Gvozdev Mr. Gvozdev

(1934-03-11 )


Birth, early years

Evgeny Gvozdev was born in Pinsk in 1934. In 1937, his father was arrested, and he did not return from Stalin’s camps. Mother died during the Nazi bombing. The future traveler was raised by a distant relative.

Evgeny Gvozdev graduated from a nautical school in Astrakhan and sailed as a ship mechanic on large fishing vessels in the Caspian Sea for 35 years. Since 1949, E. Gvozdev lived in Makhachkala (Dagestan).

Becoming a sailor and yachtsman

Currently, the yacht "Lena" is in the collection of the Maritime Museum in Moscow.

2nd circumnavigation

Evgeny Gvozdev began his second circumnavigation of the world on May 17, 1999 from Makhachkala. He built a 3.7-meter yacht out of fiberglass on the balcony of his apartment. "Said", named after the Head of the Administration of the city of Makhachkala, Said Amirov, who financed this voyage.

I photographed it and sent it to Canada. After some time I receive a letter: “Dear Evgeniy! I have a yacht, Bacardi. New - 7.5 meters long, GPS, radio station, motor”, etc.

7.5 meters is my dream! My head was spinning for two weeks! But then the thoughts began to overcome me: well, okay, I’ll raise money, my friends will help, I’ll fly to Canada, starting from Vancouver under the Canadian flag. And will I be a Canadian of Russian origin? I had to refuse. The principle should be this: the yacht should be designed by our brains, built by us, launched from our port, under our flag. And, it is desirable that the sponsors are ours. And to return to our port.

Upon arrival at the Astrakhan port the yacht "Said" carefully placed on a truck and delivered to Novorossiysk, from where on July 2 of the same year E. Gvozdev set off to plow the World Ocean. Since the beginning of the voyage, the traveler crossed the Black, Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean seas, stopping at the ports of Istanbul, Athens and Calaverde (on the island of Sardinia).

With great difficulties of both a natural (strong headwind) and man-made nature (unfriendly attitude of the Greek border guards who mistook Gvozdyov for a Turk because of the specific name of the yacht), he crossed the Aegean Sea and reached the Dardanelles Strait, connecting this sea with the Sea of ​​Marmara. This is where its second ring around the planet closed. This happened on July 10, 2003. About a week later it docked at the Black Sea port of Sochi. And on August 9, 2003, Evgeniy Alexandrovich on his yacht "Said" They were solemnly welcomed in the Makhachkala port.

After Gvozdyov’s second “around the world”, the city administration of Makhachkala decided to build Russia’s first monument in honor of the legendary yacht and its captain on the seaside Rhodope Boulevard. Currently the yacht "Said" temporarily located in the local history museum of Makhachkala school-lyceum No. 39.

3rd circumnavigation

74-year-old Evgeny Gvozdev set off on his third trip around the world from Novorossiysk on September 19, 2008 Getan II. The start date was not chosen by chance: in September 1979, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, then still a young captain, went out for the first time on a self-built yacht "Getan" on a solo voyage across the Caspian Sea.

New yacht length Getan II was 5.5 m, width - almost 2.5 m. And this time he was equipped much better than his previous campaigns.

Circumstances of death

According to the preliminary version, Evgeny Gvozdev died on December 2 during a strong storm near Naples.

Achievements and ratings

Evgeny Gvozdev has always been lucky. He returned safe and sound, despite the adventures and less-than-ideal craft. He made his first trip on a pleasure dinghy, and then circumnavigated the world on a homemade boat. During one of the voyages, he ended up with Somali pirates, stood at gunpoint and still managed to survive.

For Russian yachtsmen, Gvozdyov is the great and brightest traveler of the last 20 years. It is a symbol of the fact that a simple poor person, having retired, can fulfill his life’s dream - to circumnavigate the world even with a minimum of money and without much yachting experience, but with a great desire. Gvozdev can be called a legend of Russian sailing. After retirement, he crossed the Caspian Sea more than fifty times on solo and collective campaigns.

He set off on his last trip from Novorossiysk on September 19, 2008 on a specially built yacht Getan II. The sea was his passion, meaning and way of life. He thought little about the comforts and joys of a “land” existence. And, as his friends note, it seems that he was afraid to die on the shore, but wanted to leave this land like a real sailor.



  3. A trip around the world lasting four years and costing $100 Archived December 10, 2014 on the Wayback Machine
  4. The first circumnavigation of the world Archived copy from March 25, 2010 on the Wayback Machine
  5. Kanchurina K. Employees of the Maritime Museum will exhibit a yacht with an outstanding history at the annual exhibition // Zamoskvorechye. 2019. February 27.
  6. 85th anniversary of the birth of the Russian yachtsman and traveler E. A. Gvozdev. Official website of the Maritime Museum. 2019. March 7
  7. Gasayniev, Gazi This “crazy” Gvozdev (undefined) (unavailable link). North Caucasus (June 5, 2008). Retrieved March 4, 2014.
  • History of Russia in the 19th century
  • Intellectual history
  • History of science
  • Military history
Education and career

2001-2006 – studied at the Faculty of History of Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky.

2006-2009 – studied in graduate school at the Department of History of the Fatherland and Culture of Saratov State Technical University.

2006-2009 – worked as an assistant at the Department of History of the Fatherland and Culture at Saratov State Technical University.

2009 – defended his dissertation “Joseph Vladimirovich Gurko. Military and statesman" for the degree of candidate of historical sciences in the specialty 07.00.02 - Domestic history. Awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences.

WITH 2009 year to the present time works as an associate professor of the Department of History of the Fatherland and Culture of the Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin.

2012-2017 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of SSTU for career guidance.

2012-2016 – executive secretary of the selection committee of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of SSTU.

WITH 2017 to present Chairman of the regional branch of the All-Russian public organization “Association of History Teachers of Russian Universities”.

WITH 2017 to the present time, a certified expert in the independent assessment of qualifications in the SEC of office specialists and administrative support workers.

2018 – by decision of the Higher Attestation Commission, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor in the specialty 07.00.02 – National History.

WITH September 2018 g. - Deputy Head of the Department of History of the Fatherland and Culture.

WITH October 2018 g. – Deputy Head of the Regional Methodological Center of the National Qualifications System in the Saratov Region.

Grants and competitions

  • 2011 – participant of the target competition of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation to support young scientists, the project “State activities of Field Marshal General I.V. Gurko"
  • 2009 – winner of the open competition for young scientists in the field of humanities, held by the Moscow State Historical Philosophy “Znanie” in the category “Historical Portrait”, project theme: “I.V. Gurko - the forgotten field marshal of the Russian Empire."


Participant in scientific conferences at various levels, including:

2010 - International scientific conference “Rumors as a specific historical and psychological source”, St. Petersburg.

2010 - Interuniversity scientific and practical conference – school of young scientists “Innovative problems of social sciences and humanities”, Saratov.

2012 - Interuniversity round table “Stolypin reforms and modernity”, Saratov.


2011 - “Modern technologies in education” MIREA, Moscow, 72 hours.

2013 - “Modern educational technologies in electronic and distance education at the National Research University” National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, 72 hours.

2015 – professional retraining at SSTU “Document management and documentation support for management” in the profile of direction 46.03.02 “Document management and archiving”, 256 hours.

2016 – professional retraining of SSTU “Teacher of Higher Education” in the profile of the direction 37.03.01 “Psychology”, 256 hours.

2017 – “Methodology for organizing and conducting testing in Russian as a foreign language and a comprehensive exam in the Russian language, the history of Russia and the fundamentals of legislation of the Russian Federation” MSU. M.V. Lomonosova, 36 h.

2018 – “Methodology for organizing and conducting professional and public accreditation of educational programs”, SSTU named after Yu.A. Gagarin, 20 h.

Main publications

    Gvozdev M.G. Forgotten field marshal of the Russian Empire // Power. 2009. No. 3. pp. 124-127.

    Gvozdev M.G. “Red Terror” against St. Petersburg Governor General I.V. Gurko // Bulletin of the Saratov State Socio-Economic University. 2009. No. 1. P. 124-126.

    Gvozdev M.G., Suryapin S.Yu. From generals to governors: some features of the formation of the imperial administrative elite // Bulletin of the Saratov State Technical University. 2014. No. 1. P. 162-167.

    Gvozdev M.G. The policy of the interim Governor-General of St. Petersburg I.V. Gurko in the field of education (1879 - 1880) // Bulletin of the Saratov State Socio-Economic University. 2015. No. 1. P. 104-107.

    Gvozdev M.G. Healthism in the context of social criticism of medicine // Society: philosophy, history, culture. 2016. No. 9. pp. 79-81.

    Gvozdev M.G. On the issue of the anti-alcohol campaign during the period of perestroika: doctors and public organizations // Society: philosophy, history, culture. 2016. No. 10. P. 99-101.

    Gvozdev M.G., Suryapin S.Yu. Imperial administrative elite in the system of power relations: personal qualities and management practices // Society: philosophy, history, culture. 2017. No. 4. pp. 87-90.

Information from the scientific and technical library of SSTU named after Yu.A. Gagarin.
  • Gvozdev M. G., Suryapin S. Yu. Year of Russian history at the department of "History of the Fatherland and Culture" of the Saratov State Technical University named after Yu. A. Gagarin. // Year of Russian history in technical universities of the country: materials of the All-Russian. scientific-practical Conf., Moscow, November 13-15. 2012 / Moscow. aviation int. 2013. pp. 37-40.
  • Gvozdev M. G. Policy of the interim Governor-General of St. Petersburg I. V. Gurko in the field of education (1879-1880). // Bulletin of Saratov State Socio-Economic University. 2015. Issue. No. 1 (55). No. 1 (55).
  • Gvozdev M. G., Suryapin S. Yu. From generals to governors: some features of the formation of the imperial administrative elite. // Bulletin of Saratov State Technical University. 2014. pp. 162-167.
  • Gvozdev M. G. Russification policy in the Slavic region at the end of the 19th century. // Historical memory of Russia: past and present: materials of the International. scientific Conf., Saratov, April 11-13. 2014. 2014. pp. 84-90.
  • Gvozdev M. G., Kovaleva D. N. Domestic history of the 18th - early 20th centuries). Saratov: SSTU, 2015.
  • Gvozdev M. G., Kovaleva D. N. History of archeography in Russia. Saratov: SSTU, 2015.
  • Gvozdev M. G. History. Saratov: SSTU, 2016.
  • Gvozdev M. G., Bystrova Yu. M. Domestic history. Saratov: SSTU, 2017.
  • Gvozdev M. G. Healthism in the context of social criticism of medicine. // Society: philosophy, history, culture. 2016. Issue. No. 9. No. 9.
  • Gvozdev M. G. On the issue of the anti-alcohol campaign during the perestroika period: doctors and public organizations. // Society: philosophy, history, culture. 2016. Issue. No. 10. No. 10. pp. 99-101.
  • Gvozdev M. G., Suryapin S. Yu. Imperial administrative elite in the system of power relations: personal qualities and management practices. // Society: philosophy, history, culture. 2017. Vol. No. 4. No. 4. pp. 87-90.

A representative of the Gvozdev family can be proud of his ancestors, information about which is contained in various documents confirming the mark they left in the history of our state.

The family name Gvozdev is one of the old Russian surnames, the first mentions of which date back to the 16th century.

This surname is derived from the word with the root “nail”. There are several possible origins for this surname.

According to one version, the family name Gvozdev could have been formed from the personal nickname of a distant ancestor or the worldly name Gvozd. This name could be given to a tall person or someone with a strong character.

According to another version, a “nailer” was a blacksmith who made nails. In this case, the surname Gvozdev has a nickname basis.

Also in the old days, the person in charge of drinks in the royal palace was called “nailer” (from a nail in a barrel, according to Dahl).

Already in the 15th-16th centuries, among rich people, surnames began to be fixed and passed on from generation to generation, indicating a person’s belonging to a specific family. These were possessive adjectives with the suffixes -ov/-ev, -in, initially indicating the father's nickname.

The bulk of the population remained without surnames for a long time. The beginning of their consolidation was laid by the clergy, in particular the Kiev Metropolitan Petro Mohyla, who in 1632 instructed the priests to keep metrics of those born, married, and dead.

After the abolition of serfdom, the government faced a serious task: to give surnames to former serfs. In 1888, the Senate published a special decree in which it was written: “To be called by a certain surname is not only the right, but also the duty of every full-fledged person, and the designation of the surname on some documents is required by law itself.”

Thus, the descendants of the man called Gvozd/Nailer received the surname Gvozdev.

The Gvozdevs are a noble family dating back to the 16th century. The ancestor of this family name is considered to be Arefiy Gvozdev, who lived in the 2nd half of the 16th century and owned estates and estates in the Ryazan and Ryazh districts. The descendants of his sons, granted estates in 1632 for the Moscow siege, Ermolai and Ivan Arefievich Gvozdev, are recorded in the VI part of the genealogical books of the Ryazan, Moscow, Kursk and Vladimir provinces.

In Veselovsky's Onomasticon one can find other representatives of this ancient family: Dmitry Semenovich Gvozdev Zaborovsky, first half of the 16th century; Prince Fyodor Dmitrievich Gvozdev of Priimkov-Rostov, early 16th century.

Since the process of forming surnames was quite long, it is currently difficult to talk about the exact place and time of the origin of the surname Gvozdev. However, we can say with confidence that it belongs to the oldest Russian family names and can tell a lot about the life and way of life of our distant ancestors.

Sources: Tupikov N.M., Dictionary of Old Russian personal names Explanatory dictionary of V. Dahl, in 4 volumes. Petrovsky N.A., Dictionary of Russian personal names. Unbegaun B.O., Russian surnames.

His life credo was the postulate that a person must create something that he can admiringly tell his children and grandchildren about, do something useful for society and the individual. And Evgeniy Aleksandrovich did not deviate from this motto: in his life he completed two trips around the world, which went down in the history of navigation as the most dangerous and difficult, because they were carried out on tiny pleasure dinghies.

Life on board a ship

Evgeny Gvozdev was born on March 11, 1934 in the small Belarusian city of Pinsk. The future traveler's childhood was spent in difficult conditions: the boy was barely three years old when his father was arrested by the Soviet authorities. Evgeniy did not see him again; his father was not destined to return from the camps - he became one of the countless victims of the Stalinist machine of repression. And soon, when the war began, an even greater loss awaited the boy: his mother died as a result of fascist shelling, and distant relatives took the orphan Evgeniy Gvozdev into their family.

Since the age of 15, Gvozdev has lived in Makhachkala. At this time, the young man began to become interested in the sea and ships, so when the question arose about his future fate, Evgeniy chose the profession of a ship mechanic, which he received at the Astrakhan Naval School. For the next 35 years, Gvozdev has been working on large fishing vessels plying the expanses of the Caspian Sea.


In the 70s, it began to spread as a sport, and Evgeny Gvozdev began to become seriously interested in sailing ships and travel. And since he was not a rich man, he did not have money for his own yacht. Miraculously, the entertainer manages to get an old decommissioned whaleboat, from which Evgeniy Aleksandrovich built a small yacht in two years. The Makhachkala mechanic named his construction “Getan”, hiding the names of people close to him in the abbreviation of the ship’s name.

In 1979, Gvozdev on the Getan made an unprecedented trip across the Caspian Sea along the Makhachkala-Baku route. After that, the small sailing ship and its captain made more than 50 trips around the Caspian Sea, both in summer and winter, despite general skepticism and statements that the Getan pleasure boat was unlikely to sail anywhere. Evgeny Gvozdev sailed and planned an even more grandiose journey.

First trip around the world

The year was 1991 and Evgeniy Alexandrovich, at the age of 57, decided to go on a trip around the world. The common Russian man did not have a suitable vessel, and Gvozdev is knocking on the threshold of the SOVMARKET shipbuilding company. He offers to take a trip to the yacht as a tester. And everything would be fine, but Kazakh manufacturers of micro-yachts made of fiberglass could not figure out how to make any kind of trip on sailboats for a family coastal holiday, let alone sail into the open ocean, as Evgeny Gvozdev intended.

For six months, the energetic traveler did not leave SOVMARKET alone until the management allocated him a small pleasure yacht, Lena. In addition, a three-year contract was signed, according to which Gvozdev was accepted into the company’s staff as a tester. It goes without saying that the ship handed over to the persistent navigator was in no way suitable for circumnavigating the world, because it was equipped in accordance with standard designs and only had an additional layer of fiberglass laid on the bottom of the boat.

On July 7, 1992, Evgeny Gvozdev sets off on a long-awaited trip around the world on the 5.5-meter-long Lena boat. The difficult voyage ended in 1996, after 4 years and two weeks. This circumnavigation became the first solo trip around the world on a micro yacht in the history of mankind, which was completed safely.

At sea on the yacht "Said"

Evgeny Gvozdev's stay on land did not last long - on May 17, 1999, he set off on his second trip around the world. This time the ship was even smaller than during the first circumnavigation of the world - its length was only 3.7 meters. Since the mayor of Makhachkala, Said Amirov, financed Gvozdev’s incredible undertaking, the yacht received the name “Said” in honor of the sponsor, which the traveler will regret more than once when problems arise with the Greek border guards who mistook him for a Muslim navigator.

After the successful completion of the round-the-world trip on August 9, 2003, Evgeny Gvozdev admits that there was a ship more suitable for long trips, which Canadian sponsors offered him, but he, as a Russian, could not accept the gift and give his achievements to another country.

One way or another, the journey was completed and behind the sailor were many years of ordeal, raging waves, every now and then trying to overturn the ship, and even a meeting with Somali pirates, from which Evgeniy Alexandrovich managed to emerge alive and well.

The fatal journey "Getan II"

In October 2008, 74-year-old Gvozdev set off on his third trip around the world on the yacht Getan II. Having passed the Black Sea, the Bosphorus and reaching the shores, the traveler got in touch on December 1 and did not receive any more messages from him.

On December 10, his body was found on the coast of Naples, with a gaping wound on his head, and his yacht was found nearby with a broken mast. Presumably, the navigator was caught in a strong storm, as a result of which the yacht capsized and its captain was fatally injured.

Evgeny Gvozdev is a bright personality in Russian yachting, he is a significant figure in this sport and the most outstanding yachtsman of recent decades. Even in old age, without funds or support, he traveled, loved the sea to the point of oblivion and devoted not only his life to it - he found his death in it, like a real sailor.

Gvozdev Vladimir Matveevich – foreman of the complex-mechanized team of miners at the Raspadskaya mine working face of the Yuzhkuzbassugol production association of the USSR Ministry of Coal Industry, Kemerovo Region.

Graduated from a mining vocational school. He began his career as a longwall miner at the mine named after V.I. Lenin in the city of Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo region, and then moved to the Raspadskaya mine. Worked in the brigade of V.G. Devyatko, then improved his skills in the team of miners at the longwall face of the recognized mining ace V.N. Kolokolnikova. I was convinced that the key link in the modern coal business is the impeccable operation of equipment and its competent operation.

With his participation, in 1978, the team produced the first million tons of coal in a year. In the spring of 1980, when Kolokolnikov was retiring, the choice to replace him fell on Vladimir Matveevich, who knew the business and was respected by the miners.

In December 1982, the brigade he led surpassed the milestone of half a million tons of coal, and the following year it was conquered in May. This was the first Gvozdev record. On November 28, 1985, Gvozdev’s brigade became the third millionaire brigade at the mine, and by the end of the year it had produced a total of 1 million 127 thousand 200 tons of coal. For four years in a row, the brigade completed the year with figures in the millions, setting records on the domestic 4KM-130 complex. In 1985, he graduated from the Mezhdurechensky Mining and Construction College without interrupting his work.

By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 20, 1987, for outstanding success in fulfilling plans and socialist obligations, effective use of technology, achieving the highest labor productivity in the industry and demonstrated labor prowess Gvozdev Vladimir Matveevich awarded the Title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

In 1988, Raspadskaya reached its design capacity of 7.7 million tons of coal per year. This success did not alleviate the economic problems that plagued the mine and the whole country. In 1991, he successfully graduated from the Moscow Mining Institute in absentia.

He was, perhaps, the only one of the eminent mining foremen who tried to fit into the new economic relations. In 1992, he entered into an agreement with a foreign company for the supply of a mining complex for the excavation and extraction of coal and organized the Raspadskaya-Joy joint venture, where he became the general director. The previous team employed 72 people; the new unit, founded by Raspadskaya, had 30 miners and five managers.

Since 1998 - on a well-deserved rest. Lives in Moscow.

Laureate of the Kuzbass Prize (05/30/1985).

Honorary miner (06/25/1981, 11/09/1982). Master mechanic of the coal industry" (1977). Honored Worker of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia (05/30/1996). Honorary citizen of the city of Mezhdurechensk.