Advertising for a company selling plastic windows. Creative window advertising – a battle for installers! What is an effective advertisement for PVC windows?

Once again opening the mailbox, I found a colorful leaflet advertising a company installing plastic windows. This is not the first time the guys have sent me this leaflet (although I have had plastic windows for a long time), but only now I decided to post it for everyone to see. The best way to explain what not to do is to show how not to do it)))

What attracts me to it, and indeed to this business in general (installation of plastic windows), is their manic desire for price wars, promotions and bonuses. they are not enough for more. True, in the spring of this year, one of the companies staged a miracle event - they threw money out of the windows of their office (all the homeless people in the area came to see this wonder).

This leaflet brings everything together in one place. The company apparently thought for a long time and decided to please potential customers with everything they came up with. It turns out to be very profitable - installments for 2 years, and the third window as a gift, and at the same time they will give a mosquito net if you are a pensioner - there are also benefits, by the way, there is also a promotion with a gift. And they also do everything in accordance with GOST (although it seems to me that for relatively new products and services, linking to GOST does not work). And only they have 42 mm double-glazed windows. 7 year warranty and will be done in 3-5 days. Yes, this is a fairy tale, it takes your breath away.

To my shame, I don’t know a single Nizhny Novgorod office (among them) with a clear positioning. And although a normal person will never master such a number of enticements and benefits in one place, and you won’t even be able to remember anything about them the next day, I don’t want to upset the guys. New Year is coming soon. After all, they are probably good guys, they are ready to take off their last shirt for the sake of the client. I will be happy to follow them, I wonder what other marketing feats they are capable of. Maybe they'll do a raffle for a car, a photo shoot as a gift. The only people who amuse me more than such comrades are the sellers and installers of entrance doors, who meet people with printouts in crumpled files at stops and exits from the metro and attack with the question: “Do you need a door!?!”

The installation of plastic windows has recently become widespread, as it is truly more convenient, comfortable and reliable. Plastic windows help protect the house from excessive dust, noise, drafts, and loud sounds coming from the street. In addition, such windows do not require special care; they do not need to be painted, puttied, or use window putty for a better fit of the glass. Companies that manufacture and install windows should use in their advertising the most important reasons why people want to install them.

Advertisers must first identify these reasons and persuade customers based on their own needs. For example, many people now suffer from allergic reactions, so one of the main arguments may be that plastic windows do not allow poplar fluff, flower and plant pollen to enter the home, and do not allow particles of animal hair to pass through. The windows reliably protect against drafts, so they will be ideal for families with children prone to colds. If advertisers position themselves as a company that cares about people's health, this will build trust and increase credibility. As a gift, you can offer special protective profiles against dust, mosquito nets against insects. If you delve into the problems of clients and take into account their pain points, then advertising will bring the expected effect.

Promotions for window installation services

Advertisements can be left in mailboxes, posted on the entrances of houses, in elevators. It is necessary to focus on those areas in which many windows have fallen into disrepair, or where there are new buildings, and residents are eager to immediately install new windows.

You can conduct a variety of promotions that will arouse the interest of potential customers. For example, you can offer free installation of every third window, or offer the installation of new window sills or sills as a gift.

Dealing with objections in advertising messages

Some are afraid to replace windows because in this case they will then have to renovate the room, as well as restore the part of the facade in contact with the window. To get new customers, you can take this into account and offer to completely restore the premises to its original form. The team installing windows can putty and paint the part of the room that was destroyed when replacing the window, and put the outside of the building in order.

Success in window advertising comes from the multi-channel nature of a launched advertising campaign. It is worth using several ways to disseminate information at once, for example, by making announcements on the radio, pasting public transport stops, running a ticker while showing the most popular TV series. Word of mouth also plays an important role when satisfied customers share their impressions with neighbors, acquaintances, and recommend your company to friends and relatives. That is why you should value every client, form a high assessment of your services, try to complete orders on time and avoid defects or dissatisfaction.

The OKNA MEDIA portal together with the O.K.N.A. industry center Marketing continues to publish, which are designed to help window companies effectively allocate promotion budgets and successfully build advertising campaigns. What is the most effective window advertising, the WINDOWS MEDIA portal analyzes.

Effective window advertising: where does a potential consumer get information?

As part of a survey of potential consumers conducted by the independent industry center O.K.N.A. Marketing in 2016 in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the most preferred advertising media are identified for obtaining information about window companies when ordering windows.

Photo: for an effective campaign you need to choose the right channel of communication with the client

During the crisis, the share of image advertising has decreased significantly, while work without placing information advertising is not possible for a window company. During the survey, according to , out of 5,700 respondents, 600 people corresponding to the study sample were selected through a special filter. Responses from potential consumers from Moscow and St. Petersburg for 2016 are presented in this material for free access. Changes in the preferences of potential consumers allow you to clearly see the main advertising trends in the industry and timely adjust the advertising campaign to optimally achieve the goal of increasing sales of your products.

Moscow and St. Petersburg 2016: differences in effective advertising

Potential consumers in 2016 in Moscow and St. Petersburg differ significantly in their preferences for sources of information for purchasing windows, which is due to differences in pace and lifestyle.

Sources that respondents plan to use when ordering windows:

If in Moscow the overwhelming share of clients relies on data from Internet media (75.4%), then in the northern capital this figure is much lower (54.2%): here there is still a large percentage of those who turn to friends and acquaintances for contacts ( 25.3%). In Moscow, buyers are increasingly reading reviews of companies (20%) on the Internet rather than bothering friends and family with requests for advice. Also, St. Petersburg residents are 8% less likely than Moscow consumers to look at reviews of other users on the Internet - 12%.

Residents of St. Petersburg still react quite actively to information in paper media: advertising in mailboxes (4.8%) and the press (2.4%) - and on television (3.6%). While in Moscow the listed sources have almost completely become obsolete - each of them has 1.7%. “Advertising on transport”, which is relevant in St. Petersburg (1.2%), is absent in the central capital.

There is also a significant difference in the search engines used by consumers in the two capitals. Muscovites equally use American Google (28.9%), Russian Yandex (27%) and company websites (27%) to obtain information. St. Petersburg residents prefer the domestic search engine Yandex (31%) and company websites (27%), and only then, by a significant margin, use Google (17%).

Internet sources that respondents have used (or plan to use):

*Data from a survey conducted in 2016 by the independent industry center O.K.N.A. Marketing

Results of the 2017 survey will be released in November

The Internet is the most popular information medium both in Moscow and St. Petersburg. At the same time, St. Petersburg residents are more inclined to obtain information through direct communication with friends and through turning to conservative sources of information. Moscow residents have almost completely switched to using the Internet as the main information source for choosing a window company.

A study of the preferences of potential consumers in choosing sources of information to help window companies is carried out annually. Data for 2017 will be available for purchase in November.

A comparison of data from 2017 and 2016 will demonstrate the changes that have occurred in consumer preferences in both capitals, and will allow companies to make the necessary changes in the formation of advertising budgets and advertising strategies for companies aimed at increasing sales in the new year.

MK, together with an expert from the Moscow Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights, Vladimir Prigozhin, found out “what tricks are used by unscrupulous sellers of double-glazed windows.” We decided to join the expert company and express our opinion on each point, as manufacturers and sellers of PVC windows.

By the way, you cannot call the entire window a double-glazed window (the media often sin with this). A double-glazed window is what is shown in the picture, it is part of a window. It's like talking about a car - a gearbox. Have you seen how beautifully all our delivery department gearboxes are designed?

Plastic windows:

1. They are absolutely sealed and therefore do not let the cold into the apartment!

Expert: There are no such windows. Another question is that modern windows save heat about twice as successfully as old “Soviet” ones. In addition, they are much better compacted. However, there is another side to the coin: a room with such windows needs to be ventilated more often.

Window plastic: The word “absolutely” is already superfluous, either it’s hermetically sealed or it’s not. The definition of tightness is tightness, the ability of a shell (housing), its individual elements and connections to prevent gas or liquid exchange between media separated by this shell. One can say this about high-quality PVC windows: they do not allow water to pass through, and gas is a gas; exchange between the media will occur, but it will be so insignificant that, indeed, it is necessary to ventilate more often.

2. Completely isolate any street noise.

Expert: It's still a trick. Low-frequency sounds - trams, jackhammers, traffic hum, especially from multi-ton tractors - will still be heard. But good windows can significantly reduce them.

Double-glazed windows with glass of different thicknesses will provide an additional effect due to the partial elimination of resonance phenomena. In addition, double-glazed windows divided into several sections will help reduce the resonance - solid large glass only increases it.

Window plastic: This is not even a trick, it is an outright lie. The most correct definition is that PVC windows minimize the noise level as much as possible with the help of windows, given the modern development of the window industry :-). Here's some secret knowledge that adherents of the industry of translucent structures are introduced to :-).

3. The vacuum inside the glass unit provides additional sound insulation.

Expert: When making a double-glazed window, a certain vacuum is actually created inside so that the glass is pressed more tightly to the frame. However, this is not a vacuum in the generally accepted sense.

Window plastic: Our reader once asked the following question:

How to understand whether there is a vacuum in a double-glazed window or not?

It is very easy to understand that there is a vacuum in your double-glazed window - it should be torn into pieces by the pressure.

4. The thicker the window, the better.

Expert: not the most correct statement based on the fact that air is the best heat insulator. Remember from your school physics course the law of convection - warm air rises and cold air falls down. Approximately the same principle works in the air space between the outer and inner glass. The air rises along the inner (warm) glass, and its place is taken by the cold air that falls down along the outer (cold) glass. An air circulation is formed between the glasses. This type of heat exchange produces the greatest heat loss.

To prevent this from happening, the distance between the glasses is made just small; increasing it can lead to a deterioration in the thermal characteristics of the double-glazed window. And they thicken the glass unit due to a larger number of chambers (layers of glass). But the more cameras in a package, the more expensive it is. For Moscow, the best option (price - quality) is a double-glazed window (three glasses).

Window plastic: it is necessary to achieve the optimal ratio of the width of the glass unit, at which the air convection in it is small. With a small chamber width, heat loss occurs no longer due to convection.

5. We have the cheapest windows - from $40 per square meter!

Expert: high-quality “plastic” cannot be cheap. All self-respecting manufacturers have approximately the same prices for windows. And the concept of “square meter” is abstract. Modern windows are a complex structure consisting of several dozen components. And their price cannot be determined only by area.

Window plastic: neither add nor subtract. What is really important is to find the optimal price-quality ratio.

6. Our double-glazed windows are filled with argon!

Expert: This may be true. But checking what is actually inside the glass unit is quite difficult. You won’t break glass and use a special device to determine whether there is argon or air.

Besides, it's not that important. The thermal conductivity of gases depends on their pressure. And the air or argon inside does not matter.

Window plastic: It’s really difficult to check, buy windows from a trusted manufacturer. And this is a comparative table of thermal conductivity of gases:

And most importantly - the conclusion :-):

7. The thicker the profile and the more cameras it has, the better.

Expert: the profile initially transmits heat much worse than glass. Therefore, there is no point in increasing its thickness. If the window is going to “freeze”, it will be on the glass. And we simply don’t have such frosts that the profile freezes.

The standard scheme - a three-chamber profile, two sealing contours and a two-chamber double-glazed window - is the best option. Choose any well-known manufacturer - you won’t go wrong.

Window plastic: In addition to the window itself being large, and what a big role there is, the quality of installation plays a huge role (50% of success). About the profile: all you need to know about the thickness of the profile walls when ordering is its class, if it is A, then everything is fine. As for the number of cameras in the profile, they still influence which double-glazed window will be installed; the wider the profile, the wider the double-glazed window.


Expert: Some sellers indicate prices without VAT. Remember this. Find out how much it will cost you to install and deliver the ordered windows and all the necessary equipment for them (window sills, sills, transition profiles, etc.) including VAT.

Window plastic: most likely - very “some”. Usually the buyer is told the amount he pays. It happens that buyers rely on the cost calculated by themselves on calculators according to their sizes, but we have already written that only a measurer will tell the final cost!

Study the markings:

Expert: The quality of the profile cannot be determined by eye. Carefully study the factory markings on the inside of the window frame (some foreign manufacturers place it directly on the profile). It should have a stamp with the name of the manufacturer (each company has its own) and a series of numbers - shift number, extruder number (device for producing PVC profiles) and date of manufacture.

Window Plastic: exactly.

He used an ad module that had the company logo in the middle. And in the advertisement only 2 main words were used: “Quality windows”, and the word quality was written in capital letters.

In addition, the ad used the phrase “coupon bearer gets a 25% discount,” next to which there was a dotted line and an image of scissors.

In small letters in the ad, he indicated the profile he works with. This is also a rather important point, because... For many clients, the material from which window structures are made is important.

And at the end he indicated the office landline telephone number and address, as well as a telephone number that can be called in the evenings and on weekends.

Why is it beneficial to include a phone number in your ad for calls outside of business hours?

This is very profitable, because... a lot of requests are received by the company after 6, or on Saturday and Sunday.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that after such an announcement, the owner of the company received a sufficient number of clients. Moreover, he achieved this effect primarily through the use of a discount coupon, which every second client used to contact him.

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