Relay voltage regulator. How an electronic voltage regulator works and instructions for installing it. Voltage regulator relay diagram.

Depending on the device and operating principle, generator voltage relay regulators in a car are divided into several types: built-in, external, three-level and others. Theoretically, such a device can be made independently; the simplest and cheapest option in terms of implementation is to use a shunt device.

[ To uncover]

Purpose of the relay regulator

The generator voltage regulator relay is designed to stabilize the current in the installation. When the engine is operating, the voltage in the vehicle's electrical system must be at the same level. But since the crankshaft rotates at different speeds and the engine speed is not the same, the generator unit produces different voltages. Without adjusting this parameter, malfunctions in the functioning of the electrical equipment and devices of the machine may occur.

Interconnection of car current sources

Any car uses two power sources:

  1. Battery - required to start the power unit and primary excitation of the generator set. The battery consumes and stores energy when recharging.
  2. Generator. Designed for power and needed to generate energy regardless of speed. The device allows you to replenish the battery charge when operating at high speeds.

In any electrical network, both nodes must be working. If the DC generator fails, the battery will last no more than two hours. Without a battery, the power unit, which drives the rotor of the generator set, will not start.

The LR West channel talked about electrical faults in Land Rover cars, as well as the relationship between the battery and generators.

Voltage regulator tasks

Tasks performed by an electronic adjustable device:

  • change in current value in the excitation winding;
  • the ability to withstand a range of 13.5 to 14.5 volts in the electrical network, as well as at the battery terminals;
  • turning off the power to the field winding when the power unit is turned off;
  • battery charging function.

“People's Auto Channel” spoke in detail about the purpose, as well as the tasks performed by the voltage regulator device in a car.

Types of relay regulators

There are several types of automotive relay regulators:

  • external - this type of relay allows you to increase the maintainability of the generator unit;
  • built-in - installed in the rectifier plate or brush assembly;
  • changing in minus direction - equipped with an additional cable;
  • regulated by plus - characterized by a more economical connection scheme;
  • for installation in alternating current units - the voltage cannot be adjusted when applied to the excitation winding, since it is installed in the generator;
  • for direct current devices - relay regulators have the function of cutting off the battery when the engine is not running;
  • two-level relays - today they are practically not used; they are adjusted using springs and a lever;
  • three-level - equipped with a comparison module circuit, as well as a matching signaling device;
  • multi-level - equipped with 3-5 additional resistor elements, as well as a control system;
  • transistor samples - not used on modern vehicles;
  • relay devices - characterized by more improved feedback;
  • relay-transistor - have a universal circuit;
  • microprocessor relays - characterized by their small size, as well as the ability to smoothly change the lower or upper operating threshold;
  • integral - installed in brush holders, so they change when they wear out.

DC relay regulators

In such units, the connection diagram looks more complex. If the car is stationary and the engine is not running, the generator unit must be disconnected from the battery.

When performing a relay test, you must ensure that you have three options:

  • battery cut-off when the vehicle is parked;
  • limitation of the maximum current parameter at the unit output;
  • possibility of changing the voltage parameter for the winding.

AC relay regulators

Such devices are characterized by a more simplified testing scheme. The car owner needs to diagnose the voltage level on the excitation winding, as well as at the output of the unit.

If an alternating current generator is installed in the car, then it will not be possible to start the engine “from a pusher”, unlike a direct current unit.

Built-in and external relay regulators

The procedure for changing the voltage value is carried out by the device at a specific installation location. Accordingly, the built-in regulators influence the generator unit. And the external type of relay is not connected to it and can be connected to the ignition coil, then its work will only be aimed at changing the voltage in this area. Therefore, before performing diagnostics, the car owner must make sure that the part is connected correctly.

The “Sovering TVi” channel spoke in detail about the purpose and operating principle of this type of device.


The operating principle of such devices is as follows:

  1. Current flows through the relay.
  2. As a result of the formation of a magnetic field, the lever is attracted.
  3. A spring with a specific force is used as a comparing element.
  4. When the voltage increases, the contact elements open.
  5. Less current is supplied to the field winding.

In VAZ cars, mechanical two-level devices were previously used for regulation. The main disadvantage was the rapid wear of structural components. Therefore, instead of mechanical ones, electronic regulators began to be installed on these machine models.

These parts were based on:

  • voltage dividers, which were assembled from resistor elements;
  • A zener diode was used as a reference part.

Due to the complex wiring diagram and ineffective voltage level control, this type of device has become less common.


This type of regulators, like multi-level ones, are more advanced:

  1. The voltage is supplied from the generator device to a special circuit and passes through a divider.
  2. The received data is processed, the actual voltage level is compared with the minimum and maximum values.
  3. The mismatch pulse changes the current parameter that is supplied to the excitation winding.

Three-level devices with frequency modulation do not have resistance, but the frequency of operation of the electronic key in them is higher. Special logic circuits are used for control.

Control by minus and plus

The circuits for the negative and positive contacts differ only in connection:

  • when installed in the positive gap, one brush is connected to ground, and the second goes to the relay terminal;
  • if the relay is installed in the minus gap, then one brush element must be connected to the plus, and the second directly to the relay.

But in the second case, another cable will appear. This is due to the fact that these relay modules belong to the class of active type devices. For its operation, a separate power supply is required, so the plus is connected individually.

Photo gallery “Types of generator voltage regulator relays”

This section presents photos of some types of devices.

The presence of a built-in resistor device, as well as special circuits, makes it possible for the regulator to compare the voltage parameter produced by the generator. If the value is too high, the controller is switched off. This allows you to prevent overcharging of the battery and failure of electrical equipment that is powered from the network. Problems with the device will damage the battery.

Switch winter and summer

The generating device operates stably regardless of the ambient temperature and season. When its pulley is set in motion, current is generated. But in the cold season, the internal structural elements of the battery may freeze. Therefore, the battery charge is restored worse than in the heat.

The switch for changing the operating season is located on the relay body. Some models are equipped with special connectors; you need to find them and connect the wires in accordance with the diagram and symbols marked on them. The switch itself is a device thanks to which the voltage level at the battery terminals can be increased to 15 volts.

How to remove the relay regulator?

Removing the relay is allowed only after disconnecting the terminals from the battery.

To dismantle the device yourself, you will need a screwdriver with a Phillips or flat head. It all depends on the bolt that secures the regulator. The generator unit and the drive belt do not need to be dismantled. The cable is disconnected from the regulator and the bolt that secures it is unscrewed.

User Viktor Nikolaevich spoke in detail about the dismantling of the regulatory mechanism and its subsequent replacement with a car.

Symptoms of a problem

“Symptoms” that will require the control device to be checked or repaired:

  • when the ignition is activated, a low battery indicator light appears on the control panel;
  • the icon on the dashboard does not disappear after starting the engine;
  • the brightness of the optics may be too low and increase with increasing crankshaft speed and pressing the gas pedal;
  • the power unit of the car is difficult to start the first time;
  • The car battery is often discharged;
  • when the engine speed increases to more than two thousand per minute, the lights on the control panel turn off automatically;
  • the dynamic properties of the vehicle are reduced, which is especially evident at increased crankshaft speeds;
  • The battery may boil.

Possible causes of malfunctions and consequences

The need to repair the generator voltage regulator relay will arise when the following problems occur:

  • interturn closure of the winding device;
  • short circuit in the electrical circuit;
  • breakdown of the rectifier element as a result of diode breakdown;
  • errors made when connecting the generating set to the battery terminals, reversal;
  • water or other liquid entering the body of the control device, for example, in high humidity on the street or when washing a car;
  • mechanical failures of the device;
  • natural wear and tear of structural elements, in particular brushes;
  • low quality of the device used.

As a result of a malfunction, the consequences can be serious:

  1. High voltage in the vehicle's electrical network will lead to electrical equipment failure. The microprocessor control unit of the machine may fail. Therefore, it is not allowed to disconnect the battery terminals while the power unit is running.
  2. Overheating of the winding device as a result of an internal short circuit. Repairs will be expensive.
  3. Failure of the brush mechanism will cause the generator set to malfunction. The unit may jam and the drive belt may break.

User Snickerson talked about diagnosing the regulatory mechanism, as well as the reasons for its failure on cars.

Diagnostics of the relay regulator

It is necessary to check the operation of the regulatory device using a tester - a multimeter. It must first be configured in voltmeter mode.


This mechanism is usually built into the brush assembly of the generator unit, so level diagnostics of the device will be required.

The check is done like this:

  1. The protective cover is dismantled. Using a screwdriver or wrench, the brush assembly is loosened; it must be brought out.
  2. The wear of the brush elements is checked. If their length is less than 5 mm, then replacement is required.
  3. Checking the generator device using a multimeter is performed together with the battery.
  4. The negative cable from the current source is connected to the corresponding plate of the control device.
  5. The positive contact from the charging equipment or battery is connected to the same output on the relay connector.
  6. Then the multimeter is set to the operating range from 0 to 20 volts. The probes of the device are connected to the brushes.

In the operating range of 12.8 to 14.5 volts, there should be voltage between the brush elements. If the parameter increases by more than 14.5 V, then the tester needle should drop to zero.

When diagnosing the built-in generator voltage relay-regulator, it is permissible to use a test light. The lighting source must turn on at a certain voltage interval and go out if this parameter increases above the required value.

The cable that controls the tachometer must be tested using a tester. On diesel cars this conductor is designated W. The resistance level of the wire should be approximately 10 ohms. If this parameter drops, this indicates that the conductor is broken and requires replacement.


The diagnostic method for this type of device is carried out similarly. The only difference is that the relay regulator does not need to be removed and removed from the generator unit housing. You can diagnose the device with the power unit running, changing the crankshaft speed from low to medium to high. When their number increases, it is necessary to activate the optics, in particular, the high beams, as well as the radio, stove and other consumers.

The AvtotechLife channel talked about self-diagnosis of the regulatory device, as well as the features of performing this task.

Independent connection of the relay regulator to the generator’s on-board network (step-by-step instructions)

When installing a new control device, the following points must be taken into account:

  1. Before performing the task, it is necessary to diagnose the integrity and reliability of the contacts. This is a cable that runs from the vehicle body to the generator set housing.
  2. Then connect terminal B of the regulatory element to the positive contact of the generating set.
  3. It is not recommended to use twisted wires when making connections. They overheat and become unusable after a year of use. Soldering should be used.
  4. It is recommended to replace the standard conductor with a wire whose cross-section is at least 6 mm2. Especially if, instead of the factory generator, a new one is installed, which is designed to operate under current conditions above 60 A.
  5. The presence of an ammeter in the generator-battery circuit allows you to determine the power of power sources at a specific time.

Remote controller connection diagram

Connection diagram for remote type devices

This device is installed after the wire into which it will be connected is determined:

  1. In older versions of Gazelles and RAF, mechanisms 13.3702 are used. They are made in a metal or polymer case and are equipped with two contact elements and brushes. It is recommended to connect them to the negative open circuit; the outputs are usually marked. The positive contact is taken from the ignition coil. And the output of the relay is connected to the free contact on the brushes.
  2. VAZ cars use devices 121.3702 in a black or white case; there are also double modifications. In the latter, if one of the parts breaks down, the second regulator will remain working, but you need to switch to it. The device is installed in the open circuit of the positive circuit with terminal 15 to the contact of the B-VK coil. The conductor number 67 is connected to the brushes.

In newer versions of the VAZ, the relays are installed in the brush mechanism and connected to the ignition switch. If the car owner replaces the standard unit with an AC unit, then the connection must be made taking into account the nuances.

More details about them:

  1. The need to fix the unit to the vehicle body is determined by the car owner independently.
  2. Instead of a positive output, contact B or B+ is used here. It must be connected to the car's electrical network via an ammeter.
  3. Remote type devices are usually not used in such cars, and built-in regulators are already integrated into the brush mechanism. There is one cable coming from it, designated D or D+. It must connect to the ignition switch.

In cars with diesel engines, the generator unit can be equipped with a W output - it is connected to the tachometer. This contact can be ignored if the unit is installed on a gasoline modification of the car.

User Nikolay Purtov spoke in detail about installing and connecting remote devices to a car.

Checking the connection

The engine must start. And the voltage level in the car’s electrical network will be controlled depending on the number of revolutions.

Perhaps, after installing and connecting a new generator device, the car owner will encounter difficulties:

  • when the power unit is activated, the generator unit starts, the voltage value is measured at any speed;
  • and after the ignition is turned off, the vehicle engine runs and does not turn off.

The problem can be solved by disconnecting the excitation cable, only then will the engine stop.

The engine may stall when the clutch is released and the brake pedal is pressed. The cause of the malfunction is residual magnetization, as well as constant self-excitation of the unit winding.

To avoid this problem in the future, you can add a light source to the gap in the exciting cable:

  • the light will light when the generator is turned off;
  • when the unit starts, the indicator goes out;
  • the amount of current that passes through the light source will not be sufficient to excite the winding.

The Altevaa TV channel talked about checking the connection of the regulatory device after connecting the motorcycle to a 6-volt network.

To prevent rapid failure of the regulatory device, you must adhere to several rules:

  1. Do not allow the generator set to become heavily contaminated. From time to time you should perform a visual diagnosis of the device's condition. In case of serious contamination, the unit is removed and cleaned.
  2. The tension of the drive belt should be checked periodically. If necessary, it is stretched.
  3. It is recommended to monitor the condition of the generator set windings. They should not be allowed to darken.
  4. It is necessary to check the quality of contact on the control cable of the regulatory mechanism. Oxidation is not allowed. When they appear, the conductor is cleaned.
  5. Periodically, you should diagnose the voltage level in the electrical network of the car with the engine running and switched off.

How much does a relay regulator cost?

The cost of the device depends on the manufacturer and type of regulator.

Is it possible to make a regulator with your own hands?

An example is considered on the regulatory mechanism for a scooter. The main nuance is that for correct operation the generator unit will need to be disassembled. A separate conductor must lead out the ground cable. The device is assembled according to the circuit of a single-phase generator.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The generating set is disassembled and the stator element is removed from the scooter motor.
  2. There is ground around the windings on the left; it needs to be desoldered.
  3. Instead, a separate cable for winding is soldered. Then this contact is brought out. This conductor will be one end of the winding.
  4. The generator device is being reassembled. These manipulations are carried out so that two cables come out of the unit. They will be used.
  5. Then a shunt device is connected to the resulting contacts. At the final stage, the yellow cable from the old relay is connected to the positive terminal of the battery.

Video “Visual guide to assembling a homemade regulator”

User Andrey Chernov clearly showed how to independently make a relay for the generator set of a VAZ 2104 car.

Characteristics, types and principle of operation of automobile generators

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Since the engine requires electricity to operate, and the battery reserve is only enough to start it, the car’s generator is constantly producing it at idle and at high speeds. In addition to supplying voltage to all consumers of the on-board network, electricity is spent on recharging the battery and self-excitation of the generator armature.

Purpose of a car generator

In addition to powering the on-board network, the car's generator replenishes the amount of electricity that was consumed by the battery when starting the internal combustion engine. The initial excitation of the winding is also carried out due to the direct current of the battery. The generator then begins to generate electricity on its own when the rotation is transmitted by a belt to a pulley from the engine crankshaft.

In other words, without a generator, the car will start with the starter from the battery, but it will not go far, and will not start next time, since the battery will not receive a recharge. The operating life of the generator is influenced by the following factors:

  • battery capacity and amperage;
  • driving style and mode;
  • number of on-board network consumers;
  • seasonality of vehicle operation;
  • quality of manufacture and assembly of generator components.

The simple design allows you to diagnose and repair most breakdowns yourself.

Design Features

The operating principle of a car generator is based on the effect of electromagnetic induction, which makes it possible to receive an electric current by inducing and then changing the magnetic field around the conductor. To do this, the generator contains the necessary parts:

  • rotor - a coil inside two pairs of multidirectional magnets, receiving rotation through a pulley, and direct current to the field windings through brushes and commutator rings
  • stator - windings inside the magnetic circuit in which alternating electric current is induced
  • diode bridge – rectifies alternating current into direct current
  • voltage relay - regulates this characteristic within 13.8 - 14.8 V

When the engine is not running, at the moment of starting it, the excitation current is supplied to the armature from the battery. Then the generator begins generating electricity on its own, switches to self-excitation, and completely restores the battery charge while the car is moving.

At idle speed, recharging does not occur, but the on-board network and all its consumers (headlights, music, air conditioning) are provided in full.


The most complex part of a generator is the stator structure:

  • from transformer iron 0.8 - 1 mm thick, plates are cut out with a stamp;
  • packages are assembled from them (welding or fastening with rivets), 36 grooves around the perimeter are insulated with epoxy resin or polymer film;
  • then 3 windings are placed in bags, fixed in the grooves with special wedges.

It is in the stator that alternating voltage is generated, which the car generator later rectifies into direct current for the on-board network and battery.


When using rolling bearings, the journal is hardened, and the shaft itself is created from alloy steel. A coil covered with a special dielectric varnish is wound on the shaft. Magnetic pole halves are placed on top of it and secured to the shaft:

  • look like a crown;
  • contain 6 petals;
  • are made by stamping or casting.

The pulley is fixed on the shaft with a key or a nut with a hex key. The power of the generator depends on the thickness of the excitation coil wire and the quality of the varnish insulation of the windings.

When voltage is applied to the field windings, a magnetic field appears around them, interacting with a similar field from the permanent pole halves of the magnets. It is the rotation of the rotor that ensures the generation of electric current in the stator windings.

Current collection unit

In a brush generator, the structure of the current collection unit is as follows:

  • the brushes slide along the commutator rings;
  • they transmit direct current to the excitation winding.

Electrographite brushes wear out less than copper-graphite modifications, but a voltage drop is observed on the collector half-rings. To reduce electrochemical oxidation of rings, they can be made of stainless steel and brass.

Since the operation of the current collection unit is accompanied by intense friction, brushes and commutator rings wear out more often than other parts and are considered consumables. Therefore, they are quickly accessible for periodic replacement.


Since the stator of an electrical appliance generates alternating voltage, and the on-board network requires direct current, a rectifier is added to the design, to which the stator windings are connected. Depending on the characteristics of the generator, the rectifier unit has a different design:

  • the diode bridge is soldered or pressed into horseshoe-shaped heat sink plates;
  • The rectifier is assembled on a board, heat sinks with powerful fins are soldered to the diodes.

The main rectifier can be duplicated by an additional diode bridge:

  • sealed compact unit;
  • dida-pea or cylindrical shape;
  • inclusion in the overall scheme by small buses.

The rectifier is the “weak link” of the generator, since any foreign body that conducts current, accidentally falling between the heat sinks of the diodes, automatically leads to a short circuit.

Voltage regulator

After the alternating amplitude is converted into direct current by the rectifier, the generator power is supplied to the voltage regulator relay for the following reasons:

  • The internal combustion engine crankshaft rotates at different speeds depending on the type of driving, travel distance and vehicle driving cycle;
  • therefore, a car generator by default is not physically capable of producing the same voltage at different periods of time;
  • The regulator relay device is responsible for temperature compensation - it monitors the air temperature, and when it decreases, it increases the charging voltage and vice versa.

The standard temperature compensation value is 0.01 V/1 degree. Some generators have manual summer/winter switches that are located in the interior or under the hood of the car.

There are voltage regulator relays in which the on-board network is connected to the generator excitation winding with a “–” wire or “+” cable. These designs are not interchangeable, they cannot be confused; most often, “negative” voltage regulators are installed in passenger cars.


The front bearing is considered to be on the pulley side, its housing is pressed into the cover, and a sliding fit is used on the shaft. The rear bearing is located near the collector rings; on the contrary, it is mounted on the shaft with interference; a sliding fit is used in the housing.

In the latter case, roller bearings can be used; the front bearing is always a radial ball bearing with a one-time lubricant applied at the factory, which is enough for the entire service life.

The higher the generator power, the greater the load the bearing race experiences, and the more often both consumable parts need to be replaced.


The friction parts inside the generator are cooled by forced air. To do this, one or two impellers are placed on the shaft, sucking air through special slots/holes in the product body.

There are three types of air-cooled car generators:

  • if there is a brush/collector ring assembly and the rectifier and voltage regulator are moved out of the housing, these components are protected by a casing, so air intake holes are created in it (position a) of the lower circuit;
  • if the arrangement of the mechanisms under the hood is dense, and the air surrounding them is too hot to properly cool the internal space of the generator, a specially designed protective casing is used (position b) in the lower figure;
  • in small-sized generators, air intake slots are created in both housing covers (position c) in the bottom figure).

Overheating of the windings and bearings sharply reduces the performance of the generator, and can lead to jamming, short circuit and even fire.


Traditionally, for most electrical appliances, the generator housing has a protective function for all components located inside it. Unlike a car starter, the generator does not have a tensioner; the sagging of the transmission belt is adjusted by moving the housing of the generator itself. For this purpose, in addition to the mounting tabs, the body has an adjustment eye.

The body is made of aluminum alloy and consists of two covers:

  • The stator and armature are hidden inside the front cover;
  • Inside the back cover there is a rectifier and a voltage regulator relay.

The correct operation of the generator depends on this part, since a rotor bearing is pressed inside one cover, and the belt is tensioned in the eye of the housing.

Operating modes

When operating the machine generator, there are 2 modes:

  • starting the internal combustion engine - at this moment the car starter and the generator rotor coil are the only consumers, battery energy is consumed, starting currents are much higher than operating currents, so whether the car starts or not depends on the quality of battery recharging;
  • operating mode - the starter is switched off at this moment, the generator rotor winding goes into self-excitation mode, but other consumers appear (air conditioning, glass heaters, mirrors, headlights, car audio), it is necessary to restore the battery charge.

Attention: With a sharp increase in the total load (audio system with an amplifier, subwoofer), the generator current becomes insufficient to meet the needs of the on-board system, and the battery charge begins to be consumed.

Therefore, to reduce voltage sags, car audio owners often install a second battery, increase the power of the generator, or duplicate it with another device.

Generator drive

The alternator receives speed to generate electricity via a V-belt drive from the engine crankshaft. Therefore, the belt tension should be checked regularly, preferably before each trip. The main nuances of the generator drive are:

  • the tension is checked with a force of 3–4 kg, the deflection in this case cannot exceed 12 mm;
  • diagnostics is carried out with a ruler, the force to one edge of which is provided by a household steelyard;
  • the belt may slip if oil gets on it due to leaks in gaskets and seals in adjacent units under the hood;
  • an overly stiff belt causes increased wear of the bearings;
  • Lack of alignment of the crankshaft pulleys and the generator leads to whistling and uneven belt wear in the cross section.

The average resource of pulleys is 150 - 200 thousand kilometers of car mileage. This characteristic of a belt varies too much depending on the manufacturer, car model, and driving style of the owner.

Electrical diagram

Manufacturers take into account the specific number of consumers in a car model, so in each case an individual electrical circuit of the generator is used. The most popular are 8 diagrams of “mobile electrical installations” under the hood of a car with the same designation of elements:

  1. generator block;
  2. rotor winding;
  3. stator magnetic circuit;
  4. diode bridge;
  5. switch;
  6. lamp relay;
  7. regulator relay;
  8. lamp;
  9. capacitor;
  10. transformer and rectifier unit;
  11. Zener diode;
  12. resistance.

In schemes 1 and 2, the exciting winding receives voltage through the ignition switch so that the battery does not discharge when parked. The disadvantage is the switching of 5 A current, which reduces the service life.

Therefore, in diagram 3, the contacts are unloaded by the intermediate relay, and the current consumption is reduced to tenths of an ampere. The disadvantage of this option is the complex installation of the generator, decreased reliability of the design, and the switching frequency of the transistor increases. The headlights may blink and the instrument needles may shake.

In circuit 5, an additional rectifier is made from three diodes on the way to the excitation winding. However, when parking for a long time, it is recommended to remove the “+” from the battery terminal, as the battery may be discharged. But during the initial excitation of the winding at the moment of starting the internal combustion engine, the battery current consumption is minimal. Extinguish the zener diode, which is dangerous for the electronics of the machine.

For diesel engines, generators using circuit 6 are used. They are designed for a voltage of 28 V; the exciting winding receives half the charge due to connection to the “zero” point of the stator.

In diagram 7, the discharge of the battery during long-term parking is eliminated by reducing the potential difference at the “D” and “+” terminals. An additional wing of the rectifier diode bridge was created from zener diodes to eliminate voltage surges.

Scheme 8 is usually used in Bosch generators. Here the voltage regulator is complicated, but the circuit of the generator itself is simplified.

Terminal markings on the housing

When performing self-diagnosis with a multimeter, the owner needs relevant information on how the terminals on the generator housing are marked. There is no single designation, but general principles are followed by all manufacturers:

  • a “plus” comes out from the rectifier, marked “+”, 30, B, B+ and BAT, a “minus”, marked “–”, 31, D-, B-, E, M or GRD;
  • terminal 67, Ш, F, DF, E, EXC, FLD departs from the exciting winding;
  • the “positive” wire from the additional rectifier to the control lamp is designated D+, D, WL, L, 61, IND;
  • the phase can be recognized by a wavy line, the letters R, W or STA;
  • the zero point of the stator winding is designated “0” or MP;
  • the regulator relay terminal for connecting to the “plus” of the on-board network (usually the battery) is designated 15, B or S;
  • the cable from the ignition switch must be connected to the voltage regulator terminal marked IG;
  • The on-board computer is connected to the regulator relay terminal marked F or FR.

There are no other designations, and the above ones are not fully present on the generator housing, since they are found on all existing modifications of electrical appliances.

Basic faults

Failures of the “on-board power plant” are caused by improper operation of the vehicle, exhaustion of friction parts, or failure of the electrics. First, visual diagnostics are carried out and extraneous sounds are identified, then the electrical part is checked with a multimeter (tester). The main faults are summarized in the table:

whistling, loss of power at high speedsinsufficient belt tension, bearing/bushing failuretension adjustment, bushing/bearing replacement
underchargeregulator relay is faultyrelay replacement
rechargeregulator relay is faultyrelay replacement
shaft playbearing failure or bushing wearreplacement of consumables
current leakage, voltage dropdiode breakdownreplacing rectifier diodes
generator failureburning or wear of the commutator, breakage of the excitation winding, stuck brushes, jamming of the rotor in the stator, breakage of the wire leading from the batteryeliminate the indicated breakdowns

During diagnostics, the tester measures the generator voltage at different engine speeds - at idle, under load. The integrity of the windings and connecting wires, the diode bridge and the voltage regulator is checked.

Choosing a generator for a passenger car

Due to the different diameters of the V-belt drive pulleys, the generator is given a higher angular speed compared to the crankshaft speed. The rotor rotation speed reaches 12 - 14 thousand revolutions every minute. Therefore, the generator resource is at least half that of an internal combustion engine car.

The machine is equipped with a generator at the factory, so when replacing, a modification with similar characteristics and mounting holes is selected. However, when tuning a car, the owner may not be satisfied with the power of the generator. For example, after increasing the number of consumers (heated seats, mirrors, windows), installing a subwoofer, an audio system with an amplifier, it is necessary to select a new, more powerful generator or install a second electrical appliance complete with an additional battery.

In the first case, you should select a power sufficient to recharge the battery with a 15% margin. When installing a second generator, the initial and operating budget increases dramatically:

  • for an additional generator you will have to install an additional pulley on the crankshaft;
  • find a place to mount the body of the electrical device so that its pulley is located in the same plane as the crankshaft pulley;
  • maintain and change consumables of two “mobile power plants” at once.

With the advent of brushless generator models, some owners are replacing the standard device with this device.

Brushless modifications

The main advantage of a brushless generator is its extremely long service life. Despite the complex design and price, there is basically nothing to break here, and the payback is still higher due to the absence of brushes/collector ring consumables.

Compact dimensions and the absence of short circuits when water gets on windings filled with varnish or a composite composition allow it to be mounted on almost any vehicle.

At low speeds, the generator provides electricity only to the on-board network; charging the battery begins when the speed increases from 3000 every minute.

DC generators disappeared from passenger vehicles in the 70s of the last century, as they had a complex circuit and larger dimensions.

Thus, the operation of a car generator provides electricity to all consumers, recharges the battery and creates a spark in the combustion chambers. Timely maintenance and diagnostics can reduce operating costs and increase the service life of an electrical device.

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Voltage Regulators | "Life with a soldering iron..." Everything for the radio amateur

The condition of the battery, the correct operation of the generator and ignition system, the condition and normal operation of the vehicle’s instruments and devices depend on the operation of the voltage regulator (relay regulator). Below we discuss the operating principles of various circuits of automotive voltage regulators and generator sets.

Principle of operation

Electrical circuits

Operating principle of voltage regulators

The voltage regulator maintains the on-board network voltage within specified limits in all operating modes when changing the generator rotor speed, electrical load, and ambient temperature. In addition, it can perform additional functions - protect the elements of the generator set from emergency conditions and overloads, automatically include the power circuit of the generator set or the excitation winding in the on-board network.

According to their design, regulators are divided into non-contact transistor, contact-transistor and vibration (relay regulators). A type of contactless transistor regulators are integrated regulators, made using a special hybrid technology, or monolithic on a single crystal of silicon. Despite such a varied design, all regulators operate on the same principle.

The generator voltage depends on three factors - the rotation speed of its rotor, the load current and the magnitude of the magnetic flux created by the field winding, which depends on the current in this winding. Any voltage regulator contains a sensitive element that senses the generator voltage (usually a voltage divider at the input of the regulator), a comparison element in which the generator voltage is compared with a reference value, and a regulator that changes the current strength in the field winding if the generator voltage differs from the reference value .

In real regulators, the reference quantity may not necessarily be electrical voltage, but any physical quantity that maintains its value quite stably, for example, the spring tension force in vibration and contact-transistor regulators.

In transistor regulators, the reference value is the stabilization voltage of the zener diode, to which the generator voltage is supplied through a voltage divider. The current in the field winding is controlled by an electronic or electromagnetic relay. The rotor speed and generator load change in accordance with the operating mode of the vehicle, and a voltage regulator of any type compensates for the effect of this change on the generator voltage by affecting the current in the field winding. In this case, a vibration or contact-transistor regulator connects and disconnects a resistor in series from the excitation winding circuit (in two-stage vibration regulators, when operating in the second stage, it short-circuits this winding to ground), and a non-contact transistor voltage regulator periodically connects and disconnects the excitation winding from the power circuit . In both options, the change in the excitation current is achieved by redistributing the time the controller switching element is in the on and off states.

If the strength of the excitation current must be increased, for example, to stabilize the voltage, then in vibration and contact-transistor regulators the turn-on time of the resistor is reduced compared to the time it is turned off, and in a transistor regulator the time when the excitation winding is turned on in the power circuit increases in relation to the time turning it off.

In Fig. Figure 1 shows the effect of the controller on the current strength in the excitation winding for two generator rotor speeds n1 and n2, and the rotation frequency n2 is greater than n1. At a higher rotation speed, the relative time for switching on the excitation winding to the power circuit by the transistor voltage regulator decreases, the average value of the excitation current decreases, and thus voltage stabilization is achieved.

As the load increases, the voltage decreases, the relative turn-on time of the winding increases, and the average current increases so that the generator set voltage remains virtually unchanged.

In Fig. Figure 2 shows typical control characteristics of a generator set, showing how the current in the field winding changes with a constant voltage and a change in rotation speed or load current. The lower limit of the controller switching frequency is 25-30 Hz.

Electrical circuits

Generator sets with valve generators do not use any switching devices in the power circuit. For the normal functioning of their voltage regulator, the on-board network voltage (alternator voltage) and the terminals of the generator excitation winding circuit must be connected to it. The generator voltage acts between the “+” and “M” (ground) terminals of the generator (for VAZ car generators, “30” and “31”, respectively). The excitation winding terminals are marked with the index "Ш" ("b7" for VAZ generators).

In Fig. Figure 3 shows schematic diagrams of generating sets. In brackets are the designations of the terminals of the generator sets of VAZ cars. In the figures the numbers indicate: 1 - generator; 2 - excitation winding; 3 - stator winding; 4 - rectifier with valve generator; 5 - switch; 6 - warning lamp relay; 7 - voltage regulator; 8 - control lamp; 9 - noise suppression capacitor; 10 - transformer-rectifier unit; 11 - battery; 12 - demagnetizing winding for generators of mixed magnetic-electromagnetic excitation; 13 - resistor for feeding the excitation winding from the battery.

There are two types of non-interchangeable voltage regulators. In one type (Fig. 3, a, h), the output switching element of the voltage regulator connects the output of the generator excitation winding with the “+” on-board network, in the other type (Fig. 3, b, c) - with the “-” on-board network. Transistor voltage regulators of the second type are more common.

To prevent the battery from being discharged while parked, the generator excitation winding circuit (see Fig. 3, a, b) is closed through the ignition switch. However, in this case, the switch contacts switch current up to 5 A, which adversely affects their service life. Therefore, only the control circuit of the voltage regulator is closed through the ignition switch (see Fig. 3, c), consuming current in fractions of an ampere. Interrupting the current in the control circuit turns the electronic regulator relay off, which prevents current from flowing into the field winding. However, the use of an ignition switch in the generator set circuit reduces its reliability and complicates installation on the vehicle.

In addition, the voltage drop in the ignition switch and other switching or protective elements included in the regulator circuit (plug connections, fuses) affects the level of voltage maintained by the regulator and the switching frequency of its output transistor (see Fig. 3, a-c), which may be accompanied by blinking lamps of lighting and signal equipment, oscillation of voltmeter and ammeter needles.

Therefore, the diagram in Fig. 1 is more promising. 3, d. In this circuit, the excitation winding has its own additional rectifier, consisting of three diodes (in a five-phase generator system - five diodes). The excitation winding of the generator is connected to the “+” terminal of this rectifier, which is designated by the index “D”. The circuit allows the battery to be discharged with low currents through the voltage regulator circuit. When parking for a long time, it is recommended to remove the wire tip from the “+” terminal of the battery.

The generator is excited from the battery through control lamp 8. The small current supplied to the excitation winding through this lamp from the battery is sufficient to excite the generator and at the same time cannot significantly affect the discharge of the battery. Typically, a resistor 13 is connected in parallel with the control lamp, so that even if the control lamp burns out, the generator can be excited. The control lamp (see Fig. 3, e) is also an element for monitoring the performance of the generator set. When parked, when the ignition switch is turned on, the warning lamp lights up, since it receives battery current through the generator excitation winding and the voltage regulator. After starting the engine, the generator at terminal “D” develops a voltage close in magnitude to the battery voltage, and the warning light goes out. If this does not happen while the engine is running, then the generator set does not develop voltage, i.e. it is faulty.

In order to monitor performance (see Fig. 3, a), relays with normally closed contacts are introduced, through which the control lamp 8 receives power. This lamp lights up after turning on the ignition switch and goes out after starting the engine, since under the influence of the generator voltage, to the average point of the stator winding to which the relay is connected, it breaks its normally closed contacts and disconnects the test lamp 8 from the power circuit. If the lamp is on while the engine is running, the generator set is faulty. In some cases, the pilot lamp relay winding is connected to the generator phase terminal. The excitation winding (Fig. 3, e) is connected to the midpoint of the generator stator winding, i.e., it is powered by a voltage half that of the generator voltage.

At the same time, the magnitude of the voltage pulses that occur during operation of the generator set is approximately halved, which has a beneficial effect on the reliability of the semiconductor elements of the voltage regulator. Resistor 13 (see Fig. 3, e) serves the same purpose as the control lamp, i.e. provides reliable excitation of the generator.

On vehicles with diesel engines, a generator set with two voltage levels of 14/28 V can be used. The second level of 28 V is used to charge the battery that operates when starting the internal combustion engine. To obtain the second level, an electronic voltage doubler or a transformer-rectifier unit (TVB) is used (Fig. 3, d). In a system with two voltage levels, the regulator stabilizes only the first voltage level - 14 V. The second level arises through the transformation and subsequent rectification of the alternating voltage TVB of the generator. The transformation coefficient of the TVB transformer is close to 1.

In some generator sets of foreign and domestic production, the voltage regulator maintains voltage not at the power terminal of the generator “+”, but at the terminal of its additional rectifier (Fig. 3, g). The diagram is a modification of the diagram in Fig. 3, d with the elimination of its disadvantage - discharge of the battery through the regulator circuit during long-term parking. This design of the circuit is possible because the voltage difference at the “+” and “D” terminals is small. In Fig. 3g shows a diagram of a five-phase generator with a demagnetizing winding in the excitation system. This winding acts counter to the excitation winding and expands the operating range of generator sets with mixed magnetic-electromagnetic excitation in terms of rotation frequency. According to this scheme, valve generators with electromagnetic excitation in a three-phase version are also made. In this case, the circuit contains 9 diodes (6 power and 3 additional) and does not contain a demagnetizing winding.

In the diagram of Fig. 3, 3, the lamp for monitoring the performance of the generator set is switched on to a relay powered by the generator on the alternating current side. The relay is also a starter blocking relay, contains a rectifier built inside and is activated if the generator develops alternating voltage. The alternating current terminals of the generator are also connected to the tachometer terminals. Relay regulators operating in conjunction with DC generators, in addition to voltage stabilization, automatically turn on the generator when the generator voltage is greater than the battery voltage, and turn it off when the generator voltage is less than the battery voltage, as well as protect the generator from overload. Consequently, the generator current must be supplied to consumers through a relay-regulator circuit - a current limiter winding and a reverse current relay (Fig. 4).

Currently, cars are equipped mainly with generator sets with non-contact transistor regulators; the number of vibration and contact-transistor regulators in operation is decreasing.

Generator relay regulator

A car generator is an electrical machine that converts the received mechanical energy into electrical current. In the car system, it is used to charge the battery and power all electrical equipment when the internal combustion engine is running. Modern cars are equipped with alternating current generators.

When the load and engine speed change, the generator relay-regulator comes into play to adjust the switching time of the field winding. The essence of its work is to reduce the turn-on time of the field winding when the generator rotation speed increases and the external loads decrease at the same time, and, conversely, when the rotation speed decreases and the load increases, it increases.

Devices and circuits of voltage regulators for cars have the same type of design, regardless of manufacturer and quality. However, for Renault, VAZ, Toyota, Daewoo, Ural, Ford, UAZ cars, as well as scooters, tractors and any other equipment with a generator, a certain regulator is required that will be suitable in size and location of all connecting nodes. Therefore, to buy the device you need, the easiest way is to go to the trade catalog website, where, among hundreds of offers from sellers and suppliers from all over Russia, you will find the right part, the price and quality of which will suit you.

Design and principle of operation of relay regulators

The primary task of the regulator is to maintain the generator voltage within specified limits. As a rule, most modern generators are equipped with semiconductor integrated voltage regulators, in other words, electronic ones, even on the assembly line. The designs of electronic regulators exist in two versions: integral and hybrid.

The first type is characterized by the fact that all components of the regulator, except the output stage, are made using thin-film microelectronic technology. In the second type, all electrical devices and various radio elements are used in one electronic circuit together with thick-film microelectronic elements.

The process of voltage stabilization, necessary when the engine crankshaft speed and load change, occurs fully automatically due to a certain effect on the current in the excitation winding. The regulator itself is capable of controlling the frequency of current pulses, as well as their duration.

The change in voltage supplied to charge the battery occurs depending on the thermal compensation of the voltage, that is, the air temperature. The lower it is, the greater the voltage is supplied directly to the battery. To prevent it from discharging when parked, the generator excitation winding circuit is closed through the ignition switch. In this case, the switch contacts will switch current up to 5A, which will not have a very positive effect on their service life. Therefore, only the control circuit of the relay-regulator is closed through the same switch, which consumes current in fractions of an ampere. When the current in the circuit is interrupted, the electronic relay of the regulator is switched to the off state, which blocks the flow of current to the field winding. It is worth noting that the use of an ignition switch in the operation of the generator set circuit can reduce its reliability and complicate installation on the machine.

In addition, a decrease in voltage in the ignition switch, as well as other switching and protective elements, which are also included in the regulator circuit, affects the level of maintained voltage and switching frequency of the regulator output transistor. In some cases, these processes are accompanied by blinking lamps of signal and lighting equipment, as well as fluctuations in the voltmeter and ammeter needles.

Some relay-regulator installations can maintain voltage not at the power terminal of the generator, but at the terminal of its additional rectifier. As a rule, this is feasible in valve generators with electromagnetic excitation in a three-phase design.

Voltage regulator. Which one would you like?

Voltage regulator. Which one would you like? Probably one of the very first problems that any radio amateur or circuit engineer faces is the problem of providing an electronic device with the required voltage. To obtain the desired voltage, use a power supply or voltage regulator.

In the most general terms, we can say that a device that changes the amount of electrical voltage when a control signal is received or the controls are acted upon is called a voltage regulator.

It should be noted that voltage regulation is such a comprehensive operation that it is performed at a variety of stages during the operation of electronic devices. You can change the primary voltage of the network, you can change the secondary voltage of the network, regulating the voltage, in all cases the goal of all these operations will be the same - by changing one value, get another, ensuring the correct operation of the device.

The principles that the voltage regulator uses in its operation can also be very different, as well as the purpose of such devices. They can act as:

Voltage stabilizers, providing the necessary supply or operating voltage to all circuit components;

They can be voltage converters, let’s say, converting one voltage to another;

They can act as reference or control voltage sources, ensuring the correct operation of the entire circuit.

This is not a complete list of the capabilities and applications of such devices. So, as an example, a simple voltage regulator is an autotransformer, or LATR, which allows you to change the output voltage by simply turning the control knob.

Thus, we have a network regulator, a primary network voltage regulator, or an AC voltage regulator. It will all be the same.

Another example of using regulators is charging a cell phone. True, here we already use, let’s say, double voltage conversion. Initially, the AC mains voltage is reduced to the required value, and then a constant voltage is obtained from the AC voltage. A cell phone runs on a battery, and there is constant voltage. So we get from the 220V network voltage a constant voltage of 9V (or any other voltage necessary for the operation of the device). Thus, thanks to the charger, we adjusted the voltage using our original definition.

An equally important application of voltage regulators will be their use in regulation systems and maintaining the operating modes of the device within the required limits. And here, as an example, you can consider the voltage regulator in a car. The necessary electrical energy for all vehicle devices when driving is provided by a generator, the operating mode of which depends on the operation of the engine and the speed of the latter. As is clear from what has been described, the operating mode of the generator changes, and this means that the voltage it generates will change. And electronics require a more or less constant voltage to operate. This problem is solved by a special voltage regulator located on the car. The principles of regulation and adjustment of the voltage of such a regulator can be very different, and are not of interest to us now.

It may be necessary to regulate voltage on high-power sources or devices with high power consumption. In these cases, power control elements such as a thyristor and triac are used. This kind of triac voltage regulator is capable of changing fairly large values ​​of voltage and current.

The voltage regulators discussed do not cover all the capabilities of these devices, but for the sake of familiarization they give an idea of ​​what kind of device it is and what it is used for.

Voltage regulator relay circuit

Voltage regulator relays are widely used in automobile electrical systems. Its main function is to maintain a normal voltage value under changing generator operating conditions, electrical loads and temperature. Additionally, the voltage regulator relay circuit provides protection for generator elements during emergency conditions and overloads. With its help, the power circuit of the generator is automatically connected to the on-board network.

Operating principle of the relay regulator

Regulator designs can be non-contact transistor, contact-transistor and vibration. The latter are precisely relay regulators. Despite the variety of models and designs, these devices have a single operating principle.

The voltage value of the generator can vary depending on the frequency with which its rotor rotates, the strength of the load current and the magnetic flux that the field winding creates. Therefore, the relay contains sensitive elements for various purposes. They are designed to perceive and compare voltage with a standard. In addition, a regulatory function is performed to change the current strength in the excitation winding if the voltage does not coincide with the reference value.

In transistor designs, voltage stabilization is performed using a divider connected to the generator through a special zener diode. Electronic or electromagnetic relays are used to control the current. The car constantly changes its operating mode, and accordingly, this affects the rotor speed. The regulator's task is to compensate for this influence by influencing the winding current.

This impact can occur in different ways:

  • In a vibration-type regulator, a resistor is switched on and off in the winding circuit.
  • In a two-stage design, the winding is shorted to ground.
  • In a non-contact transistor regulator, the winding is periodically switched on and off in the supply circuit.

In any case, the current is influenced by the on and off state of the switching element, as well as the time spent in this state.

Controller relay operation diagram

The relay regulator serves not only to stabilize the voltage. This device is necessary to reduce the current affecting the battery when the car is parked. The current in the control circuit is interrupted and the electronic relay is turned off. As a result, current stops flowing into the winding.

In some cases, the voltage drops in the ignition switch, affecting the regulator. Because of this, instrument needles may oscillate, lighting and signal lamps may blink. To avoid such situations, a more promising voltage regulator relay circuit is used. A rectifier is additionally connected to the excitation winding, which includes three diodes. The positive terminal of the rectifier is connected to the excitation winding. When parked, the battery is discharged under the influence of small currents passing through the regulator circuit.

The operation of the generator is controlled by a relay whose contacts are in a normally closed state. Through them, power is supplied to the control lamp. It lights up when the ignition switch is turned on, and goes out after the engine starts. This occurs under the influence of generator voltage, which breaks the closed relay contacts and disconnects the lamps from the circuit. Illumination of the lamp while the engine is running indicates a malfunction of the generator set. There are different connection schemes, and each of them is used individually, in certain types of cars.

How to check the relay regulator

Car generator device

The most important part of any vehicle's electrical system is the generator.

This unit is designed to generate electricity, without which the operation of the engine and all equipment is impossible.

By the way, the engine will be able to work without a generator, but not for long - until the battery is discharged. Regardless of the make and model of the car, be it a VAZ-2110, VAZ-2107 or a Chevrolet Camaro, the design of the generator is almost the same.
Manufacturers install three-phase alternating current generators on modern cars. The main parts of this unit are:

  1. body made of light alloy material;
  2. stator – a stationary external winding fixed inside the housing;
  3. rotor - a movable winding rotating inside the stator;
  4. voltage regulator relay;
  5. voltage rectifier.

"Anatomy" of a generator


The body of a car generator is made of light metal alloys (usually duralumin is used) to reduce the weight of the device. To ensure effective heat dissipation, the case has a large number of ventilation holes. The design of the cooling system is different for different generator models and depends on the operating speed of the generator and on how severe the temperature conditions are in the engine compartment of the car.

For example, the VAZ-2106 has one impeller that expels hot air from the body, while the VAZ-2109, as well as the 2110 and 2112 models, have two fans that drive air flows towards each other. The front and rear walls contain bearings on which the rotor rotates.


The stator winding is made of copper wire laid in the grooves of the core. The core itself is made of transformer iron, which has improved magnetic properties. Since the generator is three-phase, the stator has three windings connected to each other by a delta.

Due to the fact that the device is subject to strong heating during operation, the winding wire is covered with two layers of heat-insulating material. Usually a special varnish is used for this.


A rotor is an electromagnet with one winding located on a shaft. A ferromagnetic core with a diameter slightly smaller than the internal diameter of the stator (by 1.5 - 2 mm) is fixed on top of the winding. Copper rings are also placed on the rotor shaft, connected to its winding through graphite brushes. The rings are designed to supply control voltage from the relay regulator to the rotor winding.

Relay regulator

A relay regulator is an electronic circuit that monitors and regulates the voltage at the generator output. This relay serves to protect the unit from overloads and maintains a voltage in the vehicle’s on-board network of about 13.5 V.

More advanced relay regulators have a temperature sensor so that in winter the device produces a higher voltage (up to 14.7 V). It is installed either inside the generator in the same housing with graphite brushes, or (most often) outside the housing, in this case the brushes are mounted on a special brush holder.


The rectifier, or diode bridge, consists of six diodes located on a printed circuit board and connected in pairs according to the Larionov circuit. The task of the rectifier is to convert three-phase alternating current into direct current. Car mechanics often call it a “horseshoe” for its appearance.

Car generator operation

The fundamental principle of operation of a car generator is the generation of alternating electric current in the stator windings under the influence of a constant magnetic field formed around the rotor core. After the engine starts, the rotor is driven by the drive belt.

On the VAZ-2106 and VAZ-2107 models it is geared, on the VAZ-2109, VAZ-2110, VAZ-2112 cars it is ribbed or poly-wedge. The use of a poly-V belt allows for a higher gear ratio, and therefore higher operating speeds of the unit and greater efficiency.

A regular V-belt cannot be used for high-speed generators like 94.3701, installed on VAZ-2110 and VAZ-2112 cars, since it will wear out excessively due to the pulley being too small.

Voltage is applied to the rotor winding and a magnetic flux is generated. During rotation of the rotor, an EMF arises in the stator windings. The relay-regulator changes the current strength depending on the load removed from the positive terminal of the generator in such a way as to ensure charging of the battery or maintaining its charge level, as well as providing electricity to each device connected to the vehicle’s on-board network.

How to extend the life of a generator

The first thing you need to carefully monitor is the tension of the drive belt. If the tension is insufficient, the belt will constantly slip, as a result of which it will quickly wear out, and the generator will not be able to produce the required voltage. A strongly tensioned belt unnecessarily overloads the bearings of the unit, which leads to their rapid wear and replacement.

Malfunctions in the operation of the car generator are indicated by a warning lamp on the instrument panel. If it lights up, it means that the device is not coping with its task, namely, it is producing insufficient voltage. Signs of problems are:

  • periodic undercharging or overcharging of the battery;
  • dimmer car headlights when the engine is idling;
  • change in the intensity of the light flux depending on the crankshaft rotation speed;
  • extraneous sounds (squeaking, knocking) coming from the generator.

If the fault is detected in a timely manner, the cost of repair will be low. Otherwise, inattention or simple negligence will lead to the replacement of the entire device.

Replacing the generator with a more powerful one

Many owners of the VAZ-2106 and VAZ-2107 are dissatisfied with the performance of the standard generator, which is capable of delivering a current of only 42 Amperes. As an alternative, a unit from a VAZ-2109 with a power of 55 Amperes is ideal. Its fastenings exactly match those of the original ones.

The only difference is that in the VAZ-2109 car, one wire is plugged into the generator instead of two in the “six” one, so the extra wire coming from the voltage relay must be isolated from the rest. You will also need to replace the RS-702 charging relay, installed standard on the VAZ-2106 (2107) generator, with a more modern RS-527 or its equivalent. If this is not done, then the discharge light on the car’s instrument panel will constantly light up, but it will go out, on the contrary, when the battery is discharged.

The generator voltage regulator relay is an integral part of the electrical system of any car. It is used to maintain voltage within a certain range of values. In this article you will learn about what designs of regulators currently exist, including mechanisms that have not been used for a long time.

Basic automatic control processes

It doesn't matter what type of generator set is used in the car. In any case, it has a regulator in its design. The automatic voltage regulation system allows you to maintain a certain parameter value, regardless of the frequency at which the generator rotor rotates. The figure shows the generator voltage regulator relay, its diagram and appearance.

By analyzing the physics by which a generator set operates, it can be concluded that the output voltage increases as the rotor speed becomes higher. It can also be concluded that voltage regulation is carried out by reducing the current supplied to the rotor winding as the rotation speed increases.

What is a generator

Any car generator consists of several parts:

1. A rotor with an excitation winding, around which an electromagnetic field is created during operation.

2. A stator with three windings connected in a star configuration (alternating voltage is removed from them in the range from 12 to 30 Volts).

3. In addition, the design contains a three-phase rectifier consisting of six semiconductor diodes. It is worth noting that the VAZ 2107 generator voltage relay-regulator in the injection system is the same.

But the generator will not be able to operate without a voltage regulation device. The reason for this is the voltage change over a very wide range. Therefore, it is necessary to use an automatic control system. It consists of a comparison device, control, executive, master and special sensor. The main element is the regulatory body. It can be either electrical or mechanical.

Generator operation

When the rotor begins to rotate, some voltage appears at the generator output. And it is supplied to the excitation winding through a control element. It is also worth noting that the generator set output is connected directly to the battery. Therefore, voltage is constantly present on the excitation winding. When the rotor speed increases, the voltage at the generator set output begins to change. A voltage regulator relay from a Valeo generator or any other manufacturer is connected to the generator output.

In this case, the sensor detects the change, sends a signal to a comparing device, which analyzes it, comparing it with a given parameter. Next, the signal goes to the control device, from which it is supplied to the Regulating body, which is able to reduce the value of the current that flows to the rotor winding. As a result, the voltage at the generator set output is reduced. In a similar way, the mentioned parameter is increased in the event of a decrease in rotor speed.

Two-level regulators

A two-level automatic control system consists of a generator, a rectifier element, and a battery. It is based on an electric magnet, its winding is connected to the sensor. The driving devices in these types of mechanisms are very simple. These are ordinary springs. A small lever is used as a comparison device. It is mobile and makes switching. The actuator is the contact group. The control element is a constant resistance. Such a generator voltage regulator relay, the diagram of which is given in the article, is very often used in technology, although it is morally outdated.

Operation of a two-level regulator

When the generator operates, a voltage appears at the output, which is supplied to the winding of the electromagnetic relay. In this case, a magnetic field arises, with its help the lever arm is attracted. The latter is acted upon by a spring, which is used as a comparing device. If the voltage becomes higher than expected, the contacts of the electromagnetic relay open. In this case, a constant resistance is included in the circuit. Less current is supplied to the field winding. The voltage regulator relay for the VAZ 21099 generator and other domestic and imported cars operates on a similar principle. If the output voltage decreases, the contacts are closed, and the current strength changes upward.

Electronic regulator

Two-level mechanical voltage regulators have a big drawback - excessive wear of the elements. For this reason, instead of an electromagnetic relay, semiconductor elements operating in key mode began to be used. The operating principle is similar, only the mechanical elements are replaced by electronic ones. The sensitive element is made of fixed resistors. A zener diode is used as a driving device.

The modern relay-voltage regulator of the VAZ 21099 generator is a more advanced device, reliable and durable. The executive part of the control device operates on transistors. As the voltage at the generator output changes, the electronic switch closes or opens the circuit, and additional resistance is connected if necessary. It is worth noting that two-level regulators are imperfect devices. Instead, it is better to use more modern developments.

Three-level regulation system

The quality of regulation of such structures is much higher than that of those previously discussed. Previously, mechanical designs were used, but today non-contact devices are more common. All elements used in this system are the same as those discussed above. But the operating principle is slightly different. First, voltage is applied through a divider to a special circuit in which information is processed. It is possible to install such a generator voltage regulator relay (Ford Sierra can also be equipped with similar equipment) on any car if you know the device and connection diagram.

Here the actual value is compared with the minimum and maximum. If the voltage deviates from the value that is set, then a certain signal appears. It is called a mismatch signal. It is used to regulate the current flowing to the excitation winding. The difference from a two-level system is that there are several additional resistances.

Modern voltage regulation systems

If the voltage regulator relay for the generator of a Chinese scooter is two-level, then more advanced devices are used on expensive cars. Multilevel control systems can contain 3, 4, 5 or more additional resistances. There are also tracking automatic control systems. In some designs, you can refuse to use additional resistances.

Instead, the frequency of operation of the electronic key increases. It is simply impossible to use circuits with electromagnetic relays in servo control systems. One of the latest developments is a multi-level control system that uses frequency modulation. In such designs, additional resistances are required, which are used to control logic elements.

How to remove the relay regulator

Removing the generator voltage regulator relay (Lanos or domestic “Nine” is not important) is quite simple. It is worth noting that when replacing the voltage regulator, you only need one tool - a flathead or Phillips screwdriver. There is no need to remove the generator or the belt and its drive. Most of the devices are located on the back cover of the generator, and are combined into a single unit with a brush mechanism. The most common breakdowns occur in several cases.

Firstly, when completely erasing the graphite brushes. Secondly, in case of breakdown of a semiconductor element. How to check the regulator will be discussed below. When removing, you will need to disconnect the battery. Disconnect the wire that connects the voltage regulator to the generator output. By unscrewing both mounting bolts, you can pull out the device body. But the voltage regulator relay has an outdated design - it is mounted in the engine compartment, separately from the brush assembly.

Device check

The relay-regulator of the voltage of the VAZ 2106 generator, "kopecks", and foreign cars is checked equally. As soon as you remove it, look at the brushes - they should be more than 5 millimeters long. If this parameter is different, the device must be replaced. To carry out diagnostics, you will need a constant voltage source. It would be desirable to be able to change the output characteristic. You can use a battery and a couple of AA batteries as a power source. You also need a lamp, it must run on 12 Volts. You can use a voltmeter instead. Connect the plus from the power supply to the voltage regulator connector.

Accordingly, connect the negative contact to the common plate of the device. Connect a light bulb or voltmeter to the brushes. In this state, voltage should be present between the brushes if 12-13 Volts are supplied to the input. But if you supply more than 15 Volts to the input, there should be no voltage between the brushes. This is a sign that the device is working properly. And it doesn’t matter at all whether the voltage regulator relay of the VAZ 2107 generator or another car is diagnosed. If the control lamp lights up at any voltage value or does not light up at all, it means that there is a malfunction of the unit.


In the electrical system of a car, the voltage regulator relay of the Bosch generator (as, indeed, of any other company) plays a very important role. Monitor its condition as often as possible and check for damage and defects. Cases of failure of such a device are not uncommon. In this case, in the best case, the battery will be discharged. And in the worst case, the supply voltage in the on-board network may increase. This will lead to the failure of most electricity consumers. In addition, the generator itself may fail. And its repair will cost a tidy sum, and considering that the battery will fail very quickly, the costs will be astronomical. It is also worth noting that the Bosch generator voltage regulator relay is one of the leaders in sales. It has high reliability and durability, and its characteristics are as stable as possible.

In order to stabilize the voltage in the vehicle's on-board network, a special device, a regulator, is used. Its performance has a significant impact not only on individual vehicle characteristics, but also on the durability of electronic and mechanical components.

Electronic relay regulators

How does a relay regulator work?

The generator creates a voltage that increases as the rotor speed increases. Its level also depends on the amount of current that passes through the connected load and on the parameters of the magnetic field formed by the excitation winding.

To ensure automatic tuning, it is necessary to measure the voltage at the generator output. To do this, it is converted into a measuring signal, which will be compared with a reference parameter. When changes are detected, the comparing unit must generate a control signal that changes the current strength in the field winding in a certain way, which will ultimately have the necessary effect on the output voltage level.

The general principles are clear. But their implementation was different, depending on the level of technological development. The very first schemes used different solutions, including mechanical forces that actuated the spring units in the relay. Of course, such designs were characterized by low reliability. In places where contacts were interrupted, protective coatings were damaged under the influence of electrical discharges. Over time, the moving units became unusable.

Below we will consider more advanced schemes that correspond to the current level of development. But to understand the processes, it is enough to consider the simplest option, with relays in the protection and control circuits. Similar devices are still used in trucks:

Electronic relay regulators

This simple circuit uses a single transistor. Here it functions as a key. If the generator rotates slowly, the output voltage is relatively small. Under these conditions, the contacts of the control relay (P n) are open and the transistor is in the open state. When the voltage rises above a certain level, the relay closes the circuit. The semiconductor junction in the transistor closes. Next, the current does not pass along the collector-emitter path, but through resistors (R d) and (R y). The field winding creates a magnetic field with less energy, which reduces the rotor speed. The output voltage level decreases.

In Fig. The changes in electrical parameters in the winding are shown below. Below are explanations:

Voltage regulator created using a combination circuit

  • Values ​​(n1) and (n2) are different rotor speeds at which the corresponding measurements were made (frequency n2 is greater than n1).
  • It can be seen that t on (winding turn-on time) is longer on the top graph, and less on the bottom. Thus, as the rotation speed increases, the winding creates a magnetic field for less time.
  • The t off parameter (the time during which the shutdown occurs) explains the meaning of the second stage of the process. As the rotation speeds up and the voltage in the winding increases, the current decreases. This process provides the desired result, a reduction in the output voltage.

Features of different types of regulators

The diagram of a standard vibration type product is shown in the following figure:

Changing electrical parameters

This list shows the main parts of the structure:

  • 1 – spring;
  • 2 – anchor;
  • 3 – yoke;
  • 4 – core;
  • 5, 6, 9, 10, 15 – relay windings, current limiter and regulator;
  • 7, 12, 17 – movable group of contacts;
  • 8, 11, 16 – fixed group of contacts;
  • 14 – shunt;
  • 13, 18 and 19 – resistors.

It is clear that numerous mechanical contacts and moving parts reduce reliability. Such a generator voltage regulator relay is heavy and impressive in size.

Below is a schematic diagram of one of the BOSCH regulators, which uses only electronic components:

Schematic diagram of the BOSCH voltage regulator

This solution significantly increases reliability. The compact product does not require much space to place it. This device, subject to production technologies, is highly resistant to vibrations and temperature changes.

In some versions, the board is filled with a compound, which further increases the protective properties and extends the service life when used in the most difficult conditions.

The features of individual elements are discussed below:

  • The right side of the figure (part 2) shows a generator circuit with rectifier diodes. At the top there is a light indicating that the device is turned on.
  • On the left side (part 1) there is an electrical circuit of the regulator.
  • (VT2) and (VT3) are the designation of transistors connected according to the classical circuit to increase the gain.

As a rule, such devices use an electronic element created in a single housing and even on a single silicon chip.

  • The zener diode is indicated by the symbols (VD1). This device does not allow current to pass to a level that determines the stabilization voltage. As soon as the threshold value is broken, the current begins to flow through the corresponding circuit.

This circuit diagram performs its functions as follows:

  • Using resistors (R1) and (R2), the voltage from the generator output is divided in the required proportion and supplied to the zener diode.
  • While the rotor rotation speed is low, its level is insufficient to break through the semiconductor junction of the zener diode. In such a situation, current cannot flow through the corresponding circuit. It does not arrive at the base (VT1). Therefore the transistor is turned off.
  • The current flows into the base (VT2) along a different path, through (R6). This dual transistor is open. In this state, the winding is connected to the power circuit and creates a magnetic field.
  • As the speed increases, or with a certain change in the resistance in the load, the voltage at the generator output increases. If a certain threshold is exceeded, the semiconductor junction of the zener diode will be broken.
  • After this, the current will flow to the base (VT1) and open it. The current path along the collector-emitter path to the grounding point will be open. The semiconductor junction of the composite transistor will close, which will break the power supply circuit of the winding.
  • When the excitation current level decreases, the rotor rotation speed slows down, the voltage level drops, and the zener diode transition closes.

Functionality check

Consistent development of technology opens up new opportunities for improving consumer electronics parameters while simultaneously reducing weight and size. In modern cars, even the last scheme from the options discussed above will look like an anachronism.

Modern regulators are more complex devices. They are distinguished by increased accuracy of control and stabilization of the generator voltage. They are created in sealed cases, filled with compound mixtures, which, after hardening, create reliable protection against the penetration of moisture and other external influences. These structures are non-removable, so if they break, they are completely replaced.

It can be stated that in practice repairs are absent not only in specialized workshops. Private craftsmen and those who like to do everything themselves have to go to a specialized store to purchase the necessary assembly. Thus, the primary importance is not the ability to solder individual elements and understand their performance, but general diagnostics. To carry it out you will need a tester and probes, a 12 V light bulb and a set of connecting wires, a charger.

Regulator installed on the generator housing

Below is an action algorithm that will help localize the fault. These recommendations are general. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the manufacturer’s special recommendations for proper dismantling of the voltage regulator and other components:

  • With the engine turned off, measure the voltage at the battery terminals (the norm is in the range from 11.9 to 12.7 V).
  • After starting the power unit, a new voltage level is fixed, which should increase from the initial level by 0.9-1.1 V.
  • Gradually increase engine speed. For convenience, this procedure is best performed with a partner. At medium levels, the voltage increases to 13.8-14.1 V. At the highest levels, up to 14.4-14.5 V.

If the acceleration of the generator rotor does not affect the voltage level in any way, then the regulator may break down.

For more accurate diagnostics, you will need to dismantle it and connect it according to the following diagram:

Regulator test circuit

When you turn on the charger and gradually increase the level to 14.4-14.5 V, the lamp will light up. Once this threshold is exceeded, it will go out. When the voltage drops, the lamp will light up again. A malfunction is indicated not only by the absence of the described reactions, but also by the operation of the device at a higher voltage level. Under such conditions, the battery will be overcharged, which will reduce its service life. After completing the diagnostics, you can decide to replace the damaged regulator.

Video. Checking the voltage regulator.

In order to use the above technology in a timely manner, you need to pay attention to deviations from the battery charge norm. Before dismantling the regulator, you should make sure that there is no oxide contamination at the electrical contact points. In some situations, simply cleaning the connections will resolve the problem. To prevent similar problems from occurring in the future, it is recommended to use special contact protection products.

Depending on the device and operating principle, generator voltage relay regulators in a car are divided into several types: built-in, external, three-level and others. Theoretically, such a device can be made independently; the simplest and cheapest option in terms of implementation is to use a shunt device.


Purpose of the relay regulator

The generator voltage regulator relay is designed to stabilize the current in the installation. When the engine is operating, the voltage in the vehicle's electrical system must be at the same level. But since the crankshaft rotates at different speeds and the engine speed is not the same, the generator unit produces different voltages. Without adjusting this parameter, malfunctions in the functioning of the electrical equipment and devices of the machine may occur.

Interconnection of car current sources

Any car uses two power sources:

  1. Battery - required to start the power unit and primary excitation of the generator set. The battery consumes and stores energy when recharging.
  2. Generator. Designed for power and needed to generate energy regardless of speed. The device allows you to replenish the battery charge when operating at high speeds.

In any electrical network, both nodes must be working. If the DC generator fails, the battery will last no more than two hours. Without a battery, the power unit, which drives the rotor of the generator set, will not start.

The LR West channel talked about electrical faults in Land Rover cars, as well as the relationship between the battery and generators.

Voltage regulator tasks

Tasks performed by an electronic adjustable device:

  • change in current value in the excitation winding;
  • the ability to withstand a range of 13.5 to 14.5 volts in the electrical network, as well as at the battery terminals;
  • turning off the power to the field winding when the power unit is turned off;
  • battery charging function.

“People's Auto Channel” spoke in detail about the purpose, as well as the tasks performed by the voltage regulator device in a car.

Types of relay regulators

There are several types of automotive relay regulators:

  • external - this type of relay allows you to increase the maintainability of the generator unit;
  • built-in - installed in the rectifier plate or brush assembly;
  • changing in minus direction - equipped with an additional cable;
  • regulated by plus - characterized by a more economical connection scheme;
  • for installation in AC units - the voltage cannot be adjusted when applied to the excitation winding, since it is installed in the generator;
  • for direct current devices - relay regulators have the function of cutting off the battery when the engine is not running;
  • two-level relays - today they are practically not used; they are adjusted using springs and a lever;
  • three-level - equipped with a comparison module circuit, as well as a matching signaling device;
  • multi-level - equipped with 3-5 additional resistor elements, as well as a control system;
  • transistor samples - not used on modern vehicles;
  • relay devices - characterized by more improved feedback;
  • relay-transistor - have a universal circuit;
  • microprocessor relays - characterized by their small size, as well as the ability to smoothly change the lower or upper operating threshold;
  • integral - installed in brush holders, so they change when they wear out.

DC relay regulators

In such units, the connection diagram looks more complex. If the car is stationary and the engine is not running, the generator unit must be disconnected from the battery.

When performing a relay test, you must ensure that you have three options:

  • battery cut-off when the vehicle is parked;
  • limitation of the maximum current parameter at the unit output;
  • possibility of changing the voltage parameter for the winding.

AC relay regulators

Such devices are characterized by a more simplified testing scheme. The car owner needs to diagnose the voltage level on the excitation winding, as well as at the output of the unit.

If an alternating current generator is installed in the car, then it will not be possible to start the engine “from a pusher”, unlike a direct current unit.

Built-in and external relay regulators

The procedure for changing the voltage value is carried out by the device at a specific installation location. Accordingly, the built-in regulators influence the generator unit. And the external type of relay is not connected to it and can be connected to the ignition coil, then its work will only be aimed at changing the voltage in this area. Therefore, before performing diagnostics, the car owner must make sure that the part is connected correctly.

The “Sovering TVi” channel spoke in detail about the purpose and operating principle of this type of device.


The operating principle of such devices is as follows:

  1. Current flows through the relay.
  2. As a result of the formation of a magnetic field, the lever is attracted.
  3. A spring with a specific force is used as a comparing element.
  4. When the voltage increases, the contact elements open.
  5. Less current is supplied to the field winding.

In VAZ cars, mechanical two-level devices were previously used for regulation. The main disadvantage was the rapid wear of structural components. Therefore, instead of mechanical ones, electronic regulators began to be installed on these machine models.

These parts were based on:

  • voltage dividers, which were assembled from resistor elements;
  • A zener diode was used as a reference part.

Due to the complex wiring diagram and ineffective voltage level control, this type of device has become less common.


This type of regulators, like multi-level ones, are more advanced:

  1. The voltage is supplied from the generator device to a special circuit and passes through a divider.
  2. The received data is processed, the actual voltage level is compared with the minimum and maximum values.
  3. The mismatch pulse changes the current parameter that is supplied to the excitation winding.

Three-level devices with frequency modulation do not have resistance, but the frequency of operation of the electronic key in them is higher. Special logic circuits are used for control.

Control by minus and plus

The circuits for the negative and positive contacts differ only in connection:

  • when installed in the positive gap, one brush is connected to ground, and the second goes to the relay terminal;
  • if the relay is installed in the minus gap, then one brush element must be connected to the plus, and the second - directly to the relay.

But in the second case, another cable will appear. This is due to the fact that these relay modules belong to the class of active type devices. For its operation, a separate power supply is required, so the plus is connected individually.

Photo gallery “Types of generator voltage regulator relays”

This section presents photos of some types of devices.

Remote device type Built-in regulator Transistor-relay type Integral device Device for DC generator AC control device Two-level device type Three-level control device

Operating principle of the relay regulator

The presence of a built-in resistor device, as well as special circuits, makes it possible for the regulator to compare the voltage parameter produced by the generator. If the value is too high, the controller is switched off. This allows you to prevent overcharging of the battery and failure of electrical equipment that is powered from the network. Problems with the device will damage the battery.

Switch winter and summer

The generating device operates stably regardless of the ambient temperature and season. When its pulley is set in motion, current is generated. But in the cold season, the internal structural elements of the battery may freeze. Therefore, the battery charge is restored worse than in the heat.

The switch for changing the operating season is located on the relay body. Some models are equipped with special connectors; you need to find them and connect the wires in accordance with the diagram and symbols marked on them. The switch itself is a device thanks to which the voltage level at the battery terminals can be increased to 15 volts.

How to remove the relay regulator?

Removing the relay is allowed only after disconnecting the terminals from the battery.

To dismantle the device yourself, you will need a screwdriver with a Phillips or flat head. It all depends on the bolt that secures the regulator. The generator unit and the drive belt do not need to be dismantled. The cable is disconnected from the regulator and the bolt that secures it is unscrewed.

User Viktor Nikolaevich spoke in detail about the dismantling of the regulatory mechanism and its subsequent replacement with a car.

Symptoms of a problem

“Symptoms” that will require the control device to be checked or repaired:

  • when the ignition is activated, a low battery indicator light appears on the control panel;
  • the icon on the dashboard does not disappear after starting the engine;
  • the brightness of the optics may be too low and increase with increasing crankshaft speed and pressing the gas pedal;
  • the power unit of the car is difficult to start the first time;
  • The car battery is often discharged;
  • when the engine speed increases to more than two thousand per minute, the lights on the control panel turn off automatically;
  • the dynamic properties of the vehicle are reduced, which is especially evident at increased crankshaft speeds;
  • The battery may boil.

Possible causes of malfunctions and consequences

The need to repair the generator voltage regulator relay will arise when the following problems occur:

  • interturn closure of the winding device;
  • short circuit in the electrical circuit;
  • breakdown of the rectifier element as a result of diode breakdown;
  • errors made when connecting the generating set to the battery terminals, reversal;
  • water or other liquid entering the body of the control device, for example, in high humidity on the street or when washing a car;
  • mechanical failures of the device;
  • natural wear and tear of structural elements, in particular brushes;
  • low quality of the device used.

As a result of a malfunction, the consequences can be serious:

  1. High voltage in the vehicle's electrical network will lead to electrical equipment failure. The microprocessor control unit of the machine may fail. Therefore, it is not allowed to disconnect the battery terminals while the power unit is running.
  2. Overheating of the winding device as a result of an internal short circuit. Repairs will be expensive.
  3. Failure of the brush mechanism will cause the generator set to malfunction. The unit may jam and the drive belt may break.

User Snickerson talked about diagnosing the regulatory mechanism, as well as the reasons for its failure on cars.

Diagnostics of the relay regulator

It is necessary to check the operation of the regulatory device using a tester - a multimeter. It must first be configured in voltmeter mode.


This mechanism is usually built into the brush assembly of the generator unit, so level diagnostics of the device will be required.

The check is done like this:

  1. The protective cover is dismantled. Using a screwdriver or wrench, the brush assembly is loosened; it must be brought out.
  2. The wear of the brush elements is checked. If their length is less than 5 mm, then replacement is required.
  3. Checking the generator device using a multimeter is performed together with the battery.
  4. The negative cable from the current source is connected to the corresponding plate of the control device.
  5. The positive contact from the charging equipment or battery is connected to the same output on the relay connector.
  6. Then the multimeter is set to the operating range from 0 to 20 volts. The probes of the device are connected to the brushes.

In the operating range of 12.8 to 14.5 volts, there should be voltage between the brush elements. If the parameter increases by more than 14.5 V, then the tester needle should drop to zero.

When diagnosing the built-in generator voltage relay-regulator, it is permissible to use a test light. The lighting source must turn on at a certain voltage interval and go out if this parameter increases above the required value.

The cable that controls the tachometer must be tested using a tester. On diesel cars this conductor is designated W. The resistance level of the wire should be approximately 10 ohms. If this parameter drops, this indicates that the conductor is broken and requires replacement.


The diagnostic method for this type of device is carried out similarly. The only difference is that the relay regulator does not need to be removed and removed from the generator unit housing. You can diagnose the device with the power unit running, changing the crankshaft speed from low to medium to high. When their number increases, it is necessary to activate the optics, in particular, the high beams, as well as the radio, stove and other consumers.

The AvtotechLife channel talked about self-diagnosis of the regulatory device, as well as the features of performing this task.

Independent connection of the relay regulator to the generator’s on-board network (step-by-step instructions)

When installing a new control device, the following points must be taken into account:

  1. Before performing the task, it is necessary to diagnose the integrity and reliability of the contacts. This is a cable that runs from the vehicle body to the generator set housing.
  2. Then connect terminal B of the regulatory element to the positive contact of the generating set.
  3. It is not recommended to use twisted wires when making connections. They overheat and become unusable after a year of use. Soldering should be used.
  4. It is recommended to replace the standard conductor with a wire whose cross-section is at least 6 mm2. Especially if, instead of the factory generator, a new one is installed, which is designed to operate under current conditions above 60 A.
  5. The presence of an ammeter in the generator-battery circuit allows you to determine the power of power sources at a specific time.

Remote controller connection diagram

Connection diagram for remote type devices

This device is installed after the wire into which it will be connected is determined:

  1. In older versions of Gazelles and RAF, mechanisms 13.3702 are used. They are made in a metal or polymer case and are equipped with two contact elements and brushes. It is recommended to connect them to the negative open circuit; the outputs are usually marked. The positive contact is taken from the ignition coil. And the output of the relay is connected to the free contact on the brushes.
  2. VAZ cars use devices 121.3702 in a black or white case; there are also double modifications. In the latter, if one of the parts breaks down, the second regulator will remain working, but you need to switch to it. The device is installed in the open circuit of the positive circuit with terminal 15 to the contact of the B-VK coil. The conductor number 67 is connected to the brushes.

In newer versions of the VAZ, the relays are installed in the brush mechanism and connected to the ignition switch. If the car owner replaces the standard unit with an AC unit, then the connection must be made taking into account the nuances.

More details about them:

  1. The need to fix the unit to the vehicle body is determined by the car owner independently.
  2. Instead of a positive output, contact B or B+ is used here. It must be connected to the car's electrical network via an ammeter.
  3. Remote type devices are usually not used in such cars, and built-in regulators are already integrated into the brush mechanism. There is one cable coming from it, designated D or D+. It must connect to the ignition switch.

In cars with diesel engines, the generator unit can be equipped with output W - it is connected to the tachometer. This contact can be ignored if the unit is installed on a gasoline modification of the car.

User Nikolay Purtov spoke in detail about installing and connecting remote devices to a car.

Checking the connection

The engine must start. And the voltage level in the car’s electrical network will be controlled depending on the number of revolutions.

Perhaps, after installing and connecting a new generator device, the car owner will encounter difficulties:

  • when the power unit is activated, the generator unit starts, the voltage value is measured at any speed;
  • and after the ignition is turned off, the vehicle engine runs and does not turn off.

The problem can be solved by disconnecting the excitation cable, only then will the engine stop.

The engine may stall when the clutch is released and the brake pedal is pressed. The cause of the malfunction is residual magnetization, as well as constant self-excitation of the unit winding.

To avoid this problem in the future, you can add a light source to the gap in the exciting cable:

  • the light will light when the generator is turned off;
  • when the unit starts, the indicator goes out;
  • the amount of current that passes through the light source will not be sufficient to excite the winding.

The Altevaa TV channel talked about checking the connection of the regulatory device after connecting the motorcycle to a 6-volt network.

Tips for increasing the service life of the relay regulator

To prevent rapid failure of the regulatory device, you must adhere to several rules:

  1. Do not allow the generator set to become heavily contaminated. From time to time you should perform a visual diagnosis of the device's condition. In case of serious contamination, the unit is removed and cleaned.
  2. The tension of the drive belt should be checked periodically. If necessary, it is stretched.
  3. It is recommended to monitor the condition of the generator set windings. They should not be allowed to darken.
  4. It is necessary to check the quality of contact on the control cable of the regulatory mechanism. Oxidation is not allowed. When they appear, the conductor is cleaned.
  5. Periodically, you should diagnose the voltage level in the electrical network of the car with the engine running and switched off.

How much does a relay regulator cost?

The cost of the device depends on the manufacturer and type of regulator.

Is it possible to make a regulator with your own hands?

An example is considered on the regulatory mechanism for a scooter. The main nuance is that for correct operation the generator unit will need to be disassembled. A separate conductor must lead out the ground cable. The device is assembled according to the circuit of a single-phase generator.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The generating set is disassembled and the stator element is removed from the scooter motor.
  2. There is ground around the windings on the left; it needs to be desoldered.
  3. Instead, a separate cable for winding is soldered. Then this contact is brought out. This conductor will be one end of the winding.
  4. The generator device is being reassembled. These manipulations are carried out so that two cables come out of the unit. They will be used.
  5. Then a shunt device is connected to the resulting contacts. At the final stage, the yellow cable from the old relay is connected to the positive terminal of the battery.

Video “Visual guide to assembling a homemade regulator”

User Andrey Chernov clearly showed how to independently make a relay for the generator set of a VAZ 2104 car.

Voltage regulator relays are widely used in automobile electrical systems. Its main function is to maintain a normal voltage value under changing generator operating conditions, electrical loads and temperature. Additionally, the voltage regulator relay circuit provides protection for generator elements during emergency conditions and overloads. With its help, the power circuit of the generator is automatically connected to the on-board network.

The principle of operation of the relay regulator

Regulator designs can be non-contact transistor, contact-transistor and vibration. The latter are precisely relay regulators. Despite the variety of models and designs, these devices have a single operating principle.

The voltage value of the generator can vary depending on the frequency with which its rotor rotates, the strength of the load current and the magnetic flux that the field winding creates. Therefore, the relay contains sensitive elements for various purposes. They are designed to perceive and compare voltage with a standard. In addition, a regulatory function is performed to change the current strength in the excitation winding if the voltage does not coincide with the reference value.

In transistor designs, voltage stabilization is performed using a divider connected to the generator through a special zener diode. Electronic or are used to control the current. The car constantly changes its operating mode, and accordingly, this affects the frequency. The regulator's task is to compensate for this influence by influencing the winding current.

This impact can occur in different ways:

  • In a vibration-type regulator, a resistor is switched on and off in the winding circuit.
  • In a two-stage design, the winding is shorted to ground.
  • In a non-contact transistor regulator, the winding is periodically switched on and off in the supply circuit.

In any case, the current is influenced by the on and off state of the switching element, as well as the time spent in this state.

Controller relay operation diagram

The relay regulator serves not only to stabilize the voltage. This device is necessary to reduce the current affecting the battery when the car is parked. The current in the control circuit is interrupted and the electronic relay is turned off. As a result, current stops flowing into the winding.

In some cases, the voltage drops in the ignition switch, affecting the regulator. Because of this, instrument needles may oscillate, lighting and signal lamps may blink. To avoid such situations, a more promising voltage regulator relay circuit is used. A rectifier is additionally connected to the excitation winding, which includes three diodes. The positive terminal of the rectifier is connected to the excitation winding. when parked, it discharges under the influence of small currents passing through the regulator circuit.

The operation of the generator is controlled by a relay whose contacts are in a normally closed state. Through them, power is supplied to the control lamp. It lights up when the ignition switch is turned on, and goes out after the engine starts. This occurs under the influence of generator voltage, which breaks the closed relay contacts and disconnects the lamps from the circuit. Illumination of the lamp while the engine is running indicates a malfunction of the generator set. There are different connection schemes, and each of them is used individually, in certain types of cars.

How to check the relay regulator