Print the earth template from paper. Do-it-yourself paper globe

Do you love geography or dream of traveling around the world? We offer to make a globe with your own hands using the papier-mâché technique. The history of this technique is rooted in one of the most romantic countries - France. Papier-mâché was first used to make dolls, and the technique was widely used at the end of the 17th century. The range of papier-mâché products has become overwhelming: frames, boxes, toys and even furniture. At the moment, there are three papier-mâché techniques, one of which you can master from this article.

Materials for making crafts globe:

- hard rubber balloon

- newspapers;

- acrylic paints;

- food film;

- PVA glue;

- scissors;

- a simple pencil;

- a sheet of cardboard.

Stages of work on the manufacture of a papier-mâché globe:

1) Inflate the balloon to the desired size. We tie it well so that it does not deflate.

2) Wrap the ball with cling film.

3) We cut newspapers or pages of old books into strips.

4) We put the balloon on a bowl to make it easier to paste over the surface.

5) Then we coat the prepared ball with glue and apply strips of newspapers. So we glue the entire surface. To make the globe durable, stick newspapers in several layers.

6) Drying process. The paper can dry in half a day, but it is better to leave the balloon for a longer time.

7) We make a cone from a sheet of cardboard and glue its edges so that it does not unwind. This will be the globe stand.

8) When the workpiece has dried, draw the contours of the continents on it with a pencil.

9) Now let's start painting. Try to decorate also in several layers so that the globe becomes saturated colors. In order to convey naturalness to the globe, remember the depth of the oceans and seas, forests and mountains is always darker. Don't forget to let each coat of paint dry. You can also decorate the stand.

10) It remains to fix the finished globe on the cone. The tip can be cut off or hidden when gluing the ball onto the cone.

DIY globe craft ready! Using the globe craft as an example, you can make sure that the papier-mâché technique is simple and safe. Now you can visually help your child learn geography and study the structure of our unique planet. This will be a good and sought-after gift for school to your favorite teacher or just be a decoration for the office.

Perhaps such an original paper globe can be useful not only for schoolchildren to teach them geography, but also for decorating the interior with unusual paper crafts, it will fit perfectly. And most importantly, you can make it yourself out of paper by simply downloading the globe diagram.

And such an interesting craft - a paper globe was developed by French designer Joachim Robert and posted for general use. Now anyone can download the scheme of this globe, print it on paper, cut it out and assemble it according to the scheme. And how to make such a globe out of paper, we will show in today's post.

How to make a paper globe

First, print it out on your printer. By the way, you can print it on colored paper for printers - make crafts of any color.

Then we take and cut everything along the lines. And in order to better bend the details, the author makes creasing with an ordinary ballpoint pen along the ruler at the folds. That is, he simply presses the pen along the ruler at the folds - thereby forming a groove along which it will be easier to evenly bend the paper.

The entire map on the globe is attached to the internal frame. Octagonal parts with three horizontal lines must be cut out, holes cut into the bottom along the inner three lines and bent in half along the dotted line.

Cut out the remaining three octagons, cut through all the lines along the perimeter. And then we connect all the details into the slots made as shown in the figure. We connect all the folded octagons with three, placing the largest one in the center and the smaller ones on the sides, filling the entire perimeter.

Then simply insert the parts with the map into the folded parts of the octagons as shown in the photo.

Collect carefully in accordance with the terrain, although the diagram has all the identification marks - pay attention to them.

Making a model of the Earth from various ornamental materials is a very exciting activity for creative people. Not everyone can afford to buy a ready-made globe, so let me offer you several options for making a model of the globe - using paper and using plasticine.

Be sure to involve your child in the process, he will probably be very interested in helping you, and he will also learn a lot about our planet, easily remember how it looks and what it consists of.

How to make a globe with your own hands from papier-mâché

Material preparation

To make crafts you will need:

  • round balloon;
  • newspaper or waste paper;
  • pan;
  • water - 1200 ml;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • water-based paint;
  • gouache - 6-8 colors;
  • scissors;
  • brushes for glue and drawing;
  • furniture varnish.

The method of making crafts using papier-mâché consists in pasting a base with several layers of paper and then coloring it. A balloon with a round shape will serve as a frame for the future globe. Its diameter can be any - at your discretion. Such a balloon must be inflated, tightly tied and checked so that it does not let air through. Then place it on a wide and stable cup or small vase - they will come in handy as a stand for later work.

Now you need to prepare the glue. To do this, you can use ordinary PVA, which is diluted with a small amount of water so that it becomes less thick, since the drying speed of the craft depends on this. . Usually to two parts of medium density glue add one part of water and stir well.

And you can also weld the glue yourself. To prepare it, you need to take a small saucepan, pour 1 liter of water into it and boil. Mix the remaining liquid with flour, make sure that it dissolves well, and then pour in a thin stream into boiling water. Stirring constantly, boil the solution for 3-4 minutes over low heat. After that, remove the finished glue from the stove and put it in a cool place until it cools completely.

Stages of work

Now you can start tinkering with the layout of the Earth:

  1. Take a balloon and grease with vegetable oil. This must be done so that later it can be easily removed from the finished template. Then take a newspaper and tear it into small pieces. It is worth bearing in mind that the paper does not need to be cut, as then clear lines will be visible on your ball, and this will look ugly. Pieces with torn edges fit better on a round shape and therefore the surface of the globe will be smoother.
  2. Now dip the paper strips into the glue and stick them on the ball. It is recommended to make 2-3 layers, then the model will be stronger. Be sure to leave a small hole near the base so that the popped balloon can be pulled out through it.
  3. Put the pasted ball on a stand, put it in a warm place and let it dry well during the day. If the adhesive was very thick, or you applied too many layers of paper, then the drying time may be extended up to 2 or 3 days.
  4. When the papier-mâché craft is dry and strong, pierce the ball with a needle, release the air and pull it out of the paper base.
  5. Then the workpiece must be coated with water-based paint, 1-2 layers will be enough. Leave until completely dry.
  6. After that, you can start coloring the layout. To do this, take gouache and paint the ball blue. Then, with a simple pencil, draw the continents, islands and countries. If you find it difficult to cope with this, you can use special templates. Carefully paint everything with the appropriate colors. Using a felt-tip pen, sign the names of countries, continents, seas and oceans.
  7. After processing with paints, you can cover your model of the Earth with one layer of transparent varnish for furniture, then your globe will not get your hands dirty, and if water accidentally gets on its surface, it will not spoil the drawing.

Model of the Earth from multi-colored plasticine

Features of the craft and the material used

This model will demonstrate the inner and outer surface of the Earth: core, mantle, crust and oceans with continents . To do this, you need a fairly large amount of plasticine. different color. Before starting work, it is recommended to study in detail the structure of the globe so that all its components are located correctly in your model.

For this craft you will need:

  • a lot of multi-colored plasticine;
  • stack;
  • wooden plank;
  • ball pen;
  • pictures depicting the inner and outer surface of the Earth.

Making a layout

After preparing the material you can start creating your earth model:

  1. First you need to create a kernel. To do this, take the yellow plasticine and form a ball out of it. Its size can be any, but it is best that its diameter is 7-8 cm.
  2. Now let's sculpt the outer core of the Earth. Take pieces of red, orange, yellow plasticine of the same size, soften them and mix them together. Roll out the resulting mass into a layer about 2 cm thick and wrap the yellow core with it so that it completely covers it.
  3. We make a mantle. To get the right color for her, mix yellow and brown plasticine. Then roll it out so that its thickness is 3-4 cm, since the mantle is wider than the outer core. Wrap the existing ball in the resulting piece and smooth out all the bumps well.
  4. Let's start making the earth's crust. Take brown plasticine, and if you don’t have such a color, then to get it, mix equal pieces of red, black and yellow plasticine into one total mass. Then form a thin layer - it will be the earth's crust in your layout. Then carefully wrap it around your globe model.
  5. Now we have to deal with the design of the outer layer of the globe. To create water, take blue plasticine, roll out a layer 1 cm thick from it and wrap your craft in it.
  6. Then you need to recreate the continents, islands and glaciers on the surface of the Earth model. In order not to be mistaken, you can outline their location with a ballpoint pen, and then begin to form the surface of the land. Stick the corresponding colors in small pieces, gently smearing them over the surface. To make the land of the continents look natural, first stick a little green plasticine, and then add brown, yellow, beige and connect all the colors with smooth transitions.

The finished globe needs to be cut into two parts to demonstrate what layers the planet Earth consists of. This can be done with a sharp knife or an ordinary strong thread. You need to cut exactly in the middle to capture the inner core of the layout. You can also cut out a triangle deepened to the center from the side of the model - in this section, the structure of the inner surface of our planet will also be clearly visible.

The basis for the models of the Earth, Moon or other planets can also serve as finished balls, plastic balls or oranges. To do this, on a round surface, you first need to mark areas of land and water with a felt-tip pen or pencil, and then fill them with the appropriate color using multi-colored plasticine.


In our video, watch a master class on making a model of the globe with your own hands.

The word globe comes from the Latin globus, which means "ball". For modern people, of course, it is no secret that the earth has a spherical shape. But it was not always so. The history of the origin of the model of our planet and how to make a plasticine globe with your own hands will be discussed in this article.

Globe history

Back in the III century BC, ancient Greek scientists found that the earth has a spherical shape. The first globe is mentioned in history around 150 BC. Its creator was Crates of Mallus. His model was depicted as a single continent, furrowed by rivers. The oldest one that has come down to our times is considered to be the globe of the German cartographer Martin Behaim. He made his model by stretching dressed calfskin over metal ribs.

Of course, the New World had not yet been discovered in 1492, so it was not on Benheim's world map. They were based on Ptolemy's maps. Taking this model as a basis, in the future, cartographers made changes related to new geographical discoveries. After that, the globes spread throughout Europe. They were given to high-ranking persons and even monarchs. Actually, in our country, the globe appeared as a gift to Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov from the Dutch ambassadors. Later this globe passed to Peter the Great. Nowadays, the globe is considered a symbol of enlightenment.

Citrus variant

Try to make a plasticine model of the globe with your child. Why plasticine? This material is ideal for making children's crafts. It is very plastic, it is convenient and safe for them to work. Modeling classes help to train fine motor skills of the hands, which contributes to the development of speech, because the speech center and the center responsible for coordinating fingers are located in the brain in the neighborhood. Thanks to modeling, attention and memory are trained, and making crafts close to real models helps to better understand the essence of things. And of course, the fantasy develops and the creative potential of the child is realized.

The following master class with a photo will help you create a globe with your own hands.

So, to make a three-dimensional model of the globe, you will need:

  • Grapefruit or large orange;
  • Ball pen;
  • Plasticine of various colors;
  • Stack;
  • Real globe.

Prepare the base by thoroughly washing and drying the fruit. Using a ballpoint pen, draw the contours of the continents on the orange. This can be done by attaching a tracing paper to a real globe and redrawing the outlines of land on it. Then cut out the pattern and circle the orange with a pen. Or you can sketch the continents from the globe by eye.

Most of the world is covered by oceans. With them, you need to start making a model. Next, mark the continents in green.

Do not forget that Antarctica and Greenland are covered with snow, they will be white.

Now you can apply hills. Looking at a real map, apply yellow plasticine where necessary.

The next color to apply is orange. Don't forget to check the map.

Mark the highest places on the globe in brown.

Add deep ocean spots with dark blue plasticine.

Look how bright and beautiful the globe turned out.

On a stand

The following master class is great for children.

To make a globe on a stand, you only need plasticine and a real globe. It is necessary to properly position the continents and mountains in the vast expanses of the oceans of our planet.

Make a large ball out of blue plasticine.

Draw the poles with white plasticine.

Then, after carefully looking at the world map, make cakes from green plasticine and, using a stack, give them the shape of the continents of the Eastern Hemisphere - Eurasia, Africa and Australia. Don't forget to add the island of Madagascar.

Place them in the right places on the layout, focusing on a real globe.

Let's move on to the Western Hemisphere. There are North and South America. Form them from plasticine and place them on the model.

Now you need to put deserts and mountains on the globe. Make them with orange and brown plasticine.

To make a footboard, make a ball and flatten it. The second part can be done by forming a plasticine roller. Slightly flatten it and bend it into a crescent shape. Fix the globe on the stand. The craft is ready.

on a stick

See the next master class for another option for making a globe.

To make such a model of the Earth, you will need:

  • plastic or foam ball;
  • Thick wooden skewer;
  • A glass of sour cream;
  • Plasticine;
  • colored paper;
  • Buckwheat and semolina;
  • Real globe.

At the base of the ball, you need to make a hole and connect it to a wooden skewer using plasticine. The lower part of the skewer must also be strengthened in the cup with plasticine. The side walls of the cup can be pasted over with colored paper or painted with acrylic paint. Spread blue plasticine on the ball in an even layer. Coat the wooden stick and the bottom of the cup with white plasticine. Focusing on a real model of the Earth, make the continents from rolled green plasticine. To do this, you can use their patterns. With the help of yellow and brown plasticine, mark the hills and mountains. Sprinkle the locations of the glaciers with semolina, and encrust the places where the highest mountains are located with grains of buckwheat. The globe on a stick is ready!

By creating such models of the Earth, the child will understand the location of the continents and learn their names, and by drawing his attention to the smallest details, you can learn a lot of useful information.

Video on the topic of the article

From the video below, you will learn how to make various models of the Earth from plasticine.

Geography is one of the most important and difficult sciences to understand. To simplify the process of studying it, you can make a globe yourself. This will require a small amount of materials and a little free time. It is best to try to make a real globe out of paper and paints. In this case, the finished product will have a small weight and will fit well into the interior of the room.

Preparatory activities

Before you start making a globe at home, you need to find or buy all the required materials, as well as prepare a special adhesive. If you perform these preparatory steps in advance, you can significantly simplify the main part of the work and reduce the time spent.

Gathering the necessary materials and tools

In order for the process of making a globe to bring pleasure, and not create additional problems, you need to carefully prepare the workplace and collect all the items necessary for work.

The table on which the person will carry out all the manipulations with the product is covered with unnecessary newspapers or oilcloth. Only after that prepare the following materials and tools:

  • small saucepan;
  • glass container;
  • plastic plate;
  • tablespoon;
  • scissors;
  • brushes of different thickness;
  • newspapers;
  • primer;
  • acrylic paint;
  • Balloon;
  • pure water;
  • Wheat flour.

Paste preparation

During the work, it will be necessary to glue various elements to the base. This can be done using a natural mixture - a paste. To prepare it, you should take 1 glass of wheat flour and 5 times more water.

The adhesive composition is cooked in the following way:

  1. Pour 4 cups of cold water into a small saucepan.
  2. The container is placed on the stove.
  3. Bring the liquid to a boil over medium heat.
  4. Pour flour into a separate container and mix it with the remaining water.
  5. The resulting mixture is added in small portions to boiling water.
  6. The paste is constantly stirred and boiled over low heat for about 2 minutes.
  7. The finished mixture is removed from the stove and cooled to room temperature.

Globe formation process

The whole process of making a real globe consists of 3 stages. On each of them, you need to perform the provided actions in a certain sequence. If you manage to avoid mistakes, then the probability of a successful completion of the work you have begun will increase several times.

Create a blank

It is best to use a balloon as the basis for a future globe. It is light in weight and compact in size. It is better to use a ball that has a slightly flattened shape.

The procedure for making the base:

  1. A round balloon is inflated and tied with a strong thread.
  2. Then it is mounted on a jar, glass or any similar stand.
  3. The ball is lubricated with vegetable oil.
  4. Newspapers are torn into small pieces or cut into squares.
  5. They are alternately dipped in a paste and glued to a balloon. It is important to leave a small hole on the surface through which the ball can be removed.
  6. In this form, the workpiece is left to dry. This may take 12 to 24 hours.
  7. After the specified time, the ball is once again pasted over with pieces of newspapers soaked in paste.
  8. After the composition has dried again, the frame is removed. To do this, pierce the balloon and carefully remove it from the workpiece.

The result is a hollow product, which has the shape of a ball.

Painting and applying the continents

In order to turn the workpiece into a real globe, it is necessary to paint and apply images. First of all, you need to prepare the surface of the globe, as well as print stencils of the continents. These actions will greatly simplify the work and help you quickly achieve the desired result.


  1. The entire surface of the workpiece is coated with a primer.
  2. After it dries, a layer of blue paint is applied, which will imitate the oceans.
  3. In this form, the product is left for 12 hours.
  4. With the help of printed stencils, the contours of the continents are applied.
  5. Then they are painted over with acrylic paint. To create a realistic globe, use green, white, yellow and brown material.
  6. After completing this work, leave the product to dry for 10 hours.
  7. The names of continents, oceans, islands and other large geographical objects are written with a marker or a simple pencil.

You can put an image on the globe in another way. To do this, you need to cut out the continents from paper and glue them to certain places of the workpiece.

Making a stand

Any globe must have a stand. You can do it during periods when the painted product dries.

Globe stand manufacturing steps:

  1. First of all, they take a toilet paper sleeve and make vertical cuts on one side.
  2. The separated parts are bent, and then smeared with glue.
  3. The future stand is applied to the center of the plastic plate and held until the adhesive dries.
  4. The other side of the sleeve is also lubricated with glue and threaded into the hole left after the removal of the balloon. If it is too small, then you need to cut off the excess part of the base with a clerical knife.
  5. The product is left for 2 hours, and then placed on a desk or bookshelf.

If necessary, you can increase the stability of a homemade globe. To do this, you can replace the plastic plate with a more weighty product. In addition, you can weight the stand with plaster.

Independent production of a globe allows not only to improve paper skills, but also to learn information about the continents and oceans at the same time. If you manage to perform all the steps correctly, then the process of studying geography will become much simpler and more interesting.