Three fundamentals of animal science from practitioners. Specialty "Zootechnics" (bachelor's degree) Ethnic qualities that a zoo engineer should have

If you purposefully came across this article, it means you are somehow connected with animal husbandry.

If you found yourself here by accident, then simply close the page, since this article will be devoted to such a topic as in dairy farming.

And in order to understand the responsibilities, let's first understand the profession itself.

What is a livestock specialist?

Livestock specialist, in modern terms, a zoo engineer is a specialist who manages the breeding and development of farm animals (cows, poultry, pigs, sheep, etc.) in order to obtain maximum productivity from them, be it meat, milk, eggs, etc.

A year after joining the production, I realized: in order for the animals to be truly comfortable, it is also necessary to competently manage the working staff: machine milking operators, machine operators, livestock specialists.

Who should a livestock specialist manage anyway? People or animals?

To answer this question, let’s draw a simple diagram of the responsibilities of a livestock specialist.

Job responsibilities of a livestock specialist

First of all, the livestock specialist must create a balanced diet, and then monitor proper feeding. After all, it is not enough to draw up a ration on paper; it is necessary to establish control over ensuring that it is given to the cows in full. Here the livestock specialist must interact with the feeding operator.

Planning is one of the strategic responsibilities of a livestock specialist. Based on monthly control milkings, a monthly milk production plan is drawn up. At the end of the year, a cow coverage plan for the year is drawn up.

Breeding work is the future of the dairy farm. A number of functions can be included here - this is the annual assessment of livestock, on the basis of which it is possible to cull and rank the livestock, as well as assigning the semen of breeding bulls to the breeding stock and young animals.

To conduct breeding work and selection, there must be a special staff unit - a livestock breeder. Who reports directly to the chief livestock specialist.

Reporting and primary documentation. Every movement of livestock, every event associated with an animal (insemination, calving, launch, etc.) must be reflected in documents. The computer program “Selex” is very helpful for experts in this matter.

In order to maintain documentation on an animal, it is necessary to register it in time. timely tagging(tagging).

We must not forget about cow control– microclimate, walks, availability of bedding, lighting.

When culling livestock, covering plans, and in matters of housing, the livestock specialist will have to work closely with the veterinary service. It is very important that the livestock enterprise has a well-coordinated team of livestock specialists and veterinarians. Otherwise, it may turn out like in Krylov’s famous fable “Swan, Crayfish and Pike.”

Briefly, I have listed all the main responsibilities of a livestock technician on a dairy farm. Now you can safely answer the question asked “Who should a livestock specialist manage?”.

First of all, the livestock specialist must be able to manage his staff unit so that all his commands are carried out accurately. Otherwise, if we miss one of the links, we will harm the cows, which is unacceptable.

Therefore, my advice is to first learn how to manage people, and the rest will follow.

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This concludes my article about the duties of a livestock specialist, comments are welcome, in case I missed something. See you.

Discussion: 2 comments

  1. Good day. My name is Alexey, I need advice from a competent and experienced livestock specialist on dairy cows and fat-tailed sheep. If such a specialist is available, please respond!


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Livestock specialist- highly qualified livestock breeder. The duty of a specialist in a zootechnical service is to organize, direct and monitor the work of the labor collective of a dairy farm in such a way as to ensure high productivity of cattle.
Livestock specialist solves many problems: analyzing the effectiveness of activities carried out on the farm; organization and planning of production aimed at improving the breeding structure and reproduction of the herd, feeding and living conditions of livestock; forecasting (based on scientific data and best practices) of individual results of ongoing activities; monitoring the work of all services in terms of livestock specialists; selection and placement of personnel; organizing training for young workers and improving professional skills; communication with higher-level, external organizations (on the implementation of new work methods, complaints about product quality). Livestock specialist- production manager. Depending on the position he holds, one or another staff of workers may be subordinate to him, so he must be able to establish contacts with people, be fair, and be able to regulate all sorts of issues that arise in the course of current work (labor organization, remuneration, etc.). Livestock specialist must be attentive to each animal, since the improvement of the herd is carried out by selecting from highly productive heifers. When organizing the selection, he takes into account a number of complex characteristics; Analyzing them, he predicts and foresees the quality of the future herd, its productivity. A good eye helps him in assessing the animal's physique. Livestock specialist must be able to keep records, draw conclusions about the characteristics of each animal, and outline plans for further work. In a word, work zootechnics is varied, includes different aspects of activity and can bring satisfaction to those who love animals.
Working livestock specialists on collective farms, state farms and other dairy farms.
Preparation livestock specialists conducted in many agricultural and veterinary technical schools.
Advanced training is carried out through seminars and internships at leading farms. You can continue your education at agricultural universities, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Must know: Zoology, anatomy, physiology of farm animals, genetics, zoohygiene, veterinary obstetrics.

Professionally important qualities:

  • love to the animals;
  • observation;
  • initiative in carrying out zootechnical activities.
  • Qualification requirements: Agricultural technical school.

    Medical contraindications:

  • poor vision and hearing;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system.
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    Livestock specialist - who is this? What kind of profession? This is a specialist who works in the livestock sector. Livestock specialists work in special animal breeding complexes, as well as in factories or farms. It happens that when asked: “Livekeeper - who is this?” - they answer that he is a livestock breeder.


    What should a livestock specialist do in his work? He has many responsibilities:

    • The livestock technician provides safety precautions.
    • Controls the timing of sales of manufactured products and sorts livestock into certain categories.
    • Carry out actions necessary to improve the quality of animals and poultry.
    • Selects the best technologies that are necessary for the production of products.
    • Organizes and controls feed costs.
    • Determines product compliance with all established standards and requirements.
    • Provides innovative ways to feed animals.
    • Identifies a score that corresponds to performance.
    • Determines all necessary conditions for keeping animals and their full compliance (humidity, temperature).
    • Plans activities for a long time in advance and organizes the labor process of the entire team working in production.
    • Monitors the high level of quality of manufactured products, studies the causes of deterioration and gets rid of them.

    What a livestock specialist should know

    Working as a livestock technician requires knowledge of the following things:

    • Rules that are needed for labor protection, protection against theft, fires, and cleanliness.
    • All acts that relate to the legal field, as well as professional terminology.
    • Modern methods of communication and computer technology.
    • All major labor laws.
    • Requirements and standards that apply to manufactured products.
    • Some types of animal diseases, treatment and prevention.
    • All the features of anatomy, methods of maintenance, as well as nuances when feeding.
    • Basic concepts of management, labor organization and economics.
    • All innovations that appear due to progress in science and technology.
    • Modern requirements, as well as standards that apply to livestock products.
    • Methods of breeding animals.
    • Modern methods of production.
    • Rules for using computer equipment in animal husbandry. Working as a livestock specialist also requires knowledge of the basics of computer science.
    • Basic knowledge of genetics, physiology, zoology and veterinary medicine relating to livestock.

    A livestock specialist is a worker who must be well aware of the essence of his activity. He needs to be interested in innovations that appear in the field of breeding and keeping animals, be able to take risks and apply modern methods to solve various problems. Livestock specialist is a profession that involves the skill of assessing any event. You must always be focused and responsible for the decisions that are made, be able to find and analyze all the necessary information, work with other people, well understanding who occupies what position. You always have to be focused. The livestock specialist must teach beginners all the basics and lead by example. Higher authorities will require reports, so the ability to work with documentation is also important.

    State of health and necessary character traits for a livestock specialist

    Doctors have identified some contraindications for working as a livestock specialist. People with poor eyesight and poor hearing are prohibited from working in this profession. After all, a livestock specialist is someone who carefully observes everything. It is also not recommended to choose this profession for those who are susceptible to allergic reactions to animals, people suffering from asthma, as well as disabled people and people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

    What personal qualities should a livestock specialist have? There are several of them, but they are all very important:

    • Good level of logical thinking.
    • Developed memory and sufficient physical fitness.
    • Love of animals and skills to help with them.
    • Thinking that is based on observation. It allows you to plan and organize better.
    • Initiative, as well as a desire to organize any events.
    • Skills of quickly switching gaze from one to another. This can be called selectivity. The skill is needed when you need to very quickly select the most necessary one from a variety of signals.

    Is the profession of livestock specialist in demand?

    Salaries in Russia range from 15 to 35 thousand rubles. The profession is not the most in demand. But still, many specifically choose this activity. Some enterprises provide their livestock technicians with a personal car, which is used for work purposes. To become a livestock specialist, you need to obtain a certificate of secondary specialized education. Those people who then continue their studies at a higher educational institution are promoted in class and can become senior livestock specialists, but this is not at all necessary.

    Positive and negative aspects of the profession

    The advantages include, without a doubt, an increased level of independence, since what is a livestock specialist? An employee who makes many decisions himself. It should be noted that those who have chosen this particular profession are very rarely disappointed in their decision.

    Negative aspects are tension and very rapid fatigue of workers. And the working conditions do not always suit livestock specialists.

    We must not forget that this is a management profession, and, therefore, with career growth and high efficiency and talent, a livestock specialist can grow to become a farm manager.

    Active development of agriculture requires specialized knowledge and the ability to work with animals. Moreover, it is necessary to ensure that all individuals remain fed, and no one suffers from diseases. Therefore, recently the profession of livestock specialist has become more and more in demand than before. In this article we will talk about where exactly the work of a livestock specialist can be useful, what responsibilities are assigned to him, what the salary is, and so on.

    Where might a livestock technician be needed?

    Livestock specialists are specialists who work in the field of animal husbandry. They conduct their labor activities on the territory of special livestock complexes. This is where their second name came from – livestock breeders.

    Animal technicians are sought-after specialists for private farm owners, as well as heads of state enterprises. They can work in special factories where livestock, poultry, and so on are raised.

    How to become a livestock farmer?

    People who like to work with animals often ask the question about how one can become a livestock specialist. To take up this position, It is enough to have a certificate of successful completion of secondary vocational education.

    On the other hand, in order to get a better chance of becoming a new employee of an enterprise, it will not be superfluous to have a university certificate with you. Accordingly, livestock specialists can mainly become those who graduated from veterinary or animal engineering faculty. Of course, you can also take up a position with a secondary technical education, but in this case you will have to face a more stringent selection process.

    Main responsibilities

    The main responsibilities of specialists are the following:

    • conducting professional activities to improve the quality of poultry and animals;
    • checking feed stocks, calculating the amount required for daily and weekly consumption. In some cases, employers may require a specialist to calculate the monthly feed allowance;
    • ensuring adequate feeding conditions for animals, checking food absorption. Practice shows that if an animal begins to increasingly refuse to eat food, this indicates the presence of a disease that must be quickly cured;
    • checking the correct conditions in which livestock are kept. The temperature regime and the usefulness of its compliance are regularly analyzed;
    • inspection of products used to feed livestock. If its quality level deteriorates, it is necessary to establish the reasons and eliminate them;
    • control over the timing of the sale of food products, distribution of livestock;
    • checking product compliance with established regulatory requirements and other quality standards;
    • selection of the right technologies through which production will be carried out;
    • planning core activities for the near future, creating optimal conditions for organizing the work process of the team;
    • drawing up a personal assessment of the efficiency of the enterprise’s production activities;
    • checking compliance with safety requirements.

    Requirements for the skills and abilities of a specialist

    Of course, becoming a livestock breeder or livestock feed breeder is not so easy, no matter how strong the love for animals is. To really get a good employee, employers check candidates for compliance with profile requirements. A specialized specialist must understand:

    • regulatory legal acts and professional terms;
    • requirements for production products, as well as standards for conducting agricultural activities;
    • biological features of the structure of animals raised in agriculture, features of their maintenance, specialized rules regarding feeding;
    • innovations that arose thanks to the development of modern sciences;
    • methods of raising livestock;
    • zoological, genetic and physiological principles, be able to apply in practice the rules of veterinary obstetrics using the example of farm animals;
    • new methods of manufacturing products using livestock;
    • modern standards that apply to livestock products;
    • some diseases of livestock, features of its treatment and maintenance of normal health;
    • modern communications, features of working with specialized software (for example, when it is necessary to count feed for several days in advance, and special software is used for this);
    • rules for using computers in the practical activities of livestock farmers;
    • economic features, management, as well as organization of labor activities;
    • basic requirements of Russian legislation regarding labor activity;
    • rules established for the purpose of labor protection, preventing fires and unauthorized entry of intruders into private territory, maintaining order and cleanliness.

    The livestock breeder needs clearly understand the essence of your professional activity. To improve the productivity of an enterprise, you need to read specialized literature from time to time and familiarize yourself with innovations in the livestock sector. Don't be afraid to take risks if they pay off. On the other hand, you also need to take risks wisely, in advance informing management and warning them of possible consequences. Competent specialists always use progressive methods for solving problems of various kinds and are able to give an adequate assessment of their events.

    Not a single zoologist will not be able to work for a long time at the enterprise if he does not know how to interact with the team. It is important to understand who a person is and what position he holds. You should be extremely focused, learn to transfer your specialized knowledge to newcomers, introducing them to the main features of work activity.

    The livestock specialist not only interacts with animals and enterprise personnel, but also works with documentation if this is directly necessary.

    Limitations on health and psychological qualities

    If we consider psychological qualities and our health, livestock specialists are always presented with a number of requirements.

    In addition to the requirements, there are also a number of contraindications, which are presented to specialists of this profession. For example, livestock specialists people who have poor hearing or poor vision cannot become.

    If a person suffers from allergic reactions caused by animals, he will not be able to work on the territory of a farm enterprise. Contraindications include the presence of asthma or serious problems with the cardiovascular system.

    People whose musculoskeletal system does not work properly will not be able to work on the farm.

    average salary

    Today, livestock specialists are not particularly in demand specialists, however, every year The number of jobs, although slowly, is increasing. The average remuneration is from 15 to 35 thousand rubles. If agricultural enterprises have been operating in the specialized market for a long time, and they have grown to a large scale, livestock specialists may be given a vehicle. Of course, in such cases, wages can reach up to 45 thousand rubles per month.

    Pros and cons of the profession

    The main advantage of the profession in question is increased level of autonomy. To enjoy your work, you must have a passion for interacting with animals. A livestock technician can advance his career, but don't expect to ever have to work in an office.

    On the other hand, a livestock technician is a profession where one cannot do without disadvantages. The disadvantages include increased tension and rapid fatigue, because it is sometimes physically difficult to work with animals. In some cases, it may turn out that the working conditions are not entirely comfortable; as a rule, a livestock specialist works on farms and agricultural enterprises, where conditions may require better.

    A livestock specialist is a profession where vocation decides everything. If a person adores animals, cares about them, and understands what his superiors require of him, then he will be able to achieve heights in the profession, and all the disadvantages will be invisible.

    Do not forget that livestock specialist is a management profession. Accordingly, after a certain time, when there is career growth, increased efficiency and talent, the livestock specialist can move to the position of farm manager.

    This video will tell you more about the profession of livestock specialist.

    The profession of livestock engineer (animal engineer) is associated with animal husbandry and the care of livestock and poultry. Sometimes specialists are simply called livestock breeders.

    Livestock specialists are responsible for ensuring optimal housing and feeding conditions for animals in order to achieve high quality livestock and poultry. At large agricultural enterprises, they are responsible for the correctness of technologies and compliance with standards and norms.

    Zootechnicians are very similar to animal engineers, but the activities of the latter are aimed more at breeding animals, and the former - at controlling the breeding of existing livestock and birds.

    Places of work

    The position of livestock technician is available at many agricultural enterprises - on collective farms, state farms, livestock farms, etc. Of course, most jobs for such specialists are located in the provinces, but large agricultural companies also have offices in the capitals.

    Responsibilities of a livestock specialist

    As a rule, the job responsibilities of a livestock specialist are as follows:

    • development of feed programs and recipes;
    • development of recommendations for feeding animals (patterns, nutritional value of diets, etc.);
    • visiting farms, poultry farms and pig farms to assess the situation on site;
    • product quality control;
    • process optimization;
    • consulting with enterprise specialists.

    Also, the functions of a livestock specialist often include marketing tasks (promotion of products on the market, research of competitors, participation in the development of advertising).

    Requirements for a livestock specialist

    Typically, employers put forward the following requirements for a livestock specialist:

    • higher or secondary zootechnical education;
    • deep knowledge of animal science;
    • knowledge of veterinary medicine;
    • knowledge of feed and feed preparation technology;
    • experience in formulating diets;
    • possession of modern technologies in livestock farming that increase productivity and reproduction.

    In large agricultural holdings, livestock specialists are often required to have experience in managing people and knowledge of foreign languages.

    Sample resume for livestock specialist

    How to become a livestock specialist

    You can become a livestock specialist by receiving a diploma of secondary vocational education in your specialty, but a university diploma from the animal engineering or veterinary faculty will provide much more prospects for career growth.

    Livestock specialist salary

    The salary of a livestock specialist can vary very significantly - from 20,000 (for beginners) to 150,000 rubles per month (for chief specialists of agricultural holdings). Also, the level of earnings depends on the region, the specifics of the enterprise’s activities and other factors.

    The average salary of a livestock specialist is slightly higher than the Russian average for all professions - 34,000 rubles per month.