The best natural antidepressants. antidepressant products antidepressant products for women

Antidepressant products: what is the benefit of seizing stress?

“Old age is not necessarily a period when matters of the heart turn into cardiovascular matters.” (With)

1. Bitter chocolate

Dark chocolate contains a substance that is a precursor to serotonin (the happy hormone).

2. Kiwi

Kiwi contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is involved in the synthesis of serotonin. In addition, vitamin C helps maintain high levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in the transmission of nerve impulses.

3. Mint

Peppermint is rich in folic acid, a deficiency of which causes depression.

Our mood depends not only on external circumstances and health, but also on the function of the endocrine glands: the hypothalamus and the pineal gland. The hormones that they produce regulate our sleep, the state of the immune system, emotional mood and the degree of protection of the body in stressful situations.

A special place is occupied by neurotransmitters - chemicals in the brain that transmit information from one neuron to another.

They are synthesized by amino acids, and their formation requires a constant supply of certain nutrients in our diet. The best known neurotransmitters that affect the human neuropsychiatric state are serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine (dopamine), acetylcholine and gamma-aminobutyric acid.

What substances regulate our mood?

Of all these substances, dopamine (dopamine) and serotonin most significantly affect our mood.

Dopamine causes a feeling of pleasure when we do things we enjoy (e.g. eating, listening to music, exercising). Thanks to it, we can be active, motivated and feel satisfied.

By the way, drugs such as cocaine, nicotine, opiates, heroin and alcohol increase dopamine levels. For this reason, many researchers believe that a dopamine deficiency in the brain is behind some people's tendency to smoke, use drugs and alcohol, gamble, and overeat.

A decrease in the level of dopamine leads to a deterioration in memory and concentration, a decrease in vital energy (the so-called "vital activity"), a person ceases to enjoy life and becomes prone to bad habits and obsessive states.

A lack of dopamine in the corresponding areas of the brain leads to a loss of initiative (to “sitting and dreaming”), a more serious deficiency leads to a complete inability to take an active action. However, it must be remembered that an excess of this substance contributes to the behavior associated with the "search for pleasure" (hedonic behavior).

Serotonin in our body is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan, which comes from food. It is involved in the regulation of mood, suppresses anxiety, affects libido and appetite. With its deficiency, social disorders, phobias, sleep and memory disorders, as well as disorders of the cardiovascular and endocrine functions can be observed.

Low levels of serotonin can lead to depressed mood, anxiety, decreased energy, migraines, sleep disturbances, obsessive or manic states, feelings of tension and irritation, cravings for sweets or, conversely, loss of appetite, impaired memory and concentration, angry and aggressive behavior. , slow muscle movements and slow speech.

By the way, serotonin deficiency contributes to alcoholism (alcohol temporarily increases serotonin levels, but lowers it in the long term). An excessive amount of serotonin causes calmness, a decrease in sexual arousal, a feeling of well-being, bliss.

However, extremely high levels of serotonin can be toxic, but it is impossible to achieve such levels through food. This condition can only occur with the abuse of antidepressants.

Antidepressant Products

How can foods regulate mood?

Increasing the level of serotonin in a natural way gives a diet rich in tryptophan, vitamins, zinc and poor in “empty” carbohydrates. And, of course, it is a misconception that ready-made serotonin is already found in foods. Serotonin is produced in the brain from the essential amino acid tryptophan.

Tryptophan is found in meat, eggs, cheese, bananas, milk, and yogurt.

However, without sufficient amounts of vitamins B3, B6, omega-3 fatty acids, tryptophan can be processed into a different chemical formula and turn into a substance that does not affect mood. Therefore, it is important to consume foods that are sources of these essential substances.

To increase the amount of dopamine in the body, which affects mood and motivation, the content of the preceding amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine should be increased in the diet.

These amino acids are converted to dopamine by vitamin co-factors such as vitamin B6 and folic acid. Large amounts of dopamine precursors are found in beets, soy, meat, almonds, cereals, and eggs.

Folic acid and iron are also important for participating in the production of substances that regulate mood. A study at King's College Hospital in London, for example, found that 33 percent of patients with mental disorders, including depression, were deficient in folic acid and iron.

The amount of serotonin in our body is affected by the level of female sex hormones (estrogen). In this regard, some women in the premenstrual period, as well as in menopause, have problems with mood. In addition, we must remember that stress reduces the amount of serotonin, as the body uses its reserves to calm down.

Physical exercise and good lighting help to stimulate the synthesis of serotonin and increase its amount. Antidepressants also help the brain replenish serotonin stores.

Mood enhancing products

It is worth noting that the recommended antidepressant products do not contain these neurotransmitters. Both serotonin and dopamine are produced only by the human body when eating food rich in precursor substances already known to you (carbohydrates, tryptophan, tyrosine, etc.), from which they are synthesized.

A fish

Fatty fish (herring, sardines, mackerel, salmon, cod, salmon) are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which regulate serotonin levels. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, in addition to fish, include nuts, seeds, avocados, unrefined vegetable oil.

By including at least 200 grams of oily fish twice a week (per week), you will provide your body with the necessary amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

Antidepressant foods: fish

Chicken, turkey, lean pork and beef, egg white, lean dairy

They are the leading sources of tyrosine and tryptophan amino acids and B vitamins necessary for the synthesis of “pleasure hormones”.

In particular, meat contains pantothenic acid, which is involved in the production of the amino acid phenylalanine, which is a precursor to dopamine, a hormone that improves mood and prevents the development of depression.

sea ​​kale

Seaweed is rich in B vitamins that regulate the work of the adrenal glands and, accordingly, the production of the hormone adrenaline, the lack of which can cause chronic fatigue.

It is also a leading source of organic iodine and other trace elements that normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, on the activity of which our mood depends.

It is better to buy seaweed not pickled, but dried, and then cook it yourself at home, or grind it in a coffee grinder and use it as a seasoning and as a substitute for table salt.

Fruits, especially bananas

In addition to tryptophan, bananas contain vitamin B6, which, as already mentioned, is necessary for the synthesis of serotonin, the main mood regulator.

In addition, bananas are rich in the alkaloid harman, which is based on the "happiness drug" - mescaline, which can cause a feeling of euphoria. To maintain strength, it is recommended to eat 1 banana, mashed and poured with boiling water (in the form of mashed potatoes).

bitter chocolate

Cocoa beans, from which chocolate is obtained, contain phenylethylamine, which contributes to the production of endorphins in the body - mood-enhancing substances. In addition, cocoa beans contain magnesium, which can relieve stress.

Dishes from oatmeal and buckwheat

Like meat, oatmeal and buckwheat contain the precursor of serotonin, the amino acid tryptophan.

These products also contain complex carbohydrates, which, being slowly absorbed, normalize blood sugar levels, therefore, regulate the concentration of insulin.

And insulin, in turn, performs the function of transporting tryptophan to the brain, where it is already processed into serotonin.


Especially leafy greens, tomatoes, chili peppers, beets, garlic, broccoli, celery and cauliflower are sources of essential substances (vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, B9, PP, minerals: potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, manganese, iodine, chromium, boron), which are necessary for the formation of the main neurotransmitters.

Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that regulates metabolic processes in the brain, which helps to cope with depression.

In addition, tomatoes contain other "mood enhancers" such as folic acid and magnesium, as well as iron and vitamin B6, which are important for the brain's production of mood-regulating neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

Beets contain another active substance - betaine - a vitamin-like compound that affects the hormonal status of a woman, thereby contributing to the normalization of mood in the premenstrual and menopause periods.

Thanks to capsaicin in chili peppers, dishes become not only spicy, but also healing for our mood.

The fact is that in response to the use of this irritating substance, our brain produces endorphins - natural compounds that have a calming effect.

As for garlic, it contains a large amount of chromium, which affects the regulation of the formation of serotonin, the “happy” chemical.


Unlike useless refined sugar, honey contains B vitamins, folic acid, iron, manganese, chromium plus about 180 biologically active compounds such as quercetin and caffeic acid, which increase the production of “mood hormones” and energy in the brain.

Anti-stress diet menu

Breakfast: 2 tsp sprouted and washed grains with sprouts 1.5-3 mm long, oatmeal muesli with dried apricots, raisins and nuts, a cup of cocoa, 2 slices of toaster-dried rye bread, banana.

Second breakfast: orange, 2-3 cubes of dark chocolate and a cup of green tea, rye or oatmeal bread.

Lunch: vegetable soup, side dish of brown rice or buckwheat, a piece of chicken or fish, a salad of tomatoes and sweet peppers with vegetable oil and chili, rye bread, green tea or mineral water.

Snack: yogurt and chocolate chip cookies, raisins, dates, nuts.

Dinner: vegetable stew (stewed asparagus, peppers, kohlrabi, celery root and greens, tomatoes), cheese or cheese. Juice or biokefir. Before going to bed - hot milk or a cup of cocoa with milk and honey or an infusion of a phyto-collection-mood regulator + a tablet of brewer's yeast.

Herbs that regulate mood

Of the medicinal herbs that have a sedative effect, the root and leaves of valerian, oregano, lemon balm, St. John's wort and hops will help reduce emotional stress during stress.

With stress, depression, apathy, it is useful to brew tea from St. John's wort, rose hips, raspberry or strawberry leaves, oregano and mint. It is better to use a thermos: a handful of wild rose, 1 tbsp. herbs, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for at least 2 hours.

You can not filter, but add boiling water during the day. In the morning, prepare a new infusion.

This soothing tea can be drunk throughout the day, 5-7 days.

An infusion of St. John's wort and valerian root will also be effective: 1 tbsp. St. John's wort, 1 tsp valerian root. Prepare and take in the same way as the previous collection.

Try brewing this soothing herbal tea instead of regular or green tea for a week - you will feel a noticeable improvement in your emotional state.

Antidepressant Products: Herbal Decoction

An infusion of hop cones and mint acts similarly to synthetic tranquilizers, but has no side effects and is safe for health.

The infusion is prepared as follows: 1 tsp. hop cones and mint steamed with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes, strain and drink in 2 doses, adding a slice of lemon and tsp. honey.

In order to normalize sleep and ease the psychological stress of the body, you can prepare a sachet from the collection of herbs: hop cones, lavender, oregano, lemon balm. With this collection, it is necessary to fill a small pillow made of cotton or linen and put it under the pillow at the head of the head.

In addition, aromatic essential oils will help improve your mood: lavender - soothes, ylang-ylang - relaxes and reduces stress, cedar helps to cope with anxiety and fears.

Other aromatic oils will help during the day: orange oil tones, reduces mental fatigue, spruce and pine oil also tones and stimulates physical and mental performance.

Everyone knows the state when nothing in life pleases, everything is tired, you don’t want anything, and even the warm rays of the spring sun do not save. We are sad, nervous, sleep poorly, that is, we are in a state of stress, from which we need to somehow get out. Natural antidepressants will help us with this - products that have a beneficial effect on the body, increasing the concentration of serotonin and norepinephrine - the so-called happiness hormones that can affect our well-being and mood.

How can these hormones help with depression? Serotonin will increase muscle tone, cheer up, create emotional stability, improve self-control, thanks to which feelings of satisfaction, joy, and positive emotions will appear. Noripinefrin will increase energy, induce to action, provide a reaction of readiness, composure. It should be remembered that serotonin, like noripinephrine, is not found in foods, they are produced by the body, and food rich in tryptophan, tyrosine and carbohydrates stimulates their synthesis.


One of the most famous antidepressants. But if you are used to pampering yourself with white chocolate, then you should not expect an antidepressant effect from it. The fact is that it does not contain theobromine, a tonic substance found in cocoa products. Most of the theobromine is in dark chocolate, and the higher the percentage of grated cocoa seeds, the better the antidepressant effect.

Introduce some positivity into your diet! The aroma of chocolate relieves irritation and pacifies, and the phenylethylamine contained in it contributes to the production of happiness hormones. In general, chocolate contains substances that improve digestion, increase efficiency and stress resistance, have a tonic effect and improve mood, and a high magnesium content will make the nervous system more stable. Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals that lead to stress, and riboflavin will provoke the production of serotonin, which means there will be no more depression.


Almonds help the body cope with stress. Like chocolate, it contains magnesium, which means that the nervous system will cope with all emotional disturbances. Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals that lead to a state of stress, and riboflavin, better known as vitamin B 2, will provoke the production of serotonin, which means that you will have to forget about depression and other bad moods.

Almonds will help to cope with aggression, irritability and fatigue, but in your desire to get rid of the negative reactions of the nervous system, do not overdo it. Almonds are a very high-calorie product, so it is recommended to use them in small portions up to 50 grams per day, dried or fried.


Recently, seafood has become almost indispensable food, and as it turned out, for good reason. Due to the high content of vitamins A, D, B 2 , B 12 , PP, protein, phosphorus and zinc, they have an antidepressant effect. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which relieve the body of stress and increase serotonin levels. Eat a salmon steak or sushi, depression may not go away at all, but your mood will definitely improve!

Trout contains fat-soluble vitamins, fatty acids, vitamins B 6 and B 12, which stimulate the production of the hormone of happiness. Seaweed contains pantothenic acid, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the adrenal glands that produce adrenaline. Include seafood in the menu, they will increase efficiency and energy metabolism, relieve irritability and, ultimately, improve mood.


Broccoli cabbage contains vitamins A, C, E, B 1, B 2, PP and useful substances such as potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, manganese, iodine, chromium and boron. Broccoli is rich in folic acid, which can help manage anxiety, improve the body's response to stress, and help manage panic attacks.

Broccoli helps cleanse the entire body, neutralizes toxins and carcinogens, restores hormonal balance, and thanks to the amino acid tyrosine, it helps fight stress, calms, promotes balance, harmony, relieves emotional stress and relaxes in stressful situations.

Milk products

From early childhood, we are forced to drink milk and rightly so! It turns out that by drinking milk every day, we not only saturate our teeth and bones with calcium, but also suppress the production of stress hormones. Antioxidants, trace elements and B vitamins successfully fight nervous disorders, soothe, increase the level of tryptophan in the blood and provoke the production of serotonin.

In stressful situations, the body's need for vitamins B 1, B 2, B 5 and B 6 increases 5 times, due to increased metabolic processes. Cottage cheese contains vitamins B 1 and B 2, which give vivacity, good mood, energy and freshness. Hard cheeses also have an antidepressant effect due to the amino acids tyramine, trictamine and phenylethylamine, which stimulate the production of the hormone of happiness.


To always be in good shape, sweeten your life with bananas. Bananas have a balanced vitamin composition. They contain a large amount of vitamins E and C, as well as a high content of vitamin B 6, which is a quarter of the recommended daily allowance. The composition of the banana includes three natural sugars: sucrose, fructose and glucose, which, in combination with fiber, gives a long-term boost of strength and calms the nervous system.

The sweet pulp of a banana promotes the production of serotonin in the body, which will help to cope with melancholy and irritability. The potassium contained in bananas will help get rid of accumulated fatigue, and a small amount of the alkaloid harman, which is part of the banana, causes a state of euphoria, happiness and delight. Thus, bananas are not only satiating, but also an excellent source of energy and good mood.


If vegetarianism is not for you, then feel free to lean on meat. Lean beef is ideal, it contains vitamins B and E, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, calcium and many other elements that fight weakness, depressed mood, strengthen muscles and increase stamina. Turkey meat is an excellent source of pantothenic acid, which is involved in the production of anti-stress hormones. The amino acid phenylalanine, which is part of the turkey, is converted into the hormone dopamine, which elevates mood and prevents the development of depression.

Lamb is saturated with vitamins B, PP, E, iodine, fluorine, potassium and magnesium, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the body. Rabbit meat is a white meat rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins. It includes minerals such as phosphorus, fluorine, iron, potassium and manganese, vitamins B 6, B 12, C and PP, while rabbit meat practically does not contain sodium salts and fats, which means that mood improvement will occur without the participation of extra calories .


Do you try to eat oatmeal every morning? So you are immune to depression! Oatmeal not only contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body, but also removes toxins, relieves insomnia and puts nerves in order. By eating oatmeal, you will saturate the body with thiamine, which is known as the vitamin of optimism, keep you feeling full and make sure that your blood sugar levels are normal.

In addition, scientists advise choosing healthy sources of carbohydrates, which is oatmeal. Complex carbohydrates contribute to the production of the hormone serotonin, which is involved in the fight against negative emotions and anxiety, improves mood, tones the body and energizes.

In autumn, most of us are subject to frequent mood swings, not for the better. Increased fatigue, reduced performance. Cold and overcast skies irritate, monotonous rain brings melancholy. Often we try to eat our bad mood. On the one hand, food really affects not only our weight and body condition, but also our mood, on the other hand, you need to know what to eat in order to recharge with positive. Here are the products.

(Total 15 photos)

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Fatty fish (herring, sardines, mackerel, salmon, cod, salmon) are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, thanks to which the fish has become a remedy for bad mood. Only in lightly salted fish are polyunsaturated fatty acids formed the most. However, the amino acid tryptophan (in fact, from which serotonin is formed - the “hormone of happiness”) remains in fish of any preparation. That is why fish dishes should certainly be on your table.

In addition to the above, oily fish has a large amount of vitamin B6, which improves mood and strengthens the immune system. It is advisable to consume fish at least three or four times a week for 100-150 g. And if daily, then 50-70 g.

2. Bright vegetables and fruits

Vegetables that have a bright color: beets, eggplant, carrots, sweet peppers, persimmons, tangerines, oranges and other colorful vegetables also have the ability to cheer up. It has long been known that bright saturated colors can drive away longing and charge with a positive attitude.

However, this is not the only thing. Fruits and vegetables of rich colors contain bioflavonoids that improve blood circulation in the brain. As a result of their use, the brain receives more oxygen, you begin to feel noticeably better, and your mood naturally rises from this.

3. Chicken broth

Chicken broth has a property that affects calmness. With small nervous stresses, this is an excellent remedy for depression. Chicken meat contains proteins made up of the amino acid tryptophan. Once in the body, it is converted into serotonin - the "hormone of happiness", which affects our mood.

4. Sea cabbage

Seaweed is extremely enriched with B vitamins, which regulate the work of the adrenal glands and, accordingly, the hormone adrenaline, the lack of which can cause chronic fatigue, as a result of which the mood worsens.

It is recommended to buy seaweed not canned (such cabbage often contains harmful flavors), but freshly prepared salads that can be found on the market or in the culinary departments. And after that, season it yourself with spices and other ingredients (carrots, mushrooms, sesame seeds, etc.).

Bananas, in addition to serotonin, contain vitamin B6, which, as already mentioned, is necessary to improve mood. In addition, bananas are enriched with the alkaloid Harman, which can cause a feeling of euphoria, that is, they are biogenic amines, in which, as you know, serotonin is produced. It is also useful to eat these fruits for chronic fatigue and blues.

All nuts, like oily fish, are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can ensure the proper functioning of brain cells and help eliminate symptoms of depression. In addition, nuts contain the amino acid tryptophan already known to us and the uplifting vitamin B6. In addition, nuts contain a mineral called selenium, which is essential for a good mood.

It is worth knowing that the level of selenium in the blood as the body ages decreases by 7% after 60 years and by 25% after 75. Therefore, doctors advise older people to eat more nuts. You can eat up to 30 g of this product per day.

7. Bitter chocolate

Cocoa beans, from which chocolate is obtained, contain a substance called phenylethylamine, which contributes to the production of happy hormones in the body - endorphins, which are produced in increased quantities in lovers. And people in love, as a rule, are happy, like children. In addition, cocoa beans contain magnesium, which can relieve stress. However, it is worth knowing that only dark chocolate has all of the above qualities. Dairy will bring much less benefit.

Cheese contains amino acids that contribute to a good mood: tyramine, tryptamine and phenylethylamine. Cheese of any kind will cheer you up.

10. Oatmeal and buckwheat

Like chicken meat, oatmeal and buckwheat contain the amino acid tryptophan. Being processed in the body, it forms the “happiness hormone” serotonin. These products also contain carbohydrates, which, being slowly absorbed, normalize blood sugar levels, preventing it from going beyond.

Enemies of Good Mood:

11. Alcohol and tonic drinks

Alcohol and caffeine, which is found in tonic and energy drinks (for example, cola), amuse and energize for only a small amount of time. In fact, they only make the work of the adrenal glands harder and contribute to an increase in blood sugar levels.

12. Excessive consumption of coffee and tea

Repeated drinking of coffee and tea usually leads to insomnia and mood swings.

13. Sweet

Various types of sweets, including sugary drinks, also lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar, which contributes to chronic fatigue syndrome.

14. Low fat products

Frequent consumption of low-fat foods also leads to depression.

15. Cigarettes

Smoking, like alcohol and strong coffee, can lead to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body to function properly. And their lack entirely affects the mood.

Depression is not just a bad mood and apathy. Depression is a disease, including it is accompanied by a lack of vitamins and nutrients. In the early stages, it is not at all necessary to grab pills, it is enough to include special antidepressant products in your diet. They will help saturate the body with everything necessary and useful, cope with temporary difficulties and bring vigor.

To fight depression, our body needs to monitor the content of special substances:

tryptophan. It is an essential amino acid that we can only get from food. In the process of its multi-stage synthesis, serotonin is formed, which is called the hormone of happiness. For the successful production of the hormone, auxiliary elements are also needed: carbohydrates, B vitamins, magnesium and zinc. If all these substances are not in the body, then it will be difficult for tryptophan to get to the brain and begin the synthesis of serotonin.

Cortisol. This is a stress hormone, it is produced in a moment of danger and when a person is hungry. The level of this hormone in the blood must be lowered. After all, a high level of cortisol leads to constant stress, increased irritability, and worsens metabolism. We inherited this hormone from primitive people: once it was necessary to make them act - run away from wild animals or, conversely, go hunting if you want to eat. Life has changed, and in moments of stress, you no longer need to run somewhere headlong, and cortisol in the blood requires movement and food. That is why if stress becomes chronic, we begin to gain weight.

Dopamine. Causes a feeling of pleasure when we do what we like (for example, sports). Thanks to dopamine, we can be active, motivated and feel satisfied. To regulate the level of a substance in the blood, you need to consume the amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine, vitamin B6 and folic acid.

Antidepressant products that help maintain an even good mood and energize:


No wonder cocoa is the most popular drink in autumn. This is because cocoa beans contain a very large dose of tryptophan. They also have invigorating caffeine, so you can start your working day in a brisk way.


It contains a lot of vitamins A and E, as well as fatty acids - substances that are called natural antidepressants. Cheese also contains tryptophan, which reduces stress and relieves irritation and anger. Cheese also helps to improve sleep and sleep peacefully all night, scientists even recommend eating a small piece of cheese at night, just remember that cheese is extremely high in calories.


A natural antidepressant that can relieve nervous tension, overcome seasonal depression, improve mood, because this fruit is rich in magnesium and iodine, it has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and thyroid gland - the creators of our well-being and mood.


In terms of the amount of magnesium and potassium, plums are champions of the autumn garden. And these elements are very necessary for a good mood. In addition, plums are a powerful antioxidant due to the presence of polyphenolic compounds, so they will also be an excellent sweet remedy for seasonal depression and stress.



This cabbage has a huge amount of vitamins and minerals: vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B9, PP, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, manganese, iodine, chromium, boron. Thanks to this set, broccoli can eliminate manifestations of stress, relieve inexplicable anxiety, and improve mood.


Almonds contain vitamin E, which has a calming effect and reduces the level of stress hormones.


The main wealth of beans is magnesium, an element that relaxes muscles, and, accordingly, calms. Indeed, in a relaxed body, the nervous system calms down automatically. Magnesium also helps regulate cortisol levels, a substance responsible for relieving stress and a harmonious, calm mood.


Lingonberries, currants, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries... All these berries are extremely useful, they effectively fight irritability and apathy with the help of B vitamins and folic acid.

Seafood and fish

They are high in healthy fats that aid in the absorption of vitamin D, an important element for a cheerful mood. Also in the fish there is tryptophan and vitamin B6, which increases immunity and energizes.

Medicinal herbs

In pharmacies, infusion of valerian or motherwort is in great demand. These herbs reduce emotional tension during stress and help manage panic attacks. But other medicinal herbs can also help:
  • Melissa
  • St. John's wort
  • hop
  • oregano
  • rose hip

Regular use of herbal teas will help normalize the state of stress:

1 handful of wild rose

1 tbsp raspberry leaf

1 tbsp oregano

1 tbsp dry mint

1 tbsp Hypericum

Herbs mix, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Strain and drink a glass throughout the day.

1 tbsp Hypericum

1 tsp valerian

Mix, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse for an hour and drink throughout the day, at least 2 weeks in a row.

Our mood depends not only on external circumstances and health, but also on the function of the endocrine glands: the hypothalamus and the pineal gland. The hormones that they produce regulate our sleep, the state of the immune system, emotional mood and the degree of protection of the body in stressful situations. A special place is occupied by neurotransmitters - chemicals in the brain that transmit information from one neuron to another. They are synthesized by amino acids, and their formation requires a constant supply of certain nutrients in our diet. The best known neurotransmitters that affect the human neuropsychiatric state are serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine (dopamine), acetylcholine and gamma-aminobutyric acid.

What substances regulate our mood?

Of all these substances, dopamine (dopamine) and serotonin most significantly affect our mood.

dopamine causes a feeling of pleasure when we do things that we enjoy (for example, eat, listen to music, play sports). Thanks to it, we can be active, motivated and feel satisfied. By the way, drugs such as cocaine, nicotine, opiates, heroin and alcohol increase dopamine levels. For this reason, many researchers believe that a dopamine deficiency in the brain is behind some people's tendency to smoke, use drugs and alcohol, gamble, and overeat. A decrease in the level of dopamine leads to a deterioration in memory and concentration, a decrease in vital energy (the so-called "vital activity"), a person ceases to enjoy life and becomes prone to bad habits and obsessive states. A lack of dopamine in the corresponding areas of the brain leads to a loss of initiative (to “sitting and dreaming”), a more serious deficiency leads to a complete inability to take an active action. However, it must be remembered that an excess of this substance contributes to the behavior associated with the "search for pleasure" (hedonic behavior).

Serotonin in our body is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan, which comes with food. It is involved in the regulation of mood, suppresses anxiety, affects libido and appetite. With its deficiency, social disorders, phobias, sleep and memory disorders, as well as disorders of the cardiovascular and endocrine functions can be observed. Low levels of serotonin can lead to depressed mood, anxiety, decreased energy, migraines, sleep disturbances, obsessive or manic states, feelings of tension and irritation, cravings for sweets or, conversely, loss of appetite, impaired memory and concentration, angry and aggressive behavior. , slow muscle movements and slow speech.

By the way, serotonin deficiency contributes to alcoholism (alcohol temporarily increases serotonin levels, but lowers it in the long term). An excessive amount of serotonin causes calmness, a decrease in sexual arousal, a feeling of well-being, bliss. However, extremely high levels of serotonin can be toxic, but it is impossible to achieve such levels through food. This condition can only occur with the abuse of antidepressants.

How can foods regulate mood?

Increasing the level of serotonin in a natural way gives a diet rich in tryptophan, vitamins, zinc and poor in “empty” carbohydrates. And, of course, it is a misconception that ready-made serotonin is already found in foods. Serotonin is produced in the brain from the essential amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is found in meat, eggs, cheese, bananas, milk, and yogurt. However, without sufficient amounts of vitamins B3, B6, omega-3 fatty acids, tryptophan can be processed into a different chemical formula and turn into a substance that does not affect mood. Therefore, it is important to consume foods that are sources of these essential substances.

To increase the amount of dopamine in the body, which affects mood and motivation, the content of the preceding amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine should be increased in the diet. These amino acids are converted to dopamine by vitamin co-factors such as vitamin B6 and folic acid. Beets, soy, meat, almonds, cereals, and eggs are rich in dopamine precursors. Folic acid and iron are also important for participating in the production of mood-regulating substances. A study at King's College Hospital in London, for example, found that 33 percent of patients with mental disorders, including depression, were deficient in folic acid and iron.

The amount of serotonin in our body is affected by the level of female sex hormones (estrogen). In this regard, some women in the premenstrual period, as well as in menopause, have problems with mood. In addition, we must remember that stress reduces the amount of serotonin, as the body uses its reserves to calm down.

Physical exercise and good lighting help to stimulate the synthesis of serotonin and increase its amount. Antidepressants also help the brain replenish serotonin stores.

Mood enhancing products

It is worth noting that the recommended antidepressant products do not contain these neurotransmitters. Both serotonin and dopamine are produced only by the human body when eating food rich in precursor substances already known to you (carbohydrates, tryptophan, tyrosine, etc.), from which they are synthesized.

A fish

Fatty fish (herring, sardines, mackerel, salmon, cod, salmon) are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which regulate serotonin levels. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, in addition to fish, include nuts, seeds, avocados, unrefined vegetable oil. By including at least 200 grams of oily fish twice a week (per week), you will provide your body with the necessary amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

Chicken, turkey, lean pork and beef, egg white, lean dairy

They are the leading sources of tyrosine and tryptophan amino acids and B vitamins necessary for the synthesis of “pleasure hormones”. In particular, meat contains pantothenic acid, which is involved in the production of the amino acid phenylalanine, which is a precursor to dopamine, a hormone that improves mood and prevents the development of depression.

Seaweed is rich in B vitamins that regulate the work of the adrenal glands and, accordingly, the production of the hormone adrenaline, the lack of which can cause chronic fatigue. It is also a leading source of organic iodine and other trace elements that normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, on the activity of which our mood depends. It is better to buy seaweed not pickled, but dried, and then cook it yourself at home, or grind it in a coffee grinder and use it as a seasoning and as a substitute for table salt.

Fruits, especially bananas

In addition to tryptophan, bananas contain vitamin B6, which, as already mentioned, is necessary for the synthesis of serotonin, the main mood regulator. In addition, bananas are rich in the alkaloid harman, which is based on the "happiness drug" - mescaline, which can cause a feeling of euphoria. To maintain strength, it is recommended to eat 1 banana, mashed and poured with boiling water (in the form of mashed potatoes).

Cocoa beans, from which chocolate is obtained, contain phenylethylamine, which contributes to the production of endorphins in the body - mood-enhancing substances. In addition, cocoa beans contain magnesium, which can relieve stress.

Dishes from oatmeal and buckwheat

Like meat, oatmeal and buckwheat contain the precursor of serotonin, the amino acid tryptophan. These products also contain complex carbohydrates, which, being slowly absorbed, normalize blood sugar levels, therefore, regulate the concentration of insulin. And insulin, in turn, performs the function of transporting tryptophan to the brain, where it is already processed into serotonin.

Especially leafy greens, tomatoes, chili peppers, beets, garlic, broccoli, celery and cauliflower are sources of essential substances (vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, B9, PP, minerals: potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, manganese, iodine, chromium, boron), which are necessary for the formation of the main neurotransmitters. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that regulates metabolic processes in the brain, which helps to cope with depression. In addition, tomatoes contain other "mood enhancers" such as folic acid and magnesium, as well as iron and vitamin B6, which are important for the brain's production of mood-regulating neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

Beets contain another active substance - betaine - a vitamin-like compound that affects the hormonal status of a woman, thereby contributing to the normalization of mood in the premenstrual and menopause periods. Thanks to capsaicin in chili peppers, dishes become not only spicy, but also healing for our mood. The fact is that in response to the use of this irritating substance, our brain produces endorphins - natural compounds that have a calming effect. As for garlic, it contains a large amount of chromium, which affects the regulation of the formation of serotonin, the “happy” chemical.

Unlike useless refined sugar, honey contains B vitamins, folic acid, iron, manganese, chromium plus about 180 biologically active compounds such as quercetin and caffeic acid, which increase the production of “mood hormones” and energy in the brain.

Anti-stress diet menu

Breakfast: 2 tsp sprouted and washed grains with sprouts 1.5-3 mm long, oatmeal muesli with dried apricots, raisins and nuts, a cup of cocoa, 2 slices of toaster-dried rye bread, banana.

Lunch: orange, 2-3 cubes of dark chocolate and a cup of green tea, rye or oatmeal bread.

Dinner: vegetable soup, side dish of brown rice or buckwheat, a piece of chicken or fish, a salad of tomatoes and sweet peppers with vegetable oil and chili, rye bread, green tea or mineral water.

Afternoon snack: yogurt and chocolate chip cookies, raisins, dates, nuts.

Dinner: vegetable stew (stewed asparagus, peppers, kohlrabi, celery root and greens, tomatoes), cheese or cheese. Juice or biokefir. Before going to bed - hot milk or a cup of cocoa with milk and honey or an infusion of a phyto-collection-mood regulator + a tablet of brewer's yeast.

Herbs that regulate mood

Of the medicinal herbs that have a sedative effect, the root and leaves of valerian, oregano, lemon balm, St. John's wort and hops will help reduce emotional stress during stress.

With stress, depression, apathy, it is useful to brew tea from St. John's wort, rose hips, raspberry or strawberry leaves, oregano and mint. It is better to use a thermos: a handful of wild rose, 1 tbsp. herbs, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for at least 2 hours. You can not filter, but add boiling water during the day. In the morning, prepare a new infusion. This soothing tea can be drunk throughout the day, 5-7 days.

An infusion of St. John's wort and valerian root will also be effective: 1 tbsp. St. John's wort, 1 tsp valerian root. Prepare and take in the same way as the previous collection.

Try brewing this soothing herbal tea instead of regular or green tea for a week - you will feel a noticeable improvement in your emotional state.

An infusion of hop cones and mint acts similarly to synthetic tranquilizers, but has no side effects and is safe for health. The infusion is prepared as follows: 1 tsp. hop cones and mint steamed with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes, strain and drink in 2 doses, adding a slice of lemon and tsp. honey.

In order to normalize sleep and ease the psychological stress of the body, you can prepare a sachet from the collection of herbs: hop cones, lavender, oregano, lemon balm. With this collection, it is necessary to fill a small pillow made of cotton or linen and put it under the pillow at the head of the head.

In addition, aromatic essential oils will help improve your mood: lavender - soothes, ylang-ylang - relaxes and reduces stress, cedar helps to cope with anxiety and fears.

Other aromatic oils will help during the day: orange oil tones, reduces mental fatigue, spruce and pine oil also tones and stimulates physical and mental performance.

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