Closed veranda finish inside. Finishing inside the veranda, interesting options

An important role in the creation of the interior is played by the trim of the veranda outside and from the inside. Since the veranda is an unheated extension to the house, the used material for finishing the veranda in a private house should be resistant to temperature drops and to high humidity. Although the veranda is not heated, but you can put the heater for the veranda, and so that the heat does not quickly leave it, then it must be insulated. Be sure to be laid under the finishing material of some insulation that is not afraid of moisture, which is formed from the temperature drop at night and day.

Wooden trim veranda inside photo

First, the waterproofing of the veranda is stacked which should be tightly together with a metallized tape, and then the insulation is placed and closed with a layer of vaporizolation and finishing material. It is necessary to warm the walls but also the floor and the ceiling. On a warmed veranda, it will be about 7 degrees warmer than the street so that the insulation of the veranda is not economically profitable.
Separate the veranda from the inside can be different material. Most often, the arrangement of the veranda is produced by wooden materials, such as clapboard, eurvagon, block house.

How to be the inside finished a veranda of a log photo

Before you set the veranda with wooden materials, it is necessary to handle the antiseptic composition not only the wooden materials themselves, but also wooden veranda parts that will close the finishing materials.
Also widely used to finish the PVC panel veranda.

Very neat and beautiful, gazebo and pvc veranda

Plastic panels are very light and resistant to high humidity. Plastic panels are of different colors and with different drawings therefore you can make a colorful veranda. Mount the PVC panels are needed on a specially a pre-mounted frame of wooden bars with a cross-section of 30 x 20 or from a metal profile that is used when mounting drywall. Since the panels are very expanding at high temperatures, it is necessary to leave the gaps in 2 cm at the edges and close them with plinths.
MDF panels mimic wood structure.

Summer veranda attached to the house from the inside is trimmed by MDF panels

They are much stronger than plastic panels. However, the MDF panels are very afraid of dampness. Fasten the MDF panels just like the PVC panels on the cough.
If we separate the arbor, OSB plates, it will be necessary to make a good and powerful frame from the bars with a cross section of 10 x 10 cm.

Prostral veranda to the country house sheathed asb plates

OSB plates can be cast from the inside and outside, but outside the slab will need to close with siding or professional flooring otherwise they worsens from the rain and result in collapse. If on the veranda from the OSB, the plates will fit between the plates of the insulation, then it will be necessary to put waterproofing and vaporizolation to protect the insulation from moisture.
From the outside, it is best to finish the veranda siding.

We produce siding a variety of colors and shades. Standard is considered vinyl siding since it has a lock connection, it is durable and easy to install it. Siding is usually fixed in a horizontal position. Mounting siding produce a pre-prepared cut from the bar of 40 x 50 in a step of 40 or 50 cm. Be sure to not forget to fix the bars around the windows.
At the very bottom, the starting profile is mounted strictly horizontally. Then the side profiles on external and internal angles are then installed. Side profiles should be included in the starting profile by 5 mm. Also, side profiles are fixed around windows and doors.

Country houses with a veranda photo

Crop panels are not equal to size, and less than 5 mm as siding is expanding with increasing temperature. The panels must first start in one corner profile, and then arbuses the panel in the middle to start it in the opposite corner profile. Aligning the panel in the center. We start its bottom to the starting profile until it clicks, and then the top edge of the panel. Basin self-drawing to the cheekt need not tightly so that the panel is fluent in the left and right. The following panels also start in the corner profiles, snatch in the bottom in the castle, and we are screwed on top with self-drawing to the trim. Before installing the last panel, you need to strictly horizontally fasten the finishing profile. If necessary, the last panel will need to cut off the width. Having installed it in the angular profiles, it will be necessary to snap it into the lock, and insert the top into the finishing profile.
If a bonded veranda is made to the house of polycarbonate, it will not be necessary to separate it and insulate.

Polycarbonate sliding veranda

Mounted polycarbonate on the roof of the veranda and on the walls using self-tapping screws with rubber washers. To make a veranda of polycarbonate, you will need to make a frame of a tree or metal that will serve as a support for polycarbonate. The frame is made in a step of 60 - 80 cm.
You can see a small house and a veranda of a professional flooring that can be used as a protective material or as the wall itself.

Made a veranda from the profile tube and is trimmed by a professional flooring

Professional flooring must be attached to a wooden, and better to a metal doom. If there is a doomle of the veranda from a metal profile, it is necessary to mount the professional flooring to it with the help of screws on metal with thermo washers on the hat, but it is predetermined to do an anti-corrosion composition.

Open verandas require a more cautious approach to the choice of materials for the finishing of the soil. The solution from which the ceiling should be established on an open veranda should be borne in mind that when changing seasonal effects, the impact of moisture on precipitation and other atmospheric effects will be exposed to fluctuations in temperature. Having this in mind, it is necessary to choose the design and material that can withstand such strict operating conditions.

The main problem will be the choice of the most suitable material.

The house has a veranda: expansion of the useful space (more than 120 best projects)

It should be waterproof, strong and beautiful. At the same time it is very important that the ceiling cover on the open veranda is well associated with the decoration of the outer walls of the house, which is part of this room. The choice of materials presented in stores that meet these requirements is not stunning:

  • Plastic panels
  • Both boards
  • Plastic or metal
  • plasterboard
  • OSB panels

In the event of the last two materials you will need not only to trim the ceiling, but also finish the surface.


If you choose how to trim the ceiling on the outdoor veranda, it is relatively inexpensive and fast, then the plastic panel will be the most convenient option.

Coverage is simple and takes some time. The cost of such materials is also not too high, which will allow you to get a wonderful upper limit with minimal cost.

In this resolution there are only a few flaws.

These include relatively low strength in the cold - plastic becomes fragile and can be easily damaged. In addition, the assembled surface in the aesthetic sense is far from excellence - the cheapest plates look not very pleasant, but they are very suitable for decoration in the budget.

Both boards

One of the best options for the ratio of beauty and value.

For a small amount of money, you can get a very beautiful ceiling made of natural wood. You can draw it in the desired color and repeat if necessary. Installation does not represent problems - even an experienced person will deal, and the time for all work will be at least mandatory.

In addition, the tree is completely combined with any type of wall finishing. If you decide to cover the ceiling on the terrace, with a smaller budget for repairs, you can stay on the basis, but if they allow it, you can buy beautiful plates from different wood species.

The disadvantages of this possibility are seasonal deformation of the material and the need to process wooden parts with special compounds that prevent rotting and damage to pests.

In addition, the panels and substrates can be deformed due to temperature changes. This should take into account the installation.


The material originally intended to finish vertical surfaces will perfectly perform the function of the decorative ceiling in this part of the house. The panels are made of durable plastic or metal and are ready for any complexity when operating outside of residential space, so it is recommended to install the ceiling on the veranda.

There are practically no shortcomings of this design, except that some grades of plastic parts can disappear over time.

The cost of the lid is fully accessible, and the installation is very simple, with special clasps.

Plasterboard and OSB panel

Both materials can only be used if they are purchased with moisture-proof. Their standard types combine one drawback - poor water resistance.

Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the labeling of panels and sheets. Installation is not particularly difficult, depending on the size of the parts, it takes some time.

However, additional complications begin - the GKL must be installed with a special plaster suitable for external work, and after the wallpaper of both types should be painted with paints resistant to weather conditions.

Other things that are the same, choosing that you need to overtake on the open veranda, it is better to give the priority of the OSB panel. Unlike GCR, it does not require additional withdrawal, except for the color.

Trim Veranda inside and outside

Registration of the veranda: decoration in style

The veranda is usually called an extension adjacent to one of the walls of the house. This structure belongs to the category of summer, not heated premises. By its design, the veranda can be: as open, that is, under the roof, but not glazed and closed.

It is quite natural that the finish inside the veranda is made depending on this fact. And also, the configuration of the extension and its outer decoration should be harmoniously fit into the exterior of the house.

Constructive features veranda

The veranda plays not only a decorative function, but also necessary with a purely practical side.

A well-lit room, without cabinet furniture, decorated with many indoor plants, as it is impossible to suit a pleasant stay in the summer.

Closed veranda with multiple plants

  • The veranda can be combined with the main entrance to the house. In some cases, the entrance to the veranda can be carried out from any room, that is, there is no exit to the street.

    This is such a veranda depicted on the photo from above. But such an extension should be provided in the process of building a house.

  • If there were no verandas in the project, then it can be attached to the house and later. But so that you should not pierce the doorway in the bearing wall, it is done on the main facade, before the entrance door. There are no engineering communications there, so you can build a veranda and your own hands.
  • Naturally, an extension must match the design of the house.

    The main thing is to correct the foundation under the veranda. It is better to do this in the summer, otherwise, after thawing, the soil can seek, and your veranda will just go away from the wall at home.

    Carefully think out from which it will be erected, and as a finished outside, so as not to spoil the appearance of the building.

  • Usually, under the veranda make a column foundation. This is enough to withstand the weight of the frame and its plating.

    The brick pillars of the foundation are laid out in the pits in a depth of one meter, under each angular rack. If the veranda is longer than one and a half meters, intermediate pillars are made.

Scheme of columnar foundation

  • In the holes shuddered under the foundation, they first arrange sand pillows, about twenty centimeters high.

    On top of the sand poured fine crushed stone, and poured it with a liquid solution. In order for the water from the solution to be in the sand, it is better to lay a rubberoid with a bend in 10 cm on the walls of the pit before falling down.

  • The resulting concrete pillow and will be a support for a brick column. Before laying out it, concrete needs to be deceived with liquid glass, or bitumen. Any other waterproofing composition is suitable. The height of the poles must be calculated so that the floor of the veranda mark is 20-25 cm lower than in the house.
  • After the laying is finished, the inner cavity of the base foundation is filled with gravel, a stone, a broken brick - with any grain material.

    The outer surface of the pillars is also roaming with waterproofing.

  • Wooden beams (lags) will be relying on the foundation pillars. Beams before laying must be treated with antiseptic solution. This will not only protect them from the saturation of moisture and rotting, but also keeps the damage to insects and rodents.

This is just one of the options for the foundation device under the veranda. It can also have another design, depending on the size of the veranda under construction and its walls, if any will be provided.

In each case, the instruction is needed, and the best, the project.

Finishing walls veranda

If the house to which the veranda is delivered, log, from a bar or frame-panel, then the most organic version will be the embodiment of the tree an extension. Although, you can make a frame and from metal products, and then just to strip it with a clapboard. Moreover, if the veranda is planned to be glazed.

Aluminum stained glass windows in the glazing veranda

  • Then, for this purpose, you can use aluminum stained glass windows installed directly to the base of the veranda.

    Their use decides at once two tasks: the construction of walls and their finish, or rather, its absence. Washed the glass - that's all the finishes.

    It will only be forced to decorate the base and intermediate racks: facing brick, or, for example, a stone.

  • You can solve such a task as a trimming veranda combined with the construction of walls, and with the help of glass blocks. This material is both constructive and decorative.
  • In addition, the construction markets of the country offer a truly huge range of blocks: with corrugated glass, color, matte.

    There are block options, with decorative appliqués in the inner cavity - it is so beautiful!

Wall verandas from glass blocks

  • Various options for glass blocks can be combined as you like, make a panel, to make backlight.

    Of course, the price of such a veranda will be more expensive than the walls of which are trimmed by plywood or plastic, but the beauty you will receive ultimately worth it.

  • On the example we given, the windows of the verandas are small, and are highly from the floor. But thanks to the light of glass blocks, the veranda is light and without additional lighting.

By the way, in this case, the window loans could be performed on the roof, on the mansard window manner.

In the construction of the walls of the veranda, you can combine both options mentioned by us above: one wall is made of glass blocks, and the other two are from aluminum stained glass windows. The fourth wall is the bearing wall of the house. It will decorated in the process of interior veranda.

Tree in the trim of the veranda

If the veranda is open, then the concepts of the outer and interior decoration are mixed. And most often, such verandas are performed from wood: both structural elements and decorative.

  • Of all the materials that can be used to build and finish the veranda, it is the tree that will create the most favorable setting for recreation, saturating the air with its unique aroma.

Tree open veranda

  • Racks that support the roof of the verandas can be made of rounded logs or timber secting 15 * 15 cm.

    In the simplest version, as on the example from above, the floor of the veranda is made of a conventional cutting board, not even painted. The ceiling is laid by standard lining, and the parapet is made from ordinary bars applied to the installation of doom.

  • But many household owners do not want to save the veranda on trim, and prefer to arrange this corner for recreation, solid and soundly, which is called, for centuries. For such cases, manufacturers of wood finishing materials, there will always be the necessary suggestions.
  • One of these options used today in external finishes is Decon.

    Methods of finishing and insulation ceiling on the veranda: choose materials

    Otherwise, it is called a terrace board. This concept can also be attributed to the garden parquet and deck board.

Paul veranda lined with garden parquet

  • It is performed not from the wood array, but from the wood composite. That is, there are polymer supplements in its composition.

    But in this case, it only improves the characteristics of products that are very durable, and moisture is not afraid. And this is very relevant for both the open space, and for the closed but not heated.

Outdoor trim of the veranda performed by Planken

  • Dear and high-quality wood for the outer decoration is planken from larch or ash.

    This is the name of the facade planed board, obtained from a solid wood array. From the ordinary planed board, the plaquen is distinguished by a form of section having bevelled and rounded chamdes. Connecting grooves, like the clask board, the plaquene does not have, which allows you to mount it with gaps, not just an online jack.

Installation of plaquen with gap

  • In principle, the veranda of wood can be attached not only to the wooden, but also to a brick or stone house.

    The main thing is that the color solution to its finishing finish is harmoniously combined with the facade trim. But the tree can not only be painted, but also use in the design of its surface of the thread, and the craftsmen have always grabbed in Russia.

Finishing from the outside: a veranda of wood with carved elements

Here is a wonderful example of using a thread in the veranda design.

There are also twisted poles, and a beautiful carved parapet, painted in contrast to other designs, and mounted arched elements with a lace pattern. Take a note!

Interior decoration of the glazed veranda

The interior design of the glazed veranda can, in principle, consider how to finish the loggia.

But the veranda is usually more spacious, which means there are more opportunities for design. So:

  • Although this room is considered summer, nothing prevents you from installing heaters on the veranda, as in our next example, and use the veranda all year round, and not only in the summer.

    Then, finishing materials can be used absolutely any.

Heated closed veranda

  • And here is an example of internal design veranda. In addition to stained-glass windows, the roof of the room is also glass, so that the room is simply flooded with light. To avoid direct sunlight, in the glazing of roofing windows used matte acrylic glass.
  • An excellent complement to the interior of the veranda, can serve any unusual blinds or original curtains. The design of the ceiling, of course, will depend on which the roof is made. In addition to wood, in its finish, you can use plastic and MDF, to rice drywall and paint, lining with polystyrene tiles, make a suspended ceiling - Yes, anything.

Carpet on the floor of the glazed veranda

And the walls can be decorated in different ways, but almost always in bright colors.

Paul on such a veranda can be almost any: from tiles to parquet. On the image from above: the floor under the plinth is Currolina, throughout the perimeter of the room. Do not do on the veranda and without upholstered furniture - well, for rest without a comfortable sofa!

Finishing the veranda inside and outside with your own hands

Most often, speaking of the veranda, we mean an open or closed extension to one of the walls of the house, where it is convenient to spend your holiday time or dinner. But the terrace, being one of the varieties of an extension to the house, differs from it, although their concepts are somewhat similar.

The terrace is a facility that has supports on the poles, a roof, adjacent to the house of one of the sides. From this side and is access to the terrace from the house. The rest of the parties are open, the effect of unity with nature, which gives the terrace, is very strong. Even heavy rain, which can be observed under the roof of the terrace, fully sense its dampness, humidity, hear all the sounds, will not soak the one who is open on three sides.

And the cup of tea before bedtime, in the chair in the fresh air - the luxury, available not to many.

As for the veranda, this construction happens both on the first floor and on the second.

Interior trim of veranda in a private house photo

Cottages with such a structure on the second floor are quite stylish and spectacular look. Therefore, the finishing of a closed veranda on the second floor is paying much attention - this indicates the status of the owner, about his taste. This room also has a roof that can be performed in a traditional way, and may be glass, which will allow a large amount of daylight during the day being indoors.

Finishing the open veranda in the country (in the photo you can see that it can be stylized for anything) requires a special creative attitude.

It is possible to decorate it by evergreen saplings of cypresses around the perimeter, then it will turn into a constructure in Greek style. You can make a trim of the veranda inside in the form of a winter garden or a stone palace.

A carefully thought out interior will allow to give this construction a special kind, to make their own corner of creativity and fantasy from the usual home.

The trisp of the veranda of the veranda of a wood thread or decoration by their curly ivy or lianami will give a charming view of the terrace design.

This design is built both on one side of the house (open or closed type) and around the house. If it is built in length around the perimeter of the house, the construction has a kind of gallery, if it is an extension of a rectangular type, it looks like a pavilion.

For the summer period, the construction is built without insulation and glazing. The decoration of walls on the veranda can be performed in different materials. And for winter, the residential premises goes into such where the windows are equipped with double glazing. Finishing a closed veranda in a private house (see photo) admits even installing a fireplace (biocamine or falsefin) to create a cozy atmosphere in which it will be comfortable.

How to finish the veranda at the cottage, photos, ideas

The verandas are different types, depending on how the design of the house is designed, choose an open (terrace) or closed (glazed) types.

Various sheathing options will create a different impression when creating design.

It is important that which will be the trim of the veranda, because the main purpose of this extension in the comfort of those who conduct their leisure here.

Guided by your own taste in the finish process, do not forget about some rules to get the desired result.

If the trim of the veranda in a private house (in the photo) suggests that it will be open, you need to take care that building materials that you will use to finish have resistance to atmospheric precipitation and dampness, withstand increased humidity.

A tree in the trim of the veranda inside with their own hands provides for a mandatory preliminary impregnation with an antiseptic, such a step will avoid not only the premature deformation of the wooden elements, but also protect the walls, the floor, the pillars from rodents.

Finishing open veranda in a private house, photo

If a private house, which is planned to build a terrace, is located on the sea coast or on the shore of the reservoir, it will be an interesting decision to make a trim of a polycarbonate veranda - transparent walls will allow to protect themselves from damp in cool evenings, but will not impede wonderful views from there.

Usually summer premises do not need glazing, it is used only in the warm season, this seasonality does not provide for monolithic buildings or stationary cabinet furniture.

Light plastic models of chairs, tables, or furniture-transformer will be suitable here. Perfectly create the themed interior of wicker chairs, tables, rocking chairs, live flowers, suspended in Kashpo around the perimeter of the terrace.

Materials for fabrication veranda

One of the fashionable decisions in construction today is the choice of a frame veranda.

For the construction of such a design, the foundation is required, the construction of the construction framework. Options for finishing the veranda are a matter of taste and opportunities, but the principle of creating a design is almost identical.

Concrete concrete pillars will be required (in order to build a foundation), a wooden bar for construction of a frame, a perimeter for its lower part and finishing materials for the interior decoration of the veranda veranda (in the photo Stone Finish):

  • wooden or plastic lining (PVC),
  • polystyrene tile,
  • MDF panels,
  • composites, stone, perfolist, metal, etc.

If you purchase brackets, corners, self-tapping screws, anchors, tools, you can make a veranda with your own hands.

As a roof, it is used as desired wood, metal, profile sheet, metal tile, glass, etc.

After finishing a closed veranda inside (on the photo of a wooden roof), you need to take into account the degree of natural lighting, because the only communication that is needed here is electricity.

The floor will need waterproofing, and, depending on the selected style, the type of surface, the floor or stone slabs are used, you can put a beautiful quality linoleum.

It is not necessary to rely on the fact that the boarding floor or laminate will be used, remaining the same spectacular, beautiful - if the option is open, summer, the inner trim of the veranda in a private house (see photo) for the floor is also susceptible to dampness, humidity. Therefore, it is better to give preference to those materials that do not absorb moisture.

The perforated sheet for finishing the veranda inside will help divide the room on the zones (for example, a dining area and a recreation area), showing fantasy, you can perfectly decorate the ceiling them.

It is important in the interior trim the veranda correctly calculate lighting.

Wall decoration on the veranda inside

One of the popular ways to make a closed type terrace is not only beautiful, but also warm - trim the veranda plastic panels (in the photo you can see such an option).

By itself, it is a lightweight structure, so the interior trim of the veranda in the country (the photo illustrates one of the options), the ability to make windows without using a two-layer glass.

Much more efficient will take care of the insulation of gender, walls. As a finish inside the veranda, moisture-resistant plasterboard plates are suitable in the country, it is pre-conducted by hydrophobization of the walls of the structure on both sides: from the inside and outside.

To insulate the walls, you can use minvatu or extruded expanded polystyrene foam. The internal trim of the veranda (photo) is a gasket of the insulation, which is gently glorified by a vapor barrier film, and the sheets of MDF, drywall are superimposed on top, strengthen PVC panels or clapboard.

Choosing a minvatoo as insulation, remember its moisture consumption, in order for the insulation soon, the insulation does not crumble into the pipe, ensure waterproofing the walls!

Wall panels for interior trim for veranda can be made of any material, even painted with decorative plaster. Wooden panels will be very impressive and respectable, but you need to remember that you need to ensure care.

Cheaper and more practical to finish the veranda imitation of a bar (photo), even on an open design, this type is preferable in view of its durability.

The lining is one of the most simple materials, distinguished by wear resistance, good qualities for wet premises, undemanding to care.

The advantages of finishing the veranda clap should include its following qualities:

  • The lining is easily mounted, allows you to create a smooth smooth wall at the expense of your own texture,
  • Is an excellent soundproofing material
  • It is distinguished by strength and convenience of replacing damaged sections if necessary.

Finishing the veranda clap in (photo) gives great prospects for choosing a color gamut, neat and easy editing, but lack of lining in fragility, especially in the cold season.

Glazing of winter veranda

Today it is fashionable to use extraordinary decisions in glazing, one of the ways to make your home aristocratic and exquisite is the French trim of the veranda (photo).

It is the installation of metal-plastic windows in various forms and large size. If it is permissible, in the interior, built-in stained glass windows.

The trim of the veranda and the porch inside, the design of which involves the use of natural materials, looks beautiful in the stone or tree.

Finishing veranda outside

Beautiful appearance for the veranda is the image of the owner of the house.

Stone, tree - classic options, especially beautifully and impressively a carved tree in decoration. Cheaper, more practical, lighter in care to finish the veranda siding (photo illustrates this option).

Among the advantages of vinyl siding - high performance, a large range of colors, ease of installation, a democratic price. Horizontal panels make a construction very aesthetic.

What to fit the ceiling on the veranda?

Some premises in the house need a special finishing of overlaps due to the fact that the operating conditions of the materials are very different from the standard. For example, choosing than to rinse the ceiling on the veranda, you need to take into account that this site is essentially located on the street and the conditions here differ from the residential premises.

Basic requirements for materials

In order for the design pleased you as long as possible and did not give trouble during operation, it is necessary to pick up coatings with the corresponding characteristics.

The basic requirements for which the ceiling cover should be configured on the veranda look like:

  • Moisture resistance
  • Strength
  • In cases of self-installation - Ease of processing and installation
  • Compliance of the outside of the rest of the finish of the house
  • Resistance to low temperatures in winter
  • Affordable price with budget repairs

Particular attention should be paid to frost and moisture resistance - even glazed premises are usually not heated, and there are a lot of moisture in the street air, for example, during the rain.

The remaining parameters are also important, but, here are some assumptions, taking into account the personal preferences of the home owners.

Popular options

If desired, the finish can be performed in any available way. However, the most relaxing and popular options from what can be used the ceiling on the veranda are:

Despite the fact that the stretch canvas are all used to seeing exclusively in the residential premises, it is perfect for both open premises, provided that textiles are selected, not PVC film.

The film does not fit, because from frost it is lost elasticity and cracks.

The plasterboard is also very requested during the design of residential spaces.

Even his moisture-resistant variety will not be able to withstand the weather popsicles and with time will take moisture.

What and how the interior trim of the veranda in a private house

This will affect the appearance of the surface in the most negative way - it will sweep around and finish with ugly stains, after which it will have to completely dismantle the design.

Suspended solutions from the panels will cost very inexpensively and in demand when repaired with a small budget. In addition, the installation of panels both on the frame and on a simple crate is carried out very easily and quite forces even novice masters.

Of the remaining materials, the most popular and suitable for almost any style of design is the usual lining.

It is available at cost, easily mounted and after processing special compositions can withstand atmospheric phenomena.

Rare Repair Methods

If you want to choose the original, then picking up than to sew the ceiling on your veranda, you can pay attention to one of the materials mentioned below.

They have not yet deserved such popularity as previous, but they look very original and are suitable for the design of this part of the house in their characteristics.

In principle, there are a lot of finishing options. It is important to consider open or closed will be the room. For open veranda or partial glazing sites, it is better to pick up a finish with increased resistance to atmospheric phenomena and durability.

Fully closed areas can be issued less atmospheric materials.


If you do not see one or another finishes with your own eyes, it is very difficult to determine the specific type of design. Therefore, a few photo examples are arrogant below that you can apply the ceiling on the veranda and how the coating will look like.

Almost all of the veranda veranda options presented in this article can be performed independently.

The exception will be the stretch ceiling, but, if desired, even such a coating can be installed with your own hands. The choice of a specific type of design should be carried out, taking into account the appearance of the entire house, the budget and personal aesthetic preferences of its owners.

No private house or cottage do not cost without a veranda - the place where the home comfort and the peace of the wildlife are found. What finish to choose how to put furniture and enter the design into the surrounding space?

The veranda is probably the best place in the country or in a country house, where you can fully relax and feel unity with nature. It can be solid, insulated, functionally planned and thoroughly furnished. Either be easy to furnished with dacha ease - such that with the onset of cold weather it could be free from furniture. However, any veranda needs a certain interior decoration, which will create the unique intimate atmosphere to nature.

The most important thing is that the veranda harmonized with the architecture of the house, its interior declared with the interior. It is also important that it is competently inscribed in the surrounding landscape.

Style veranda

It all depends on what style of the finish of the house itself is withstanding. But at the same time, the situation of the veranda should transmit its purpose - a place for relaxes and trapes. Therefore, rustic styles are perfect, for example, country, Provence, Russian style in which the comfort is intertwined with the simplicity and charm of rural life. If you want something special, you can choose Japanese or ecostel. Or build a patio in the spirit of the Roman Empire with fountains, vases and terracotta tiles on the floor.


Only natural materials will be appropriate in the interior. Walls can be separated by a stone or brick, making a reference to the Loft style. The tree will also look organically. For finishing floors, it is better to use wear-resistant, unpretentious material - for example, porcelain stoneware. Panoramic glazing is traditionally for most veranda: the sunshine passes through it and the greenery of the garden is visible. If you equip the veranda with sliding glass doors, you can input the garden at any time and its freshness inside, or to burn out of dampness during the rain.

The palette for finishing the veranda is also better to choose natural. In this border between the house and the garden, the zone will look very beautiful to the natural green, gray-brown, terracotta shades with bright accents.


The space inside the veranda is important to schedule in accordance with its expectations and functions that the veranda will be executed in the house. If you rarely use it for cooking, and more as a place where you can sit and drink a seagull in the shade, you will need an uncomplicated dining group (table and light chairs) and a small brand, to sometimes prepare kebabs for households.

If you are a connoisseur of dacha fenders with a lot of friends, then on the veranda it is better to produce a competent layout. Highlight the dining area and the cooking zone, organize a whole kitchen: build a furnace, including oven, cooking surface, hearth with spit, grill and tandoor, and also put a cutting table, hang wardrobes for dishes. Then the hotel does not need an accommodation kitchen.


An open veranda should be furnished with special garden furniture. It is made of persistent materials that are not afraid of moisture, cold, do not spoil under the right sunlight. Be sure to need a table and several chairs for households. The dishes and products can be calmly stored at home, so the cabinets are most likely not needed. But flower pots or porridge, rocking chair or suspended chair, sofa swing will be on the open veranda by the way.

Furniture will need significantly more if you work on the trim of a glazed veranda, playing home the role of a kitchen-dining room. Here, for the internal situation, you can choose a solid expensive furniture: soft sofas and chairs, a round table, so that more guests fit for it. A non-renounced decoration of wood shelves from a tree - the very place for beautiful plates. Will not forget and ancient grandmother buffet.


The veranda finish is completed with the selection of decor and accessories. Since this zone combines the functions of the recreation and kitchen-dining room, the decor must be appropriate, cozy. The mood of heat will create family photos on the walls, paintings with landscapes and still lifes, painted tableware and intricate candle holders.

More examples of internal arrangements veranda can be found in the photo with design projects from professionals.

Surrounding area

Private house or private estate constitute a single whole with an adjacent territory. The veranda must organically look in the surrounding landscape, and the garden, approaching it, should be a continuation of the selected style. In short, if preference is given to English style, then the garden should be English. And the eastern veranda will fit into the Japanese garden of stones. By the way, the veranda can be combined with another functional zone:

  • winter garden, greenhouse or even greenhouse
  • playground so that the kids do not bored until adults
  • bath or sauna to combine the pleasure of eating a kebab with the adoption of water procedures.

A modern country house is designed to provide the best accommodation in it. Currently, all conditions have been created for this - an abundance of design solutions in house-building, many traditional and new proven materials.

One of the elements of private building buildings is currently a terrace - a fully or partially open area equipped with a roof. It allows you to fully feel like part of nature, practically without leaving home. What materials and compliance with what requirements can be carried out by finishing a terrace, and it will be discussed in the future.

Structurally an extension to the house, called the terrace or veranda is raised over the ground the podium on one of the types of foundation, and the roof from a material based on multiple support beams. By an embodiment, such structures are divided into:

This species is good when it is located on the leeward sunny side. Due to the absence of fences, there are practically no boundaries between the veranda and its surrounding space. It is better if the height of the floor of such a structure will be small. This is especially true for accommodation in the country house of children.

This option requires minimal costs for its construction. Yes, and the trim of the veranda will not require large expenses. But to its quality it is necessary to present maximum requirements, since the elements of the design will be under constant influence of excessive moisture, frost, winds, temperature drops.

Such a terrace retains its airiness and openness, but ensures the high security of households and their guests. The main difference from the previous version is the presence of fences made from a bar, in the form of a frame design of sawn timber, as well as from blocks or bricks, followed by a veranda wall finish outside and from the inside.

Due to the lack of complete isolation from the atmosphere, the operation of the first and second facilities is possible only in the warm season. They cannot be highly insulated due to the design features, and completely protect visitors of such a terrace from the wind and the rain droplets are difficult inside.

This species is most suitable for year-round use as an additional room. Even in the winter cold closed from the wind and frost, you can enjoy hot tea, admiring the beauty of nature. In this case, the interior of the veranda is better combined with the insulation of all its walls. This will minimize the cost of heating the house as a whole.

The process of manufacturing the described structures is not complicated and is quite accessible to your own hands, like finishing the veranda inside or outside. Since the topic of the article involves more detailed familiarization with the second part of the work, consider them, focusing on the possible versions, their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Currently, the lining of the veranda from the inside is performed using the following materials:

  1. wooden lining;
  2. plastic panels;
  3. mDF panels;
  4. cement plaster and artificial stone on cement basis.

The classic option is considered to use natural wood materials for decoration of walls not only inland rooms at home, but also for extensions. The lining is characterized by a good appearance, ease of installation and low requirements for the quality of the basis of the basis.

Installation is performed on a 40x40 mm bars with special fasteners - kleimers, which capture the panels for the groove and securely fix. The details of the finishes can be vertically, horizontally or at an angle to the floor.

With the outer finish, we can only put the veranda by installing the lining parallel to the bonds up to prevent water accumulation in the grooves.

Also a fairly common option. It is better to separate the veranda of a closed type with such panels. In this case, the temperature differences are less sensitive for the material, which contributes to an increase in the timing of its operation.

Unlike wood materials, plastic is practically not afraid of water. Modern trading networks offer many options for both color and texture plastic panels.

Installation of plastic finish is easier than wooden. Due to the considerable width of the panels, the process is faster.

Fasten the details of the finish on the crate is conveniently using a building stapler, scoring brackets into a wide shelf over the edge of products. Plastic panels do not require further finishing of the LKM, well wash with a damp cloth, dust does not settle on them.

Another common finishing material for internal works - MDF panels. Like the previous version, they are distinguished by a large working width, which allows the trim enough quickly. Seammers are used to fastening the wood crate from wood, similar to those used when mounting wooden lining.

Due to the large number of colors imitating natural wood, stone and even the skin, such an interior trim of the veranda will have a very high-quality view. With all the advantages there are MDF and a significant drawback - very low moisture resistance. In this regard, they are better not to use to finish open terraces. Otherwise, additional protection is required in the form of a varnish coating of all sides of the panels.

In the case of use for the manufacture of a terrace of cement-containing building materials - blocks with one or another filling, or bricks, it is better to separate the walls close in the composition of mixtures or details.

Please note that plaster on a plaster basis and a gypsum artificial stone are not suitable for covering the walls of an open verand.

Often house owners stop the high cost of finishing materials from cement. It is not difficult to make the required amount of original artificial stone independently in a home workshop. By adding aniline dye, you can get a unique interior in the separated room.

As already noted, the above-mentioned materials used in the inner space finish of the veranda have certain disadvantages that limit their application. In recent years, the external walls and roofs of the terraces are closed with polycarbonate - artificial transparent material, allowing to obtain a closed space, while retaining visual contact with the surrounding nature.

There are two main types of this plastic - cellular and monolithic. The first is distinguished by the minimum mass, high light light, durability, so it is often used for the roof of terraced roofs.

The second in its properties is close to the real quartz glass, but in contrast to it does not have such high fragility. This determined the use of it in the framework structures of the vertical location - windows, doors, transparent walls.

Modern manufacturers are not limited to the release of colorless sheets. To create a soft shadow, we recommend using for roofing green, blue, red, yellow cellular polycarbonate. You can combine several colors, giving all the design brightness and uniqueness.

The lifting of the walls of the veranda cellular polycarbonate is quite accessible to perform with their own hands. To work, you will need a minimum set of tools:

  • a knife for cutting - any construction suitable;
  • screwdriver.

Polycarbonate installation technology assumes the following list of works.

Similarly, the installation of a cellular polycarbonate on the roof of the terrace is performed. In the case of a skate - the joint of two roof rods, use a special skate profile implemented in the sales organizations.

In the absence of experiment, cutting sheets on the necessary dimensions can also be performed by workers of construction bases.

As follows from our review, the number of materials for the plating the terraces is sufficient for the manufacture of a unique structure. Before separating your veranda by any of them, carefully examine all the features of operation in a particular case.

Works outside

Choosing how to enjoy the veranda outside, you need to focus on the appearance of the house, otherwise the room will be out of the overall picture. Universal materials can be combined with virtually anything. Universal called:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • stone and brick.


With a tree it is difficult to work. This material is quickly spoiled without proper care. His positive parties cover the following features:

  1. Attractive, which is achieved due to the variety of textures.
  2. Thanks to the tree, you can implement draft veranda in any style. From Starussky, decorating the angles of the room with the help of carved pillars, to a modern modern one with a little treated wooden surface. It looks great with glass, stone, brick, wood and wrought elements.
  3. Ecology.

The disadvantages include:

  1. High exposure to atmospheric phenomena. Various impregnations and coatings protect against environmental influence, but do not guarantee complete protection of the veranda. In addition, the procedures for protecting the tree will have to do regularly, which takes time and strength.
  2. Tree - fire hazardous material.
  3. Financial component. Tree is expensive. Add to this the costs of regular care for the boards and it will be quite a solid amount.

Bricks and stones

Usually, not the entire veranda is made of stone or bricks, but only the foundation and several pillars, which support the roof of the structure.

Consider positive parties:

Cons of material:

  1. Stone and brick are expensive materials.
  2. Do not combine with wooden houses, which can become a problem if you build a veranda in the country.
  3. Labor consideration.


Plastic one of the most popular materials. Its pluses include:

  1. Low price.
  2. Easy to operate and install the plating.
  3. Wearness and impotence of atmospheric phenomena. High-quality plastic withstands severe heat and frost.
  4. High sound absorption and excellent thermal insulation properties.
  5. Material is able to withstand high loads.
  1. Under the influence of the Sun and the temperature drop material, the material over time loses decorative properties.
  2. This is an artificial material.

Interior arrangement of walls

Interior trim veranda is carried out by such materials:

  • lining;
  • decorative plaster;
  • PVC panels;
  • MDF panels.

All of them have their own assembly.


Interior trim Veranda clapboard is a classic design option.

For the veranda usually use standard thin lining 5-10mm. As a rule, this is a board made of wood, products of its processing or plastic. There are differences depending on the profile. Distinguish:

  1. Standard profile. The option is characterized by beveled edges forming noticeable intervals between the panels.
  2. Calm. It has relatively soft transitions, thanks to the small angle of stepping edges.
  3. EUROPHILL. After the coating is collected, it forms a specific pattern.

Boards are connected using a special system consisting of spikes and grooves. But note that it is extremely difficult to work with the clapboard. Wooden panels sweat or swell, and plastic are not so whims.

For installation, the following tools will be required:

  • screwdriver;
  • kleimers (special metal latches).

Clapping can be placed horizontally or vertically. You can also try to install it at an angle. It depends on your skill, fantasies and features of the room. And one more advice - do not try to sink the spikes in the grooves until it stops.

Decorative plaster

To separate the veranda from the inside, often use plaster. This is a mixture that after applying the wall turns into a finished coating. There is a huge variety of different coatings:

  • plaster, as part of which there are kokes to make the walls of the desired color;
  • stucco, imitating stone;
  • venetian, which repeats the texture of marble.

The appearance of the veranda depends on the technique of applying material. One of the results can be achieved by simply using a little more plaster or making different types of smears. In addition, with the help of plaster, you can create a sgrafto - stucco patterns on the walls.

MDF and PVC panels

MDF panels - Wood fibers that were obtained in the process of treating solid wood bars. After that, the chips is pressed under high pressure and temperature. The veranda can be sized with stoves with a thickness of up to 10 millimeters. The finished block has the following qualities:

  • has high sound absorption rates;
  • stalling tolerates high and low temperatures;
  • convenient in work.

But there is a material and minus - he reacts badly to moisture (swelling and disintegrating). If condensate often appears in the veranda, the MDF panels will not fit.

For convenience, there are several formats of MDF panels:

  • separate sheets;
  • lining, etc.

They are enough to fasten to the wall screws.

PVC panels - material that is performed from polyvinyl chloride. It is very comfortable. Since the panels are plastic, they can be bent, configuring under any placing form.

PVC panels have the following positive parties:

  • low weight;
  • high levels of resistance in contact with water;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • low cost.

But there is a minus - in the cold the material cracks. So if the winter harsh and temperature often reaches the election in -15 better not to use PVC panels in the unheated veranda.

If you do all work yourself, it is desirable to choose a material with pins and grooves for quick installation. The process of work is as simple as with MDF.

Special mounts are attracted for installation. And screw the panels need a screwdriver. In order not to damage the material, make an operation at low power. If you bought a set ready for installation, then here you can do without a screwdriver, bypassing only kleimers and screws.

Improvement of ceilkov

The ceiling is part of the structure on which the largest load is accounted for. It is constantly exposed to moisture due to seasonal precipitation, and in winter it should also withstand snow weight. Choose the right material is not easy. It should be simultaneously: durable, easy, moisture resistant.

These parameters correspond to two material:

  • polycarbonate;
  • weaving.

They are easily mounted and do not require much care.


Polycarbonate - transparent modern material. It is very similar to the glass, but gets rid of its flaws. In particular, polycarbonate is durable and very light.

He has several species:

  1. Monolithic. It is a solid material produced in the form of plates. Externally resembles the glass. It stands steadwise, because it is better for the roof.
  2. Cell. Inside, this polymer has a cellular division. It is less transparent, but has the same high light transmittability. Such polycarbonate is noticeably better preserves heat and much easier than the monolithic analogue.

Polycarbonate can be transparent or color. Fasten the material easily. To do this, create a framework for which sheets need to be installed. They are attached with the help of galvanized self-tapping screws with thermoshabami so that there are no leakage.


If you want the original ceiling on the veranda, then a braided alternative to designer solutions can become the most cheap alternative. Outwardly, it looks like a basket walls, but it looks stylish. Usually for weaving use:

  • thin moisture-resistant faeer;
  • veneer.

The installation procedure in the house is quite simple:

  1. Split a sheet into several smooth stripes. To do this, you can use the machine so that the cuts are neat, otherwise weaving can be fragile.
  2. On a flat surface, glossy canvas. Welcome in a checkerboard, picking up the regiments with a rubber hammer.
  3. "Tails" stripes hide with the wrong side of the weaving.
  4. Since the design is obtained enough heavy, it is impossible to raise it to one person. To facilitate the work, use the ropes put on the edges. Raise better from the door.
  5. Bashed material can be slate nails.

To hide the joints of the junctions, install plinths. For greater aesthetic, cover him with varnish.


The final chord in the design of the veranda is the choice of outdoor coverage. Options may be the following:

  • terraced board;
  • tile;
  • rubber;
  • linoleum;
  • cement.

To finally make a choice Think, whether you will walk in the veranda barefoot or in shoes. In addition, a carpet or palace can be seized on the floor in the veranda.

Terraced board

The terrace board is essentially treated lumber. This is a three-layer design:

  1. Bottom layer. This is a coating with ventilation grooves.
  2. Middle layer. There are cavities that allow wood to expand, without deforming the overall design.
  3. Upper. This is the facial part of the board, because it is smooth.

This material has many advantages:

  • board easy to mount;
  • the floor is not much different from the wooden;
  • coverage durable and heatwise.

In order for the floor to do not deteriorate better to give preference to the boards that are covered with varnish. Installation should be made on a frame with a passage of lag. Moreover, the lags need to be put perpendicular to 40-60 cm. After that, the board can be fixed. It is better to use nails or screws as a retainer.


The stove is a complex material in the installation. But the difficulties justify themselves, since the tile has the following positive qualities:

  • she shockproof;
  • easy is clean and withstands the impact of precipitation;
  • different with a variety of design.

Installation of tile is performed according to the following steps:

  1. To start the surface you need to align.
  2. Next is the screed.
  3. Preparation of materials. A special tile glue will be required.
  4. Tile is aligned by level. Between the corners you need to install special crosses to align the sizes of the seams.
  5. Further disguise the joints with a special grout. If the grout falls on the tile, do not worry. It will be sick with the surface, but will remain in the gaps.

But there is one difficulty - cutting. This needs to be done if the premises have non-standard sizes. This operation is almost impossible to do without plastic cutting, although you can try to replace it with a grinder.


If the classic of wall decoration in the veranda is the lining, then for the floor - linoleum. The coating is made from polyvinyl chloride in combination with polymers. The benefits of material include:

  • waterproof (but only if it is fixed in a whole piece);
  • impact resistance and wear resistance;
  • ease of installation and care;
  • huge assortment;
  • low cost.

Installation of material can make even unprofessional. The main thing is that the floor surface is quite smooth. Next, you need to roll the roll, align it and secure near the plinth. If the linoleum is cut, separate areas can be copp using a special plank. But due to the fact that the material misses the cold, you need to use insulation.


Rubber coating - rubber that is stacked by the floor. On the market it is represented by plates or monolithic boulders. From the positive sides of the material you can allocate:

  • impact resistance;
  • absolute waterproof;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • phenomenal wear resistance;
  • a wide choice of designer solutions.

It is important here that the floor is smooth. To connect the plates among themselves with polymer glue.

The installation procedure resembles working with conventional tiles. But in this case they do not need crosses, because the plates are adjacent more tight. If the rolled rubber is used, the joints are sealed with a soldering iron or a construction dryer.

Cement mixes

Separate the floor in the veranda can be standardly using cement. Despite the banality, the option remains the most labor cost. At the same time, such a floor can be treated even on a monolithic foundation. As a result, get a coating that is different:

  • strokeability;
  • waterproof;
  • resistance to temperature drops.

It does not require careful care. True, after the cement mixture is installed, it is necessary to polish the special machine before the brilliance.

There are many other versions of finishing materials like OSB-plates or bulk sex, but they all use smaller demand among consumers.

Selection of material for finishing wall veranda

Materials selected to finish the walls of the veranda must meet practical and aesthetic requirements. A feature of their choice is the lack of heating in an extension of a closed type and the serious impact of climatic conditions on the design of the open veranda. Therefore, the material used for the decor should not only be externally attractive and comply with the design, but also steadily withstand the effect of the sun, high humidity and temperature fluctuations.
The walls of the veranda wall can be performed by many finishing materials that are used for internal and external work:

  • Wooden lining. It belongs to the classic of the genre, as it is the most popular material for the walls of the walls by virtue of its ecological purity, excellent appearance and a pleasant aroma, source of natural wood.
  • Plasterboard sheets (GLK). For the veranda fits their moisture-resistant option. Such products differ from ordinary GLCs with their green. The material is environmentally friendly, easy to install and is easily processed by numerous ways. It can take almost any form, and this is important at the decoration of the walls. Such a trim is used in the verandas of a closed type.
  • MDF panels. This material imitates natural wood. It is quite durable, but the wet environment is not for him. Therefore, MDF can be used to cover the walls of a closed veranda.
  • PVC panels. This is a durable and inexpensive moisture-resistant material. It is represented by a rich assortment of all sorts of shades and colors, may have different textures, very easy to work and is not particularly whimsical in care. It is suitable for the sheath of the walls of the attachment of any type.
  • Siding panels. They are practical in work and are available at cost. Often imitate wood and are produced in a variety of colors. The material is not amenable to rotten, resistant to temperature and fire drops, easy to maintain and durable. Most often applied to the outer decoration of the walls on the veranda.

Preparatory work before decoration of walls on the veranda

If the veranda has glazed, the finish of its walls is better made after the heat insulation device under the windows. In this case, the room can be used almost before the onset of frosts.
For insulation, a closed veranda can use mineral wool or foam. For a start on the walls, waterproofing should be fixed, you can take a moisture-proof polyethylene film. It is stacked by a 150-200 mm, the joints of the canvas need to be punished with a metallized scotch.
After that, you need to install a crate on the walls. The material for it can serve a wooden bar, previously processed by an antiseptic. The cross section of the bar should be selected by the thickness of the insulation, and the size of the cell of the crate must correspond to the width of the insulation.
Then the insulation, in particular mineral wool, should be packaged into the waterproof material and put into the cells of the crate. Wrapping insulation will protect it from dampness and retain its functionality for many years.
After that, on top of the insulation, the foil membrane should be consolidated on the crate and smoke her joints with scotch. In the process of insulation, it plays the role of a heat transfer screen. On this thermal insulation of the walls can be finished.

Technology finishing wall veranda

Choosing than to sheathe the walls on the veranda, you can begin to finish. Below we consider several of its options.

Decoration of walls PVC panel veranda

This method of finishing is inexpensive, but it can be a common room to make cozy and interesting. Panels are not terrible high air humidity and sharp changes in its temperature - they are not able to cause deformations of this material. Installation of panels is easily performed without wisdom.
The disadvantage of the material can be called its fragility, although you can currently purchase both "armored" panels, the cost of which will be two times more ordinary. Therefore, after installing such a cladding, it should be more accurate to move chairs to it or climb onto the wall. To minimize the risks, there is such a building cunning: the first plane of the laminate panels is mounted at the knee level, the second is the pelvis, and the third shoulder.
The frame for plastic panels is made of wooden rails or profiles, which is used when installing HCL. Reiki can have a cross section of 30x10 or 30x20 mm, before use, they should be processed by an antiseptic.
The fastening of the cutting of the crates should be performed in the perpendicular direction relative to the installation of panels. For example, if the plastic on the wall needs to be placed vertically, then the rails should be chopped horizontally onto the wall, the step between them should not exceed 50 cm.
After making the crate in the corner of the room, you need to fix with screws or nails fastening corner or starting profile. The corner will allow the docking of the panels with each other. Starting profile is established if the adjacent wall will be covered with another material. On the ceiling you need to install the fastening bar for the plinth.
The first panel is inserted into the cat's guide profile towards the installation. Then she needs to be fixed on the crate, using a self-tapping screw with a press washer. Then the spike of the next PVC panel must be inserted tightly into the groove of the previous one and secure it. Similarly, all other panels of the trim are mounted.
Due to the fact that plastic has a temperature expansion, below and at the top of the wall follows it to compensate to leave a gap of 20-30 mm, masking it by plinth.
Important! The panels with a pattern when wearing walls are installed from left to right. Monophonic panels can be mounted, starting on any side.

Decorating the walls of the veranda MDF panels

This material is quite popular among self-decoration adherents. MDF panels stuffed plastic, but not resistant to humidity. Therefore, they should be used only on closed veranda.
The process of installing MDF panels is similar to the previous one. Only in this case, their fasteners are made with the help of metal special devices - kleimers, which are fixed on the material with small nails or a construction stapler. It is necessary to do it through the copier, it will prevent damage to the edge of the panel.

Decoration of wall veranda clapboard

The lining is called a wooden board with a thickness of up to 22 mm, having special grooves, with which the installation and docking of the cladding elements is carried out. If the material is handled by an antiseptic, its service life can be extended to 20 years.
According to the production method, the trim board can be solid or scrambled. In the latter case, pieces of high-quality wood are combined with a special way. Such products do not have flaws in the form of bitch or cracks, but are not suitable for the sheath of walls of the open veranda.
The reason for this is the formation with high humidity of cracks in the places of the combat board, which spoil the appearance of the finished facing. The most expensive lining is almost always scrambled. It has the class "Extra", and products of classes A, B and C are made of solid wood.
Before separating the walls on the veranda of the trim board, the material must be left to adapt to the indoor of a closed type for several days, and then handle the lining with the protective composition. Installation of boards on the walls of the veranda is similar to the installation of PVC and MDF panels.
There are several ways to fasten it:

  1. The easiest of them are fasteners using galvanized nails. In this case, they are driven along the center of the planks, and the hats are interinted into wood using a bandwicker.
  2. Fixing the trim board with self-drawing more laborious, but at the same time the places are not visible. In the board from its spike, a hole is drilled having a depth of about 10 mm. Drill diameters and fasteners hats must match each other. Then the bar is screwed to the rake of the crate, and the screw is taken to the hole and closes on top of the impudent. The location of the fastener after that is grouped.
  3. The board can be attached to the crate using the mounting bracket. This uses a pneumatic or mechanical construction stapler.
  4. Another way is a fastener of wooden clayers. At the same time, it is attached to the rear wall of the mounting groove of the first plank. Then it is fixed with nails to the wall and only then the kleimer is fixed. The second board establishes the same kleimer, its spikes are inserted into the groove of the previous plank and secure the kleimer on the slave rake. With the help of such a fastener, only the inner lining of the walls is performed.

After the installation is completed, the walls of the walls are completed, it is necessary to close the corner all the angles and joints near the doors and windows and begin the finishing finish of the coating. To give it the surface of a specific shade, colored varnishes and wood vessels can be used.
Before painting the walls on the veranda, it is recommended to apply the selected varnish on the material sample and give it to dry. It happens that after drying the hue of the coating is changing, and the layer of varnish is quite difficult to remove the intention. Therefore, it will be better to buy a small container with a painting composition, and if it is suitable, acquire the rest.
If there is a need to leave the wood of the trim in its original form, it is possible to apply a colorless azure containing an ultraviolet filter. It will help prevent the fading of the walls of the veranda from the effects of the sun.

Outdoor decoration of veranda walls

It can be performed using lining or siding. Wooden cladding in this regard several capricks. Despite the processing of its elements with various antiseptics, when exposed to atmospheric precipitation, sunlight and seasonal temperature drops, the trim may lose its original form if it does not care for it.
Therefore, every year you will have to perform various activities for its preservation: impregnation, staining, etc. But if the choice towards the use of wood is already made, it is important to remember that the horizontal mounting of the outer sheathing boards should be taken up with a spike, fixing them in 2 rows from each side of the lock connection.
The outer decoration of the walls of the veranda siding is a more successful option. Such a cladding received its name in the 19th century. The planed and painted boards were attached at an angle to the wall plane in such a way that each subsequent horizontal element would slightly hung over the previous one. This position of the boards allowed water to roll without a lining delay. Nowadays, siding performs two functions - protective and aesthetic.
Most often, vinyl siding is used for the outer wall. Its popularity is due to the ease of installation, practicality and a democratic price. Externally, the material looks like a regular board, which is used when the facade is used.
However, Vinyl will not lose its type and after a couple of dozen years, despite the seasonal temperature fluctuations, crackle frost and strong shower. In addition, this material will not stick the dirt and care for it is minimal - wash off except dust from facing from the garden hose. Thanks to the huge number of shades, siding can be chosen to any exterior of the house, he will perfectly fit into the common ensemble everywhere.
Installation of vinyl siding panels is carried out in this order:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to make and install the crate for facing the walls of the veranda. This requires an unedged board with a thickness of 30 mm or a wooden bar with a cross-sectional size of 40x50 mm. It must be fixed in a vertical position with a step of 400-500 mm along the entire surface of the walls. Around the windows, in the corners of the veranda, along the top and bottom edge of the future, the plating should be installed additional wooden bars.
  2. From the bottom around the perimeter of the walls in a strictly horizontal position, it is necessary to fix the starting profile to the crate using the screws.
  3. After that, you need to install angular profiles around the openings, as well as in all corners of the construction. The lower edge of the angular profile should be located 5-6 mm below the level of the starting plank.
  4. Then the panels should be cut. Vinyl is easily cut by scissors, hacksaw or electric jigsaw. Due to the fact that the vinyl panels have temperature expansions, each of them needs to be shorter than the walls by 5-7 mm.
  5. After that, the prepared panel must be slightly bend in the center, and its edges will be taken into the grooves of profiles located on the corners of the wall. Then the panel should be aligned and start its lower edge into the starting profile. The top edge must be secured by self-drawing to the crate through special holes.
  6. Tight pressing of screws of screws to the material of the panel is unacceptable. The oval shape of the mounting holes is specifically designed for the free movement of the material relative to the screw part of the fastener when the air temperature changes. There should be a distance of 1.5 mm between the screw of the screw and the crate.
  7. The next panel also need to start in the angular profiles, snap into the groove of the previous item and fix on the walls of the wall.
  8. Before mounting the last panel, you must install the finishing profile in the lattice. Then you need to cut the panel to the desired width and snap it in the previous element of the trim, simply inserting the free edge of the product into the finishing profile. On this sheathing of the walls of the veranda siding ends.

How to sheathe the walls of the veranda - look at the video:

Beautifully decorated building, located at home or in the garden, always serves as a great place to relax and relaxed conversation. Carefully and tastefully performed interior decoration can create a feeling of home comfort on the veranda and become an excellent design decoration. Editorial

Your country house will become even more comfortable and more beautiful if an extension is attached to it, located along one of the walls, which is called a veranda. Practically, this is another room, but located in clean air, where you can enjoy the flavors of flowers in the summer and the smell of the lady of foliage in the autumn period. Even if the shower is observed outside the window, you can enjoy a cup of coffee on the veranda. A closed veranda can be converted to a summer dining room where you can get together with the whole family.

We are trimmed by a veranda

Since the veranda is used only in the summer, it is not necessary to carry out communications and heating there, so it is very often such a building produced with your own hands. Just like the facade of the house, the veranda needs an additional finish that will help you feel the atmosphere of comfort and heat. It should be known that the house with a veranda covered with siding in a single style will look more beautiful, look at the photo.

The trim of the veranda siding is made even when the house itself is covered with brick or special plaster. Due to the exactly selected color of the panels, the result will be the most harmonious.

Why Siding

If you compare with other finishes, the use of siding provides such capabilities:

  • easy care - so that the skin look pure and beautiful, sometimes you follow the surface from the panels with water from the hose;
  • it has a small cost.

Such a material is simple and easy to install, so if you have a small building experience, to sew a veranda siding after careful viewing of the recommendation is a simple task.

Wall decoration

Before starting trimming the veranda panels, a plan should be developed, which will provide you with the opportunity for you not only to calculate the cost of installing panels, but also prepare the exact amount of material. When the drawing with the specified dimensions is completed, the facade is attached to the lamp, which is required for the proper installation of building materials. For a frame, a profile of metal or wooden smooth rails is most often used. The preparation of the surface is also an important workflow, as is the installation of the siding panels themselves. Siding only highlights all obvious irregularities and walls of walls, so when installing a frame, the possibility of the appearance of such errors should be completely eliminated.

The doomle is installed throughout the wall plane vertically, about fifty centimeters at a distance. Additional bars are mounted around window openings, in the corners of the veranda and along the upper and lower edge of the finish. All fasteners and self-tapping screws, which are used to install the frame, should be long to enter a tree, no less than thirty millimeters. Hats must be about eight millimeters.

The starting profile is installed below, which is attached to the frame on the self-tapping screw. It should be placed only horizontally. Then the angular profiles in all corners are attached, as well as around window and doorways. It should be strictly observed that the lower edge of the angular profile is below the first rack of several millimeters.

When the doom is ready, you should start the panel cutting. You can cut the bar with a conventional hacksaw with a small teeth or a jigsaw. The finished bar is slightly fused by the arc and insert the edges in the grooves of angular profiles. The leveling plate is inserted with one edge into the starting bar, after which it is fixed by self-pressing in preparations prepared in advance. The trim of the veranda siding without finished holes is not recommended, if necessary, you can use a special tool or knife. Siding is not recommended to be tightly fixed to the frame, there should be a small gap between the screw and the surface of the board, which ensures the expansion and deformation of the panel. In areas where frequent cold are observed, a special nylon washer is best put under the self-sufficiency.

The next plank is also started in the angular profiles, after which it snaps into the grooves of the previous one and is also fixed to the frame.

Before mounting the final panel, the finishing profile is mounted, which is fixed by level, and the panel's desired width is inserted into the previous bar with one edge, another edge in the profile and snaps.

When installing antennas and other passable parts to panels, these elements should not hold the expansion and shrinkage of the panels.

The trim of the veranda siding is carried out at a temperature not lower than ten degrees. If it is necessary to install during the cold season, small gaps between the panels are left.

In order for the veranda to be covered with siding in the photo, you just have to adhere to the recommendations. If you have difficulty in the process of work, you can watch the video.

Requirements for materials

Since it is about covering the veranda outside, it is important to understand the seriousness of the choice of material. It must comply with some requirements. For example, did you see that someone looked through the house or veranda with wallpaper? Not? But why? The thing is that the material is simply not made for outdoor use. Wallpaper will burn in a few days, they will dug or splash in the rain. In this example, you can understand that the material for the poster of the veranda must comply with some requirements. Here is this list:

  1. Raintain atmospheric precipitation in the form of rain, fog or snow.
  2. Resist the effects of ultraviolet rays, do not burn out and do not breed.
  3. Being stable in front of a sharp fluctuation of temperatures.
  4. Be frost-resistant and durable.
  5. Ensure various physical and mechanical damage.
  6. Be bilestopable, not to succumb to the influence of mold, fungus or insects.
  7. To be aesthetically attractive.

Only such materials for the poster of the verandas will be able to serve you with good service, remaining durable, reliable and beautiful for many years. And what can you choose from? Let's look at the list of suitable materials, and the editing video structure to each of them.

Wooden lining

One of the most popular materials for finishing both from the inside and outside. The lining is made of wood, so it is environmentally friendly. In addition, the appearance of the products is simply great. As for the process of the trim, it is simple. Everything comes down to creating a wooden frame and fixing the lining on it. Due to the castle compound, no seams can be seen. Connection locations are hidden. But you can fix the punks in different ways. Often, klyamimers, nails, self-tapping screws or brackets are used for this.

Here are the advantages of products:

  1. Excellent appearance.
  2. Environmental purity.
  3. Easy installation.
  4. With due process, the material will be protected from moisture and other atmospheric influence.
  5. The lining is durable and durable.
  6. Thanks to the classification of products, you can choose products by price category for yourself, ranging from inexpensive, ending with the Lux class.
  7. The ability to lay insulation under the lining.
  8. Universality. You can use both outside and from the inside.

Installation process itself is simple. Technology You can see from this video:

Siding for plating a veranda

This is a unique material that is designed to use outside. He has all the advantages of which we talked above. At the same time there are several siding varieties:

  • metal;
  • cement;
  • wood;
  • vinyl.

Most often in the finishes, the veranda uses the last two options. Installation technology is something like lining, as it also needs to build a frame and fix siding to it. But, in the work there are some details and subtleties that differ. The material itself is very worthy and ubiquitously used to cover not only the veranda, but also houses in general.

Here are the advantages of siding:

  1. Long service life (50 years minimum).
  2. It has excellent appearance and various range of color solutions.
  3. Easy to operate, it is easy to wash, you do not need to paint and repair.
  4. It has a slight weight and flexibility.
  5. It is universal, you can choose the manufacturer's material yourself.
  6. Installation is quite simple.
  7. Perfectly copes with temperature drops and harsh weather conditions.
  8. It has holes for ventilation and condensate removal.
  9. The material for plating the veranda will not rot and undergo insect attacks.
  10. Durable, practical and does not fade.

At the expense of its advantages, siding occupies a leading position among other facing materials. Although, like everyone else, it has some drawbacks:

  • the material cannot be called environmentally friendly, although it is not so important to cover the veranda outside.
  • vinyl products are very well lit, highlighting a harmful and toxic smoke;
  • vinyl products for the veranda are made fragile at negative temperatures;
  • metal siding is easy to damage. Bending it once, you will not return to him by the past;
  • wood saidding has a short service life.

Siding installation you can see from this video:

Other popular veranda case materials

Most often, it is resorted to the materials described above. Although there are other options that are also in demand. One of them is facing brick. If your home is fully lined with this material, it would be foolish to use some other material for the veranda. Facing brick is quite expensive, but it has its advantages. Reliability, strength, external beauty, durability, resistance to atmospheric precipitation and temperature fluctuations can be noted. The material is not terrible blows and ultraviolet rays. Therefore, we can say that such an option is a guarantee of reliability.

If we are talking about a wooden house, then the veranda can be made precisely in such a style. Many trim the veranda by the tree here can be attributed and lining. Yet, often in this purpose a block house is used or imitation of a bar (false-timber). It is one of the varieties of lining, which differ in appearance and characteristics. Block House is a lining, imitating a pinned timber. The material has a convex form, so after the poster of the veranda may seem to seem that it is entirely made of a wooden bar. But the imitation of the timber creates the effect of an ordinary timber, has a rectangular shape. Take a look at the photo to understand the difference in the appearance of the materials.

You can separate the veranda in one way or another. This is already to solve you. It all depends on the desire, preferences and financial capabilities.

Not always the veranda can be sewed. There is another finish option that is shtown. Often the house itself is separated using plaster, so the veranda can be done. At the same time, you have the opportunity to insulate it outside. It is enough to entertain the veranda of insulating material. Stuning the surface using the reinforcing grid, and then perform the finish putty or plaster. At the same time, a variety of plastering options appear. It may be plaster cored, fur coat, structural, decorative or textured plaster. Variants mass, and their choice depends on you. In this case, the material will be perfectly opposed to external influence and protect the insulation inside. So, you can kill two hare at once. Look in the photo, how the croroede looks like on the surface.

A lot of difficulties are associated with finishing work, the main one is the choice of high-quality finish. The fact is that over time, finishing options have become even more difficult. There are many high-quality, beautiful and practical materials that are used for this purpose. In this article we will pay attention to the trim of the veranda. Those who were lucky enough to have this useful plot in the house, are often asked by the question associated with the finish.

Many factors affect the choice, including the price, the overall style of the house and the type of veranda. We suggest you familiarize yourself with what a trim of the veranda can be in the country and see the photo that will help to visualize the idea.

First you need to figure it out, whether the role of the veranda on her decoration plays. The distinction of the veranda from the terraces or arbors is that it has at least one wall, which is common with the house. In addition, there are verandas that are attached to the overall design or are part of it with walls and common roof. If you make a small result, you can understand that the verandas can be:

You should know that the finishing of the open veranda differs from closed. Why? It's all about the effect of the atmosphere on the material. For example, in open verandas used strong, durable materials that can resist the effects of the sun, precipitation, temperature drops and other negative factors. As for the closed veranda, its finishing is much easier. The wallpaper, and tile, and other materials go to the move. When the type is closed, you can save money on the material without sacrificing quality, and when open - no.

And what type of veranda do you have? Answer this question and select the material that will be approached for this species. And what can you choose from? Let's find out.

Outdoor Decoration Materials

Outdoor decoration is characterized by increased operational qualities and should be high quality. For all over the years, users checked the mass of products that showed themselves in practice. We will proceed to their review.


This material is designed for such works. It is famous for his positive characteristics. Siding is made from different materials:

For the veranda of country sites, either vinyl or wooden siding is chosen. And if the first option is more accessible, then for the second will have to pay. However, the material has a mass gain. Products do not fade into the sun, they are not afraid of moisture, are durable, durable and, importantly, beautiful. They are not afraid of temperature drop. In addition, to finish the veranda in the country with their own hands will be easy. Look at the photo to make sure how attractively the material looks.


The finish is used quite often. This is a number of materials possessing excellent properties. These are plastic PVC panels, and polycarbonate, and double-glazed plastic. All materials have low cost, they are not afraid of moisture, are externally attractive, durable and reliable.

In addition, PVC panels are separated by a veranda and from the inside. It's easy to care for the material, it is easy to mount, and the veranda will look worthy. And thanks to the variety of color options, textures and other parameters, you can harmoniously separate your veranda.

And from polycarbonate, which is quite flexible and durable, you can build the designs of complex and original forms. Together with the metal frame, the veranda will be reliable, and attractive.

Brick and stone

As for these materials, they always inspired confidence. Everyone considers the stone to be durable, reliable, resistant before any kind of influence and rather beautiful. In addition, a decorative stone or a brick of refractory and are not afraid of sharp drops of temperatures, which makes them among the most durable products.

At the same time, such materials can be combined with others to make the room still attractive. As an option - glass and stone or brick and wood. Here is the whole thing of taste.

Internal finishing materials

Here the list is slightly more, since the operating conditions are others. In addition, internal works are somewhat different from external, as the ceiling and floor finish is added, not just walls. What materials are suitable for these works?


Most often stop on it. After all, wood has a lot of advantages, most importantly of which is ecological purity. We are talking about the indoor room, so the finish should not be released toxic substances. And the tree is durable, durable, beautiful and clean. From the available materials you can use:

Here the choice is already yours. See how beautiful wood finish looks inside.

Working with wood is not heavy and depend on the correct sequence of work. The basis of the installation of lining, block house or MDF panels - wood frame. It is to these raiks that your finish will be recorded. In addition, materials can be installed horizontally or vertically. If the veranda is low, you can use the cunning and install the lining vertically. And in the finish, use light tones. In the case when the veranda needs to expand, secure the lining horizontally. The decoration will seem wider.


Often closed verandas are trimmed with plasterboard. This makes it possible not only to warm the room, but also easily align the walls and get rid of defects. The lining clapper is a pretty simple event with which everyone will cope.

After such works, you have a lot of opportunities for further finishing. Here, everything is like in an ordinary house: you can swing beautiful wallpaper, paint the walls or simply to put them on and make decorative plaster. Solution for you. Relieve yourself from the overall style of home and interior. You can even combine several different materials.

It is also important that the plasterboard you can separate both the ceiling and all the walls. Then the veranda will be harmonious and beautiful. As for the interior itself, it all depends on the goals that the veranda will serve. Some make a rest room from it, since they do not have such inside. In this case, you need to install a coffee table and chairs, a sofa, take care of high-quality lighting. We can not dilute the room with plants. Some even make small swings on the veranda or hang hammock.

In the event that the veranda is a cabinet, then you need to be limited only to the workplace and additional shelves. Table and chair - all that will be required to work. And so that extraneous sounds do not interfere, the veranda needs to sound well.

Plastic panels

We have already considered them as an outdoor finish. Nevertheless, I want to say that this material is how-no suitable for work inside. The cost of their low, but the finish is good. It looks all pretty simple, but at the same time the coating is quite practical.

Since the verandas often serve as a hallway, where everything is measured, then the dirt in it is not news. And washing the plastic surface of the panels is simpler. In addition, if you make the floor from ceramic tile, then cleaning will not be a problem for you on the veranda.

Let's summarize

As you can see, the trim of the veranda in the country is not a simple matter. It is important to determine the material, calculate all the pros and cons and reflect on your plans. Those materials that were specified is not the entire range. Just they are most often used in such work, and they won the confidence of many users. But what exactly use - to solve you.

How to finish the veranda in the country

The townspeople tired of dusty sutions of megacities seek to acquire suburban real estate. Independently build houses corresponding to individual tastes. Therefore, the relevance of the question, how to separate the veranda in the country, increases every day. Progressive technologies and innovative materials appear, transforming the process of their own cladding in pleasure, accessible to each owner of country mansions.

Purpose and species Verand

Often the terrace is a relatively small open room adjacent to one of the grounds of the subsidence. However, there are also closed veranda veranda performing the role of a warm tambour at the entrance to the main building. In the cold, it can be used as a locker room, leaving outerwear and street shoes. Such an application will allow to protect the rooms from the penetration of winter slush and dirt.

Most often, open verandas are used as a family room, arranging tea drinking in the fresh air. Friendly gatherings bring together with the surrounding beauty of nature, not making it removed from the usual setting of a homely hearth.

At the location of the location distinguish two main types of combined veranda:

  1. Passing room, separating rooms from the street, which preremends the entrance to the main building. Such a familiar option is used in the construction of most small private houses.
  2. The second type includes verandas attached to one of the rooms and having a separate exit to the courtyard.

Despite the uncomplicated design of such a structure, the terrace cladding requires the application of some effort. At the same time, it is possible to completely do on our own, creating a cozy place of a family holiday.

To understand how it is better to separate the veranda located in the country, it should be pre-thoroughly examine the list of materials offered by experts. Based on its own preferences limited only by financial capabilities, you can make the right choice.

  1. Wooden lining is considered the most sought-after material for facing the veranda. It is placed the ceiling and walls both inside and outside an extension. After special treatment, the lining becomes resistance to negative impacts, which allows you to withstand various caverges of nature.
  2. The inner decoration of the ceiling and walls can be performed by moisture-resistant drywall sheets. The ability of this material to succumb to processing are used by designers to create original interiors.
  3. For the veranda of a closed type, the internal cladding is recommended to produce using MDF. Its advantages are considered a presentable appearance, resembling a natural tree, as well as strength and durability. However, material exposure to moisture, as well as significant temperature fluctuations, does not allow the use of MDF panels outside the room.
  4. Products from polyvinyl chloride for finishing the veranda are becoming increasingly popular. Due to the manifold of color solutions, species and textures, you can easily choose the suitable PVC panels. Attractive for beginner masters is the possibility of self-installation. In addition, such panels are not afraid of water and other negative impacts. Excellent appearance does not require special tricks when careing. Contaminated panels are easily mounted with soapy.
  5. Siding can be used for exterior. By purchasing material, imitating stone, brick, natural wood, you can significantly simplify the process of facing.

Choosing from the proposed options, focus on your own taste. However, it is not necessary to save, purchasing material from untested manufacturers. Although products of famous brands cost a little more than counterfeit products, the quality is guaranteed.

Finishing the ceiling

It is recommended to begin with a thorough impregnation with a special antiseptic composition of all elements made of natural wood. So you can save the design from premature rotting and protect against the encroachment of voracious insects.

After the antiseptic processing, you can proceed to the installation of the frame base. The wooden lamp is performed from a bar with a cross section of 30x50, and 50x50 mm is suitable. The framework of the frame also requires pretreatment with antiseptic means.

The simplest version of the facing is the use of wooden lining. Fragments of finishing material are fixed on the crate perpendicular to the bars of the frame base. Galvanized nails are used as fasteners.

It should be noted that the wooden clapped ceiling acquires a completed look after grinding and lacquer coating.

Independent device ceiling veranda from PVC panels

It will require an application a little more effort than coating with natural wooden clapboard. Diligently following the proposed recommendations, it is possible without much difficulties to finish the ceiling of the country's veranda with their own hands, saving on an expensive challenge of the professional facing brigade.

  1. The initial profile is securely fixed on a wooden crate. Subsequently, individual plastic fragments with it are connected to a solid ceiling construction.
  2. Panel sheets are fixed in the grooves of the source profile. The stability and reliability of the system contributes to the use of special locks. It is allowed to use as fasteners accessible to each home self-sowers.
  3. Installation of the following panel is carried out by a similar fixation method in the initial profile.
  4. The further process is a periodic sequence of the manipulation described above.

When performing self-installation, it is necessary to consider the ability of plastic material to expand when heated. The presence of a small gap to 20 mm will protect the ceiling construction from trouble caused by the negative effect of heat.

Application of other materials for trimming ceiling

If it is planned to carry out the vendors of the veranda siding, such a coating is quite suitable for independent design of the ceiling. Installation process is similar to installing PVC panels. Similarly, it is possible to separate the ceiling of the terrace plates of MDF. Manufacturers provide the building market with a huge selection of various siding and MDF performances, providing the growing popularity of these materials.

When used as a ceiling covering plasterboard sheets, wooden frameworks are recommended to be replaced with a metal profile. Directly on it and the installation of special elements is carried out. Such details are the basis for fixing the sheets of plasterboard. Self-breeds are used to attach the coating fragments.

After fixing drywall, the surface is recommended to prepare for the finish finish. The ceiling must be put off and thoroughly.

Independent cladding of veranda walls

Applied only for closed-type rooms. Open terraces do not imply the presence of walls.

Start the finish should be with the formation of a frame system from wooden bars. Mounting accuracy is controlled by the construction level.

The laying of a special thermal insulation layer will allow in the future to use the veranda for relaxation and in the cool period. It is first recommended to protect the room from moisture and condensate. For this purpose, a special waterproofing film is applied, which is fixed under the insulation.

A prerequisite is the initial processing of all wooden elements by an antiseptic composition. Such a precaution will protect the design from damage resulting from rotting.

The simplest version of the inner lining of the veranda with their own hands is considered to finish the walls with wooden lining. Also becoming increasingly popular with the coating of MDF panels. No less demand uses PVC products.

Flooring for the veranda

The choice of material for the floor of the terrace is caused by the conditions of operation of the room. Today, a massive or terraced board, ceramic tile, laminate and other well-known finishing materials are used as an outdoor covering of the veranda. Here a lot depends on financial capabilities.

The optimal option for the country room is the floor covered with a terraced board or waterproof laminate. Such materials are distinguished by the availability of self-installation, non-commodity care and durability.

An alternative solution is to use for the floor covering of modern PVC panels or traditional ceramic tiles. Inventive and creative personalities give preference to Kafel due to the possibility of incarnation of their own fantasies. Posing the coating fragments in a specific order, create unique drawings and original ornaments under the legs. Wealthy owners of suburban places can allow finishing with new linoleum models with improved performance characteristics that complement a rather respectable appearance.

External cladding

The variety of modern finishing materials does not allow their detailed description in one article. Therefore, consider the most popular options.

Many dackets strive to sow the outer surface of the veranda with wooden lining. However, even thorough treatment with special compositions is not able to preserve the natural beauty of natural material for a long time. Changeable weather, atmospheric precipitates leave their mark, breaking the pristine beauty of the facing.

Horizontal siding, usually used when performing facade works, manufacturers are supplied with a special locking mechanism. Such a simple device makes it easy to connect separate fragments. This quality attracts ordinary ordinary people who want to independently carry out the outdoor cladding of the terrace.

Be sure to note that the installation of siding panels is preceded by the preparatory stage. It lies in the formation of a special framework (crates), to which the plastic elements of the outer sheat will be fixed.

Than to enjoy the veranda within inexpensive

The overwhelming majority of country and country houses are built with a mandatory veranda, unimportant, heated or not. What a cottage without a veranda, a full-fledged residential premises, at the same time a place to store all sorts of utensils. After completing the building, the building sooner or later will have to decide how and what to sew a veranda inside to inexpensively and beautiful.

To live in a room, similar to the barn, is uncomfortable, but to spend extra money from hand.

Requirements for finishing materials

Before looking for the material and the way, how to see the veranda inside, you need to look at the conditions of the room, and only then look for a suitable material inexpensively.

Let's stop on the main:

  • Temperature and humidity indoors. On which side of the house there is a veranda, solar or shadow, depends, whether it is possible to sheathe the walls inside materials based on cellulose fibers, or a plastic will have to buy, inexpensively and securely;
  • The frequency of residence of people in the house and the use of the room. For a home, in which the constant temperature is not supported, and people live with large breaks in time, the problem than to sheathe the walls inside, turns into a need to combat water condensate;
  • The age of the veranda and the whole building. It makes no sense to try to strip the walls inside the room until the processes of shrinkage of the foundation and the building box are completed.

In the simplest case, you can see the walls from within the cement-chipboard, very inexpensive, almost not afraid of dampness, does not allow warping even with a strong condensate. But from aesthetic and practical point of view, most owners would like the covering inside the veranda, first of all, was comfortable and safe for health, and even then it was inexpensive and practical. Therefore, of more than two dozen shelving options, we will only leave the most weselves for the listed requirements.

How to see a veranda with shrinkage walls, inexpensive and efficiently

Instead of the traditional vertical board, you can strip the walls with a horizontal package on the crusade. It turns out inexpensively and practical. In order for the shrinkage, the decoration does not break off the walls, the board is stuffed with a maximal clearance in the joint of the spike-groove and mandatory laying of the insulation, for example, from foamed polyethylene.

After three or four years, the finish on the veranda can be cheaply updated:

  • Remove the board, insulation and crate;
  • Process wood with antiseptic impregnation, versa and varnish;
  • To lay the crate, insulation and to stripped the walls re-, but already with the correct gaps in the junctions between the boards.

In this way, you can see inexpensively any room in a tree house, a bath from a bar. For brick and block buildings with a significantly smaller shrinkage, the veranda can be immediately seen on the finishing scheme.

Popular Materials for Sweese Veranda

The modern market offers a fairly large selection of materials for the decorative walls of the walls, and the verandas including. The list of the most popular finishes usually include:

  • Lining, board, wooden rail;
  • MDF or DVP, stoves and panels;
  • Plywood, OSB plates;
  • Water resistant plasterboard sheets of GLC;
  • PVC panels.

All listed materials fit well into the interior of the walls of the room, do not swell in moisture and do not create a sense of discomfort from the owners, therefore, in the question, than to enjoy the veranda within a cheap photo that define the factors remain the price and personal preferences and desires.

To enjoy the veranda indoors truly inexpensively, a larger work will have to make it yourself, and the main part of the costs to pay for the purchase of high-quality material.

But not in all cases the conditions indoors are the same. Often, before we see the veranda inside the photo, it makes sense to contact a specialist for advice and clarifications.

Cold veranda material

It is quite difficult to choose than to shelter inside the unheated veranda. Finishing options that can be used inside the cold, unheated room, not so much. Most often, the list is limited by plastic panels, water resistant stamps of OSB plates and coniferous clapboard.

The main problem with which you have to face the owners of unheated premises are condensate, regularly released on the surface inside the trim. Therefore, you should not try to strip the walls of the closed veranda with materials made of cellulosic fibers, first of all Fiberboard and MDF. Even as painted enamels or varnished, they quickly swell, which leads to the fastener and the cliff of fasteners.

The optimal option is the polychlorvinyl panels. They do not rot, do not absorb moisture, the choice of colors is simply huge, and all this wealth will be relatively inexpensive if compared, for example, with an oak or cedar clapboard.

If desired, the veranda from the inside can be seen plastic with a pattern-imitation of valuable wood, natural stone or just a monophonic color suitable for the interior of the room.

For finishing polychlorvinyl, the walls of the veranda will first need to be seen by the carrier frame from the galvanized profile. Metal profile planks nail to walls with a step of no more than 60 cm. The easiest way to see the veranda with vertical PVC strips, in this case the profile is naked with horizontal rows.

The walls of the verandas, facing the street, before sheeling panels, are insulated with insolon or foil polyethylene, it is inexpensive and efficient. Internal warm walls can be seen mineral heat insulation with a gasket inside a layer of a vapor insulation membrane. In this case, it will be necessary to organize additional ventilation of the room, as the plastic, as if glass, creates an increased level of humidity from the inside.

For giving the problem of condensate is particularly relevant during the occurrence of cold weather. After the hosts come off with the first frosts, a large amount of water vapor accumulates through the walls, they need to be removed by flowing ventilation until the low air temperature has turned into an air on the walls indoors.

The choice of polychlorvinyl in order to seize from the inside the veranda of the house, it is impossible to be considered particularly successful. Plastic always remains fire hazard, at low temperatures, random push chair or careless blow can lead to cracking material.

Therefore, if you manage to buy lining or larch, it is better to buy a room inside with a tree that will serve several dozen years.

Wooden veranda decoration

Wood has always been considered the best material for any finishing work inside the veranda. The easiest to see the walls inside the room with clapboard, and both in an expensive version and relatively inexpensively, at about the level of PVC panels.

Standard lining is divided into four grades of quality:

  • Extra is the most durable and beautiful material, without a single bitch or disorder in the pattern of fibers. Such a tree goes to an expensive finish inside the residential premises of the house;
  • C-class is the cheapest, calculated to sheathe the barn or the utility room. Despite the fact that in the overall standings of work, it is inexpensive, due to the extremely low quality, the veranda is not recommended for finishing indoors;
  • Classes A, in allow some defects in the form of bitch or even cracks, but most of them are located with the end of the plank. It is this lining that the veranda is best to see the veranda.

Most of the masters do not trust the information about the class indicated by the manufacturer on the package, most often the material is the quality below than the stated during the sale. Therefore, before you see the veranda inside the clapboard, do not be lazy to open and discard part of the planks to avoid marriage when finishing the walls.

In addition to class, the material may differ in the form of the face surface. Samples of the most popular profiles are shown in the picture. If you want to create the impression of a log arch and walls, you can see the walls indoors of one of the varieties of the boards - a block house.

The technology of cladding with clappers is practically no different from the technique used for the installation of PVC. The starting planka is initially stacked, and then the boards of lining boards are stacked. Sew veranda walls are best on staples, without glue and self-tapping.

The most difficult larch is stacked, but it is worth it. Even for the most cozy veranda, it makes no sense to acquire cedar or ash, if you need to see the room quickly and inexpensively. The best option will be high-quality spruce or pine, which can be enjoyed in private carpentry, dried, polish the front part and cover with wax.

Such a cladding can be seen even an open or unheated veranda. A pleasant bonus will be the smell of a coniferous forest, appearing when the walls of the veranda veranda are heated.


The most budget version of the veranda wall facing will be made from wood-fiber panels or plates. They are relatively inexpensive, and at the level of comfort, materials from cellulose fibers are considered one of the best.

If the room needs to be made not only warm and comfortable, but also truly beautiful, it is best to stripped walls with MDF plates. It turns out inexpensively and beautiful, but it is worth remembering that the high decorative qualities of the slab are provided by the glued polymer film, respectively, the vapor permeability of the material is significantly lower than that of DVP. All work will cost inexpensively, but in the veranda there should be no places falling out of the ventilation zone, otherwise the accumulating condensate will quickly destroy all the work.

Veranda at the cottage: the best ideas for registration

Ecology of consumption. Manor: The veranda is designed to unite the warmth of the home of the hearth and the beauty of his environment.

Veranda - An extension that connects the link in the Duet "House - Garden". She is designed to unite the warmth of the home the hearth and the beauty of his nature.

It also serves as a cozy corner, where you can relax, enjoying the picturesque landscape, or organize funny gatherings in a circle of loved ones.

How to equip an extension, and what to choose the design of the veranda so that it turns out to be light and comfortable, consider in more detail.

Features of different types of veranda

Before proceeding to the analysis of the subtleties of the veranda arrangement, turning it into a cozy corner for recreation, should be determined for itself, which type of construction is an extension.

Type 1 - open execution extension

Many mistakenly believe that the open veranda is this same terrace in front of the house. The difference between architectural elements is that the veranda is a room attached to the house, and the terrace is a platform on a separate base.

Light and space - the main decoration of the open-end verand. The design is designed to emphasize this dignity. As the light design of the open veranda, pastel colors and shades are ideal, as close as possible to natural colors.

Drawing along the perimeter of an extension Drafting lianas will perform an elegant decoration of space and protect the room from dust penetration.

Type 2 - Glazed Constructions

Perform the glazing of the veranda or not - the case of the taste of each owner. Only part of the openings can be glazed or all the windows.

There are interesting verandas, the glazing of which was performed without the use of Rams. Glass overlaps literally erases the existing line between the inner decoration and the environment surrounding it. Frameless glazing acts as an excellent solution when arranged on the veranda of the Winter Garden.

Want a veranda with a small area visually make lighter and spacious? Then decorate the roof of the extension with glass inserts. The glass roof gives the appearance of the extension of lightness and airiness.

The verandas with a transparent roof are literally immelled in bright streams of sunlight. Through the vaults of the dome-shaped glass roof throughout the day, the sun rays will penetrate, reviving the room with its glow. Your task is only to strengthen the effect by placing a furnishing in bright shades and creating a slight environment of recreation area with minimal costs.

Options for design veranda with the use of textured, stylistic and color solutions countless. But still, to create a holistic and harmonious image, special attention should be paid to a number of moments.

We choose finishing materials

Most often as finishing materials for flooring Verand applies porcelain stoneware or stone slabs. This method of cladding is not only attractive, but also practical. Moisture-resistant materials in the unheated room do not mold in the cold time. Yes, and cleaning the surface from traces after pets or dirty shoes takes away the minimum forces and time.

Wooden flooring It is able to emphasize the texture of brick or stone masonry. It remains only to supplement the interior with wooden beams - and the situation will acquire a light ripple of country life.

Thanks to harmonious a combination of untreated natural stone with natural wood It seems that you are not in the walls of the country area, in a house in the forest.

Application woods of different breedsEach of which has its own unique shade, will create a unique and memorable interior. A bright upholstery of upholstered furniture will support the warm flavor of the atmosphere created by you.

Arrangement of a stone furnace or fireplace on the veranda - A fairly common designer reception. The presence of a fireplace in the room in need of a heat source will give a great opportunity to relax with comfort, admiring the picturesque landscape.

Cozy hearth against the backdrop of large spacious windows and neutral finishing of upholstered furniture create a calm and relaxing atmosphere.

Decoration of space using elements stone masonry Brings in the interior of the Spirit of the old days, giving a sense of reliability and safety.

All about furniture and accessories

The design of the country's veranda is also competently selected comfortable furniture. It is selected depending on the size of the extension, focusing on the style of the design direction.

If the space is small, you should first of all determine for yourself which zones are planning to place on a small space.

In order not to clutch the territory, it is worth choosing folding furniture. Use space to save space furniture included with window sills:

  • folded sofas,
  • tables with folding countertops.

When arranging a more spacious room, where it is possible to breathe, the main decoration of the interior can be convenient sofa.

Slipping a fully glazed room in which the furniture will be protected from the effects of weather conditions, it is necessary to fear only that it will burn under the action of sunlight. Therefore, it is better to choose the objects of unsaturated tones.

It's great when the sofas and chairs of such a cozy corner make out of their natural origin. Wooden coffee tables, covered with cotton covers of the chair - all this will be the basis of the decoration of an open extension.

Removable soft seats They will help to equip a comfortable corner for recreation and bring bright strokes to the interior, enriching the flower palette of the veranda.

The bright glazed veranda in front of the house is the perfect place for booklers. Through large window openings from the floor to the ceiling most of the day in the room penetrate the sun's rays. So why not use this advantage, having equipped a home library on the veranda with posts to read?

Very harmonious in the interior of the open extension looks furniture with forging elements. It is able to fit perfectly in styles with ethnic flavor:

  • Country - Rustic style embodying ecological design;
  • Chalet - Alpine style, distinguished by the originality, simplicity and romantic design;
  • Provence - Interior of the provincial French house, reflected by the abundance of flower solutions and designer techniques when creating a "contrast game".

As decor Floor rugs from painted straws, sculptures made of wood, hunting trophies, porcelain porcelain porcelain vases and glass baubles are suitable.

Mediterranean style, As well as country styles or chalets, characterizes the abundance of wooden interior items. A wide deck board as an outdoor coating, coarse wooden shops and chairs will become an ideal solution for finishing ethnic styles. To add the picture tablecloths, capes on chairs and pillows of warm sandy shades. Special charm will bring ceramic and clay amphoras and vases placed on the tables and semi.

Covering wooden elements with special varnish, you will give them a spectacular vintage look.

Thinking the design of verandas in a private house, you should not use in the design a large number of furniture items. They will only litter space.

Decorating the interior is better small accessories using for this:

  • original candy and vases;
  • bizarre figurines and boxes;
  • motley mats and covers for furniture.

These cute little things will help create an atmosphere of home comfort.

How to choose the curtains

In open rooms or verandas framed by glass surfaces, the Sun often happens too much. Solve this problem is the easiest way hitch rolled curtains. They are very convenient in use.

Curtains for veranda perform a key role in creating a harmonious design. Tissue dense curtains saved from scoring sunlight, and transparent and thick draped curtains Perform an excellent attribute for celebrations.

When placing a veranda in the Mediterranean or Scandinavian style, the curtains made of light and translucent fabrics are suitable. The combination of bright shades creates a festive atmosphere of abundance of light.

Planning to create an original design veranda in the country? Then choose curtains from Bamboo. Vertical or horizontal jalousie Easily fit into any selected interior.

Fabric curtains on open verandas are better to use only in the warm season, upon completion of which remove them from eaves and hide in closed rooms.

Elements of landscaping

A real decoration of the veranda will be floral compositions. Living, beautiful and fragrant flowers will give a sense of calm and peace by creating a favorable microclimate on the veranda lit by the sun.

An adhesive racks decorated with several pots with decorative plants will perform a spectacular design supplement. And just everywhere apart in pots, dwarf trees and flowers will unusually decorate the room.

The pleasant aroma of essential oils, isolated by spicy plants, will be an additional source of pleasure from staying on the lap of nature.

It is possible to add vegetable compositions by diluting them with varnished penets, coated branches or beautifully laid natural stones.

Today there are many interesting styles and original design directions, thanks to the manifold of which you can choose what is really likely.

The main thing is that the design of the country's veranda is harmoniously combined with both the architectural ensemble of the house and with its surrounding landscape. Published ECONET.RU



To remember. Forgotten names - Soviet pupils and chiefs of the Gusakov Brothers are the covenacies.

New Year's piquant snack "5 minutes" spicy snacks.

Verbena Verbena Verbena is a beautiful perennial plant - a real decoration.

Skirts, skirts, skirts. (with patterns).

Gardening calendar - Gardener for 2016. PUXOVAIA.



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Closed veranda on your cottage.

One of the most significant advantages of accommodation in a private house is the opportunity at any time of the day and night to reach fresh air and enjoy the fragrance of flowers in the summer or the charming smell of the lady of foliage in the fall.
A closed veranda in a country house can be easily turned into a dining room, where the whole family will be collected for Sunday dinner: share your impressions, build plans and just communicate. An important role in creating the necessary mood is plays not only the view open from the windows, but also trim the veranda. It is she who helps you create an atmosphere of home comfort and peace.

Choosing materials
The choice of materials for finishing the veranda has not only aesthetic, but also practical importance. As a rule, under the word "veranda" imply an unheardous room. In some cases, the open veranda is more like a serving attached to the house, so that there is no speech about heating here. So, the decor should be not only beautiful, but also resistant to high humidity and temperature drops.

In winter, the room will be wet, and if you use non-fatty facing materials, then after two or three years, repairs will have to do again.
Usually, the walls are littered with modern finishing material - plastic wallpapers from PVC. The surface of the walls from the panels to the ceiling is covered with moisture resistant paint.

It is not recommended to use laminate when finishing a floor on a closed veranda. Since in harsh operating conditions, even moisture-resistant high-quality road laminate will lose in the raw room.

The tile, on the contrary, will not lose its wonderful properties and the initial species in such conditions. If you use tile as an outdoor cover, it is better to use a large tile as a simpler in laying. As a result, if the seams between adjacent tiles are reduced to a minimum, or even remove, it turns out a smooth, visually homogeneous surface.

After the final floor finish, it is necessary to install plastic plinths, since they are considered the most durable compared to wooden plinths and are not afraid of moisture effects.

Warming a veranda.
Of great importance is the correct thermal insulation of the bottom of the walls (under the windows) and the ceiling. The interior trim of the veranda begins with it. If warming up correctly, the room may be inhabitable until late autumn.

The most budget variant of the walls of the veranda walls in recent years is plastic panels. This material is resistant to high humidity and temperature drops. In addition, it is easily mounted and washed.

It is possible to attribute to disadvantages of plastic and fragility - it is very easy to break it, carelessly moving the chair or accidentally hitting the knee wall.

Wooden rails, a cross section of 30 * 20 or 30 * 10 mm or a metal profile for mounting drywall can be used as a frame for PVC panels. When using wood, it must be previously treated with an antiseptic.

Helpful advice! On the walls of the veranda overlooking the street, it is better to use wooden slats for the crate. Metal profiles mounting can create "cold bridges", which will largely reduce the quality of thermal insulation. But for not too smooth inland walls it is better to use a profile on special suspensions.

Reiki must be fixed perpendicular to the direction of laying panels. So, if the wall plastic will be located vertically, the rails are stuffed horizontally with a step no more than 50 cm.

Important! The decoration of the walls of the veranda panels with a pattern is performed from the left to the right. You can start the installation of monochromatic panels from either side of the wall.

When the doom is ready, the starting profile or mounting corner is mounted in the corner of the room with nails or self-tapping screws. The first is used if the neighboring wall will be finished with another material, and the second will allow you to stick the PVC panels with each other.
The first panel is then inserted into the guide profile so that the wide mounting shelf is directed towards the installation.
For fixing the panel to the crate, metal holders can be used, and you can simply fasten it to the rake with a self-tapping screw.

Important! If you do not use holders for mounting panels, do not tighten the screws too much. Otherwise, the panel will "lead".

Insert the next panel so that no gap is left, and secure it.
Remember that PVC panels are subject to temperature expansion. For its compensation, it is necessary to leave a gap in 2-3 cm at the bottom of the wall and close it with a plinth.

MDF - Cheap wood imitation

Another popular finishing material are MDF panels. They are somewhat stronger than plastic, but less resistant to moisture. It is not worth using this material on open verandas, but for closed it is quite suitable.

The MDF panels are installed just like plastic.

Wooden Lining - Classic Genre

Listing the materials for finishing the veranda, it is impossible not to mention the most traditional of them - wood. Most often it is the so-called lining.

The lining is a trim board, up to 22mm thick with special grooves facilitating installation and docking.

This material is chosen not only the walls, but also the ceiling of the veranda. After processing with antiseptics, the lining will last you until 20 years. For a long time to talk about the advantages of wood before artificial materials there is no need. What is only a delightful woody smell, which will be felt on your veranda for many years.

Choosing wooden lining

First of all, it should be said that according to the method of production, the lining is divided into despicable and solid. In the first case, the most high-quality pieces of wood are connected by a special way. Despite the fact that such a material looks superior - there are no bitch, cracks and other copper defects - it is not suitable for finishing the open veranda. With high humidity, cracks may form in the place of splicing, which will strongly spoil the appearance of the finish.