When can you sow radishes in a greenhouse? Radishes in a polycarbonate greenhouse: when to sow and how to grow the best varieties in winter? The best sowing dates and when to plant radishes in a greenhouse

Planting radishes in a greenhouse has its own characteristics. Although this is an unpretentious vegetable, it has certain temperature requirements, rules for fertilizing the soil and watering. If you follow all the rules, then after a month you can enjoy the harvest.

For year-round cultivation, it is better to select early and early ripening varieties of radish. Typically, gardeners experimentally determine which variety is best suited for their greenhouses. Moreover, all varieties can be divided into several classes based on ripening time.

Classification of radishes depending on ripening time:

  • Early ripening - the harvest can be harvested after 20 days;
  • Early – ripening time 30 days;
  • Mid-season – 40 days;
  • Late varieties ripen for more than 40 days.

This way you can grow several varieties of different categories in a greenhouse at once and constantly have a harvest. The most productive varieties are considered to be “Deka”, “Zhara”, “Varta”, “Kvarta”, “Mark”, “Rex F1”, “Saksa”. There are also varieties intended only for greenhouse cultivation - “Teplichny” and “Teplichny Gribovsky”.

The best early ripening varieties of radishes:

  1. "18 days." This is exactly the period required for the appearance of the first fruits. It looks like an elongated cylindrical vegetable. The taste is quite soft and delicate. The variety does not shoot and pours quickly.
  2. "Globe". It takes 18 days to get a harvest. The shape of the vegetable is almost ideal, it has excellent commercial properties. The taste of the fruit has a soft but crunchy structure.
  3. "Children's F1". The ripening speed of this variety is amazing - only 16 days. The spiciness of the vegetable is practically the same, so even kids will enjoy it.

Radishes are easy to care for, but even such a vegetable requires special selection for greenhouse cultivation. Not all varieties tolerate greenhouse microclimates equally well. Among the early varieties, “Saksa”, “Krasa”, “Alex”, “Greenhouse Gribovsky” feel most comfortable in closed ground conditions.

For year-round cultivation, cold resistance is considered the main parameter when choosing varieties.

In addition to cold resistance, varieties must meet a number of other parameters. Hybrids can be planted directly into the ground, without pre-treatment of the seeds. But it is recommended to treat the seeds of varieties before sowing, as they can carry fungus and other infections. The encrusted seeds are covered with a protective shell, which helps the radish ripen faster. There are also coated seeds. They receive maximum nutrients and protection.

Agricultural technology for planting early radishes in a greenhouse

Radishes are an annual crop that belongs to the cabbage class. The vegetable requires a lot of light and a warm environment. To grow radishes year-round in a greenhouse, you need to equip the greenhouse with additional lighting systems.

If the soil pH is acidic, then there is a risk of radish infection with clubroot. If there is a lack of nitrogen in the soil, plant growth will be defective, and the leaves will take on a pinkish tint. If there is not enough potassium, the harvest will be late.

The temperature standard for growing radishes is 18 degrees. But the vegetable can grow at lower temperatures. But it is important to take into account other features of agricultural technology to obtain high yields.

Radish Features:

  1. A light-loving culture that does not like shade and close plantings;
  2. Cannot be combined with cabbage, lettuce and turnips;
  3. Loves well-moistened soil, but the root itself is weak;
  4. The soil for radishes should be well fertilized with organic matter and fairly loose;
  5. Needs a lot of potassium in the soil.

Greenhouse plantings can begin in March. The soil should already thaw 10 cm. Radishes are quite cold-resistant. It can begin to grow at 3 degrees Celsius.

How to grow early radishes in a greenhouse: preparing soil and seeds

The soil before planting radishes must have a neutral pH value. Soil plays an important role in obtaining good harvests. To carry out early planting, the ground should be prepared in the autumn.

Method of soil preparation in autumn:

  1. The soil in the greenhouse should be dug up and mineral fertilizers applied. It is necessary to prepare a solution of superphosphate (40 g) and potassium chloride (15 g) per 1 sq. m.
  2. To achieve neutral soil, a number of measures should also be taken. For 1 square meter, 1.5 buckets of compost should be taken into the ground. This will help regulate the acidity of the soil.
  3. Also in autumn you need to take care of the formation of beds. Each should be 1 m wide.

Acidic soil in a greenhouse will need to be limed. To do this, it is enough to add 500 g of lime to the ground per 1 square meter. After digging the soil well, add lime (if necessary), compost, ash, and mineral fertilizers.

When growing radishes, you do not need to fertilize the soil with fresh manure. In this case, all the nutritional value will be taken from the leaves, and the fruits themselves will begin to grow poorly.

Seed preparation includes careful calibration. Only large seeds are selected - 3 mm in diameter. Small ones are poor planting material with low yields.

To prevent diseases, seeds should be soaked in water for 15 minutes. Liquid temperature – 45 degrees. This event promotes better germination of radishes.

Early planting of radishes in a greenhouse and proper care of plants

For radishes, small depressions are made in the beds, maintaining an interval of 10 cm from each other. The resulting depressions should be poured with warm water. The seeds are placed at a depth of 1.5 cm, maintaining a distance of 3-4 cm.

The sowing depth should be chosen correctly. If you plant the seeds too deep, 50% of the planting will not sprout.

When planting seeds, the air temperature in the greenhouse should be 10-12 degrees. For vegetable germination it will take 16-18 degrees. When the first leaves begin to appear, you need to reduce the temperature to 8-10 degrees for 3 days. Then you can increase again.

Features of radish care:

  1. Lighting should be at least 12 hours a day. To grow radishes all year round, you will need to install artificial light sources. Radishes do not require more than 12 hours for normal development. Otherwise, she will start shooting. In the summer, the beds even have to be shaded.
  2. Watering is very important for radishes; they love moist soil. Water should seep to a depth of 10-15 cm. To prevent evaporation of the liquid, the ground must be covered with peat or humus. To prevent radishes from succumbing to pests, the greenhouse should be ventilated after watering.
  3. Fertilizing is carried out only if fertilizers were not applied in the autumn. For this, superphosphate, ash, and urea are used.

Also in the greenhouse you should regularly thin out and weed the beds. A couple of days after germination, you need to perform the first thinning. As it grows, the soil in the greenhouse needs to be loosened and weeded.

Early radishes in a greenhouse (video)

With the first warming, early radishes can be planted in the greenhouse. It is resistant to cold and completely unpretentious in care. The main thing is to properly prepare the soil for planting in the fall and follow all the rules of agricultural technology.

Radishes came to Europe a long time ago, but in Russia they began to be cultivated at the beginning of the last century. In early spring, the vegetable is present on our tables and allows the body, weakened after winter, to receive all the necessary vitamins. Today we will tell you when you can start sowing radishes in your greenhouse and how to grow the crop yourself, taking into account all its features.

Best sowing dates

Radish is an annual crop. Experts classify it as a member of the cabbage family. When cultivating such a vegetable in your own greenhouse, you should provide it with sufficient light and heat. Radishes are planted in the spring at a time when daylight hours begin to increase. If you want to grow such a tasty and healthy vegetable in a greenhouse in winter, you will need to create a good additional lighting system. The culture tends to withstand frosts, but not more than -3 degrees.

The optimal temperature for growing it, as the practice of many vegetable growers in our country shows, is 18 - 20 degrees Celsius. You also need to choose the right soil for planting. Radishes are rich in easily digestible vitamin C and essential oils (useful for the digestive system). The juice of the plant, rich in potassium, is recommended to drink for those who have problems with the functioning of the kidneys and heart. If you have any colds in winter, a homemade vitamin and proven mixture made from the juice of radishes, onions and peppers is effective.

In the spring, radishes are sown in a couple of stages, traditionally starting in April (under film) and ending in August. It is permissible to sow the next batch when the first seedlings grow full leaves. So that the crop can ripen at the same time, experienced gardeners practice growing vegetables at intervals of up to 2 weeks. The soil for sowing seeds must be sufficiently moist. Dry seeds should be placed in the soil to a depth of no more than 2 cm. Take into account the fact that in early varieties the growing season lasts from 20 to 25 days, and in later varieties from 40 to 45 days. In some regions of our country, radishes are sowed in open ground as early as March.

When is it permissible to sow radishes in a polycarbonate greenhouse? This modern greenhouse accumulates heat well inside because it has a coating consisting of thick sheets.

In a greenhouse, the air and soil warm up faster than in glass structures. Therefore, it is permissible to plant radishes in a polycarbonate greenhouse earlier.

Many gardeners are interested in when they can start planting radishes in their greenhouse, taking into account the ripening periods of individual varieties? It is recommended to plant early-ripening varieties in the spring from March 20 to April 10, mid-ripening - from July 25 to August 10, late - from August 10 to the end of October.

How to plant in a greenhouse correctly

It is best to plant radishes in soil with a neutral acidity level. It has been prepared since autumn. To do this, the site is dug up and fertilizers are applied. You will need about 40 grams of superphosphate and 15 grams of potassium chloride per square meter. Full-fledged root vegetables grow on soil to which 1.5 buckets of compost per square meter have also been added. The normal width of the beds is about 1 meter. When the sun begins to warm the earth on spring days, you can plan the day of planting the crop. For growing in the middle zone, it is recommended to choose varieties of your favorite vegetable such as Zhara, Early variety, Saksa, Zarya.

If a good heating system is created in the greenhouse, then it is possible to harvest radishes all year round. After the last frost, the remaining snow is removed from the greenhouse, the frame is repaired if necessary and covered with film. Planting begins when the soil becomes soft and warmed up by at least 3 cm. Seeds are placed in prepared grooves at equal distances. The optimal sowing depth of the material is up to 1.5 cm.

You can sow the seeds manually, use a seeder, or sow using a belt method. Seeds are usually sown by hand if the garden area is no more than 10 square meters. Dry or soaked seeds are taken individually and placed in the furrow. The distance between them is, depending on the variety, 4–10 cm. After filling with soil, it should be compacted using a wide board or roller. Sometimes the distance between seeds is measured using a simple matchbox. When sowing is done, it is necessary to water the plantings abundantly. Avoid over-watering the beds. If you own a plot larger than 10 square meters, you can use a mechanical manual seeder.

Today, single-row, double-row and belt seeders are available for sale. It is necessary to take only dry seeds. On the seeder you can adjust the depth and rate of sowing. The seeder will have to be reconfigured if, after checking the depth and uniformity indicators after its operation, you find deviations from the norm. With a little practical experience, it is possible to sow a large area in a short time. For sowing with ribbons, special strips of paper are used, having a width of about 0.5 and a length of up to 2.5 meters. Seeds are glued onto them every 5 cm. You need to prepare your own paste consisting of water and starch. The finished tapes are laid on the bottom of the grooves.

Proper cultivation in a greenhouse

It is important to maintain a normal level of soil moisture and the desired temperature. The latter indicator changes several times throughout the entire growing season of radishes. For example, during the first 2 - 3 days from the moment of planting, the temperature should be 15 - 18 degrees Celsius. When the first shoots are visible, it is necessary to reduce it to 8 - 10. When growing tops, the crop requires a temperature of 15 - 20 degrees Celsius for full development. Under such conditions, you can count on the normal formation of root crops. It also requires daily watering. After germination, you can water the beds once every couple of days.

After each procedure, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse. This will serve to prevent the development of fungal infections in the culture. It is important to carry out ventilation even if the temperature rises above + 20 - 22 degrees. For radishes, 12 hours of daylight is extremely important. In winter it is necessary to create additional lighting. Fertilizers are applied to the soil only if the soil is depleted due to growing early vegetables on it. To prevent your radishes from being susceptible to fungal infections, spray them with a solution of ash and soap. It can be easily made at home using 1 glass of ash and about 50 grams of soap per 10 liters of water.

When cultivating radishes in a modern greenhouse, it is necessary to take into account some nuances that directly affect its yield. This wonderful vegetable prefers open space. The presence of shadows is unacceptable. If planting is done too densely, the plant may grow slower than it should. Do not forget to thin out the crops in a timely manner if it was not possible to sow them sparsely.

To get a good root system, the crop requires constant abundant watering and periodic loosening. The frequency of watering is 1 time every 2 – 3 days. However, on hot days it is best to water the plants daily. The water consumption that you should focus on is from 6 to 8 liters per square meter of area.

You can learn about a deficiency of nutrients in the soil by changing the usual rich green color of the leaves to pale green. You can feed a plant whose growth has slowed down with a urea solution at the rate of 1 teaspoon of the product and 1 glass of cow manure per 1 bucket of water. The consumption of such organic fertilizer, made by yourself, is usually approximately 5 liters per square meter.

If you plant spinach in neighboring beds, you can provide radishes with reliable protection from possible pests. To plant radishes, it is recommended to choose an area where vegetable crops previously grew. Only cruciferous vegetables are considered bad predecessors.

Video “Planting radishes in a greenhouse”

From this video you will learn how to properly plant radishes in a greenhouse and practical planting tips.

Radishes are one of the most favorite root vegetables among our compatriots, and this is understandable. What is okroshka without fresh radishes?! Opportunity grow all year round vitamins in the garden only the greenhouse gives. In addition, it is also . In winter, a fresh vegetable grown not by an industrial producer, but by a caring gardener, will go in great demand.

Greenhouse requirements

In winter, especially in the middle and northern parts of our country, grow radishes will not work, so it’s better to stop at . Growing radishes in a polycarbonate greenhouse has several advantages:

  • protects well from adverse weather conditions (wind, precipitation);
  • can be equipped with artificial lighting;
  • in it easier to install an irrigation system and heating;
  • There are special windows for ventilation.

Growing radishes, in the southern regions, where negative temperatures are rare, bioheating can be used(rotted manure, preferably horse manure) or biofuel.

In the middle zone and in the northern regions, technical heating is more suitable - solid fuel or electric boiler, with the help of which the water will be heated in the pipes that form a circuit throughout the greenhouse.

How to grow radishes in a greenhouse? To grow radishes in a greenhouse in spring and winter for sale, the cassette method or on racks in containers is used. In this case, the heating circuit will maintain the desired temperature at all times soil.

Varieties for the greenhouse

How to grow radishes in a greenhouse in winter? More for year-round cultivation early ripening and early varieties are suitable radishes for greenhouses. Although the combination of varieties with different ripening speeds is more worthy of attention.

  1. An early ripening variety will produce a harvest in 20 days;
  2. The early variety will ripen in 30 days;
  3. Mid-season can be harvested after 40 days;
  4. Late varieties have planting and ripening periods of more than 40 days.

If you plant radishes with different ripening periods, you can have a constant harvest.

Early ripening varieties radishes for greenhouses, recommended by experts:

  • « Ultra early red» can be eaten already 20 days after sowing. This is a beautiful round red root vegetable weighing up to 15 g with excellent taste. By the way, its leaves are used in salads and soups.
  • « Children's F1"When to plant radishes of this variety in a greenhouse? According to the manufacturer, radishes will appear on your table within 16 days after planting. Juicy, mildly spicy variety.
  • « 18 days“—radishes of this variety actually ripen within the period indicated in the name. It has an elongated cylindrical shape and a mild, not spicy taste. The pulp is juicy and tender.
  • « Firstborn F1"will please you with a harvest on the 16-18th day. It is characterized by high yield and resistance to fruit cracking. The yield of radish per 1 square meter in a greenhouse is up to 3.5 kg. Radishes are large – up to 35 g, strong, juicy and sweet.

Early varieties radishes for greenhouses:

  • « Early red» produces a high yield and is resistant to bolting;
  • « French breakfast»has a cylindrical shape and good taste;
  • « Heat"- classic radish in shape and taste.
  • « Celeste F1» - producer of this variety of radish for greenhouses - Holland. It has good yield, excellent taste, and is also unpretentious in cultivation and care.

Of course, there are a huge number of radish varieties. What are the best radish varieties for greenhouses? When choosing seed material, it is better to focus on the zoning of the variety and the soil composition favorable for its cultivation.

Selecting and preparing seeds

When choosing seeds, pay attention to their size. Radish seeds for greenhouse must be large, up to 3.5 mm. Standard home sorting is to sift them through a sieve with large mesh (2 mm). Those that remain in it are planted in the greenhouse, those that have been sifted - in the spring in open ground.

Sowing radishes in a greenhouse: before planting soak the seeds for a couple of days. To do this, wet a soft cloth or gauze and place the seeds between its layers. Keep the gauze damp at all times. The seeds should produce tiny sprouts. Then treat the seeds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Rinse them and immerse in a growth stimulator solution for 4 hours, diluted according to instructions.

Then rinse lightly again and dry on a cloth until it flows. That's it, the seeds are ready. It is recommended to use different varieties when planting for the first time, so that later you can decide on your taste preferences.

Planting and care

Technology for growing radishes in a greenhouse.

How to plant radishes in a greenhouse? Planting in a greenhouse radishes: for sowing seeds furrows are made in the garden bed at a distance of 10 cm from each other. The furrows are shed with water. Hatched seeds are sown to a depth of 1.5 cm with an interval of 3-4 cm.

It is important to maintain planting depth. If you plant seeds deeper, there is a risk of losing 50% of the harvest.

The soil

How to grow radishes in a greenhouse? The soil is prepared in the fall, plant residues from previous crops are removed from it. It is dug up and fertilized with humus. Radishes do not like acidic soil, so liming may be required. Before planting, the soil is loosened well and, if necessary, warmed up. To do this, pour hot water over it and cover it with film for 2-3 days.

In the southern regions and in the temperate climate, this is not necessary. The soil for radishes should be loose and well-permeable to moisture. The best drainage for it will be wood ash. A potassium-phosphorus mixture is used as a fertilizer.


For planting seeds in a greenhouse temperature maintained at 10-12°C. In order for radishes to germinate, a temperature of 16-18°C is needed. When the first cotyledon leaves appear, the temperature is reduced to 8-10°C and kept this way for 3 days. Then it is raised again to 16-20°C.


Ideal lighting would be 1200-1300 lux. Daylight hours should be 12 hours V. If it is winter time or the beginning of spring, the plantings must be illuminated using LED or fluorescent lamps. Radishes don’t need more than 12 hours of light, otherwise they may sprout. When growing radishes in a greenhouse in the summer, when daylight hours are long, the ridges are shaded so that flower stalks do not form on the radishes.

Watering and fertilizing

Radish loves moist soil, so you can’t let it dry out. This is fraught with loss of harvest. If you choose the cassette growing method, keep in mind that watering should be done from below, through the drainage hole.

Watering is carried out to a depth of 10-15 cm. To reduce moisture evaporation, the soil can be sprinkled with peat or humus. To avoid sudden increases in humidity in the greenhouse after watering her needs to be ventilated. Otherwise, there is a risk of plant disease with blackleg.

Fertilizing should be done only if it was not sufficiently enriched in the fall or before planting. In this case superphosphate diluted in water is added, urea and wood ash.

Thinning and weeding

How are radishes grown in a greenhouse? Cylindrical radishes are planted at a distance of 3-4 cm, round ones - 5-6 cm. After the seedlings are several days old, they needs to be thinned out. If this is not done, then each plant, trying to gain space, will increase green mass to the detriment of the developing root crop. During the growth of radish beds light loosening and weeding required from weeds.

Disease Prevention

The same soil used in the greenhouse is used in the garden. And just like other vegetables, radishes are susceptible to diseases. To prevent them, seedlings are sprayed with a solution of laundry soap and wood ash in a ratio of 1:2.

This will protect the plantings from powdery mildew and blackleg, and will also repel cabbage moths, caterpillars and cruciferous midges. As you can see, with minimal labor and financial costs you can harvest radishes all year round. Radishes grown in a greenhouse are in no way inferior in taste and beauty to their soil counterpart.

Video about planting radishes in a greenhouse:

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Radish belongs to the cabbage family, its homeland is Southeast Asia, this root vegetable spread to Europe and became a garden crop thanks to the Roman Empire. Today the vegetable is grown all over the world, and a wide variety of varieties have been obtained. The fruits themselves are small, but in the 16th century it was possible to grow radishes with a record weight of 45 kg. Growing radishes in a greenhouse is especially popular - this makes it possible to harvest several harvests a year even in regions with a cold climate. The peculiarity of the root vegetable is its easy care, rapid ripening and consumption raw, which guarantees the receipt of a large amount of vitamins.

Features of cultivation

The growth rate of radishes allows it to be planted up to four times per season. If you plant seeds in a polycarbonate greenhouse, then in conditions of sufficiently moist soil and at a temperature of +18...+25 ° C, the first shoots will appear in 3-4 days. If air is passed through the seeds in water in the laboratory, they begin to germinate within 18 hours.

Radish is a long-day plant: if daylight hours last at least 13 hours, the vegetable begins to bloom. Root crops are most actively formed at a temperature of +10…+18 °C. Average temperature conditions allow harvesting after three weeks; if the climate is colder, full ripening may be completed in 6–8 weeks.

There are several other features of growing this root vegetable:

  • the best soil is sandy loam;
  • the top layer of the bed should always be wet;
  • radishes are not able to fight weeds on their own, so the beds need care;
  • indoors, radishes do not lose their quality for a maximum of three days, so it is recommended to store root vegetables in the refrigerator (without leaves).

How to prepare the soil for sowing and choose varieties

Work on soil preparation can begin in the fall. Radishes need neutral soil, as acidic soil can cause a number of diseases in the plant. Therefore, mineral fertilizers are needed: potassium chloride (15 g per 1 m²) and superphosphate (40 g per 1 m²).

If the soil is poor in organic matter or there is its depletion caused by the previous crop, then you will have to add 5–6 kg of compost per 1 m². When this is done, the beds can be dug up, leveled with a rake and left in this state until spring.

The quality of the harvest greatly depends on the choice of seed variety, since not everyone will give the desired effect when planted in a greenhouse. The best results are achieved by varieties such as:

  • “Greenhouse”, resists shooting well;
  • "Zarya", resistant to stress;
  • “Heat”, the variety is good for planting in early spring;
  • "Saksa", the harvest is ready in less than a month.

Optimal sowing dates

Radish harvests in a greenhouse covered with polycarbonate can be harvested from April to June and later from September to January. To determine the timing of planting, you need to know the soil temperature, which should be within +12...+15 °C. When the shoots have appeared, the doors and windows of the greenhouse can be opened during the day (or the film removed) and closed at night. As soon as the average daytime air temperature reaches +25 °C, the greenhouse can be kept open during the day. However, you still need to monitor the weather: radishes can only withstand short-term cold snaps (down to -3 ° C).

If there are appropriate varieties, then the plants can be planted a second time in a month or a month and a half in order to harvest before the onset of the hot summer period. At this time, the seedlings do not need to be covered. Care consists of weeding and loosening the row spacing. Once again, radishes can be grown in a greenhouse in September, when the average temperature drops below +25 °C. Autumn fruits are considered the most delicious, since the sunlight is still strong and the plants accumulate sugar well.

If you have a heated greenhouse (the temperature must be regulated), then you can plant radishes from November to January. Special varieties that tolerate shady growing conditions will be required. Radishes in a greenhouse can be planted on any convenient day at +25 °C. When root crops begin to set, the temperature can be reduced to +22 °C, at night - to +15 °C.


Seeds are planted in a polycarbonate greenhouse around April. The process involves placing the seeds at regular intervals into previously prepared grooves. The best depth is 1–1.5 cm.

If planted too deep, the fruits will grow very elongated; if shallow, there is a risk of the seeds drying out.

There are 3 most common methods of planting seeds: manual, mechanical (using a special seeder) and belt. The first method is the most labor-intensive, but reliable - it is used in small areas (usually up to 10 m²). At the first stage, make parallel grooves no more than 2 cm deep. The seeds of the selected variety can be dry or already soaked in advance (these will germinate faster).

The shell of radish seeds is quite delicate - they cannot be squeezed too much in your hand.

Read on the packaging what size the root crop will grow - it depends on the specific variety. Depending on the information received, the distance between the planted seeds will be within 4–10 cm. You can maintain the distance, for example, using a matchbox (5 cm) or using egg packaging: it needs to be pressed into loose soil: as a result, you will get ideal depressions on the same distance. When planting is done, cover the seeds with soil and lightly press down with a board (but do not tamp!). Now water the planted seeds so that small puddles form, just do not overdo it.

If you plan to plant radishes on an area significantly larger than 10 m², it is recommended to use a seeder. Manufacturers offer different types of hand-held devices, including:

  • tape;
  • single row;
  • double row.

When using a seeder, whose task is to distribute planting material evenly, it is necessary to take only dry seeds. First, adjust the device to the desired depth and the optimal number of seeds to be sown. During planting, you can control the process by checking at what depth the planting is being done. In case of deviation from the norm, the seeder must be reconfigured. The downside is that if you have not checked the optimal depth or seeding rate in time, it is no longer possible to correct the bed. But once you acquire the skill, you can quickly sow a large area.

Another method of planting radishes is called strip; he is rightly considered the fastest. To carry out strip planting, you need to prepare paper strips in advance and stick seeds on them at the required distance (this can be done, for example, in winter, when you have free time). The length of the tapes is up to 2.5 m, width 5 mm. The seeds are glued with a pre-cooked paste (starch and water are boiled to the consistency of sour cream). The work is quite tedious, but planting in the spring is done in literally minutes. Before planting, make grooves, place ribbons in them and sprinkle with soil, then lightly compact them.

How to care for radishes

Care is not that difficult: if the soil is well prepared, then all you have to do is monitor the temperature and humidity. At the seed germination stage, maintain +18 °C; for mass germination, it is recommended to cool the greenhouse (if possible) to +8 °C for 3–4 days so that the sprouts do not stretch.

Further care consists of maintaining +15…+20 °C during the day and +8…+10 °C at night. To prevent the appearance of pests, treat the crops with tobacco dust mixed with ash (1: 1). It is also necessary to monitor the frequency of germination: care here consists of thinning the plants, otherwise you will get small fruits (the best distance is at least 3 cm).

Watering should be done when the top layer of soil begins to noticeably dry out (about once every couple of days), but in hot weather the intensity of watering can be increased. With a lack of moisture, root vegetables become rough and tasteless (bitter).

If you try to correct the mistake and water the radishes, cracks will begin to form on the body of the fruit. Therefore, watering must be done in a timely manner.

It is also advisable to take care of the soil during ripening, which consists of filling it with peat (1 cm layer): this will retain moisture and slow down evaporation. Do not forget to ventilate the greenhouse after watering, otherwise there will be a risk of plants becoming infected with blackleg. Fertilizers can be applied simultaneously with watering. Care consists of feeding with nitrogen microelements (no more than 30 g per 1 m²).

Radishes are the earliest representative of the first vitamin-rich vegetables: we can harvest them in the open ground as early as May, and in a greenhouse - all year round. These root vegetables contain valuable enzymes, fiber, fats, organic compounds C, B1, B2, and PP, proteins necessary for health, calcium salts, sodium, iron, phosphorus, so sowing radishes in a greenhouse is a useful thing.

If we sow seeds in the first thawed patches under the spring sun, the seedlings will hatch through 3 – 5 days. However, greenhouses guarantee large yields if you choose the right variety, because not everyone is useful here.

Sowing time

We can grow this unpretentious crop constantly.

In March, 2 weeks before sowing, we will prepare the shelter:

  • clear the snow;
  • we will repair the frame;
  • Let's stretch the film.

All of these actions will help the soil thaw faster. When the top 5 cm of soil becomes soft, sow the radishes. But it is better to prepare the beds in the fall, so as not to wait a long time for the soil to thaw for subsequent mandatory fertilization, digging, and leveling.


  • The timing of when to sow radishes in a greenhouse depends on the degree of its heating. We begin growing it in heated shelters in January, and in structures without technical heating in March.
  • Cultivation of radishes in winter is complicated by the lack of sunlight. Planting dates: February - April and August - November, and basic greenhouse soil is suitable for this.
  • In a small shelter during the day at above-zero temperatures, we remove the film, and by night we install it again, since this crop does not tolerate heat. Therefore, intensive ventilation will help us get a large and high-quality harvest.

  • We plant the seeds in the soil when the weather is warm and the microclimate in the greenhouse is favorable.
  • Most thrifty vegetable growers make shelters in their gardens that are heated from solar insolation, and sow in April.

Radish planting time

Let's clarify when you can sow radishes in a greenhouse:

  • After March 20 and until April 10, sowing in snow in protected soil is effective.
  • In April, we throw snow on the already prepared bed, scatter radish seeds on top, and a month later we harvest. During this time, we do not water the plants, as the snow melts and naturally draws the seeds into the ground.
  • Cover the remaining seeds on top with sifted peat, and also monitor the temperature and ventilate.
  • To lower the temperature, simply water the row spacing.
  • Sowing greenhouse varieties under film is rational on April 10-15.
  • On cold days at temperatures below +12C, you should not water: the seeds germinate well.
  • In frost, we sow thicker only in a small, insulated area and distribute the already sprouted seedlings throughout the entire bed.
  • Sowing radishes in a greenhouse (spring varieties) in the summer is not rational - shoots appear on the plants, and the root crops become tough.
  • Sowing of summer and autumn species is successful from July 25 to August 5.
  • Podzimny - in early December. To do this, we sow dry seeds on an already prepared bed and reserve fertile soil for adding.


  • Greenhouse - optimal for spring produce and hardly shoots.
  • Zarya is hardy.
  • Heat is ideal for the earliest forcing.
  • Early ripening Saxa will produce a harvest in a month.
  • Early red was bred for winter greenhouses.

Helro, Silesia, Verano, Robino are also good. We choose large seeds from 2.5 mm. Note that the price of all seeds is almost the same.

Early ripening spring varieties of radish

  • Domestic selection: Rubin, Zarya, Zhara, Gribovsky greenhouse and new species. Zarya and Early Red ripen in 25 days with a fruit weight of up to 18 g. The pulp is tender, slightly spicy. And we collect Zhara after 20 days, its white flesh is juicy and pleasant.
  • Spring European group: Option, Soffit, Mokhovsky white.

  • Early ripening: Basis, Early Red, Deca, Ice Icicle. The 20-day varieties Korund, Rhodes, Ertatishore and Vera are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, abundant yields and good taste. The 18-day plant produces a healthy harvest of juicy and mild root vegetables of medium length - this is the leader among early ripening radishes.

Root crops of European varieties grow weighing up to 20 g, their shape varies from round to elongated with red, white, pink, yellow, and purple colors. Sometimes only the top of the root crop is painted.

How to sow radishes in a greenhouse? Let’s take many varieties for the first time and see for ourselves which one is better in our greenhouse. Then next year we will cultivate our favorite varieties and also test new ones, selecting the most productive ones.

Sowing dates for early ripening radishes

  • After March 20 to April 10 and then after September 15 to November 15, we will sow 30 g of seeds of this root crop on an area of ​​10 m2 without deepening. On top - mulch - 2 cm.
  • On April 1 - 10, we will spread snow on the soil of the greenhouse with a permanent roof and sow large seeds on top, which will yield a harvest by May 9, even without watering - because the snow is melting gradually.
  • After April 10, we already sow radishes directly in open ground, but under the film and do not water until it warms up to 15 degrees. The optimal temperature for seed germination is 12-18 degrees. If the seedlings are thickened, we will plant them in the beds.

Note! In June, these spring varieties do not need to be sown, since arrows—flowers—grow on them, and the pulp of the root crops hardens.

Deadlines for mid-season spring radishes

  • March 20 - April 10 - in the snow in the greenhouse.
  • April 10-15 - in beds under film.
  • May 5-20 - in open ground.

Instructions from professionals state that only spring mid-season varieties should be sown at the specified time.

Summer varieties

  • Pink-red with a white tip, Saxa, Round red with a white tip, white and red Virovsky will delight us with large harvests in summer and early autumn.

This radish is especially popular among gardeners - its pulp is white, often transparent, and has a sharp-sweet taste.

  • Mokhovsky white also attracts with its taste and weight - up to 40 g. Even its leaves are pleasant to the taste and good for salads.
  • Summer mid-season varieties also include Gribovsky Teplichny, Saksa, Rubin.
  • The autumn Asian varieties Dungansky, Alba, Ice Icicle, Autumn Giant, Tagul will easily produce tasty root crops for winter, as well as the familiar Saratovsky and Red Giant. Their long growing season compared to spring varieties results in a significant increase in the weight of the root crop - up to 200 g.
  • The red giant ripens on average in 40 days, and its large elongated root crops (up to 20 cm) weigh 200g and are stored for 4 months.

Autumn varieties

  • The autumn giant gains weight during a long growing season up to 200 g with excellent taste and preservation for six months.

Deadlines for late varieties

  • Transition to summer-autumn varieties -July 25 and until August 5.
  • Sowing in early August will yield harvest in September. We can extend the harvest.
  • Pre-winter sowing - in December.
  • In December - January, we will mulch the dry seeds in the garden bed, and sometimes add dry soil on top.

Features of greenhouse cultivation

Working with soil

  • We will prepare the soil with our own hands in the fall.
  • We will definitely add minerals - 40 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium chloride per 1 m².
  • Let the soil be neutral, because this plant gets sick in acidic soil.
  • We will also add one and a half buckets of compost per 1 m².
  • Then we dig up the soil and level it.
  • In the fall, you still need to prepare meter-wide beds.

Preparing the seeds

  • You need to soak them in the Baikal EM-1 solution for 2 hours (1:500) , sprinkle on gauze and cover with calico. We put the saucers with this solution in a warm place, and the seeds hatch after a few hours, and that’s when we sow them. By the way, research by professor of biology from Saratov V.A. Blinov showed that soaking increases the root crop up to 30 g.
  • If before sowing we sift the seeds through a sieve with 2 mm mesh, we will select the best of them.
  • It is also useful to treat them with potassium permanganate to prevent diseases.
  • Sowing by hand will ensure a uniform distance of 2 cm, favorable for growth, and 6 cm between rows. As a result, seed consumption is 5 g per 1 m². Such precision of planting will save us from the need to thin out.
  • Seal - 1 cm deep.

We care for the seedlings

  • A bountiful harvest is possible with optimal humidity and temperature conditions: first +16-18°С, then cool the shoots until +8°С– this will prevent them from being pulled out and promote the formation of root crops.
  • But after 4 days we give a constant temperature: during the day - up to +20°C, and at night - +10 at night. Frosts down to -5°C will not harm this crop.
  • When the seedlings are dense, we thin out and fill the empty beds with these seedlings. As a result, the leaves lie horizontally and the plants do not shoot arrows. In addition, in cramped conditions, root vegetables turn out small.
  • We water only dry soil to a depth of 10 cm once every 3 days, and in hot weather - daily: the root crops themselves become coarse from drying out, but even with heavy watering after a drought they will crack.
  • Sprinkle humus or peat on top (only 1 cm) - this will retain moisture in the soil.
  • After watering, ventilate the room so that the radishes do not get blacklegs from high humidity.
  • We fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers 2 times (20 g per 1 m²). We loosen the row spacing.
  • In the summer, we cover the greenhouse with a dark film, reducing the daylight hours to 12 hours, otherwise flower stalks will appear and the radishes will become tough.
  • When the size of the radish is over 2 cm, we will begin to harvest selectively in 3 steps.

Forming root vegetables

Normal yield is 2 kg per 1 m².


Radishes are a tasty, healthy and easy-to-grow crop that delights even a novice gardener with a good harvest. In the greenhouse, these root crops grow year-round: we simply sow the seeds every month.

The general rules for growing are simple and clear:

  • the soil is light, fertile and moderately moist;
  • the place is sunny, although some shading is possible;
  • usual care: loosening, weeding, watering, fertilizing.

Agricultural technology is as follows:

  • The soil is fertilized with peat to make it loose, and with humus to replenish fertility.
  • Radishes urgently require potassium, so we generously sprinkle the soil with ash, although we can also fertilize it with potassium sulfate before planting.
  • We sow only large seeds - small ones bolt and are only suitable as leaves for salads.
  • We thin out and replant the radishes: in cramped conditions, the plants produce only a peduncle, and not a root crop.
  • This cold-resistant crop loves ventilation, otherwise a bad root crop will grow.
  • We moisten the soil by sprinkling directly over the leaves, and loosening and hilling will increase the size of the root crop.
  • If you sow radishes every 20 days, they will continuously enrich our table with vitamins.

The video in this article will clearly explain our question about this culture.