How to live with your mind and heart? How to follow your destiny? The last words of Steve Jobs have become known. The dying words of Steve Jobs.

He died a billionaire at the age of 56 from pancreatic cancer. And these are his last words: “I have reached the peak of success in the business world, in other eyes my life is the essence of success. However, apart from work, I have little joy. After all, wealth is just a fact of life that I'm used to.

At this moment, when I am lying in bed sick and remembering my whole life, I understand that all the recognition and wealth that I have are meaningless and devoid of higher meaning in the face of inevitable death. You can hire someone to drive a car for you, make money for you, but you cannot hire anyone with all your money to bear the disease for you. You can find and buy material things. But there is one thing that cannot be found and bought when it is lost - “life” cannot be bought. Treat yourself well. And respect others. The older we get, the smarter we become, and gradually we realize that a watch that costs $30 and a watch that costs $300 tell the same time. Whether we carry a wallet that costs $30 or a wallet that costs $300, both hold the same amount of money. Whether we drive a $150,000 car or a $30,000 car, the road and distance are the same and we reach the same destination.

If we drink a $300 bottle or a $10 wine, the “high” will be the same. Whether the house we live in is 300 square meters or 3000 square meters, you are equally lonely. Your true inner happiness does not come from the material things of this world. If you are flying in first class or economy class, if the plane crashes, you fall with it. So...

I hope you understand that when you have friends or someone to talk to, that is true happiness! Five hard facts: 1. Don't raise your kids to be rich. Raise them to be happy. So when they grow up, they will know the value of things, not the price.

2. “Eat food as medicine. Otherwise, you must eat your medicine as food.”
3. Those who love you will never leave you, even if he or she has 100% reasons to abandon you, he or she will always find one reason to be persistent and not leave you.
4. There is a big difference between being human and being humane. If you just want to go fast, go alone! But if you want to go far, go together!
Six of the best doctors in the world 1. Sunlight 2. Rest 3. Exercise 4. Diet 5. Self-confidence and 6. Friends. Keep them at all stages of life and enjoy a healthy life.”

It will remain a mystery whether these are the last words of Steve Jobs himself, who recently passed away from an incurable disease, or whether these are just the good words of a person who has known something more in life. For each of us, the concept of “wealth” has its own individual volume of values, for most it is limited to purely material boundaries, but among us, fortunately, there are those who go beyond these boundaries. You can philosophize a lot about this, especially on the topic of dying realizations, when there are only 10 minutes left before the end of the performance, be that as it may, when it comes to love, a dialogue with God begins.

“I managed to reach the pinnacle of success in the business world. Many people think that my life is the epitome of success.

But I admit, I don’t have many joys outside of work. And in general, wealth is just a fact of life that I’m just used to.

At the moment, I am lying in a hospital bed and remembering my whole life. Now I realized that the wealth and recognition that I was so proud of had lost their former meaning in the face of impending death.

When in the dark I look at the green light coming from the life support machine and hear the characteristic mechanical sound, I feel the approach of death and the breath of God. Now that we have enough money, it’s time to think about completely different issues in life that are not related to wealth...

There are much more important things in life. Perhaps for some it is relationships, for others it is art or childhood dreams...

The constant race for profit turns a person into a puppet. This happened to me too. God gave us feelings so that we can tell our loved ones about our love.

The wealth that I have acquired in my life, I cannot take with me. All that I will take with me are only memories associated with love. This is real wealth that should follow you, accompany you, give you strength to move on.

Love can overcome great distances. Life has no limits. Reach the heights you want to reach. Go where your heart calls you. It's all in your hands.

Having money, you can hire a bunch of people who will drive you around and do things around the house or work. But no one will take on your illnesses.

The material things that we miss can still be found, earned, found. But there is one thing that you will never find if you lose it. That's life .

It doesn't matter how old you are now or what you've achieved. There will come a day for all of us when the curtain comes down...

Your treasure is love for your family, lover, loved ones, friends...

Take care of yourself. Take care of others."

Prepared by: Ah...

Steve Jobs can easily be called a cult personality of recent decades. Millions of people are grateful to him for his unique products. Despite all his wealth, Jobs managed to remain a simple man.

Recently, Steve's last words, which he spoke in his hospital room, were published on the Internet. This message touches the deepest strings of the soul... Perhaps it will be stronger than the famous speech that Jobs gave to Stanford graduates and which many quote to this day...

“I managed to reach the pinnacle of success in the business world. Many people think that my life is the epitome of success.

But I admit, besides work, I don’t have many joys. And in general, wealth is just a fact of life that I’m just used to.

At the moment I am lying in a hospital bed and remembering my whole life. Now I realized that the wealth and recognition that I was so proud of had lost their former meaning in the face of impending death.

When in the dark I look at the green light coming from the life support machine and hear the characteristic mechanical sound, I feel the approach of death and the breath of God. Now that we have enough money, it's time to think about completely different issues in life that are not related to wealth...

There are much more important things in life. Perhaps for some it is relationships, for others it is art or childhood dreams...

The constant race for profit turns a person into a puppet. This happened to me too. God gave us feelings so that we can tell our loved ones about our love.

The wealth that I have acquired in my life, I cannot take with me. All that I will take with me are only memories associated with love. This is real wealth that should follow you, accompany you, give you strength to move on.

Love can overcome great distances. Life has no limits. Reach the heights you want to reach. Go where your heart calls you. It's all in your hands.

Having money, you can hire a bunch of people who will drive you around and do things around the house or work. But no one will take on your illnesses.

The material things that we miss can still be found, earned, found. But there is one thing that you will never find if you lose it. That's life.

It doesn't matter how old you are now or what you've achieved. There will come a day for all of us when the curtain comes down...

Your treasure is love for your family, lover, loved ones, friends...

Take care of yourself. Take care of others."

Steve's sister Jobs, writer Mona Simpson, spoke about the last moments of her brother's life and the last words he spoke words. The text of her eulogy for the founder of Apple, delivered at a memorial service at Stanford University Memorial Church, was published in the New York Times.

Simpson said that the day before her death, her brother called her and asked her to urgently come to his home in Palo Alto. He began to say goodbye to her over the phone, but she stopped him: “Wait. I’ll be right there.”

When Simpson arrived at Jobs' house, she saw her brother surrounded by his family. He and his wife Lauren talked and even joked. “When he said goodbye, he told me how sorry he was that we were never able to grow old together as we had previously wanted,” she says.

After a while, Jobs's breathing suddenly changed, as if he was suddenly climbing a mountain, Mona says. He looked at his children and wife for a long time. Jobs's last words were monosyllabic and repetitive: "Wow. Wow. Wow."

Steve Jobs died after a long illness on October 5th of this year. He was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer. He spent all these years with a persistent thought about death, but it did not lead him to apathy or fatalism, but, on the contrary, gave him an incentive not to regret anything and not to be afraid of anything.

Six years ago, he told graduates of Stanford University about his incurable illness: “The awareness that I can die at any moment is the main tool that helps me make important life choices. Because almost everything in the world: passive waiting, pride, fears, resentments and failures - they all fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important." He said that thinking about death helps you avoid the trap that the fear of losing something precious can lead you into. After all, if you have already lost everything, then there is no reason not to follow your heart. “Death is probably life’s best invention,” Steve Jobs concluded in a speech that fans now consider his “spiritual testament.”

According to some reports, the funeral of the computer genius was held according to a Buddhist rite. As The Wall Street Journal reported, citing an informed source, the farewell to the legend of the computer industry was modest, only a few people took part in it. The location of the ceremony was not announced.

A fragment of one of the last interviews with Apple founder Steve Jobs. What worried him and who was he thinking about before his death? Published on the web portal

Journalist Walter Isaacson, who wrote a biography of Steve Jobs, talked about the search for God and the doubts that the Apple founder experienced shortly before his death.

As the biographer said in an interview with CBS, Jobs, sensing that his life was coming to an end, began to ask questions about the existence of God and the meaning of life.

One day, when a journalist and the head of Apple were sitting in the courtyard of the latter's house, Jobs began to talk about God. He said: “Sometimes I believe in God, sometimes I don’t. I think it's 50/50. But since I was diagnosed with cancer, I think about it more. And it seems to me that I believe a little more. Perhaps it's because I want to believe in an afterlife. That everything doesn’t just disappear when you die.”

When I was just 17 years old, I read a quote that went something like: “If you live every day as if it were your last, someday you will be right.” This quote made a huge impression on me and since then, for 33 years, I always look in the mirror every single day and ask myself: “If suddenly today were the last day in my life, would I want to do what I’m going to do?” Today?". And if it was “No” for several days in a row, then I realized that something still needed to be changed.

About 1 year ago I was given a terrible diagnosis - cancer. I received the result by mail at 7 a.m. and it reliably showed a tumor in the pancreas.

My personal doctor sent me home and advised me to get my affairs in order (which in medical parlance means prepare for your death). It means trying to tell children what you would say over the next 20 years. This means making sure that everything is well arranged, so that your loved ones are as easy as possible. It means saying goodbye. Perhaps it's time to engage in spirituality and think about God. Maybe it's time to plunge into reflection on the Bible and the meaning of life.

Even those people who want to go to heaven, and they don't want to die. But still, death is the destination for all of us. No one has ever been able to escape it.

It should always be this way, because death is the best invention of Life. She is the cause of change. She clears away the old to make way for something new. Now the new is you, but someday (not too long ago) you will become old and you will also be cleansed. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it's really true.

Your time is very limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't fall into the trap of television and don't live other people's lives, as well as other people's thoughts. Don't let other people's opinions drown out your inner voice. And it is very important to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
Your Steve Jobs.

Recall that Steven Jobs died at the age of 56. He is known as the creator of Apple and such revolutionary devices as the iPod, iPhone, iPad. He is rightfully considered the man who brought computer technology closer to everyday human life.