When to plant carrots outdoors? Early - mid-May. How to Plant Carrots: From Seed Selection to Harvesting Planting Carrots May are auspicious days

Lunar calendar for planting carrots 2016
Published on December 28, 2015

The moon is the main and only natural satellite of the Earth. Despite its small size, many processes depend on it, including plant growth. For the first time, the dependence of garden crops on the phases of the moon was noticed by ancient people. Now this knowledge is passed down from generation to generation and is successfully applied in practice. Below we will tell you about the features of planting carrots according to the lunar calendar of 2016 and determine the most successful days for earthworks.

Landing dates

To correctly interpret the lunar calendar 2016, you need to decide what goals you are pursuing. In this case, we are talking about carrots. In this culture, the most valuable thing is the root crop, not the tops. Therefore, we will initially start from this. It should also be noted that we will not consider the whole year, but 4 main landing months - March, April, May and June.

Let's start with the full moon. In all its glory, our satellite will show itself on March 23, 2016, April 22, May 22 and June 20. During this period, the plants feel weakened. The root system is especially affected. Therefore, when you see the full moon in the sky, do not sow carrot seeds and carry out any other manipulations. All of them will fail. Root crops planted on a full moon do not germinate well and yield poor harvests.

As for the first week after the new moon, the lunar sowing calendar of 2016 says the following. On these days, you can plant garden and horticultural crops, but this does not apply to carrots. All the energy in the new moon goes up from the roots, so it is difficult for root crops to take root. On the growing moon, you can take care of the first shoots after sowing (thin out, remove weeds).

The best time to plant carrots is the waning moon. At this time, the energy rushes to the roots. All juices and nutrients descend into the ground. Carrots take root well and form large and juicy roots. The lunar calendar 2016 marks out such auspicious days for sowing seeds. In March - 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31. In April - 1, 4, 5, 25, 26, 27, 28. In May - 2, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29. If you plant carrots before winter to get an early harvest in spring and summer, do this also when the moon is waning.

The lunar calendar of 2016 indicates that in parallel with sowing on these days, you can carry out feeding carrots, loosening the soil, controlling weeds, digging seedlings and other ground work.

It is also worth noting a few more nuances. When sowing is done with dry material, it is better not to hesitate with planting and sow seeds as soon as the moon wanes. If you carry out pre-sowing preparation and pre-soak the seeds in nutrient solutions, then it is recommended to plan planting for the last week of the lunar month, when our satellite will noticeably decrease in size.

The new moon on the lunar calendar of 2016 is expected on March 9, April 7, May 6 and June 5. During this period, it is necessary to abandon any manipulations with carrots. The days of the absence of a celestial body in the firmament are considered barren. All processes in plants slow down. The seeds will root poorly and accept any kind of feeding.

There is also a dependence of carrots on the signs of the zodiac. Root crops are close to the elements of the Earth, so crops will grow better when the waning Moon is in the signs of Virgo, Capricorn or Taurus. For example, the 2016 lunar calendar indicates that the waning moon will enter the constellation Capricorn on March 30 and April 27.

How to do it right
It should be noted that the lunar calendar does not take into account the peculiarities of the climate and weather conditions in different regions. Therefore, you need to use it wisely. If, according to the 2016 lunar calendar, you have planned a certain date for landing, but the weather on that day was not suitable, do not risk it and postpone the sowing to a better time. After all, this is no secret, in order to harvest a good harvest, you need to take into account all the nuances and unforeseen circumstances, and not trust only the calendar.

Also, remember some important rules for planting carrots. This culture loves fertile soils. Consider the predecessors that grew on the site in the previous season. Experienced gardeners advise planting carrots where cucumbers, garlic, tomatoes, and onions used to grow. You do not need to sow root crops on a plot of celery, parsley and dill. Pay special attention to the sun. For carrots to grow juicy and sweet, they must be exposed to sunlight throughout the day.

In addition, it is important to select and prepare the seed material correctly. The seeds are first checked for suitability. To do this, they are poured with water at room temperature and waited for several hours. Fertile seeds will fall to the bottom, and the pacifiers will remain floating on the surface. You just need to collect all the illiquid and throw it away. For seedlings to appear as early as possible, you must first germinate the seeds. They are laid out in a warm room on a paper towel and moistened with water for 3-4 days until the first shoots appear. You can also soak the seeds for a day in an aqueous solution of wood ash.

Carrots are moisture-loving plants. Do not spare water for her. As for fertilizers, when planting in spring, it is better to apply them in the fall while digging a vegetable garden. Be careful with nitrogen fertilization, otherwise you will end up with lush tops and small roots. Also watch out for planting density and soil looseness. Some housewives resort to little tricks. When preparing for planting, the seeds are mixed with river sand. In this way, an even distribution of the seed in the bed is achieved.

If you are planting carrots using the traditional method, then be prepared for the thinning procedure. Carrying out such manipulations, do not forget to look at the 2016 lunar calendar so that the carrots do not start to hurt after thinning. You need to break through the beds 2 times per season. The first thinning is planned at the moment the first 2 leaves appear, and the second - when the sprouts reach 10 centimeters.

Don't forget about pests, too. Carrots have a sufficient number of them. Insects and slugs love to feast on a juicy vegetable. In addition, the culture is often attacked by fungi and bacteria. You need to closely monitor both the tops and the underground part of the plant. Considering all the recommendations and nuances, you will definitely be able to grow a good harvest.

The most favorable days for planting carrots, parsnips and beets: March 4, 24–27, 30–31;
April 1, 23, 27-28;
May 19-20, 23-24;
2-3, 21-22 June.

Every gardener in the spring sows carrots without fail! However, not everyone succeeds in it. Why? There are many reasons for this: incorrectly chosen sowing dates, unsuccessful selection of varieties or violation of agricultural technology.

Sowing dates directly affect the yield of carrots and depend on the variety and purpose of the finished root crops. Carrots are a cold-resistant culture: the minimum required temperature for seed germination is + 3… + 6 ° C, seedlings can withstand short-term frosts down to –4… –5 ° C. According to the ripening period, all carrot varieties are divided into early-ripening varieties with a growing season of up to 100 days, mid-ripening up to 120 days and late-ripening up to 140 days.

To get early carrots on the table, choose early and ultra-early ripening varieties that ripen in 45-60 days; for storage in winter, it is better to sow late-ripening varieties of carrots.

Sowing dates for carrots

For early consumption, carrot seeds are sown from April 25 to May 1, the next sowing of mid-season carrot varieties is from May 1 to May 10. If carrots are needed for long-term storage, then they are sown in the first - second decade of May, until May 25 inclusive.

In the southern regions, carrots can be sown in 2 terms: the first sowing - March 10-20, the second carrot sowing - May 10-15.

According to the popular calendar, carrots are planted when the mother-and-stepmother blooms.

The most favorable days for sowing carrots in the spring of 2016 according to the lunar sowing calendar:

In March: 24-27, conditionally favorable - 4, 30-31;
in April: 27–28, conditionally favorable - 1;

When to water, feed and tug on carrots?

The first thinning is carried out in the phase of 1–2 true leaves, the second 15–20 days after the first.

The main care of carrot beds is timely weeding, loosening of row spacings, watering and feeding. Carrots are rarely watered, but abundantly and evenly. Loosening of row spacings is carried out simultaneously with weeding.

Sowing and caring for parsnips according to the gardener's lunar sowing calendar 2016

Parsnips are grown for juicy white roots with a specific aroma. The root crop is formed 120–170 days after sowing.

For sowing parsnips, it is better to choose well-lit places. Parsnips are cold-hardy and frost-resistant: the optimum temperature for plant growth is +15 ... + 20 ° C, seedlings can withstand frosts down to –5 ° C. Agrotechnical methods of growing parsnips are the same as for carrots. Care consists in periodic watering, loosening and weeding. Root crops are harvested in the fall, at the same time as carrots, and stored in the same way.

Sowing dates for parsnips

In the middle lane, parsnips are sown in the ground in late April and early May. It is better to sow parsnips for storage later - at the end of May.

The best days for planting parsnips in the spring of 2016 according to the lunar sowing calendar:

In March: 24-27, 30, conditionally favorable days - 4, 30-31;

in May: 24, conditionally favorable - 19, 20, 23;
in June: 21-22, conditionally favorable - 2-3.
Planting beets according to the gardener's lunar sowing calendar 2015

There are a large number of varieties of beets of different ripeness groups, shapes and sizes of root crops. For storage, sow mid- and late-ripening varieties and hybrids, early-maturing varieties are grown "on the table".

Beetroot is a long-day crop, but many modern canteen beet varieties are adapted to both the short day of the south and the long day of the north.

Sowing dates for beets

Beets are moderately cold-resistant crops: seeds can germinate at +3 ° C. But the optimum temperature for sowing dry seeds is + 10 ° C. In addition, young seedlings of table beet may die from spring frosts.

To grow early beets on the table in the middle lane, beets are sown from April 25 to May 5 under a cover made of spandbond or film.

According to popular beliefs, the time for planting beets comes when the aspen is blooming.

Favorable and conditionally favorable Lunar days for sowing beets in 2016:

In March: 24–27, 30, conditionally favorable –4, 30–31;
in April: 23, 27–28, conditionally favorable - 1;
in May: 24, conditionally favorable - 19, 20, 23;
in June: 21-22, conditionally favorable - 2-3.
When to water, feed and pull the beets?

Beets are light-requiring: it is important to weed and thin them in time. Table beets in general need a moderate amount of watering. Systematic watering should be carried out during seed germination and in July – August. Beetroot is very responsive to fertilization in the soil.

The first time the beets are thinned out in the phase of the first true leaves, the second time after 2–3 weeks, leaving a distance of 5–7 cm. Plucked plants can be used to make green salad. During the summer, the beets are periodically weeded and the soil between the rows is loosened. On dry and hot days - watered. They start pulling beets for food when they reach 3-4 cm in diameter.

Favorable days for caring for beets, carrots and other root crops according to the Lunar Sowing Calendar 2016:
watering any day, except 15-16, 25-26 February; March 14-15, 23 and 24; 10-11 and 19-21 April, 1-2, 7-8, 16-18, 29-30 May; June 4–5, 13–14, 25–26; 1-2, 22-23, 28-29 July; 6-8, 18-19, 25-26 August;
introduction of complex feeding: 4, 5-7, 8-10, 14, 22-24 February; 1–4, 6, 28–31 March; April 1, 6, 24-30;
3-5, 22-26 May; 4-5, 23-24, 27-28 June; 3-4, 26-27 July; 1, 2, 4, 5, 11-13, 21-31 August;
top dressing with dry fertilizer: February 25–26; March 14 and 15; April 10-11; May 7-8; June 4-5; July 28-30; August 25-26.

Sowing dates have a decisive influence on the carrot yield. Slow germinating seeds require significant soil moisture and are sown as early as possible as long as there is sufficient spring moisture in the soil. If there is a delay in sowing, the seeds fall into dry soil. As a result, rare, weak seedlings appear, and sometimes the seeds do not germinate at all. In the middle and central lane, the following sowing dates for carrots are observed: early varieties - from 20 to 25 April; mid-season - from April 25 to May 5.

In the southern regions, sowing is carried out in 2 terms: spring - March 10 to 20, to obtain products in the summer, and summer - June 10 to 15, to obtain testes (uterine roots) and winter consumption.

Carrots are also sown before winter, in November-December, on frozen soil, with dry seeds, so that they cannot germinate until spring, otherwise the seedlings will freeze. Winter-sown carrots give an earlier harvest. It is used mainly in the summer, and is not suitable for storage.

Sowing carrots.

Before sowing, prepared beds are loosened to a shallow depth (1-2 cm), removing roots and weeds. Then along the bed, grooves are made 5 cm wide and 2-2.5 cm deep. The grooves are placed at a distance of 20-22 cm from each other. The first groove is made at a distance of 12 cm from the edge of the bed. The width of the bed is 110 cm, the direction of the bed is from north to south. Before sowing seeds, the grooves are watered with water or a solution of red potassium permanganate (it is very convenient to water from a teapot). In wet grooves, wet, swollen seeds prepared for sowing are scattered (randomly, in a snake or staggered) at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from each other. The grooves with seeds are mulched with peat or a mixture of peat and sand and covered with a film so that there is a small space between the bed and the film (12-15 cm). The film retains moisture, increases heat, and friendly shoots appear in 5-6 days. When seedlings appear, the film is immediately removed.

You can sow in another way. On the prepared bed, recesses up to 2 cm are made using a bridge method (for example, with the bottom of a liter glass jar). After the bed is marked, the holes are watered with water, 10-12 seeds are taken and thrown into each hole, then the holes are covered and covered with foil until shoots appear. In the absence of a film, the bed can be sprinkled with dry peat with a layer of 0.5 cm.This will save from drying out and crusting. With this method of sowing, loosening and thinning are not required.

The lunar sowing calendar for April 2016 of a gardener and gardener is a schedule in which favorable days for the performance of certain agricultural works are clearly scheduled. In other words, it is a kind of tip for both experienced farmers and novice summer residents who want to harvest a rich harvest from their plot. The tradition of planting garden plants in certain phases of the moon has come to us since antiquity. But it is still actively used, since a number of scientific confirmations have already been received that it works.

Features to consider when working on a personal plot in April 2016

The knowledge that the planting calendar for April 2016 of the gardener and the gardener contains is truly invaluable. It covers all types of agricultural work and recommends suitable days for them. Below we will consider all the nuances that may arise when planting garden and other crops this spring. It should be noted that such a calendar is compiled separately for each region. In our article, we will focus on the most optimal landing days for the middle lane.

April is great for practicing seedlings that can be grown in a greenhouse, greenhouse, or in plastic cups at home. Planting on suitable days ensures fast growth of strong and vigorous plants, which can later be transplanted outdoors. In this way, you can grow seedlings of all varieties of tomatoes, bell peppers, white cabbage and cauliflower, as well as such varieties as kohlrabi.

In the second month of spring, radishes are traditionally grown. This vegetable garden is the first in the new season to hit our tables and contains a number of trace elements necessary for our body. But in order to grow it on your site, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances of this rather delicate culture. Despite the fact that radish is a root vegetable, its root system is poorly developed. Therefore, the soil in which its seeds were planted must be regularly moistened. If the weather is dry and hot, the radish beds should be watered daily, sparing no water.

In order for plants planted in open ground to grow well and ripen in a timely manner, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the soil of your site. The acidic environment is not suitable for all garden crops, but this problem can be easily solved. You can neutralize the soil with slaked lime, which should be applied at least half a month before planting. It is recommended to feed rhubarb, sorrel, onion, parsley, all types of vegetable salad with urea. This should be done at the very beginning of their vegetative growth. Additionally, humus or other organic matter can be added to the ground.

April is a great time to treat garden shrubs from pests. To prevent the incidence of powdery mildew, you can use gooseberry bushes, black and red currants, felt cherries, etc. For this, an infusion of cow dung or ordinary soda solution is suitable.

As for planting plants, in the second spring month, provided that the soil has already warmed up, the following crops can be sown:

  • parsnip;
  • parsley;
  • carrot;
  • some varieties of beets;
  • legumes;
  • sunflower;
  • garden greens.

You can already plant cucumbers under the film - their fruiting will begin from the beginning of July. Traditionally, melons are not planted next to cucumbers, as well as carrots under apple trees are not planted.

April in our region is often dry, so vegetables growing both in the open field and under the film must be watered regularly. Moreover, greenhouse plants are watered in the first half of the day, and those growing in the beds - in the second.

As we know, the moon has four phases. Two of them, rising and falling, are great for planting. In addition, the zodiacal constellation, in which this heavenly body is at this time, is also taken into account. Auspicious days for planting in April 2016 are determined separately for each crop, and in general the calendar looks like this:

April 1 - this day is good for sowing seedlings of the most common vegetable crops, planting flowers and pumpkin vegetables under a film.

April 2–3 - sowing and planting these days is undesirable, as a last resort you can try to sow seedlings, but at the same time you need to be prepared for the fact that most of it may die. These days are more suitable for all types of work on the care of the soil and plants already planted in it. You can also control weeds and treat pests in your garden.

April 4-6 - these days you can plant any garden plants and garden flowers in a greenhouse, under a film or in a greenhouse. An exception will be onions of all varieties - there is a high likelihood of rotting.

April 7-8 - the first days of the new moon are categorically not suitable for planting. It is better not to disturb the plants at this time, but to engage in pest and weed control.

April 9-10 - these days are suitable for planting cold-resistant plants in the ground under a film, you can also start planting cucumbers and other pumpkin crops.

April 13-14 - these days we plant root crops under the film, sow cucumbers in a greenhouse, and do a garden.

April 23-24 - these days you can plant anything you want. These are the most favorable days this month.

April 25-27 - now you can take a break from active planting and take care of your personal plot.

April 30 - on this day, only watering and feeding the plants is allowed, it is not suitable for planting.

This lunar calendar for April 2016. Favorable days for planting will allow you to carefully and slowly plant everything that you have in mind in the ground or in the greenhouse.

There are several unconditional rules according to which it is recommended to sow seeds of plants from which it is planned to get a harvest. The growing moon is loved by crops that bear fruit on the surface of the earth, and accordingly, on days when the moon is waning, it is good to plant turnips, carrots, potatoes and other root crops. But it should be noted that 12 hours before the onset of the full moon or the day when the moon begins to wane, it is not recommended to sow and plant seedlings.

Favorable days for sowing carrots in 2016 according to the lunar calendar:

  • March: 2,3,6,7,20.21;
  • April: 6,7,17,24,27,29,30;
  • May: 1, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 31;
  • June: 17,18,19,20,27,29;

Of course, the timing of planting has a significant impact on the carrot yield. Due to the large amount of essential oils, seeds of carrots, parsley, and dill germinate slowly, so they must be sown as early as possible, when the earth is still filled with moisture. At a later sowing, the seeds fall into dry soil, resulting in sparse seedlings and weak plants. Sometimes this becomes the reason for the lag in the growth and development of plants.

In the central and middle zone of our country, there are basic planting dates for carrots, so it is better to plant early varieties from 20.04 to 25.04, and mid-ripening from 25.04 to 05.05. In the southern regions, planting begins on March 10.

A place for planting is chosen sunny without shading, since carrots are a long-day plant. Otherwise, the yield and quality of the product are reduced. Before planting, carrot seeds need to be prepared so that they grow quickly and well. To do this, wrap the seeds in cotton or gauze cloth, tie and lower a bag of seeds for 5 minutes in hot water with a temperature of 40-45 ° C. You can chat the tied seeds a little, while the water will acquire a slightly yellowish tint, and the oily smell of carrot essential oils will spread throughout the room. This procedure is performed several times until the water remains colorless. After that, the carrot seeds are spread on a dry and clean cloth and allowed to dry at room temperature. In this case, the main thing is not to dry them out.

Before planting carrots, they do not apply any fertilizers to the beds, but only get rid of weeds and loosen the soil. The beds are made narrow and long, most often planting is carried out in two rows, between which they maintain a distance of 20-25 cm.

The prepared grooves are spilled abundantly with water, to which you can add a little potassium permanganate, so that it turns pink. Before planting, the seeds are mixed with sand in a 50:50 ratio. The sown seeds are sprinkled with soil and watered, seedlings appear at an average air temperature of +15 for 7-10 days. For faster germination, the planting beds are covered with cellophane film or covering material. This method is well suited for both ordinary seeds and dragees, it allows you to optimally retain moisture and increase the temperature. Which naturally has a positive effect on seed germination.

Carrot planting care

After the carrot sprouts release two true leaves, you can start thinning. There should be a distance of 3 cm between adjacent plants. The next thinning is carried out after 25 days. Root crops at that time reach a circumference of 2 cm. Carrots pulled out of the ground can attract pests due to their smell, so they need to be removed from the garden as soon as possible. Top dressing is carried out after each thinning; for this, a mixture of ammonium nitrate (20 g) and potassium salt (40 g) is diluted in 10 liters of water.

The carrot fly is one of the worst root pests. You can fight it without the use of chemicals. To do this, it is important to kill the smell exuded by the carrots, because this insect flies at him. Plants such as onions, garlic, dill and other essential oils are good companions for carrots. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to sprinkle ash or tobacco between plants and rows, or you can mix these two components and add red ground pepper to them. Another good way to help grow a good crop and resist pests is to mulch the plantings.

Watering carrot beds should only be done during prolonged dry weather. This technique promotes the growth of the root crop and its correct formation. If frequent watering is allowed, then it makes no sense for carrots to grow down in search of groundwater. Closer to mid-August, you do not need to water the carrots, as this can lead to cracking and decay.

Using the lunar calendar, you can optimally know when to sow carrots in open ground, and it is also important to observe crop rotation on the site. Carrots grow and develop safely after potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, herbs, legumes, onions and tomatoes. Carrots are harvested at the end of September, the main thing is to have sunny weather without precipitation. After the roots have dried a little, the tops are cut or torn off by hand, then they are removed for long-term storage in a prepared cellar.