What should be the wallet. What color should a wallet be to attract money: signs, Feng Shui

Everyone knows the proverb "Happiness is not in money, but in their quantity." Naturally, money has never been a measure of happiness. However, you must agree: they play a significant role in the life of every person. In Feng Shui science, a wallet is considered the most important symbol associated with your financial well-being. Therefore, his choice must be approached seriously. It is through the wallet that your energy and money interact. Let's find out what should be the size, shape and color of a wallet that can multiply your income? And as a bonus, you will learn about talismans, which it is advisable to always carry in your wallet so that there is money in it.

How a properly selected wallet affects the well-being of the owner

Looking through the ancient treatises of Feng Shui, you will not find a single mention of a wallet. But this popular teaching does not stand still and is developing every day, adapting to new trends and realities. Nowadays, it is the wallet that acts as such a symbol of prosperity. In many respects, your material condition depends on its appearance. The wallet is the "home" for your money. Therefore, it is very important that it is selected according to all the rules.

There is one more factor that will make you take your choice of a wallet as seriously as possible. Remember that he is always with you, so a constant energy exchange is inevitable. That is, even your mood and health will depend on which wallet you use.


Red is very powerful, but no less finicky

According to experts in the field of Feng Shui, each person has "his" colors. Determine them depending on which element patronizes you. An important role is played by the elements that are adjacent to it in the circle of destruction.

Useful information: The element can be calculated by the last digit of your year of birth. True, you need to take into account the year according to the Eastern calendar, which differs from ours.

  • 0 or 1. Element - metal, your colors - white, silver, shades of gray.
  • 2 or 3. The element is water, your colors are black, purple, indigo, blue, light blue.
  • 4 or 5. The element is wood, your colors are brown, shades of green.
  • 6 or 7. The element is fire, your colors are burgundy, scarlet, carmine, red, pink.
  • 8 or 9. The element is earth, your colors are yellow, gold, orange, beige.

There are some nuances that must be considered when choosing a wallet color. People who are under the auspices of the elements of metal should not choose a gray wallet. But for those who belong to the water element, it will be most difficult to find the ideal option. The point is that all the tones of blue and black are not suitable for a wallet. They are permeated with water energy, so it will be banal to "wash" money out of it.

You can approach the solution of this issue from the other side. The earth element is responsible for accumulation. Therefore, when choosing a wallet, you can give preference to brown, beige and yellow tones - so you will definitely not miss. In such a wallet, money will accumulate much faster, and will be delayed for a longer period of time.

This is interesting: Most often, red wallets are found in specialty Feng Shui stores. This color is versatile, it has a strong energy that is used for various purposes. For example, to activate a talisman or to enhance the magical influence of symbols and objects. But you should know that red wallets are not only the most "powerful", but also very finicky. The owner must always keep such a wallet in perfect condition, it must certainly be of high quality and stylish. The ideal material is expensive leather.

Note that scarlet, burgundy, purple and garnet shades also have powerful energy in terms of attracting money.

The form

The wallet must be rectangular, and the bills in it must be stored unfolded

For paper bills, it is better to choose a rectangular wallet. It is important that the bills are stored in it in their entire unfolded position. Wallets that fold in half are considered not very good from a feng shui point of view. They suppress monetary energy and prevent you from improving your material condition. If you have a separate coin purse, it should also be rectangular, but small in size. Putting paper bills in it is undesirable.

The size

If you don't have such a ruler, it doesn't matter, you can use the usual one.

A few millennia ago, the great Chinese emperors learned all the secrets of symbols and numbers. This secret knowledge enriched the people who kept them and helped them to be more successful and happy. Today, you can also positively influence your own destiny and attract the capricious lady luck to your side.

Start by applying knowledge of the so-called imperial dimensions. They are measured with a special ruler 43.2 centimeters long. This line is divided into eight equal parts, each of which is subdivided into four smaller sections. Each segment carries useful information.

It's no secret that all things around us are characterized not only by shape and color, but also by certain sizes. So: it is enough to make sure that they are favorable from the point of view of Feng Shui. This will help you to change the state of affairs in important aspects of life for the better. Of course, you shouldn't measure every object around you. It is enough to limit yourself to the things that play a really important role in your life. In this case, a wallet.

Before we look at an example, let's learn about the meanings of all Imperial sizes.

So, the first imperial size ranges from 0 to 5.4 cm.

  • 1 segment: 0-1.35 cm. Brings good luck in money matters.
  • 2 piece: 1.35-2.7 cm. Provides security and wealth.
  • 3 segment: 2.7-4.05 cm. Gives you "six types of luck" at the same time.
  • 4 segment: 4.05-5.4 cm. Absolute happiness attracts into your life.

The second imperial size is from 5.4 to 10.8 cm.

  • 1 segment: 5.4-6.75 cm. Attracts monetary losses.
  • 2 section: 6.75-8.1 cm. Ensures problems with the law and the government.
  • 3 segment: 8.1-9.45 cm. Threatens to imprisonment.
  • 4 segment: 9.45-10.8 cm. Indicates the imminent death of one of the spouses.

The third imperial size is from 10.8 to 16.2 cm.

  • 1 segment: 10.8-12.15 cm. It is a repository of problems and failures.
  • 2 segment: 12.15-13.5 cm. Brings loss or taking of money.
  • 3 segment: 13.5-14.85 cm. Attracts meetings with unreliable people who can deceive you.
  • 4 segment: 14.85-16.2 cm. Everything that you value will be lost or lost.

The fourth imperial size is from 16.2 to 21.5 cm.

  • 1 section: 16.2-17.55 cm. It guarantees good heirs.
  • Segment 2: 17.55-18.9 cm. Attracts additional income from rather unexpected sources.
  • 3 segment: 18.9-20.25 cm. Symbolizes a very successful son.
  • 4 segment: 20.25-21.5 cm. Brings good luck and prosperity.

The fifth imperial size is from 21.5 to 27 cm.

  • 1 segment: 21.5-22.95 cm. Allows you to easily pass exams.
  • 2 section: 22.95-24.3 cm. Provides good luck in lotteries, various gambling and intermediary transactions.
  • 3 section: 24.3-25.65 cm. Improves income.
  • 4 segment: 25.65-27 cm. Gives success, power and honor to the whole family.

The sixth imperial size is from 27 to 32.4 cm.

  • 1 segment: 27-28.35 cm. Promises death and separation.
  • 2 segment: 28.35-29.7 cm. Deprives all means of subsistence.
  • 3 segment: 29.7-31.05 cm. Increases the likelihood that a person can be expelled in disgrace from a close society.
  • 4 segment: 31.05-32.4 cm. Promises an early loss of all money.

The seventh imperial size is from 32.4 to 37.5 cm.

  • 1 segment: 32.4-33.7 cm. Symbolizes the approach of disaster.
  • 2 segment: 33.7-34.9 cm. Brings death.
  • 3 segment: 34.9-36.25 cm. It attracts diseases and worsens health.
  • 4 segment: 36.25-37.5 cm. Attracts scandals, disagreements and quarrels.

The eighth imperial size is from 37.5 to 43.2 cm.

  • 1 section: 37.5-38.9 cm. Provides a huge flow of money.
  • 2 segment: 38.9-40.35 cm. Gives good luck in studies and exams.
  • 3 section: 40.35-41.77 cm. Attracts "gold and jewelry."
  • 4 segment: 41.77-43.2 cm. Promises success, prosperity and happiness.

How to "fit" the size to the desired values?

With the help of the red tape, you can "burn" the extra zone and adjust the wallet size to the desired value

As you can see, each segment can attract both favorable and, conversely, not very good events into your life. How to correctly apply the knowledge of imperial proportions? First, measure the dimensions of your wallet (height, width, and thickness). Record the measurement and determine the gap that each indicator falls within.

Let's say your wallet measures 25 by 14 centimeters (excluding thickness). It turns out that the length value is within the third segment of the fifth imperial size, that is, it improves your income, and the width is within the third segment of the third imperial size, which attracts meetings with unreliable people. Don't worry, the situation can be corrected.

If you can't just get rid of extra centimeters (nevertheless, cutting off part of the wallet is not the best solution), take a small piece of cloth or plain paper of any color other than red and tape it to the wallet. The final height (taking into account the glued part) should not be 14, but, for example, 17 centimeters. This value will give you wonderful heirs. You can simply attach a key chain or any other accessory to your wallet.

Well, with the help of a red tape, you can "burn" the extra zone, then it can be ignored when measuring the size. By the way, you can use not only a cloth, but also a red marker, felt-tip pen or pencil. It will be enough to draw a line with them from one edge of the wallet to the other.

With these tips, you can quickly and easily fit your wallet to a favorable size.


Leather is the best material for a wallet

Buy only a quality, neatly crafted wallet that is the best available option. This does not mean that you have to pay extra for a well-known brand, but the wallet must be perfect. Smooth lines of stitching, high-quality leather, no protruding threads, persistent color, well-installed working fasteners - these are signs of excellent quality. Probably everyone would like to live in a beautiful, durable and comfortable home. Surprisingly, the same can be said for money.

The best material for a wallet is natural suede or leather. Wallets made of polyethylene, leatherette, or plastic are a bad choice. They will not improve your financial condition, but, on the contrary, act as such a "reflecting screen" for banknotes.

Helpful Hint: If you cannot afford to spend a large amount on your wallet, give preference to a fabric product. It will not hit the owner's pocket so hard, and there will be a lot of benefits from such a wallet (if it meets other requirements).

Remember that money does not like stinginess, greed, but it respects thrifty people. So, if you decide to buy a wallet, it is better to save up more money and buy a leather wallet. It is foolish to save on your well-being.


Carry this talisman in your wallet to dramatically improve your financial situation.

Feng Shui masters claim that it is very easy to increase the flow of money through your wallet. It is enough just to use special talismans. Let's find out more about them:

  • It is not uncommon for people to carry the first bill they earn in their wallet. It's good if it's a $ 1 or $ 100 bill. These banknotes meet almost all the requirements of Feng Shui - all shades of green are good for banknotes. It is better to never exchange or spend a symbolic bill. It can be lightly greased with honey so that other bills of the same type stick to it like bees.
  • 3 Chinese coins connected by a red ribbon are a real money magnet. They should be carried in one of the wallet compartments.
  • An ordinary bean pod will save a person from wallet theft and rash spending. If your wallet does not have enough space and banknotes can wrinkle due to the pod, use any picture on which it is depicted.
  • The account keychain will help you manage your funds correctly and make the right decisions to increase profits. We recommend hanging it directly from your wallet. You can also carry the keychain in the same pocket as your wallet.
  • Feng Shui experts claim that the scent of mint attracts money. Simply place a drop of peppermint essential oil on the lining of your wallet, or place a small plant leaf in it (another option is a mint tea bag).
  • Do not be surprised, but in order to stabilize financial flows, it is advisable to grease a large banknote with honey. This simple step will draw powerful cash flow to you.
  • If you want to save up a sufficient amount for a purchase or go on vacation abroad, Feng Shui masters advise you to print an image of the desired item and put it inside your wallet. When you open your wallet, you will always see it, creating positive energy vibrations. Do not hesitate: in the near future you can easily save up the missing amount.

What shouldn't you keep in your wallet?

It is advisable to exchange such bills for new and clean ones.

Used tickets, old receipts and checks, unnecessary pieces of paper and business cards - all this is, in fact, rubbish. Their presence in the wallet is highly undesirable.

Useful information: Photos of family and friends, pets, etc. storing in a wallet is prohibited. By going against this rule, you risk harming them and significantly reduce your cash flow.

And the last tip: torn, shabby, worn out and dirty bills are best exchanged for new and whole ones.

It is important to understand that the size or color of the wallet is not the most important thing. Feng Shui masters say: first of all, the item you buy must be perfect for you. You should feel a powerful connection with her on an energetic level. Like any other item you own, a wallet should serve as an expression of your personality and personality. If you notice, even if at first glance, insignificant shortcomings, it is better to look for another wallet - the one with which you will immediately find a "common language".

Add your price to the base

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Each wallet has the ability to attract money. These products can have different shapes, sizes, be made from different materials. But regardless of the execution, their main goal and mission is to promote the magic of wealth. What kind of wallet to buy so that money can be found in it, and more?

How to choose the right wallet based on your zodiac sign?

If you want to attract large sums of money, then your wallet should look rich by the sign of the zodiac. Remember one of the basic laws of magic: like attracts like. A cheap, dirty, torn wallet concentrates the energy of poverty, and large bills have no reason to appear there. Choose natural materials, because synthetic materials are not able to store the energy of abundance, they extinguish it, deprive it of strength, and your money cannot attract wealth. The ideal wallet for the zodiac sign is, of course, leather, although suede and natural fabrics are also attractive for monetary energy.

So, the material of the wallet is determined by the sign of the zodiac, it must be natural! You should know that a wallet has a direct connection with the magic of wealth, it attracts and concentrates it at a certain point, because the basis of the magic of wealth is money energy, and its keepers are planets, elements, plants, colors. And so now let's talk about what the color of the wallet should be according to the sign of the zodiac.

Aries: what wallet should a man and a woman have?

Aries sign is characterized by hard work. People born under this constellation can easily earn big money. However, they can quickly spend them. Representatives of the zodiacal constellation do not have a sense of greed. They are ready to realize the dreams of their loved ones, not sparing their money.

Aries embraces wealth as a way to achieve new goals. To achieve material well-being for both men and women, you should buy wallets made of genuine leather. The accessory should have a stylish, no-frills look. It is advisable to take a wallet in red colors: from a bright color to a dark burgundy color.

IMPORTANT: Red is a sign of active energy. If the accessory is painted in its various shades, then the flow of money is guaranteed to you. However, in such a wallet, the bills will not stay for long. Therefore, save money in a wallet of a different color if you decide to save up for something.

Which wallet to choose: Taurus

For a calf, it is better to choose a solid wallet with a huge number of compartments made of soft leather. Lettering and drawings should be avoided, but the color of the accessory should be smart and festive to match the character of the calf. Do not forget about the commercialism of this holiday person, be sure to put a lot of money in your wallet!

What color of wallet should Gemini men and women have?

Men, women (Gemini) rarely achieve great wealth. Money is not their first priority. They can earn a large sum with their minds, and then spend it with ease. They often participate in charitable projects. It is not alien to them to gamble.

It is the impermanence of this sign that is the main problem in attracting wealth. Astrologers recommend that men and women buy accessories made from natural materials. Choose either a combined color - gray, orange, or take two wallets at once. They will also receive blue, purple purses to receive money.

IMPORTANT: Don't let your wallet get torn. Otherwise, you are guaranteed financial instability.

What color of wallet should a Cancer man and woman have?

Perhaps Cancers are the most frugal signs. They always have funds for contingencies in life. Some of them, starting to put aside what they have earned, sometimes cannot say to themselves: "Stop." And as a result, they deny themselves a lot, and they accumulate a decent fortune.

“Money house” for Cancers is better to take a little unusual, mysterious. And the color is suitable for men, for women lilac (any tone), silver.

Which wallet to buy according to the zodiac sign Leo for a man and a woman?

Lions deny themselves little. They love expensive brands. People born under this constellation are completely non-greedy. They are always ready to help, if necessary - to lend even the last money to friends. But, when funds run out, Lions quickly find ways to earn them. For ladies Lions, it is preferable to buy wallets in red, purple. And chic purses, clutches of black, dark red shades will go for men.

IMPORTANT: It is advisable that the money clutch is spacious, then the bills will linger in it.

Which wallet to choose: Virgo

Virgo strives to have graceful, but comfortable and practical things. For this sign, you should choose a neat small wallet, made with no frills, rhinestones and sparkles. Contrary to all the laws of saving money energy, purses in white, turquoise and green are recommended for virgins.

Which wallet to choose: Libra

For scales, the money house needs to be stylish. Libra prefers a wallet with a variety of pockets, among which there are exactly the same. This will provide an opportunity for the wavering sign to transfer banknotes from one place to another. Regarding color, stop at a cold scale: blues and greenish tones.

Which wallet to choose: Scorpio

This zodiac sign is extremely demanding and moody. If you are deciding which wallet is best for your scorpion, go for a very high quality product. The souvenir should have clear seams, high-quality lining, and classic uncomplicated fittings. The passionate nature of the scorpion adores red, orange and gold colors, they will provide financial stability for this sign.

Which wallet to choose: Sagittarius

The ability of a Sagittarius to forget and lose everything is often disappointing to loved ones. To keep the wallet always in the field of view of the scattered sign, give it a large item that is hard to miss. Sagittarius stars are recommended to buy a large and bright wallet with multi-colored inserts, which will become a real magnet for wealth. Good luck - blue, cyan, green, purple.

Which wallet to choose: Capricorn

If you decide to give the Capricorn any thing, first find out exactly how much he needs it. Capricorns most often have their own plans and aspirations. For this conservative zodiac sign, the classic version of the wallet will come in handy. The preferred colors for ibex are black, brown, or dark chocolate.

What kind of wallet does an Aquarius man and woman need?

Aquarius is a creative zodiac sign. He can be terribly rich and poor. There are many geniuses among the representatives of this constellation. For Aquarius, freedom comes first. Therefore, he has problems with money.

Handmade wallets are best suited for people of this sign. The color should be dark for both women and men. Give preference to blue, purple, turquoise shades.

IMPORTANT: Blue attracts money energy, but it is not advisable to keep money in it. They will decrease rapidly.

What color of wallet should Pisces men and women have?

Pisces is not a currency. The inner peace is important to them. Even if Pisces becomes wealthy, they will not hold on to their capital with a stranglehold.

Often among the people of this constellation there are lovers of antique products. Therefore, an antique wallet with a touch of the last century will suit them. The color for attracting material wealth can be white, steel, blue, silver, turquoise.

Choosing a good day to buy a wallet

To find out when is the best time to buy a wallet, let's turn to the lunar calendar.

  • Astrologers advise going to the store to shop on days when the Moon passes through the signs of Taurus or Libra, since they are ruled by Venus. As you know, Venus in astrology is responsible not only for love, but also for money, so you can attract monetary profit by choosing the right day when the influence of this planet is increasing.
  • It is good if the moon is growing on the day of purchase. It is such a moon that favors expansion, the attraction of material wealth. Do you want the money in your wallet to multiply and grow? Then choose the days between the new moon and the full moon - this is the growth phase of the moon. For information on when the new and full moons are in 2016, see this article. See also New and Full Moons 2017.
  • Avoid buying on the 19th, 26th and 29th lunar days, so that this useful thing does not become a cause of anxiety and a source of financial problems. Also, the days when the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn are not suitable, the ruler of which, the planet Saturn, symbolizes obstacles and restrictions.
  • If the "house for money" is purchased during the period when the Moon passes through the fire signs of the Zodiac - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the owner of the wallet can safely enjoy the joys of life, without regret saying goodbye to honestly earned bills. You won't have to worry about the money spent on entertainment for a long time - just as easily and quickly, new financial receipts will fill your empty wallet with order.
  • The most convenient place in a purse purchased during the Moon's stay in Gemini and Aquarius is recommended to be given to bank cards.
  • If the owner is inclined to save money, astrologers advise to pre-stock up on plastic bonus and accumulative cards and, after waiting for the moment when the Moon is in Virgo, choose the appropriate wallet.

Throwing out an old wallet after buying a new one is not worth it, because having two is an excellent indicator of multiplying cash flows. Moreover, the old can turn out to be a good "bait" for money. After waiting for the onset of the first lunar day, all the contents are taken out of it. With the onset of the second lunar day, money should be gradually thrown into the bait, one bill at a time, regardless of the denomination. The main thing is to stretch this process over the entire lunar month. On the growing moon (3-7 lunar days) put a silver coin in an old wallet, it energetically activates the magical influence of the moon. The coin can be replaced with a small silver spoon or jewelry. This simple ritual carries the energy of attracting and increasing savings.

Feng Shui Wallet Color

Feng Shui believes that the color of the wallet is of great importance in attracting money. The strongest colors are brown (the color of wood and earth), black (also the color of the earth), any shade of yellow (solar), about gold and silver, and they have nothing to say "and cards in their hands."

The red wallet is also not bad, but it is suitable only for those who are sure that this wallet will always have at least a little money. Since red has the ability to enhance everything, it also strengthens an empty wallet, and no one needs this.

There is one more tip - choose the color of your wallet according to your zodiac sign, but it will be your "faithful friend" and will never remain empty.

Of course, a self-made wallet will be the strongest magnet for money, and if you take into account the recommendations of Feng Shui, then the positive energy in it will double or even triple.

Never, never, never buy a blue, cyan and green wallet, even if you are crazy about these colors. Feng Shui is sure - in this case, money will forget the way to your home. And even those who have never had any special financial problems - they will appear. It will be much more difficult to restore the destroyed positive energy than to try not to lose it, keep this in mind.

Wallet color and birthday

If you are not a fan of Feng Shui, search for the perfect shade by date of birth is at your service. To find out the optimal color for a money wallet, use numerology. To do this is simple: subtract the least from the number of your birth. For example: you were born on the 27th (7-2 = 5). Five is the money birth number that attracts money powerfully. If you were born on the 11th or 22nd, the entire color palette is at your service.

For others:

  1. Bronze, orange, yellow, gold;
  2. White, green;
  3. Purple, pink, blue;
  4. Blue, gray;
  5. White, gray, yellow;
  6. Light blue, blue, pink, green;
  7. Green, lilac, pink, lilac, white;
  8. Black, blue, dark green;
  9. Red.

The color of the wallet by date of birth will be even more successful if you combine this choice with the color identification of the wallet by the sign of the zodiac.

A few secrets on how to increase money, attract it and save it

№ 1. Documents related to monthly payments (pay books and receipts for payments for utilities, gas, telephone, credit documents, etc.), whether paid or not, must be stored in one folder, and in red. So you will not have problems with debts, with

timely payment, and the money needed to pay off debts, if any, will be attracted by themselves.

№ 2. To attract money, keep a pinch of cinnamon and a few mint leaves in your wallet and other places where you store money.

№ 3. Money will go into your hands if you make it a rule to carry out one simple manipulation. It must be done every new moon, ideally when this day or three days after its start will fall on Wednesday or Thursday. Before going to bed, collect all the money that is in the house without counting it, drip cinnamon or rosemary oil, smear it on all the money, and put it under your pillow. Immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed, count them three or seven times. At the same time, it is good to pronounce your favorite conspiracy for money. So, you will charge the bills with your own energy, and the bills spent during the month will return multiplied.

№ 4. It is unacceptable to count and give money from home after sunset. But if the circumstances develop in such a way that you still need to give them away, and at this particular time, do not hand them over, but put them on the floor, the person to whom they are intended, let him pick them up.

№ 5. It is categorically impossible to count and discuss other people's income - your own money will not be! The fact is that envy of other people's money and success, condemnation of the rich subconsciously drives you to poverty. Such thoughts send a signal and block your life: if wealth is bad, then you don't need it.

№ 6. Do not stuff crumpled bills in your pockets, do not throw money anywhere. They should have their own place, good, beautiful and cozy - a purse, a casket.

№ 7. Break the habit of passing and taking bills from hand to hand, paying off debts, accepting returned ones, paying for purchases. Together with them, you can transfer your financial luck to a stranger, and get bad energy from him. There are special saucers for money on store shelves for a reason.

№ 8. Get rid of money found on the street, do not wear found jewelry and do not buy jewelry from your hands. Their former owner faced failure, loss or ruin, taking his money or things for yourself, you also take away the negative.

№ 9. When you host guests, never finish the rest of the alcohol for guests and do not finish eating from other people's plates. Do not pour leftover glasses back into the bottle, and do not put food from other people's plates in the refrigerator.

A wallet is an important part of every person's life. You need to choose a wallet, focusing not only on its appearance, but also on its ability to “attract money”.

Everyone keeps his personal money in your wallet. This is a special accessory that popular and in demand all over the world. In addition, he is so susceptible to superstitions and omens that it is even necessary to buy it for yourself, following the rules. The main rule when choosing a wallet is focus on his ability to "attract money."

First of all, take a look at your real wallet. What is he? If it is sufficiently worn out, old, cracked or frayed, it should be replaced. The energy of the "beaten by life" wallet is weakened and therefore is incapable of "attracting money." People believe that only the right wallet can improve the financial well-being of its owner.

The "money" wallet must be:

  • Purchased during the waxing moon or full moon
  • Have a “money” color or a color that attracts wealth.
  • Made from natural materials
  • Its shape and color should match your zodiac sign.
  • Have a "money talisman" inside
How to choose a "money" wallet?

One of the basic rules of a wallet that is able to attract money says: "There must be order in the wallet!"... There is a deal of truth in it. Think how many "extra" items a person carries in his wallet every day: checks, receipts, photographs, notes, prayers, icons, keys and much more. Human wisdom teaches: "every thing has its place!"

Organize your wallet:

  • Store change only in the coin compartment, do not let it be in the same pocket as bills.
  • Put the bills in your wallet so that they are in it as you increase.
  • All bills must be in the wallet "facing" you.
  • Remove excess settlement papers from your wallet.
  • Place the cards in the corresponding holes.
  • Put a charm in one of the secret pockets: a gold coin, a dollar or something else (a charm of your choice).
  • Always carry your wallet closed, do not allow cases of open compartments in the wallet.

How to attract money to your wallet?

Green and red wallet to attract money: what does Feng Shui mean?

The ancient Chinese teaching "Feng Shui" attunes a person to live in harmony with the environment. It presents a person with a wallet as a "store of money" and symbol of prosperity in the future. A serious approach to the choice of a wallet guarantees prosperity to a person.

"Feng Shui" assures the importance of energy exchange between a person and a wallet. It is this advantage that contributes to the fact that the wallet starts "Attract" money... But this is not happening in a literal sense, because nothing happens just like that. In this case, we are talking about the fact that a person will be favored by luck in work, as well as fate will save him from unnecessary "money down the drain".

A Feng Shui wallet should not only be beautiful for you, he should give you moral pleasure. In addition, it is desirable that it be roomy (the larger the wallet, the more money it contains). You should purchase a new wallet in such a way that it outnumbered your old wallet(or at least had more departments).

How to choose a Feng Shui wallet?

What you can not do when purchasing a new wallet for "Feng Shui":

  • Store memories of relatives in it (photos, postcards, notes, newspaper clippings, and so on).
  • To keep money found on the street, stolen money and money that was given to you (money that you got "just like that" does not have a positive energy).
  • Try to save money by purchasing a new wallet ( a cheap wallet will not attract money).
  • Choose a small or compact wallet. It should be roomy and such that the bill fits in full size. A bent bill has a disturbed energy, money should not have creases.

Never leave your wallet empty, do not waste all your money to the last penny. There should always be some amount in it, as they say, "for bait."

Feng Shui purse

What Feng Shui advises in purchasing a wallet:

  • Try to purchase a wallet made of genuine leather... Such a product not only looks expensive and stylish, the material “attracts” wealth. If leather or suede "you can't afford it", try to get a wallet from other material material: linen, cotton.
  • The doctrine advises choosing a wallet of a color that would “attract money. It is believed that the most powerful energy possesses Red color... In addition, it serves as a talisman, "driving away" evil forces.
  • Another way to choose the color of your wallet is. Everyone has a certain element, each element has a specific color.
  • Green color, according to "Feng Shui", also has a "monetary" energy. It is this shade that the world currency - the dollar - has.
  • In addition to color, the wallet should be distinguished by its money talisman. Such a talisman must necessarily be hidden from prying eyes and conspired "for money."

Can a wallet attract money?

How to charge a new wallet to raise money: ceremony, ritual

The main ritual in buying a new "money" wallet is do it during the growth of the new moon... It is believed that everything that a person does on a waxing moon contributes to an increase, and on a waning moon - to losses. It is also considered a good omen to buy a wallet on the new moon, when the moon has the most powerful energy.

When buying a wallet, do not save, but rather overpay (a good omen). When the wallet is yours, try to pronounce a simple conspiracy on your own (see "Conspiracy number 1"). After that, at home, put silver coins (any) in your wallet and leave your wallet overnight in the moonlight. Read the conspiracy (see "Conspiracy number 2").

Conspiracy number 1

Conspiracy number 2

What conspiracy to read on a new wallet so that money flows?

A good talisman for a new wallet that can attract money will be unchangeable coin(any little thing that you cannot exchange and spend: one penny, one cent, and so on). You should put it in your wallet. on the first night of its acquisition... During the insertion of the talisman, you must read the conspiracy.

The conspiracy should be read all alone, in good spirits and only with faith in every word spoken. Only then can you "instill" in your wallet a charge of positive energy that can attract wealth and prosperity. After you read the conspiracy, put your wallet under your pillow and pick it up only in the morning.

Money conspiracy

How to put money in your wallet correctly?

The "loves order" wallet... That is why you should not keep money in your wallet "in chaos." This disrupts the energy of this accessory, leading to a "drain" of wealth.

Money wallet rules:

  • The first bill that you see in your wallet should be the largest denomination, and the last one is the smallest.
  • Try to keep beautiful, even and not torn bills in your wallet (immediately get rid of that kind of money: spend or exchange). Crumpled money is also undesirable.
  • It's good if you have one dollar in your wallet. (This bill is considered a powerful talisman, since it has a printed Masonic sign of wealth).
  • Take money with your left hand and pay with your right. Such a rule will help attract wealth.

How to make a wallet "cash"?

What to put in a wallet to attract money: money talismans

Amulets for a wallet can be:

  • First self-earned bill
  • Winning lottery ticket
  • Chinese Lucky Coin
  • Unchangeable bill
  • Unchangeable coin
  • 1 dollar bill
  • Banknote origami mascot
  • Money conspiracy written in your hand
  • Money rune
  • Coin made of gold or silver

Any "money" amulet must be "felt". You should choose a talisman for yourself, focusing on your intuition. You can add stones that match your zodiac sign.

Charms for the wallet

Mouse in the wallet for money, what is it?

This amulet is very popular. It is manufactured in the form miniature mouse... It is customary to put it in any section of your wallet (preferably in the one from which it will not fall out).

A mouse is considered a talisman because it is able (akin to a real mouse) to "settle down" in a wallet. People believe that the mouse is so grateful for the "home" that it tries to thank its owner by attracting money to the wallet.

This mouse should be put in a new wallet to the growing moon, it is advisable to read the conspiracy. Of course, it is very difficult to find such a talisman. It must be made of natural material (clay, for example) or noble metal.

Mouse - a talisman in a wallet

Is it possible to buy a black wallet with butterflies?

Modern fashion greatly influences a person's life. It also applies to everyday accessories, in particular, to the wallet. How to be in this situation? The fact is that designers cannot influence the course of affairs in any way and somehow limit the "flow of money" into your wallet.

Even black, purple, blue and any other colors of accessories can provide you with financial well-being. The main thing - you should love your wallet externally and not experience any inconvenience in using it... Choose a wallet that looks very attractive to you. The accessory can have embossing or decorative elements: straps, rivets, drawings.

A wallet for attracting money, what should it be?

Can I buy a used wallet?

Purchase already used wallet considered a bad sign. During use, the wallet is capable of absorb the energy of a person. That is why when buying used wallet, you acquire the "destiny" of a stranger. Not the fact that she was well off.

A new wallet is required must be brand new... Only such an accessory will contribute positive changes in your life and raising money. Only a new wallet can be "accustomed" to the magic of wealth and prosperity. Buy a wallet at any store, market or website. Try to give more money for the wallet than is required. Such a gesture will allow "To be led by money."

Can I buy an old wallet?

What to do if presented with an empty wallet?

Give an empty wallet- Bad sign. It is believed that a donated empty wallet will contribute to the fact that it "Will be empty" in the future. It is imperative to present a wallet as a gift with a little money(or more, at your discretion).

Even one bill in a donated wallet will be a good amulet for him in the future. It is advisable to put it in a wallet for a gift a bill of red shades. If your budget is really bad, even one coin will be enough. Choose a nice, flat and new bill. Try not to give a cheap or poor quality wallet, choose a product made of genuine leather.

How to give a wallet? Can I donate an empty wallet?

Can and how to properly throw away an old wallet?

Another important rule when buying a new wallet is get rid of the old... This must be done literally. Remove all foreign objects from your wallet: discount cards, old photos, charms and checks ( any information about you).

Mentally (or in words) say goodbye to your old wallet. Thank it for its faithful lifespan and just throw it in the trash can. It is advisable to do this in the morning or afternoon. (not in the evening and not at night)... It's best to throw your wallet away during the growth of the moon... This way you can “gain”, not “lose”.

Keeping an old wallet in the house is by no means worth it. It will attract the energy of an "empty" wallet and prevent you from gaining financial well-being with the help of a new accessory.

What to do with an old wallet? Can I throw it out?

Can I carry a photo in my wallet: signs

What is a bad sign of carrying photos of loved ones and loved ones in your wallet? The fact is that in addition to the fact that money has good energy, it can carry negativity... Negativity accumulates from those people who held them before you (and this was done by hundreds and thousands of individuals).

While in your wallet, your loved ones will take on both the good and the bad influence of money. This is fraught with bad luck, illness, and other "chronic problems." A wallet is a place only for money and cards on which funds are located.

Can I store photos in my wallet?

Where to buy a good fashionable wallet?

You can buy a wallet everywhere. In every city there is necessarily a shop or market selling these accessories. Nevertheless, modern Internet resources will help you to choose the right model of the wallet of the desired color.

A wallet is not just a convenient accessory for storing money. Many believe that the wallet is also a powerful talisman for attracting material wealth. According to common beliefs, a wallet should be chosen based on a specific color scheme. Since ancient times, people have believed in the magical power of color: some shades are able to attract wealth into a person's life, while others, on the contrary, repel it.

Favorable color scheme

There are colors, traditional in the generally accepted sense, that contribute to the accumulation of "monetary" energy. The most popular association with wealth and wealth is the clink of gold coins. It is easy to guess that the most favorable for the accumulation of energy of material well-being are all shades of golden, yellow, beige. If you do not want to purchase an overly bright and flashy gold wallet, opt for a neutral model with an ocher tint. Wallets of warm yellow tones, beige, brown, mustard are also appropriate.

When choosing a new wallet, focus on your own feelings. If the wallet evokes positive emotions in you and pleases the eye, feel free to buy it, even if the color scheme cannot be called standard.

Fans of the classic conservative style in accessories can choose a wallet in traditional black or brown. These shades are considered the colors of the earth, they symbolize fertile soil. A soft forest green shade is a good option.

A red wallet is considered a powerful money talisman. Red is the color of well-being and vitality, it symbolizes blood, fire, activity. It is believed that money in a red wallet will multiply without difficulty.

The material of the wallet also plays an important role. It is best to pay attention to models made of genuine leather. Too cheap leatherette accessories are unlikely to attract money into your pocket.

What colors should you avoid?

If the colors of the fire element are capable of attracting money, then the water element scares them away. It is believed that together with the flowing and fickle water, money seems to flow out of its owner's wallet, so you should avoid wallets of all shades of blue, blue, turquoise, sea waves. The only exception is the silver shade. Despite the fact that silver is classified as a cold color, it is favorable for the accumulation of wealth, as it gives rise to associations with precious silver coins.

They start thinking about life and money when they come to an end. Emil Korotky

Let's set ourselves the task of avoiding such thoughts. And let's start with the most sacred item for banknotes - the wallet. It is he who is a powerful conductor, a generator of monetary energy. In order for our money to live well in it, we need to determine which color of the wallet will be the most effective for attracting money.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that money gravitates towards shades belonging to the energy of Metal and Earth. Any color from dark brown to pale yellow is the perfect suit for banknotes. But we not only need to understand what color of the wallet attracts money, but also take into account our own preferences. We should like the color of the purse.

Black, dark brown

This is reliability and consistency. The earth is a symbol of fertility, the beginning of all that exists. Money will willingly come to such a call, especially if the owner of the dark purse is a conservative person who respects the foundations of life and traditions.

To increase the craving for money, choose a wallet of these calfskin colors - this material will effectively work to replenish and increase your finances.


The most powerful generator of monetary energy. The perfect shade for the early accumulation of wealth. But you should know - a fiery color, bright, exciting, can drain soft, timid people by nature, although it will bewitch money. The red wallet was created for the lively and restless persons.

To successfully attract money, buy only an expensive red wallet made of patent leather. This will increase the monetary influence.


The yellow palette acts on money more delicately, gently. Ideal for uplifting, spiritual people who do not focus on enrichment. Creative people, romantics and dreamers.

To increase the attraction of money, purchase a yellow purse made of soft suede. The villi will slow down the outgoing finances and return them back.

White, silver.

These are the colors of abundance and comfort. Money in a purse of such colors will constantly and reliably grow, giving the owner confidence and well-being.

To enhance such qualities, it is advisable to add the same shade to a part of everyday clothes or some kind of accessory.

Attention! It is strongly not recommended to buy a purse of the entire blue palette. It's disastrous for money. Blue-blue colors are symbols of departure and temporality. Your finances will rapidly seep into oblivion and slip through your fingers.

The great influence of Feng Shui

If you are an admirer of the powerful science of life, choose a Feng Shui wallet color that follows certain rules. According to experts of the ancient doctrine, each has its own element with its own colors. To understand what color attracts money, focus on the final digit of the year of birth.

Recall that the whole palette of blue will contribute to the leakage of money. Choose shades that are brighter and more saturated. But also remember that not only the color of the Feng Shui wallet, but also its size must be correct.

The more - the richer! This is partly true. The ideal "Imperial" wallet size for attracting money is 17.55-18.9 cm. But there are other sizes that will be successful in terms of increasing wealth. To find out which size is suitable, you can use the usual ruler:

  • 0-13 mm: successful financial savings;
  • 27-40 mm: consistency in the replenishment of cash reserves;
  • 40-54mm: stable welfare size;
  • 175-189 mm: Regular side income;
  • 202-215 mm: successful financial starting;
  • 243-256 mm: stable growth of savings;
  • 378-402 mm: the size of the powerful cash flow;
  • 415-429 mm: successful capital investments;
  • 429-432 mm: the size of prosperity in finance.

If you like a wallet very much, but its size is unsatisfactory, it does not matter. It is possible to "lengthen" it. To do this, attach some amulet outside. This will make the wallet size suitable for attracting money.

Wallet color and birthday

If you are not a fan of Feng Shui, search for the perfect shade by date of birth is at your service. To find out the optimal color for a money wallet, use numerology. To do this is simple: subtract the least from the number of your birth. For example: you were born on the 27th (7-2 = 5). Five is the money birth number that attracts money powerfully. If you were born on the 11th or 22nd, the entire color palette is at your service. For others:

  1. Bronze, orange, yellow, gold;
  2. White, green;
  3. Purple, pink, blue;
  4. Blue, gray;
  5. White, gray, yellow;
  6. Light blue, blue, pink, green;
  7. Green, lilac, pink, lilac, white;
  8. Black, blue, dark green;
  9. Red.

The color of the wallet by date of birth will be even more successful if you combine this choice with the color identification of the wallet by the sign of the zodiac.

Color rules of the zodiac constellations

The size of all financial receipts will be much higher if we take into account the color of the wallet according to the horoscope when choosing. Money loves shades that match your zodiac sign:

  • Aries. For benevolent Aries, gold, green and all shades of brown are ideal.
  • Taurus. Colors from pale green to dark reed belong to these sensual signs of the zodiac.
  • Twins. Mysterious Gemini will love the purple range, gray, green and yellow shades.
  • Cancer. Highly intelligent representatives of this zodiac belong to white, silver, platinum and blue.
  • A lion. Bright, unrestrained Leo will suit red in all its forms, black and variations of yellow.
  • Virgo. Imbued with purity and austerity, this sign of the zodiac will prefer white, blue, purple and green.
  • Scales. Rational Libra will choose white, green, beige and a palette of blue.
  • Scorpion. One of the fairest signs of the Zodiac will choose red and yellow shades for himself.
  • Sagittarius. The humble Sagittarius loves a sophisticated palette of blues and purples.
  • Capricorn. Stubborn zodiac representatives love shades of gray, black, green and blue.
  • Aquarius. For calm Aquarius, the optimal colors are white and silver, azure and blue.
  • Fishes. Zodiac sign Pisces with their developed intuition chose gray, blue, white and silver.

How to choose the color of the wallet to attract money is up to you. But in any case, the wallet must become your real, reliable friend, cute in all respects, a real powerful money talisman. Wealth to you!