What can the floor be made. Which floor is best done in the apartment: tips and solutions

On the flooring in the apartment is often judged by the welfare and taste of the owner. In addition to aesthetic function, they must have high performance and long service life. Therefore, it is important to know from which to make floors in the apartment, how to choose the right screed for the base and flooring.

Types of flooring for floor indoors with high humidity

In the construction market, a large selection of flooring. To properly make a choice, you need to know which floor coverings are, their main characteristics and purpose.

One of the high-quality durable coatings is a ceramic tile. It is most often put in wet rooms or subjected to significant mechanical stress, for example, in a bathroom, hallway, kitchen and other rooms. Its main characteristics:

  • high wear resistance;
  • easy care;
  • a large selection of colors and drawings;
  • does not lose properties with high humidity;
  • resistant to temperature drops;
  • durability.

For wet premises, it is better to choose a corrugated or rough tile, it should not be slippery.

A special technology is similar to ceramic tiles in its composition, but with its manufacture, a special technology is applied. This is a very durable coating that has increased frost resistance and wear resistance. Material is stronger than natural stone, it is not afraid even hammer blows. Cerambulanits are produced with different degrees of surface smoothness, with imitation of marble, mosaic, granite, natural stone, etc.

Durability and Beauty - Laminate and Parquet Coverage

A parquet board has become a worthy parquet substitute. Special manufacturing technology increased the service life of the coating. Parquet covered with varnish after styling, parquet board is taking a varnish treatment at the factory. The board is produced in the form of multilayer lamellas. The appearance of the board gives the top layer for which the valuable rocks of the tree (oak, beech, maple, etc.) are used.

Last popularity has recently acquires laminate. He can also make a substitute for parquet. It can be used for whom the wooden floor can not afford. The assortment is from laminate, imitating marble, tile and other materials. It is made of chipboard and covered with paper on which the drawing is applied. On top of the board are covered with a protective layer. Dear coating options have increased protection against moisture, they can be used even in wet rooms.

Cork, linoleum and carpet - alternative types of coating

The plug is an expensive coating, but its characteristics make it one of the best options for the floor. This is an environmentally friendly natural material. It is a wonderful sound and thermal insulator, has an elastic and elastic surface. The plug is not suitable only for wet rooms. It stacked on an even foundation, usually on Faneru. Cork coatings are decorative, in the form of panels with the basis of MDF, used as a substrate for another coating.

Carpet is the perfect coating for the bedroom. A large selection of colors makes it possible to create in the room comfort. It has good sound and thermal insulation properties. It's nice in the morning to walk with bare feet. Carpet is produced from both natural and artificial materials, with different length of the pile. The lack of such a coating is the briefness and complexity of care. The pile is quickly fitted, rubs. Dust accumulates in the surface surface, so carpet requires frequent cleaning, preferably a powerful vacuum cleaner. More practical and durable nylon carpet, but it has a high price.

Cheap and use in demand for floors is linoleum. The reputation of the short-lived material was entrenched behind the artificial linoleum. This coating made of natural materials (tubes, resins, linseed oil, jute fabric, etc.), durable, resistant to moisture, mechanical effects. A fallen cup will not break on such a floor as on ceramic tiles. Linoleum is easy to lay, easy to care. In the construction market, a large selection of colors and patterns. Especially in demand, the coating, imitating expensive materials: parquet, marble, ceramic tiles.

How to choose a coating for destination

The floors should have not only a beautiful attractive form, but also high performance, which meet the purpose of the premises. Therefore, it is important to know from which it is precisely the floors with the appointment of each room in the apartment.

In the bathrooms and bathrooms, the floor should be resistant to a wet environment. At the same time, he must meet the overall style of the room. Requirements are presented to the coating in the kitchen, almost the same as to the bathroom. In addition to resistance to moisture, the floors should be wear-resistant and well tolerate mechanical effects.

Various liquids are often spilled in the kitchen, so the floors should be fine, be resistant to chemicals, have anti-slip properties. High resistance must have floors in the hallway.

On balconies and balconies, the flooring should withstand the temperature differences in a wide range. In addition, it is experiencing significant mechanical effects and should be sufficiently wear-resistant and durable. It is better to choose stone or ceramic options for these premises.

In residential rooms, the floor should be beautiful, durable and environmentally friendly, especially in the nursery. The floors should be harmonized with furniture, wallpaper, that is, answer the style of the room. Wooden floors and parquet make room the most cozy. These are expensive materials, but they can be perfectly replaced by laminate, imitating various wood species, or parquet board. A good option for residential rooms is carpet.

The basis of the floor is the key to its durability

Almost all floor coverings require a perfectly smooth base, so before their installation, the floor surface must be aligned. The question arises, which tie is better to do in the apartment? When choosing, you need to take into account, in what rooms there will be a screed. Depending on the installation site, it can perform the following functions:

  • lines the surface and makes a stronger base;
  • serves the heat, sound and waterproofing layer;
  • hides communications;
  • you can make the necessary slope in the bathroom or bathroom to flow water.

There are several types of screeds, of which you need to choose, taking into account the purpose of the room and the type of flooring:

  • Concrete. It rarely applied in the apartment and takes a lot of time. Performed with a wet method.
  • Semi-dry. There is less water in the screed, it dries faster than concrete. The use of a small amount of water makes the screed less durable.
  • Dry. Performed with dry mixes. It is often used to equalize the base in the apartment.
  • Combined. This is the optimal method for leveling surfaces with significant irregularities. If you use only a cement screed, it will be too heavy, as you have to do a thick layer.
  • . They are poured with a layer of 3 cm. This allows you to reduce the weight of the base.

When the floor screed is selected, the following points should be taken into account:

  1. 1. The time for which the repair must be completed. At least two weeks will leave the traditional concrete screed.
  2. 2. With a warm floor device, it is better to use a screed that can be dismantled to access the heating elements. In addition, it must be resistant to temperature drops.
  3. 3. Type of inter-storey overlap. With large creams between the slabs, the wet screed can flow between the plates and create problems with neighbors living below.
  4. 4. Cost.

We do a self-leveling tie

Self-leveling screed is used if you need to get a perfectly smooth floor surface. The process itself consists of the following steps:

  1. 1. First you need to prepare the surface of the floor, clearing it from garbage, dirt and dust.
  2. 2. Next, you need to perform the primer of the sex surface.
  3. 3. The solution is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions. For the solution of the solution, you can use a construction mixer or a drill with a suitable special nozzle.
  4. 4. The mixture should be saturated with oxygen, so it makes it possible to stand for 5-7 minutes.
  5. 5. Pill the mixture is needed along the wall, starting with the angle that is most removed from the door.
  6. 6. The mixture is leveled with a needle roller and a metal brush.
  7. 7. Fully heat dries over 3-5 days. To obtain a high-quality screed, it must be protected from drafts, direct sunlight, sharp changes in temperature and moisture.

In compliance with the manufacturing technology, a solid and durable surface will be obtained, almost not absorbing moisture.

In order for the floors for a long time, pleased with their beautiful appearance, you need to choose a right floor covering, make a strong even base for it and carefully care for them.

All work can be done independently, but if there is no experience and desire, it is better to trust professionals that will fulfill all work quickly and efficiently.

When buying any housing, people are thinking about the performance of quality repairs. Much attention is paid to the floor, which should be high quality, convenient and durable. Therefore, it is initially necessary to determine what will be a draft coating. Next, it is decided which floor it is better to do in the apartment finishing, for which various types of materials are selected.

Choosing a rough base

Initially, it is decided which draft is best done in the apartment. For this, the state of the base is estimated, since it is often necessary to pre-perform its alignment, and insulation and an increase in waterproofing parameters is carried out.

When creating a rough floor, you can choose wooden lags or make a concrete screed. Each option has its own characteristics.

Wooden Laggers: Nuances of Use

When determining how much the floor is best done in the apartment on the ceiling plates, it is often drawn on wooden lags. This option has both pros and cons.

Pluses of wooden base

Disadvantages of construction

Created an environmentally friendly design

Wood exposed to the process of rotting and destroyed by insects

Increases thermal insulation indicators of rooms, as wood has low thermal conductivity

Under the floor there may be mold or fungus, which negatively affects the service life

The method is considered "dry", therefore it is characterized by simplicity and efficiency, since it is not necessary to wait until any solution is free

Periodically, it is required to repair, for which you have to raise flooring to get access to lagas

It is allowed to lay the insulation between lags, increasing the thermal insulation of the apartment

A unpleasant creak appears through a short life

Long service life

Before installing wooden lags, they will certainly be treated with antiseptics and antipirens.

Features of the formation of concrete base

Often when choosing, which floors are better to do in the apartment during the creation of a draft base, it is the screed of concrete. The use of such a design has its advantages and cons.

Which floor is best done in the apartment, it is difficult to say, therefore, the pros and cons of each species are taken into account, but the rough design is considered the most popular and universal design represented by a concrete tie.

Types of materials for finishing coating

When choosing what floors it is better to do in the apartment, not only a draft base, but also the finish coating is taken into account. There are many types of materials that are characterized by cost, appearance and laying rules.

The laminate has a low cost, an interesting view, and can also be laid in the living room or bedroom.

The plug is represented by an environmentally friendly material, perfectly suitable for any interior, but it is not allowed to make styling in rooms with an increased humidity rate. Differs high cost.

The ceramic tile is considered an ideal choice for the room in which there is a high level of humidity, so it often stacked in the bathroom or in the kitchen, and it is moisture-proof, durable and attractive, and the minus is considered the coldness of the coating.

The carpet is represented by a special dialing material, to create natural or synthetic materials, and it requires regular cleaning and loses its attractiveness over time, but it is guaranteed to softly walking along the floor.

Parquet is distinguished by a significant price, but has a exquisite appearance, racks before mechanical blows and is created only from environmentally friendly raw materials.

The choice of concrete material depends on the preferences and financial capabilities of the owners, so the answer to the question of which sex is better to do in the apartment, will be different for each person.

What to choose a warm floor?

Before laying a fixed floor covering, it is recommended to think about the possibility of creating a heap system. It provides the formation of a really warm coating, for which it is pleasant to walk. Especially relevant for apartments in which children live. It is important to determine what better to make a warm floor in the apartment. You can choose from three options:

  • water warm floor is considered not too suitable for the apartment, since there is a chance to flood the neighbors;
  • electrical construction consumes a lot of electricity, and it is also important to understand the rules of laying cable under the floor;
  • infrared film is considered an ideal choice for an apartment, as it is easy to lay, does not consume a lot of energy, as well as the process of installing such a design can be performed with your own hands.

Many people prefer in apartments to do a water warm floor, laying pipes for a concrete tie, but if breaks appear, it causes unique harm to the finishing of neighbors, and for the repair you will have to raise outdoor coating and deform the screed.

What coating is suitable for the bedroom?

Which floor is better to do in the apartment? Professional designers and builders say that it is desirable for every real estate in real estate to choose its own flooring, ideally suitable for the conditions that are available in this room.

The bedroom is represented by a room designed for recreation and relaxation, so it is desirable to focus on creating the most comfortable and cozy situation. Therefore, walking on the floor should be pleasant and warm.

Which floors are better to do in the apartment Khrushchev, if the repair is performed in the bedroom? The ideal solution for this premises is the carpet or parquet. To save money, you can use a laminate with good quality and affordable cost. It is considered durable and attractive.

Children's Children's Choice

This room requires increased attention from parents. Everyone wants to create the safest and comfortable living conditions for his child. Therefore, used during the arrangement of the children's room only safe, high-quality, environmentally friendly and expensive materials.

When choosing a material from which the floor covering will be created, should be especially careful, as it is important to make sure that it does not contain in formaldehyde or other dangerous components.

Children in their rooms spend a lot of time, rest and sleep, so the main criterion for choosing materials is their safety. No extraneous smell from the coating is not allowed. Most often, parquet or natural wood is selected for this room. But the most relevant is the cork covering. It has many advantages:

  • environmental purity, since there are no toxic or harmful components;
  • features excellent bactericidal properties;
  • high anti-allergenic characteristics;
  • resistant to moisture;
  • it is characterized by good sound insulation parameters;
  • the coating is obtained elastic and durable.

The plug is not subjected to rotting, and also does not arise in it fungus. The main minus of this material includes a high cost.

What is the coating to choose for a kitchen?

Which floor is better to do in the apartment, if work is performed in the kitchen? This room, along with the bathroom, is distinguished by specific operating conditions. High temperature and increased humidity rate are often installed here. Therefore, it is important to choose coatings, perfectly cope with these impacts. They should be easy to clean and have good hygienic properties.

A wonderful choice for this room is considered a tile. It can be ceramic or porcelain. Available in numerous colors and textures, so the optimal option is selected for each interior style. The laying can be performed in a standard way, diagonally or a Christmas tree, and can be cope with the process, if desired, can be independently.

Main criteria for competent material selection

In response to the question of which floor it is best to make a new building in the apartment, the main criteria for optimal choice are taken into account:

  • high quality material;
  • environmental cleaning;
  • affordable cost corresponding to the financial capabilities of buyers;
  • attractive appearance;
  • compliance with room style.

Thus, in the apartment you can choose different types of rough or finishing gender. Each species has its own characteristics, so it is necessary to focus on the main criteria for competent selection. From the quality, heat-insulating and sound insulation parameters, as well as the strength of the floor depends, how comfortable and pleasant will be constantly in the premises.


Choose an outdoor coating, based on the target factor, i.e. Purpose of the room. Agree that you are most likely to buy the same material for the kitchen and bedrooms. You can stop your choice on a universal coating, which features will be able to comply with the requirements for all rooms.

Take into account when choosing an outdoor coverage statistics. A common practice is such that the residential rooms most often choose parquet or laminate, for the hallway - linoleum, and for kitchen and bathroom - ceramgrad or tile. But these materials are not limited to these materials. Yes, and standard coatings differ within each species in high-quality positions.

Choose parquet for residential rooms: living room, children's, bedroom, office. But to lay it in the kitchen, the crane is not recommended due to the dislike of the tree to moisture. Parquet is one of the most elite, expensive price and durable flooring. It is environmentally friendly, has increased strength and good thermal insulation properties. The service life is more than 50 years. A parquet board is made from expensive tree breeds - oak, ash, beech. Deciding to give preference to parquet, keep in mind that this coating needs special care and moisture is afraid. It also requires the perfect "rough" floor. The cost of parquet varies from 15 to 150 dollars per sq.m.

Think well before you choose your choice on the traffic jam. This material is less popular than parquet. It is peculiar in design and is not suitable for all rooms. His most valuable quality is high heat and sound insulation. Therefore, it is best to get it in the living room and a bedroom. Available in the form of rectangular or square plates. Such a coating will serve you from 5 to 20 years. It should be borne in mind that the plug has low resistance to mechanical damage. Therefore, if a neat view of the floor is important for you, do not fine this expensive material in the nursery. After all, its price ranges from $ 20 to $ 70 per sq.m.

If you plan to make high-quality repairs in the middle price range, choose a laminate. In recent decades, he became just a hit selling in the construction market. A low price (it ranges from 4 to 60 dollars per sq.m.), good performance, simplicity of laying and the most diverse design made it truly folk. The composition of the laminate resembles a multilayer pie, compressed at high temperatures. The high-end material is resistant to moisture and to mechanical effects, any kind is withstanding UV rays. Low class will last you for about 5 years, high - 20 years or more. Due to the special substrate to which the coating is placed, it has excellent shock-absorbing, thermal insulating and soundproof properties. Great for any accommodation in the apartment.

Choosing an outdoor coating for the hallway, kitchen and bathroom, first of all, take into account wear-resistant, moisture-resistant qualities, simplicity when leaving and immunity to spots and pollution. Linoleum remains the best for the hallway and ceramrand for kitchen and bathroom. Recently, the bulk sex has been gaining great popularity, which used to be used in industrial premises and in enterprises. But new aesthetic qualities allowed him to become an excellent flooring and for residential premises.

Floor finishing is one of the last steps of repairs in an apartment or a private house. It can be carried out using various materials, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.

Depending on the purpose of the room, there are certain requirements for materials:

  • Hall. Room with high walking load, in which a large amount of dust and dirt accumulates. The flooring should be as strong as possible and non-smast.
  • Bathroom. In this room, the floor covering is constantly in contact with water, so the material must be moisture-resistant and easily washed.
  • Kitchen. Here you also need a material that is not affected by moisture and not absorbing fat.
  • Balcony. Conditions in this room are close to street, therefore products must be resistant to low temperatures and humidity.
  • Living room. This room with high walking load, therefore the main characteristic of the material is mechanical strength.
  • Bedroom. In this case, the flooring should be environmentally friendly.
  • Children's Material must combine product characteristics for two previous premises.

This material is used to lay out floor coatings in any appointments. The linoleum had a special popularity in the times of the Soviet Union, now it is not so common, but still holds certain positions.

Linoleum - accessibility and easy to care


  1. A wide range of. The material for the floor is manufactured in different colors and can have patterns and ornaments on the front part. Modern rolled materials imitate the surface of the stone, wood, parquet, and so on.
  2. Moisture resistance.
  3. Mechanical strength.
  4. High indicators of sound and thermal insulation.
  5. Simple installation and subsequent care.

From the disadvantages it should be noted too high plasticity, dents remain in linoleum after furniture and other heavy items. Some models identify harmful substances, it can be determined by a strong chemical smell.

Another classic floor finish. Most often, the material is used to arrange flooring in kitchens and bathrooms.

Ceramic tile - Environmental purity and durability

To the positive sides of the tile can be attributed:

  • Resistance to chemically active substances, water, ultraviolet and abrasion.
  • A wide range of shades and sizes of products. Also produced materials imitating the color and texture of natural wood, stone and others.
  • Easy to care.
  • Safety for health.

The tile is considered a practically perfect option for floors in the house, but the material is cold, which is why it is unpleasant to fall barefoot. Some types of wets become slippery, also the tile is rather fragile and easily splits when the object is hit or the fall.

Wood is now experiencing a new wave of popularity. With it, they laid floors in the rooms of any destination, including the kitchen.

The floor of the board - the nobility and the feeling of comfort


  1. Noble appearance.
  2. Ecology.
  3. Feeling comfort and comfort.
  4. The ability to use in almost any interior and combination with other materials.

The disadvantages should be noted exposed to water, so it is necessary to take measures to protect coatings. Because of this, floors of floors require more time and money. The ability to absorb moisture makes wood very brand, spilled juice, tea or coffee will leave the track on the coating.

Also, the tree requires regular cyclishing, because with time, burrs appear on the surface. In addition, high-quality natural materials are quite expensive. If they are processed incorrectly, they can swell or dry, which will lead to deformation. Do not forget about rodents and insects who prefer to settle in such a medium.

Cork floor - naturalness and heat

Such outdoor materials make it possible to create a truly original coating. Products are made from cortex cork, so they are completely natural and eco-friendly.

  • Comfort when walking barefoot.
  • The coating is non-slip and non-smoke.
  • The plug is well protected from moisture.
  • Material is easy to care.
  • A wide range of color solutions and textures.

From the disadvantages you can allocate low mechanical strength and short life. In addition, the plug needs to be lacquered, so it is impossible to name such floors.

Laminate - wealth of choice and easy care

These products were invented in order to replace natural wood. Some of its characteristics are significantly higher than wood:

  1. Laminate is produced in a very rich assortment. It can imitate shades of almost all varieties of wood, natural stone, fabric, skin, and so on.
  2. The material is warm, in addition to this, under it you can lay the "Warm floor" system.
  3. Easy care.
  4. Moisture resistance.
  5. Comparatively low cost.
  6. The ease of installation (products are equipped with locking systems, thanks to which they are easy to lay).

Despite the fact that there are models with moisture-proof coating, it is better not to use laminate for a kitchen or bathroom. It will also be necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing. It should be noted that the laminate is rather fragile: long-term contact with water and mechanical impacts leave traces on it. In addition, during the stacking there is a risk of damaging the castle compounds, so the products must be bought with a margin.

Porcelain stoneware - durability and practicality

This material is very similar to ceramic tiles, but is made a little on another technology. At the same time, he resembles a natural stone. In the modern world, product stoneward products are popular thanks to the following advantages:

  • The strength of the porcelain is estimated at 9 points out of 10.
  • Surfaces are able to last up to 50 years.
  • Does not highlight harmful substances when heating and wetting.
  • Easy to care.
  • Resistance to the effects of sun rays and water.
  • It does not burn and does not support combustion.
  • A wide range of.

The main disadvantage is the high cost, and this concerns prices both on materials and on the installation work. Polished porcelain stoneware for use in kitchens and bathrooms. In addition, it is cold, so it is heated. In some cases, it is impossible to lay the floor with such material because of the greater weight.

Self-leveling floors

Bulk floor - aesthetics and uniqueness

This species is considered relatively new, it has not yet gained popularity among users, but has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. The presence of polymer compounds in the composition provides high moisture resistance, so it is easy to wash.
  2. Bulk floors can serve about 20 years.
  3. On the surface, the seams are not formed, so that it looks aesthetic. The same feature protects the coating from the appearance of fungus.
  4. Attractive appearance.

Of the disadvantages it should be noted the high value of the material and the need for serious preparatory processes. In addition, the coating cannot be fixed locally. That is, if in some place the floor will turn around, you will have to completely remove the coating and pour a new one.


Previously, concrete was used only for the arrangement of flooring in the economic premises, garages and so on. Now the concrete screed is very often the basis for other products: parquet, laminate, tile and others. But modern methods of fillings and grinding make it possible to create a perfectly even, visually attractive (which can be seen in the photo) and absolutely inert to the effects of water coating. In addition, the floors are obtained strong, durable.

Concrete floor - durability and durability

From the disadvantages you can select a lot of material weight, so it cannot be used in wooden houses. Also, specialized construction equipment and qualified operators are required to obtain a perfectly smooth coating. Another drawback is the complexity of the work.

On a note! If the floor is selected by concrete, then it is subject to mechanical effects. Despite the strength, the material can be cooled when it is falling on it from height.

Once this material was the main product for construction, now it is considered a sign of wealth and luxury. The fact is that the stone itself is cheap, but it requires high-tech, which means very expensive, equipment and consumables.

Natural stone - presentability and practicality

Of the advantages it should be noted:

  1. High mechanical strength.
  2. Resistance to virtually any impacts (precipitation, sun, blows).
  3. Almost unlimited service life.

But natural stone has disadvantages:

  • Significant weight, which is why it is difficult to work with it, it is not suitable for all overlaps.
  • The stone is cold, so you have to install the "warm floor" system.
  • The installation process will be quite expensive.
  • Material requires special care.

Another material for the arrangement of floors, which is known to mankind from the time of antiquity. It is also considered expensive because it is quite complicated in the laying. It is made of glass or natural stone.

Mosaic - elegance and uniqueness

The main advantage of the mosaic is that even curvilinear surfaces are obtained, and any patterns and drawings can be created using multi-colored elements. For the convenience of laying, manufacturers fasten the mosaic fragments on the grid, forming a pattern. The master remains only to stick it to the floor. According to its operational qualities, the mosaic resembles a tile.

From the disadvantages it should be noted the high price on the material itself and on work on its laying. In addition, the coating of the mosaic will not fit modern interiors, it looks better in classical or antique style. It should also be noted that only an artist or a person with a developed taste and fantasy will be able to cope with the laying of mosaic.

Polyvinyl chloride

Products from this material are made in the form of tiles with adhesive base or locking compound. There are also cheaper varieties that need to be laid on a layer of tiled glue. Modern polyvinyl chloride coatings are produced in a wide range of colors. Earlier, the tiles from this material were also used to lay outdoor coatings, many remember these blue and green squares, now the products look more aesthetic.

Polyvinyl chloride tiles - Wealth of choice and resistance to moisture

Of the advantages it should be noted:

  1. Easy and fast laying.
  2. Easy care.
  3. High sound insulation features.
  4. A wide range of color solutions, shapes and sizes.
  5. Long service life.

Despite the listed pluses, there are disadvantages:

  • High requirements for the preparation of the basis. The draft coating should be perfectly smooth, otherwise all defects will be praised on the tile. It is also important to consider that the moisture of the base cannot be higher than 5%.
  • Before you set the floor with such material, you need to hold the tile for several days in the room so that it adapts to the conditions. In addition, each manufacturer indicates temperature and humidity modes that must be met during installation.
  • Changes color and destroys under the influence of sunlight.
  • PVC is a synthetic material, so it highlights harmful substances when burning. As for fire safety, she also leaves much to be desired.

This pretty popular option for finishing floor surfaces. It is a soft and warm material with a long or short pile, which is stacked on the prepared base and is closed by a plinth. As a result, a coating is obtained, resembling a regular carpet, but which is covered on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Carpet - Comfort and Soundproofing


  1. Comparatively low cost.
  2. Comfort and comfort.
  3. A wide range of design solutions.
  4. Long life and resistance to various kinds of influences.
  5. High sound insulation.

Of negative qualities, you can allocate:

  • Cheap products are not protected from the negative effects of ultraviolet.
  • High hygroscopicity and exposure to water.
  • Accumulate garbage and dust.
  • Complexity in care.
  • Bright products are very marked.
  • Requirements for the preparation of the foundation. Under carpeting, it must be a layer of reliable waterproofing.

The latter in the list, but not by the value, the option of the floor arrangement. It is a high-quality and simultaneously elite coating. Operational indicators are directly dependent on the wood variety, which was used in the manufacture, as well as production and processing methods.

Parquet - durability and feeling of warmth

If we talk about the positive sides of the parquet, it should be noted:

  1. Attractive appearance. Like other products made of natural wood, the chambers of the parquet look noble.
  2. Long service life. Subject to proper laying and regular grinding, the coating can serve about 30-40 years.
  3. High thermal insulation qualities. In the warm regions under the parquet you do not need to lay insulation.


  • Exposure to various deformations. In the summer season, wood expands, it is narrowed in winter, so when laying you need to leave compensation seams.
  • High price. Parquet significantly exceeds laminate or linoleum on this indicator.
  • The need for regular repair and replacement of a protective lacquer layer.

Parquet is one of the best types of flooring, but due to the high cost of material and works, it has not gained more popularity

For finishing floor coatings, a huge number of different materials are suitable. Folk craftsmen use even coins or cardboard to arrange floors. Most of the products can be laid on their own to save money on hiring specialists. But there are also those that require the qualifications and use of a professional tool.

When choosing a floor for the kitchen, it is important to take into account the set of nuances. The perfect kitchen floor should not be afraid of nor fat, nor moisture nor random scratches. It is easy to wash and stains are not delayed on it. Today we will try to figure out how to choose the right floor covering for the kitchen and what to pay special attention to.

What will be the floor in your kitchen, depends not only from the style of the interior. It is very important to make sure that the coating you chose is a suitable base. Which surface will be lying on a new flooring? It may be possible to do so that there is. Or maybe you have to make the floor from scratch and perfectly align the surface.

The quality of the kitchen floor will depend on the quality of the surface preparation, so it is better to consult with a specialist before choosing an outdoor cover. Do you want to make a warm floor in the kitchen? Then you will have to use only those types of coatings that are specifically designed for heated floors and have high warm-water.

What will be the new floor in the kitchen? Laconic, which serves only by the background for kitchen headset, finishes and accessories, or spectacular, applying to become the most important decor element? Often, designers offer such a solution for the kitchen: combine two floor coatings depending on the functional zone.

For example, in the working area, the kitchen floor is lined with practical ceramics - tiles or porcelain stoneware, and a natural tree, parquet or laminate on the floor are laid in the floor. This option is very good for the kitchen combined with the living room. For a small kitchen, you should choose a homogeneous and monophonic floor covering. Such gender will help to visually increase the small space and make it more harmonious.

Let's see what floor coverings are suitable for the kitchen, and what you need to know before making your choice.

Paul in the kitchen of linoleum

Artificial and natural linoleum is a very practical option for the kitchen floor. It has a lot of advantages. First, an attractive price. At the same time, he is very different from his Soviet predecessors who are remembered by dull coloring and unimportant quality.


Modern synthetic linoleum serves as 8-10 years, is distinguished by high wear resistance and creates good heat and sound insulation. For the floor in the kitchen it is worth choosing a linoleum with a thicker protective layer.

Linoleum is very unpretentious in care. It is easy to wash, and this is an important plus for the kitchen floor. The great advantage of Linoleum is that it is just put on its own. In addition, Linoleum gives huge opportunities for designer experiments.

Manufacturers today offer linoleum of a wide variety of colors, patterns and textures. For example, it can imitate parquet, wood, stone and even metal. An interesting option is a linoleum in the form of tiles, from which you can collect various patterns and ornaments.

Of course, the synthetic linoleum is not the most eco-friendly flooring. Specialists advise: do not buy a cheap linoleum, especially in the markets. Pay attention to the smell - the stronger the linoleum smells, the lower its environmental safety.

Carefully read the label - some types of linoleum can be used only in non-residential premises, for example, on loggia. More expensive options are artoliums and mormoliums - more secure from an ecological point of view, but also cost more than ordinary linoleum.

Very detailed and useful post about the types of linoleum for the house and the peculiarities of choosing this floor cover you will find.

Kitchen Cork Cover

Floors from traffic jams will come up with lovers of natural environmentally friendly materials. The cork coating is made from the cortex of cork oak, which is removed from the growing tree every few years. Cork floors are very comfortable for the legs and help reduce the burden on the joints and the spine.


Elastic traffic jam is pleasantly "spring", creates a feeling of a warm floor and has excellent soundproof. On this floor it is almost impossible to slip. Since the plug is a natural antistatic, it practically does not attract dust. Therefore, the floors from the tube are the perfect option for allergic and asthmatics.

It is believed that the plug is unique and its bioenergy properties and very beneficial effect on the human body. The cork floor in the kitchen is easy to wash, besides, it is resistant to stains. The floor from the traffic jam will greatly fit into almost any interior. Breeding cork covers have the most different texture and are of a wide variety of shades.

Cork floor covered with special varnish can be used without fear in the kitchen. Corrected flooring is not afraid of moisture and is quite capable of surviving small fluid spills.

Liquid linoleum in the kitchen

Liquid linoleum is often called polymer bulk sex . Externally, this coating resembles linoleum, to the touch - tile. The bulk sex is very unpretentious in operation and is not afraid of mechanical damage. The charm of this coating is that the surface of the floor in the kitchen will be smooth and seamless.

The bulk floor can be made of any color and supplement it with various patterns, inserts and other decorative elements. However, if you decide after a while, change the floor covering, remove the liquid linoleum will be quite difficult.