Mortar consumption for floor screed calculator. Calculator for calculating materials for floor screed indoors online

We present to your attention an online floor screed calculator, this program is indispensable for builders, especially those who prefer to do everything with their own hands. Perhaps, for a master who does similar work every day, it will not be difficult to calculate on a piece of paper, how much sand, cement mixture and water is needed to form the required amount of mortar. But most often, in order to calculate the cement for the screed, even a professional will need to look into the directory. Our online calculator allows you to quickly and with maximum accuracy determine the required amount of building material and save even at the planning stage.

Calculation of floor screed taking into account differences

  • It is necessary to measure what difference in each corner of the room in relation to the upper point "0";
  • The calculator will calculate and display the desired value.
  • The savings are there...

More about the screed:

A screed is a layer of floor covering (most often a cement-sand mortar), which serves to level the surface and stiffen it. The screed can be both reinforced and without a reinforcing cage, depending on its thickness and load, which will later be distributed to the floor covering.

The usual (standard) composition of the screed is a cement-sand mixture, in other words, it is cement mixed with sand and water in certain proportions. Not many people know that if you mix the solution without observing the necessary proportions, this can lead to sad consequences, for example, if you significantly reduce the amount of sand, the screed will become very brittle and this will lead to the fact that it will begin to crumble and peel off.

In order to avoid such consequences, we have developed a floor screed calculator. With the help of the data obtained, you can easily independently calculate the necessary building material, mix the mixture and perform the installation.

What brand of mortar to choose for the screed?

Screeds are different: leveling, for underfloor heating, for a garage, for a basement, etc. Of course, a leveling screed cannot be made from the same mortar as a garage screed, because the loads are different. But in order not to complicate things, you can resort to generally accepted rules:

The brand for all ties should be M 100-200, for garages and rooms with a large "pressure load" M 200-300. The table shows the ratio of cement and sand in the mortar for screeds, for convenience translated into volume. In other words, 1 bucket of cement / 3 buckets of sand is a universal recipe for a good solution.

This online calculator is designed to calculate not only the cement-sand mixture. If you plan to use ready-mix, with this program, you can determine in advance the amount that you will spend on when laying. This will allow you to account for all costs in advance.

Sometimes, in order to perform a complete calculation of the floor screed, it is necessary to take into account not only the mixture, but also the reinforcement cage. Most often, a finished mesh is used in a screed for reinforcement. And not everyone knows the rules of its device, the desired diameter and overlap. This online calculator allows you to calculate the number of reinforcing meshes you need. This will also allow you to take into account the additional costs of arranging the floor screed at the planning stage.

In order to level the floor, a cement screed is often used, but in order for everything to be successful, it is necessary to do the screed calculation. If you do everything right, you can save your money, because all the purchased material will be used. But how to do it right screed calculation units know. Next, we will tell you about all the intricacies of the correct calculation of the screed, which will help make your floor perfectly flat, and at the same time save a lot.

1. Solution distribution.

The mortar for the rough base must be spread over the floor so that the floor becomes perfectly even. This rule must be observed, because there are often cases when the solution is filled not only with irregularities, but also with the wrong slope. Remember that after the screed dries, it can greatly decrease in size, and new surprises may open up for you, in the form of the fact that it has dried out unevenly. Because of this, the floor begins to crack and flake off. In order to bypass this situation, experienced people use water, they moisten problem areas well with it.

If you want a heated floor for yourself, for him use a coupler with a thickness of 40mm, for electric heating, the thickness is increased by 10mm - that is, 50mm, and if you decide to make water heating, then you need to make a screed with a thickness of 70mm to 100mm. When calculating the screed, be sure to pay attention to the thickness.

According to the rules of SNiP, the smallest screed thickness is 40mm, but there are rooms that do not require increased heat, such as closets, hallways and other similar rooms. In such rooms, it is allowed to use a screed with a height of 30 mm, but in no case lower, because the durability and strength of the screed will clearly decrease.

In order for the soundproofing of the room to be better, it is necessary to pour the solution twice. The first layer is 20mm, and the second can be more than 20mm. Between these screeds, it is necessary to put a heater, or any other material for sound insulation, a special film must be placed on top of the screeds.

For the correct screed, it is necessary to study the components and the consistency of the solution in advance. The composition of the screed should include not only cement, water and sand, but also various other additives that are designed to perform certain functions. For example, you can add polystyrene in granules or expanded clay to your solution, which, in turn, has an insulating property. Whatever filler you choose, always remember that the ratio of cement and filler is 50% to 50%. But only to cement!

4. Determining the level.

To get it right calculate the screed, first you need to set the zero level. To do this, you can use a water level or a laser device: level. It must be moved around the room, and fixed with marks, which then need to be connected with a line. Only in this way can a correct horizontal plane be achieved.

From the resulting line, that is, from the zero level, it is necessary to measure the distance. All readings should be recorded to determine the maximum height. The smallest value is the highest point, the largest value is the lowest point. Using the data obtained, it is necessary to calculate screed height. For example: the largest height is 1 cm, the smallest is 0.7, it turns out that the difference between them (1 - 0.7 \u003d 0.3) is the average thickness, which must be taken into account. The screed layer is 3 cm, which means 3 + 0.3 = 3.3. Conclusion, the mixture should be bought at the rate of 3.3 cm in width.

5. Calculation of the required amount of the mixture.

Each package has information on the average consumption of the mixture, and this must be taken into account. Suppose we need to fill in 20 mm of screed for the entire volume, the consumption is 2 kg per sq.m. with a thickness of 1 mm. Therefore, it is necessary to multiply 20x2 \u003d 40, that is, 40 kg per 1 sq.m. The next step is to calculate the correct amount of the mixture for the entire area of ​​​​the room: 40x20 (area) \u003d 800 kg. Most often, dry mixes are packed in bags of 50 kg or 25 kg, so 800 must be divided by 50 (or 25), we get 16 (32) bags of the mixture.

6. Calculation of the cost of materials for floor screed.

At the time of buying screed materials, do not forget the fact that the solution decreases in volume when it dries. The calculation of material consumption is absolutely simple, you just need to use several formulas. Let's say you need make a coupler in a room of 20 sq.m., and the thickness of the screed should be 25mm. You need 20x0.25 + 0.5 cubic meters of solution. Since cement is mixed with sand at a ratio of 1:3, it is possible to calculate the amount of each. To do this, you need to divide 0.4 by 4, where we get 0.125. We multiply this resulting number by 3. And we get that we need 0.125 cubic meters of cement and 0.375 sand. If it doesn’t suit you, or you don’t like the calculation in cubic meters, you can convert the data to kilograms. We know that 1 cubic meter of cement is equal to 1300 kg, we get: 0.125x1300 = 162.5 kg of cement.

Now you know the right one screed calculation, just do not forget that the solution decreases in volume when it dries, and that is why buy material with a small but margin.

There is one more screed calculation method. To do this, you need to calculate the amount of dry cement mix. By and large, the average density of a cement screed is 1800 kg per cubic meter. Therefore, if you do not need the addition of fillers, then this type of calculation is very easy. The area of ​​the room must be multiplied by the thickness of the screed. After finding out the volume, it is necessary to calculate the dry weight of the solution that we need.

If you do add filler, then subtract the amount of additive from the total volume, and then you can already convert to dry weight.

7. Calculation of the screed with drops.

Often people use several types of different flooring for one room, and in this case, you need to think about how to lay such a floor without large differences. It is very important to correctly calculate the place where the joints will be, so that the floor turns out to be even in the end.

Indeed, the thickness of the floor tiles is different from the thickness of the laminate, linoleum or other coating. In order to avoid irregularities, it is necessary to correctly carry out floor screed calculation. For example, for laying parquet, mastic, glue, plywood and parquet are used, and for ceramic tiles, only glue is used, and of course tiles. It turns out that the thickness is significantly different.

So here is the correct calculation:

  • Parquet - 15mm, glue - 1mm, plywood - 10mm, mastic - 2mm. As a result - 28mm.
  • Tile - 10 mm, glue - 5 mm. As a result - 15 mm.

Next action: 28-15=13 mm, it turns out that at the junction of these two materials the difference will be 13 cm. Experts advise in this case, you can add a few more millimeters, since in most cases when laying parquet, it can rise. If this happens, the tile can be leveled.

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Before installing floor coverings, it is necessary to level all floors in an apartment or room. For floor screed, cement-sand mortar is mainly used. To save the budget, it is necessary to correctly and accurately calculate the required amount of materials for the future solution for the floor screed. The calculation can be made using the online floor screed calculator.

The values ​​are in meters, pay attention to the thickness. Specify in this format (0.00 meters)

An example of calculating the amount of required materials.

To calculate the required volume of solution, we use the formula:

  • S is the area of ​​the room;
  • H is the height of the required screed layer;
  • V is the required volume of the solution.

Using the above formula, we can calculate the required dry volume of the mixture. An important point in calculating the required volume of mortar is the fact that the volume of mortar from cement, sand and water is less than the total volume of all ingredients. So from one kilogram of cement-sand mixture, after adding water, 0.7 kg is obtained. solution. Thus, we obtain the formula for the volume of the required solution:

The volume of the dry mixture / 0.7 = The volume of the required solution

Cement and sand are sold in bags and paid per kilogram, so we need to calculate the amount of ingredients in kilograms.

Based on the fact that:

  • one cubic meter of cement-sand mixture weighs 1540 kg
  • in a cube of cement is 1300 kg of substance
  • in a cube of sand - 1625 kg
  • The ratio of cement to sand in the solution is 1 to 3
  • You can make generalized formulas of individual ingredients.

Mc=(S × h /0.7) ×325

MP=(S × h /0.7) × 1220

  • M c - the mass of the required cement;
  • M p - the mass of the required sand;
  • S is the surface area;
  • h is the height of the layer.

Outcome. Using the online floor screed calculator in practice, you can avoid additional expenses and find out the amount of material.

Table of volumetric proportions for various grades of concrete

Concrete, brand

The ratio of cement / sand / crushed stone

cement M 400

cement M 500

Table of the ratio of concrete grade to quantity

The consumption of cement per 1 m2 of screed allows you to understand how to calculate how much cement is needed in order to get a stable base that will work for a long time. We will also consider how to calculate the flow rate of the CPS, which affects the consumption of the mixture and the formulas and scheme for calculating the CPS. depends entirely on the elements used in its manufacture.

Calculation of the correct proportion is the key to a reliable screed

What is the screed for?

What are ready-made mixtures can be found here

  • let the area of ​​the room be 20 m2
  • the height of the screed is 5 centimeters

Thus, after calculating the cement screed, we get:

20 * 0.05 = 1 m3

1 cube of cement must be spent per room.

The consumption of the mixture produced, and hence the solution made from it, is approximately 20 kilograms per 1 square meter with a screed thickness of one centimeter, so the material consumption for this floor screed will be

20 * 0.05 * 20 = 2000 kg

In packages, the weight is usually 50 kg, which means, according to the calculation of the cement screed, 40 bags of the product will be required.

If ready-made mixtures are not used to make the mortar, then the calculation of the cement screed looks like this:

  • Let's say the area of ​​the room is 25 squares.
  • the screed has a height of 4 centimeters

25 * 0.04 = 1 m3

With a proportion equal to three to one, we get the consumption of cement for the screed equal to 0.33 m3, and the consumption of sand is 0.66 m3. And from here we can calculate the cement consumption per 1 m2 of screed.

When calculating the screed for the floor, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the resulting figure must be increased by at least 25%, for the reason that small particles of the solution will fill all the smallest pores and cracks during installation.

There is a concept as the minimum thickness of the screed, which should be taken into account.

Nuances in calculating the cps

When implementing a floor screed for installing a warm floor, certain points must be taken into account. When calculating cement and other materials for preparing the mixture, it must be taken into account that the layer height above the pipes must be at least five centimeters. If the layer is more than 150 millimeters, then it will take a lot of energy to heat the floor and thus the efficiency of the warm floor is sharply reduced. Therefore, in order to reduce the consumption of the screed and maintain the energy efficiency of the warm floor, granite chips are added to the mixture.

When carrying out floor repairs in an apartment, when a new screed is opened and redone or laid, in fact it is considered a change in the configuration of the floor, and based on provision 2.2.6 of Decree No. official permission and draw up and agree on the project.

In addition, if a new screed is installed on top of the old one, then the pressure on the floors increases significantly, which is highly undesirable. Therefore, the consumption of cement per 1 m2 of screed must be done in such a way as not to increase the load on the floors.

In this article, we examined the main points of calculating the cps, cement consumption per 1 m2 of screed and the nuances that should be taken into account. Subject to all the recommendations received, you can easily carry out the correct calculation of the necessary materials, and you can also do it yourself.