Do-it-yourself vases from improvised materials. A great do-it-yourself masterpiece: making a floor vase for home decoration

A floor vase can become one of the most important home decor items. At the same time, you can even make it with your own hands from different materials. If you know a few tricks, the product will turn out no worse than the store. Ready-made instructions and design examples - about all this right now.

A floor vase can become one of the most important elements of home decor.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of this interesting work, you need to carefully look at the house and try to imagine:

  • in which part of the vase will look best;
  • what tones and decor elements should prevail in the finished product;
  • what flowers and other ornamental plants (twigs) are best suited;
  • finally, how large a vase needs to be made so that it looks especially good in the interior.

In fact, it’s enough just to “see” the future vase well in your imagination. And to make it easier Here are some ideas for inspiration:

  1. First of all, it is better to determine the size in advance. A vase looks appropriate when it roughly matches the size of the surrounding furniture. For example, it should rise slightly above the sofa or chairs.
  2. In terms of shape, you can choose between rounded and original options. Calm, symmetrical edges are best chosen to create a peaceful atmosphere. And if you want to enliven the space, it is better to make a vase with an original, curved neck, interesting drawings and decorative elements.
  3. As for the color scheme, it is best to make sure that your masterpiece stands out well against the background of the floor, furniture, wallpaper. Otherwise, the vase will literally merge with the rest of the items.

Do-it-yourself floor vase from improvised materials (video)

Choosing decorative branches for a floor vase

The main decor tool that can be put in a vase is decorative branches. A variety of decorations are used - and it is not necessary to choose branches of the same type. You can and often need to combine different options to get more original compositions. Here are a few of them:

  1. Combinations of black and light brighten up the space significantly due to the contrast effect. This gives a light, pleasant look and looks especially advantageous in combination with backlighting.
  2. It has long been a fairly common technique when decorative balls are attached to branches. Here you can choose exactly light products, because on occasion they can be painted in any color, and then the composition will take on a new life.
  3. Multi-colored, wavy branches, collected in a bunch, are in many ways similar to beautiful flowers, collected in a bouquet. And if you put them tightly to each other, you get a very beautiful view - like fireworks.
  4. Finally, branches with leaves or small, bright flowers look very good. They will be appropriate in any kitchen, as they create a very cozy, natural environment.


To create your own unique interior, homemade branches are also perfect. If you collect a few dry branches, clean and dry them further, and then paint them with spray cans, this will not only reduce the cost of the process, but also create much more scope for creative imagination.

The main decor tool that can be put in a vase is decorative branches.

Making a floor vase from waste material with your own hands

Making a floor vase does not necessarily require special skills or special materials. Experience shows that even from waste material you can create a very decent product and decorate it so beautifully that it will be easy to confuse such a vase with glass or ceramic.

In the manufacture of a floor vase, you can even use improvised materials that can be found in any home:

  • cardboard tubes;
  • pipes from linoleum;
  • PVC pipes.

In this case, it is better to take cardboard material, since working with it is very simple. Of course, you can’t pour water into such a vase, but it looks great as a decoration in the house. You will need the following materials and tools:

  • actual cardboard tube;
  • cardboard for the manufacture of the case;
  • a piece of drywall or chipboard for the bottom;
  • ordinary PVA glue;
  • pieces of old newspaper for papier-mâché;
  • paint for applying glue;
  • knife and scissors;
  • 7-8 egg yolks;
  • putty;
  • sandpaper;
  • compass, ruler, pencil.

Making a floor vase does not necessarily require special skills or special materials.
  1. The most important thing is to determine the height of the finished product. As a rule, the vase should turn out to be at least half a meter, and usually a height of 60-70 cm is chosen. It is according to this landmark that you need to cut off a piece of cardboard tube - the basis of the future craft. It is better to do this with a sharp knife, and the incision must be taken obviously 2-3 cm more, and then simply trim the edges.
  2. Now you need to make a bottom. There are two options here - you can use drywall, or you can take plywood. But in any case, the surface must be sufficiently even so that the product rests confidently on the floor and does not stagger. The circle is first drawn with a compass, and then cut out. In size, it must be obviously larger than the diameter of the pipe (by 4-5 cm). Attaches to the base with glue.
  3. Now comes the most important and lengthy stage. You need to take several sheets of cardboard (they can be obtained by unfolding large cardboard boxes), which should be at least as long as the height of the vase. They draw a contour of identical blanks that will give the vase volume - that is, you need to cut out up to 20-30 identical parts that completely repeat the bend of the product.
  4. And 4 more blanks are cut out together with handles (if the craft provides for such an insert).
  5. Details with handles are glued on each side, 2 pieces, and the rest are glued at a distance of literally 1 cm from each other. This will ensure an attractive appearance and reliability of the entire structure.
  6. Next, you need to wait a few hours so that all the workpieces adhere well to the surface. At the same time, it is better to check again how firmly they are stuck.
  7. In the meantime, you need to make a lot of newspaper pieces, smeared glues - you have to make a surface using the papier-mâché technique. It is important to keep in mind here that it is better to make several layers so that the paper lies as tightly as possible.
  8. Then the egg yolks are mixed with PVA and the entire surface of the workpiece is washed thoroughly, thickly.
  9. Now you need to wait again until it dries, and put a layer of putty.
  10. And when the putty also hardens, carefully treat the surface with sandpaper.
  11. The last stage of work is the most interesting and truly creative. You need to draw a picture or just put a layer of paint from an aerosol can. And now the masterpiece is ready to please the eye.

Gallery: floor vases (50 photos)

How to make your own fabric vase

Now you can consider another manufacturing option - a vase can be made from fabric. For this you will need the following materials:

  • the basis of the design is a terry towel (a woven napkin is also suitable);
  • cement and sand;
  • two standard 10-liter buckets;
  • water;
  • polyethylene film.


It is better to work in disposable rubber gloves so as not to damage the skin by the action of the cement.

The manufacturing technology is very simple:

  1. First, cement is poured into the bucket (literally half a kilogram) and water is gradually added until a consistency similar to liquid sour cream is obtained.
  2. A towel or napkin is dipped into this solution, and it is important that it is completely soaked.
  3. Now this napkin is placed on an overturned bucket to dry completely. First you need to completely cover this bucket with plastic wrap so that the towels do not stick to the surface.
  4. The bottom surface is carefully smoothed, and the falling folds can simply be straightened out.
  5. The bucket is taken out into the street or placed on the balcony to dry during the day.

In fact, the floor vase itself is already ready. However, you still need to try to make the surface really beautiful and attractive. To do this, we act as follows:

  1. They take 300 g of cement and sand, add one pinch of plaster and dilute the mixture with ordinary wallpaper glue (15%).
  2. Using a brush with this solution, you need to carefully cover the entire surface of the workpiece.
  3. And you can also initially add any acrylic paint to the solution and at the same time paint the craft with processing.

How to weave a floor vase from paper tubes (video)

How to make a large floor vase from burlap with your own hands

And another quite affordable option is to make a floor vase from burlap. To do this, you can even take old material, and also You will need the following materials and tools:

  • PVA glue or "Moment";
  • rope (twine);
  • cardboard tube;
  • molar tape;
  • scissors;
  • ball pen.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. In this case, the main product is also a cardboard tube. It is cut to the desired height, all edges are carefully aligned.
  2. On all sides, the surface is pasted over with molar tape, so that in the end each area becomes quite sticky.
  3. Twine is sequentially wound onto the tape - it is better to start from the inside. Then the workpiece will look very neat.
  4. And in the meantime, quite a lot of decorative elements need to be made from burlap: roses from circles with a diameter of 8-10 cm and leaves (also about 8 cm each, and it is better to highlight the veins and petiole with twine).
  5. Having presented and drawn a drawing in advance, paste over the vase with roses and leaves.


This craft turns out to be especially cozy due to the peculiarities of the surface texture. If you make a small copy of a vase, you will get an excellent case for combs, cosmetics and other pleasant things.

Another quite affordable option is to make a floor vase from burlap.

Decorating options for a purchased floor vase

If there is a purchased floor vase at home, this does not mean that the space for creativity is narrowing sharply. On the contrary, even a finished product can be decorated in such an interesting way that as a result of decoration it will look much more original.

How to decorate a glass floor vase

The glass vase offers a particularly rich range of creative possibilities, as the product is transparent and can be filled with different materials to create an original design. Here are some ideas for inspiration:

  • spray paint coating - both in one layer and in several colors;
  • decoration with artificial flowers;
  • decoration with the help of bulk materials of different colors (beans, peas, cereals;
  • decoration with twine and textiles.

The glass vase offers a particularly rich range of creative possibilities, as the product is transparent and can be filled with different materials to create an original design.

Unusual decor ideas for a finished floor vase

Here are some interesting ideas for decorating the floor wa PS:

  1. Decor with knitted clothes - by covering a vase or its individual elements with a sweater, you can create a very cozy atmosphere - such a vase looks especially good in the bedroom.
  2. Decorating with twine rope gives the same effect. You can not cover the entire vase, but only the neck or handles.
  3. You can stick roses, leaves, spirals, patterns and other decorative items made of dense fabric in warm colors on the twine.
  4. A vase covered with ordinary pasta looks incredibly beautiful and even mysterious, which then needs to be painted with an aerosol, stylizing the surface as metal.
  5. And if you want to stylize antique, you can decorate with coins, which are pre-painted in dark brown or golden tones - let such a vase attract wealth to the house.

DIY cardboard vase (video)

Thus, you can decorate the house with a beautiful floor vase in any case - both home-made crafts and purchased ones. The main thing is to have a good idea of ​​the future look of the vase and, of course, stock up on inspiration.

If you recently made repairs at home, then there is always a bunch of unnecessary garbage and our advice: do not rush to throw it into the garbage chute, in this pile you can always stumble upon objects that will be useful in inventing fakes - these can be various design details and various decorations for your home. Most often, unnecessary items are the remaining pipes that no one needs, from which you can invent a beautiful designer vase. There are several methods for reproducing our vase.

So, first consider the types of vases made of plastic pipes.


We will decorate with the help of unnecessary nylon stockings.

But before using the stockings, we will get acquainted with the creation of the silhouette of a vase using plastic pipes. It would be great if these pipes were designed for sewerage. They fit perfectly in shape and material.

Now let's move on to the manual, which will describe the sequence of work and actions:

Composite decoration for a vase

The sequence of actions is practically no different from the first version of the creation of the invention, but there is still a slight difference and it lies in the fact that the methods of decoration are different.

Now let's move on to the very process of inventing a vase using this method:

  1. We put on the pipes, which we also prepare, as in the first version, hosiery on both sides so that a small empty gap remains in the middle of the pipe.
  2. We apply a small amount of PVA glue to this empty gap so that it is smeared over the entire area.
  3. Now we pour cereals of any type on this smeared gap, depending on your imagination.
  4. Let's wait until the glue hardens, and attach the pipe sections to each other and paint them in different colors, depending on your wishes.

At this stage, we finish making a vase using cereals.

Making a vase from a metal alloy pipe

If you still have an unnecessary metal pipe, whose edges are cut evenly, then it will come in handy for creating our crafts. If the pipe has an edge, then it is perfect for us because you do not need to create a stand for the vase, it will be ready right away.

Using this type of pipe, we will get acquainted with the technique of its creation through the following steps:

  1. To begin with, we will take a roll of ordinary cheap toilet paper and glue our pipe in a circle so that there are no empty gaps. Small wrinkles are allowed.
  2. Now we need black paint, and with it we paint the pipe in two layers, to give it a natural look.
  3. Next, take the powder with the effect of the powder and apply it with gentle movements over the black paint.
  4. For special beauty, you can decorate a vase with beads or beads.
  5. With the help of mounting foam, we create the bottom of our product. We make it this way: we put the craft on a plastic stand and we put the stream of foam in a vertical position. After waiting until the foam dries, it is allowed to paint the bottom with spray paint of any color.

Take note! We can embellish the edges of our beautiful vase with a welding device by welding them a little. The result is beautiful metallic lace.

I hope you understand that it will not be possible to place fresh flowers in this type of vase in the way that they require water, and it will not work to pour it into such a craft, but do not be discouraged, it is perfect for placing dry or inanimate flowers of various varieties in it. In it, they will look aesthetically pleasing and tasteful.

Making a vase from a cardboard product

If during the repair you ordered the right amount of linoleum to your home, then we note that a cardboard tube is placed inside each such roll so that it does not wrinkle and disperse. But for the end result,

you just need to show a little of your imagination.

Decoration plays an important role in shaping the overall mood of the room. Proper design can emphasize the sophisticated style and create an organic look of the room. Creating a harmonious interior in the house is possible without impressive cash spending. One of the most popular home decorating methods is DIY vase decorating. There are many ideas for decorating, in this article we will look at the basic tips for decorating a flower vase.

The vase can be painted black with a golden hue

The newspaper can be used as a decorative element by making flowers out of it.

Artificial fruits with yellow leaves are perfect for vase decoration

With the help of simple improvised means from an ordinary vase, you can create a unique element of the interior. In order for decoration to bring pleasure and the expected result, it is important to follow your imagination, combining the incongruous and introducing the most unexpected solutions.

Vases in a marine style

What do we associate marine style with? With shells, sand, sea knots, waves, ships.

To implement the easiest way to create a marine-style vase, you will need:

  • Several vessels of various shapes
  • Twine or twine
  • PVA glue
  • Scissors
  • Fabric dye (or Easter egg dye)

The vase can be wrapped in beautiful paper, it will look very beautiful

An example of how to decorate a vase

round vase

Prepare the twine according to the height of the container. Apply glue. Glue the ends of the rope. Make sure the base of the twine is firmly fixed. Then start weaving a braid (see the figure below), not forgetting to coat the surface with glue as the rope is applied. Cover the remaining seam with a layer of rope with glue, securing them vertically to create a contrast with the weave.

Ribbons can be wrapped around a vase, this will give it softness

It doesn’t matter how to decorate a vase, the main thing is that the result is beautiful

You can put beads inside the vase

Vase "Ombre"

For this aesthetic option for decorating a vase with your own hands, you can use a vase of any shape. We recommend resorting to a cylindrical vase. Apply glue and start wrapping it with twine from the base to the very top. Wait until the glue firmly fixes the twine. Then place the bottom of the vase into the paint container. Saturation and consistency can be chosen independently. Leave the vase to dry. As soon as the vase dries, you can see the fruits of your efforts. A smooth transition of your favorite color on an exquisite vase.

It's time to run for flowers, isn't it?

Seashells can also be used for marine decor.

Or do not take any actions with the appearance and place marine elements in it instead of flowers.

If you have the ability to draw, you can beautifully decorate a vase

You can make covers for a vase, it will look very nice

Dot painting of a vase with your own hands

This type of design is quite complicated in execution, but it gives vent to imagination and allows you to bring ideas to life.

What you need for painting:

  • Acrylic paints
  • Brushes, toothpicks, sticks (anything that can be used to apply paint)

Apply convex dots with paint, take a ready-made drawing or style as a basis. Be careful not to touch the already applied layer. The most popular dot painting patterns are ethnic, Indian, tribal patterns. However, the flight of your imagination can take you much further!

Beads are perfect for decorating a vase

An ordinary glass bottle can be wrapped with a bright cloth and get a beautiful vase.

From an ordinary bottle you can make a beautiful vase

Decorating a vase with clothes

Dressing a vase in your clothes sounds ridiculous, but with this method you can quickly and beautifully decorate a vase.

  1. Decor with a sweater. If you have an unnecessary knitted sweater, then it is quite possible to decorate a vase with it. With the help of a piece of sweater and glue, you will get an original decor element. Just imagine what comfort you can create with it on a cold winter evening.
  2. Decoration with socks. Prepare a small container. Trim the bottom of the sock or gaiter above the heel. To determine the size of the base, use a sheet of A4 paper, circle the size of the base. According to the size of the bottom - cut a patch from the scraps of the sock. Sew the patch for the base with the sock and voila - the vase cover is ready!

Leaves in a vase will perfectly complement the interior

There are a very large number of ways to decorate a vase, choose what is closer to you

Working with floor vases

In interior design, floor models are often used, which give a special charm and fit perfectly into any design - be it minimalism, hi-tech or exquisite classics.

In order for the floor vase to sparkle with new colors, you should create an organic decor.

Cover the container with plain paint, and decorate the neck with twine or twine.

Feelings of organicity and unity with nature can be achieved with the help of cut branches carefully glued to the outer surface. Under the cuts, you can place pieces of paper in warm colors.

Floor vases are ideal for indoor decoration with stones, cereals, artificial flowers and other types of fillings.

A vase decorated with beads looks very aesthetically pleasing. In general, a creation created by one's own hands will fill the house with special energy!

You can make simple lines and it will look beautiful

Golden scuffs will add elegance to the vase

You can use stickers to decorate the vase

Marble vase

Decor with acrylic paint will help achieve the effect of "marble". For this you need a transparent container. The secret of the decor lies in the fact that the coloring will not be carried out on the outer surface, but from the inside.

  1. Rinse the vessel, degrease it.
  2. Prepare several shades of acrylic paints
  3. Do not add water to acrylic! It is necessary to rotate the vessel in a horizontal position, adding paint drop by drop
  4. After spreading a layer of one shade, add a couple of drops of a darker color to create a marble effect with paint.
  5. Turn the container over and place it on a towel or other cloth to drain excess paint.

Knitted covers for a vase perfectly complement its appearance

Beads can be very beautiful to decorate a vase

Glasses and stones

Using glass pebbles, you can unusually decorate the surface of the vase. To do this, you need a glue gun and PVA. You can use elements of different colors to make the decor even more original.

simple vase decor

We offer you to get acquainted with the ideas for decorating flower vases.

With the help of coarse threads, you can create a bright and cozy design for any kind of container.

Romance! Fill a vase with wine corks and artificial flowers.

For fall chic decor, use pine cones, twine, and fake flowers. Create a mood in the house!

Coloring the can with copper paint. The most unusual vase in the house. Decorating a room can be done with artificial flowers.

Don't throw away broken saucers! Apply a layer of painted gypsum and place the fragments of beautiful dishes in it. You can also use colored or glossy paper.

A vase with golden scuffs will look expensive

You can decorate a vase from improvised means

Option for decorating a vase with fabric and paints

How to decorate a vase

Below is a table of additional materials used for decoration.


Usage Method

For decoration, you will need a craft type of paper. PVA glue is required for the design. First of all, it is necessary to paste over the outside with plain paper impregnated with glue. Twist the strips of craft paper into flagella. As soon as the container dries up, start gluing the bundles. The result is a stylish design.


For filling, you can use cereals, coins, stones, shells, earth, beads. Using the layering method will create a beautiful, unusual contrast.

Notes, newspapers

Smear the cut materials with glue and stick them around the vase. Using a brush, smooth out the formed folds. After drying, fix with varnish.

Sticks, branches

Dry branches prepared in advance can be glued to the surface, creating an interesting design. It is also possible to use cut branches of different sizes for a cylindrical vase

Having chosen the desired pattern and design, start gluing the rhinestones on the base. Use self-adhesive rhinestones, or purchase glue and ordinary rhinestones in advance.

Twine, twine

Fasten the end of the rope to the base of the container using glue. Then the thread is wound around the container. Do not forget to lubricate the vase with glue.

Apply a layer of colored plaster and place any decorative elements in the plaster. The dried version will exceed all your expectations.

Such a vase will harmoniously complement the decor of the room.

A black vase will look beautiful against a white wall.

Create beauty! Use whatever you see. Buttons, leaves, stones or coins. Let the handmade vase please you and create unforgettable impressions from your interior.

Of course, decoration plays the main role in the design of the room. But at the same time, do not underestimate the importance of decor. After all, with its help you can focus on the chosen style, give comfort to a particular room, or simply fill in the empty space. Decorative products of our own production look especially original in the room. For example, large handmade floor vases will help you show your individuality and sense of taste in decoration.

Floor vases: rules for choosing and decorating

Whether you buy a finished product or want to make it yourself, it is important to clearly understand what style you need to follow. After all, the room should be as harmonious as possible. And this is achieved not only by the choice of furniture, but also by a suitable decorative design.

If you adhere to minimalism, then the most successful solution would be a vase with laconic forms with minimal decoration. As for the color scheme, it should be restrained. Classic white, black and red colors in this case will be the most suitable. However, if you have purchased a transparent vase, then you should not be upset. After all, it can be painted with acrylic paints.

Not everyone likes the classic style in the interior. But if you like it, then you probably know that the decor can be not only with a pattern, but also as concise as possible. Therefore, choose a vase that will emphasize your room or the house as a whole.

Not to mention the Art Nouveau style. This is a rather interesting direction, which is becoming more and more popular. In this case, you can safely choose a vase made of wood or with a metal finish. This design looks amazingly beautiful, but at the same time restrained.

Avant-garde lovers know that this style involves the presence of unusually shaped objects in the room. Take a closer look at the original designer vases. Often in specialized stores such options are presented. If desired, you can even turn a simple glass vase into a decor that fits perfectly into such a room. It is enough just to paint it with bright colors inside or outside. But in this case, you must definitely leave it for a day until it dries completely.

DIY floor vase decor

Of course, floor vases differ from the usual ones in their size. Often these are quite large items. Therefore, making them yourself can be difficult. In this case, we recommend paying more attention to the decor. This requires no less effort and imagination. But rest assured that the result is really worth it.

Perhaps the easiest way to decorate a vase is to paint it with acrylic paints. To do this, you will also need varnish, brushes and adhesive tape or stencils. Before work, it is imperative to protect the work surface, so we recommend placing sheets of paper or newspaper on it. Only after that you can start working.

First you need to paint the vase white. This will create a kind of background against which the pattern or decor will stand out much brighter. If necessary, two or three layers can be applied. Also, be sure to wait for drying, so as not to spoil all the staining. Next, apply a stencil to the vase or stick adhesive tape in vertical lines. Paint the intermediate space with a contrasting paint. After the stencil or tape can be removed, you will get a really stylish and original vase.

Recently, eco-decor has become quite popular. Absolutely everyone can decorate a vase in this style. To do this, you just need to prepare even cuts of branches. Treat them with sandpaper so that there are no rough edges. After that, you need to glue them on the vase in random order. Agree, the process is quite simple, but the result is worthwhile.

A rather unusual design of a floor vase always looks advantageous. In this case, we recommend using coins. Of course, you first need to prepare a vase. That is, paint in a suitable shade and wait for complete drying. Only then can you proceed to the next step. Using a small amount of hot glue, we fix the coins on the surface of the vase, making small indents.

In fact, pieces of a mirror, small pieces of wood, mosaics, shells, and more can be used for this. It all depends on your imagination and willingness to experiment.

If you are looking for a simple vase design option, then use twine or a not too tight rope as decoration. Just wrap a vase with it and fix it with glue. Despite the simplicity of execution, such products always attract attention and raise questions from guests.

In the cold season, thematic decor looks great. To do this, you can use an unnecessary knitted sweater. Depending on the size of the vase, cut off the sleeve or another part of the sweater. If necessary, you can sew the parts together. The result is a very beautiful, cozy decor for a floor vase with your own hands.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to decorate the vase from the outside. Fill the transparent product with sand, shells, various twigs, pebbles or even beads, wine corks. Each of the options looks original in its own way. Often sticks, artificial flowers or cotton twigs are placed in such vases. You can also decorate the composition with a garland. In the winter season, this indoor decor looks amazingly beautiful.

Floor vase in the interior

Absolutely everyone can decorate a floor vase with their own hands. It does not require special skills, experience or knowledge. Get inspired by ideas, view various master classes and be sure to try. This is the only way to create something truly worthwhile.


In decorating a modern interior, outdoor ceremonies and solemn events, one cannot do without a huge number of flowers, so it is very interesting, which would not be inferior in beauty to its contents, but at the same time it was quite cheap. We will consider what interesting ideas there are, including new ones that you may not have heard of yet.

In modern variations, how to make a vase with your own hands, the use of improvised materials, such as glass containers for food and drinks, prevails. Indeed, in this way you recycle potential garbage, and end up with a very interesting decor for your home. Moreover, for example, it will be very easy to perform, at no cost you can decorate with it the interior of a country house, an open veranda, set a table for a birthday party in the open air, and then at the end of the summer season already dispose of it in accordance with all the rules or leave for future use.

Incandescent bulbs turn into miniature vases if you remove the base and cartridge from them, tie them to a string or ribbon, add a stand. Sticking strips of self-adhesive paper on an empty bottle will turn it into an interesting stand for a single flower, and coins applied to a cheap vase will turn it into a luxurious decoration.

The main thing is to do everything carefully and extremely carefully, choosing colors and textures, then the homemade product will not be distinguished from the designer decor.

Don't think that science how to make a vase out of paper or from a plastic bottle does not allow you to get durable, reliable and presentable decor items. If you decorate them correctly by choosing the accompanying materials, then in appearance no one will distinguish them from a ceramic or glass product.

What you should not do in such cases is to trim the edges with a fringe, cut on the plastic and paint it, so you do not hide the material itself, but only emphasize its cheapness. Much better options would be papier-mâché, decoration with woolen threads, jute and hemp ropes, colored tape, sequins, sequins.

There is a great design method that works equally well for both plastic and glass bases. It consists in using, in addition to paint, which completely covers the surface of the workpiece, also special stained-glass contours. Moreover, it is with the contours that the pattern is applied even before the paint is applied.

Due to its texture, the contours will protrude on the paint, which means that an interesting and very valuable effect will appear. It is good to make such vases in an ensemble, from several products of different sizes and shapes, moreover, use this decoration option for methods how to make a floor vase with your own hands their simpler and cheaper.

In the photo you can see what the finished result looks like, and you will probably want to repeat something similar with your own hands, whether it be ordinary or.

A great way to use a plastic container in a slightly non-standard variant was spied on by designers in ideas,. We are talking about concrete vases that are poured into the base.

In the photo above you can see the main stages of such a master class, but if you are more interested in this topic, you can find a detailed lesson. how to make a vase with your own hands, video which explains all the main stages of the manufacturing process in an accessible way.

How to make a vase from a bottle with your own hands

And yet, the largest number of truly interesting, fashionable, modern ideas relate precisely to how to make a vase out of a bottle, from an ordinary glass container, which in most cases you can’t modify in any way, you can’t cut it, and so on. Moreover, the fashion for simple vases has reached such a level that even in home decor stores you will be offered to buy a ready-made vase, which in appearance cannot be distinguished from a classic milk bottle, only its cost will be at least five times higher than the cost of the same, but in the grocery store and full of milk.

The simplest methods concern purely decoration, that is, the use of auxiliary materials that can be easily put on or removed from the base. In the photo above, you can see just such ideas that will require from you not only a minimum of time spent, but also a minimum of financial costs.

In addition, you can not only wrap the glass with ribbons and stick stickers, but also be more creative, for example, take two containers of such a size that one fits inside the other. And pour decorative material into the space between the glass walls, be it sand, sparkles or even colored dragees.

But the most popular way is partial or full staining, which will help you get the perfect decor of the desired texture and shade for the interior of the room.

Using glass containers in combination with wooden decor and bases, you will get modern products in eco-style. To do this, you need to either cut a hole of a suitable diameter in the saw cut of the trunk, or make an original wooden stand, or generally use wooden multi-colored pencils for work.

How to make a beautiful vase with your own hands? 50 ideas