Prepare wheat porridge with milk. How to cook wheat porridge correctly with water and milk? Preparation of wheat and milk base

I am pleased to share a proven step-by-step recipe in which I will describe and demonstrate the preparation of wheat porridge with milk. If you follow simple and simple recommendations, observe the proportions of the ingredients according to the recipe, then healthy and tasty wheat milk porridge will turn out to be medium in thickness, rich and appetizing. And most importantly, milk has no odor at all, which is the main factor that discourages consumers from milk porridges.


Wheat cereal – 200 gr;

Milk – 1200 ml;

Butter – 70 g;

Salt – ½ tsp;

Sugar – 4 tbsp.

How to cook delicious wheat porridge with milk

I start cooking by choosing grains. For such milk porridge, I usually choose medium or coarse grind. Such grains, unlike small grains, do not clump into one big lump when cooked and the porridge turns out crumbly. Also, in order not to sort out the cereal before cooking, it is better to initially purchase a product of good quality, where there is less litter.

And one more “organizational” question: when preparing wheat porridge with milk, it is better to place a flame breaker under the pan.

Now, let's start cooking. First we need to wash the wheat grains thoroughly: two to three times. When the water remains clean after washing, you can determine that the wheat has already been washed sufficiently.

While we are washing the cereal, you can put the milk to boil in a thick-walled stainless steel pan. To prevent the milk from “running away,” it is advisable to rinse the pan with cold water first.

Add salt, sugar to boiled milk and stir.

If you taste the milk, you will probably find it not sweet enough, but keep in mind that during the cooking process the milk boils away and if you do not add sugar according to the recipe, the finished porridge will be sickly sweet.

At the next stage, add washed wheat cereal to the milk, reduce the heat to low, and cover the pan with a lid.

We will cook the porridge for half an hour. Wheat porridge with milk should be stirred throughout the cooking time at intervals of every five to seven minutes.

Add 2/3 of the butter to the pan with the prepared porridge, cover the pan with a lid and let the porridge brew for fifteen minutes.

After this, put the delicious milk wheat porridge on plates and add a small piece of butter to everyone’s plate.

The final photo shows that the porridge turned out, as I promised, medium in thickness, and the wheat grain was crumbly, not lumpy.

Wheat porridge is extremely healthy. It is not as popular as rice, oatmeal or semolina. Wheat grits are great for making a tasty and healthy side dish. Some people prefer to make porridge with milk for breakfast from it, which allows them to be energetic and alert all day. Unfortunately, wheat porridge is a very rare and uninvited guest in modern families. In order for the porridge to turn out tasty and aromatic, it is necessary to prepare it correctly, taking into account the subtleties and features of cooking the cereal.

Don't know how to cook wheat porridge with milk? Don’t despair, the proposed step-by-step recipe, which is equipped with detailed and very colorful photographs, will help you. You can easily cook porridge with milk.

Milk cereal, the recipe for which is extremely simple and affordable, is an excellent breakfast. The prepared dish turns out very tasty, satisfying, and healthy. In addition, it is considered low-calorie, so people on a diet can safely include it in their diet. The classic recipe contains a minimum amount of ingredients: cereal, milk, sugar and butter. If you wish, you can flavor the porridge with natural flower honey, but in this case you should not add sugar during cooking.

Choosing cereal is an extremely responsible and serious step. To make the cooked milk porridge tender and soft, the best option is medium-ground cereal. It differs from fine grinding in that during the cooking process it does not gather into a large lump, as a result it turns out very tasty and crumbly. If you do not want to sort through the grains before cooking, you should buy a top quality product so that it does not contain excess debris and spoiled kernels. Dishes made from wheat cereal are light and nutritious.


To prepare, take the following ingredients:


1. Prepare the necessary products. First of all, you need to carefully sort out the grains and rinse them with running water. If you skip this step, the porridge will turn out viscous and sticky. For this reason, it is recommended to rinse even clean, premium grains. It is advisable to repeat the procedure 4-5 times.

2. Then drain all the water.

3. Take a saucepan and pour fresh milk into it. Then add the prepared wheat cereal. You can start cooking.

4. Cook over high heat. When the milk boils, add salt and sugar and reduce the heat. Continue cooking for fifteen minutes. During cooking, do not forget to stir and also get rid of the film that forms on the surface of the dairy dish.

5. When the cereal swells and increases in size, you can remove the pan from the stove. The porridge is ready and can be served in a portioned plate. If desired, you can decorate with fruits; it will turn out not only tasty and healthy, but also bright and beautiful.

Video recipe

As you can see, preparing wheat milk porridge is quite simple. The cooking process takes a little time. The main thing is to use high-quality products and constantly stir the porridge while cooking.

Beneficial features

Wheat porridge has a number of beneficial properties. With its help you can cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and lose excess weight. It helps strengthen the immune system. In addition, the porridge is very nutritious and balanced, it is easily absorbed by the body. We must not forget about its chemical composition, since it contains a huge amount of folic acid, vitamins E and B and other useful elements.

This porridge is recommended for consumption during pregnancy. Vitamin E, which is recognized as a storehouse of beauty and youth, is of great importance and is excellent at fighting free radicals. Wheat porridge cooked with milk is an ideal breakfast.

Wheat porridge is not only a healthy breakfast, but also a good side dish for meat or fish. And you can cook it not only in the most usual way, but also with the addition of other ingredients.

A recipe that will surprise few people, but at the same time it is used quite rarely, but in vain!

  • salt, sugar and butter - to your taste;
  • 50 grams of dry wheat cereal;
  • about 250 milliliters of milk.

Cooking process:

  1. First, rinse the cereal well and remove all excess from it.
  2. Pour the milk into the pan and bring to a boil, then season with spices, that is, sugar and salt, to your taste and add the cereal.
  3. Reduce the heat to almost a minimum and bring to readiness for 20 minutes. Serve with a little butter.

Cooking wheat porridge in water is very simple. This recipe is suitable for those who fast, care about proper nutrition, or if there is no milk at home.

Required Products:

  • a glass of wheat cereal;
  • seasonings as desired;
  • two glasses of filtered water.

Cooking process:

  1. Before you start cooking, be sure to wash the cereal well.
  2. Add the required amount of water to the cooking container. Usually it should be twice as much as the dry product. That is, for a glass of cereal - two glasses of water. Bring it to a boil.
  3. After this, we season it with spices, some use salt and a little sugar, others like the spicy version with ground black pepper.
  4. Reduce heat to medium and cook for 15 minutes, until all the liquid has evaporated and the mixture is soft.

Wheat porridge in a slow cooker turns out even tastier and more tender, than when cooking on the stove. In addition, you don’t have to control the process so that the dish doesn’t burn.

Required Products:

  • 30 grams of butter;
  • one multicooker glass of cereal;
  • seasonings to your taste;
  • four multi-cooker glasses of water.

Delicious recipe: wheat porridge in a slow cooker

Cooking process:

  1. The cereal is cleared of impurities, all excess is removed and washed well until the water becomes relatively clear.
  2. It is poured into the multicooker, filled with the specified amount of liquid, and seasoned with selected seasonings to suit your taste.
  3. The device is turned on in the “Milk porridge” or “Baking” mode for 40 minutes, after which the finished dish is combined with butter and can be served. If suddenly after 40 minutes there is still liquid left in the container, then you can leave the porridge for 20 minutes in the “Warming” mode.

With added pumpkin

Wheat porridge with the addition of pumpkin is a very interesting combination. It can be prepared with either milk or water.

Required Products:

  • a glass of millet;
  • about 300 grams of pumpkin;
  • 500 milliliters of milk;
  • seasonings as desired.

Cooking process:

  1. Remove the skin and seeds from the pumpkin, rinse and chop into small pieces.
  2. Place them in a saucepan, fill with water so that it covers the entire contents and after boiling, keep on medium heat for about 7 minutes.
  3. After this time, you need to pour dry cereal into the container and cook everything together until the water has completely evaporated.
  4. To this mass, when there is no more liquid left, add half the specified amount of milk and any spices to your taste, cook for 20 minutes and let it brew for the same amount of time before serving.

Cooking porridge in the oven from wheat cereals

To prepare a healthy and flavorful dish according to this recipe, you will need a pot or some other heat-resistant container.

Required Products:

  • 500 milliliters of milk;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • salt to taste;
  • two large spoons of water;
  • 150 grams of wheat cereal.

Cooking process:

  1. As always, we first rinse the cereal until the water is clear enough, then fill it with warm liquid and let it sit for 25 minutes.
  2. When the specified time has passed, transfer the porridge into a pot, fill it with half the specified volume of milk, add water and put it in the oven for an hour, preheated to 150 degrees.
  3. During this process, the mass should swell. Pour in the remaining milk, add butter, seasonings and return to the oven for another 20 minutes.

Hearty wheat porridge with meat

Porridge can be prepared not only for breakfast, but also made into a complete, hearty lunch if you add meat.

Required ingredients for the dish:

  • seasonings to taste;
  • a glass of wheat cereal;
  • carrot;
  • 2 onions;
  • approximately 500 grams of any meat;
  • 600 milliliters of water.

Cooking process:

  1. Let's start with preparing the meat, it needs to be washed, peeled and chopped into medium-sized cubes.
  2. Place them in a frying pan and lightly fry until the sides are golden brown, add grated carrots, chopped onions, season with salt and fry until the vegetables are soft.
  3. After this, add the washed cereal to the roast, add water so that it covers the entire contents by at least a centimeter. At this stage, use all the selected seasonings, mix and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. The cereal should absorb all the liquid, become soft and aromatic.

With vegetables

Another option for preparing a hearty, flavorful and even healthier dish is to combine cereals with vegetables.

Required Products:

  • 150 grams of wheat cereal;
  • onion and carrot;
  • one bell pepper and zucchini;
  • two tomatoes;
  • seasonings, herbs as desired.

Cooking process:

  1. We prepare the cereal, rinse it, fill it with water and set it to cook. This will take about 20 minutes over medium heat once the contents have come to a boil.
  2. While it reaches the desired state, chop all the vegetables in any convenient way and begin to fry in a frying pan: first onions, then carrots, zucchini, peppers and tomatoes, so that they give juice. At this stage, we reduce the heat so that there is no longer a frying process, but a stewing process, season with spices and herbs.
  3. Add the prepared porridge to the vegetables, mix, turn off the stove and let it brew until the cereal is soaked.

Wheat cereal is nutritious and healthy, and when properly prepared, it produces a tasty and aromatic wheat porridge (can be cooked in both water and milk), so in this article we will look at how long and how to properly cook wheat porridge (crumbly in side dish and liquid for children).

The cooking time for wheat porridge depends on the chosen cooking method (with water or milk), since when cooking milk wheat porridge, first of all, the wheat groats are boiled in water, after which milk is added and the porridge is cooked until completely cooked. Let's take a closer look at how long you need to cook wheat cereal in water and milk in a saucepan:

  • How long does it take to cook wheat porridge in water? On average, wheat porridge in water needs to be cooked for 20 minutes after the water boils in the pan.
  • How long does it take to cook wheat porridge with milk? Wheat porridge must be cooked in milk for an average of 35-40 minutes (first boil in water, then add milk and cook in milk).

Having found out how many minutes to cook wheat porridge, we will further consider the process of cooking it in order to figure out how to properly cook crumbly wheat porridge in water and how you can prepare liquid porridge from wheat groats in milk.

How to cook crumbly wheat porridge in water in a saucepan?

Cooking wheat porridge in water is not much different from preparing many other porridges, but there are several small differences that affect the taste and aroma of the finished dish. Let's look step by step at how to cook crumbly wheat porridge in water in a saucepan:

  • To prepare the porridge, you will need the following ingredients: 1 cup of wheat cereal, 2 cups of water, half a level teaspoon of salt and about 50 grams of butter.
  • To begin with, we measure out the wheat cereal by hand (it may contain small debris and pebbles), after which we rinse it thoroughly with clean cold water (dust and small debris will be washed off from the surface of the cereal, and after this procedure it will stick together less during cooking).
  • Pour water into a saucepan (preferably with a wide, thick bottom) and bring to a boil over high heat, then add salt (half a teaspoon) and washed cereal.
  • While stirring the cereal, wait until the water in the pan boils again, then reduce the heat to low, skim off any foam that has formed on the surface of the water and, covering the pan with a lid, cook the cereal for about 20 minutes (until all the water is absorbed into the cereal). During cooking, the cereal can be stirred 3-4 times (every 5 minutes) so that it does not burn and cooks evenly.
  • At the end of cooking, add butter to the porridge, cover the pan with a lid and set it aside from the stove and let the porridge brew for 20-30 minutes (during this time it will “cook” and be tastier, softer and more aromatic).

How to properly cook wheat porridge with milk in a saucepan?

Wheat porridge with milk is a tasty and healthy delicacy that can be prepared for breakfast, as it turns out quite tasty and sweet. To prepare wheat porridge with milk, you can use the recipe indicated above, only instead of water when cooking, use milk in the proportion: 3.5-4 cups of milk per 1 cup of cereal and cook the cereal until you get a soft liquid porridge (also during cooking it is necessary add sugar in the proportion of 2 tablespoons of sugar to 1 cup of wheat cereal).

There is also another recipe for how to cook wheat porridge with milk:

  • To prepare porridge with milk you will need: 1 cup of wheat cereal, 2 cups of water, 1.5-2 cups of milk, salt (a pinch or 1/3 teaspoon) and 2 tablespoons of sugar.
  • First of all, we sort and wash the wheat cereal in cold water.
  • Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan over high heat, add salt and sugar, then add the washed cereal and wait until the water in the saucepan boils again (at this time the porridge must be stirred).
  • After the water boils, remove the foam on the surface, reduce the heat to low and cook the cereal for 15-20 minutes until all the water is absorbed. Cover the pan with a lid during cooking.
  • After all the water has been absorbed, add milk to the porridge, mix it well and increase the heat to a boil, then reduce the heat to low again and cook the porridge for another 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • At the end of cooking, remove the pan from the stove (the milk should not completely boil away during cooking, the porridge should be liquid), cover with a lid and leave the porridge to sit for 10-15 minutes.
  • That's all! Delicious wheat porridge with milk is ready.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how much and how to cook wheat porridge in water and milk, you can prepare a simple and healthy side dish or porridge for breakfast for yourself and your loved ones, which will be nutritious and tasty. We leave our reviews and useful tips on how to cook porridge from wheat cereals tasty and quickly in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

Porridge in the morning is not only a healthy, wholesome and satisfying breakfast, but also the key to a successful and productive day. People who think about their health know very well that good health depends on what you eat for breakfast, which is why we recommend eating porridge in the morning. There are many varieties of porridges, and in this article we will tell you how to prepare one of them, more precisely wheat porridge with milk.

It is worth noting that this porridge is very healthy, as it contains: fiber, vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and other useful elements.

  1. To prepare wheat porridge with milk, we need the following ingredients:
  • Wheat cereal – 150 g;
  • Milk – 600 ml;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Butter – 15 g.
  1. Pour boiled water over the millet and let it cook for 2-3 minutes. This way, all the excess fat will come out and the bitterness will go away.

3. Drain the water, place the millet on a sieve and rinse under cold tap water.

4. Then, bring the milk to a boil, adding sugar, a pinch of salt and finally cereal. Cook it over low heat for 10 minutes.

5. When the porridge is cooked, add butter, stir and close the pan with a lid. Let it sit for 10 minutes.