Comic congratulations to a girlfriend for 30 years. Wishes in verse for a girlfriend on her anniversary

Here's to you today - 30

We, girlfriend, be young
It's still early, for the life of me!
Here you are thirty today,
Is it an anniversary?!

There is a reason to get together
And mentally relax.
Everyone talk to each other
And wave on the stack!

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Pour it up, it's the Anniversary!

Birds fly high
Here we can fly!
My friend has thirty
We rushed to congratulate!

I wish you good luck
If you can, don't get old!
And what else - I don't know.
Pour it up, it's an anniversary!

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Happy thirtieth birthday friend

Happy thirtieth birthday, friend
Let me congratulate you!
May fate never be
Put salt on your sugar!
May this anniversary be wonderful
Fate will give you a prize
And you will go to the coolest
And a luxurious cruise!

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A friend is celebrating

A friend is celebrating
A wonderful holiday - thirty years!
I wish this anniversary
She has a lot of gold coins!
Let there be only achievements
Good luck with a string of awards!
And let everyone look in amazement
On her expensive outfit!

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Congratulations on your 30th birthday to your girlfriend

Friend! A bunch of congratulations

Friend! A bunch of congratulations
Accept from us on your anniversary!
You are thirty years old, knowing laziness,
You sow smiles between people!
May it be bright and long
Your life, beautiful way!
And you are beautiful, like the Volga,
And be centenary on the anniversary!

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You are just 30 years old!

You are not an old friend,
You are just 30 years old!
What is not married is not good,
Otherwise, a host of victories!

And the hostess, and the beauty,
And even where the salary!
No problem any clothes,
And well-groomed - always!

Congratulations on your anniversary!
Everything will be fine, trust me!
I wish you many years!
And loss protection!

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Congratulate a friend on her 30th birthday

What do you want, friend?
You and I know each other...
No, how many years I will not say
And then I'll tell you about age.

We have been friends with you for a long time.
So, I wish you happiness with your husband,
A million beautiful dresses
And the shoes are a small wagon.

Let the stockings never tear
And let your hair not split,
Sweets without calories will be,
Let everyone forget about age.

Do you want a cottage in Hawaii
And an island in the Pacific?
I wish them for you too
Then I come to you.

You, my friend, are 30 years old!
It's time for the wins
Good luck, joy, luck,
Success, happiness, inspiration.

Such a beautiful, glorious age -
After all, it's not too late to do everything:
Family, career, personal growth,
Income and rewards increase.

Let the stars in the sky light up
All your plans come true
You move more boldly towards the goal.
I congratulate you on your anniversary!

Today, congratulations
girlfriend on anniversary
To you, my dear,
I wish you bright days!

When doubts in power
Suddenly overcome in an instant,
And your wings will tremble
From any difficulties

Won't let them fall
Excitement, drive and courage -
You are twenty today!
Everything else is experience! ©

Thirty is the best age
And for women including:
Issues resolved within
Got a life plan in my head

Happy anniversary congratulations -
An important milestone on the way
I wish my friend
Live, breathe, love, bloom!

And rely on life
On a reliable shoulder -
Thirty years is no longer twenty,
But not forty yet ... ©

30 years is not a date yet
This is the pinnacle of destiny
Be rich in joy
And do not know the chains of trouble

Be beautiful and happy
What is appointed - will come.
30 years old - a living miracle,
New path and new rise.

Happy birthday to my girlfriend.
You are thirty today, I remember, I know.
A wonderful age, by the way, I think.
I wish dearly.
What is most precious to you?
Peace? Self confidence?
So that by all means on a horse,
To be like no one?
Yes, you are beautiful and smart
Proud and majestic article.
And you are quite right
Sculpt your own destiny!

Dear friend, accept congratulations soon,
You have an important anniversary today,
30 years is a wonderful age, whatever you say,
You have many achievements and victories ahead of you.
Be always desired and loved,
Kind, gentle, smart, beautiful,
Let spring always live in my soul,
May fate always be favorable.

Your anniversary is a temple of fun and hope,
With you today we will divide it in half,
Today you will hear more than one pleasant word,
Thirty you, well, who expected this?
Let the bouquet be a congratulation of these lines,
May your every dawn be happy
So let's quickly fill the glasses,
And for a snack, we will remember the past with you.

Today all around are familiar faces
Everywhere flowers, your bright laughter sounds,
Just think - you turn thirty
Your life is about to take a steep turn.
All because you never stand still
You drive away sorrows from yourself and sadness,
Today you are with family and friends together,
You start a new life, a blessed path.

Today is the anniversary - you are already thirty years old,
But, for happiness, there are no barriers,
You are beautiful, energetic, friendly and smart,
You are full of sincerity, love and warmth.
Today, girlfriend, accept my congratulations,
You remain always the mistress of your destiny.
May fate always favor you
May your guiding star shine brightly.

My close friend
Today is 30 years old!
You are positive thoughts
To live completely without trouble!

Let your eyes shine
good luck and good
With all my heart I wish!
To be happy!

And let it come true
Your dreams soon!
smile more often
And many bright days!

Girlfriend you are the best
I will tell you from the bottom of my heart!
May life be prosperous
Everything in life can be solved!

And let everything in fate change
Only for the better, you know!
And what is really appreciated
Please don't miss out!

I wish you all the best!
It's so important to move forward
Nothing to worry you
Forever on your way!

You are extraordinary as always.
Looking great at 30
Dear friend, Happy Anniversary!
From your energy I am bastard.

The years slowly go by
Let happiness come instead
I want to be happy
And love one man.

In your thirty today
Will sing and have fun
I don't want to forget my friends
And boldly always move forward.

Happy 30th birthday, friend, congratulations,
I wish you great happiness in life
May your guiding star shine brightly for you,
May the Lord protect you from troubles.

Good health to you, well-being,
And all the best
Peace, joy and inspiration,
And always in a great mood.

Here are your glasses and knitting needles,
Wool brand new ball -
Hurry up with them
In a quiet warm place.

From now on, a friend is a TV,
Interlocutor - Kiselev,
And the pressure rises
Call the clinic.

30 years is such a date!
Don't get sick, give everyone fire!
happy anniversary dear
My stick is old!

Complex in vain, my friend,
Well, and that, that Anniversary.
It's just a three in a circle
To please guests.

What's stopping you from having fun?
Celebrate birthday.
Is it the number 30?
We can interfere.

I wish you love
Real, forever!
Happy birthday!
Let her come here!


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Create a postcard

Happy thirtieth birthday, friend
Let me congratulate you!
May fate never be
Put salt on your sugar!
May this anniversary be wonderful
Fate will give you a prize
And you will go to the coolest
And a luxurious cruise!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

30 years ago everything happened
A girl was born.
For many years she studied
Not one mastered the subject.

It's me, girlfriend, everything about you
I refresh my memory on the Anniversary.
He has already settled down as the owner here,
You pour him on the bottom.

On your birthday, I wish you
Sometimes reminisce about childhood.
Congratulations on this anniversary
We will celebrate 30 years!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Happiness! Congratulations!

My friend is 30 years old
Anniversary too!
A string of victories
The path to it is loaded!

I am so happy for you,
I wish you many years!
Please take care of yourself.
Happiness! Congratulations!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

You are just 30 years old!

You are not an old friend,
You are just 30 years old!
What is not married is not good,
Otherwise, a host of victories!

And the hostess, and the beauty,
And even where the salary!
No problem any clothes,
And well-groomed - always!

Congratulations on your anniversary!
Everything will be fine, trust me!
I wish you many years!
And loss protection!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Here's to you today - 30

We, girlfriend, be young
It's still early, for the life of me!
Here you are thirty today,
Is it an anniversary?!

There is a reason to get together
And mentally relax.
Everyone talk to each other
And wave on the stack!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Friend! A bunch of congratulations
Accept from us on your anniversary!
You are thirty years old, knowing laziness,
You sow smiles between people!
May it be bright and long
Your life, beautiful way!
And you are beautiful, like the Volga,
And be centenary on the anniversary!

Congratulations on your 30th birthday to your girlfriend

Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

This is what we stand for

A third of the total lap,
Face Achievements:
A friend was married
She left a ring as a gift.

Nerves uprooted
Someone donated crystal.
This is what we stand for
To drive away the tightness-sadness.

Well, don't just get angry
Gathering everyone for the anniversary.
For yours, girlfriend, thirty
Pour us a cup!


You are extraordinary as always.
Looking great at 30
Dear friend, Happy Anniversary!
From your energy I am bastard.
The years slowly go by
Let happiness come instead
I want to be happy
And love one man.
In your thirty today
Will sing and have fun
I don't want to forget my friends
And boldly always move forward.

Happy 30th birthday to you
I want to be happy.
Forward, quickly went to the top
And just had fun.
Let everything be as it will be.
And let dreams come true.
And you won't forget this moment
Always love so sincerely.

My sister has a birthday
She is 30 today
I bring congratulations as a gift
And a beautiful pink bouquet
Today you are beautiful as usual
And around your friends
And to congratulate you personally
My whole family has arrived!

What does thirty years mean?
For a woman - like a morning dawn!
So clear is the mind and the distance is still bright,
The soul is tender and so full of warmth!
I congratulate you on your anniversary,
I wish you love and good luck in life!

Among the diapers, cutlets
Life has just begun! -
It's been thirty years now
Thirty years on the way!
You are beautiful, slim
Happiness in children and with her husband.
At thirty, do not wrinkle your forehead,
Be a fun youngster!
And cook pilaf and borscht -
We will come to you with vodka!
This is not age - thirty years:
Spring color is burning in you!

Wonderful age, friend:
Still you can; already know how!
So let him come for you
Snow-white big "Cadillac"!
He will bring a handsome prince
And will arrange for you eternal May.
Thirty is a wonderful age!
Don't be sad and let's drink!

Thirty arrived unexpectedly,
Lightly hit the temples.
Do not be sad, because life is beautiful!
Trust dear friends!
What is age, if everything is as it should be?
And send the crisis to FIG!
With you, loving, beloved,
And do not lose faith in the forces!
We want to celebrate the anniversary
Not only the festive table.
And also come up with contests,
Participate in them later.

When was the first anniversary
Which means ten years.
You learned how to make friends
And there could be under a dozen sweets.

By the age of twenty you
She showed her talents to the world,
The beauty of tender frequency
Passers-by in a moment for eternity you captivated.

Today there is no girl in the world
Smarter, more sincere and sweeter,
Let in thirty years a fair wind
More fun, bright days will come!

Sweet aroma of bouquets,
Bright greeting cards
And elegant boxes of secrets
They will bring a wave of warm confessions.

Manicure divine on the fingers,
A snow-white smile from under the strand,
It's hard to take your eyes off the blush,
Everyone on this day is ready for anything for you.

Feel free to be yourself, liberated,
Thirty years you and paint and promise
To continue to be young and in love,
So fly through life like angels soar!

Do not be sad, away whims,
You are not small.
But adults have surprises
So believe in a miracle again.

Let today be a year older
It used to be twenty nine
But that makes it even better
Became a virgin at this time!

Forget what was
Imagine for a moment:
birthday froze
As a child, at about five years old!

birthday is not a reason
For a gathering of friends
But thirty years is a serious argument,
Associations of people.

We don't forget you
You are our star in the dark
And sometimes we suffer without you
After all, you beckon with something in the depths!

30 years is a special age.
Life leads us forward slowly,
We want to wish you
The soul does not age with age.
So that creativity does not leave,
To make the table wide with wine,
To make music sound in the house,
To love my wife more.
Birthday is a responsible step,
Thirty years in life means something.
Be happy and healthy, like Hercules.
Let luck not leave you!

You, in the prime of life, a man,
Do not take strength yet.
So you have more peaks
Storm and assault.
To always be in shape for you,
That's what athletes say
So that health is normal,
A strong mind and a keen eye.
Thirty years is not yet a milestone,
To give up positions
Therefore, in matters of success,
I (We) would like (and) wish.
Well, as usual,
In congratulations, write
Allow in personal life,
Wish you health, happiness!

We congratulate you on your birthday!
May your thirtieth birthday be for us
It will become a bright holiday, mood,
Good luck, success to you, in a good hour.

May there be a full cup of good health,
Happy, bright, wonderful days.
So fleeting, alas, our life.
Strive for good fruits in it.

Let there be earthly beauties
Their splendor is at your feet.
Your children are cute and dear
They love their parents dearly.

May your 30th anniversary
Will give a series of pleasant days!
May there be hope and love in them,
And happiness gives joy again and again!

Let everyone around treat with soul,
Luck will bring great success!
All the best dreams come true
And flowers are given on birthday!

Live to at least a hundred!
May the cup not be empty!
And let life be thirty years
They bring their bright light to you!
A star in the window, in the house - comfort.
So that it is not like a stagnant pond,
And he was like a noisy river.
And reached out so that the hand
To happiness, as to that star.
Not to be afraid of heights
To make my soul brighter
In the thirtieth! On the anniversary!

The most wonderful lady in the world
We wish fifteen thirty years,
Ten centuries and a couple of centuries
Happy dreams and beautiful flowers.
Your anniversary is only the first of "thousands",
You won't find one like you anywhere else.
Let it be. We dream so.
And if you want, we do!

When thirty years come
We give a bouquet of lilies of the valley.
When this day comes
The soul rejoices and sings.
Congratulate on this holiday
We, as one, are in a hurry.
We want to wish you happiness
And celebrate - do not get tired!

There are many anniversaries in life
Thirty years only once.
Every year a new page
Opens up for us.

And today in your thirties,
On this anniversary holiday,
We wish the house and the cottage,
Many children, a faithful husband for change.

I came to you for your birthday
My dear bosom friend,
Accept, dear, congratulations,
Be always so joyful.

I came to you for your birthday
And not for a simple one - for an anniversary,
Thirty years is no reason to worry
This is a reason to entertain your guests!

I kiss you 30 times, I hug you 30 times,
I wish your dreams come true 30 times.
For 30 oligarchs to roll up to you
And 30 expensive gifts would be handed over.

So that you travel around 30 different countries
And I tasted a dozen or three different wines.
To be a bird - cheerful, carefree.
And so that the age of 30 years will be with you forever!

Happy thirtieth birthday, friend!
I don't know what to wish
After all, you are a great wife,
Always a caring mother.

I want the family to love
So that the husband only wears in his arms,
To walk in a mink coat,
To have enough strength for everything!

Congratulations to my beloved friend, a person who has become truly close and dear. Pay no attention to the years, for a woman thirty years is not a date. You will be forever beautiful, energetic and young, you will flutter like a bright butterfly and enjoy this life. Never let discouragement into your new day, start it with a smile and a good mood. And let success and luck overtake you everywhere. Happy birthday!

My dear friend,
Happy birthday to you - 30 years old!
This is just the beginning of all life
Beauty and desires dawn!

I want to always be loved
Just as much to love someone
Be happy, cheerful and strong
Dance, do not be sad on this day!

May all dreams come true
And let things be successful.
I wish you prosperity
Be beautiful, with a smile always!

Girlfriend, happy birthday!
I wish you bright days!
good luck and fun
On your wonderful anniversary!

Dance and laugh out loud
Live easily, without trouble!
After all, you're still a girl -
Only thirty years!

So always be happy
Don't be afraid of the year
You are young and beautiful
Stay forever!

30 years - it's time
When you want to love
Run, smile a lot
And hang out with friends.

30 years - it's time
When you're so young
When happiness and health
Breathe, my dear.

Happy Anniversary dear
Be just as good.
Happy birthday, congratulations
My dear girlfriend.

Dear girlfriend,
I congratulate you
Happy anniversary - 30 years,
This OK the most forces flourishing!

You take everything from life
Let fortune wheel
Favors only you
And all dreams will come true!

Thirty years old, my friend
You have become an adult,
We are always happy for each other
Let there be no troubles, problems!

I look forward to congratulations
Your anniversary today
And with all my heart I wish:
Be successful, don't get sick!

Happy 30th birthday to you!
Great age, congratulations!
Don't forget to love yourself
And I wish you happiness.

There's so much more to come
Events of new, round dates.
Only joy you expect from life
And don't look back sadly.

Girlfriend, sun, at 30
There is a very important principle:
The more you believe in happiness
The more magical you are.

Dreams let a string
Hurry to come true.
And strength for everything in abundance,
And life is like a postcard.

Be a master of smiles
And the queen of flirting
Let life sparkle in your eyes
Life will turn into a fairy tale.

My friend, I congratulate you on your anniversary!
With you, we managed to go through fire and water.
I want you to laugh more
And don't get upset because of fools.
I wish you love forever
And never doubt this man.
Let tenderness, affection, care,
Every day will be filled with you.
Let the years pass, you are forever
The most beloved, the best, happy birthday to you!