and cut into circles
  2. First, beat the solid ingredients with a blender, add olive oil, then beat everything again with kefir.
  3. Add sugar to smoothies

IMPORTANT: Olive oil is added to the drink so that the carotene contained in carrots is well absorbed by the child’s body

Oatmeal smoothie with vegetables. Spinach smoothie

Oatmeal makes vegetable smoothies more nutritious by providing a dose of complex carbohydrates. To lose weight, you can make a drink with oatmeal and spinach. Need to:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal
  • 1 bunch of spinach
  • 100 ml white yogurt
  • salt to taste

  1. Oatmeal is ground into flour using a coffee grinder
  2. Washed and dried spinach is blended with a blender.
  3. Add yogurt and oatmeal to it and beat again
  4. Salt the dish

RECIPE: Broccoli Smoothie

Broccoli is a good combination with kefir. But the smoothie will be even tastier if you prepare it with ayran. For two servings take:

  • 150 g broccoli florets
  • 2 sprigs basil
  • 200 ml ayran

  1. Broccoli is thoroughly washed and separated into inflorescences.
  2. Boil cabbage inflorescences in boiling water for 5 minutes
  3. Drain the vegetable broth, add basil leaves and ayran to the broccoli
  4. Bring the dish to homogeneity using a blender

VIDEO: Green smoothie (apple, kiwi, cucumber, broccoli, green beans, banana, orange)

RECIPE: Beet Smoothie

It is good to use this if a person suffers from constipation. Take:

  • 150 g beets
  • 150 ml beet juice
  • bunch of spinach

  1. The beets are washed and boiled until tender
  2. Peeled, beat it in a blender along with spinach
  3. The mass will turn out very thick, it is diluted with beet juice, then salt is added

RECIPE: Celery and Apple Smoothie

Smoothies are prepared from whipped in a blender:

  • 1 apple
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 200 ml water or low-fat kefir

RECIPE: smoothie with greens, smoothie with cucumber

A smoothie suitable for a fasting day is prepared from the following, crushed to a homogeneous liquid state:

  • 1 cucumber
  • small bunches of parsley, dill, cilantro
  • 200 ml low-fat kefir

Smoothie with greens and cucumber.


RECIPE: pumpkin smoothie. Smoothie with ginger

Pumpkin is that rare vegetable that goes well with milk in a smoothie. The dish turns out sweet and completely replaces high-calorie desserts.

  • 200 g pumpkin pulp
  • 200 ml skim milk
  • 3 cm ginger root
  • 1 teaspoon flaxseed fiber
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • a pinch of cinnamon

Beat pumpkin with milk and other smoothie ingredients raw.

Smoothie with pumpkin and ginger.

RECIPE: tomato and parsley smoothie

This tomato smoothie is a great immune booster. It is good at the first sign of a cold.

  • 2 tomatoes
  • 150 ml kefir
  • 0.5 red bell pepper
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • bunch of parsley
  • pumpkin seeds
  • salt to taste

  1. Tomatoes are blanched and cored
  2. Pumpkin seeds are ground into flour
  3. Parsley finely chopped
  4. Pepper cut into slices
  5. Mix everything with kefir and whip into a smoothie

RECIPE: Avocado Smoothie

Avocado is an aphrodisiac, especially for men. To have a romantic evening and get a continuation, you can drink this smoothie for dinner.

  • 1 avocado
  • 150 ml kefir
  • 0.5 lemon or lime
  • 3-4 walnuts

Beat avocado pulp with kefir and lemon juice. The nuts are crushed and added to the smoothie.

VIDEO: Avocado and spinach smoothie

Smoothie Challenge with Amina

Making smoothies can be a fun game. For example, YouTube blogger Maria and her daughter Amina came up with an interesting challenge, which they recorded on video and posted on the Internet.

VIDEO: Call! Smoothie Challenge! Smoothie Challenge!

Quite a lot has already been said about the benefits of vegetables, and there is hardly anyone who wants to dispute this fact. It has been proven that eating raw vegetables is much healthier, because heat treatment destroys more nutrients and vitamins. Agree that it is not always possible to consume vegetables raw, and here smoothies come to the rescue - drinks made from pureed vegetables, fruits and berries. This drink helps strengthen the immune system and cleanse the body of toxins.

Vegetable smoothies according to recipes for a blender are prepared quickly and simply, and the benefits of such a drink can hardly be overestimated: it has a high fiber content, which allows you to use it as a complete replacement for salads.

In addition, preparation does not take much time, because it is enough to prepare the selected ingredients, place them in a blender bowl and turn them into a homogeneous mass. Improvisation when choosing ingredients will make your smoothie unique.

If you want to include more vegetables in your diet, but don’t have time to cut salads, then you can simply prepare vegetable smoothies, especially since there are a lot of recipes for a blender and they can be adjusted depending on your desires and preferences.

One of the main advantages of this drink is that all vitamins are preserved in finished form, because preparation does not involve heat treatment, which means that microelements and vitamins are not lost. The basis of the drink is vegetables and juices.

Another advantage is that vegetable smoothies and their blender recipes are very versatile - everyone will be able to choose their preferred drink ingredients and enjoy its amazing taste, filling the body with vitamins.

There is nothing difficult in creating an exclusive drink that you can surprise and delight your loved ones with. To prepare, you will need to select the desired ingredients, stock up on a blender to turn the vegetables into a homogeneous mass, and devote no more than ten minutes of your time to the process.

To simplify the selection process, we have collected the most delicious vegetable smoothies and simple blender recipes.

So, you can choose your favorite vegetable as the base of the cocktail and add other matching ingredients.

Pumpkin based smoothie

Pumpkin is a sunny vegetable, it gives a boost of joy and good mood, plus it contains a number of vitamins and, with a minimum of calories, satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time due to its high fiber content.

Pumpkin-based smoothies are consumed to cleanse the body. In order for the prepared drink to be tasty and have the necessary effect on the body, it is very important to correctly approach the process of preparing the most important ingredient. To do this, the pumpkin should be steamed in the oven or slow cooker so that it becomes soft to simplify the process of blending. Below are the most popular pumpkin smoothie recipes.

Pumpkin with cinnamon

  • Pumpkin pulp - 400 g.
  • Grapefruit - 0.5 pcs.
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp.
  • Honey - 2 tsp.

How to cook?

  1. Cut the pre-prepared (steamed) pumpkin into small cubes.
  2. Peel citrus fruits and divide into slices.
  3. Place the prepared ingredients into a blender bowl and add honey and cinnamon.
  4. Grind the contents of the blender bowl until pureed.

Pumpkin with oatmeal

To prepare you will need:

  • Pumpkin pulp - 300 g.
  • Oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Honey - 1 tsp.
  • Milk - 200 ml.

How to cook?

  1. Cut the steamed pumpkin into small pieces and place in a blender bowl.
  2. Sprinkle oatmeal on top and add honey.
  3. Pour milk over everything and turn on the blender for a while until the consistency is homogeneous.

Pumpkin spices

To prepare you will need:

  • Pumpkin pulp - 400 g.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Spice mixture (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, dried ginger) - 1 tsp.
  • Honey - 1 tsp.
  • Vanilla - a pinch.

How to cook?

  1. Cut the pumpkin and banana into cubes and place in a blender bowl.
  2. Grind the spices to a powder and add to the solid ingredients.
  3. Add honey and vanilla.
  4. Beat everything with a blender until smooth.

Carrot based smoothie

Carrot smoothies help get rid of accumulated fatigue, strengthen the immune system and normalize the condition of the skin if there are problems. Carrots are a storehouse of vitamin A, which is necessary for vision and the prevention of diseases of the visual system. This vegetable is also used to reduce cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Carrots with spinach

To prepare you will need:

  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Mango - 0.5 pcs.
  • Spinach - 2 bunches.
  • Water - 120 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare the carrots: remove the top layer from the fruit, grate the peeled carrots.
  2. Peel half the mango and cut the pulp into small pieces.
  3. Wash the spinach thoroughly and dry with a napkin.
  4. Place all prepared ingredients in a blender bowl, add water and grind until smooth.

Carrots with parsley

To prepare you will need:

  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Parsley - a bunch.
  • Lettuce leaves - 2–3 pcs.

How to cook?

  1. Peel the carrots from the top layer and cut into small pieces.
  2. Peel the apple and remove the seed pod, also cut into pieces.
  3. Wash the parsley and lettuce and dry with a napkin.
  4. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and grind.

Carrots with celery

To prepare you will need:

  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Celery stalk - 2 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.
  • Olive oil - 1 tsp.

How to cook?

  1. Wash the carrots, remove the top layer from them, grate the fruit.
  2. Remove the skin from the tomato. To do this, you will need to pour boiling water over it, so the skin will come off easily.
  3. Wash the celery stalks, remove coarse fibers from them, and cut into pieces.
  4. Place the ingredients in a blender bowl, add oil, spices and blend until smooth.

Beetroot smoothie

Beets are rich in vitamins B, PP, ascorbic acid, and microelements. Regular consumption of beets helps normalize hemoglobin levels and eliminate cholesterol. But you should be careful, because abundant consumption of beets increases intestinal motility.

To prepare you will need:

  • Beets - 1 large.
  • Water - 120 ml.
  • Coconut milk - 140 ml.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Dates - 2 pcs.

How to cook?

  1. Wash the beets well, peel them, grate them or cut them into small cubes.
  2. Peel the banana and break into pieces.
  3. Remove pits from dates.
  4. Place all solid ingredients in a blender bowl. Pour in milk and water. Beat until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Vegetable smoothie

The main difference between vegetable smoothies and fruit smoothies is thickness. Vegetable smoothies are more like purees, they can easily replace meals, they saturate the body better.

Beneficial features:

  • High fiber content. Vegetable smoothies are rich in fiber, which helps the body get rid of unnecessary accumulations - toxins and waste. A smoothie, like a whisk, cleanses out everything unnecessary from the body. Also, thanks to fiber, beneficial substances are absorbed much better.
  • Goes well with other products. Nuts, fruits, juices, grains and much more are added to vegetable smoothies. Vegetable mixtures have a positive effect on the quality of the skin, strengthen hair and nails and normalize weight.

Before preparing a smoothie from vegetables in a blender, you need to go through the necessary preparatory steps:

  1. Clear. Each vegetable must be thoroughly washed and peeled: remove the peel, stalks, hard fibers, and seeds.
  2. Required sizes. Although a blender can handle a lot, to achieve a homogeneous mass it is better to first cut large ingredients into smaller pieces.
  3. Measure. Some recipes vegetable smoothie suggest adding butter and nuts. These ingredients are certainly important; they improve the absorption of vitamins. But you need to remember that they are high in calories and should be added in moderation.

Vegetable smoothie in a blender

The main tool for making smoothies is a blender. All ingredients must be mixed until smooth. If the recipe includes too hard vegetables, then they must first be prepared before beating: cut into small pieces or grate.

A vegetable smoothie in a blender is prepared in a matter of minutes, because all that is required is to fill the blender bowl with the desired ingredients in the required proportions and blend. Despite the fact that everything is very simple, there are some “secrets” that will further simplify the process of preparing a cocktail:

  • Some vegetables must first be prepared - baked or boiled. But these are rare cases.
  • If you want to add greens to your smoothie, leave this step until last and add the greens at the very end of preparation.
  • To prepare vegetable smoothies in a blender, it is best to choose vertical models with a glass; in them, the drink will be the most airy and delicate.

Delicious vegetable smoothie

The recipe for healthy cocktails allows you to experiment and add almost any vegetables. A variety of options for combining components can satisfy every drink lover.

To create a delicious vegetable smoothie , There is absolutely no need to have culinary training or search for gourmet products. The drink can easily be made from what is always in the refrigerator.


  • Carrots - 4 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil - 1 tsp.
  • Turmeric - to taste.

Vegetables must be washed, peeled and cut into small pieces. Place them in a blender bowl. The rest of the ingredients are added there. Beat the contents of the bowl with a blender. That's all! Delicious vegetable smoothie is ready to eat!

Vegetable salads are a familiar and everyday concept. But not everyone prepares vegetable cocktails. But in vain.

These are very healthy mixes that not only saturate the body with vitamins and beneficial microelements, satisfy hunger, but also cleanse and remove toxins.

To prevent toxins from accumulating in the body, you need to regularly cleanse your intestines. The easiest way to do this is to regularly drink vegetable cocktails (smoothies).

To prepare cocktails, you can use green vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits. The high fiber content allows you to effectively cleanse the intestines of undigested food debris, helping to promote weight loss, and your intestines will work like clockwork.

Let's find out how to prepare cocktails from vegetables and what you need to consider to make them not only tasty, but also healthy.

Cauliflower cocktail with beets, carrots and ginger

Wash the beets, cabbage, carrots and ginger thoroughly and peel.

In a blender, process the vegetables in this order: beets, carrots, cabbage, ginger until smooth.

Add the juice of one lemon to the resulting vegetable mixture and mix well.

You should drink it immediately after preparation. If the consistency of the cocktail is thick, you can dilute it a little with boiled water.

Celery and ginger smoothie

Peel and cut cucumber, garlic, celery, ginger into pieces.

Grind all the vegetables in a blender or use a juicer, then pour into a deep glass.

Add a couple of ice cubes or a little cold water if the cocktail is too thick.

With regular use of this celery drink, your skin will acquire an even color, all redness and irritation will go away, and you will feel a general increase in tone.

Pumpkin, tomato and grapefruit cocktail

Another unusual, but very healthy cocktail can be made from pumpkin and grapefruit pulp with the addition of tomatoes.

A mixture of these ingredients helps normalize the functioning of the intestines, kidneys and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels.

To prepare it, you need to mix 600g of pumpkin pulp, one tomato, grapefruit and the juice of two lemons in a blender.

To sweeten the resulting mixture, you can add a little honey. If the cocktail is too thick, it should be diluted with clean boiled water.

Three simple and delicious milkshake recipes that you can easily make at home!

Drinking cocktail made from celery, parsley and lettuce

Wash the dill, parsley, celery, lettuce, and onion thoroughly and chop them.

Peel the cucumber and pass through a blender. Add herbs and a glass of kefir, then beat the mixture thoroughly.

Pour the resulting cocktail of green vegetables into glasses and drink until it contains all the vitamins and beneficial elements completely intact.

Apple and carrot smoothie

Another healthy smoothie can be made from apples and carrots. It can truly be called a real storehouse of vitamins. The high content of nutrients, fiber, antioxidants and pectins has a positive effect on blood vessels and the cardiovascular system, and is also very useful for anemia and a general decrease in tone.

Carrot-apple cocktail improves immunity and allows you to quickly restore strength after physical exertion.

To prepare the cocktail you need to take 3 fresh carrots and 2 ripe apples. To enhance its beneficial properties, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of grated ginger root to the cocktail. Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a blender into a homogeneous mass, strain and pour into a glass.

To sweeten the carrot and apple smoothie a little, you can add a teaspoon of honey.

You can watch one of the options for preparing a carrot-apple smoothie in the video below:

The only contraindication to regular consumption of such a cocktail is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, ulcers or high acidity.

Fresh beets are extremely useful for normalizing the functioning of the liver and thyroid gland, as well as for reducing blood pressure in hypertension. Unfortunately, beets cannot be eaten like apples or other fruits. But it can be used as a useful component for preparing a vegetable cocktail.

To make a beetroot smoothie, take a small beetroot, peel it and rinse it thoroughly. Grind the beets thoroughly in a blender or juicer, adding one orange, carrot and a spoonful of grated ginger.

The resulting homogeneous mass should be filtered and allowed to brew a little.

You should not consume this cocktail if you have diabetes or urolithiasis.

What else can you add to green smoothies?
You can use any vegetables and fruits, berries.

To enrich the cocktail with useful substances, you can add nut butter, flaxseed, yogurt, and milk.

In winter, it is better to add warming spices instead of ice. They will increase the body's defenses and help resist colds and infectious diseases.

The calorie content of the cocktail depends on the ingredients used. The standard calorie content for one serving is approximately 100 calories. Nut butter or milk will add another 100 calories, so don't overdo it.

5 smoothie recipes (video)

Below you can watch a video on how to make a smoothie in a blender. 5 delicious and healthy smoothies made from vegetables and fruits. Let's watch and remember!

There are no contraindications to the use of such vegetable cocktails, but moderation is needed in everything. There is no need to give up solid food and completely replace your usual diet with smoothies. It is enough to drink a cocktail once a day with breakfast or dinner to get enough nutrients and vitamins.