Turkish massage in the hammam whether masseurs pester. Hammam - "How I went to the hammam in Turkey and why I could not enjoy this amazing procedure."

Do you know what a hammam is? This is not at all what we are now offered everywhere in any fitness center, not even close to compare! If you still have not enjoyed bathing in Turkey, now I will tell you how we went to a real hammam.

A beginner tourist can be seen right away - by the pale color of your skin you will be immediately identified in the crowd and beach barkers and guides will begin their attack. Therefore, as soon as we checked into a hotel in Kemer, we were immediately invited to visit the hammam in Turkey. They said that the tan after the bath will lay down much better and last longer. We delayed it a little, and went to the hammam already tanned. At first, we were more drawn to boat trips than some kind of sauna trip. Do not repeat our mistakes, friends. If you want to get 100% benefit from the hammam - go to it as soon as your foot has set foot on Turkish soil)

Our Turkish Hamam Reviews

An excursion to the Turkish hammam, you will be offered to visit at the hotel or in a special building of the bathhouse with a dome. We were taken to the hammam, located at the hotel, I did not remember the name. Yes, and this is not so important - SPA events held in Turkish baths are the same everywhere.

How much does a hammam cost in Turkey

Hamam in Turkey guides in the hotel is worth 50 dollars in street agencies and when booking via the Internet - 20 dollars, if you go to the bathhouse on your own it will be even cheaper, they charge only for the entrance 10 dollars. As you understand, an independent trip does not imply a transfer, while when booking via Sputnik, for example, a taxi will come to the hotel for you.

A typical Turkish hammam includes:

  • soapy massage
  • peeling
  • oil massage
  • face mask
  • cup of tea

You have to endure high temperatures, because in the steam room the air warms up to 50 degrees, and the humidity reaches 100 percent.

The whole washing procedure is divided into stages, so I will describe the hammam in Turkey in the same order as we went through it. The bath is not divided into male and female parts, so you need to come to the hammam in a bathing suit. By the way, you will be washed in it, in this regard, it is advisable to wear a bikini.

Warming up in the Russian sauna

First we were invited to the sauna for 30 minutes. It is similar to our steam rooms - it is completely paneled with wood, the floors are made in the form of wide sunbeds. There are stones that can be heated with a ladle. But we did not want to do this, since the sauna was already hot to the fullest. Finally, when the sweat was pouring down and we already wanted to escape from there ourselves, the half-naked Turk invited us to the hammam.

Hamam in Turkey

It was a large room, completely tiled in marble. In the middle of the room was a huge quadrangular sunbed. We were offered to lie down on this table with our stomach down and rest. Marble gets very warm, so it's nice to lie on a warm stone, and after the sauna we were exhausted and we almost fell asleep.

In the hammam, because of the steam, I could not see anything, I was almost falling asleep. Then I understand that someone is starting to rub my back. It turns out that the Turks came and started a soapy massage. Each visitor, and there were three of us in the hammam, was supposed to have a personal soapmaker. In fact, this massage is a washing procedure. A mitten made of horsehair is taken, heavily lathered, and the whole body is rubbed with it from the top of the head to the heels. After such a peeling, the skin becomes smooth and renewed - what the guides say when they advise you to go to the hammam.

Feelings when you are washed like a child - every finger and crease of your body - is simply divine. Of course, at first I could not relax. After all, I was touched by a strange man, a young Turk, but then I saw my husband lying calmly next to me and enjoying the procedure - I also relaxed. I do not think that these men, through whose hands hundreds of such tourists pass, have dirty thoughts. You wouldn't wish on your enemy to work all day in this heat.

Soapy massage lasted about half an hour, although at that moment I was like in a dream. The hot air of the steam room, the heated lounger, covered in soapy foam, and the hands slide over the body ... Although you are lying at that moment in a bathing suit, the procedure still seems intimate. I woke up from a kiss - my husband woke me up this way. It turns out we have already been washed and offered to go for another massage. It was not easy to get up, after the hammam the legs became completely wadded. Now we were separated one by one and each went to his own room.

Oil massage in Turkish hamam

This type of massage was also performed by a Turkish man. In a small room there was a sunbed covered with a Turkish towel. Here, instead of soap, warm, delicious-smelling oil is applied to the whole body. I do not like the impact on my body and usually I get pain during massage, especially on my back. But then either I got a skilled massage therapist, or my body relaxed after the hammam - I gladly lay the entire massage) The procedure lasted about half an hour. The massage was done much faster for my husband, and he was still waiting for me outside the door.

Rejuvenation mask

At the end of the oil massage, the Turkish man applied a mask with some kind of mixture to his face. It looked like clay, but we were assured that it was a healing mud that had a rejuvenating effect. It was possible to evaluate the effect of the mask after 10 minutes. But since we were already squeaky clean, we did not particularly see the effect of the mask on the face.

Turkish tea

The final stage of spa treatments was a pleasant relaxation on the couches with aromatic tea. The tea was hot and fragrant with the smell of tangerines.

We will be delivered back to the hotel by a transfer, which also brought us to the bathhouse. Taxi driver two hours later, was already waiting for us at the exit. So do not be afraid to buy a hamam tour in Turkey from local barkers, their service will not let you down. By the way, as it turned out, the guides did not lie about the fact that after the hammam there will be a beautiful tan. We returned home so chocolate that passers-by turned to follow us for a long time.

A great contribution to the development of Turkish massage was made by the brilliant doctor Abu Ali Ibn Sina, who is known to us under a different name - Avicenna. He lived from 980 to 1037. He used massage as a remedy for many diseases. In addition, he developed a classification of massage methods. Avicenna was able to divide massage into the following types: long, moderate, strong, weak, preparatory, soothing or restorative. He was absolutely sure that a strong massage strengthens the body well; weak - relaxes it and makes it softer; prolonged - helps to cope with excess weight; moderate - contributes to the development of the body; preparatory - helps to prepare the body before starting physical exercises, and restorative massage is just used after classes.

The development of medicine in Arabia contributed to the further development of Turkish massage. He slowly began to conquer neighboring countries such as Armenia, Turkey and Persia, and so on. In these countries, massage was usually performed in public baths.

We can safely say that Turkish massage has absorbed a huge number of different elements and techniques borrowed from the peoples that were conquered by the Arabs. Among them were Indian specialists. Turkish massage is considered a migrant of massage culture from West to East and from East to West.

Types of massage

Classic massage

This type of massage originates in Turkey. It is performed in spa centers, hotels and national Turkish baths - hammam. The duration of one session is fifty minutes. Massage oil is used during the massage. They do it in order to relax the skin and improve its structure. Women often use this massage to improve their figures. Usually the massage is accompanied by calm Turkish music.

Turkish soap massage with peeling

This type of massage is widely used and enjoys special popularity. It is also held in spas and hotels in Turkey. The session lasts sixty minutes and is accompanied by melodic music.

To make such a massage, you will need a special heated table. First, a person is washed. After that, the massage therapist begins to make circular movements, peeling with soapy foam, using a hard washcloth or kise - a special glove.

This type of massage is used to renew the skin and improve its structure. Human skin is perfectly cleansed of the remaining particles of dead skin. Massage helps to relax, improves the general condition of a person with rheumatic diseases, osteochondrosis, muscle pain, arthrosis and any physical exertion.

Relaxing spa massage

The relaxing spa massage is based on the classic Turkish massage. It is mainly used for relaxation, relaxation and meditation. The massage session lasts no more than one hour.

The massage should be done using heated oil. Such a massage is an excellent addition to the usual traditional bath procedures. It can be carried out in spas, hammams, and saunas. Without fail, in the process of conducting, calm music should be played that promotes relaxation. It will not be superfluous to use candles and incense. The room should be darkened.

Sultan massage

Massage was named after the title of a Muslim secular ruler. Based on the Turkish classic version of massage. The massage is performed not by one, but by two masseurs. Depending on the taste preferences of the client, it can be either two women or two men. The session lasts for fifty minutes. During the procedure, national Turkish music sounds. Massage helps to relax and improve the structure of the skin. For women, again, it helps to put the figure in order.

Classic Turkish foot massage

Foot or pedal massage is based on the technique of the national Turkish massage school. It is used in baths, spas, and fitness rooms. The average session lasts twenty or thirty minutes.

Foot massage is performed on the floor. A tatami mat or a fairly hard mat is also suitable. Massage techniques allow you to influence different parts of the spine.

It should be noted that to perform all the techniques, you will need support. A bamboo stick or bars are suitable as a support. The masseur should not be too big. The main thing is for the client to feel comfortable. Before starting the session, the client must be warmed up in the hammam. The impact of the legs on his body should be carried out strictly through a sheet or other material. After the session is over, the client needs to rest, and perhaps even sleep.

Cleopatra massage

Algae are used. It is also held in the hammam.

Algae contains a huge number of various vitamins, phytohormones, minerals, amino acids, salts and other useful substances. In the bath, a person begins to sweat and his pores begin to open.

After that, the massage therapist rubs the algae into the skin. Due to this, the skin is strengthened, moisturized, its appearance improves. Such a massage helps to strengthen the water-fat protective film of the skin and soothe it. Suitable for any skin type.

In addition to algae, various fruit juices, vegetable and aromatic oils are also used in the process. Massage copes with local edema, fights cellulite, removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body. Removes excess belly fat.

Aloe vera massage

Massage is performed in a massage parlor or Turkish bath. It uses a mixture of honey and aloe vera essence. Suitable for any skin type. Minerals and vitamins rejuvenate. Aloe vera moisturizes the skin and removes small wrinkles. Recommended for sun protection.

Turkish massage

Among all the varieties of massage techniques, Turkish is gaining more and more popularity in modern conditions. Its peculiarity is that it is customary to perform such a massage in a bath.

Turkish massage traditions

Initially, this technique was predominantly distributed in numerous states of Asia Minor, as well as Central Asia. But in our country, its popularity is gaining momentum only now. The technique of Turkish massage can be called the oldest. Initially, such a massage pursued getting rid of a number of diseases as goals. Turkish massage itself can also be divided into a number of classifications. So, among them there are moderate, long, weak, strong, soothing, preparatory and restorative massage.

Even in ancient times, it was believed that it was a strong massage that could well strengthen all parts of the body and its structure. As a result of a weak massage, the body will achieve high-quality relaxation, and the muscle tissue will become soft. Long-term massage helps to solve the problem of excess weight in the human body, and as a result of moderate massage, the body develops better. Preparatory massage is recommended before the start of special physical exercises or gymnastics, because in this way the body will become more ready. After the classes themselves, it is useful to carry out a restorative massage.

The popularity of Turkish massage

As a result of the development of medicine in the countries of the East, massage techniques were also improved. Gradually, Turkish massage became popular in more and more countries. However, its feature remained unchanged, consisting in the fact that this type of massage was mainly performed while in the bath.

According to experts, Turkish massage combines a large number of different techniques and elements. All of them were borrowed from the peoples who submitted to the Arabs. Among these peoples there were specialists from India. At different times, one could observe the migration of Turkish massage techniques from East to West and vice versa. Turkish massage has several types that are different from each other in a number of components.

Classic Turkish massage

First of all, it is necessary to highlight the classical technique of Turkish massage. It has its roots in Turkey. Typically, such a massage was carried out in modern beauty salons, hotels, as well as national baths. The time spent on a classic Turkish massage should not be less than fifty minutes. At the same time, when carrying out their manipulations, the person who conducts the massage must use a special oil. Basically, classical massage is used when you need to relax the skin and also affect its structure.

Most often, women resort to this massage. And for them it is the most useful. As a result, the female figure becomes more elegant and clearly defined. In most cases, during the Turkish massage, calm, typical for Eastern countries, music is turned on.

Massage with soap and scrub

Another type of Turkish massage is one that uses soap in combination with exfoliating particles. This type of massage is the most widely used. Even today it can be found in the list of the most popular services in Turkish hotels and beauty salons. A session of this massage takes exactly an hour. When performed, melodic and calming music is also turned on. However, for this type of massage, it is necessary that there is a special table with a heated surface in the room.

At the very beginning of the procedure, the person must be thoroughly washed. Only after that, the massage therapist begins to make soft movements on the surface. To separate dead cells from the surface of the client's skin, a hard washcloth or a special glove called a kitty is used. As a result, all excess goes away with soap suds.

This type of massage is recommended to renew the structure of the skin and improve its quality. As a result, the skin becomes simply flawless, and dead particles are completely removed from the surface. In addition, this type of massage very well relaxes the body. It is useful to carry out such a massage if a person has diseases associated with rheumatism or osteochondrosis. Such a massage will also be useful for muscle pain or when a person experiences excessive physical exertion.

Relaxing Turkish massage

On the basis of classical Turkish massage, relaxing massage was singled out as a separate type. It is useful to carry out when a person is in the mood for rest or deep relaxation. The duration of this massage is approximately one hour.

All massage movements should be carried out in conjunction with the use of oil. It must be warmed up. Often this type of massage is used as an addition to the traditional procedures carried out in the bath. But in principle, such a massage is not forbidden to do almost anywhere. However, during this procedure, the sounds of beautiful music must sound. It is also recommended to light candles and smoke fragrant incense. An indispensable condition is also such that light twilight should reign in the room.

Royal massage

Another type of massage was created specifically for the rulers. Such a massage must certainly be performed by two masseurs. At the same time, the desire of the client is necessarily taken into account, and both men and women can be involved as masseurs. A session of this type of massage takes about fifty minutes, and the session itself is also accompanied by melodic music. This massage will help you relax. But its main purpose is to improve the structure of the skin cover.

Turkish foot massage

Among the varieties of Turkish massage, foot massage stands out. Entire ancient treatises were devoted to this art, which were studied in detail in specially created massage schools. Such a massage is also recommended to be carried out in a bathhouse or a sports room. A session of such a massage does not exceed thirty minutes. Foot massage should be done on the floor. It is allowed to lay under a hard mat or other bedding.

Specific techniques of such massage are able to influence various departments in the spine. If you want to consistently perform all the techniques, then it is absolutely necessary to acquire a support. Her role can be perfectly played by a bamboo stick or bars. However, the masseur's body weight should not exceed eighty kilograms. This massage must take place in conditions where the client is very comfortable. Before the session itself, it is also important to warm up the body in the bath.

Direct impact with the help of the legs must necessarily be carried out through a sheet or some other material. When the session comes to an end, the client must rest. He is not forbidden to sleep at the same time.

Algae massage

Another type of Turkish massage must be done using algae. It is algae that are the source of numerous vitamins, minerals, salts, useful acids and other components. While in the bath, the human body begins to sweat intensely, and the pores open from this. When the process goes into its deep stage, the massage therapist starts rubbing the contents of the algae into the skin.

As a result of this action, the skin is intensively moisturized, it is strengthened. As a result, the skin becomes more attractive in appearance. This type of massage also strengthens the protective film on the skin, soothing and healing it. Such a massage will be effective and beneficial for absolutely any skin type. In addition to algae, it is also customary to use a variety of fruit juices, aromatic and vegetable oils in the technology itself.

This technique can cope with the problem of local edema. As another useful property, such a massage effectively fights cellulite. Toxins and other substances that are harmful are intensively removed from the body.

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Rest in Turkey is our wedding honeymoon, which we could only remember with pleasant impressions, but it wasn’t there ...

They say that at the very beginning of the holiday, you must definitely visit a real Turkish bath - after that, the tan lies evenly and, of course, lasts a long time. No sooner said than done! Right at the hotel, a representative of the tour operator offered us to visit a whole range of all kinds of entertainment, including the Babel Palace bath, about which he spoke very well. We were recommended to “feel for ourselves all the delights of Thai massage”, which, allegedly, is done exclusively by girls from the homeland of this very massage.

It was difficult not to succumb to such sweet persuasion, so on the second day of our vacation we already went to the vaunted Turkish bath. We were provided with a comfortable bus that took us there and back. The standard program of procedures cost $ 50, the main feature of which was the same Thai massage.

Upon arrival at the place, we could not help but note that everything was done beautifully and quite conveniently for visitors. But, as soon as we went inside, we were divided into small groups, put on special bracelets for us indicating the paid program, and began to offer, no, to impose additional services, “without which it’s simply impossible to enjoy the already purchased program”! Well, we succumbed to the temptation, so we bought a chocolate wrap, which was supposed to moisturize the skin and give it elasticity and beauty, just like a baby!

For all the preparatory procedures before the massage, we were all taken together. When it was the turn to do the massage, my husband and I were separated and taken along different corridors. In the room I was laid on a massage table and asked to wait a bit. I lie and wait for a professional girl. To my amazement, an ordinary Turkish guy came, who ended up giving me a massage. I should note that my husband and I started doing massage at the same time, and had to do it the same way (the programs were paid for exactly the same).

They called an interpreter and tried to convince me to pay for an additional course of massages and other procedures, the total cost of which was more than 300 dollars. I refused, referring to the fact that I do not have such funds. I thought that after that they would leave behind ... It wasn’t there ... The translator ran to me two more times and offered me the same course, but at a lower cost. As a result, when I refused (reduced to $ 180), they proceeded to "heavenly pleasure". To say that I was hurt and uncomfortable is an understatement. It seemed that they were taking revenge on me for the fact that I decided to refuse to pay them for extra. services.

As far as I know, Thai massage is a gentle stretching of the arms, legs, back, kneading the muscles, which certainly do not cause sharp pain! In general, all my torment lasted almost an hour and a half, after which they also refused to apply a chocolate mask to my whole body (as it was written on my second bracelet). Of course, the translator and administrator were called again, who ran and refined my program. In the end, everything cleared up, I was put on a mask and taken to the shower.

When I went to the shower, it turned out that absolutely everyone from our group had already gone through all their procedures, had time to take a shower, change clothes and put themselves in order, and my husband had been running around looking for me for about half an hour, and no one even tried to help him.

But thank God, we found each other and went to the hotel. On the way, I began to tell my husband what I experienced, and how I blame myself, that it was my fault (I barely persuaded him to come here with me), he survived such torture. To my surprise, it turned out that nothing like this happened to him:

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  • No one twisted his legs and arms, did not squeeze his legs and arms so that it seemed they would be torn off ...

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We waited for a response to my complaint for about two days. As a result, I was offered to visit the local hospital, of course, at the expense of the Turkish bath. My husband insisted that I agree. So they did. We took insurance and documents, they sent a beige Mercedes with leather interior and air conditioning for us, and took us to the hospital. After a thorough examination of them, the doctor wrote me a good prescription of four items - 2 ointments and 2 types of tablets, as it turned out, not cheap. His diagnosis was expected - too intense, too strong pressure, which is extremely unacceptable, especially in a "professional" Turkish bath.

Of course, all medicines were bought directly by a representative from Babel Palace and immediately given to me. That employee was promised to be fined. I imagine how much, considering how much they had to pay for my visit to the doctor and the medicine.

After this incident, for some reason, all the hotel staff began to treat us more respectfully, they gave drinks at the bar without a queue, even if it was small. You must have heard about our history...

I want to say that I will not visit this spa center called the Babel Palace Turkish bath again, and I do not advise you to. And those who are faced with similar problems, do not hesitate to defend their rights. I wish you all only good memories and impressions.

Have you read the story? Now you can play. Bet you won't win!

Turkish massage is a bath massage popular in the East and gaining more and more popularity in European spas and wellness centers.

The unique therapeutic properties of massage were highly appreciated by the outstanding physician of antiquity, Avicenna, who widely uses various massage techniques to treat various diseases. He contributed to the classification of existing massage techniques, highlighting the following types of massage: weak - relieves stress, soothes, relaxes; moderate - normalizes, harmonizes, preserves; strong - activates, invigorates, strengthens; prolonged - deeply warms up, starts the processes of cleansing and liberation from everything superfluous and alien to health; preparatory - warms up, prepares for vigorous physical activity; restorative - soothes, relieves pain, necessary after intense physical exertion.

The magical effect of Turkish massage

Massage turned out to be not only very useful, but also an extremely pleasant procedure that has conquered many Asian countries, where body care was a real cult, and most of the procedures took place in the bath. Turkey geographically and culturally connects Europe and Asia, so it is not surprising that Turkish massage has absorbed all the best from Eastern and Western techniques and presented the world with a whole palette of interesting massage approaches and techniques.

All types of Turkish massage, one way or another, are associated with a visit to the hamam, so this is not just a massage, but a real bath procedure. The Turkish massage procedure is not for pampered natures, as it is associated with a very powerful intense effect on the body.

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Varieties of Turkish massage techniques

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Ancient proven classic

This massage method originated directly in Turkey. Traditionally used for deep relaxation, improving skin texture and figure enhancement, it has always been especially popular with women. Typically, the procedure, which lasts about 50 minutes, is carried out in hamams - Turkish national baths, accompanied by enchanting Turkish melodies using a variety of massage oils.

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Kese peeling massage and Sabunlam foam massage

A very popular procedure that combines deep cleansing and massage. It is carried out in the conditions of hammams and spa centers. For a massage, you need a special heated table or a warm marble slab. This is not just a massage, but a whole ritual that lasts about an hour and includes several procedures at once. First, you will be sent for 5-10 minutes to the steam room - sikalik, so that the body warms up well and all the pores open. Then you will be poured with warm water, and every centimeter of your body will be thoroughly rubbed with a special massage glove, a kese made of silk or goat hair. An experienced bath attendant (a man is a tellak, a woman is a rub) will not miss a single centimeter, not even forgetting about the zones between the fingers.

After peeling, a massage is performed with thick soapy foam, which envelops the body like a huge fluffy weightless cloud. For the preparation of foam, only olive soap is used. An excellent procedure for deep cleansing of the skin - it opens pores, removes toxins, stimulates blood circulation, and removes dead, keratinized particles of the epithelium. In addition to a positive cosmetic effect, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients with rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, myalgia, and osteochondrosis. Having finished working with the body, they will take your head, then wash off all the excess, generously smear with fragrant oil and send you to the relaxation room, where you can enjoy a cup of hot fragrant tea.

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Turkish relaxation massage

Based on the classic form of Turkish massage. The main purpose of the massage is deep relaxation, calming, harmonization of the body, spirit and soul, meditation. The procedure, which lasts about an hour, is usually carried out in a hammam with subdued light, relaxing music, incense and warm massage oils that promote deep relaxation and soothing.

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Turkish sultan massage

This massage is sure to make you feel like a real sultan… or sultana! A feature of the sultan massage is that two masseurs are needed at once: two men or two women. Synchronous four-hand massage with intoxicating aroma oils promotes incredibly fast relaxation of the nervous and muscular systems, fills you with a feeling of deep bodily and spiritual satisfaction.

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Mystery of foot massage

Before the procedure, you will be given a good steam bath in the hammam so that the body warms up and becomes as receptive to massage as possible. Then you will be laid on a flat hard surface - the floor, mat, tatami, covered with a sheet or towel, the massage therapist will arm himself with a bamboo stick, rings or bars so as not to lose balance, the room will be filled with marvelous oriental melodies and the sacrament will begin ... Half an hour of a powerful energy massage awaits you, especially beneficial effect on the condition of the spine and back muscles. It should be noted that the massage therapist for each client is selected individually, depending on the weight of the client. After a foot massage session, you need to lie down calmly or take a nap.