In simple terms, how an air conditioner works. Air conditioning: scheme and principle of operation How to turn on the air conditioner in the apartment

Issues discussed in the material:

  • The general principle of the air conditioner
  • The principle of operation of the duct air conditioner
  • The principle of operation of the inverter air conditioner
  • The principle of operation of precision air conditioners
  • Working principle of window air conditioner
  • The principle of operation of a mobile air conditioner without an air duct

An air conditioner, as equipment for ensuring a comfortable temperature regime in rooms, is distinguished by a complex electronic device. Normal operation of such devices without costly repairs is possible only with professional installation and qualified service. In order to avoid difficulties and unforeseen breakdowns during the operation of climatic equipment, it will be useful to know the principle of operation of the air conditioner. In this article, we will consider the technological features of different types of air conditioners and the possibilities of their use.

The general principle of the air conditioner

Structurally, all existing models of air conditioners are similar. In each such device there are such units as:

  • compressor. The principle of operation of the air conditioning compressor is based on increasing the pressure of a special substance, which is called a refrigerant (freon), and ensuring its movement along the cooling circuit;
  • condensing heat exchanger. This element is located in the outdoor unit and acts as a refrigerant condenser when the air conditioner is working to produce cold;
  • evaporator. This is the name of the heat exchanger of the indoor unit, which ensures the transition of the refrigerant from a liquid state to a gas;
  • throttling device (pressure regulator). This function is performed by a capillary pipe that increases the pressure of freon in a high-pressure system, including a heat exchanger located in the indoor unit;
  • fan. Creates an air flow directed to the condenser and evaporator.

So, where does the process of air conditioning begin?

  1. The process of air cooling begins in the external unit of the air conditioner, where freon refrigerant is in a gaseous state.
  2. After that, the refrigerant moves to the compressor, where it is compressed under pressure and its temperature rises.
  3. Freon passes into the condenser located in the external unit, where the intake air blows it through with the help of a fan, while cooling it. This action leads to the transition of freon from a gaseous to a liquid state.
  4. Then, in the form of a liquid, it enters the expansion valve, which reduces the pressure in the system and thereby lowers the boiling point of freon. This provokes the onset of boiling and evaporation.
  5. After the freon enters the evaporator of the indoor unit, where the freon absorbs warm air from the room and releases cold air. By absorbing warm air, freon passes from a liquid state to a gaseous state.
  6. The refrigerant in the form of gas moves back to the outdoor unit and the cycle of the air conditioner is repeated.

If, as a result of prolonged operation or poor-quality assembly, a refrigerant leak occurs in the line, then the performance of the climate device decreases. In case of intensive leaks, freezing of the evaporator is possible. When drops of water or moist air enter the line, ice capillaries are blocked, which leads to compressor breakdowns. As a preventive measure for such malfunctions, during the installation and maintenance of the air conditioner, the refrigerant line is evacuated. This procedure is performed using a professional compressor.

In modern models of air conditioners, the device is turned off after the temperature in the room reaches the specified parameters. If the equipment with this function continues to operate after the air has cooled down to the set temperature, it is necessary to contact a specialized service center for troubleshooting.

The air conditioning compressor can quickly break down if the evaporator does not have time to convert all the passing freon into gas. In this case, the liquid refrigerant causes the compressor to malfunction and subsequently fail. This situation may be due to poor-quality assembly, imperfect designs, or improper use of the air conditioner (for example, turning on equipment in severe frost). Although some modern models of air conditioners can be used for space heating, their operation is only possible at temperatures above the lower limits set by the manufacturer. As a rule, air conditioners are used as heaters during the off-season, before the start of the heating season.

To reduce the load on climate control equipment, keep windows and doors closed, and ensure that the room is properly insulated. To reduce the energy consumption of the air conditioner, such a measure as installing blinds on window openings or hanging them with thick curtains will help. During ventilation of the premises, the climate equipment should be turned off.

Each air conditioner has a filtration system, which over time becomes clogged with dust and fine particles in the air. Timely cleaning and replacement of filters will not only extend the life of the climate control equipment, but also make the indoor air cleaner.

You do not need to set a minimum temperature to cool the room. This will overload the compressor, increase energy costs and may cause sickness. Orient the air conditioner to achieve a comfortable temperature, which is usually slightly above 20 °C. Intensive operation of the compressor in very hot weather can lead to freezing of the heat exchanger. You can speed up the process of cooling the air in the room by increasing the fan speed.

The principle of operation of the duct air conditioner

Channel split system or channel climate equipment is a standard device, the indoor unit of which has a channel design.

Considering such an air conditioner (device and principle of operation), it can be noted that it has all the main functional elements (throttling regulator, compressor, air condenser) located in the outdoor unit. Such devices are used to provide a comfortable temperature by heating / cooling the air, as well as to clean the air from dust and microparticles. To heat the air in the room, models can be used that can work on the principle of heat pumps. Channel split-systems consist of 2 separate elements (external and internal blocks which are connected by highways for refrigerant). Air conditioning is provided by the indoor unit. It can be built into a false ceiling or plasterboard niches.

The principle of operation of an air conditioner in an apartment involves the transfer of thermal energy from the premises to the environment with the help of a refrigeration circuit, in which there is a refrigerant - freon. The main elements of this circuit are heat exchangers (evaporator / condenser). In the indoor unit there is an evaporator that takes heat from the room, and the condensing heat exchanger is located in the outdoor unit (it gives off heat energy to the environment). Freon is a refrigerant that transports heat energy.

Thus, the main devices of the outdoor unit of ducted air conditioning systems are:

  • cooling circuit. It consists of a capillary tube, a compressor and a condensing heat exchanger. The main function of this circuit is to transfer thermal energy from the premises to the environment. With the help of refrigerant lines, outdoor and indoor units are connected. The refrigeration circuit of the outdoor unit is combined with the refrigeration circuit located in the indoor unit into one system.
  • the fan of the condensing heat exchanger directs air flows through the condenser;
  • control automation provides control of the functioning of all catches of the outdoor unit and protects them from breakdowns caused by overload and other factors.

The installation of the outdoor unit is carried out taking into account the requirements that are described by the manufacturer in the accompanying documentation. Particular attention should be paid to the distance between the outdoor and indoor units, as well as their height relative to each other. Since the indoor unit is located directly in the room, its operation should be accompanied by minimal noise, so the number of elements of the refrigeration line in it is also minimized. Here are:

Evaporator with heat exchanger;


filter element;

Temperature sensors;

Remote control signal receiver (may be offered as an option on some models.

The use of ducted air conditioners for domestic purposes is possible if the ceilings in the rooms are high enough.

Main advantages:

  • One indoor unit can air-condition multiple rooms.
  • Fresh air can be added to increase the percentage of indoor oxygen.
  • Installation of equipment (including air lines) can be carried out in a hidden way, which allows you to install the air conditioner without disturbing the interior design.
  • The equipment can be controlled by both wired and IR remote control.

Negative aspects:

  • When using one unit for air conditioning of several rooms, it is possible to provide only the same temperature regime for all rooms.
  • For the installation of such equipment, sufficient ceiling height is required.
  • Drawing up a wiring project and calculating equipment parameters can only be performed by highly qualified specialists.

The principle of operation of the inverter air conditioner

Let's figure out what the principle of operation of an inverter-type air conditioner is. The main element of such equipment is the inverter. This device allows you to increase the operating life of climate equipment by 1.5 times and saves up to 30 funds on electricity bills compared to linear air conditioners.

The schematic diagram of the power supply of inverter equipment is as follows:

Alternating current is converted to direct;

DC parameters are adjustable depending on the required cooling capacity;

The direct current is converted back to alternating current.

This principle of operation of the air conditioner (voltage conversion circuit) ensures the continuous operation of the air conditioner with the choice of the required compressor power.

The scheme of operation of traditional air conditioners (on / off) is that the compressor works for cooling until the required temperature in the room is reached, after which it is turned off. When the room temperature increases by a few degrees, the compressor starts, etc. As a result of such cycling, the equipment experiences greater starting loads and consumes more electricity. These moments accelerate the wear of the compressor, since during the shutdown period the compressor oil flows into the crankcase and at the time of start it works with a small amount of lubricant.

The overloads described above are not typical for inverter equipment, since the principle of its operation does not imply frequent starts. The inverter, after reaching the desired temperature parameters in the room, switches to the mode of operation at minimum power. This prolongs the life of the compressor, reduces noise and energy consumption. In addition, inverter climate equipment provides a more comfortable indoor climate, as it more accurately maintains temperature parameters.

Given the higher performance of the inverter air conditioner with economical consumption of electrical energy, we can conclude that such equipment is environmentally friendly.

The principle of operation of precision air conditioners

A variety of climatic equipment that ensures the maintenance of temperature parameters and humidity in special-purpose rooms is called precision air conditioners. Such equipment is used:

  • For rooms where it is necessary to provide the set temperature with an error of half a degree.
  • If you need to ensure guaranteed uninterrupted operation of climate equipment all year round.
  • If it is necessary to ensure a quick start of redundant units in emergency situations.
  • If you need to provide a high heat influx (more than 5 times higher than the capabilities of conventional air conditioners).

As a rule, such air conditioners are used for server rooms and rooms where electronic computing equipment is located.

Such precision air conditioners work according to the following scheme:

  1. The gaseous freon is compressed by the compressor and fed to the condenser, where it is converted into a liquid form, and the resulting heat is removed to the outside.
  2. After that, the refrigerant passes through the throttling tubes, in which its pressure and temperature decrease.
  3. Then the freon is fed to the evaporator and, after being converted into gas, is again supplied to the compressor.
  4. The air blown through the evaporator is cooled and enters the room.

The block, which is located indoors, can perform different tasks (depending on the purpose of this model):

  • cooling;
  • device with electric heating and cooling with automatic temperature control;
  • air humidification and cooling;
  • device with additional options (cooling, humidification, etc.).

This unit of the climate system can have a design with different options for air intake / supply:

  • supply of air flows in the upper part through the air duct and air extraction in the front part of the device between the main and false ceiling;
  • lower supply under the false floor and upper selection through the air duct between the false and the main ceiling;
  • air is taken from above (directly from the room, and supplied from below (under a false floor);
  • air supply is carried out from above through the air duct between the main and false ceiling, and the intake is from below under the false floor and behind;
  • air intake from below under the false floor and from behind, the supply is carried out from above directly into the room.

The design of a precision air conditioning system is identical to any split system in terms of the principle of operation. When the device is connected to the power supply, the fan starts to work, forcing air from the server room. Air can be supplied at the top or bottom of the unit and blown out from a duct system in the floor or ceiling.

In precision models, the regulation of the air temperature in the room is carried out with the help of a temperature sensor, by the method of determining the temperature and transferring the readings to the electronic controller. After receiving a signal, the air cooling system automatically turns on.

The electronic controller automatically turns on the compressor, which, compressing the refrigerant, supplies it to the condenser. In the condenser, the temperature of the freon is reduced by fans, and it is converted into a liquid.

With the help of a thermostatic valve in a precision air conditioner, the freon pressure for the server room is reduced to 4 atmospheres. As a result, freon boils and turns into a gas with a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius. Thus, freon is cooled. Cold from the refrigerant is supplied to the evaporator of the indoor unit where it reduces the temperature of the air flow.

Working principle of window air conditioner

Window air conditioning is a monoblock system that is installed in a window opening or wall. If you compare a monoblock air conditioner with a split system, you can notice a number of disadvantages:

Produces a lot of noise;

Restricts the choice of location for installing the device;

Reduces the access of sunlight to the room;

Not a very aesthetic way of installation.

The main advantage of a window air conditioner is the low cost of the device. The model of the window air conditioner is identical to the mobile monoblock system according to the principle of operation.

  • After the condensation process, the refrigerant becomes liquid.
  • Under the action of the compressor, the refrigerant is further compressed and moves into the throttling module to increase the pressure.
  • At room temperature, under high pressure, the refrigerant boils in the evaporator and passes into a gaseous state, while releasing cold.
  • The formed cold masses cool the air flow supplied by the fan.
  • The refrigerant in the gaseous state passes through the filter and is fed to the condenser, where it is again transformed into a liquid. Moving along a closed circuit, the refrigerant removes heat from the room and provides cooling for the air flows directed into the room.

Thus, we can note the fallacy of the opinion that climate equipment produces cold. The principle of operation of such devices is to select and move the cold of their environment into the room, even if the outside temperature rises above thirty degrees plus. Based on this, it can be noted that the purpose of the air conditioner is not to cool the air inside the premises, but to form the required microclimate. It should be noted that the air conditioning process helps to reduce the level of humidity in the air. This can be useful in rooms with high humidity, but in other cases it may be necessary to install equipment that humidifies the air.

Similar to different models of split air conditioners, some devices designed for installation in window openings can also be used for space heating. Such equipment is called reverse cycle window monoblocks. Such air conditioners are especially practical during the off-season periods. Window equipment necessarily has a built-in filtration system that prevents dust, fluff and other elements from entering the premises.

The principle of operation of a mobile air conditioner without an air duct

For a rented apartment, summer house and other objects where it is not possible to install stationary climatic equipment, a mobile air conditioner is the best option. It is a self-contained outdoor portable structure. The principle of operation of a mobile air conditioner is that a stream of air is passed through a highly humidified filter, from which water takes heat during evaporation. This effect was used by camel drivers in ancient times. The air conditioner on the water has a principle of operation similar to a wet turban, which saved the drovers in the hot desert. Since their filter water evaporates directly into the room, humidifying it, a cool zone can only form near the water conditioner. The general temperature regime inside the room does not change. Since the water from the air conditioner gradually evaporates, its volume must be constantly replenished. You can find "advice" on increasing the efficiency of water climate devices by pre-cooling the water in the refrigerator, but only the latter heats the air during operation. With all the inconveniences, mobile air conditioners in some situations can be the only practical solution, so they are also in demand among consumers.

That's all! We hope you enjoy this article.

P.S. You can always call the company Climate Formula”, and our specialists will advise you on all the issues that have arisen.

The operation of the air conditioner is based on a change in the state of aggregation of a special substance under the influence of temperature and pressure. This substance is most often freon, which can change from a gaseous state to a liquid state. To understand the air conditioner, you must first familiarize yourself with its device.

How the air conditioner works

Modern air conditioners are equipped with an electronic unit that allows remote control. Separate outdoor and indoor units. The outdoor unit consists of a fan, condenser, compressor, control board, four-way valve, filter. A fan is needed to blow the condenser. The condenser is a radiator in which freon is cooled and condensed. When air passes by it, it heats up.

The compressor compresses freon and ensures its movement along the refrigeration circuit. There is a four-way valve that can heat the air. It changes the direction of freon movement. The indoor unit then starts to work for heating, and the outdoor unit for cooling. The filter is in front of the compressor inlet, its function is protective. The outdoor unit is closed with a cover.

The indoor unit of the air conditioner is a front panel, a coarse filter, fine filters, a fan, an evaporator, a control board, blinds. Air enters through the front panel. The coarse filter is a plastic mesh to hold relatively large objects. Fine filters remove odors, retain fine dust and bacteria. The fan is aimed at circulating purified and heated/cooled air in the room.

How air is cooled and heated by an air conditioner

Freon is heated in the evaporator, after which it evaporates. As air passes through the evaporator, it cools. Louvres regulate the direction of the air flow, their position can be adjusted remotely. The indoor and outdoor units are connected by copper pipes. The control board contains an electronics unit with a microprocessor.

The air conditioner itself does not produce cold or heat, it is engaged in transferring it from the room to the street or vice versa. When evaporating, freon takes away heat, condensing - gives it back. The condensation process is the return from a gaseous state to a liquid state. In cooling mode, freon evaporates in the indoor unit and condenses in the outdoor unit. When heated, the opposite happens. This is how heat is transferred from one medium to another.

2014-07-24 17:48:13

Almost all modern technology is powered by electricity (mains or batteries) - whether it be refrigerators, televisions, or built-in vacuum cleaners. Air conditioners, although not all of them are household appliances, are also powered by the mains. They have a difficult task to transform the received working energy into coolness and comfort. And they, just for this they were designed, cope with this task.

What is the actual principle of operation of air conditioners?

We found out that the air conditioner consumes electricity, but what makes the air coming out of it so cold? And where this air is taken, by the way, is also not entirely clear.
If we ask the ignorant where this air comes from, in 9 out of 10 answers we will get the option that the air is "sucked in from that big noisy box with a fan outside" (the external unit of an air conditioner of a common type - a household wall-mounted split system). The remaining answer is likely to be simply "I don't know."

But, let's get it right...

In the case of climate technology, the main role is played by the refrigerant. Based on its physical and chemical properties, or rather, the change in its pressure to convert from a liquid state to vapor and vice versa, climate devices such as an air conditioner are able to separate areas of low and high temperatures in space. The same principle of operation is laid down in our usual refrigerator.

Until relatively recently, air conditioners sold in the CIS mainly used R-22 (hydrofluorocarbon HCFC) refrigerant, now, under the influence of environmental laws and public opinion, manufacturers are gradually switching to types of refrigerants that do not destroy the Earth's ozone layer, such as R- 410 and R-407.

In an air conditioning system that has only a cooling function (many modern air conditioners also heat in cold weather), the principle of refrigerant circulation is quite simple. The outdoor unit of the air conditioner, which is usually located outside the room, circulates the refrigerant in the circuit because it houses the compressor. Before leaving the outdoor unit, the refrigerant is subjected to throttling in the capillary tube; therefore, getting into the indoor unit of the split system, it has a reduced pressure. After throttling, the temperature of the refrigerant becomes 5-10°C, it naturally boils and turns into vapor. The trigger mechanism for this process is the warm air inside the room. Thus, the room air is cooled by entering the indoor unit of the air conditioner and, having passed through the heat exchanger, returns back to the room with the help of a tangential fan.

In parallel, the vaporous refrigerant passes through the compressor of the outdoor unit, it is compressed due to the operation of the compressor, the pressure and temperature (up to 50-60°C) increase. Further, the hot vapor, entering the outdoor unit, cools and transforms into a liquid, giving off its heat to the atmosphere. After the condenser, the refrigerant, already in liquid form, is again throttled, its pressure drops, and the temperature again drops to 5-10 ° C, the liquid again begins to boil in the evaporator heat exchanger, absorbing heat from the cooled room.

Being a device that maintains a given microclimate, the air conditioner performs various functions - cooling, purifying, heating the air, up to dehumidification. But unlike other equipment that performs its functions with the help of water, such as, for example, climate complexes, air conditioners work with moisture obtained directly from the air.

As for the answer to the question posed earlier about the source of air, with which the room temperature is regulated, the answer to it was simple until recently - the air for cooling or heating was taken directly from the room in which the indoor unit of the air conditioner is located. But modern air conditioners make it possible not only to ionize the air, increase the oxygen content in the indoor air, but also to mix in the outside air, although this requires additional efforts to process it.

Questions and comments (0) - In simple words about how the air conditioner works

Today, air conditioners are in almost every apartment and in all offices, and in summer they help us endure hot weather by cooling the air in apartments and other premises. Surely, while enjoying the cool fresh air, someone was interested in the question of how the air conditioner works in the apartment? We will try to consider the process of operation of the equipment in detail in this article.

The principle of operation of the device

First, let's remember physics: during evaporation, substances are able to absorb heat, and during the condensation process, they release it. Approximately, in this way, the work of the split system is set.

The principle of operation of the air conditioner is to change the state of the working fluid of the equipment - the refrigerant (in other words, freon), which is affected by the temperature level and the degree of pressure in a closed device. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of the system.

The main components of the equipment

The current equipment is equipped with an electronic unit that is responsible for controlling the modes of the device. The equipment receives its tasks through the control panel, which is included in the air conditioner kit.

The outer part of the air conditioner

The external unit of the device is installed outside the premises and includes the following components:

indoor unit

The indoor unit includes:

  1. Coal (they are designed to remove various odors);
  2. Electrostatic (they are necessary to hold fine dust particles);
  3. Antibacterial;
  4. Others.

How is air cooled and heated?

During evaporation, the refrigerant is able to remove heat. As a small experiment, you can do a little experiment. To do this, smear your hand with alcohol or a solution containing alcohol. After applying the liquid, a cold will be felt on the hand, which is formed due to the evaporation of the liquid, so the alcohol, evaporating, takes away the heat coming from the body.

The reverse process: during condensation (that is, when a liquid changes from a gaseous state to a liquid state), the substance gives off thermal energy. Such a condensation process can be observed in a steam room.

At the moment when the air conditioner device is operating in cooling mode, freon is subject to evaporation in the heat exchanger in the inside of the system, and condensation takes place in the external unit. When the device is operating in heating mode, the whole process occurs in reverse order. Condensation takes place in the heat exchanger and evaporation takes place in the outdoor unit.

How to use the conditioner correctly? To work with the equipment (in order to get acquainted with the work process and turn on the system correctly), the user manual with a full description of the operation of the modes and control of the system through the remote control is included in its package.

An air conditioner can be used instead of a heater and, as some information shows, using it is much more profitable than turning on a heater device. Another advantage of the air conditioner is that it does not dry the air, as it happens when the heater is running.

How is the air conditioning system tested?

The efficiency of the equipment is checked after installation of the device or after repair work. Also, you should check the equipment before starting during the new season.

  1. We check the external part of the system. A level must be used when installing the external part of the equipment. Since it is important that the device hangs evenly and securely held on the wall. A certain distance must be observed between the sienna and the device (at least 10 cm). Mounting equipment is best done on brackets or anchor bolts. It is necessary to ensure that the device is covered from above by something, for example, a canopy from the roof of a building;
  2. For processing copper tubes, it is necessary to use a special tool - a pipe cutter and a roller;
  3. It is necessary to monitor the operation of the indoor and outdoor units. Perform regular cleaning of filters and the entire system;
  4. When installing the equipment, it is necessary to observe the distance between the furniture and the device so that the air flow is evenly distributed throughout the room. It must be at least 3 meters;
  5. Pay attention to the location of the drainage system. It should be installed with a slight slope so that water enters the street, and does not remain in the pipes and does not drip into the room;
  6. The difference in the distance between the blocks should not exceed 20 meters.

The article reveals the main aspects of the issue of how the air conditioner works in the apartment and how to maintain it. You can clean the device system yourself, there is nothing complicated about it and, in addition, you can save on calling specialists. Proper care of the equipment will extend its service life and increase its efficiency.

In recent years, climate devices have become the most popular household appliances, but a necessary and pleasant device can become a source of problems if simple rules are neglected when using it.

How to properly use the air conditioner so that it is comfortable to live with it at home and at work - this question often arises among users. This article will discuss the recommendations that it is advisable to follow during the operation of a split system.

General norms for the use of climate equipment

Proper operation of the air conditioner directly affects the favorable conditions for working in the office or relaxing at home. At the same time, there are both generally accepted recommendations and "individual" ones.

Consider a few general rules that are not determined by the type of room:

  1. Constantly remember and coordinate in the settings the weather conditions with the parameters and capabilities of the device itself.
  2. In hot weather, you need to reduce the temperature gradually, two to three degrees every hour, so that the device works in a gentle mode.
  3. If the split system does not have an admixture of outside air, then the room must sometimes be ventilated.
  4. Preventive maintenance should be regular, regardless of age.

It is also important to observe the humidity in the room. The air conditioner dries the air, so you need to humidify the room with home remedies (hang wet towels).

How to use the conditioner correctly

Setting the split system modes can also be correct and illiterate, and in order to avoid undesirable consequences, you must follow the rules for using the air conditioner:

1. Carry out the normal ratio of the performance of the device to the weather conditions. In regions with a hot climate, it is necessary to buy high-power split systems with appropriate cooling modes.

2. During the initial installation of the split system, you need to correctly install the indoor unit, taking into account the needs of all family members.

3. The air conditioner must be regularly inspected and, if necessary, the air filters changed or cleaned.

The main rule that must be strictly observed is that the performance of the device must correspond to the physical parameters of the room. At the same time, the main indicator is the volume of the room, and only then the air conditioning will be effective. In this regard, doors and windows must be closed during operation of the air conditioner to prevent cold air leakage and warm air inflow.

How to use the device without harm to health

In order for a working air conditioner to have health benefits, certain rules must be followed:

  • Do not direct the jet of cold air directly at a person.
  • If there are children in the house, then do not let them play in a room with a working air conditioner. You must first ventilate the room, and only then let them into the room.
  • Take breaks in work, if possible, turn on the fan.

Split systems not only maintain the set temperature in the room, but also improve air quality and alleviate the condition of people with asthma attacks and those prone to allergic diseases.

Myths about air conditioners

After air conditioners became an invariable part of household appliances used for their own needs, there were different opinions on their use.

Consider the most common myths:

Myth #1 Air conditioning - as a source of colds. The cause of ailments is an incorrectly selected temperature regime.

Myth #2. Split system - as a distributor of bacteria. Their formation is possible inside the filters if the elements are not cleaned in a timely manner.

Myth number 3. Air conditioning - as a carrier of infected microbes (legionellosis). For the formation of these microbes, a humid environment with a temperature of about + 35 ° C is needed, and in the air conditioner the accumulation of condensate occurs at 0 ° C. It turns out that the devices cannot, in principle, form these microbes. And yet, for prevention, it is necessary to treat the device with a special solution at least once every six months, and change the filters monthly.


Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the air conditioner brings undoubted convenience and is not at all harmful to health. To do this, you only need to strictly follow the operating recommendations, especially for the “cold” mode, which is more risky than “heat”.