How to adjust a plastic balcony door: basic recommendations. Sagging plastic door? What to do? Regulation to be eliminated! Blowing plastic balcony door

Sagging of a plastic door is almost inevitable over time. This is not due to the quality of the material or the negligence of the craftsmen who installed the door, but to the design features of the plastic door itself. The moment comes when the plastic door sags and the question arises - what to do?

First of all, remember when you installed a balcony block. If the warranty has not yet expired, call the wizard as soon as possible. His services will be free for you. But if the warranty period has expired, then you have to choose: call the master with a paid door adjustment service or eliminate the subsidence yourself.

Reasons for sagging doors

The reason for sagging doors lies in the design itself. Initially, in the places where the design of the plastic door was developed, no one thought that this invention would gain such popularity and spread throughout the globe with its most diverse climatic zones. In the USA, where plastic structures were invented, and in Germany, where their production was put on stream, it is quite warm, and it was rarely necessary to make structures with additional insulation and double or triple glazing.

Such excesses began to appear with the growing popularity of plastic structures in countries with cold long winters. At the same time, the design of the loops has not undergone significant changes since their invention. The use of more durable materials capable of withstanding the weight of a balcony door of 100-130 kilograms prevented the breakage of the hinge itself, but did not eliminate the cause - gradual sagging due to deformation of the plastic overloaded with the weight of the double-glazed window.

Partially, this problem is solved in the design of plastic door hinges. They are initially made, providing for the possibility of adjustment in three planes and the elimination of sagging in the early stages of operation.

A significant step towards preventing sagging was the use of microlifts - devices that compensate for sagging. But they are still not very widespread and significantly increase the cost of the design.

The sagging balcony door makes itself felt:

  • loose fit of the seal to the jamb;
  • emerging draft;
  • clinging the lower edge of the canvas to the threshold;
  • creak.

Sagging Door Adjustment Principles

Making adjustments if the door sags with your own hands is not a difficult task for anyone who has ever held a screwdriver and a wrench in their hands. Yes, and just a tool for this type of work is required: a screwdriver with interchangeable bits (cross + flat), pliers, a set of hex "L"-shaped keys.

If the door is skewed, the elimination of sagging starts from the bottom hinge, for this, the decorative trim is removed and the bolt located in the upper (end part of the hinge) is tightened with a “L”-shaped hex key 2-3 turns clockwise. The same is done with the upper hinge After that, they check how the balcony door closes and whether it has ceased to catch on the threshold.If the results satisfy you, the elimination of subsidence is completed, nothing more needs to be done.If, after adjustment, the plastic door catches on the box in a vertical plane, it is necessary to adjust its position , loosening or vice versa, tightening the bolts located on the side of the hinge.First the bottom, then the top.

Having thus adjusted the position of the door leaf relative to the door frame, we return the decorative overlays on the hinges to their place, not forgetting to first lubricate the hinges themselves, for preventive purposes, with any thick inorganic lubricant.

Prevention of sagging doors

The use of doors as a window - when the ventilation mechanism is activated - is highly undesirable. For this, there are windows, much lighter structures that are not so prone to sagging. Try not to keep the balcony door constantly open during the warm season. This will accelerate its subsidence under its own weight.

Twice a year, with the onset of summer and winter, rearrange the eccentrics that regulate the pressure to the appropriate positions.

Periodically lubricate the moving parts of the door mechanism.

At least once every six months, thoroughly rinse and lubricate the rubber seal with silicone grease. This will prevent premature wear and cracking.


Having learned the causes of sagging plastic doors and how to eliminate it, you will be able to do preventive maintenance in a timely manner without outside help and calling a service technician. However, remember that over time, the adjustment resource will be exhausted, then, so that the door does not warp again, you will have to replace the fittings or the entire structure as a whole. But this is a prospect for many years, maybe even decades.

Unfortunately, PVC profile doors, despite their widely advertised reliability, eventually begin to jam, close loosely, and there are problems with the functioning of door fittings.

Of course, these are little things that many homeowners do not pay attention to. However, a balcony door that does not fit snugly against a plastic box or a non-locking lock can cause enough trouble, ranging from a mild cold to unauthorized entry of children into the balcony area.

Some homeowners, until the warranty for the door product has expired, turn to the company where the door was purchased and whose masters installed it.

But this procedure is fraught with unpredictable consequences:

  1. You can wait for a wizard for a long time.
  2. The representative of the company always tries to prove that the malfunction is caused by improper operation and the owner should not be responsible for it.
  3. The company's warehouse may not have the required spare part.

At the same time, the basic adjustments of the plastic door structure and the elimination of minor problems are quite within the reach of any apartment owner who has minimal skills in performing simple plumbing work.

Main operational defects

The gap in the upper corner is a sign of sagging

Most plastic products installed in the balcony opening do not require maintenance and their adjustment or minor repairs are necessary if any defect is found.

The most common malfunctions detected during operation are:

  1. The lower edge of the door leaf touches the edge of the frame, which performs the function of a balcony sill. Usually this defect is due to sagging of the sash under its own weight. This typical drawback is due to a violation of the door leaf assembly technology. Often, the manufacturer, in the absence of the necessary double-glazed window, installs a similar in size, but having a large mass.
  2. If there is a gap in the upper corner of the box on the side of the installed hinges- the reason is the same - sagging of the door leaf.
  3. When closing, the leaf rubs against the middle part of the height of the door frame. This malfunction is caused by thermal or other type of deformation.
  4. The door leaf is loosely attached to the frame, and the installed seal does not prevent the blowing of street air. This fairly common defect is caused by improper adjustment of the clamping devices - their weak tightening or constriction.
  5. When turning the locking handle, play is felt. This is the simplest malfunction, usually caused by loosening of the fixing screws of the grip pads.

Knowing the main malfunctions and the reasons they are caused, it is much easier to make the necessary adjustments and bring the plastic balcony door into a trouble-free working condition. After the cause of the door malfunction is established, its elimination is not difficult and takes a lot of time.

Prevention of plastic profile doors

Subject to the rules of operation and timely periodic technical maintenance, most apartment owners do not have any comments on the operation of plastic building products.

However, following some fairly simple rules for using doors, you can, if not completely get rid of the adjustments of PVC profile door systems, then significantly reduce their repetition.

Moreover, some requirements for door structures should be taken into account already at the stage of their acquisition:

  1. When choosing or ordering a balcony door, it is necessary to ensure that the hinges and locking fittings correspond to the weight of the door leaf. The hinges installed in the plastic door structures must withstand the weight of the leaf of 100.0-130.0 kilograms (the final weight depends on the type of glass unit chosen) and if this requirement is not met, distortions are inevitable, and therefore, you will have to resort to adjusting the door constantly.
  2. Preference should be given to systems equipped with a microlift(sometimes called a sag compensator). Usually, plastic doors with double or triple glazing have a micro-elevator in their design, however, when buying, you should clarify this issue with the store manager.
  3. Opening limiter, will also significantly reduce the likelihood of sagging, and sometimes deformation of the door leaf.

Basic adjustment methods

Balcony plastic door adjustment scheme

To perform the adjustment of plastic doors, you will need a simple set of tools:

  • a set of keys with an external hexagon;
  • cross and slotted screwdriver;
  • pliers;

Some hinged suspension systems have an adjusting screw whose groove is not a hex, but a star. In this case, you need to stock up on a set of advising keys.

Most of the adjustment work is connected with the hinged suspension system, the defects of which lead to loose closing or skew of the sash.

Hinge adjustment scheme

Consider the main adjustment methods:

  1. If, due to the sagging of the sash, the density of the cover is broken and the lower edge touches the frame, then the following operations must be performed in sequence:
    • open the sash wide and remove the protective and decorative cap from the hinge of the upper plate;
    • using a hex wrench clockwise turn the adjusting screw a few turns;
    • we perform a similar procedure on the lower loop;
    • we check the tightness of the door leaf and the absence of touching the edges of the sash and frame;
    • if necessary, repeat the operation;
  2. When touching the sash and the box in their middle part, it is necessary to move the door leaf towards the hinge hinge. The procedure for fixing this defect is as follows:
    • we start eliminating jamming from the bottom loop;
    • inserting the key into the slot of the lateral adjustment screw, we tighten the sash to the hinge hinge;
    • we check the opening and closing of the door and, if necessary, carry out a similar operation with the upper hinge;
  3. To adjust the force, which must be attached to the door for its tight closing, the fittings built into the leaf itself are intended. In most designs of balcony doors, the adjustment system operates on the principle of an eccentric. Turning the eccentrics in one direction or another. it is possible to achieve the desired degree of adhesion of the canvas to the jamb of the box, thereby providing the necessary opening and closing force. We carry out the work in the following sequence:
    • turning the eccentric with pliers, we achieve the desired clamping force;
    • in systems where eccentrics are turned by slotted screws, an appropriate wrench is used;
  4. The easiest way to eliminate backlash, which appeared in the locking handle of the door. Usually, the cause of this malfunction is the weakening of the clamping bar, which occurs with frequent exits to the balcony. To eliminate the free play or the resulting backlash, you should:
    • turn the decorative and protective cap on the head of the handle by 90°;
    • tighten the screws that have appeared in the recess of the handle, avoiding too much tightening, which can damage the handle;
    • if the backlash could not be eliminated, the handle should be carefully inspected for cracks in it;
    • if a crack is found, the handle will have to be replaced;

In conclusion, it should be noted– before undertaking adjustment work yourself, you should carefully read the instructions for use and adjustment of the product used. The type of fittings used and, consequently, the methods and methods of adjustments depend on the brand and specific model.

When performing all adjustment operations, it should be remembered that sometimes turning the screw half a turn is enough to eliminate the gap or jamming. Therefore, starting the adjustment of the balcony door system, all operations should be approached carefully and carefully.

Experience shows that it is more practical to install plastic doors on a balcony or loggia. Firstly, it is cheap, and secondly, they perfectly retain heat, do not allow drafts or moisture to enter the room.

Initially, when installing plastic doors, the craftsmen adjust them, but after a while, difficulties may arise with closing or opening them. In this case, there are two options for resolving the problem - call the master, or adjust the balcony door yourself.

To begin with, consider what problems may arise during operation:

  • The door has dropped and touches the threshold;

All because of the load of the canvas with glass on the hinges, from which sagging occurs.

  • The door does not close or does not close well in the middle of the canvas;

The canvas may shift to the free edge of the box, due to temperature or increased constant humidity.

  • The canvas does not close tightly, and cold air or a draft penetrates into the room from the door;

It can occur during operation, when the regulating mechanism is slightly loosened.

  • The handle dangles;

The handle begins to dangle due to frequent use and this is a common practice for using a plastic door.

How to troubleshoot with your own hands:

1. Sagging canvas on the threshold

We start the adjustment from the top hinge, for this the door needs to be opened. At the very top of the hinge is a hex or star-shaped screw (they are different in different models). We select a suitable key and make several turns with the key clockwise. Do not overdo it, it is better to tighten it up once again after checking.

If, after the work done, the sash touches the threshold, then it is necessary to look at the lower loop. If there is a protective cap on the loop, then it must be removed. We are looking for the same hexagon or asterisk, it will also be located at the top of the loop. We make several turns with the key clockwise. We check, this procedure should solve the problem completely.

2. The canvas touches the middle of the door frame

This nuance can be solved by tightening the bolt on the canopy. We start everything from the lower canopy, only this time we are looking for a bolt on the side. We select the key and make a few turns back the same clockwise. Such a procedure will pull the canvas to the canopy and automatically move it away from the free edge of the box.

If, after such manipulations, the door still rubs against the box, then we carry out all of the above with an upper canopy.

Do not be lazy, check several times whether everything suits you, if there are flaws, it is better to eliminate them immediately.

3. The gaps between the box and the canvas, moisture or cold penetrate into the room. How to adjust the plastic balcony door to the clamp:

This disadvantage can also be solved at home on your own. We open the door and look for trunnions (or eccentrics) from the free side edge. Often there are three of them: at the top, in the middle and at the bottom.

Pins or eccentrics need to be turned slightly towards the sealing gum with a screwdriver or pliers. After each change in the position of the eccentrics, you need to check the door clamp. This procedure must be carried out with all three eccentrics.

This may take some time, because the work is delicate and scrupulous. On the hinge side, you also need to check the clamp. We close the door and in the canopies at the top and bottom we are looking for a bolt, and we need to tighten it up a little.

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Calling a master is usually expensive, so you should invite him only in emergency situations. If we are talking about how to adjust the plastic balcony door, then you can try to do the work yourself, having familiarized yourself with the basic principles.

Door to balcony may need adjustment

Each door block has basic and additional details. Before proceeding with the adjustment work, the novice master should familiarize himself with the device of such structures. He must clearly understand the principle of operation of the fittings used.

The standard set usually includes:

  • frame made of PVC profiles connected with special fasteners;
  • a sash assembled according to the same principle as the box itself;
  • hinges to ensure the opening and closing of the door;
  • a handle with a lock, necessary to close the sash in the pressed position;
  • seals for tightness;
  • double glazing.

Helpful information! The set of fittings may vary slightly depending on the functionality. The standard equipment is usually supplemented with mechanical or hydraulic closers, stoppers and other details.

Preventive measures

Before proceeding with the consideration of information on how to set up a plastic balcony door, you need to familiarize yourself with preventive measures that will help reduce the number of adjustments and other malfunctions. They consist in careful operation and the correct selection of fittings.

Even at the acquisition stage, you should make sure that the closing mechanisms can withstand the weight of the sash. Many fitting systems of the modern type make it possible to install a door weighing at least 100-150 kg. If these values ​​are stated in the documentation, then you can buy the design.

During operation, sharp jerks and other mechanical effects directly on the open sash should be avoided. If the doors are handled carelessly, adjustment will be required regularly.

Additionally, you can install a sag compensator, especially if the sashes are relatively heavy. This device is made in the form of a small lever or a special roller.

Related article:

How to adjust a plastic balcony door in various situations

When self-adjusting plastic balcony doors, the specific situation should be taken into account. The sash may not fit well, sag or have other defects. After troubleshooting, it is necessary to prepare a set of tools consisting of hexagonal, flat or curly screwdrivers.

Actions when the handle is loosened

One of the easiest tasks is to adjust the handle. They are very often loosened, especially if the operation is carried out in extreme conditions. When carrying out work, turn the plastic cap located at the base by 90 degrees.

Under it are screws that need to be tightened with a screwdriver. In the course of such events, careless movements must be avoided so as not to damage the handle body. If pulling up does not give a positive effect, then the base should be checked for cracks. If they are found, the handle should be replaced.

Pressure Density Adjustment

Most often, it is precisely the adjustment of the pressure of the balcony plastic door that is made, since this event is seasonal. In the summer, the clamps are loosened, and in the winter they are tightened. This is primarily due to the expansion and contraction of plastic with temperature fluctuations.

To check the tightness of the pressure, you need to take a regular sheet of paper and clamp it between the door leaf and the frame. If after closing when pulling there are no difficulties, then the adjustment is simply necessary. With a clear fixation of the sheet, work can not be carried out.

So, if the balcony plastic door does not close tightly, then special measures are taken to adjust the eccentrics. Adjustment is carried out using suitable hexagons. In some cases, pliers may be required.

From the rear side, the sash is adjusted using screws located on the lower and upper hinges. Usually, an instruction is supplied with the fittings, which indicates the adjustment scheme. However, even in its absence, there are usually no problems during configuration.

It is necessary to rotate the eccentrics in one direction in order to adjust the plastic balcony door for the winter. Just when moving, a special notch will be an important reference point. Modern designs in most cases are equipped with such an indicator.

In summer, the parts must be rotated in the opposite direction, while taking into account the notch readings.

Carrying out activities when touching the edges

If there are problems with the movement of the sash relative to the frame, it is necessary to adjust the bolts located directly in the hinges. The standard door has three locking points. Having fully opened the sash, you should unscrew the fastener holding the decorative strip.

After that, the door closes, and the lining itself is carefully removed from the hinges. As a result, access to a long bolt must be provided, through which the position of the sash in a horizontal position is adjusted.If you want to slightly move the door to the right or left, you will have to adjust in three places at once. In the presence of sagging, it is only necessary to tighten the screws in two loops.

When shifting the lower part to one side or the other, you will have to rotate the bolt of the lower hinge and carry out the removal horizontally.

Video about adjusting plastic balcony doors for independent work

Thanks to the video, you can get a visual representation of the setup process. Before adjusting balcony plastic doors, you need to fully review it. It will help you better understand the specifics of the work.

additional information

Door pressure adjustment can only be carried out if the rubber seal is in good condition. With its strong wear, it is useless to adjust the sash. It is unlikely that it will be possible to do without replacing the seal.

Recently, plastic balcony doors have become increasingly popular. It is not only fashionable and modern, but also quite practical. They do not let in cold air, moisture, and street noise practically does not penetrate into the apartment. Yes, and they do not need periodic painting. However, in certain situations, the question of how to adjust a plastic balcony door can become very relevant.

We identify the problem with the balcony door
The heavy weight of the structure can often cause gaps between the door frame and the wall. As a result, through the door, which has lost its tightness, it begins to blow and see through.

In order to identify a specific problem, a complete inspection of the seal in an open sash should be carried out. At the place where the displacement occurred, you will notice a depressed mark from the sash. In addition, improper functioning of the handle may indicate a violation of the tightness. If its cranking in one way or another...

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buildern (24.8.2010, 0:46) wrote:

If possible, foam the threshold from the side of the balcony. In general, it is better to tear off the threshold and reinstall it on the mortar, so that it is glued to the mortar or glue.

Pool (8/24/2010, 4:44 AM) wrote:

Try sealing from the side of the balcony. If it does not work out, unequivocally open the plinth.
The gap on the side of the threshold can be corrected according to the recipe from buildern.

Thanks! I immediately had two questions:
1. Will the current rainy weather with its dampness affect in case of foaming from the balcony side. It is 20 degrees on the balcony, but from the side of the wall overlooking the common balcony, it sips a little dampness.
2. How to tear off the plinth without damaging the parquet? I'm not sure that parquet workers also fixed the parquet with nails in this very place, because they were caught by the repairmen (no matter how paradoxical it sounds) on the fact that the plywood, which is the substrate for the parquet, was attached to the concrete screed on nails without dowels and at...

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As you know, it is through the balcony that most of the heat is lost. Moreover, the most vulnerable places are not only windows, but also the balcony door. Often the main cause of heat leakage is a poorly adjusted door.

Doors made of plastic and wood are quite heavy, so if it blows from a balcony door, most likely it has sagged.

The result of a loose fit of the door to the balcony

Adjusting the door


With such troubles, first of all, think about whether to contact the construction company that installed the door for you or solve the problem yourself.

With basic skills, you can easily cope with the task without outside help.

What to do if it is made of plastic

Plastic door adjustment

If you have a plastic door, you will need: a hex L-key and plastic gaskets.

First of all, find the reason - why it blows from the balcony door. You need to check the seal. Opening...

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A plastic door, like a window, needs periodic adjustment or minor repairs. Repair of a plastic balcony door will be required even more often than in the case of windows, since the door is heavier and can sag under its own weight.

However, some malfunctions can be completely eliminated on their own:

Adjustment of a clip of a door; problems with incomplete opening and closing; violation of the integrity of the seal; surface scratches on the profile; loose lock fittings (handle).

However, when doing independent work, do not forget that during the warranty period it is better to call specialists.

In addition, sometimes repairing a PVC balcony door may require its removal. How to remove a plastic balcony door from its hinges? This manipulation is carried out as follows:

The decorative trim is removed from the top loop; the axial pin is pressed through - for this you need to press on the pin head protruding above ...

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How to adjust a plastic balcony door

Adjustment of a plastic balcony door

“Blowing from the balcony door!!!”. With such a problem, judging by the letters, quite a lot of people are facing.

In most cases, but not always, unfortunately, adjusting the plastic balcony door will help. It was not in vain that I singled out the word plastic, since these problems are solved differently with wooden ones.

In order to determine how to adjust the plastic balcony door, you need to find the cause of the disease. First of all, we check the condition of the sealing rubber, if there is the slightest doubt, we change it.

We open the sash and turn the handle in all directions, turning off, if necessary, the blocker (see window adjustment) - the clamping rods should move freely in their slots. If everything is fine, we continue.

The next thing is to check the clamping of the sash to the frame. For this...

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Repair of a balcony door: is it possible to do it yourself

No matter how well the balcony door is installed, one way or another, the moment will come when it becomes necessary to repair them. Of course, if the malfunction is serious, then, apparently, you will have to use the services of a specialist. But, believe me, there are many cases when you can do the repair of a balcony door yourself.

Is the balcony door jammed and won’t open, is the constant creaking annoying when opening and closing, or is the balcony door just broken? Situations familiar to many firsthand. So I want to change the balcony to a new one. But take your time - it can be much more expensive than just repairing it, especially since you can often do it yourself.

How to repair a balcony door

Wooden doors, especially old ones, require the most attention. There are a lot of problems with them - over time they sag, door frames are bent, etc. As a matter of fact, ...

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How to repair a plastic balcony door

The materials from which plastic windows and a plastic balcony door are made are quite durable, and if properly installed, they last quite a long time, but there comes a time when a plastic balcony door or window still breaks. If this happened during the warranty period, immediately call the master, repair of all breakdowns that happened through no fault of yours, he should do it for free.

Door adjustment

But, more often it happens that this happens much later and the repair has to be paid. The first, as a rule, the balcony plastic door fails, since it is the most exploitable. Fortunately, most breakdowns can be fixed by hand. In order to repair a plastic door, the following tools should always be at hand in the house:

Hex keys of different sizes; screwdrivers - flat and cross; pliers; measuring tape; simple pencil.


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Your balcony is made of plastic, concrete, wood... However, it is not so important from what exactly, the main thing is that the gap is small and does not penetrate outside or to the neighbors. We close up such a gap with silicone sealant, mounting foam, cementing mortar, wood putty.

Important: mounting foam is suitable for working with any material, silicone sealant - with plastic and wood (and their derivatives), cementing mortar - only for concrete.

If your balcony is plastic...

You will need:

silicone sealant; applicator gun; solvent scissors gloves rubber spatula (it is more convenient for them to work on small cracks) adhesive tape home assembly vacuum cleaner.

The order of work for sealing the gap in the balcony:

We remove the dirt, sand the crumbling elements. If there is a lot of dust in the crack, we use a vacuum cleaner. We process the gap with a solvent (degrease), it can be treated with alcohol. There should be no moisture, we work with a dry crack. If you're worried about getting dirty...

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The plastic balcony door serves not only to exit to the balcony and a source of daylight, but also to protect the room from drafts, noise and dust.

Despite all the advantages and excellent characteristics of plastic doors, due to their considerable weight, they still begin to sag over time, close poorly, lose their tightness, etc.

If the warranty period for servicing the balcony door by the installer's specialists has already passed, then adjusting the plastic balcony door with your own hands will help to correct the situation.

If the plastic door is still under warranty - urgently call the master, he will adjust everything for free.

To properly troubleshoot, adjust the balcony door according to the instructions. If you are not sure that you can handle this case, then it is best to call a specialist.

In some cases, plastic doors do not work well due to poor installation, so be sure to check the actions ...

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I recently discovered a gap in a large plastic double-glazed window. A gap appeared between the frame of the balcony door and the adjacent, non-opening window (see photo).

Near the window sill, the gap is 2 mm wide, no more, then if you move up, the gap narrows and after 30 cm, disappears completely.

Considering that there are no more gaps around the entire perimeter of the window, it is possible that the jamb occurred after the installation of the window and did not manifest itself in any way down to -35 ° C. Now, when it gets colder, it unpleasantly pulls into the slot and a small condensate forms on the window (in the corner).

Tell me, how can this defect be repaired so as not to spoil the whiteness of the window and ensure airtightness?

There is also a small gap under the window sill (foam is poorly filled), how can it be repaired?

PS: the gaskets in the door are in perfect order.

Attached images


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If the plastic balcony door is under warranty, it is best to immediately call the manufacturer, who will send specialists. Professionals will easily set up and adjust the plastic balcony door, after which the problem will be solved. Moreover, the adjustment of the balcony plastic door in this case will be free, since the guarantee gives the right to call the master to adjust the door.

If the plastic balcony door was installed a long time ago, and the warranty period for it has expired, or you want to try your hand at this work, it is possible to adjust the plastic balcony door yourself. This will require a minimum of tools. The main thing is to work slowly and carefully.

Balcony door adjustment

So, the first task is to define the problem itself. To understand why there was a problem with the balcony door, you need to open it wide open and take a good look. The seal, which is glued around the entire perimeter of the plastic balcony door, will most often ...

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Windows and doors

Adjustment of a plastic balcony door

The active use of plastic modules (windows and doors) is due to the undeniable advantages of products of this type. High consumer performance (heat-noise-waterproofing), ergonomics, ease of use, reliability and durability contribute to the fact that these building structures can increasingly be found at industrial and domestic facilities.

However, it is possible to guarantee the declared indicators of metal-plastic systems only if the measures for their maintenance are fully observed. In view of what it is advisable to consider how the plastic balcony door is adjusted with your own hands. (For information on how to mount plastic windows, see

Before proceeding with technical operations, it is recommended to prepare the place of execution ...

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View Full Version : Slit at the bottom of the balcony door

The balcony is open above the hemisphere of the first floor living room. We seal the joint between the floor of the balcony and the door with sealant, but the sealant cracks somewhere from the sun, somewhere it leaves (south side), and small holes are formed, which are enough for water to seep again during showers. A balcony is above the room. Tell me how you can close this gap - maybe there is something better than a sealant?

The balcony is open. We seal the joint between the floor of the balcony and the door with sealant, but the sealant cracks somewhere from the sun, somewhere it leaves (south side), and small holes are formed, which are enough for water to seep again during showers. And the balcony is above the first floor room. Tell me how you can close this gap - maybe there is something better than a sealant?
Most likely, if I understood correctly, it leaks under the door, then the reason is not only in the sun, but also in the poor closure of the door artsaba, with each ...

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This information is for those who have not yet acquired modern double-glazed windows and live in an apartment with old wooden windows. Every year, on the eve of winter, they have to decide on the insulation of the balcony door, but leave for themselves the opportunity to exit to the balcony.

Do-it-yourself balcony insulation

Most people, answering the question of how to insulate an old balcony door, will answer - install a new, plastic one. Yes, this is the most reasonable and effective solution, provided that there is money for it.

And even if they are, but a person lives in a rented apartment, he does not need to spend money on improving someone else's home. In such cases, old, well-tested methods help.

Perhaps they will not add elegance and style to a room with an old balcony door, but they will allow you to survive the cold with maximum comfort.

Door insulation methods

So, what can be done if the wooden balcony door lets cold air into the apartment?

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Thermal insulation of the dwelling provides for the implementation of a whole range of measures that are aimed at saving heat in the premises and preventing cold from entering the outside. It is necessary to insulate not only walls, but also all openings - window, door and balcony. Perhaps the most important role is played by the correct insulation of the balcony door, because it is from the open space of the loggia that the largest amount of cold air enters the apartment. Thermal insulation of the door is needed in any case, even if the balcony itself is insulated. To prevent cold from entering the room, care should be taken that there are no gaps in the windows and doors. Almost all metal-plastic models do an excellent job with this task, but wooden doors have a fairly high throughput of cold air from the outside, so you need to pay special attention to their thermal insulation.

First of all, you need to decide how to insulate the balcony door. The traditional option is considered to be plastic wool, ...

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Through the windows in winter, about 50% of the lost heat leaves the apartment, and you can quickly, simply and inexpensively insulate yourself, so it makes complete sense to understand this issue in more detail. The primary task in this case is to insulate the windows with your own hands, but a separate section is devoted to the general insulation of the room.

It is not very reasonable to start construction and repair work for the winter, so we will consider how to insulate an apartment, in most cases without even moving the furniture. Nevertheless, the described procedures most often allow you to survive the winter with frosts of -20 in a dead block Khrushchev in sweatpants and a T-shirt, without spending too much on heating.

Heat transfer mechanisms and ways to control them

Back in school, we taught in physics that there are three mechanisms for heat transfer: direct heat transfer (thermal conduction), convection and thermal (infrared) radiation. In an overflowing apartment, all three take place:

Heat conduction through walls,...

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Home insulation is a large set of measures aimed at preserving internal heat and preventing the penetration of cold from the street. It is necessary to insulate all enclosing structures - windows, walls, doors.

Consider how to insulate the balcony door, since it is often from the side of the balcony that the cold freely penetrates into the apartment. Even if the balcony is glazed, additional insulation of the door leading to the room will not be superfluous.

An example of insulating a door to a balcony

In order to prevent the penetration of cold air into the rooms, it is necessary to work on ensuring that there are no gaps in the doors and windows. Modern plastic models, as a rule, provide sufficient tightness.

But if the doors leading to the balcony are old, made of wood, then cold air enters the cracks formed by them without hindrance. In this case, it is worth considering how to insulate the door to the balcony. Moreover, it will not be so difficult to do this.