Content vdgo that. What is included in the maintenance of gas equipment? Gas facilities in a residential building

In accordance with Part 2, Part 3 of Art. 9.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for administrative liability for evading the conclusion of an agreement on the maintenance and repair of indoor gas equipment, as well as for refusing to admit a representative of a specialized organization to perform maintenance and repair of indoor gas equipment.

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Service contract for VDGO

The main types of work during the maintenance of VDGO are:

· Unscheduled repairs at the request of subscribers (VRZ);

· Periodic maintenance under an agreement with the owner of the house (PTO).

· Shutdown of gas appliances with the installation of a plug in case of violation of the rules of safe use and failure to comply with the issued instructions;

· Check for tightness of all threaded connections, taps and devices up to the burner nozzles by soaping or using a gas detector;

· Checking the operability of the valves at the inlet, risers, descents and the devices themselves, the valves must ensure complete shut-off of the gas;

· Checking the presence of traction in the smoke and ventilation ducts before and after switching on the devices;

· Visual check of the gas combustion process and flame stability.

Periodic maintenance without checking the inside-house gas distribution for leaks by testing (pressure testing) is performed once a year.

Periodic maintenance of all types of gas appliances with a gas distribution test for tightness is performed once every 3 years.

Unscheduled repairs on request are made upon receipt of an application, regardless of the timing of periodic maintenance.

Works performed during the maintenance of all types of gas appliances:

Visual inspection of the compliance of premises, gas pipelines and installation of gas appliances with the requirements of the rules and regulations;

Checking the availability of free access to the gas pipeline and gas-using equipment;

Checking the state of the painting and fasteners of the gas pipeline, the presence and integrity of the cases at the places where the gas pipelines are laid

through the external and internal structures of buildings;

Checking the tightness of gas pipelines and fittings using the instrument method or soap emulsion;

Checking the integrity and completeness of gas-using equipment;

Functional check and lubrication of taps (gate valves) installed on gas pipelines, if necessary, re-packing of stuffing box seals;

Checking the presence of traction in the smoke and ventilation ducts, the condition of the connecting pipes of gas-using equipment with a smoke channel, the presence of an inflow of air for combustion;

Dismantling and lubrication of all valves of household gas-using equipment;

Checking the operability of the safety automation of household gas-using equipment, its adjustment and adjustment;

Cleaning the burners from contamination, regulating the gas combustion process in all operating modes of the equipment;

Checking the tightness (pressure testing) of household gas-using equipment;

Revealing the need for replacement or repair (restoration) of individual units and parts of gas-using equipment;

Checking for the presence of special plates on gas burners, devices and devices with the removal of combustion products into the chimney, warning about the mandatory check of the presence of draft before and after the ignition of the equipment;

Instructing consumers on the rules for the safe use of gas at home.

Additionally, during the maintenance of various types of gas appliances, certain types of work are performed that are characteristic of these appliances.

Date of publication: 2015-01-26; Read: 1323 | Page copyright infringement

What is maintenance of indoor and indoor gas equipment (VDGO / VKGO)?

On June 1, 2013, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 410 of May 14, 2013 "On measures to ensure safety during the use and maintenance of indoor and indoor gas equipment" came into force, which approved the Rules for the use of gas in terms of ensuring safety when using and maintaining indoor and outdoor gas equipment. gas equipment when providing utility services for gas supply.

The document establishes requirements for the safe maintenance and use of in-house and in-house gas equipment (VDGO and VKGO), as well as the obligation to carry out maintenance of VDGO and VKGO - a set of measures taken to maintain gas equipment in working order.

However, citizens are in no hurry to conclude contracts for the maintenance of their gas stoves, boilers, water heaters, they arbitrarily repair and install gas appliances, they are in no hurry to change the equipment that has exhausted its resource and the use of which has become simply life-threatening. Such an agreement is needed primarily by the owners of the gas equipment themselves, since, according to the legislation, the responsibility for the maintenance of the VDGO / VKGO lies with the owners of the gas equipment. Regular maintenance is a guarantee of reliable and trouble-free operation of gas equipment installed in houses and apartments of citizens, which means it is a guarantee of your safety.

Who is obliged to conclude an agreement for maintenance of VDGO / VKGO?

Responsibility for concluding an agreement on the maintenance and repair of indoor and (or) indoor gas equipment is assigned to:

a) in relation to in-house gas equipment of an apartment building - to a management organization, partnership or cooperative;

b) in relation to in-house gas equipment in the household - to the owner of the household;

c) in relation to indoor gas equipment - to the owner (user) of the premises located in an apartment building in which such equipment is located.

Government decree No. 410 also determines with whom the contract for the maintenance and repair of VDGO and VKGO is concluded and who has the right to sign it. It has been established that the owner of VKGO in an apartment can delegate his authority to conclude an agreement on maintenance and repairs to an organization that manages the common property of residents of an apartment building. On behalf of a group of citizens, a contract can be signed by a person from among the owners of premises in an apartment building; an organization that manages the common property of residents of an apartment building. In this case, it is necessary to gather a general meeting of residents of an apartment building, at which a decision should be made on the empowerment of a particular person.

Who is authorized to carry out maintenance and repair work?

The adopted resolution determines that only a specialized organization has the right to perform maintenance and repair work on the VDGO and VKGO on the basis of the relevant contract.

"Specialized organization" - an organization carrying out activities for the maintenance and repair of in-house and (or) in-house gas equipment, including a gas distribution organization that meets the requirements established by Section IX of Government Decree No. 410, which has sent a notification to the authorized body of state control (supervision) on the commencement of activities for the maintenance and repair of indoor and (or) indoor gas equipment in accordance with paragraph 40 of Part 2 of Article 8 of the Federal Law "On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Exercise of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control."

The list of organizations can be found on the website of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Kirov region. Register of notifications about the beginning of certain types of entrepreneurial activity.

To conclude a maintenance agreement on the territory of the Kirov Region, you can contact JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Kirov:

The existence of an agreement between the gas consumer and JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Kirov implies not only maintenance of gas equipment, but also round-the-clock emergency dispatch support.

How often should maintenance be done?

Maintenance of external gas pipelines that are part of the VDGO of an apartment building or household is carried out at the following frequency:

  • bypassing overground and (or) underground gas pipelines - at least once a year;
  • instrumental inspection of the technical condition of gas pipelines - at least once every three years;
  • maintenance of internal gas pipelines that are part of the VDGO - at least once a year;
  • maintenance of gas stoves, boilers and water heaters - at least once a year;
  • maintenance of the reservoir (for one household) and group cylinder installation of liquefied hydrocarbon gases, which is part of the in-house gas equipment, at least once every 3 months.

Government Decree No. 410 stipulates that replacement of gas-using equipment and changes in the configuration of gas pipelines are carried out only by a specialized organization within the framework of the execution of the agreement on maintenance and repair of VDGO and VKGO. Self-replacement of the specified equipment by its owner without the involvement of a specialized organization is not allowed!

What is the threat of refusal to conclude an agreement for maintenance of VDGO / VKGO?

In accordance with p.

Maintenance of gas equipment

2, part 3 of Art. 9.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for administrative liability for evading the conclusion of an agreement on the maintenance and repair of indoor gas equipment, as well as for refusing to admit a representative of a specialized organization to perform maintenance and repair of indoor gas equipment.

Administrative liability provides for a punishment in the form of an administrative fine for citizens in the amount of one thousand to two thousand rubles; for officials - from five thousand to twenty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from forty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles.

The existence of an agreement on the maintenance and repair of VDGO and VKGO is a prerequisite for the implementation of gas supply to consumers. This norm is enshrined in the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 No. 549 "On the procedure for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens."

In the absence of a contract, the gas supplier has the right to unilaterally suspend the supply of gas to the subscriber with prior written notice.

To conclude an agreement on maintenance and emergency dispatch support for VDGO / VKGO, you must contact a branch of JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Kirov in the service area of ​​your house (apartment).

You can learn about the procedure for concluding an agreement and download application forms,

look maintenance work schedules for 2017.

Khromykh Larisa Georgievna (02/11/2015 at 12:07:15 PM)

Good afternoon. Maintenance is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of June 26, 2009 N 239 "On approval of the Procedure for the maintenance and repair of gas equipment inside the house in the Russian Federation" link to order This order contains an exhaustive list works that are required to be performed by employees of Gorgaz. Also, according to the REGULATION of May 14, 2013 N 410 ON SAFETY MEASURES DURING THE USE AND MAINTENANCE OF INTERIOR AND INTERIOR GAS EQUIPMENT, link to the law ; base = LAW; n = 146557 in clause 16 it is said that: Maintenance and repairs inside the house and (or) indoor gas equipment is carried out on the basis of a contract for maintenance and repairs inside the house and (or) indoor gas equipment, concluded between the customer and performer. According to clause 41, the Customer has the right to demand: a) the performance of works (provision of services) for maintenance and repairs inside the house and (or) intra-apartment gas equipment in accordance with the contract for maintenance and repairs inside the house and (or) intra-apartment gas equipment, these Rules , other normative legal and normative technical acts; b) amendments to the terms of the agreement on maintenance and repairs inside the home and (or) in-house gas equipment in terms of the list of equipment that is part of the service inside the home or in-house gas equipment, in the event of a change in the number and types of equipment included in it ; c) reduction (recalculation) of fees for non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of obligations arising from the contract for the maintenance and repair of in-house and (or) in-house gas equipment; d) compensation for damage caused as a result of actions (inaction) of the contractor; According to clause 42. The customer is obliged to: a) pay for maintenance work (services) inside the house and (or) in-house gas equipment, as well as work on repairs inside the house and (or) in-house gas equipment on time and in full; According to clause 43. The Contractor is obliged to: b) carry out maintenance of the internal gas pipelines that are part of the inside of the house and intra-apartment gas equipment - at least 1 time in 3 years; c) carry out maintenance of household gas-using equipment that is part of the inside of the house gas equipment of the household or the inside of the gas equipment.

Maintenance and repair agreement for VDGO

Maintenance of household gas-using equipment is carried out at least once every 3 years. According to clause 57. Payment for repair work inside the house and (or) indoor gas equipment is carried out by the customer at the prices established by the contractor and valid on the date of receipt of the corresponding request for repair from the customer. According to clause 59. Payment for the performed work (services rendered) for maintenance inside the house and (or) intra-apartment gas equipment is carried out by the customer, including in the form of a subscription fee within the time period stipulated by the agreement on maintenance and repair of the intra-house and (or) intra-apartment gas equipment. equipment, and if such a period is not established by the specified contract, no later than the 10th day of the month following the month in which the work was performed (services rendered). Thus, it turns out that Gorgaz legally requires the conclusion of an agreement on the terms of payment for all 3 years in advance. At the same time, you also have the right to demand to conclude a contract on your own terms and pay no later than the 10th day of the next month after the completion of the work. On what terms you will be able to agree is difficult to predict. "Should the price for this service be approved by the regional energy commission or who else ???" There is only the REGULATION of May 14, 2013 N 410 ON SAFETY MEASURES DURING THE USE AND MAINTENANCE INSIDE THE HOUSEHOLD AND INTERIOR GAS EQUIPMENT, which specifies how the price for the service is approved (paragraph 57 above). Also on this resolution the link was given above. According to article 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, citizens and legal entities are free to conclude an agreement. Compulsion to conclude a contract is not allowed, except in cases where the obligation to conclude a contract is provided for by this Code, law or a voluntarily accepted obligation ... ... The terms of the contract are determined at the discretion of the parties, unless the content of the relevant condition is prescribed by law or other legal acts (Article 422) ... Gorgaz has no right to impose on you the obligation to make an advance payment three years in advance, but can offer such conditions. You have the right to accept them or offer your own. This is freedom of contract. If you do not come to a common opinion, then there is a court for this, where all disagreements are resolved.

Tatiana (02/11/2015 at 16:29:22)

Thank you so much for the complete clear and comprehensive answer.

A little more than half a year has passed since the turmoil around the 80-apartment building number 14 on Parkovaya Street in Kursk subsided. The tenants spent two days without gas. It was impossible to cook food or just turn on hot water. The growing popular discontent was "removed" by Kurskgaz employees by eliminating the malfunction. The reason for the "gas-free vacation" was the human factor. One of the residents was changing the old gas water heater for a new one. But the woman considered it an overhead to attract specialists for this. Indeed, why waste money if both a neighbor and a relative can help with the installation. In a word, there are enough assistants. The only thing that the owner of the apartment did not take into account was that her assistants were not qualified specialists. And such, as you know, it is impossible and even dangerous to engage in the installation of gas equipment.

As a result, "the adjustment amateur activity almost ended in tragedy. During the installation, the unfortunate specialists confused the gas and water pipes going to the pump. Water filled the gas pipeline and cut off the gas supply. It was saved by the fact that the mistake was noticed on time, and the gas workers arrived at the right time.
The owner of the column, instead of saving, had to fork out pretty much. The installation of new equipment by gas service specialists would cost her about 500-700 rubles. And after the accident, she paid more than eight thousand rubles for the repair.
- This situation might not have arisen if the residents of the house had timely entered into an agreement for the maintenance of in-house gas equipment (TO VDGO), - concludes Anatoly AMELIN, head of the VDGO service of Kurskgaz OJSC.
But what do VDGO maintenance contracts really give us, consumers? This is what we tried to find out.

Where did it all go
Previously, in-house gas pipelines and equipment were on the balance sheet of gas distribution organizations. Then the apartments for the purpose of preventive maintenance were regularly visited by Gorgaz locksmiths. These works were included in the tariff, which included payment not only for the gas itself, but also for the maintenance of gas equipment and networks. Then in the 90s it was decided at the federal level that there was no particular need for this. And since 2004, the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation approved the "Rules and Norms for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock", according to which the costs of maintenance of the VDGO were excluded from the gas tariff and transferred to the category of services provided under the contract.
In July 2008, the Government of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 549 "On the Procedure for the Supply of Gas to Ensure the Domestic Needs of Citizens". According to this document (clauses 9; 21), citizens are required to conclude an agreement on the maintenance of gas equipment with a specialized organization. On the territory of the Kursk region, such an organization is OJSC "Kurskgaz". It is not surprising that initially this decision did not arouse great enthusiasm among consumers and homeowners.

However, a lot says about the timeliness and importance of this innovation. It's not a secret for anyone that in recent years, cases of domestic gas explosions have become more frequent. Unfortunately, rarely a month goes by without such disturbing news in news bulletins at both the federal and local levels. Often, such tragedies arise due to improper operation of gas equipment, untimely maintenance and repair, and sometimes simply due to elementary illiteracy in handling gas appliances. Systematic control and assistance of qualified specialists is important here. Therefore, the state has set a task - to provide maintenance of indoor equipment by concluding contracts.

Although the 549th resolution has been in effect on the territory of the country for more than a year and a half, not everyone is striving to comply with it. This is how a Russian person works: he hopes for "maybe", waits until "the cancer whistles on the mountain" or "the roast cock will bite." This is understandable: who needs red tape with documents, going through the courts, extra spending from the family budget.

- Therefore, the question involuntarily arises: how difficult is it to conclude an agreement for maintenance of VDGO?
“The procedures for concluding a contract for the maintenance of in-house gas equipment in the Kursk region have been simplified as much as possible,” explains Anatoly Amelin. - In this case, we can talk about two conditional categories of citizens: residents of apartment buildings and private homeowners. In the first case, the maintenance contract is concluded through an organization directly serving the house. We are talking about a homeowners' association, a housing cooperative, a management company. Residents of a high-rise building at a meeting decide to conclude an agreement, and the collection of documents and signing is a matter of a responsible organization. By the way, in 2009 as a whole for multi-apartment housing the joint-stock company "Kurskgaz" has already concluded 96.7 percent of contracts, and taking into account private households - 75.7 percent.
However, to our great regret, in Kursk there are service organizations that do not consider it necessary to conclude such contracts. For example, in ZhSK No. 114, located on Studencheskaya Street, 7, they say that this is a waste of money. Like, in the event of an accident, even in the absence of a contract, gas workers are obliged to come and fix the malfunctions.
Arguing in this way, they are only right that the emergency gas service immediately responds to any, even a small threat of a gas leak. But such a position in itself endangers the lives of people living in this house. After all, the service contract for VDGO guarantees the safety of not only every family, but also the entire residential building. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this.

- Are there any penalties in the absence of a contract for maintenance of the VDGO?
- Kurskgaz has no authority to punish users of natural gas due to the lack of a contract. However, sometimes we send data to the housing inspectorate. And already there it is decided - to fine the organization that manages the houses, which refuses to conclude a contract, or not.

- A significant part of the Kurds live in the private sector. Accordingly, the concern for the safe operation of gas equipment falls on them, without intermediaries. This means that they must complete the execution of the service contract on their own.

We find out whether it is obligatory to conclude a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment

Can we say that this category of the population is more conscious?
- Unfortunately, this category of Kurds is in no hurry to be active in concluding contracts for servicing VDGO. Currently, less than ten percent of all residents of the private sector have them. For comparison, I repeat: almost 97 percent of the tenants of apartment buildings have already signed such agreements.

- Is it really so difficult for a homeowner to draw up a contract?
- No, on the contrary. We can conclude an agreement with these citizens at a personal meeting, when the consumer comes to our service at 32 Pionerov Street. The second option is registration by phone. We understand that there are many elderly people among our consumers, so we went to meet them. If you call Kurskgaz specialists at home, they will immediately conclude an agreement with you and carry out all the necessary work.
- But the document, for sure, must be signed by the owner of the living space ...
- In this you are wrong. Any person registered in the household can enter into a maintenance contract. The document contains not only the personal data of the concluding the contract, but also the address of the household, and the equipment that is installed there. So even if the family member who signed the paper is forced to move for some reason, the contract remains in effect.

- Anatoly Grigorievich, I would like to know about the timing of the conclusion of maintenance contracts.
- It all depends on the time of putting the gas pipeline and equipment into operation. If less than fifteen years have passed since the launch, then the contract is concluded once every three years. If in-house gas pipelines have been in operation for more than fifteen years, the renewal procedure becomes annual.

- How much does the contract cost?
- There are several factors affecting the cost. First of all, this is the number of gas appliances. Maintenance of one stove will cost 200-250 rubles. If there is still an instantaneous water heater, the total amount will be about 400-500 rubles. In any case, the contract will cost no more than a thousand rubles.

Every day, the specialists of OJSC "Kurskgaz" carry out round-the-clock emergency dispatching support, in accordance with the schedules agreed with the subscribers, they go out for maintenance under contracts.
The contract clearly defines the list of works. The foreman is obliged to check the tightness of the connections of gas pipelines and fittings, the draft in the smoke and ventilation ducts, the condition of the connecting pipes of gas-using equipment with a smoke channel, the presence of an air flow for combustion, lubrication of the valves (valves) installed on the gas pipelines; clean the burners from contamination and regulate the gas combustion process in all operating modes of the equipment; instruct consumers on the rules for the safe use of gas at home. And this is not a complete list of works. At the end of the maintenance, the consumer is given an act of work. The subscriber confirms the volume and quality with his signature.
Gas workers are on duty around the clock, preventing disaster. But everyone should remember that everyone is obliged to take care of their safety first of all themselves. Call OJSC "Kurskgaz" or its branch at the place of residence and conclude an agreement. And then specialists will take care of your gas equipment.

Today it is already difficult to imagine a well-organized life without the use of gas. Thanks to this natural type of fuel, our houses are warm, from hot water, there is the possibility of cooking. However, it is gas supply in city houses that is one of the most dangerous public services, since even a minor gas leak can lead not only to property damage, but also to numerous human casualties.

According to statistics, the main cause of accidents is the unsatisfactory state of gas communications and devices. Timely and regular maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building, as well as strict adherence to the rules for its operation, are the two most effective ways to avoid irreparable consequences.

Professional service of VDGO - intrusive service or necessary security measures

Any apartment is equipped with one or more types of in-house gas equipment (VDGO), for example, a gas stove, a water heater, a heating boiler. Convenience and availability of "blue fuel" have become familiar to everyone, and many sometimes forget that it is a source of danger, and therefore requires careful attention. People of the older generations probably still remember how, in Soviet times, inspectors of gas facilities regularly visited consumers, checked the serviceability and carried out maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building. The foremen did not take money for this service, since its cost was already included in the gas tariff.

This scheme was used until 2006, after which the cost of maintenance was excluded from the total amount of payment for gas supply. Since then, the installation and maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building has been carried out at a separate rate and only on the basis of agreements concluded with tenants. This innovation was perceived negatively by the majority of consumers, since it looked like an attempt to impose additional paid services on the part of service companies. In this regard, many refused to conclude a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building. The lack of contracts was the reason for the almost complete cessation of preventive examinations of the VDGO and, as a result, an increase in the incidence of explosions of residential premises caused by the leakage of domestic gas.

Ensuring the safety of gas consumers at the state level

In connection with the massive refusal of citizens to voluntarily conclude contracts for the maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building, in 2008 the government adopted Resolution No. 549, according to which the existence of an agreement became mandatory. In the absence of this document, the gas supplier has the right to suspend its supply, having previously notified the consumer. Since the supply of "blue fuel" to gas equipment that has not passed an official certification is unacceptable, therefore, sanctions can be applied even to consumers who make full and timely payment for the gas consumed.
Gas supply can be restored only after a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building has been concluded and the responsible organization has checked its condition. However, you will have to pay for the reconnection.

What is a contract

The agreement contains requirements for the safe maintenance and operation of VDGO and VKGO, the duties of a specialized service organization, a list and regulations of work, as well as the cost of the services provided are prescribed.

In addition, the civil legislation of the Russian Federation requires the mandatory introduction of additional information and conditions into the document, including:

  • the date of the conclusion of the contract;
  • the name and details of a specialized organization that will perform maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building;
  • information about the customer;
  • the address of the serviced object;
  • a complete list of gas equipment;
  • terms of payment by homeowners for the services provided.

Who should conclude a contract

The law imposes obligations on the conclusion of a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building on the following parties:

  • The initiator of the execution of an agreement with a specialized company for the maintenance of in-house gas communications and equipment in an apartment building should be the organization, partnership or cooperative that manages the common property of the residents. The common property of residents is: a front gas pipeline and a shut-off device, an internal access gas pipeline that includes risers and part of gas pipelines in apartments located before the shut-off devices (gas taps).

  • The owner of the apartment in which the gas appliances are located must conclude a contract for the maintenance of an intra-apartment building, or he can entrust this to an organization that manages the common property of citizens living in this apartment building. In addition, a group of tenants has the right to delegate their authority to sign an agreement to one of the neighbors who owns housing in this house or to a management organization. In this case, a general meeting of all residents of an apartment building must be held in advance, within the framework of which a unanimous decision will be made on granting powers to one or another person.

Who is responsible for the maintenance of gas equipment

The rules for servicing gas equipment in apartment buildings clearly define who, how and when should carry out these activities. So, technical, emergency dispatching services and repairs of VDGO and VKGO have the right to be carried out only by specialized companies - gas distribution organizations that have permission to conduct this activity established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Requirements for companies that service gas equipment in an apartment building are determined by the rules approved by the federal service responsible for environmental, technological and nuclear supervision.

Responsibilities of the supervising organization

A set of measures involving the maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building:

  • checking the condition of the painting layer of gas pipes and the quality of their fasteners;
  • bypass and outdoor gas communications;
  • inspection of the integrity of the cases in the external and internal structures of buildings through which gas pipes pass;
  • control of the tightness of fittings and connections of gas pipelines using special devices or soap emulsion;
  • checking the layout and installation of gas-using equipment for compliance with regulatory requirements;
  • performance testing and lubrication of valves (taps, gate valves) installed on gas pipelines;
  • replacement of sealing glands (if necessary);
  • control of draft in ventilation and smoke ducts;
  • checking the presence of the air flow necessary for combustion;
  • quality control of connections of exhaust pipes with smoke channels, etc.

The contract contains a complete list of work performed. Services that are not included in this list refer to separate repair work performed at the request of the consumer. In case of failure of equipment elements and the need to replace or repair them, the subscriber pays for the work and spare parts.
The user should also remember that independent changes in the design of gas pipelines and the replacement of any gas-using equipment is strictly prohibited. Only specialists of an accredited organization are entitled to perform these works. Naturally, all these operations are paid. In addition to the diagnostic and repair measures provided for by the contract, the responsible organization must provide round-the-clock emergency dispatch support.

Regulations for maintenance of gas equipment

According to the established requirements, the HE maintenance activities should be carried out according to the following schedule:

  • revision of overground and underground gas pipelines - once a year;
  • inspection of the general condition of gas pipelines - once every 3 years;
  • maintenance of household gas equipment (stoves, water heaters, boilers, water heaters) - once every 3 years, unless a different schedule is established by the manufacturer of this equipment;
  • maintenance of group cylinder installations for liquefied gas, which are part of the VDGO - 1 time in 3 months.

Cost of services under the contract

The prices for services are prescribed in the contract for the maintenance of gas equipment, however, their total cost is calculated individually for each consumer. When forming the final amount, the technical characteristics and the amount of equipment installed in a particular apartment are taken into account.
Prices are subject to change, therefore, consumers are advised to periodically visit the official website of the responsible gas distribution organization, where in the section "Information for subscribers" they can familiarize themselves with the current price.

Payment procedure for work

The customer makes payments for the repair and connection of an intra-house or intra-apartment HE at the rates established by the executing company, which were valid on the date of submission of the corresponding application. The money must be transferred no later than the date stipulated in the service contract. If the terms of payment are not specified in the agreement, payment is due no later than the 10th day of the next month.


Unfortunately, despite all the security measures taken by the state, tragic accidents as a result still take place. This precious natural source of energy “does not forgive” irresponsible attitude, therefore, each consumer must strictly observe the rules for operating devices, control their working life and not violate the regulations for their maintenance. All these measures will be the key to personal and public safety.

Let's try to figure out what is included in the list of in-house gas equipment (VDGO)?

The gas system of our country is a huge web, consisting of gas pipelines, compressor and distribution stations and other installations. Each gasified house has its own gas pipeline. As soon as he approaches the house or "enters" the entrance, the concept of VDGO appears. In apartment buildings, gas equipment "inside the house" is divided into two parts:

  • common property (risers in the house, taps located at the entrance and the first in the apartment, with which we regulate the gas supply to the stove or other heating element);
  • private or individual - this is intra-apartment gas equipment (directly a stove, a water heater, a water heater or a heating boiler, as well as a connection to all these devices from the first tap in the apartment).

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the responsibility for the safety of all indoor gas equipment lies on the shoulders of consumers.

Do I need to conclude a maintenance contract?

Do I need to service indoor gas equipment? To be honest, today this is not even discussed, because in our country every year people are killed by explosions of household gas in residential buildings.

Until the 90s of the last century, in-house gas pipelines and equipment were on the balance sheet of gas distribution organizations. Then the apartments for the purpose of preventive maintenance were regularly visited by Gorgaz locksmiths. These works were included in the tariff, which included payment not only for the gas itself, but also for the maintenance of gas equipment and networks.

In the 90s, it was decided at the federal level that there was no particular need for this.

Since 2003, supervision over the maintenance of in-house gas equipment (VDGO) got out of the control of Rostekhnadzor and found itself in "free float", and the activity on maintenance and repair of VDGO was not subject to licensing.

Since 2004, the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation has approved the "Rules and Norms for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock", according to which the costs of maintenance of the VDGO were excluded from the gas tariff and transferred to the category of services provided under the contract.

With the change in legislation, many companies appeared on the market that did not have special equipment and appropriate craftsmen who could qualitatively install and subsequently maintain gas equipment.

Over the years, the country received ubiquitous dilapidated indoor gas equipment and more frequent gas explosions in everyday life.

To reverse the situation, put things in order and protect its citizens, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 549 dated July 21, 2008, which approved the "Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens", and Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation No. 239 dated 06/26/2009 on the "Procedure for maintaining the repair of in-house gas equipment."

These regulatory documents assigned responsibility for the condition of gas-using equipment to consumers and obliged them to timely conclude contracts for the maintenance of VDGO and emergency dispatch support with a specialized organization.

What organizations are involved in the maintenance of gas equipment?

Maintenance of any gas equipment should be carried out by specialized gas distribution organizations that have qualified specialists on their staff who are able to timely eliminate any problems in gas equipment using modern technology and equipment, as well as an emergency dispatch service. This is a guarantee of the safe use of natural gas in everyday life.

In the Komi Republic, such a specialized gas distribution organization that meets the legal requirements and has the right to carry out maintenance work on the VDGO is OJSC Gazprom Gas Distribution Syktyvkar with branches in Syktyvkar, Emva, Ukhta, Pechora.

OJSC "Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Syktyvkar", the branches of the company carry out contractual work on the provision of services for the maintenance of VDGO, have emergency dispatch services and are admitted in accordance with the established procedure to carry out this type of activity.

Who concludes the contract for the maintenance of public gas equipment?

The contract must be entered into by the owner of this gas equipment or, on his behalf, by a third party. Depending on the method of managing the apartment building, the contract for the maintenance of the VDGO is concluded:

a) management company or HOA;

b) in the case of direct management of the house on the basis of a decision of the owners, the contract is concluded by a person authorized by the meeting.

In hostels and other residential buildings, the premises in which are used by tenants under a lease agreement, contracts for maintenance of the VDGO must be concluded by the owner (balance holder) of the house.

Who concludes the contract for the maintenance of individual gas equipment?

Maintenance of private property, which is located directly in the apartment, is entrusted to the residents.

Maintenance of VDGO. Questions and answers

A maintenance contract for the gas equipment installed in your apartment is necessary to check its condition. A gas stove, a water heater, boilers are considered explosive and fire hazardous household appliances, therefore, a regular check of their technical condition is necessary. The owner of the apartment should take care of concluding such an agreement on his own by contacting a specialized company directly. These are necessary in order to ensure the safety of yourself, your family and neighbors at the entrance, confirming the serviceability of your gas equipment.

How to monitor the gas equipment in the apartment?

Every consumer needs to remember that gas is not only warmth and comfort in our homes, but also a serious responsibility for their lives, the lives of their families and neighbors. That is why OOO Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Ukhta and OAO Gazprom Gas Distribution Syktyvkar recommend that consumers constantly monitor the state of the gas equipment installed in the apartment. It is very simple to do this - you need to contact your management company or directly to gas workers to conclude a contract for equipment maintenance.

If a consumer avoids concluding a contract, what measures of influence can be applied to him?

Based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 549 dated July 21, 2008. the gas supplier has the right to unilaterally suspend the gas supply if the subscriber does not have an agreement with a specialized organization on the maintenance of the VDGO and emergency dispatch support.

How often is VDGO maintenance carried out?

Maintenance of external and internal gas pipelines of the gas consumption network should be carried out at least once every three years.

Maintenance of household gas-using equipment must be carried out within the time frame established by the manufacturer, but at least once every three years. After the expiration of the service life of household gas-using equipment established by the manufacturer, its maintenance is carried out on the basis of the results of the technical inventory, but at least once a year. (Clause 11.12 of the Procedure for the maintenance and repair of VDGO).

Works performed under the VDGO maintenance contract

Maintenance of external gas pipelines:

  • bypass and inspection of the route of the external gas pipeline;
  • maintenance of disconnecting devices on the external gas pipeline;
  • checking the state of painting and fastening of the gas pipeline, the presence and integrity of cases in the places where gas pipelines are laid through the external and internal structures of buildings;
  • checking the tightness of gas pipelines and fittings using an instrument method or soap emulsion;

Maintenance of internal gas pipelines and gas-using equipment:

  • visual check of compliance of the installation of gas-using equipment and the laying of gas pipelines in the room with regulatory requirements;
  • checking the tightness of the connections of gas pipelines, gas equipment and fittings using an instrument method or a soap emulsion;
  • checking the integrity and completeness of gas-using equipment;
  • performance check and lubrication of valves (valves) installed on gas pipelines, re-packing of stuffing box seals (if necessary);
  • checking the presence of traction in the smoke and ventilation ducts, the condition of the connecting pipes of gas-using equipment with a smoke channel, the presence of an inflow of air for combustion.

Briefing the subscriber on the Safety Rules for using gas in everyday life.

If gas leaks are detected within a year from the date of conclusion of the contract, their elimination is free of charge. The rest of the work is carried out in accordance with the Subscriber's request and refers to repair work.

In the event of equipment malfunctions requiring replacement or repair of equipment elements, the cost of repair and spare parts is paid by the Subscriber.

Good day!
Each month, gas receipts are charged for the Gazprom DV VKGO. The frequency of maintenance of the VKGO for plates, the service life of which has not expired, is once every three years. Why do I pay for VKGO every month? And where to go so that this service is provided if no one comes?

Maintenance of a household gas meter includes:
- external examination of the metering device and the presence of a seal on the connection of the gas metering device,
- checking the connection of the metering device for tightness,
- performance check and the date of its last calibration,
- taking control readings,
- Instructions on the safe use of gas at home.
The frequency of maintenance of the PU once a year. Payment of charges for the service is made in a lump sum upon the fact of work performed against the invoice for gas supply services.

What is TO VKGO in the receipt and do I have to pay for it

No one came to my house with such a procedure, and the amount on the receipt is worth it! What does it mean? Money is taken, but services are not provided. Whom to complain to and where to go?

Many thanks!

Lawyer's answer:


According to clause 8 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 410 of May 14, 2013 "On measures to ensure safety when using and maintaining indoor and indoor gas equipment", work on technical diagnostics in relation to indoor gas equipment (VKTO) is carried out by the owners (users) premises in which such equipment is located.

Intra-apartment gas equipment includes - gas pipelines of an apartment building, laid from a shut-off valve (disconnecting device) located on branches (drops) to intra-apartment gas equipment, to household gas-using equipment located indoors, household gas-using equipment and technical devices on gas pipelines, including including control and safety valves, gas control systems, individual or general (apartment) metering device (clause 2 of the RF PP No. 410)

Accordingly, you, as the owner, should initiate the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of technical maintenance of VKGO with a specialized organization.

The presence of an agreement on the maintenance of VKGO is a prerequisite for the implementation of gas supply to consumers (Articles 128, 131 of the Rules for the Provision of Utilities by Owners and Users of Premises in Apartment Buildings and Residential Buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011 ".

According to paragraphs. "B" clause 80 of the RF PP No. 410, the contractor has the right to suspend the gas supply with prior written notification to the customer in the absence of an agreement on maintenance and repair of in-house and (or) in-house gas equipment.

Payment for a scheduled technical inspection of VKGO can be made both in the form of a subscription fee and upon the fact of work performed, depending on the terms of the concluded contract. If the payment for the technical inspection is made upon the fact of the work performed, and the work is actually not being performed, then you need to contact the contractor under the VKGO maintenance agreement with a claim.

It should be noted that payment for equipment repair services is not included in the cost of technical inspection of VKGO and is made separately.

The question was answered by the lawyer of the SRO NP "ZhKKH-Group" Elena Klimova

Cost and settlement procedure

In accordance with the "Methodological guidelines for the regulation of retail prices for gas sold to the population", approved by the Order of the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation of 23.11.2004. 194-e / 12 and Information letter of the Federal Tariff Service No. СН-3765/9 dated June 23, 2005, expenses of gas distribution organizations for maintenance of VDGO since 2006. were no longer taken into account when approving retail prices for natural gas sold to the population. Thus, retail prices for natural gas sold to the population currently do not include the cost of technical and repair and application services for VDGO, therefore the cost of services (work) for maintenance of VDGO does not depend on the volume of natural gas consumed.

The methodology for calculating the cost of services for the technical operation of VDGO is the same for all specialized organizations that provide these services on the territory of the Russian Federation. The methodology is based on the "Approximate price list for gas facilities services for the maintenance and repair of gas distribution systems", developed by the head research and design institute of the gas industry - JSC "GiproNIIgaz", put into effect by the Order of JSC "Rosgazifikatsiya" dated 20.06.2001. 35.

The cost of services under the contract is determined based on the list and quantity of gas equipment in the house.

Payment for the work performed (services rendered) for maintenance of VDGO and (or) VKGO is carried out by the customer, including in the form of a subscription fee, within the time period stipulated by the contract for maintenance and repair of VDGO and (or) VKGO, and if such a period is not established by the said contract, not later than the 10th day of the month following the month in which the work was performed (services were rendered).

Why do residents of apartment buildings who have chosen the method of managing the management organization pay for the maintenance of the VDGO based on the number of meters of the total area of ​​their living quarters?

In accordance with Article 154 of the RF LC, the structure of the payment for a dwelling for a tenant or for an owner of a room in an apartment building includes, among other things, payment for services and work on the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building. VDGO refers to the common property of an apartment building belonging to all owners of premises on the basis of common shared ownership and intended for use by all residents.

The share of each resident cannot be allocated in kind and is proportional to the size of the total area of ​​the premises occupied by the owner, but to the calculation unit of the housing sector, established on the basis of the "Methodological Recommendations for the Financial Justification of Tariffs for the Maintenance and Repair of Housing Stock" (approved by order of the Gosstroy of Russia 28.12. 2000 303), is one square meter of total housing area.

These recommendations were developed by the State Unitary Enterprise "Center for Rationing and Information Systems in Housing and Communal Services" (TsNIS), performing the functions of the Federal Center for Pricing and Tariff Policy in Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, and approved by the Scientific and Technical Council of the Gosstroy of Russia (Protocol 01 -NS-31/4 from 27.10.2000).

Furthermore, in accordance with Art. 156 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises is set in an amount that ensures the maintenance of common property in an apartment building in accordance with the requirements of the law.

According to Art. 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the owner of the premises in an apartment building is obliged to bear the costs of maintaining the premises belonging to him, as well as to participate in the costs of maintaining common property in an apartment building in proportion to his share in the common ownership of this property by paying a fee for the maintenance and repair of the residential premises. From which it follows that the payment for a dwelling is made on the basis of the occupied total area (in separate rooms in dormitories, based on the area of ​​these rooms) of the dwelling.

The amount of payment for the use of residential premises (rent), fees for the maintenance and repair of residential premises for tenants of residential premises under social tenancy agreements and agreements for the lease of residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock, as well as for owners of residential premises who have not made a decision on the choice of the method of management of an apartment building are established by local authorities.

Thus, the norms of the current legislation regulate the procedure for charging fees for the maintenance of the VDGO, namely, from one square meter of the total area of ​​the living space. These norms are imperative and do not contain any other option for determining the amount of payment for residential premises.

Why is it worth concluding a comprehensive contract?

The contractor under the contract for maintenance of the VDGO, in any case, is forced to go to the apartments to service the common property, because the first shut-off and control valves at the outlets of the in-house wiring from the risers are located in front of the devices directly in the apartments.

In addition, to the owners (tenants) of apartments in a residential building in compliance with the requirements of the Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 No. 549, it will be necessary to conclude individual contracts for the maintenance and emergency dispatching of the VDGO apartment.

The presence of a contract for the maintenance of in-house gas equipment will not release the owner (tenant) of the premises in an apartment building from the obligation to pay for the maintenance of the general property of the house as part of a receipt for payment for the services of the managing organization, which increases the financial burden on the subscriber.

For example, the owner of an apartment with an area of ​​30.5 sq. m must pay the cost of maintenance services for the VDGO, which is part of the common property in an apartment building, in the amount of 30.5 sq. m × 0.96 kopecks.

Maintenance cost of VDGO

29.28 rubles, as well as in addition, within the framework of a separate agreement, the cost of services for technical and repair and application maintenance of in-house gas equipment.

The cost of services under a contract for the maintenance of the gas equipment of an apartment equipped with a four-burner gas stove, a flowing water heater and a household gas meter is 62.90 rubles. per month and consists of the cost:

  • Maintenance of a high-comfort gas stove (equipped with an electric ignition, safety automation) - 17.95 rubles,
  • Maintenance of a flow-through automatic water heater - 26.60 rubles,
  • Maintenance of 2 gas taps in front of gas appliances - 11.60 rubles.,
  • Maintenance of threaded connections of a gas pipeline to a gas metering device - 4.20 rubles.
  • Repair and application maintenance of an apartment - 2.55 rubles.

The total monthly payment will be 29.28 + 62.90 = 92.18 rubles.

The calculation was made in prices valid from 01.07.2017.

It is reliably known from practice that 100% of the conclusion of contracts is impossible, while potentially the most hazardous apartments (asocial citizens) will remain without maintenance, which can lead to emergencies that threaten the life and health of not only these citizens, but also their neighbors, since according to statistics, up to 90% of all accidents occur precisely on in-house gas equipment.

In addition, stopping the gas supply without entering the apartment will only be possible by disconnecting the risers in the entrances, including with apartments that have a contract. This will lead to massive blackouts, which will obviously create social tensions. As a consequence, the goal of achieving trouble-free operation will largely be missed.

Home / VDGO and VKGO


Regulatory document in the Russian Federation in the field of operation of indoor and indoor gas equipment for individuals and legal entities are Rules for the use of gas in terms of ensuring safety in the use and maintenance of indoor and indoor gas equipment when providing public services for gas supply, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2013 No. 410.

Safe use and serviceability of VDGO and VKGO during their operation are achieved through maintenance and repair of the specified equipment, carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded between customer and performer, as well as compliance by the parties to the contract with other requirements stipulated by the Rules for the Use of Gas, approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

VDGO * apartment building

VDGO * home ownership

Area of ​​responsibility

Gas pipelines laid from the shut-off device on the facade of the house to the shut-off valves (including them) on the descents to the gas-using equipment.

Gas pipelines laid from the shut-off valve (not including it) at the lowering to the gas-using equipment to the gas-using equipment. As well as technical devices installed on these gas pipelines (gas meters, gas alarm, etc.)

Gas pipelines within the land plot on which the household is located, laid from the point of connection to the gas distribution network to gas-using equipment. As well as technical devices installed on these gas pipelines (gas meters, gas alarm, etc.)


UK, HOA, ZhSK, or the person responsible for the maintenance of the common property of an apartment building

The owner (user) of the premises located in an apartment building in which the gas equipment is located


Executor under a maintenance and repair agreement

A specialized organization that has permission to perform maintenance of the VDGO (VDGO), which has assumed obligations to perform the work provided for by the contract for the maintenance and repair of the VDGO and VKGO **

* — Concepts:

VDGO - indoor gas equipment

VKGO - indoor gas equipment

** - In the Perm Territory, the specialized organization is Regiongazservice LLC (Subsidiary Dependent Company of Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Perm JSC).

The owner bears the burden of maintaining his property, unless otherwise provided by law or contract (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, art.210), and is obliged to ensure the proper technical condition of the in-house and (or) in-house gas equipment, to conclude in a timely manner an agreement on the maintenance and repair of the in-house and (or) in-house gas equipment. (Clause 21 "k" of the Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens, approved by the RF Government Decree of 21.07.2008 No. 549).

Maintenance and repair (MOT and R) of indoor and indoor gas equipment should be carried out by specialized organization, which, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, is admitted to the performance of such work and has an emergency dispatch service in its composition, within the framework of the agreement on maintenance and repair of the VDGO / VKGO (Rules for the use of gas in terms of ensuring safety in the use and operation of indoor and indoor gas equipment, approved by

Unauthorized connectionTogas pipelines, as well as unauthorized (unaccounted for) use gas if these actions do not contain a criminal offense, shall entail the imposition administrative fine for citizens in the amount of ten thousand to fifteen thousand rubles; for officials - from thirty thousand to eighty thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of one to two years; for legal entities - from one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rubles. (Article 7.19. RF Code "On Administrative Offenses").

Maintenance of household gas-using equipment is carried out at least once a year (clause 43 "b" of the Rules for the use of gas in terms of ensuring safety in the use and operation of in-house and in-house gas equipment, approved by

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2013 No. 410).

The grounds for disconnecting VDGO / VKGO from gas supply are:

- lack of draft in chimneys and ventilation ducts

- lack of an agreement on the maintenance and repair of in-house and (or) in-house gas equipment;

- refusal (non-admission of a specialized organization) to carry out maintenance of in-house (in-house) gas equipment;

- expiration of the standard service life of in-house (in-house) gas equipment (installed by the manufacturer, indicated in the passport).

(p. 80 of the Rules for the use of gas in terms of ensuring safety during the use and operation of in-house and in-house gas equipment, approved by

Reflection of VKGO in the rent receipt

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2013 No. 410).

The contract price is determined on the basis of tariffs for the performance of work, calculated in accordance with the methodological recommendations on the rules for calculating the cost of maintenance and repair of indoor and indoor gas equipment, approved by the Federal Antimonopoly Service (Clause 40 of the Rules for the use of gas in terms of ensuring safety during the use and operation of in-house and in-house gas equipment, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2013 No. 410).

Standard contract for TO VKGO

Model contract for maintenance of VDGO household

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Vdgo in the receipt

Gas is one of the most demanded resources, because thanks to it there is hot water in the house, heating, and food is prepared on it. But it should also be remembered that for the safe operation of gas equipment in order to avoid leaks or explosions, it should be regularly inspected and any problems found to be eliminated.

This should be done by specialists with whom residents conclude a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment. And the owners of apartments themselves and everyone who lives with them and, accordingly, uses gas for domestic purposes, are obliged to familiarize themselves with the rules for its use. Let's figure out what is included in the concept of maintenance, who carries out it and what is the payment for maintenance for the population.

What is included in the maintenance

To prevent and prevent emergencies in the house related to gas, VDGO checks are necessary. They are carried out by gas services, whose employees inspect the in-house civil defense department in the MKD and private housing. Incoming equipment list:

  • a gas pipeline that is connected to the distribution fuel network;
  • system riser;
  • shut-off valves that are located on the wiring to individual equipment;
  • general counters;
  • devices that operate on gas;
  • systems for monitoring gas pollution in the living area;
  • technical devices.

All equipment located from the gas distribution network to the living quarters is included in the list of regular scheduled inspections of in-house gas equipment (VDGO). In its course, specialists determine the state of the installed gas equipment and the possibility of its further operation. Inspection of gas equipment is regulated by an agreement concluded between the management company and the executive body.

Inspection of intra-apartment equipment (VGKO) is carried out by specialized companies on the basis of an agreement concluded directly by the owner of the home with the organization performing the work. The VKGO list includes only those devices that are inside the apartment:

  • household stoves;
  • heating boilers;
  • water heaters;
  • part of the wiring;
  • other constipation devices;
  • individual metering devices installed in the living area.

The homeowner is obliged to monitor the state of the gas appliances in the apartment on his own. If, nevertheless, he, being a tenant of a residential area at the municipality, is responsible for its safety, including for the equipment installed inside the apartment.

What is the contract for?

The conclusion of a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment is a bilateral act, depending on the type of equipment being serviced, it is signed between the contractor on the one hand, the management company or the owner of the property, on the other. The owner is responsible for the gas appliances installed inside the apartment, while the common house equipment is in charge of the apartment building.

A home owner who has entered into a maintenance contract with a service gas company that checks the equipment independently pays for its services. By refusing to sign a maintenance agreement and by not allowing specialists to enter an apartment for inspection, residents endanger themselves and their neighbors. The condition of the equipment in the apartment is not known, and it is impossible to say for sure whether there is a leak and what is the probability of a domestic gas explosion.

The contract for the maintenance of civil defense in the apartment includes the following list of services:

  • personal information about the owner of the home;
  • address;
  • the name of the equipment that is installed in the living area;
  • a list of works and services performed on the basis of the concluded contract;
  • how often checks should be carried out;
  • the term of the agreement;
  • the cost of services for the maintenance of gas equipment;
  • payment order.

Service is carried out for a fee in accordance with the price list of the company with which the document is signed. It should be noted that the total cost of work performed under the agreement will depend on how many units of gas equipment are in the apartment.

Works performed under a service agreement

The maintenance agreement is signed with specialized organizations, which:

  • the activity is the supply and distribution of gas in the area where the residential area is registered;
  • there is an agreement with;
  • staff certified by the profile works;
  • the activity of the dispatch service was organized;
  • emergency teams have been created.

A written agreement with each apartment owner is a guarantee that all gas equipment located in it is in a condition suitable for further use.

The personnel of the organization with which the agreement is concluded must pass the appropriate certification in a timely manner, which is regulated by legislative acts. After the document has been signed and payment has been made, employees of the service company must inspect and minor repairs of the VKGO, in particular the gas stove, meter and other intra-apartment appliances.

What is included in the list of works under a gas equipment maintenance contract:

  • bypass and external inspection of external gas networks;
  • check of casings, paint and fasteners of the external gas pipeline for its integrity;
  • pipe tightness control using special devices, emulsions.

According to the agreement, employees of the service gas organization during a scheduled inspection, in addition to the external gas pipeline, must also inspect the internal one:

  • the integrity of equipment and gas networks in the entrances;
  • testing the tightness of equipment, fasteners and connections of gas pipelines;
  • disassembly and lubrication of cranes;
  • revision of smoke and ventilation outlets for functionality;
  • instructing residents on the rules for using the VDGO and safety precautions.

All types of gas equipment must be installed in accordance with safety requirements and regulations. If faulty devices or parts of equipment are found out of order, their repair or replacement is paid by the homeowner.

IMPORTANT! During the term of the contract, in the event of a gas leak or leakage of the connections, no maintenance or repair fees will be charged.

Filling out the act

After the inspection has been completed, a regulatory document is drawn up, in which the obtained data are entered:

  • date and address;
  • subscriber data;
  • Name and positions of those who drew up the contract;
  • assessment of the technical condition of HE;
  • information about the detected malfunctions;
  • advice on the subsequent operation of gas appliances.

The inspection report must be drawn up in three copies: for the home owner, the management company and the gas supplying organization. If during the inspection malfunctions of the gas equipment were found, the act serves as the basis for prohibiting the use of equipment with defects and limiting its use for residents.

How often to carry out maintenance

VDGO must be checked at least once in a three-year period. The frequency of checks depends on the manufacturer's specific regulations. After the expiry of the service life specified in the documentation, the device can be operated further if its technical condition allows it.

This can be confirmed or refuted by the appropriate checks, which in this case are carried out with the frequency of one check per year. If the manufacturer does not specify the warranty period for the use of gas equipment, its maximum probable period of operation is established - 15 years. Gas consumption meters must be changed every 10-12 years.

The cost of work under a maintenance agreement varies depending on the region. Remember that consumers who avoid signing an agreement to inspect gas equipment run the risk of being cut off from gas supplies. Therefore, for gas and other utilities, and also do not neglect regular inspections of gas appliances. Not only the ability to use natural gas for domestic needs depends on this, but also your safety.

More recently, the Russian government obliged all citizens to conclude contracts for the maintenance of gas equipment.

According to the agreement, gas workers must carry out preventive checks on the health of gas appliances and troubleshoot problems.

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The legislative framework

In connection with the increasing incidence of accidents in residential premises, gas workers were waiting for the Government to pass a law obliging citizens carry out annual supervisory checks of in-house and in-house equipment.

Most of the accidents that occur could have been prevented if instrument malfunctions were noticed on time specialists and eliminated.

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 410 was adopted on May 14, 2013. According to this document, citizens are required to conclude contracts for the maintenance of gas equipment with specialized organizations.

This Law actually shifted responsibility for the technical condition of devices from gas workers to the owners of residential premises. And the owners are all thinking whether to conclude or not.

If the owners refuse to conclude an agreement, service organizations have the right to stop the supply of gas to a house or apartment on completely legal grounds.

List of gas equipment subject to inspection

Any gas appliances installed in an apartment, private and apartment building are subject to inspection and maintenance.

At the same time, all equipment installed in an apartment building can be divided into general and intra-apartment buildings:

  • General building: risers to intra-apartment cranes and metering devices;
  • Intra-apartment: all gas appliances located directly in the apartment.

Previously, all equipment in the apartment building was under the control of the Management Company (MC), and this organization was responsible for both repairs and maintenance.

The managers entered into contracts with gas organizations independently, without the participation of the owners of the premises. Service fees were automatically divided and included in payments.

With the adoption of the Resolution in 2013, the area of ​​responsibility of the Management Company and the owners was clearly delineated:

  1. gas stoves, boilers and water heaters are the private property of citizens, therefore, they themselves must conclude an agreement for their maintenance and be responsible for their safe operation;
  2. The UK is responsible only for common house equipment, and the contract is concluded only for it.

What organizations serve the home?

Only specialized organizations have the right to service gas appliances., such as Gorgaz.

Her state should be emergency dispatch service.

These organizations include gas distribution companies that transport gas directly to consumers and have an agreement with fuel suppliers.

The personnel of such an organization has permission to work and undergoes appropriate certification. within the timeframes regulated by by-laws.

Service contract

This document is a two-way agreement between the home owner and the service provider.

This the document is typical and contains information about what is included in the list of services:

  1. personal data of the owner of the living space and the address of the premises;
  2. name and account details of the service organization;
  3. equipment list installed in the apartment;
  4. list of works and services performed on the basis of a contract;
  5. document timing;
  6. service price and the procedure for making payment.

IMPORTANT. The cost of the contract depends on the type and number of gas appliances installed in the apartment. The fee is charged according to the organization's price list, and consists of the prices for each unit.

How does the agreement of the parties work?

After signing and paying for the contract the service organization checks and minor repairs of all equipment in the apartment... Employees carry out the following types of work:

  • compliance of equipment installation with regulatory requirements security;
  • control of tightness of joints and integrity of parts supplying gas to devices;
  • checking the performance of devices, including the operation of cranes and valves;
  • control of draft force of ventilation pipes and channels;
  • instructing consumers on safety use of devices.

IMPORTANT. During the term of the contract, the elimination of gas leaks and sealing of connections are free of charge. If a malfunction of the devices is found or any parts fail, replacements and repairs are carried out at the expense of the owner.

Terms of the contract and frequency of inspections

The document has a validity period of at least three years.

During the validity of the agreement, the service organization, at least once a year, carry out a control check and issue an act to the owner.

If the consumer notices a malfunction of the equipment in the form of gas leakage from the connecting parts, he must immediately call the employees of the service organization to eliminate it.

Responsibility for the absence of a maintenance document

Gas is a source of increased danger. If the owner is still thinking whether it is necessary to conclude a contract, then the equipment in his apartment is not checked for faults.

Untested equipment in an apartment building is especially dangerous, since in the event of an explosion or a gas leak, not only the owner of a particular room may suffer, but also all residents.

Technical inspection and maintenance of gas appliances is a prerequisite for the supply of gas inside residential premises.

Only after inspection by specialists can the correct operation of the devices and their safety be guaranteed.... If such an inspection is not carried out, suppliers can stop delivering gas.

Of course, the delivery will stop after a warning has been sent to the owner. Having received such a warning, you will in any case be obliged to check and conclude a service contract, and not decide who needs it.

The initiator of the conclusion of the contract must be the owner of the home... The organization only invites him to do this, and the responsibility for the conclusion lies entirely with the owner.

In some cases, the Criminal Code takes the initiative and enters into an agreement on behalf of the owners. With this form of paperwork, the service fee is included in payments for the apartment.

Where can you get it?

To conclude an agreement, the owner can contact the territorial specialized organization... Its address can be found in the Criminal Code or in the notification received by mail. Most often, the organization has the name "Gorgaz", it is she who is the intermediary between gas consumers and its suppliers.

When signing a document for the maintenance of gas equipment need documents:

  1. passport,
  2. apartment documents,
  3. the documents equipment installed in the apartment.

The conclusion of a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment is the responsibility of each owner of a living space. Without its presence, the controlling organizations can stop gas supplies to the apartment.

A sample contract for the maintenance of gas equipment can be downloaded.

You can refuse the conclusion only if:

  1. lack of gas supply to a specific room;
  2. in the presence of a concluded general house agreement.

We watch the video about how the agreement for the maintenance of gas equipment guarantees safety: