How do you sew an apron for kitchen: description and patterns. How to sew a beautiful apron for kitchen: models, design options, patterns, photos and video sew a cool apron for kitchen

How to sew apron to work in the kitchen, is it worth making a pattern. If you ask yourself these questions, I have something to offer you.

Girlfriend as it asked me to sew her apron, I thought how to do something original and exclusive. The girlfriend had ceramic cups of beige color in the kitchen with a pattern in the form of landscapes from houses and brown trees.

As a result, I sewed a simple apron from the checkered yellow fabric, and on the chest and on Podol made an applique in the form of cups. Drew contours of cups on beige tissue, caught a pencil drawing of landscapes, as on real cups, it was not difficult to repeat the pattern, and embroidered the contours of the houses and trees with brown threads. Then she strengthened the embroidery with phlizelin, cut out the cups and touched the finished apron.

Girlfriend was delighted. It actually looked great. But, the cups were already broken, and the apron was demolished. Nothing is eternal. But I remember the delight of the girlfriend, because she did not suspect that I am a horror apron, so suitable for her kitchen.

I propose a base pattern by making it, you can sew apron suitable for you to your taste and from anything.

Pattern for apron

Make a pattern worth it. You can, of course, to draw directly on the fabric, it is not difficult to cut the apron, but the pattern is so simple that you can make it elementary to attach to yourself and evaluate the future result simply, looking into the mirror. And eliminate unpleasant surprises, in the form of an incorrectly selected length.

Moreover, if you are going to sew not from a solid piece of matter, but from jeans stunner or from a shirt, or just from residues, then it is better to have a pattern.

I gave sizes from small to the big one. Large dimensions, these are standard sizes for Linum Elements aprons.

I make the pattern of your apron, you do not need to count anything, multiplying the coefficients. Just measure a centimeter ribbon length, width and postpone on the pattern.

Pattern 2.

Beautiful, flirty apron lifted on the next pattern. Please note the pattern is given to the growth of 165cm. Details 5 and 6 are folded in half.

Aprons with applique

Using the basic pattern, you can create masterpieces using the application. The technique is wonderful that this beauty sews pretty quickly.

Shabbi Shchebi

Aprons from Square

Aprons from jeans

We have a lot of time paying the design of the room, try to give our kitchen a view of a festive and cozy. But often quite forget that our homemade clothing must match the interior.

Elegant kitchen aprons will not only protect your casual clothes from splashing fat and water, but also create a festive mood even during the fulfillment of the everyday business like washing dishes or cleaning potatoes.

No wonder mankind invented this item of the wardrobe many centuries ago.

A bit of history

The mention of apron begins with the history of ancient Egypt. It is there that he appears for the first time.

Initially, the apron, called Xi, in Egypt performed one role only. He just covered the naked body. But gradually the functions of this clothing expanded and the human social affiliation began to determine.

Sinkti was supposed to wear only Pharaohs and nobility.

Later, the apron falls into the countries of Western Europe, where they acquire those functions that are inherent in today.

Interestingly, for different layers of the population and the Functions of the apron turn out to be different.

When watching video films telling about life in Europe in the 16th - 19th centuries, it can be noted that commoner is wearing simple aprons, more often, and use them when working on the housework.

But noble ladies in the aprons are dressing. They are sewn from expensive materials, are decorated with swans, ruffles or Brussels lace.

In Russia, the apron appeared at the end of the 17th century and became an integral part of national clothes, as in other Slavic countries.

In the 20th century, the alarms mostly became working clothes, both at work and at home.

Models of apron

Choosing a kitchen apron, you must consider for what cases and when it will be used. It is no secret that a good mistress has several of them:

  1. disposable, polyethylene, They enjoy when feeding dishes on the table on holidays, so as not to be swap elegant clothes;
  2. waterproof oils or tissues with teflon coating, They are suitable for general cleaning, when you have to wash windows, floors, shelves;
  3. casual - to work in the kitchen, cooking, easily erased, often complete with elegant tacks;
  4. elegant apron, Which can wear at home celebrations, very good for these purposes linen apron with embroidery.

Council. Casual aprons are well sewing from synthetic tissues, as they do not need to iron after washing. Such aprons are desirable to have several pieces so that you can change them every day, and wash with one bookmark in the washing machine.

Today, on sale a very wide selection of different angle. They are sold complete with kitchen towels and patches for hot. These sets are colorful and bright, with eye-pleaseing eyes. It's nice that the price of such sets is quite democratic.

But, you see, sometimes you want to create such a apron, whom no one has. And it is quite forces.

We will try to tell how to sew an apron for the kitchen on a universal pattern for the whole family or from the old husband's shirt.

The main thing is to remember that the kitchen apron should be not only easy to care (washing and ironing), but he must allow his mistress to look Queen even during the employment work.

Alteration with benefit

The fabric for the new apron is not at all necessary to buy. You can sew an elegant apron from an old dress or skirt, even jeans are successfully used for this purpose.

And especially comfortable and pretty aprons for the kitchen are obtained from men's shirts that have already served their age. Cell cowboy and striped office copies are suitable for this purpose. The most important thing is that you liked the apron.

Look carefully in the photo. The process of turning the shirt into the apron is very simple:

  1. cut the back;
  2. cut the sleeves;
  3. proceed the edges, suffer or process the braid;
  4. sew ribbon to the belt.

Council. You can refresh such an apron with color braid, applique or sew a bright pocket.

One pattern for the whole family

Well, when all family members have their own aprons. Together more fun to make cleaning in the apartment and engage in culinary creativity in the kitchen.

If you do not have a lot of skills in the art of sewing and modeling clothes, then this uncomplicated pattern of the apron for the kitchen will help you quickly make careful aprons for the whole family.

And another apron is a handsome and practical gift, and if it is made with my own hands, it only increases value. The aprons have often to wash, so the material should be durable.

Fabric for apron must be practical

But the Sitz, Satin, Len will greatly cope with their task, at least from time to time such an apron will need to be sent to the washing machine.

Some masters love to use denim pockets and pollocks for finishing apron. Also parts from clothing that no longer worn can be used in the design of the apron.

Beginner craftsmen choose Simple Stacks for their first apron - for example, an apron, confused with ribbon, and more skilled hostesses can experiment with stales, decoration, combination of colors, materials.

By the way, all experienced seamstres claim that it is the Apron who will help you to master all the basics of work. And if you do not know how to sew, but you want to learn, it is better to start with the sewing apron with your own hands. After all, it consists of a product of elementary, easily connecting with each other - so starting to sew!

As for the color - the motley fabric is definitely better than one-photon. It is not so noticeable by such a tissue.

Strawsticks for kitchen

Deciding with a cloth, you need to choose the most style that you will not get bored in a month or another.

Logon for apron can be selected extremely simple or complicated

The complexity of the selected style will depend on your cutting skills and sewing

The easiest apron:

Additional elements _Read, ruffles, braid, decorate apron

The apron liked La Fun Sew is not difficult if you know it in detail

Pattern for apron with pockets in the center:

The shape of the one-piece apron can be chosen as desired:

Ideas for aprons with cutting bottom

The apron has long ceased to be only a means of protecting clothing in the process of work. Now for home owners, he has become also a fashionable accessory, which can complement the outfit or even fit in color and style in the overall design of the kitchen.

The desired model of the protective apron can be easily selected in the store, but still it is better to sew. After all, the apron for the kitchen will add a plus to the image of a "good mistress of the house" and will be attracted by its originality.

We choose the model

For the manufacture of the simplest model of the protective apron independently necessary:

Photo of female

  • Sew front cloth (apron) with a bib;
  • Sew the belt;
  • Sew straps on the neck.

Such an option can be even a beginner seam: just remember the work learning program at school. To complicate myself a task, thereby giving your work uniqueness, you can use the apron in modeling.

Model - It means creating your unique styles that will differ from the standard.

For example, you can make beautiful folds on the main cloth, round the edges of the apron or bib, sew rollers, flocks, pockets, decorate the applique or embroidery.

Tip: Before starting, how to sew an apron into a kitchen, it is recommended to make a color sketch or pattern of the model and designate it in detail all the decor elements. View photos of finished breast aprons from the Internet in this article. This will help plan your actions and determine the types and number of necessary materials.

Materials for apron

Deciding with the model, you need to pick up a fabric that comes to it and buy it in the store. At the same time, do not forget that the main purpose of the apron on the belt is the protection of the clothes from the mud while working in the kitchen.

For apron, even childish, nemaric fabrics are suitable, the fibers of which do not strongly absorb pollution. It is worth paying attention to such a tissue as "Teflon". The stitched protecting apron from her will cost the one's expensive, but because of his dirt - and water-repellent properties will ideally serve in the kitchen.

From jeans

Good for apron will also come true:

  • Denim;
  • Tight cotton;
  • Cloak.

Beautiful aprons will turn out if you decorate them with rollers of lace, ribbons, braids, sewn applications, ready-made decorative elements (bows, buttons, beads).

So, in order to sew an apron into the kitchen with your own hands, we should buy materials and tools:

  1. The cloth;
  2. Sewing threads in tone tissue, as well as threads of contrasting color for preliminary leisure;
  3. Elements for decor suitable for your model;
  4. Pins;
  5. Marker for fabric or tailor chalk;
  6. Paper for pattern (millimeter);
  7. Sewing machine.

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Building pattern

To build a pattern for sewing apron, you need such measurements:

To build a pole pattern on their own on the kitchen, you need:

  1. On paper, we note its length and width, we build a rectangle;
  2. The width of the rectangle divide in half;
  3. From the resulting point to the right and left postpone the measurements equal to half of the waist girth. If the model provides a more free option or folds, then add 10 -15 cm to these values \u200b\u200bon each side;
  4. From the resulting points down, we postpone the length of the apron and completing another rectangle.

Thus, we had a pattern of apron with a apron and a bib together in full size. In the same way, you can make a pattern and for the children's apron.

You can simulate this pattern: Round the corners of rectangles (see photo above). You can sew an apron with a solid cloth or split the breastplate and the apron, cutting the pattern.

When designing the pattern it is worth considering another nuance: interior. If your new homemade accessory is harmonized with the walls or with the selected floor from the tile or laminate - it will not be the price.

Depending on the model, in the same way we build pocket patterns, straps, strings.

Sequence of sewing apron

For cutting apron by pattern, you need to follow step by step instructions:

  1. Decay on the wrong side of the tissue, we roll pins and supply the marker;
  2. Cut out the details of the future angle, retreating from the lines on the fabric of 1.5 cm for points on the seams;
  3. Next, we need to handle the straps on the pattern:
  4. Weient the side and upper sections of the bib (sewing seam "in a closed seam");
  5. We process the front of the apron and its bottom (sew the same seam);
  6. We make folds, as in the photo, tightening the top of the panels of the markup seam;
  7. We need to sew together the details of the apron: for this we mix and strister everything on a typewriter as in the photo;

Design specialists try to convince potential customers that only due to their services the interior of the kitchen room will look stylish. But in fact, the cozy atmosphere in the kitchen depends on the availability of useful accessories.

Many hostesses are molded for kitchen decor elements with their own hands, thereby creating a home, soulful. One of the most useful things in the kitchen can be called apron. It is not necessary to buy in the store: the process of self-sewing this kitchen affiliation does not take long.

The main purpose of the apron is to ensure the protection of clothing from spots in the process of cooking and performing other home affairs. In many nations, this thing, in addition to practical, also performs a decorative function.

Wearing aprons was especially fashionable several years ago - in the time of youth of our grandmothers. Then the aprons almost disappeared from the list of casual wear, but now they return their positions again. The popularity of this thing is explained by the fact that it performs and utilitarian, and aesthetic purpose.

An elegant apron is able to raise the mood; Tired hostesses, looking at his beautiful design, with special zeal are taken for home affairs.

Apron for kitchen, photo

In all the allowances for sewing, it is said that learning sewing clothes should be started with such a simple thing as a apron for the kitchen - this can confirm the seamstress with experience.

A simple model of kitchen apron includes only a few parts that must be sehered in a specific sequence. After that, you need to perform cutting cuts, and you can try to try on a new apron. Such a simple option is often sewing girls for kindergarten.

Models of the aprons for the kitchen are distinguished by a large variety, and even the most demanding mistress will be able to find suitable design for itself.

If you consider the issue with the models of kitchen aprons more deeply, it turns out that there are two types of this practical thing - apron and the so-called apron. The latter is simpler. To sewing the apron, it is enough to make the pattern of a rectangular shape and sew a belt to it, the presence of the upper part in the form of a bib is not mandatory.

Council. The development of azewing case is better to start with the simplest option, but many hostesses want something more elegant than the cut of the tissue with the bribes sewn to it.

Selection of material

What fabric can be sewed apron from? For the simplest component of the object of home clothing designed for wearing in the kitchen, choose the appropriate material is not so easy - you should take into account a few moments.

In the kitchen hostess most of the time spend behind the preparation of food. This process is accompanied by contact of clothing with products and pollution to avoid the appearance of spots on everyday things use apron. This kitchen affiliation will have to regularly wash, many stains with difficulty are eliminated, so the cloth for its tailoring should be chosen to choose a wear-resistant, with which it is easy to remove contaminants, and able to withstand the aggressive effect of powders.

For sewing kitchen aprons, linen and cotton fabrics will be the best solution. Textile products from these materials are practical and looks attractive.

Another suitable material for creating apron is denim, or jeans.

Tip: Choosing a fabric for apron, make sure that its back side will not paint - leave coloring traces on basic clothes.

When choosing coloring, focus on individual preferences, there are no specific frames.

On a note! A good idea is to pick up the color of the material for the apron, taking into account its combinance with the decoration of the room (similar tones or, on the contradiction, contrast).

Pollution on monophonic aprons, as a rule, are more striking, and therefore, even a more contaminated colored area of \u200b\u200bkitchen clothing will look more neatlyon. Regardless of which coloring you choose, do not neglect the regular washing apron.

Fabrics of darker tones will hide pollution, but they look gloomily, and the houses in such a suit will be perceived as a duty. You should not be guided only by considerations of practicality: aesthetic component that can give a good mood is also important.

On a note! If you put a practicality for the first place - the apron of black and white fabric. White inserts level the oppressive effect of black and give the apron of flirt.

Specialists in the field of psychology found out that the colors have a different effect on the human psyche. For example, red shades awaken appetite and improve mood. The aprons of red colors (monophonic, in a cage or pea) choose many women. Red shades are suitable for most ladies.

Such rules include, first of all, to aprons performing a decorative function. If the main goal is to protect the clothes, then for this you can use a worn dress that is not sorry to spoil.

An excellent solution will be tailoring apron from old jeans.

An apron for a kitchen of old jeans

A creative approach and desire to look irresistible will help create stylish workwear from denim, which will definitely not remain unnoticed by guests.

Creating patterns

Creating patterns is performed in a few simple steps:

  • size removal (length and width of the apron and bib, half grapted waist, string lengths);
  • preparation of the sketch of the future thing;
  • drawing drawing in accordance with the size or copying a suitable model from sewing journals;
  • transfer of drawing to the material (and all the allowances required for the seams are taken into account for the maximum efficient flow of fabric);
  • cutting material.

Attention! Recall the proverb "Some seven times, and a rejection once." Before starting to paint the material, you should make sure that the contours of each element are transferred to it correctly, taken into account the directions of the threads and, if there is a drawing.

For the pattern of parts intended for different sides, you should make two patterns on the principle of a mirror image or turn one such so that the correct tissue parts are obtained. Otherwise, two identical details may turn out for one side.

The easiest way to sew a apron on the finished pattern taken from the magazine. The wedge-shaped model of kitchen apron is most popular.

Patterns aprons for the kitchen with their own hands, photo

In a number of old magazines in sewing, it is argued that apron can have any form, but the presence of pockets is mandatory. And in most modern aprons, this detail is available. But you can do without pockets, if you do not see the need for them - orient to your own preferences.

There are women folding in pockets various little things, while others consider them the place of cluster of unnecessary garbage.

How to sew a pounty kitchen: Pattern, photo

The most difficult stage in the process of sewing apron is your own hands - this is the creation of patterns. Having coped with this task, you can proceed to the leisure of parts from which the product will be consisting. Sew details can be as manually and on the machine.

Original models

Hospitals have to spend a lot of time for cooking, but even in the home setting, women want to be attractive and elegant. Presentable apron will help make an elegant lady from tired homemade houses.

According to one philosophy, it is necessary to create a good mood to fulfill the houses of the house, which can be created using a handsome home dress.

Even putting apron, a woman should remain beautiful and elegant.

If you are good in the sewing business or know how to knit, try to make a more elegant apron model, and it is better to immediately shift.

An apron with an exquisite design is difficult to call the usual kitchen overalls: the surrounding will immediately see that his sequel skillful master.

Many hostess advise to have at least two models of Apron: a practical and festive option. An elegant model can be put on the occasion of the arrival of guests when the table is not yet fully served or at the time of sitting with girlfriends in the kitchen.

White fabric is great for a festive apron, which can additionally be decorated with flutes or lace. Thanks to such elements of decor, kitchen overalls will turn into an elegant outfit.

Even the simplest apron, sewn of white cloth and decorated with embroidery with laces, looks elegant.

Many women are fond of needlework, even among business ladies there are those who have a similar hobby. Store things look the same type, there is no soul in them, which is felt in products created by their own hands. Using various techniques, such as embroidery or knitting, can be made from the usual apron stylish outfit.

To create unusual models, of course, certain sewing skills will be required, but the result in the form of an original kitchen dress is worth the effort spent.

Naturally, the decorative models of the aprons are poorly protected from dirt, but it looks spectacular.

If your own fantasy can not suggest interesting ideas on the sewing of the kitchen apron, it is worth using tips and instructions from the old logs dedicated to the housekeeping. Such magazines have enjoyed great popularity in Soviet times, today they can be found on the Internet and get the schemes and patterns of kitchen aprons for free.

For example, you can sew an apron for a kitchen of four keys. Various color options allow experiment with combinations of colors.

From handkerchiefs easy to sew a apron with an unusual style.

Many years ago, the most important qualities for a woman were considered the ability to conduct a household and properly dispose of the family budget. These qualities are appreciated today, therefore it is worth remembering the possibility of a new application of old things that have beneficial to make a fair time.

A good idea, for example, is the alteration of a male shirt in a kitchen apron. The ideas about the modernization of old things are easy to find in magazines that have been published in Soviet times.

If the spouse no longer wants to wear one of the shirts, do not hurry to throw it away - they are squealing from her apron.

Apron from men's shirt, photo

Recently, aprons have entered the fashion, sewn in retro-style: such outfits for the kitchen do not look old-fashioned.

Overalls for all households

Before taking on to tailoring apron, decide who will be worn - exclusively the hostess or other households. In many families, men love to cook and, it is unlikely that the head of the family will wear an elegant apron, decorated with lace. Then it is more expedient to choose a universal model that will be suitable for everyone.

Color is also better preferred neutral, for example, blue or beige.

If there are children in the family, watch apron and for small helpers. Own overalls for home affairs will give children confidence to themselves, gives a sense of self-esteem, and adults will have the opportunity to introduce junior family members to the houses.

Girls will be delighted with bright models of the apron with the original application. How to insulate the floor in a private house will be needed in work and for what purposes they can be used.

Read about how to sew a patchwork for children,: Step-by-step instructions for sewing a blanket in the technique of Patchwork.

How to sew a bag with your own jeans? Tips, recommendations, master classes - in the article at:

Unusual design options

Tailoring apron for the kitchen may seem like difficult, but in reality it takes a minimum of time. Among the most original options, it is worth noting the products made of denim, the more pockets on such things already exist, as well as the line in the belt area.

Sew children's apron for a girl will be able to even inexperienced seamstress, the main thing is to successfully pick up the colors, but a contrast fabric pockets will help diversify the design.

The simplest model will look stylish with correctly selected colors and accessories.

For your beloved daughter, mom can come up with any other original and elegant design of kitchen overalls.

Cute aprons can be created using unusual drawings. The easiest option is to sew monophonic workwear for a cotton fabric kitchen and make a photo printing on it using the service of the studio.

On a note! Drawings can be created with their own hands using stencils and paints designed specifically for fabric.

An interesting aprons, having a traditional style front and exclusive straps from behind, look interesting.

Sew a beautiful apron to work in the kitchen and do houses on a good mood. An apron-shawed apron can be presented with a friend as a gift: such a thing is always in the farm.

To sewing your first apron, select Logs simply. More experienced hostesses can experiment with the shapes, a combination of colors and design.


Watch the video on how to sew an apron for the kitchen with your own hands: