Modular houses for year-round use. Production of modular buildings: who buys turnkey prefabricated houses? Production of frame-modular houses

But in order to fully enjoy the positive properties of such buildings, it is necessary to entrust the complex work to our professionals. After all, we have been working in the field of manufacturing and construction of turnkey modular houses since 2004. For a long period of activity of our organization, we have successfully implemented more than 3,000 projects of varying degrees of complexity. We managed to accumulate rich experience and gain well-deserved popularity among our customers. Therefore, they trust us and advise us to their friends, colleagues and relatives.


The technology of modular housing construction is widely developed both in private construction (small country, country and garden houses) and in the commercial sector (shopping pavilions, warehouses). The base of the frame is made of metal or wood, and the walls are sheathed with a block house, siding, pseudo-beam, OSB or chipboard panels. The thickness of the walls depends on the climate zone. In regions with severe frosts, the depth should exceed 400 mm. In regions with a mild, warm climate, 100 mm will be enough. A ready-made modular house is installed on a strip, block or column foundation. If the building is planned to be two-story, then the construction is facilitated, and the first floor is made capital, and the second is already using the attic technology.

Benefits of modular housing

Recently, the demand for the construction of modular homes has skyrocketed and there are good reasons for this:
light weight buildings;
construction speed;
aesthetic appearance;
durability of operation;
good sound and heat insulation qualities.

The choice in favor of our construction company is obvious

We are professionals in the field of fabrication of structures and the construction of prefabricated houses, because we employ only experienced and well-equipped craftsmen, for whom there are no impossible tasks. They successfully implement innovative developments in their activities, applying them in practice. And the use of efficient tools and equipment, reliable and environmentally friendly materials can significantly improve the quality of work and reduce the assembly time of modular houses.

We provide the best prices for modular houses. All this is due to a clear optimization of all work and cost processes: our own production of the main sections, full compliance with manufacturing and assembly technologies, the purchase of everything you need at wholesale prices from trusted suppliers, and more.

Our modular home construction services include:

planning on the site, arrangement of the foundation;
installation of the base of the frame and sections of the structure;
installation of a roof, drainage system;
laying of communication routes;
fixing insulation, vapor barrier;
laying logs, flooring, ceiling installation;
installation of windows and doors;
interior and exterior decoration and more.

We competently distribute the entire sequence of processes:

1. we accept an application for the manufacture and assembly of a modular house and agree on some of the nuances (the amount of work performed, the number of storeys of the building, the materials used and other special preferences of the customer);
2. we carry out measurements and study the soil of the site, draw up and approve the estimate and project documentation, sign a bilateral agreement;
3. we purchase all the necessary materials, manufacture modular sections and deliver them to the facility;
4. we carry out the installation of a turnkey modular house, starting with planning on the site, arranging the foundation and ending with the assembly of structures, interior and exterior decoration;
5. we hand over the finished housing to the customer with the signing of the acceptance certificate, the issuance of technical documentation with the specified warranty periods.

Our professionals are waiting for your applications!

Want to calculate the cost of a modular home, find out about the terms of production and assembly, order a service? With us, everything is extremely simple! You just need to contact the manager on the indicated ones, he will promptly conduct a detailed consultation, answer all your questions and accept the order. And our highly qualified specialists will qualitatively assemble a modular structure of any complexity, both according to a standard and according to an individual project, in the shortest possible time.

Some believe that a modular house is only a building for temporary residence without utilities and other comfortable conditions. In fact, it is no less comfortable and equipped than a house built according to the classical scheme. Modular sections are made of high quality materials, so the design will serve the owner for many years. They can be built in areas with watery soil, seismic hazard, that is, where it is impossible to erect a capital building. Modular turnkey houses are equipped with furniture, have interior decoration and are perfect for permanent residence.

Typical and individual projects of modular houses

The MINIDOM company offers to your attention its turnkey modular house projects with prices divided into:

1. . They are very affordable and fast in execution, as they will be built according to a template and assembled in ready-made modules. If you want to get a proven, high-quality assembled modular house in a short time - choose among them.

2. . This way is for those who want to buy a modular house according to their own, original, non-standard wishes. To do this, our specialists will create a new project from scratch exclusively according to your requirements. We are able to fulfill orders of any complexity!

For the optimal choice, we have posted turnkey modular house projects with specific descriptions, detailed photographs, layout and a list of possible furniture. Our specialists have been engaged in pre-fabricated buildings for over 10 years, they know all the nuances for the high-quality construction of a modular house for year-round use. We have our own production and over 100 completed projects. Plus, our houses can be transported on public roads without special permission. If you are looking for a responsible and trusted contractor - choose MINIDOM!

Why are modular homes so beneficial?

Previously, modular construction involved only the construction of temporary trailers, storage rooms, warehouses and retail outlets. But having appreciated the advantages of the technology, they began to actively use it for the construction of inexpensive residential buildings. The main advantages of turnkey modular houses:
  • Mobility. You can always disassemble the house into modules, transport and assemble in a new place. Due to the light weight of the sections, heavy equipment is not required for this.
  • Availability. The price of a turnkey modular home for permanent residence will be several times cheaper than the cost of building traditional real estate.
  • Quick assembly. If an ordinary house is built sometimes for years, then here the time period for the delivery of an object is calculated in weeks, and sometimes in days. When building, you can do without a foundation.
  • All weather resistance. The modules are made of high-tech materials, so the design does not lose heat in winter and does not heat up in summer.
  • All stages from "A" to "Z": building, finishing, furnishing. Choosing a turnkey modular house project, you get a home that is completely ready for year-round living.
MINIDOM - modular houses for every taste and budget!

The advantages of modular houses are that factory production ensures high quality of installation and finishing works, reduces the cost per square meter. The record speed of construction of the building, which is completely ready for operation, attracts customers from among industrial and tourist companies. Interest in them is also growing among development companies engaged in the business of building and selling land.

The fall in the solvency of the population, according to realtors, has increased the demand for economy class housing. According to the Miel group of companies, in 2015-2016, the number of people wishing to build a house worth up to 1 million rubles and with an area of ​​up to 100 sq. m, increased by 63%. The least expensive in construction are prefabricated buildings, which are widespread in America and Europe. When considering a modular home business, there are several components to consider:

  1. how its organization differs from other types of construction;
  2. how much investment is required to start production;
  3. determine the range of customers and demand in the region;
  4. conduct an analysis of existing enterprises in this area;
  5. evaluate the profitability of starting a franchise business.

According to the Minister of Construction Mikhail Men, in 2015, with a proposal to build low-rise modular houses in Russia, the Chinese company Zhuda approached him. The German Knauf is creating a joint venture with the Russian group Sveza, intending to invest about 7 million euros in production. Her calculations showed that the demand for such houses will grow, investments will pay off.

The essence of the business model and organization

Two types of prefabricated buildings are common in the world: frame and volume-modular structures. The construction technology of the former provides for the construction of a frame of metal piles or wood, the assembly of which on site requires good qualifications of builders. Modular blocks are completely manufactured in the factory, which leads to a record speed of installation of the finished house: 2 - 3 days. Compared to frame structures, they have significant advantages:

  1. increased strength and longer service life;
  2. the possibility of equipping with internal communications;
  3. production of interior decoration in the factory;
  4. mobility - they are easy to move to another place;
  5. the possibility of adding blocks at any time;
  6. lack of construction waste, preservation of the landscape.

The only drawback is some monotony, which limits the possibilities of architectural delights. However, geometric shapes designed with the involvement of professional designers can also look very interesting (Fig. 1).

The cost of 1 sq. m of housing produced using this technology in factory workshops is significantly lower than market prices for apartments and houses built in the traditional way. It ranges from 19 to 25 thousand rubles, and depends heavily on a set of additional options: autonomous heating, electrification, alarm, and so on. The individual blocks differ in shape, and the sizes vary widely.

The ideal business organization scheme (Fig. 2) provides for the creation of an integrated group of companies based on contractual relations, and includes:

  1. plant for the production of volume-modular buildings (OMZ);
  2. a network of regional dealer centers for promotion;
  3. construction organizations - installation and development of the territory;
  4. management company for organization and management (UK).

The central link in the system is the RMZ plant. It is being built or (more often) adapted by reconstructing part of the existing workshops. This is the most expensive part, which requires large investments (more on that below). If the first option is used, the management company retains a 100% equity interest, retaining control over production and sales. The plant's products are separate functional blocks manufactured on a conveyor basis. Depending on the order, a building with specified parameters and internal content is formed from them.

The management company performs many functions:

  1. determines the list of necessary equipment, materials;
  2. draws up an estimate indicating the sources of financing;
  3. designs workshops, production lines for equipment;
  4. develops (acquires) technological documentation;
  5. organizes start-up and adjustment works, bringing to design capacity;
  6. plans production, staffing, staff training.

The management company also coordinates the work of dealer centers, issues of transportation of finished OMZ, after-sales service and advertising. With an integrated approach, a developer who has a land plot leased or owned is engaged in the development and approval of a general development plan, laying engineering and technical communications. Individual customers indicate the place of installation of the house on their own.

Financial investments and payback

Investments in the production of modular blocks are considerable if you start a business from scratch. Reorientation of production, if there are already available areas, a partial set of equipment is much cheaper and easier. In general, financial investments are required:

  1. to develop a business plan adapted to their capabilities;
  2. for the purchase of technology, documentation on the organization, equipment;
  3. to develop a 3D project for work and demonstration;
  4. for an advertising company, including the creation of an Internet site;
  5. for company registration and preparation of constituent documents;
  6. for the production of experimental and exhibition samples.

For example, we will give an approximate calculation of the organization of production of hotel-type buildings, located on the site of the "Club of Investors".

Products - blocks S = 32 sq.m. three types: economy class (5 rooms of 6 sq.m.), a module for 2 rooms with a terrace, and a single suite with a bathroom. The volume of release is 20 modules per month. The approximate amount of investment will be:

  • arrangement of the factory conveyor line, rent of premises, advertising - 5,000,000 rubles;
  • purchase of a 2-week warehouse stock of materials and components - 4,000,000 million rubles;
  • the planned payback period of the project is 1.5 months with a margin of 350,000 rubles.

In the field of prefabricated buildings there are no uniform standards, and a huge number of different technologies. Domokomplekty folded according to the type of Lego constructor from individual blocks and elements. Versatility is ensured by the standardization of walls, corners, tees, floors. Metal and wooden frames are used as the basis, but all-metal block containers are considered the most reliable. Volumetric modular structures of this type are in demand in the construction of industrial buildings. The share of materials in the cost of production is approximately 60 - 70%.

Sales prospects and consumers

It cannot be said that the construction of cheap modular-frame buildings is a completely new idea for our country. However, its development was hampered by the lack of a quality offer on the market, and the skepticism of the Russian consumer. The situation in this respect is rapidly changing. Customers of prefabricated buildings can be roughly divided into four categories.

  1. large construction,oil and gas companies , exploration companies. They massively purchase products for the arrangement of temporary shift camps. They are ordered by Rosneft, Transstroy, the French Schlumberger and many others. For them, objects for various purposes are mounted: change houses, hostels, canteens, industrial buildings.
  2. Recreational and tourism industry. Modular houses are widely used for organizing tourist camps, recreation centers, summer camps, hotels, medical centers. They are suitable for the construction of sports complexes: swimming pools, gyms. Thus, the Vologda "Plant of Building Structures and Road Machines" implemented an order for the production of modular houses for the Sochi Olympics and the Asia-Pacific Summit for 14 villages with a total area of ​​111,000 sq.m.
  3. Trade, transport, logistics companies. Block containers are ordered for the organization of trade pavilions, warehouses, small cafes, various household premises. On their basis, garages, car services, security posts are equipped.
  4. Private and centralized residential construction. Increasingly, modular houses are ordered for arranging a summer cottage, both individual clients and developers implementing large projects. They are attracted by the low cost, and the short term for obtaining habitable housing. So, in the Moscow region, a whole cottage village "Gorki 90-18" was erected from modular houses with an area of ​​​​30 - 75 sq.m.

Example of realized production

The organizers of a tourist route to one of the uninhabited islands in the Maldives ordered a modular caretaker's house from the Russian company Uneeco (Moscow, Skolkovo). Its founder is a former lawyer Pavel Bobkov, the case was started in 2013. 16 million rubles (3 million borrowed) were invested. Approximately a quarter of the investment went to the organization of the factory line at the Tver plant, 2.5 million rubles. - for the development of the project.

The company produces expensive products of the elite class - fully finished ready-made eco-houses with autonomous communications: solar-powered heating and a pellet fireplace, a water supply system, electrification, and sewerage (Fig. 3). Thus, the Rassvet development group purchased a building with an area of ​​106 sq.m. as an office in one of the villages. for 3.6 million rubles.

Manufacturers initially relied on a private buyer, but the cost for the majority turned out to be unaffordable. Suddenly, customers appeared from the other side: travel companies, the Caucasian Reserve, a construction and investment company from Lake Baikal (ordered 10 houses). As a result, Uneeco has shifted its focus to industry exhibitions, and expects to sell mobile comfortable change houses to gas and oil workers.

Modular building franchises

As noted above, almost every manufacturer develops its own technology for the production of OMZ. Foreign projects are adapted to Russian conditions, modernized to use domestic materials. At this stage, you can save money if you start a franchise business. There are such offers on the market, we give two of them as an example.

1 "Double House"

Lump sum - 450,000 rubles

Royalties - 5%.

The Moscow company has been producing all-season modular houses since 2013. The range includes 12 models ranging from 26 to 130 square meters. m., costing from 990 thousand to 4.6 million rubles. Representative offices are located in St. Petersburg, Kazan, Voronezh. Looking for partners in the Southern Federal District, Crimea, Siberia. Requirements for the franchisee:

  • the area of ​​a warm industrial premises - from 1,000 sq.m.;
  • own (leased) warehouse for materials and components;
  • minimum number of employees from 5 people.

Experience in working with wooden and engineering structures is required, the partner purchases equipment and materials on his own. The franchisor provides technological documentation, trains staff, consults.

2 "Kuban Modular House" (KMD)

Investments - 2,500 - 3,500 million rubles;

Lump sum - 750,000 rubles;

Royalties - 25,000 rubles;

Payback period - 1 year.

The Krasnodar company has been operating since 2010, and since 2015 it has launched a franchise offer. She has developed her own patented technology, which does not require large investments in the reconstruction of existing production.

Partner requirements:

  • production area (not necessarily heated) - from 600 sq. m.;
  • crane-beam equipment from 3 tons (capacity);
  • maintenance of the technological line - 22 people.

The franchisor transfers the rights to use the Trademark and patent, helps to install and debug the line, transfers technical documentation and supply contracts. Can provide assistance in inclusion in the State funding programs.


Real estate experts predict an increase in demand for modular buildings in the next 3-5 years. The main consumers of products will still remain legal entities: companies and entrepreneurs, but among individual developers, interest in such structures is also growing.

For the first time, modular homes were talked about in the United States in the post-war period, when the issue of providing housing to people became the most urgent. Despite the fact that at first this type of housing was meant as temporary, after a short time, prefabricated buildings began to be used as places for permanent residence. Modular construction technology began to spread rapidly around the world - many people liked the convenient and mobile prefabricated houses, due to a whole range of advantages.

The houses were assembled from specially prepared modules, each of which had its own purpose. As a result, the components assembled together made up housing in which one could comfortably live, as in a familiar house built using capital construction technology. Over the past 100 years, prefabricated modular houses have not lost their relevance at all, and on the contrary, every year such buildings are becoming more and more in demand, including in our country.

Modular house series Rodnik

We have developed a typical modular house of the Rodnik series, which is based on modified Universal modules. A well-thought-out frame design allows you to put such a house with turnkey interior decoration in just 1 month. The house is designed for operation in a variety of climatic conditions in the temperature range from -40℃ to +40℃.

from 34,900 rubles/sq.m.

base price for your home

Layout of the house Rodnik

  • At the base of the house - a metal frame
  • Delivery in packages, assembly on site
  • Walls - prefabricated panels with electrical preparation
  • High flexibility in the choice of layouts
  • High installation speed

Advantages of modular houses

Modular houses have become in demand as a place for year-round living, thanks to a number of advantages:

  • The main advantage of houses made of metal structures is their rapid construction. Construction is carried out according to the parallel principle, i.e. all work is carried out simultaneously at 2 construction sites: on the first site, the place and foundation are prepared, and the necessary communications are connected, on the second, modules are directly manufactured, in accordance with the wishes of the customer.
  • Each module is made in accordance with all modern production standards; during assembly, all blocks are compatible with each other and exactly sized, which guarantees the quality and reliability of houses made from them.
  • For the production of modules, a wide selection of various materials is provided, each of which makes it easy to solve the problems of simplicity, comfort and warmth in the room.
  • Low price per 1 sq. m of modular housing, which is almost several times lower than in capital construction, makes it possible to solve the problem of choosing a place for permanent residence at minimal cost.

Interior of the house series Rodnik

Stages of manufacturing a modular house at the factory

The process of manufacturing a dwelling from modules can be divided into several stages. At the first stage, the customer provides a project of the future house to the manufacturer. When drawing up a plan, it is important to take into account both the location of rooms, doors and windows, as well as various options for connecting utilities.

The next stage involves the preparation of documentation for an individual construction plan, the calculation of estimates, as well as the determination of building materials for finishing work. The foundation is calculated taking into account all the features of the project, it often does not require large material costs and a lot of time for its installation, since the construction is carried out on the basis of light screw piles.

And the third stage is the coordination and approval of the project and the start of construction work. The manufacturer issues a package of all required documentation, warranties and certificates for each module separately. As a result, it takes on average up to 2 weeks to create a standard house from modules.

Development of modular construction in Russia

According to forecasts, modular houses for year-round living in our country will soon become even more in demand - today there is a high consumer demand for houses built using this technology. During their construction, 3 important principles are taken into account - efficiency, speed and ease of construction. Modular blocks in their composition contain only environmentally friendly components, so living in such buildings is not only comfortable, but also safe. There are a variety of configurations of houses made of metal structures, and, no less important, it is possible to order a different area in the module.

Panels in such houses are made in the form of a multi-layer sandwich (2 layers of cement-laminated slabs, 2 layers of vapor insulation and a layer of basalt insulation), which is why they received the appropriate name - sandwich panels. A warm modular house in terms of its thermal insulation properties significantly exceeds brickwork. Its walls are characterized by a high quality coefficient, and the heaters are not subject to atmospheric influences (moisture, direct sunlight, etc.). In addition, the entire production process is carried out under the careful supervision of the representatives of the plant.

The interior decoration of the house is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the customer: fiberboard, chipboard, galvanized iron, etc. are usually used. When designing, it is important to take into account the purpose of the room and its usable area, determining on the basis of this the dimensions of the modules and the number of storeys of the building. To ensure fire protection, the walls of the modular house are treated with a special refractory solution. Such premises, in addition to the previously listed technical features, also have additional advantages, including:

  • assembly of modules can be carried out at any time of the year and in any weather;
  • due to the mobility of housing, it can be easily disassembled and transported to a new location at any time;
  • depending on the requirements of the customer, the number of storeys of the house can also be increased, if necessary, up to the 3rd floor;
  • internal and external finishing of the module can be ordered at the factory;
  • many construction parameters of a modular building are several times higher than the parameters of capital buildings;
  • thanks to high-quality insulation, energy costs for heating are significantly reduced.

Prices for the construction of modular houses

These prices are base and do not include foundation, engineering and furniture. It is possible to supply the house in a complete set.

  1. Most of the labor-intensive work - the production of blocks itself is carried out in a workshop under the roof, so the weather and temperature do not affect anything.
  2. The possibility of phased construction, since the typical block is a separate living space in which you can immediately live. If you need to increase the area, you just need to make and dock additional modules to the existing ones.
  3. Thanks to the typical production of modular houses in the workshop, the loss of time and money is reduced.
  4. A house of this type can be disassembled into blocks and transported to another site!

Features of modular design

Blocks of modular houses of permanent residence are designed from universal panels and racks with standard dimensions of 2400 mm. x 4800 mm. When designing turnkey modular houses, it must be taken into account that the area of ​​the modules is always a multiple of these figures. As a rule, modular technology involves the use of the simplest foundation - a pile foundation, which allows you to ignore the soil on the site, and the price of such a turnkey house will be the lowest. The number of floors of modular buildings cannot exceed three floors.

Production of frame-modular houses

  1. We do modular house project with photos and prices, then the project is transferred to production
  2. The frame is specially processed. composition and covered with durable paint, panels are attached to it.
  3. Wall panels are made from high-quality steam, wind and waterproofing, fire-resistant insulation.
  4. Panels from inside and outside are covered with finishing materials provided in advance in the project.
  5. After transportation and installation of a turnkey modular house, engineering communications are laid in it, and the building is ready for year-round living!

Prices for turnkey modular houses

Thanks to the typical production of small-sized block modules in the workshop, and their quick installation on the site, it is possible to significantly reduce modular home price. The price of 1 m2 of a house kit for year-round use is only 15,000 rubles, the most ordinary people will be able to buy it. It remains only to bring to the site and complete the turnkey assembly of a modular house of permanent residence. By the way, final modular house price will be indicated in the estimate, which we will provide you after the completion of the project.