Can paint be tinted? Paint tinting

Despite the ever-expanding range of rolled and modular materials intended for interior decoration, the paint is not only not inferior, but also confidently expanding its positions. Of course, the price of this material is of considerable importance, but it also provides no less opportunities for design - if not more.

To work with paint coatings, the main thing is to learn how to select and combine shades. But you will learn how to properly tint the paint by reading this article.

Interior and exterior paints and plasters, metal enamels and wood varnishes - all this can be tinted, since most of these materials are sold in white.

Shops selling paints and varnishes offer, of course, tinting services:

  • They perform it according to the catalog of one or another manufacturer - but this is not always convenient for the customer, especially if it is supposed to produce, as in the photo below, multi-color dyeing, or choose a tone for textiles. And then, this service is most often paid. Therefore, everyone who prefers to do the work with their own hands is looking for the necessary information on the Internet.

There is another important nuance, because of which it is better to tint the paint not in the store, but in the room being finished. Under different lighting conditions, the color is perceived in completely different ways, and it may turn out that everything suits you in the store, but you absolutely do not like it at home.

We will tell you how to tint the paint with your own hands at home.

What are the nuances to consider

Before you tint the paint, you need to correctly determine the shade that you need. Keep in mind that under natural light, bright electric light, or subdued lighting, the same color will look different. Therefore, you should first make a probe, apply it to a piece of drywall, and evaluate it under lighting of different intensities.


  • It is advisable to use lamps that will be permanently located in the room, since not only the power of the lamps matters here, but even the color of the shades. And you also need to remember that the larger the painted area, the richer the tone will appear.

  • If we take into account that the light is distributed unevenly in the room, then it is clear that in the shaded areas the painted surface will appear darker. Therefore, if you want to make a bright accent in the interior, try to choose the wall on which the light falls more favorably.
  • Kohler is the same paint, only highly saturated, and can be used in its pure form to create such accents as in the picture above. Although, there are also tinting pastes, which are used exclusively to obtain the desired shade of paints and plasters.
  • In order for the mixing to be homogeneous, the color scheme must correspond in composition to the base paint. In general, with regard to plasters, coatings and primers, it is always better to combine materials from one manufacturer. Practice shows that in this case their adhesion is provided most fully.

But as for the color scheme, if you did not find the right color, you can take the option of another brand - the main thing is that it should be designed for tinting the type of paint that you are going to use.

Differences in the composition of colors

Tinting paints and pastes differ, first of all, in their consistency. The colors are more liquid, and allow you to get soft pastel shades. The pastes are quite thick, and make it possible to create a composition that is much more saturated in color.

When choosing them, you must also take into account the operating conditions of the coating, and the type of paint that needs to be tinted.

  • To ensure the covering power of the coating, color is given not only to paints, but also to primers and impregnations - separate types of colors are used for them. For water-dispersion paints, completely different types of pigments are intended, for alkyd and oil paints - too.

  • Before you tint acrylic paint, which is most often used for interior work, you need to make sure that the color is designed specifically for it. According to the method of mixing, colors may also differ. With tinting paints it is somewhat easier: they picked up the tone, found its recipe and mixed it.
  • Although pastes are universal in use, they require a more accurate dosage, so working with them on your own is much more difficult. Again, for each type of paint, there are own standards for the content of color, and they cannot be exceeded. For water-based paints, this is 20% - the highest percentage. For other types of paint, 7% is the maximum.
  • Water-soluble tinting compounds mixed with a white base cannot provide a rich color. In general, they are produced on the basis of pigments of organic or inorganic origin. The first option is highly saturated, and in cases where you need to provide a bright color, they are chosen.

Colors based on organic pigments have one drawback - they are not very stable, and under the influence of ultraviolet light, the coatings turn pale. The saturation of inorganic pigments is much lower, but they never change their color.

Mixing paint

So, you need to make a sample first. To do this, you need to have a small container on hand. These can be baby food jars, yogurt containers, or measuring plastic cups - as long as they are clean.


  • Medical pipettes can be used as a dispenser, but syringes are better, as they have divisions. By the way, tinting pastes are often sold already in syringes. It is also convenient to use color, packaged in soft tubes with a narrow spout. Also prepare a piece of paper and a pen to record the ratio of paint and color.

  • For work, you will also need several brushes of different sizes, rollers, a tray for paint and primer, masking tape, and clean napkins. When using water-based paints, brushes can be rinsed under running water. In other cases, you need to take care of the solvent.

If there are no measured divisions on your container, apply them yourself, accurately determining the volume of liquid to the line. Then, pour paint into a jar, and add color there, starting with a few drops. Stir, look - if the shade is too pale, add one drop at a time, not forgetting to count and write down their number.

In order not to be mistaken

Once you get a tone that visually suits you, you need to evaluate it on a trial board. Better if it's not a wall or ceiling, use drywall if the base surface is plastered, or plywood if wood paneling is to be painted. Cut the sheets into squares with a side of 40 cm, and test the resulting shades first with strokes.

  • If you understand that the color is not enough, add no more than one drop at a time. When, in your opinion, the required tone intensity is reached, paint the test sheet completely. Even if it seems to you that what you need has now turned out, do not rush to tint the entire volume of paint and proceed to the main work.
  • Since the wet coating is impossible to appreciate, leave the sample for several hours until the paint is completely dry, and see what you get first under daylight, and then under electric light. Perhaps you will realize that the color turned out brighter than it initially seemed, and you will come to the decision to reduce its saturation.

  • When you tint the full amount of paint, reduce the estimated amount of color by twenty percent. Only when the first layer of coating is applied to the walls will it become clear how correctly you have approached the desired shade. If necessary, a small amount of color can be added to the paint before applying the second coat.

It would be useful to recall that the base surface must be well prepared for painting: leveled, puttied (see), sanded and impregnated with a primer. Even the most chic shade is not able to hide surface defects, and a careless attitude to preparation technology can generally lead to a sad result.

At the moment, manufacturers produce a wide variety of colored paints. However, the range of tones of such coatings is standard, and therefore limited.

Do-it-yourself tinting makes it possible to obtain a composition that has the color, tone and shade that you would like to see in the interior of your home.

Materials for tinting and its methods

The basis of colors are coloring pigments. They are divided into organic and mineral analogues.

Varieties of pigments and colors

  1. The first type of substances is used to obtain bright shades. However, when it is used on some types of bases, a reaction may begin that will destroy the pigment. In addition, organic compounds burn out from exposure to sunlight.
  2. Mineral analogues are resistant to weathering, but have a limited range of shades.

Based on pigments, colorants are produced in the form of paints and pastes.

  1. Coloring paints contain the same components as the main compositions for which they are intended. That is, they can be acrylic, alkyd, oil, etc. By mixing such an additive and a white base paint, you can achieve any desired shade. If a rich color is needed, the base can be painted with an undiluted composition.
  2. Color pastes contain dispersant resins or are produced without a binder. They can be universal or designed for a specific type of paint. When working with pastes, it is important to keep the proportions, because. an excessive amount of such a color scheme leads to a deterioration in the quality of paintwork materials.

Note! The instruction advises adding 5/20% color to water-based paints, and no more than 10% to oil counterparts. Pastes do not paint white compositions well. Based on this, special paints are produced that have a reduced content of white pigment.

Important factors to consider

  1. Experts advise, before tinting paint, to buy a base (usually white) and a color scheme from the same manufacturer.
  2. It should be borne in mind that if the base and the coloring composition are chosen incorrectly, then the coating will lie unevenly or stains will form on it.
  3. When mixing paints by hand, it is difficult to maintain proportions and create the same shade several times.

  1. Based on this, tinting machines are now most often used. They evenly distribute the dye in the base and ensure the uniformity of its consistency.
  2. When the base is tinted in dark colors, the percentage of pigments in the paint increases. Therefore, the binder may not be enough to hold all its components together. Manufacturers have taken this moment into account and offer paints with different pigment content.
  3. Hand tinting is preferable when you need to paint a room in two different colors and you need to accurately match the shades relative to each other. In addition, this method is appropriate when combining the finish with any interior element.

Characteristics of manual and computer method

The determining factor for manual tinting is the human factor. This gives it its advantages and disadvantages ().

The advantages of this method are below.

  1. The ability to carry out the process right on the site of repair or construction.
  2. You can get individual shades. These include complex tones, which consist of several colors of the palette.
  3. The option is economical.

The disadvantages of the method are as follows.

  1. It is difficult to get the desired tone and shade repeatedly.
  2. You can make a mistake when choosing paint for dark colors. This is fraught with serious consequences if a special composition is tinted. For example, fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil.

Machine mixing of coatings is controlled by a computer, using standard recipes embedded in its program. If you need the same color in the future, it is easy to reproduce it again.

The advantages of computer tinting are as follows.

  1. Accurate and fast work.
  2. The ability to re-obtain the desired color.
  3. The right choice of colors to create dark tones.
  4. Extensive range of obtained colors.

The disadvantages of the method:

  • it is impossible to produce tinting with reference to the construction site;
  • you can not create complex shades and tones;
  • the price of the method is quite high.

How to mix paints by hand

  1. Prepare several small plastic containers.
  2. Before you tint acrylic paint, purchase the same color scheme of the color you need.
  3. Pour about 100 ml of base into a container and record its exact volume.
  4. Add a few drops of one dye or several (if you need a complex shade). Write down the number of drops as well as the color data.
  5. Mix the base and color until a uniform tone is obtained.

Note! An important tip on how to properly tint paint. Start the process with two drops. If the tone seems pale to you, gradually add the dye, but only one drop at a time.

  1. Once you're happy with the color (bear in mind it will look brighter on the base), paint a small area of ​​the surface. When the finish is dry, evaluate the color of the coating under artificial and natural light.
  2. If the result pleased you, you can.

  1. Subtract 20% from the required amount of color without fail. This is necessary so that the final tone of the coating matches the one you need. Colors on a large area always look brighter than on a small one.

Our example is Zinga conductive paint. To obtain its desired color, 5 drops of color should be added to 100 ml of the base.

If you follow the logical chain, then 50 drops are needed for 1 liter. However, in reality, 40 drops of color should be added to such a volume.


We figured out how to make paint tinting in the best way. If you choose the manual method, you can create a unique shade of the coating. Preferring the computer method, you will be spared quite likely errors ().

The video in this article will complement the information provided to you.

The paintwork offered by the manufacturer does not always match in color. In order for the composition to become the desired shade, color for paint is added to it. So you can choose a shade for the interior or achieve the right amount of dye, even if the store of the desired color is no longer available.

Description of coloring pigments

A concentrated pigment or a paste-like consistency saturated with one shade is a color scheme. Its purpose is to give paintwork the desired color. The base is white, and with the pigment it acquires the desired shade.

There is a standard for mixing color and color base:

  • color for acrylic paint in the amount of 8%;
  • proportion in water-based dye - no more than 20%;
  • for oil KM color in a proportional ratio - 1.5%.

Colors for acrylic paint are in demand on the construction market more than others.

If the amount of pigment is exceeded, then the operational properties of the dye are reduced. The concentration of color schemes of the color scheme is high, so it is not used in its pure form. Variety of color

Kohler paint is selected according to the style of the interior. The choice is made from two types of concentrated pigment:

  • organic pasta. The resulting colors are bright and juicy. The dye is not applied to all surfaces and does not retain color properties when exposed to the sun;
  • inorganic pigment. Resists direct sunlight and weathering. Poorer choice of colors.

Useful video on the topic:

Forms of tinting systems

Each form of color release has its pros and cons:

  • Kohler-paint - the chemical composition coincides with the components of the KM where it is added. The material belongs to specialized compositions. If you need a super bright color, pure coloring paint is used. But this is uneconomical.
  • A paste pigment is a color that is diluted in a dispersant resin. The material is comfortable to use. There is no uniform intensity. The result of mixing may be unexpected. Therefore, it is recommended to test the surface on a small area. Used for any kind of dye.
  • Powdered coloring pigment - low material cost, not added to ready-made CM, stirring is done first in the base. Kohler for oil paint is diluted in drying oil. The accuracy of the resulting color is hard to predict, the choice of colors is small.

The use of pigment for various types of dye

Mixing color with paintwork materials is not carried out spontaneously. His choice is made on the basis of the type of paintwork:

  • A water-based and water-dispersion dye is mixed with a concentrated pigment in a liquid consistency.
  • The color of primers, varnishes that are applied to wood is changed by adding a pasty or liquid color scheme.
  • Pastes and tinting liquid compositions are added to alkyd and oil coatings, whitewash compositions.
  • Decorating the paint is achieved with a pearlescent pigment or a material with a sheen.
  • Enamels are tinted with universal pastes.

Facade KM is tinted with a pigment that is resistant to sunlight, to atmospheric phenomena. Selected inorganic material.

Builders are advised to combine pigment and dye from the same manufacturer.

The choice of material begins with the study of the color catalog.

  • If there is no code for the desired color, then there is no point in mixing in the store. It may happen that a different shade will turn out at home.
  • It is not worth mixing all the paintwork at once. You need to start with small portions.
  • If the surface is painted, which is illuminated artificially, then organic pigment materials are acquired. Inorganic are used if natural light prevails.
  • The concentrated pigment of a pasty consistency of a domestic manufacturer is not inferior in quality to foreign analogues.
  • The narrowed neck of the pigment container makes it easier to measure the dose.
  • The higher the whiteness of the acrylic paint used to paint the indoor surface, the better the quality of the base material. And colors for acrylic paint give a juicier shade.
  • Manufacturers often indicate “ceiling material” or “wall material” on the packaging container. These recommendations are important because their compositions differ from each other.
  • The hue appears lighter on a large area of ​​the surface. On a wall with a window or doorway, the same color looks darker. A textured wall looks two tones darker.
  • The matte finish looks discreet, plays with colors - gloss finish.

How to calculate color proportions

Mixing a small amount of paint and color will allow you to choose the right color without unnecessary emotional upheaval when the entire paintwork is ruined.

  • The starting dose of white paint is 100 ml. it is poured into a separate small container.
  • A pigment of a liquid consistency is drawn into the pipette.
  • Counting the drops, pigment is dripped into the future probe.
  • On paper, the numbers of the volume of paint and the number of drops of pigment are written.
  • The sampler is thoroughly mixed.
  • The final number of drops is recorded when the resulting shade of paint suits the owners.
  • The procedure for creating a probe is carried out in the room where the coloring will be. Moreover, the lighting is left normal for this room.

Calculation of the required amount of color

The main volume of the coloring dye is prepared after the trial composition is ready.

Calculations are made as follows: for 1 liter of white paint, 4/5 of the pigment used for the test composition is taken. The indicator is increased by 10 times.

An example helps to understand: 10 drops of the first pigment and 5 of the second were added to 100 ml of white material. The conclusion from the calculations is that for 1 liter of white paint, you need to add the first and second colors, respectively, 80 and 40 drops each. To whiten the shade, the number of drops is reduced even in the first steps of preparing bright paint. You can add juiciness later, but you can’t do a lighter tone.

The composition is mixed. If a construction drill is used, then mass uniformity will be achieved faster. The appliance starts at low speed so that the paint does not whip.

Interesting video

Presented in a large assortment. Domestic and foreign manufacturers present a facade coloring substance for different surfaces, different textures and colors.

Some coloring materials are made specifically for color. Coloring must be done in order to achieve the desired shade of the coloring composition. which has the necessary quality characteristics.

Kohler can be added in one color, or you can combine several pigment components at once in order to obtain a complex and unique shade.

Kohler is a dye with a rich color. The composition of the dye includes various pigments, additional elements that give saturation, color fastness, as well as resins and water.

Kohler is added to the paint in order to achieve an unusual, different from the standard surface color. Many coloring materials are suitable for mixing with color.

The concentration of color in the tinting agent is much higher than the required shade, therefore, when mixed with paint, the color becomes diluted, the most suitable for painting.

To get the original color, which cannot be found in finished form, you need to mix several colors of color with paint.

The tonal composition may contain organic and inorganic elements that affect the quality of the coloring facade material, the saturation of the brightness and the shelf life of the resulting color after staining.

Selection methods

The coloring pigment is designed to be added to white enamels., decorative plasters, putties, water-dispersion compositions, alkyd coloring materials.

To achieve the desired shade, two tables are used:

  • RAL - 210 tones;
  • NCS - for 1950 shades.

These color charts allow you to choose the most suitable color.

Manufacturers can submit their own color gradation options, but it is imperative to provide in advance which color is needed. Shade selection occurs by comparing the shade with the color of the walls.


With repeated manual mixing of the tone composition, it is almost impossible to achieve the same shade.

This is primarily due to the inability to determine the presence of paint in a container to the gram.. And due to the saturation of the tinting liquid, the color of the resulting tone can vary significantly even with a slight deviation from the proportions.

In this case, it is necessary to increase the amount of the estimated consumption of the coloring material by 20%, so that it is guaranteed to be enough for coloring.

There is a variant of color matching by a computer method using special programs. You can use tinting machines (most often they are used by enamels and varnishes) or use the catalogs of the manufacturer of pigment liquids.

In the process of work, you can use dispensers to add the desired tone to the paint, and to obtain high-quality cladding - drills to stir the coloring composition.

Classification by purpose

Consistencies for tinting paints and varnishes are classified as follows:

  • pigment liquid products - added to , coloring materials;
  • pigment pastes or liquid pigments - for the purpose of coloring primer mixtures, varnishes and impregnations used to coat wood surfaces;
  • pastes and tinting mixtures of liquid consistency - added to alkyd or oil coloring mixtures, in the compositions used for whitewashing;
  • pigment materials that have a shade of mother-of-pearl or gloss - suitable for decorating most paints and varnishes;
  • universal coloring pastes- added to enamels having a polyurethane, organosilicon, nitrocellulose or epoxy composition.

The coloring paste is divided into universal and facade. The characteristic of any dye is determined in accordance with the presence of organic and inorganic pigments.

In the presence of certain types of pigments, the optimal quality of the tinting composition is achieved.

How to dilute paint with color

So, how to tint paint at home? To dilute the coloring composition, it is necessary to carry out work in the following order:

  • prepare several clean containers for diluting the paint with color, as well as a preliminary sample of the various results obtained;
  • pour the components to be mixed into the container, while it is necessary to fix the proportions of the funds used. In this case, the color should be added, starting with a few drops, then gradually achieve the desired color;
  • thoroughly mix the tinted paint, for this you can use a drill with a nozzle - a mixer, then the quality of stirring will be at its best and there will be no streaks;
  • apply a little on the surface and wait for it to dry;
  • evaluate the shade in daylight, if the color suits - paint over the required surface.

Experts advise choosing the color and base of one manufacturer.

Bases for tinting are ideally adapted for coloring with “their” dyes.

What colors should I use color for?

Tinting of coloring compositions for the facade can be done for almost all paints, putties, enamels, while you should know some features:

  • when mixing color with water-based coloring compositions, the largest the consumption of coloring pigment should be no more than 20%;
  • when painting an acrylic base, color should be used no more than 8% of the total mass of the mixture.


Acrylic paints are the most popular paints used for tinting.. Yes, and for painting the facade, materials containing acrylic resins are the most suitable.

There are also water-based ones that are produced directly for painting the facade.

Bases for tinting are white (to snow-white). The line of products for coloring is called “for coloring”

Useful video

How to tint paint with your own hands:


Thus, it will not be difficult to paint the facade in the desired color with the right choice of color, base, as well as with the right mixing of the components (color and base) in the production of the coloring solution.

Manual staining is quite realistic to produce with careful mixing of the components. In the process of achieving the highest quality coloring result, it is recommended to use specialized machines to obtain the desired color.

In contact with

Paint and varnish products are presented on our market in a huge number of colors. However, sometimes the desired shade can not be found. But today this is not a problem, since modern colors allow you to achieve any color you need. But it is necessary to use such funds as carefully as possible, since it is easy to overdo it here.

  • The ability to create colors that are simply not available in the stores you visit. In fact, the assortment of many of them is very limited and is represented by paints of the most popular colors. If you want to go beyond the standard framework, then tinting is often the only option;
  • The paint is swollen and needs to be replaced, or it simply wasn't enough to complete the finish. You need some extra paint, but the shops in town don't have it, and there's no time to do a more detailed search. The situation is very frequent, and here the exact selection of colors allows you to solve the problem;
  • Tinting is used if you need to choose shades that are in harmony with each other as part of the decoration of the room.

What paint is suitable for tinting

As a rule, white paint is selected for this process, to which a certain amount of color is added. However, not every paint is suitable for this. The reason is the proportion of pigment and binder. If there is a lot of pigment in the paint, then adding an additional one in the form of color can lead to the fact that there is simply not enough binder.

Advantages and disadvantages of computer tinting

Now there are special machines that allow you to carry out tinting work in automatic mode. The use of these devices has the following advantages:

  • Getting rid of the human factor. If choosing a tone manually, you can make a mistake and overdo it, which happens quite often, then the robot does not allow such mistakes;
  • Selected color parameters can be reused - the final product will be exactly the same;
  • A large number of flowers;
  • The disadvantage is the binding to a specific place and the inability to carry out work directly on the spot. Moreover, not everyone lives in big cities where such devices are present.

Advantages and disadvantages of manual tinting at home

  • Tinting machines can create many colors, but complex and individual shades are difficult to obtain on them. Man will always be limited by standards;
  • Possibility to carry out work on the creation of paint on site. During a design renovation, this can be very important;
  • Saving time and money. The color scheme itself is very inexpensive, and white paint also does not belong to the category of expensive materials.
  • The disadvantage is the high probability of making a mistake in the absence of experience. In addition, re-colouring can also be a daunting task. Sometimes, by applying a newly obtained color next to a previously painted surface, we immediately notice a difference, and a very significant one.

Hand tinting - counting the ingredients

In order not to mess up with color, you will need a pen and a piece of paper, as well as all the reserve of care that you have. You also need to provide yourself with variability, so prepare several items of dishes that are the same in volume and always clean. Yogurt jars are the perfect solution.

It is necessary to record how much paint you pour into the jars and how much color you use to change the color. It must be understood that the color itself is an extremely saturated pigment concentrate, so you need to add it carefully. It is best to start with two drops, after which, in case of dissatisfaction with the result, add drop by drop. It is necessary to mix everything very well so that the pigment dissolves thoroughly.

When applying paint to a wall or other surface in test mode, you need to understand that after drying, the color will appear stronger. So before painting, it is allowed to create a paler shade than the one you want to get. After evaluating the result after drying and thus obtaining a recipe, you can use it to tint the rest of the paint.

But here it is necessary to understand that on a large amount of paint, the volume must be reduced by 20 percent, since a large painted surface always looks brighter than a small one. Therefore, if in your recipe it turned out that you need to add 100 drops of color per liter, it is better to get by with the 80th.

Two types of colors

All colors are divided into two types, which we will describe below:

  • Organic. Usually the shades obtained with the help of these pigments are brighter and more juicy. However, these tinting systems have disadvantages. So, they are not suitable for all types of surfaces. In addition, the paint changed with their help fades in the sun over time.
  • Inorganic. Much more resistant to solar radiation and atmospheric influences, but at the same time much less diverse in the choice of colors.

Color release forms

  • To date, there are several forms of tinting systems on the market, which have their own advantages and disadvantages:
  • Color paints. In terms of their chemical composition, they are completely identical to the paints to which they are added. By gradually adding a colorant to white paint, you can get almost any shade. If you want to get the brightest color, then you can use the colorant itself as a paintwork. True, this will not be very economical, so it is better to paint limited surface areas in this way;
  • Color pastes. They are a pigment diluted in a dispersing resin, or without a binder. The advantages of such a paste include its ease of use, and the disadvantage is the lack of uniform intensity. It is produced both for all types of paints, and in a more highly specialized form;
  • Dry colors. They are cheap, but they are not recommended for use with ready-made paints, and besides, they have a rather small color palette.

Tinting and various types of paint

When tinting, it is necessary to take into account the types of paint with which the color will be mixed. Of course, now there are universal options on the market, but when working with a particular paint, you still need to follow some rules:

  • Acrylic paint. Here it is necessary to remember about the limitation of the maximum amount of pigments, which should not exceed 7-8 percent of the total volume of paint;
  • Water based paint. In the case of it, the maximum amount of color should not exceed a fifth of the total amount of paintwork materials. At the same time, those colors that are intended for water-based paints are suitable for water-dispersion, latex and adhesive paints;
  • Important! If you are going to tint facade paint, then the ideal solution would be to choose a color that is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and various natural influences. As mentioned above, an inorganic color scheme is suitable for this, and an organic color will quickly lose its color.

To facilitate the process of obtaining the desired color, it is best to use special tables. They show the shade and have information about how much color is needed to obtain them. The table itself must be made by the manufacturer who made the paint. It is highly desirable that the color also be made by the same manufacturer.

It is best to use a colorant that is poured into a bottle with a narrow neck. So you can dose the ingredient as correctly as possible and less likely to spill more than necessary.

It is necessary to mix as high as possible until the shade becomes uniform. If possible, you can use a drill with different types of nozzles. The work itself must be carried out on the street, or in places with natural light.

The dishes in which tinting is carried out must be the same. The reason is that the resulting color may vary in different types of material. On the eye, this difference may not be so noticeable, but when applied, the difference will be obvious. If we talk about artificial lighting, then the most important thing here is the need to use the light source that will be used in the room in the future in the process of obtaining color. You should not change lighting parameters, types of lamps and chandeliers during color acquisition. This can happen during repairs, when several works are being done in parallel in the room.

Be sure to consider the amount of pigments in the base, especially if you want to get dark tones. In different types of coatings, this amount may be different.