What does ozone therapy give to the body intravenously? Ozone therapy

Intravenous ozone therapy is widely used both in medicine and in cosmetology. This technique was first used back in the 80s of the last century.

Intravenous ozone helps fight chronic diseases, extra pounds and dermatological problems.

General description of the procedure

The essence of this therapy is that ozone is a powerful antiseptic and antiviral substance. Therefore, it is good at eliminating various types of bacteria, viruses and fungi that drugs are not able to cope with.

It should be noted that ozone is a molecule that consists of 3 oxygen atoms and has one free bond. This bond provides the high activity of such a molecule. At room temperature, ozone is a colorless gas.

Ozone therapy methods do not stop only with intravenous ozone administration. This substance can also be used for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration. In the gas state, it is used intravaginally and rectally.

Ozone is distinguished by its general strengthening properties. Very often this substance is used during complex weight loss. The benefits of ozone therapy are manifested in the fact that it reduces the amount of fatty deposits, while tightening the skin and eliminating fine wrinkles.

Purpose of ozone therapy

This type of treatment helps:

Indications and contraindications

Due to its antiviral properties, this gas destroys pathogenic microorganisms in hepatitis, activates the recovery of liver cells, and also neutralizes the negative effects of toxic substances on the body.

In gynecology, ozone therapy is used if necessary:

  • normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • preserve the reproductive function of the female body.

Ozone therapy is also used to combat chronic and severe pathologies of the respiratory system. This method of therapy is used to normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. So, this substance improves blood circulation, helps prevent the development of arrhythmias.

Ozonation of blood is also indicated in diabetes mellitus, since the gas helps to normalize the amount of glucose in the blood, and also helps to prevent the occurrence of pathological changes in the retina. Ozone will also be useful in the treatment of disorders of the nervous system, elimination of addiction to nicotine and drugs.

As for the conduct of ozone therapy for the treatment of oncology, it should be noted: opinions on this matter among experts differed. One medical group believes that excessive oxygen can lead to increased tumor growth. And another part of experts claims that after such a procedure, cancer cells become more sensitive to chemotherapy.

Treatment with such a substance on the skin of the face helps to eliminate inflammation, small wrinkles, and also accelerates the process of repairing damaged tissues. This procedure relieves puffiness, acne and scars.

Ozone therapy is also indicated for early baldness, dandruff and various types of seborrhea. Another indication for such a procedure is excess weight. This technique helps to get rid of excess adipose tissue, stretch marks and cellulite.

Despite the huge number of indications, such manipulations can have harmful effects that you should be aware of. Contraindications are as follows:

Ozone therapy in medicine

Intravenous ozone therapy is used to treat at least 130 types of diseases. The most common are:

The use of ozone in cosmetology

Most dermatological problems arise from the lack of oxygen in the skin. Due to oxygen hunger, oxidation processes in the body slow down, as a result, the skin begins to lose its elasticity and firmness. As a result of such destructive processes, fatty deposits and wrinkles begin to appear, the skin becomes saggy.

Intravenous administration of ozone helps to eliminate oxygen starvation, and also rejuvenates the body as a whole. The result of such therapy directly depends on the initial state of the skin and the body, as well as on the concentration of the substance that was injected.

Number of sessions

Often, ozone therapy consists of 6-8 sessions, sometimes it can be extended to 10-12. The exact number of sessions is determined individually. They are carried out at intervals of 2-3 days or daily.

For some diseases, control procedures may be prescribed after the main therapeutic course. They are held once every two weeks.

Complications and side effects

Incorrect execution of the procedure can lead to the following complications:

Most complications go away on their own, however, if this does not happen, you should consult a specialist. Sometimes the deterioration of the condition after the manipulation may be due to the fact that painful processes in the body are activated, which must cope with the disease. After deterioration, complete recovery may occur, but if you feel unwell, it is better to see a doctor.

Side effects can appear in the form of the following manifestations:

To protect yourself from side effects, you should entrust the procedure to only a qualified specialist who adheres to all hygiene standards and has the necessary knowledge. It is also very important to test the individual tolerance of the procedure.

As a result, it should be noted that ozone droppers are widely used in both cosmetology and medicine. However, before deciding on such a procedure for aesthetic reasons, you should weigh the pros and cons, and make sure that you have no contraindications to it.

Modern medicine uses not only medical and surgical methods of treating various diseases. High-tech developments are also used, which are very effective and cause the least harm to the human body.

One of the modern methods of treating a wide range of diseases is ozone therapy. Indications and contraindications, reviews of this method can be found in this article.

Ozone is three oxygen atoms linked to form a molecule. By its chemical nature, it is one of the strongest oxidizing agents. It is also known that ozone is very active. Due to these properties, this compound is widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Reasons for the popularity of ozone therapy

Ozone therapy methods have been used in Europe and the USA for more than half a century. It appeared in Russia in the 80s. Now this method is gaining more and more authority in traditional medicine.

Ozone has the following properties:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • provides an adequate immune response of the body;
  • promotes early wound healing.

Ozone has also proven to be effective against many microorganisms:

  • viruses;
  • bacteria;
  • the simplest;
  • fungi.


Ozone therapy, indications and contraindications, reviews - all this information is provided to the patient before he decides on the acceptability of this procedure. Today this type of treatment is used in the following areas:

  1. In cosmetology clinics, dermatologists suggest using ozone therapy to achieve a flawless skin condition. This procedure rejuvenates, relieves acne and inflammation, tightens the skin and gives it a fresh look.
  2. Due to its excellent antibacterial properties, ozone therapy is used in surgery for the early healing of burns, postoperative sutures, and trophic ulcers.
  3. This helps people get slim and lose weight.
  4. Ozone is widely used in gastroenterology to heal gastritis, ulcers, colitis.
  5. This therapy is in great demand in gynecological practice. The ozone therapy procedure is quite effective in case of difficulties in carrying a child, for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia and with manifestations of early and late toxicosis. Also, this procedure helps to supply the fetus with everything necessary for normal development.
  6. In dermatological practice, this procedure is used to treat skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, herpes.
  7. In beauty salons, ozone is used to instead of the notorious orange peel, smooth and toned skin is formed.

Before prescribing this procedure for you, your doctor will conduct a series of diagnostic tests. He will tell you about the indications and contraindications, reviews about this method - all this information matters. Therefore, the patient must be fully aware.

The most important advantage that characterizes the ozone therapy procedure is its good patient tolerance and relatively low cost. These factors determine its growing popularity.


In addition to numerous indications, ozone therapy has a number of contraindications. This procedure cannot be performed if the patient has:

  • tendency to seizures;
  • increased sensitivity of the body to ozone;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • hypotension;
  • insufficient blood clotting;
  • disruption of the normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • circulatory problems;
  • a history of internal bleeding;
  • thrombocytopenia.

It is worth remembering that ozone is a toxic gas and should be handled with extreme caution. Only specially trained professionals are allowed to work with this substance. When choosing a clinic or home care professional, the key should be a certificate of special skills, as well as a large number of positive reviews from grateful clients.

A real specialist, before performing the procedure, must necessarily tell you about the indications and contraindications, the reviews of his clients about this manipulation. He should also ask you about the presence of chronic diseases and the presence of allergic reactions. If a specialist from the doorway invites you to start the procedure, then this should alert you.


To date, ozone therapy has found application in various fields of cosmetology and medicine. It is used as an independent procedure or as an addition to the wellness complex. In cosmetology clinics, ozone therapy is used and recommended to clients in the course of anti-aging services. It effectively restores the youthfulness of the body.

The course of ozone therapy is aimed at general improvement of the body, restoration of its resources to combat existing diseases and signs of aging.

The procedure is carried out as follows: first, the doctor prepares the body for the procedure. This takes place in the form of a massage with specialized attachments. After the preparation has been carried out, the introduction of a mixture of oxygen and ozone is carried out directly.

There are several ways to use this healing cocktail. The type of introduction of the mixture into the human body depends on the purpose of the therapy. Thus, ozone therapy is:

  • local;
  • great autohemotherapy;
  • OFR (ozonized saline solution);
  • rectal insufflation;
  • small autohemotherapy;
  • ozone reflexotherapy;
  • outdoor;
  • complex.

Local ozone therapy

This type of procedure is widely used in cosmetology, dermatology and surgery. This method is carried out by introducing a gas mixture into the patient's skin in the form of micro doses. For this, with the help of a syringe, injections are carried out precisely into those areas that require treatment or aesthetic correction. Thus, ozone therapy for acne is carried out. Due to the high efficiency of the procedure, there is no trace of acne. Ozone's excellent antibacterial properties help eliminate inflammation-causing bacteria. Also, this gas helps to improve blood circulation and enhance local immunity. Patients who got rid of acne with the help of a course of ozone therapy leave just wonderful reviews. They especially emphasize the accessibility of the procedure, its low invasiveness, high efficiency and a small number of contraindications.

Also, local application of ozone can be expressed in drinking, irrigation or rinsing with OFR or distilled water saturated with healing gas. It is applicable in dental practice and for the treatment of infectious diseases of the mouth and throat. Drinking ozonized distilled water treats gastrointestinal diseases.

Local ozone therapy is used to treat the following conditions:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neurodystrophy;
  • gynecology and urology;
  • otolaryngology;
  • diseases of the organs of movement.

Minor autohemotherapy

This method of treatment involves taking 5-15 ml of venous blood from the patient, mixing it with an oxygen-ozone gas composition and further intramuscularly injecting it.

Small autohemotherapy is widely used to increase the immune forces of the human body, to treat chronic diseases in remission.

Also, ozone treatment can easily cope with the problem of overweight, fungal and bacterial infections, various skin lesions, heart and vascular diseases.

Major autohemotherapy

This type of treatment implies that intravenous ozone therapy will be performed. For this, a special container is used with anticoagulants placed in it. The patient is taken from a vein in an amount of 50 to 150 ml and a mixture of ozone with oxygen is injected into it. Then all components are carefully mixed in a container. After that, the cocktail is administered to the patient intravenously.

Such treatment is reasonable in cases where the human body is very weak and does not have enough life potential to fight the disease. In this way, you can cure almost any viral disease and quickly recover from a severe illness.

Intravenous ozone therapy

This method of treatment involves the introduction of ozonized intravenous. This is a fairly common ozone therapy. The droppers are filled with pre-ozonized saline solution with a gas concentration of 2-6 μg / ml and administered to the patient. This method is widely used in obstetrics and gynecology, as well as for the treatment of cardiovascular ailments.

Rectal insufflation

This method of therapy is carried out by rectal administration of an oxygen-ozone mixture with a concentration of 5-60 μg / ml in an amount of 50 to 500 ml. Rectal insufflation is used for inflammation of the intestine, its atony and spasms, Crohn's disease and cracks in the anus. With these pathologies of the rectum, it is also recommended to use ozonized oil compresses, which significantly alleviate the patient's condition.

Ozone reflexotherapy

This unusual treatment is based on the teaching of acupuncture points. To implement this type of therapy, you will need 1 ml of gaseous ozone with a basic substance content of 5-15 μg / ml. This substance is injected into acupuncture points depending on the disease. Patients notice an improvement in the state of the body after a course of ozone reflexotherapy.

External ozone therapy

To implement this method of treatment, caps with normal or reduced pressure of an oxygen-ozone mixture (for example, "ozone boots") are used. This method is especially effective in the treatment of trophic ulcers in diabetes mellitus and in cardiovascular diseases. Usually external ozone therapy is combined in combination with the general one.

Complex (general) ozone therapy

This term refers to the use of several types of ozone treatment for a specific disease. Basically, this is a large autohemotherapy or OPR with a volume of 200-400 ml and a concentration of 3-6 μg / ml.

General ozone therapy is used to treat:

  • ischemic vascular lesions;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • with dermatological diseases;
  • diseases of the organs of movement;
  • respiratory ailments.

Required hardware

For the implementation of therapy, a special device is required - an ozonation unit. Her work requires the mandatory availability of all the necessary details. The ozone therapy apparatus includes:

  • air-cooled ozonizer;
  • metrology system for monitoring ozone content in air or water mixture;
  • a block for opening and regulating the flow rate of gaseous ozone;
  • destructor of unused ozone.

The ozonizer by its design must realize a fairly wide range of concentrations of the main substance of the mixture in the range from 1 to 80 μg / ml. Also, the user should be able to smoothly adjust this indicator.

Such an installation must be available in order to perform ozone therapy. Without it, practically no type of treatment with this gas can be carried out. An ozone therapy clinic should not only have devices for the procedures available, but also highly qualified medical personnel trained in all techniques to perform the appropriate treatment.

Throughout Russia, there are a huge number of medical institutions offering ozone therapy, among other medical services. For this, the whole family can go to a sanatorium. Ozone therapy will be an excellent way to relieve stress, strengthen immunity, cure chronic diseases, rejuvenate, slim down and recharge with vigor for the entire coming year.

Facial rejuvenation with ozone

In the skin of the face, enriched with ozone, blood begins to circulate vigorously. In this case, the normalization of metabolic processes occurs. Collagen and hyaluronic acid are actively produced in the deep layers of the skin.

These two substances are directly responsible for the youthfulness and firmness of our skin. Oxygenated blood is more active in delivering nutrients. As a result, the level of moisture increases and dryness is reduced, mimic wrinkles are smoothed out. Also, with the help of local procedures, you can effectively tighten the oval of the face, give an aesthetic and fresh look to the skin on the neck and décolleté. The obvious anti-aging effect is provided by nothing more than ozone therapy. Before and after a course of procedures, the face looks completely different.

Slimming ozone

Ozone therapy is notable for the fact that with its help it is possible not only to reduce the total weight of the patient, but also to correct the volume of certain parts of the body.

The ozone cocktail acts on the skin and launches metabolic processes in it with a vengeance. Thus, deposits under the dermis begin to actively break down. Fat is transformed into decay products and excreted along with waste products. The patient grows slim right before our eyes.

Scientists have proven that cellulite is a disease associated with metabolic disorders and impaired blood circulation. Previously, it was believed that this phenomenon is directly related to excess weight. However, it is not. Even a thin girl can have cellulite. Therefore, to effectively eliminate the "orange peel" effect, it is necessary to establish local blood circulation. Ozone therapy perfectly copes with this task. Under the influence of the gas mixture in problem areas with subcutaneous fat, metabolic processes begin to improve due to increased blood microcirculation. As a result, cellulite is eliminated, puffiness disappears, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

For the implementation of programs for the correction of weight and the elimination of subcutaneous fat, a simultaneous large introduction of an oxygen-ozone mixture is required. This is very difficult to accomplish with injections. It would take an enormous amount of time. But new technologies have come to the aid of ozone therapists and their clients - a method of introducing ozone using a comb device, which is a whole galaxy of needles connected to the device, and allows simultaneous and distributed administration of doses of the drug mixture. This makes the procedure quick and convenient.

Medicine and cosmetology are industries in which new methods are being introduced every now and then, and intravenous ozone therapy is one of those that are widespread in both industries today. This method of influencing the body has received the trust of specialists and patients due to the fact that it is capable of destroying pathogenic microorganisms. It is produced using dropper systems. In cosmetology, intravenous ozone therapy is popular due to the fact that it promotes rejuvenation, the fight against many dermatological diseases and many other problems.

Why is intravenous ozone therapy useful and what is it?

This method of saturating the body with ozone is considered one of the most effective. Most often it is used in medicine for the complex treatment of certain diseases. But it can also be used in cosmetology.

This is explained by the following abilities of ozone:

  • Immunomodulatory;
  • Healing;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Detoxification;
  • This gas helps to normalize metabolism, improves blood flow, removes harmful substances from the body;
  • Ozone allows you to restore the balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats in the body.

Intravenous ozone therapy is performed as a usual drip procedure

Ozone is often used intravenously during pregnancy. Expectant mothers not only tolerate the procedure perfectly, but also feel much better after it. Ozone entering the body also passes through the placenta, having a beneficial effect on the unborn baby.

The basic principle of ozone action is that it contributes to the saturation of body cells with oxygen. As a result, all the processes that should take place in it are normalized.

Healthy body - beauty and youth. It is a natural law that cannot be fooled. This is the reason that with the recovery that ozone brings, a person begins to look better:

  • , gets a beautiful color;
  • Reduced to normal;
  • Eliminate acne;
  • Hair and nails are strengthened.

The use of intravenous ozone therapy for weight loss is due to the substance's ability to normalize hormonal levels, stabilize the balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and stimulate metabolic processes.

At the same time, intravenous ozone therapy, which is rapidly gaining admirers, is not a medical method of healing and rejuvenation. Experts today regard it as an auxiliary method widely practiced in gynecology, surgery, cosmetology, dermatology and many other fields.

A little about the cons

Ozonation intravenously can also bring harm, according to some doctors. To a greater extent, this point of view is shared by Western experts, who are somewhat skeptical about the use of this technique.

Ozone belongs to substances that can trigger the release of radicals in the body. They, in turn, have the ability to destroy the structure of cells. This is a plus when it comes to fatty, pathogenic cells, but their differentiation from the cells of the body may not occur. In this case, a program for the development of various kinds of diseases, in particular, oncological ones, may be launched.

Intravenous ozone therapy is an almost painless process

When using the optimal amount of ozone, none of this will happen, but if the norm is exceeded, such a result is possible.

Intravenous ozone therapy has been used since the 70s of the last century, and during this time no serious side effects have been recorded. The key to avoiding negative consequences is the correct calculation of the ozone dose and the correct procedure.

Be that as it may, it is necessary to assess what benefits and harms can be brought by intravenous ozone therapy. It is necessary to consult a doctor, and it is he or the cosmetologist who should carry out the procedure and, most importantly, determine the amount of ozone that needs to be used in each case.

Intravenous ozone therapy: indications for use

The list of situations in which this technique can be used is quite extensive:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Reproductive system pathology;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (with the exception of chronic or acute pancreatitis);
  • Diabetes mellitus, but only if it is not characterized by a severe course and is not accompanied by damage to the retina;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Diseases of a viral, infectious nature, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • The presence of allergic reactions;
  • Dermatological diseases, in particular, eczema, psoriasis, pathologies of fungal origin. Amenable to treatment and;
  • Ulcers, burns, other skin problems;
  • The need to strengthen immunity, improve well-being, relieve stress.

The benefits of intravenous ozone therapy are great in the treatment of diseases of almost all internal organs and systems.

In cosmetology, the technique is also widely used for:

  • Hair loss;
  • Cellulite;
  • The need to correct the figure;
  • Skin defects, inflammation, acne, acne;
  • The need to bring too much or to a normal state.

The complex effect on the body leads to its recovery and rejuvenation.

Intravenous ozone therapy can be done by mixing ozone with the patient's blood

You need to understand that when it comes to intravenous ozone therapy for weight loss, there is no need to talk about getting rid of a large number of kilograms.

Normalization of metabolic processes, other beneficial effects lead to the fact that the body gets rid of a certain amount of excess fat, the contours of the figure become more regular, the camp is tightened. In the future, a healthy body can continue to gradually get rid of excess weight, but this will also require leading a correct lifestyle, doing spots, and monitoring nutrition.

Contraindications to intravenous ozone therapy

If you do not take them into account, you can do a disservice to your health.

Contraindications to the procedure are as follows:

  • Pancreatitis (especially in acute form);
  • Diseases associated with bleeding disorders, hemophilia;
  • Presence of bleeding in internal organs or bleeding that was stopped 3-4 days or less ago;
  • Overactive thyroid;
  • Postponed six months or less ago, a stroke or heart attack;
  • Allergy to ozone;
  • Taking medications that help reduce the rate of blood clotting;
  • History of head trauma;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Tendency to seizures;
  • Diabetes mellitus with a severe course and damage to the eye retina;
  • Age less than 18 years old;
  • The first days of the menstrual cycle;
  • The presence of tumors - both malignant and benign;
  • Alcohol intoxication, poisoning, intoxication.

Doctors do not advise the use of ozone therapy for people at risk of cancer (for example, those with a genetic predisposition to them).

Intravenous ozone therapy: side effects, complications

The procedure can result in the manifestation of such side effects:

  • Allergic reaction to ozone;
  • Painful sensations during the session, which can be felt when the ozone passes through the vein. They can persist for several more hours after the end of the manipulation;
  • Hematomas that appear in the place where the dropper was placed;
  • The appearance of seizures;
  • Some patients complain of short-term dizziness after the sessions;
  • Headache;

The consequences of intravenous ozone therapy can be more serious:

  • The rapid development of a cancerous tumor, if the patient has one;
  • Deterioration of vision;
  • Acute hemolysis, which can lead to a tragic outcome;
  • Pancytopania - destruction of blood cells due to the toxic effects of ozone on them;
  • In rare cases, patients develop acute psychoses, depression;
  • The risk of pathogenic microorganisms entering the bloodstream is not excluded, due to which sepsis will develop. It exists not only with this procedure, but also with any injection, drip administration of drugs.

Minor complications after intravenous ozone therapy usually quickly recede, so they should not cause worries.

The severe consequences of applying the technique can also be avoided if an experienced doctor or cosmetologist will conduct the session, who will correctly calculate the dosage of ozone for droppers (it is combined with the patient's blood or saline solution), and will comply with all the rules for performing manipulations.

How is intravenous ozone therapy done?

One of the models of the device that produces medical ozone, which is used for intravenous ozone therapy

As a result of the prevalence of the technique, today there are not only ozone therapists, but also whole centers of ozone therapy. You can get a referral for your procedure from your doctor.

If the technique is performed for cosmetic purposes, it is also worth consulting with your doctor. Taking into account the patient's state of health, he will tell you whether it is generally possible to use this method in a particular case, what kind of it is better to choose.

In order for the doctor to give the most useful advice, it is worth telling him in detail about your well-being, existing health problems.

It itself is performed in the same way as the introduction of any other medications by drip, at any time of the day.

How long does it take to drip a medical solution with ozone intravenously as part of ozone therapy? This process itself continues for half an hour. After him, the patient needs to rest for about a quarter of an hour.

After manipulation, you can return to your daily activities - to work, driving a car, etc. Ozone therapy performed intravenously does not promote drowsiness, decreased attention, and other effects on human cognitive processes.

The course of ozone therapy is usually 6-8 sessions. In more rare cases, it contains 10-12 procedures, but there must be special indications for this.

Do not be alarmed if the doctor prescribes additional sessions - supportive. Such an appointment may well be justified, but such recommendations can only be given by a specialist.

As for the frequency of procedures, it is set at the discretion of the doctor. They can be executed once / several days at the same interval. In some cases, sessions are first carried out daily, and then less often - once / several days.

If maintenance ozone therapy is prescribed, sessions can be performed once / week, and sometimes once / 2 weeks.

Intravenous ozone therapy: before and after

Skin condition and appearance improve over time if intravenous ozone therapy is used

The first reaction of the body to the application of the technique may be harmless consequences. Some patients note that during the course and immediately after its completion, they experience some deterioration in their well-being.

If this is a significant deterioration, medical attention is needed, possibly a change in the course, additional methods of treatment. In some cases, it is necessary to completely abandon the continuation of the course, so as not to harm the patient's health.

When patients feel better, the following effect of intravenous ozone therapy appears:

  • Immunity rises;
  • Existing diseases recede;
  • The level of stress resistance increases;
  • The appearance is improved.

Intravenous ozone therapy is used for any indication, and evaluating the results before and after it, one can notice a retreat of certain problems.

The benefits and harms of ozone therapy are two important factors that need to be weighed against to determine if there is a need for this technique. Do not ignore the advice of your doctor regarding this issue in order to avoid negative consequences.

Ozone is a special gas made up of oxygen atoms. Due to this structure, the substance has a high efficiency. In a diluted state, it is good for health, stabilizes all internal physiological processes, improves immunity, and improves the functioning of vital organs.

In medical and cosmetic practice, ozone is used in the ozone therapy procedure.

What is ozone therapy

It is an effective physical therapy method used in different forms:

  • subcutaneous administration;
  • mixing with blood;
  • intravenous droppers;
  • ozonized massage oil;
  • solutions;
  • rectal applications.

Clinics in many countries use this technique. Aeration of the body and external tissues has a beneficial effect on the body, improves blood circulation, activates immune processes.

Everyone knows the life-giving properties of the ozone-oxygen mixture, which is introduced in the form of droppers. Ozone procedures in cosmetology help to eliminate cellulite bumps, stretch marks after drastic weight loss or pregnancy, and stop the aging of the body.

Get rid of acne and acne, excess weight and baldness with the help of ozone. Any procedure should be prescribed after consultation with a doctor or an experienced beautician.

The powerful substance ozone has antiviral and antiseptic effect. It also kills bacterial pathogenic flora and dangerous viruses.

Effects of ozone therapy

The ozone molecule has free bonds, so it easily interacts with other cells, having the following positive effects on the body:

  • slows down the aging process;
  • kills pathogenic fungi, viruses and bacterial accumulations;
  • improves the sensitivity of tissues to antibiotics;
  • activates all metabolic processes;
  • liquefies blood mass, improves oxygen saturation of cells;
  • enhances gas exchange in the lungs;
  • increases the amount of glucose consumed;
  • has an analgesic effect, relaxes the nervous system;
  • slows down oncological processes;
  • relieves inflammation and swelling;
  • improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys and other excretory systems;
  • removes toxins and toxins;
  • enhances the body's immune response.

According to recent studies, ozone therapy acts as a cytostatic, rejuvenating, healing agent.

Indications for an ozone therapy session

It is useful and even necessary to carry out such a procedure in many situations, but before starting the course, you should undergo an examination and see if there are any contraindications:

Ozone is also used by cosmetologists to eliminate wrinkles on the face, rejuvenate the body, get rid of the "orange peel", it makes the dermis velvety and smooth, removes toxins, removes stagnant water and bags under the eyes.

Ozone mixture is used to treat hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, muscle pain, coronary heart disease. The gas is also applicable in ophthalmology, after trauma and necrosis of the optic nerve, corneal dissection, to prevent blindness.

Dentists use ozone therapy to eliminate stomatitis, acute pulpitis, periodontal disease.

Types of ozone therapy

To get the most positive result, you need to choose the right type of procedure:

The procedure can be local or general. In the first case, specific local pathologies are eliminated, in the second, the effect is on the entire body as a whole.

Intravenous systemic ozone therapy

This is the intramuscular injection of gas, which is dissolved in the patient's own blood, that is, the blood mass is ozonized. This is necessary to eliminate chronic inflammatory processes within the body.

Ozone can also be given intravenously mixed with saline. As a result, tissues are saturated with oxygen, remove toxins faster, all metabolic processes are activated, fungi and bacteria die.

It is possible to drink special ozonized water. It stabilizes the digestive tract, digestive functions, and is widely used by dentists and therapists.

Local ozone therapy

This technique provides for the external use of useful gas.

They are cured:

  • trophic ulcers;
  • poorly healing burns and wounds;
  • stretch marks and cellulite deposits;
  • gangrene and erysipelas;
  • radiation effects;
  • herpes and fungal infections.

The procedure eliminates pain, redness, promotes rapid healing and regeneration of healthy tissues.

Useful ozonized oil has long been used by massage therapists for anti-cellulite massage. It is included in the composition of anti-aging complexes and creams, as well as in the treatment of eye diseases and gynecological pathologies.

Special ozonized water helps to fight infectious processes on the skin, stimulates microcirculation of blood in the epidermis and accelerates the healing of wounds and cracks in the body, cleans away warts and other neoplasms.

Ozone is also administered subcutaneously. This is important for the local improvement of blood circulation, improvement of the work of blood vessels, relieving nervous tension. Innsulfation with an ozone mixture is used rectally to eliminate many proctological pathologies.

Intravenous ozone technique

Intravenous fluid is made from saline and the blood mass of a person. It is enriched with healing gas, passing through a special device - an ozonizer. The resulting mixture must be injected immediately. It dissolves in the human body and begins its beneficial effect on the body, forming ozonides. These are special molecular formations.

The gas inside the body is subsequently excreted naturally. This procedure is performed to treat varicose veins of the extremities. Microdoses of a mixture with ozone are injected into the affected vein.

It expands quickly and then sticks together. This technique is rarely used, since there is a high risk of blood clots and other complications in the bloodstream.

Ozone therapy in medicine

The unique oxygen-containing gas is widely used throughout the world in medical practice. It starts all metabolic processes, energy reactions, calms the nervous system, helps to normalize lipid and lipid metabolism.

Ozone is an excellent remedy against viral and bacterial infections, anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing supplement. It is used in gynecology, general medicine, dentistry, urology, surgery and many other areas.

Ozone for children

Aeration with ozone is very useful in childhood, especially for frequently ill and weak children, prone to diseases of the nasopharynx, allergic reactions, bronchopulmonary pathologies.

In Russia, small patients are rarely prescribed ozno-therapy, but in vain. It is believed that active gas in the blood can be harmful, but massage with it and rinsing are good for health. They are used to treat cerebral palsy and neurological disorders, inflammation in the nasal passages and throat.

Ozone therapy for hair

Some beauty salons offer the service of injecting ozone under the scalp. It is useful for active hair loss and skin diseases. The sessions strengthen the root system, improve tissue nutrition, restore the previous volume of curls and make it even larger.

Hair after ozone injections becomes thick, flexible, manageable for styling and shiny. It is also an excellent preventive measure against graying and excessive dryness of the strands.

Read about another very effective method of treatment and hair restoration in the article - face and hair

Ozone therapy for weight loss

Since ozone activates metabolism, it contributes to the rapid burning of lipid deposits and excess calories.

The ozone technique not only eliminates obesity, but is also useful for reducing cellulite, tightening the skin, destroying toxins that contribute to the accumulation of excess weight, improving digestion and enriching cells with oxygen, as a result of which their natural work returns.

Ozone therapy for facial rejuvenation

Experienced cosmetologists know that ozone treatments are very beneficial for the dermis. They remove not only dryness and excessive oiliness of the skin, but also stabilize the work of the sebaceous glands, cleanse the pores, smooth wrinkles, tone the epidermis, making it firm and elastic.

Under the influence of ozone gas, the active production of elastin and collagen begins. Peeling, porosity, acne and blackheads are eliminated, the oval of the face, scars, age-related and solar hyperpigmentation are tightened.

Ozone therapy in gynecology

Ozone injections, suppositories and infusions are used not only while waiting for the baby. They are used if an acute infection, herpes, or sexually transmitted diseases has developed.

Ozone actively fights against papillomas on the cervix, moxibustion of erosive tissues with ozone is carried out. Pregnant women are prescribed ozone for fetal hypoxia, acute toxicosis, mycotic lesions of the vagina.

Ozone injections for joint treatment

Ozone-oxygen injections are used by doctors to treat diseased joints and bones. They help with sprains and for better healing of fractures and injuries.

Gas treatment stabilizes the condition of the musculoskeletal system, promotes tissue regeneration in osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, gout. It cleanses from toxins, excess salt, has a powerful decongestant and analgesic effect.

Contraindications to ozone therapy session

Sessions with ozone gas have their own contraindications, therefore, before starting treatment, you should consult a medical specialist:

  • gas allergy;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • convulsions;
  • low pressure;
  • stroke;
  • acute intoxication;
  • tendency to blood clots;
  • internal and external bleeding.

In such situations, ozone therapy sessions are not indicated and can only harm health.

Side effects

Among the side effects of ozone exposure, doctors distinguish bruising at the injection site, a depressive state. Nausea and vomiting may occur.

How much does the procedure cost?

In medical centers, the price for one session can be several times higher than in government clinics. It can range from 5,000 rubles per session to infinity.
The main thing is to choose a place where the rules of sterility are observed and where experienced specialists in the field of ozone therapy work. Rejuvenation sessions with ozone cost up to several thousand rubles in an average beauty salon.

With intravenous administration of drugs enriched with an ozone-oxygen mixture, a longer contact of ozone with the internal environment of the patient's body occurs.

This circumstance makes it possible to achieve significant positive therapeutic effects in various diseases with its low concentrations and doses.

Intravenous ozone therapy is a method of treatment that allows you to quickly eliminate the resulting oxygen starvation, dramatically increase the consumption of glucose by cells and the production of biologically active compounds, normalize lipid peroxidation processes and balance the work of organs and systems.

The essence of the procedure and where is it used?

Intravenous therapy is performed in three main ways. It:

  1. Intravenous drip injection of physiological solution enriched with ozone;
  2. Large autohemotherapy with ozone-oxygen mixture;
  3. Intravenous administration of a gas mixture of oxygen and ozone.

Ozonized physiological solution (OSS) is obtained by passing a gas mixture of oxygen and ozone through a container with a liquid.

The half-life of ozone is about 30 minutes. Therefore, the OFR is prepared immediately before the procedure and the time of administration of the solution should not be more than half an hour.

Large or Massive Ozone-Oxygen Mixed Autohemotherapy (BAGT) is a method in which a specific volume of a patient's whole blood is mixed with an O 2 / O 3 mixture.

For BAGT, 100-200 ml of blood is taken from a vein, which is mixed with an ozone-oxygen mixture, which intravenous drip is returned to the patient.

Ozone is found in blood in a free state for only a few seconds, then it enters into various reactions with components of plasma and blood cells.

To carry out this procedure, it is very important for the medical center to have the necessary equipment for accurate dosing of the O 2 / O 3 mixture, since its excess in the blood can lead to irreversible damage to blood cells with their subsequent destruction.

Intravenous administration of a gas mixture of oxygen and ozone is currently carried out extremely rarely, since in this case the risk of side effects increases.

Intravenous ozone therapy is used to treat more than 130 different diseases, as well as to prevent diseases, rejuvenate the body, increase the body's resistance to aggressive environmental factors and stress.

Video: Ozonation of physiological solution


The effect in the treatment of viral hepatitis is due to both the direct toxic effect of ozone on the virus and its immunomodulatory effect. The method of choice in the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis is large autohemotherapy with an ozone-oxygen mixture.

They start with the introduction of minimal amounts of ozone with blood, then the dose of the gas mixture is increased from procedure to procedure.

Treatment of chronic hepatitis of toxic genesis (alcoholic, medicinal, etc.) using intravenous ozone can improve liver function and protect hepatocytes from damage by harmful substances coming from the digestive tract and formed during metabolism.

Treatment of toxic hepatitis is more often carried out by intravenous drip infusion of ozonized saline solution.

Gynecological diseases

Intravenous ozone therapy in gynecology allows you to preserve the menstrual, reproductive and sexual function of a woman, to reduce the risk of complications and recurrence of diseases of the female genital area.

Usually, intravenous administration of the solution is used in combination with vaginal irrigation or the setting of tampons soaked in ozonated distilled water. Diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by shortness of breath, attacks of suffocation and the development of respiratory failure (bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia)

Intravenous ozone therapy saturates the blood with oxygen and makes the blood more fluid, which makes it possible to eliminate the oxygen starvation of tissues, which inevitably occurs in the presence of lung diseases.

A sufficient supply of oxygen and the stimulating effect of ozone normalizes the functioning of organs and systems and activates the body's immune response to infection.

In such conditions, the patient's condition is facilitated, recovery occurs faster, and the severity of exacerbations and seizures decreases.

Photo: ozone therapy - vascular treatment

In the treatment of lung disease, therapy is used in combination with other treatments. Both large autohemotherapy and droppers with ozonized solution can be used.

The use of ozone treatment is especially indicated for those patients who have intolerance to a number of drugs, weakened immunity, low effect from antibiotics, and often exacerbate the disease. In bronchial asthma, in some cases, it allows you to reduce the dose of hormonal drugs.

At the heart of the development of coronary heart disease is the process of blockage of the arteries of the heart with atherosclerotic plaques, which narrow the lumen of the vessels and reduce the amount of blood that flows to the heart. As a result of oxygen starvation of the heart muscle, attacks of pain first appear in response to physical activity and emotions. Then, when blood flow in the coronary arteries decreases to almost zero, myocardial infarction develops.

In this case, active oxygen immediately affects all the mechanisms leading to damage to blood vessels and impaired nutrition of the heart muscle. With the intravenous administration of an ozone-oxygen mixture, lipid metabolism is normalized with an increase in the amount of high-density lipoproteins in the blood plasma.

This leads to a decrease in the risk of cholesterol deposition on the walls of blood vessels with the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Improving blood flow, saturating it with oxygen, reducing blood clotting leads to better blood supply to organs and tissues, including the heart muscle, facilitates the work of the heart to pump blood throughout the body.

More often for the treatment of ischemic disease, intravenous administration of an ozonized solution is used. Treatment is carried out simultaneously with the intake of previously prescribed medications. As the condition improves, the dose of drugs is gradually reduced.

Heart rhythm disturbances

Therapeutic doses of ozone help to reduce the risk of arrhythmias, improve well-being and increase the efficiency of patients.

Ozone therapy for the treatment of cancer

At the moment, there is an ambiguous attitude of doctors to the appointment of ozone for the treatment of benign neoplasms and cancer. On the one hand, there are studies that indicate that the sensitivity of tumors to radiation and chemotherapy after a course increases. On the other hand, many types of cancers accelerate their growth when oxygen is supplied and glucose is absorbed more easily.

Therefore, only an oncologist and an ozone therapist can prescribe it for oncology after becoming familiar with all the indications, contraindications and risks from such a procedure.


Photo: blood sugar test (diabetes)

Medical ozone stimulates the absorption of glucose by cells and its oxidation in cells to final products.

This solves two problems at once: the level of blood glucose decreases and the nutrition of the cells is restored.

Due to the normalization of the processes of respiration and nutrition of cells, the likelihood of developing such complications of diabetes mellitus as damage to the retina of the eye with the gradual development of blindness, nerves and vascular walls is reduced.

The immunomodulatory effect of ozone reduces the risk of developing suppuration of small wounds, accelerates the healing processes of tissues after injuries.

For the treatment of diabetes mellitus, droppers with an ozonized solution are used.

Photo: rheumatism

Administration for rheumatic diseases normalizes the functioning of the immune system and reduces its aggression directed at its own cells, which it once recognized as foreign. Activating the body's antioxidant system prevents damage to body tissues.

For the treatment of rheumatic diseases, a large autohemotherapy is used. In case of damage to the joints, BHT may alternate with procedures for intra-articular injection of ozone with oxygen or injecting joints with a gas mixture.

Narcological practice

In the practice of narcologists, medical ozone is used due to its ability to stimulate the synthesis of biologically active substances such as catecholamines, serotonin, histamine, etc. and to activate the body systems responsible for cleansing the body of toxins and metabolic products.

This helps to improve the mood and well-being of the patient, strengthens the will of a person to give up bad habits, relieves or significantly alleviates the course of withdrawal symptoms.

Diseases of the nervous system

The procedure, carried out intravenously, in neurology is used for a number of diseases of the peripheral nervous system, which are caused by impaired blood supply to the nerves or as a result of damage, spasm or clamping of blood vessels, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, etc.

Ozone improves the delivery of nutrients and eliminates tissue hypoxia, helps to restore the conduction of nerve impulses through damaged nerve fibers, relieves or reduces the severity of symptoms of the disease. Intravenous OFR is usually used to treat neurological diseases.

Here we have considered only the most common diseases in which the administration of ozone into the vein is prescribed. It should be remembered that intravenous ozone therapy can be carried out as an auxiliary procedure during the local administration of ozone to enhance the effect of local therapy and provide a general strengthening effect on the body as a whole.

During the course of intravenous ozone therapy, it is advisable to take antioxidants such as vitamins C, A and E.


  1. Diseases of internal organs, except in cases of acute and / or chronic pancreatitis;
  2. Diseases of the joints and spine;
  3. Diabetes mellitus, except in cases of severe disease and developed diabetic retinal lesions;
  4. Allergic diseases;
  5. Diseases of the female genital area;
  6. During pregnancy, to improve the well-being of a pregnant woman and eliminate fetal hypoxia.
  7. Sexually transmitted infections, infectious and viral diseases;
  8. Surgical diseases accompanied by suppuration, including bedsores, burns, trophic ulcers;
  9. Dermatological diseases such as fungal diseases of the skin and nails, hair loss, psoriasis, eczema;
  10. In cosmetology for the elimination of various skin defects, cellulite treatment;
  11. To increase immunity, resistance to stress, improve well-being.


  1. Hemophilia, as well as a number of diseases in which there is a violation of blood coagulation;
  2. Continuous flow from internal organs, as well as stopped bleeding in the first 3-4 days after stopping;
  3. Allergic reactions to the introduction of medical ozone;
  4. Heart attack and stroke in the first 6 months after the onset of the disease;
  5. Acute pancreatitis, the presence of chronic pancreatitis;
  6. Increased thyroid function;
  7. Head trauma in the past, the presence of episodes of seizures in the past, even if the seizures were single, epilepsy;
  8. Age under 18;
  9. Severe diabetes mellitus with damage to the retina;
  10. The first 2-3 days of menstruation;
  11. Taking drugs that reduce the rate of blood clotting;
  12. Alcoholic intoxication;
  13. The presence of tumors, benign neoplasms, cancer.

How is the procedure

The patient can receive a referral from their doctor. It is also possible to visit the consultation of an ozone therapist at an ozone therapy center or at a medical center that provides similar services.

At the consultation, the doctor gets acquainted with the client's complaints, determines the indications and contraindications for prescribing treatment, selects the optimal method of administration and the frequency of procedures, the number of procedures per course.

It is always worth remembering that the introduction of ozone can cause a fairly large number of serious complications, therefore, always inform your doctor about all health problems that you currently have and have had in the past, otherwise intravenous ozone therapy can harm your health and well-being. ...

In some cases, it may be prescribed in combination with drug treatment, physiotherapy. The procedure for intravenous administration of an ozonized solution or large autohemotherapy with an ozone-oxygen mixture, in the same way as other manipulations, is usually carried out by a nurse. It takes more than 30 minutes. After its completion, the patient is offered to rest for 10-15 minutes.

Photo: treatment room

The procedure can be carried out at any time of the day, as it does not impair performance and concentration, does not affect the ability to drive, and does not impair falling asleep.

After the manipulation, small bruises may remain at the injection site, therefore it is advisable to press well the skin puncture site for 10 minutes to stop bleeding, and on the day of the procedure, choose clothes with long sleeves or sleeves three-quarters of the length so that the sleeve covers the elbow bend area (the most frequent site of intravenous infusion).

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How many sessions are needed and how often to do

If standard intravenous ozone therapy is prescribed, the number of procedures can be from 6 to 8. Less often, the number of procedures can be 10-12. With a number of diseases, it is possible to prescribe supporting sessions after the main course of treatment, the number of which can only be determined by a doctor.

The frequency of procedures can be constant for the duration of the entire course and amount to 1 procedure in two to three days. A more flexible scheme of therapy can be applied, when the first sessions are held daily or every other day, and subsequent sessions can then be prescribed once every two to four days.

Supporting sessions can be carried out once a week or once every two weeks. After the first procedures, there may be an improvement in the condition, both subjective and confirmed by laboratory tests.

It may also be that after the first procedures an exacerbation of the disease will occur, especially if a chronic or sluggish course of the pathological process in the body was observed. In this case, after consulting a doctor, it is necessary to supplement the treatment with taking medications or change the ozone therapy regimen.

Consequences, complications and side effects

  1. Soreness along the vein through which the ozonized solution is supplied. The pain may persist for some time after the procedure.
  2. Allergy to medical ozone up to the development of anaphylactic shock;
  3. Hematomas at the injection site;
  4. The risk of contracting viral hepatitis, HIV, syphilis with intravenous administration of a solution or BAGT in case of violation of the rules of asepsis and antiseptics during the procedure;
  5. The risk of developing sepsis when pathogenic bacteria enter the bloodstream (a similar risk exists with any intravenous infusion and increases in people with weakened immunity);
  6. Visual impairment;
  7. A seizure attack;
  8. The toxic effect of ozone on blood cells with their subsequent destruction (pancytopania);
  9. Headache;
  10. Development in the subsequent sluggish depression, acute psychosis;
  11. Fatal acute hemolysis;
  12. Increased risk of developing or accelerating the growth of an existing cancer as a result of DNA damage in human tissue cells.

Video: Ozone therapy for diseases


Prices are indicated for 1 procedure in Russian rubles. When paying for the entire course, the cost of each procedure can be significantly reduced. Always check the availability of discounts at your medical center. In some clinics, the consultation of an ozone therapist can be obtained free of charge.


Can i do it during pregnancy?

Can. There is a fairly large number of indications for the intravenous administration of an ozonated solution, both from the side of the health of the mother's body, and for the correction of problem states of the fetus and the uteroplacental system.

Is the procedure painful?

The process of vein puncture itself is usually painful; the subsequent administration of the ozonized solution, as a rule, does not cause unpleasant sensations. In rare cases, rawness or pain may appear along the vein through which the solution is injected.

Does it help with psoriasis?

Ozone therapy is an alternative way to treat psoriasis and allows you to stop exacerbation or prolong remission with regular courses of ozone treatment 1-2 times a year.

What effect can you expect?

If ozone therapy is carried out intravenously, the effect can be positive immediately: improvement of health and mood, appetite and sleep can be observed after the first procedures and only gradually increase. In some cases, a temporary deterioration of the condition is possible, which is associated with the activation of the disease process in the body before the body finally copes with it. And only after that, recovery will gradually begin.

Is it effective for treating acne (acne)?

It all depends on the reasons that cause the appearance of skin rashes on the face, and the severity of the disease. If there is a small number of rashes, the cause of which is the presence of demodicosis, improper care, the presence of oily or combination skin, then local subcutaneous injections of a mixture of oxygen and ozone will be effective.

Ozone therapy intravenously for acne helps when there are diseases of the endocrine system, female genital area, digestive organs or other internal causes that support the process of the appearance of new pustules on the face. The combination of intradermal injections with intravenous administration of ozonized solution helps in severe acne with the presence of drainage purulent foci, which are resolved with the formation of scars.

Can children do it?

For children, ozone therapy is carried out in the form of rectal insufflation. Intravenous therapy is allowed from the age of 18.

How long does it take to consume alcohol?

Not earlier than in a week.

Does it help you lose weight?

On the one hand, ozone accelerates metabolism, which can be used to lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins, if you follow a diet and give the body adequate physical activity.

On the other hand, ozone therapy can cause an increase in appetite, which, if uncontrolled absorption of food can lead to weight gain. Therefore, it is worth approaching the issue of using intravenous ozone therapy for weight loss with an understanding of the possibilities and limitations of the method and a clear awareness of one's motives. Ozone therapy can be a great help in achieving your ideal weight, but it cannot do all the work for you.