Garage plan. Consider what material is cheaper to build a garage

When starting to build a garage, most people ask themselves: how to do it with minimal cost and time? If you are also interested in this question, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the presented article, in which we will consider in detail the process of building an inexpensive garage in a short time.

How to reduce the cost of a building - frame technology or lightweight concrete

A garage made of traditional materials, for example, made of brick, will be expensive, and the process of its construction is not fast. Therefore, in order to solve the problem, one should resort to modern technologies and cheap building materials. As for budget technologies, the undisputed leader is frame construction. Its principle is based on the construction of a frame from a bar, which is sheathed with sheet material.

You can build such a garage very quickly, while it will turn out to be strong enough and able to reliably protect the car from various negative environmental influences. And if you insulate it and provide heating, then in such a garage you can comfortably service a car even in winter. The only negative is that its base is wooden, so the durability of the structure is somewhat limited, especially if it is not looked after.

If you do not want to build a frame garage, you can go the second way - use cheap wall materials, such as:

  • blocks of lightweight concrete (aerated concrete, foam concrete or polystyrene concrete);
  • cinder blocks;
  • expanded clay concrete blocks, etc.

The construction technology of these blocks is almost the same as the construction of bricks. But due to the fact that one block is equal in size to several bricks, the laying speed increases several times. Such blocks are inexpensive in comparison with the same brick, since they are hollow, moreover, they are made of cheap materials.

Please note that a porous concrete block garage requires an exterior finish, as this material absorbs moisture well. If the walls are not finished, the life of the building will be greatly reduced.

As an example, consider how cheap it is to build a frame garage, since its technology is fundamentally different from the construction of a brick or block structure.

We create a project - all the nuances should be on paper

Before we start building a garage with our own hands, we will prepare a project. First of all, we need to decide on the size of the future structure. Since our task is to build a budget garage, the optimal dimensions are 4x6 m. They will be quite enough for almost any car. Of course, if necessary, you can adjust the dimensions "for yourself."

Then we draw up a frame drawing. Its basis is the racks, which we will install in the corners, as well as along the walls with a step of 60 cm. We will tie the bottom and top of the rack with a strapping. To give the structure rigidity, we will strengthen the rack with struts and jumpers. To reduce the cost of construction, we will make the roof single-pitched. To do this, one wall must be higher than the opposite. It is best to make a high wall on the entry side so that the water from the roof flows down behind the garage. You can even draw a frame by hand, the main thing - do not forget to indicate the dimensions of all parts in millimeters.

Another point that we need to decide on at the design stage is the foundation. If the soil is unstable, for example, swampy, we make the foundation slab. In almost all other cases, the optimal solution is a strip shallow foundation, which is associated with the minimum weight of the structure.

Foundation preparation - making the garage stable

Regardless of what the foundation will be, first we prepare the site: we apply markings and remove the top vegetation layer of the soil. If the foundation is tape, we dig trenches around the perimeter with a depth of about half a meter. If the foundation is slab, we deepen the entire site by about 40 cm. We fill the bottom of the trenches or the platform with sand by 20 cm and carefully tamp it down.

Please note that it will take about a month to build the foundation, if it is poured on your own, since concrete gains strength within 28 days. To speed up the process, you can use ready-made foundation slabs or blocks. But in this case, the financial costs will increase. Therefore, you must decide for yourself: what is more important for you - the cost or the speed of construction.

To make the foundation completely on our own, we install formwork from boards, moisture-resistant plywood or OSB. An important element of the foundation is the reinforcing frame. For a strip foundation, we make a frame of reinforcement in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped. The reinforcement diameter should be 0.8 mm. For a slab foundation, the frame is made of a mesh with a cell of 200x200 mm and a reinforcement diameter of 0.8 mm. The mesh is laid in two layers at a distance of about 150 mm.

The formwork is poured with M200 concrete, rammed and leveled. After 28 days after pouring over the foundation (between the walls and the base), we lay a couple of layers of roofing material or other bituminous waterproofing material.

If you decide to make a strip foundation from ready-made blocks, they are simply laid in prepared trenches and fastened together with cement mortar. The slab base of prefabricated slabs is laid in the same way. The only thing is that lifting equipment is required to perform this work.

Construction of the box - we assemble the "skeleton" and sheathe it

Now that the base is ready, you need to make a frame. We begin work with laying the lower trim along the perimeter of the foundation. To do this, we use a bar with a section of 100x100 mm, we fix it on concrete with the help of anchors. Between ourselves we connect the timber in the corners "in half a tree" and fasten it with self-tapping screws and corners.

Next, we install racks 100x100 mm at the corners of the building and align them vertically. To attach the racks to the bottom trim, we use screws and steel corners. Additionally, we strengthen the racks with struts, which can be made from boards 20-30 mm thick. Immediately we connect all the corner posts from above with a strapping of a 100x50 mm beam. After that, we install racks along the walls with a step of 600 mm. Wall racks can be made from boards with a thickness of at least 30 mm and a width of 100 mm. We fix and strengthen them in the same way as the corner posts.

Then, from the side of the entrance, we install racks 100x100 mm, to which the gate will be attached, and connect them together with a beam of the same section. As a result, an opening will be formed. To strengthen it, you can install a metal frame around the perimeter from a corner or channel.

Before proceeding with the assembly of the frame, treat all boards and timber with fire-bioprotective impregnation, which will increase the durability of the structure.

Next, we carry out the roof frame. To do this, we lay rafters from boards 30x100 mm on the Mauerlat (upper frame trim). Since the shed roof will be subjected to a large snow load, we make the step between the rafters no more than 40 mm. In order to securely fix the rafters, we make cuts in the Mauerlat along the thickness of the rafters. We nail a board 100 mm wide to the ends of the rafters around the perimeter.

Now that the frame is ready, you can immediately sheathe the walls. To make the building warm, we fill the frame space with mineral wool in slabs. This insulation is cheaper than many other thermal insulation materials, but at the same time it is durable, fireproof and, most importantly, has a low thermal conductivity.

From the side of the room, we cover the walls with a vapor barrier film. To make the vapor barrier tight, we overlap the joints of the film sheets and glue them with double-sided adhesive tape. On the outer side of the wall, we cover it with a wind-moisture protective membrane in the same way and seal the joints with high quality.

In order to leave a ventilation gap between the skin and the films, we attach a crate of wooden slats with a thickness of at least 20 mm to the racks. To fasten the rails, we use ordinary screws. To save money, we will not pre-sheathe the outer walls with OSB boards, but will immediately install the siding. The only thing is that it is desirable to use durable metal siding.

To fasten the siding along the perimeter of the walls from below, we fasten the starting bar with screws, and also install corner profiles at all corners. Then we simply fill the siding panels into the corner profiles and fasten them to the crate with screws. From the inside, the garage can be sheathed with any sheet material, such as plywood or OSB. You can fix the sheathing on the crate with nails or screws.

When installing OSB boards or plywood, do not forget to provide expansion joints with a thickness of about 5 mm. These seams should be filled with sealant.

We lay the roof - we make the room dry and warm

Now let's start installing the roof. Since the rafters are already there, it remains to lay the roofing cake. We begin work by fixing the vapor barrier and the crate from the inside of the garage. Lathing slats must be placed across the rafters. On the outside, we lay insulation between the rafters.

Then we lay a super-diffuse waterproofing membrane on the rafters. As on the walls, on the roof the membrane is additionally fixed with rails, which serve as a counter-lattice. On top of the counter-lattice, we lay boards with a thickness of 25-30 mm perpendicular to the rafters in increments of about 30 cm.

Now you need to lay the roofing. An excellent solution for our construction is corrugated board - it is an inexpensive and durable material. Sheets of corrugated board are laid with a longitudinal and transverse overlap and fastened to the crate with screws. Fasteners are placed through the wave in a checkerboard pattern. You can use another option for roofing, for example, slate, which is also inexpensive. The principle of its installation resembles the laying of corrugated board, only instead of screws we use slate nails.

On this garage is almost ready, now it remains to install the gate. To save money, you can find suitable used metal gates on the ad. If not slab, at the end of the work we make the floor. For these purposes, you can lay paving slabs or pour concrete screed.

This completes the work. If all actions are performed correctly, as a result, the garage will turn out not only strong and durable, but also warm. At the same time, its cost will be several times lower than a traditional brick garage.

A garage on the site gives the owner a lot of advantages. No need to think about where to park your car. The machine is intact at any time of the year. The garage is built from the following materials. Suitable timber, foam blocks, cinder blocks, stone, brick or finished metal structure. If you carry out the construction of the garage yourself, you will be able to avoid high costs by saving on the wages of professional builders.

What do you need to build a garage

  1. Select building materials.
  2. Pick a suitable location.
  3. Develop a project.
  4. Make a breakdown of the future object on the site.
  5. Carry out earthworks.
  6. Pour the foundation.
  7. Set up a basement.
  8. Install gate.
  9. Build walls.
  10. Build overlays.
  11. Cover the roof.
  12. Make a floor and blind area.
  13. Finish interior decoration.

Location selection

  • Take the master plan of the site.
  • See how residential and commercial buildings are located.
  • Choose a place that is reserved for the construction of a garage, observing fire regulations.
  • Pay attention to how the future building is located in relation to the house.
  • Note the ease of entry and exit.

Three options for the location of the garage on the site:

  1. Deep in the area.
  2. On the line of the outer fence of the site.
  3. On the border line between two areas.

The first option is freedom of action. It should only be taken into account that the distance from the residential building to the garage is at least 9 meters. If buildings with plastic trim are located on the site, the distance to them is at least 15 meters.

In the second option, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the opening doors of the garage do not interfere with the movement of cars or people. Therefore, the distance to the fence of the site is not less than a meter.

The third option imposes the following distance restrictions: at least a meter to the border of the neighboring area. At least 10 meters - to the windows of a neighboring house.

The size of the building depends on the size of the car and the number of cars. If you are building a garage for one standard car, its dimensions are as follows:

  • length - 6 meters;
  • width - 3.3 meters;
  • height - 2.4 meters.

For a car longer than the standard one, you will need a garage up to 7.8 meters in length.

Garage size for two cars:

  • length - 6 (7.8) meters;
  • width - 6 meters;
  • height - 2.4 meters.

Garage project development

When developing a project, you can use two options:

  1. Order technical documentation from specialists.
  2. Make a plan yourself.

With the first option, savings will not work, a lot of time will be spent waiting, but the result is guaranteed.

The second option, if you can afford it, does not require costs and a long time. Mentally imagine the future structure and draw its diagram.

Please note the following points:

  • the location of the building;
  • dimensions;
  • the presence of a viewing hole;
  • building material used;
  • capital construction, or installation of a finished structure.

Location binding

When the plan is ready, you need to break down the building on the site. The plan is transferred to the real ground. To do this, mark the corners of the future structure with marking stakes or reinforcement on the ground.

  1. Drive in one peg first.
  2. Then from it, using a square and a tape measure, measure the remaining three.
  3. Stretch the rope between the stakes.
  4. Start earthworks.

Do-it-yourself garage foundation

During earthworks, a trench is dug to fill the strip foundation. The width of the trench is 40 cm, the depth is from 60 cm to 1 m, depending on the degree of soil freezing in your area in winter. The bottom of the finished trench is trampled down, the walls are processed vertically with a shovel so that the earth does not crumble.

The foundation is better to make rubble concrete, you can save on cement by using rubble rubble.

Lay large fractions of crushed stone or stone in rows at the bottom of the trench. Spill each row with cement-sand mortar until the trench is filled. To prevent the foundation from shrinking, use good quality cement, and add no more than 2 parts of sand to 1 part of cement. Water usually leaves according to the amount of cement.

If it is planned to install a finished metal structure, it is necessary to fill the entire area under the garage with concrete.

Plinth and walls

In capital construction, after pouring the strip foundation along the perimeter of the trench, install a plank formwork. Use the level. Fill the plinth with concrete. When the concrete dries, lay the roofing felt waterproofing in two layers. Install gates before building walls. Gates must be special garage doors made of metal. They must be fixed in masonry (stone, brick, block).

After installing the gate, start laying out the walls. Start laying from the corners. Pull the cord between the corners, along which you lay in rows. Use the building level and check yourself with a plumb line.

Ceilings and roof

Overlappings of a capital garage are at the same time its roof. The difference in the height of the floors will provide the necessary slope of the roof for water flow. The slope of the roof is 5 cm per meter.

The ceilings are made of steel beams with a laying step of 80 cm. Sew them up with boards, lay roofing material, pour slag, sand or expanded clay, make a cement screed. After the cement has dried, cover the roof with waterproof material.

Floor and pavement

The garage floor must be concrete. Level the base of the floor, tamp it down, cover it with sand or gravel, with a layer of 15-20 cm. Fill it with a concrete screed. Outside, along the perimeter, arrange a blind area with a width of at least 50 cm. The blind area is made at a slope to drain rainwater.

The interior arrangement of the garage, the decoration of walls, floors, the availability of lighting, heating depends on the desire of the owner. The garage can fit not only a car, but also various tools and equipment. You can use the garage as a workshop. Many make a basement or cellar in the garage.

How to build a garage with your own hands (video)

See how to build a frame garage with your own hands


It is very possible to build a garage yourself. Do not forget to carefully prepare the project and choose high-quality materials. In this case, the fruits of your labor will make you proud of your work.

Advantages of block materials:

  • high strength, heat and sound insulation;
  • maintenance of the microclimate in the room;
  • high fire resistance, environmental friendliness;
  • do not require powerful;
  • ease of processing during construction, low cost and high durability.


  • if the production technology is violated, the material becomes brittle;
  • very high water absorption, which gradually destroys the material.

These shortcomings are eliminated by protecting the material with quality finishes. Remember, it is better to purchase the material from reliable manufacturers who give a quality guarantee.

from brick

How to build a garage with your own hands? The advantage of brick buildings is their reliability, fire resistance, great durability, resistance to temperature extremes.

The disadvantage is the increased consumption of masonry mortar during construction due to the small size of the brick. Also, such a garage is not warm enough in winter and requires thermal insulation works.

From sheet metal

You can build a garage on your own from a metal sheet (). Its advantage primarily lies in the low cost and ease of transportation. He's pretty durable, there is no need for its plastering and self-leveling floors.

The disadvantage is the insufficient thermal insulation of such garages.

Their heating is meaningless.

As a result, the car in it does not start well in winter.

With a sharp change in temperature in the garage room appears condensate, causing corrosion of the car and walls.

It can also be noted poor fire resistance metal garages - a flame that has arisen nearby can easily enter the garage.

Another disadvantage is its poor resistance to hacking; it is not difficult to raise it on jacks and get inside.

From profiled sheet


Now you know which garage is better to build. But, before building a garage for a car with your own hands, you need to create project, not necessarily professional, but taking into account the basic wishes and requirements for building a garage with your own hands; it is also desirable to reflect the calculations on the garage diagram.

At the stage of planning the garage, you must:

  1. Mark the list of tasks that the garage will perform. Will it be just a parking lot or also a car repair shop? Is it necessary or?
  2. Calculate , taking into account all possible options for its present and future use.

To do this, you need to define:

  • the area of ​​​​space after the car enters the garage, which remains free and allows for repairs;
  • foresee the possibility of buying a large car and make a reserve for its placement;
  • if necessary, determine the space for the desktop and the place for the dismantling of automotive units;
  • provide a place for tools, spare parts and racks for seasonal car tires;
  • place to stay fuel and lubricants(According to special instructions, they need to allocate an additional room with a door that closes hermetically).

How to make a garage with your own hands - drawing, photo:

  1. Car doors must open on both sides simultaneously and with the doors open, there should be another 15 cm from each door to the walls of the garage.
  2. Attention! Between the car and the walls of the garage, it is enough to leave 90 cm for comfortable door opening.

  3. The distance between and the car is recommended to be chosen at 60-80 cm, this will allow a person to pass freely and unload the trunk of the car.
  4. opening gate it is preferable to make it 80 cm wider than the car for even an inexperienced driver to enter the garage without the risk of scratching the car.

Minimum dimensions of the garage according to the standards:

  • width: 2.3 m;
  • gate height (for cars): 2.1 m;
  • gate height for SUVs or family vans: 2.4 m.

Payment ceiling height is made from the highest point of the car with all external elements of the car open. It is necessary to add 20 cm upwards from the top point of the car in order to be able to install lighting, ventilation and sectional doors on the ceiling.

Here is the optimal garage size for a minibus Gazelle, having dimensions of 5.5x2 x2.2 m: if a workbench, a pit, a place for spare parts are planned in the garage, then the optimal and time-tested size will be 5x10x3 m.

Staking out on the ground

After carrying out all the calculations, the garage plan must be physically "bind" to the area.

To do this, you need to select a point where one of the corners of the garage is planned. From this point, you need to set aside all the necessary dimensions from the project, driving in the reinforcing pegs and knitting a nylon cord that marks the line of the walls of the future garage.

Remember what's important distance between garage and fence. How to build a garage correctly and legally, read the article.


If you decide to build a garage for a car small, without a cellar and a viewing hole, earthworks can also be carried out manually.

A trench for a monolithic foundation is dug as follows:

depth from 0.6 to 1.2 m (depending on the freezing of the soil in the selected area);

width 0.4 m to dense soil below - for example, to a layer of clay.

Trench walls are leveled vertically.

For a pit or cellar is dug foundation pit according to their intended dimensions. The bottom is covered with crushed stone with a layer of 3 cm, crushed stone is rammed into the ground with a manual rammer. Along the bottom of the pit and trench, the base is poured with lean concrete M100 to a thickness of 6-7 cm.

Attention! With self-production of the mixture, its proportions: for one part of cement M400 three parts sand, four parts rubble.


Consider the foundation rubble stone, it is quite inexpensive and easy to manufacture.

To create a foundation, rubble stone is laid in rows in a trench and each laid out row is poured with cement mortar. The trench is gradually filled to the required foundation height.

For pouring, you must choose a solution of at least M150 to maintain the strength of the foundation. For this "Portlandcement" M400 mixed with sand (2.5 parts of sand to 1 part of cement, water is added to the required mobility of the solution, about 1 part).

It is necessary to provide for the creation of .

We build ourselves

Consider below how right make a garage for a car with your own hands:


How to build a garage yourself? plinth formed according to the dimensions of the foundation, a board 10 cm wide is chosen for the formwork. formwork it is set according to the level from the highest point of the foundation platform plus 10 cm to the top level of the basement and the horizon is marked from this point.

Important! Formwork requires good reinforcement.

Between the foundation and the plinth is laid 2 layers of roofing material for in between. The basement is poured using the same technology as the foundation.


Gates put in the chosen place before laying the walls; as the gate will be fixed in the masonry.

To do this, round "mortgage" rods 10-12 cm in diameter are welded to the gate; at least 4 pcs. on each side of the gate.

These rods will be embedded in the seams of the masonry being erected.

The gates are set vertically and aligned with a plumb or level on the right and left by laying stones at their corners.

Then them fix braces in the desired position.

The gate is painted before installation, it is optimal to apply 2 coats of paint.

It is also desirable to make and for garage doors. Agree, it will be much more convenient and beautiful.


Usually wall width taken in 200 mm. Chain laying is used when the top row overlaps the seams of the bottom row.

The laying is made from corners. Having set the corners with masonry, a cord of thin material is stretched between them and the masonry lies down, focusing on it. The horizontality of the rows and the verticality of the walls must be checked with special tools; For example, plumb and level.

If the garage floor is planned as his, it must be done with a slope to drain water. To do this, the end walls of the garage are laid out at different heights with a difference of about 5 cm by 1 m. For a garage 6 m long, this difference will be about 30 cm. In accordance with the difference, the upper edge of the side walls is sloped.

Before starting work, you need to make scaffolding. They must bear the weight of approx. 170-200 kg.

The masonry mortar is made cement M400(1 part to 2.5 parts of sand) and brought to the state of "thick sour cream". To increase adhesion and plasticity, you can add 0.5 parts of lime dough or clay.

Attention! It is necessary to prepare a large container for the solution in advance. Ideally, if it is a small concrete mixer.

Gate walls usually erected to a height of 2.5 m, the back wall - up to 2 m. If you need to make higher walls (3-4 m), then the masonry is reinforced with a special metal mesh every 4-5 rows, it is sold in any specialized store.


Consider the simplest and most effective way: laying on load-bearing walls w reinforced concrete slabs.

Construction equipment will already be needed here, but the overlap will turn out to be of very high quality.

Plates can be selected any.

The main thing is that their edges rest on the wall at least 15 cm wide or long.

A layer of liquid cement-sand mortar is laid on the upper edge of the walls in advance.

His task is evenly distribute the load on the load-bearing walls from the slabs.

After laying the plates, they must be fixed anchors. Next, you can close up the attachment points of the mounting loops and joints with cement mortar, as well as the ends of the plates with brick or crushed stone and cover them.

Choosing what to cover concrete roof garage, you should pay attention to the following materials:

  • roll;
  • flexible bituminous tiles;
  • sheet (metal tiles, slate, polymer slate).

Floor and pavement

garage floor usually installed on top of the plinth or slightly higher. The floor is poured with concrete, its thickness is about 8-10 cm. Before laying it, the earthen base under it is carefully leveled along the horizon.

Then they add sand or small gravel, followed by tamping. Before pouring concrete, they are set in advance beacon rods with the level of the horizon marked on them.

Important! It is necessary to remember about the slope of the floor towards the gate to drain excess moisture from the garage. The slope value should be within 1.5-2 cm per 1 m of length or 1.5-2%.

Concrete can be made independently (1 part cement, 2 parts sand, 3 parts fine gravel, 1 part water) or use brand concrete M200. Concrete is laid in portions, continuously, after laying it is rubbed and, if desired, ironed.

Finishing and insulation

insulate the garage can be 5 cm thick foam boards or mineral wool with further plastering.

In conclusion: Now you know what material is better to build a garage. Of course, we have not touched on all aspects and recommendations for construction, because now there is a huge variety of building materials, techniques and a large number of design solutions.

In this article, we have only tried to summarize the most common and effective experience already erected and successfully functioning building solutions, and which garage is better to build is up to you.

The road will be mastered by the walking one!

There is no exact answer to the question of what to build a garage from. Each owner of an automobile building chooses building materials that are affordable and of high quality. In our article, we will get acquainted with popular materials for the manufacture of garages, find out their advantages and disadvantages.

cinder block garage

When choosing options for arranging garage walls, you should pay attention to cinder blocks. Such products occupy the second line in value after the tree. In this regard, most of the old garage buildings are made of cinder block. According to the composition, the material under consideration can be divided into several types:

  • blocks from brick fight;
  • shell rock;
  • blast-furnace slag (differs from analogues in increased durability).

Most developers choose cinder blocks to save their budget, because such wall products are made from construction or industrial waste, which reduces their cost. Some manufacturers add polystyrene balls or perlite to its base composition to improve the heat-insulating qualities of the material.

A budget cinder block garage has many useful features, but it also has disadvantages. One of these is hygroscopicity. Such products quickly absorb moisture, which leads to the destruction of their structure. If the soil at the construction site is dry, then there will be no problems with the operation of the cinder block, such walls will serve their owner for at least 50 years. In the case when surface waters lie in close proximity to the surface of the earth, it is advisable to choose a different material for the construction of a car house. In this case, it is cheaper to build a garage from wood, because its surface can be varnished, which minimizes the impact of water. With a cinder block, such manipulations will not work.

Note! The considered building materials can be solid (used for the construction of the foundation) and hollow (used for laying load-bearing walls). The wrong choice of blocks for one purpose or another will lead to the rapid destruction of the building.

Before the construction of a cinder block garage, it is necessary to develop a project for the future construction, which indicates the overall dimensions of the building, the placement of gates, window and door openings, and materials for the construction of walls. Next, the required number of building products is calculated.

In order to build a garage with your own hands from a cinder block, you must correctly follow the sequence of construction work. First, a preliminary layout and marking of the site is carried out. On pegs hammered into the ground and stretched threads, they dig a foundation up to 50 centimeters deep, up to 45 centimeters wide (this dimension is selected according to the size of the wall material). At the bottom of the pit, a 5 cm layer of sand and 10 cm of gravel are covered.

At the next stage of work, formwork is made of wooden boards or plywood sheets, the top of this structure is leveled. Next, welded reinforcing cages are mounted and laid in the formwork. At the final stage of the foundation, the trench is poured with concrete. After about 7-10 days, when the concrete hardens, they begin to install the walls of the garage according to a pre-drawn project. The laying of cinder blocks begins from the corners of the building, then the thread is pulled and the opening is filled in its direction.

After the walls are driven out, the floor in the garage is poured, the roof structure is mounted, the doors and windows are inserted, and the gates are arranged. The process of mounting a building for a car is similar for all cases. The difference is only in the materials for the construction of the walls of the garage, their design features, positive and negative qualities. Let's take a closer look at these products below.

At the moment, foam blocks are considered one of the most promising building materials. This is due to their low weight, low thermal conductivity, ease of processing and high speed of wall construction. Many do not know how to quickly build a garage, the fastest way to do this is when building enclosing structures from foam blocks, reinforced concrete floor slabs or sandwich panels. Due to the small weight of the walls, buildings for a car can be erected on a shallow foundation.

Foam blocks are cheap, about 40% less than classic red bricks. This material has a low weight, does not transmit heat well, so the optimal microclimate will be maintained in the garage (cool in summer, warm in winter). Such products are characterized by good vapor permeability, which allows you to effectively remove moist air from the room.

Such building structures have their strengths and weaknesses. A good steel garage perfectly protects the car from fires. In addition, metal structures are characterized by high durability, low cost. Some owners consider this garage option to be cost-effective, because no documents are needed for the construction of the ego. In addition, metal buildings are assembled in record time.

From what it is better to build a garage, many car owners are perplexed. Construction experts recommend making such buildings out of metal, and here's why. For the construction of such a garage, a massive foundation or laborious work on laying brick walls is not needed. The building is erected on a simple foundation, in which the frame racks are fixed. Metal garages can be:

  • welded (durable, stable structures);
  • frame (such buildings can be transported from place to place).

The choice of any type of steel garage will depend on the preferences of the motorist, the life of the building, as well as its location.

Most developers do not know which garage is better, brick or reinforced concrete. More recently, buildings for cars were assembled from reinforced concrete floor slabs. Some 20-30 years ago, reinforced concrete products were available to everyone, but now it is not so easy to find them. A more rational solution is a garage built of bricks. Such a building is intended for operation in the summer, in winter the walls of the building will have to be insulated. In addition, brick garages are being built in a cooperative. Usually they are guarded, which will protect the car from the actions of intruders. Similar buildings can also be made in a summer cottage, but in this case, the minimum thickness of the garage walls should be 1 brick 25 centimeters.

Note! Not everyone can make a brick garage with their own hands; this requires certain knowledge and skills.

Garage with sandwich panels

Garages, the walls of which are made of sandwich panels, are in high demand among motorists. Such simple buildings are considered one of the most prefabricated. The basis of the building is a solid frame made of rolled metal, which is fixed on a massive foundation.

Now we will find out what material the walls are made of. The enclosing structure here is the internal and external sheets of corrugated board, between which a heater is fixed, for example, mineral wool slabs. Such structures are considered prefabricated, therefore, to build a garage, knowledge and skills in using a grinder and a screwdriver, some experience in handling welding are required.

It will be difficult to erect walls and a roof, to make a floor in a building with your own hands. It is better to build a garage with sandwich panels using hired labor. Pay the installers and get the finished building at the exit. Every detail matters here, an incorrectly filled floor will lead to certain difficulties in installing panels.

Budget options for garages

Many developers are trying to figure out what it is possible to build a garage from, so that it costs as little as possible. The best options for building materials for building walls are foam and gas blocks, as well as cinder blocks. Under such buildings, it is necessary to pour a strip foundation around the entire perimeter of the walls. The depth of the foundation device is selected according to the amount of soil freezing (different value for different areas). The width of the base will be adjusted to the dimensions of the block, because these building materials can be laid flat - 30 centimeters or on an edge - 20 centimeters for most products.

So where's the extra savings? You can reduce financial costs on roofing materials. Instead of a profile or expensive metal tiles, it is better to use corrugated slate. Ondulin in this case is better not to use, it is not only combustible, but also not cheap. You can also save on a shed roof. Compared to a gable roof, much less wood and roofing material will go to the device of this design. Significant savings can be achieved by attaching a garage to the wall of another building, such as a residential building.

Every car owner dreams of a small cozy garage. This dream is easy to turn into reality with your own hands by building a garage yourself.

Construction features

Before you start making a garage, you need to carefully consider and disassemble the construction plan. First of all, you need to obtain a building permit.

Pay special attention to the following documents:

  • SNiP 2.07.01-89 “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements”;
  • SNiP 21.01.97 "Fire safety of buildings and structures".

If fire regulations are not met, then the building can be declared illegal and demolished.

You also need to decide what kind of building will be. It is divided into several types:

  • temporary - has a short service life;
  • mobile - requires a frame structure;
  • combined - suitable for subsiding soils;
  • capital - has a long service life, but will be expensive.

It is necessary to consider protection against intruders. It is better to spend money on an alarm system than to calculate the losses due to stolen property and a stolen car later.


In order to calculate the required dimensions, you should decide on the number and size of machines that will "live" in the building. You should also understand whether any other things will be stored in the garage. It is necessary to consider whether a large car will be bought in the near future. For example, if in the near future the owner is going to purchase a large truck, then building a passenger car is pointless, it is better to immediately consider the option of building a large garage.

For one car, the size will be calculated based on its dimensions. To this value you need to add half a meter on each side. This is necessary for a comfortable exit from the car and free movement around the garage. It should be remembered that with such small sizes for tires and various devices there will be no room. Therefore, it is worth increasing the length by 3 meters and adding a few more meters to the width. The height of the building must be more than half a meter from the height of the car.

All measurements are best done with the trunk open.

For several cars, it will be more difficult to calculate the size. Between them you need to create a distance of a fully open door, you can add 30-40 cm for comfortable parking. Between the wall and the door, the distance should be more than half a meter. The front and rear of the vehicle must be positioned so that a person can pass freely. The distance should be left at about one meter.

As for the gate, here you need to take the width of the car and add 60 cm on both sides. If there are two cars, then it is better to take the width of the gate from 2.5 meters and 20 cm in reserve on each side. The height of the building is calculated in the same way as in the case of a single machine.

These were examples of the simplest small boxes. If the owner wants to use the garage space not only for storing his "iron horse", but also for other purposes, it will be enough to calculate the dimensions of the items and take into account the space for a free approach to them. Then add the data obtained to the existing dimensions of the garage, which were calculated from above.

A drawing will help determine the dimensions., it is performed on paper or in a special program. For advice, you can turn to professionals, they will help and tell you how best to fulfill this or that idea. You can take the finished scheme. The main thing is its presence. The drawing is very important for subsequent work.

Location selection

If the garage is located in a summer cottage, you can consider the option of adding a structure to the house. There is no need to obtain permission here, construction does not require special conditions, because such a building is considered part of the house. Here it is possible to make the exit as close to the gate as possible or immediately to the street.

You will have to tinker with a detached type of garage. The SNiP states that there must be a distance of at least one meter between the garage and the boundary of the site if there are no buildings on neighboring land plots. In the case when they are, then the distance should be at least 6 meters. When erecting a building, make sure that there are no sewer pipes, heating pipes, water pipes and power lines nearby. Construction in lowlands should be avoided - this can lead to flooding. The best option would be a small hill.

If there is not enough space on the site, then the way out of the situation is to build a garage underground. Departure must be done on the street. It is impossible to have a garage directly under the house itself; it would be more rational to make an extension to the strip foundation. The area under which the building is located should not be used for the installation of structures with a foundation depth of more than 55 cm. But if there are underground springs or wetlands at the site of the future building, then it is better to refuse construction, such soil will require an extremely expensive drainage system.

The premises must be located as close as possible to the exit and the motorway, but without sharp turns.

If there is no cottage, but a garage is needed, you can buy a privatized plot of land in the city. After that, having received permission, start construction. This process is very lengthy, so be patient. You should choose a place as close as possible to the house, but you need to be prepared for the fact that there may not be free land for building within the city, but only on the outskirts or outside the city. Such a garage needs careful protection from intruders.

Design Options

There are many types of garages, for every taste and budget. The simplest and cheapest options are “shell” and “pencil case”. They can be easily made with your own hands, and the “shell” can even be moved. But they are not durable.

The next type is one-story, it can be made with a pit or a hozblok. In the city, most often they build a monolithic version, and although it does not look very attractive, it is very durable. No thief will be able to get into it. If the garage is located in a summer cottage, then a panel frame garage can be an inexpensive option. It is built many times faster than monolithic and brick.

A two-story building can serve not only for storing cars, but also suitable for living in the summer. The residential floor should be warm, equipped with light, a toilet and a kitchen. And the second floor with a gable roof can turn into a cozy attic.

The garage can also be an extension to the main house. The advantages of such a building are that you do not need to think additionally about heating and other communications, the entrance to the extension can be made directly from home. But a significant disadvantage is that exhaust gases enter the house upon arrival and departure of a car. This option is suitable for those owners who have not completed the main house, because an extension to an already finished building requires large investments and thorough preparation.

For the construction of an underground room, several conditions must be met:

  • When building a deep garage, its waterproofing is considered the biggest problem. It will require the arrangement of a drainage system for the roof of the garage and enhanced waterproofing of all supporting structures.
  • The garage roof frame must be made using concrete slabs with a mandatory support system.
  • The room must have an emergency exit in the event of a house collapse or fire.
  • After choosing a garage design, you should decide on the material and find good suppliers of all the necessary attributes for construction.


The market offers a huge range of quality materials that will last a long time. Each has its own pros and cons, you should remember this and choose the option with which it will be comfortable to work.

Polycarbonate is a lightweight and cheap material, but should only be used for a small garage. For example, for shells.

If the owner prefers metal, then you can opt for sandwich panels or corrugated board. Sandwich panels in a section resemble a sandwich: there is a heater between two metal sheets. The construction is carried out in a very short time, and the structure is lightweight and lends itself to any upgrades. Their price is very low, and installation can be carried out at any time of the year. But such material is short-lived, the metal frame requires rust treatment, and the wooden base must be treated with antiseptic substances.

Decking is a cheap, high-quality and beautiful material. Garages from corrugated board are built quite quickly. You should pay attention to the brand: it is better to choose S-20 or PS 0.5 mm thick. In no case should you take grades -8, these sheets will not last long due to poor wind resistance and low frost resistance.

A red brick construction will be much more reliable than a metal one. Such material has high frost resistance, low thermal conductivity. From an aesthetic point of view, brickwork looks pretty decent, but the material is expensive.

The foam block is cheap and light in weight, so one person can build from it. The only catch is that the gray blocks don't look very attractive. This problem can be solved with the help of finishing materials.

Gas silicate blocks are gaining great popularity. Despite their low weight, they have high strength, they are easy to process. Also, the blocks have low thermal conductivity, do not require additional treatment with antiseptics. With such material, you can not be afraid of the appearance of mold, bacteria and fungus.

According to environmental characteristics, gas silicate blocks are on a par with natural materials.

Minus gas silicate blocks - high water absorption. The plaster layer on the walls can crack and flake off. This problem can be solved by treating the walls with penetrating primers. Since blocks are a weak basis for fasteners, it will be problematic to fix massive objects. They do not have high frost resistance. The material has high rates of free lime, which allows you to activate the corrosion processes of metal inclusions: fittings, pipelines, frames and others.

Another artificial, but environmentally friendly material is cinder block. You can buy it or make it yourself. The second will require a vibroforming machine. When buying, you should pay attention to the filler. It is better to choose crushed stone, sawdust, shell rock, expanded clay. A cinder block garage is not afraid of natural disasters, it has a high fire safety, and is easily repaired. With this material, you can vary the thickness of the walls. In addition, it is not amenable to biological destruction, its price is quite small, and its service life is about 100 years. Reduces the dignity of the cinder block unpresentable appearance, complex laying of pipes and cables, high thermal conductivity.

Arbolite has been known since the times of the USSR. It is light in weight and has low thermal conductivity. It is a flame-retardant material, resistant to stretching. He is not afraid of cracks and deformations during foundation movements. It is immune to rot and mildew. The material is distinguished by high frost resistance. It is also easy to fix various designs on it. In such a garage there will be good sound absorption. Of the minuses - a high coefficient of water absorption - from 40 to 85%, and a rather high price.

Expanded clay block will be an assistant in the embodiment of bold design and architectural ideas. Almost all types of finishes, both internal and external, are suitable for it. The material has low thermal conductivity, it is strong and durable, with high sound insulation. The vapor permeability of the blocks creates a favorable microclimate inside the building. The process of building a garage will move quickly due to the large size of the block. And simple production contributes to an affordable price.

The downside of expanded clay blocks is the formation of cold bridges, but with the help of cladding and additional thermal insulation, the problem can be solved. The material has low water resistance, is quite heavy and requires a strong foundation, but this building material cannot be used as a foundation.

A more natural material is wood. The material is inexpensive, beautiful and allows you to make bold design decisions. With the help of various impregnations, fire resistance can be achieved. Minus - a short service life and high thermal conductivity.

Railway sleepers are bars made of trees. A special blend that works as an antiseptic helps protect your garage from rot, bacteria, sun, moisture and small rodents. You can buy sleepers at the nearest railway department, where the tracks are being repaired. A garage made of such material will turn out to be dry and warm, able to withstand even an earthquake. But you should never build a garage from new sleepers. The smell of creosote is very dangerous, it can cause chemical burns and poisoning. The period of their use in the air should be 12-30 years, during this period the mixture is washed off and loses its unpleasant odor.

The methods of manufacturing and processing sleepers are different, some products are impregnated through, while others are 2.75 centimeters. It is better to use the last option. Such a building requires careful processing inside, which reduces the risk of contact with creosote residues. Outside, it is necessary to make a well-ventilated facade.

Many building materials do not have high frost resistance, so the garage needs to be insulated. The cheapest insulation is foam. It is very easy to install. But you need to remember that this is a fragile material that wears out quickly.

Another cheap insulation is mineral wool. It is safe for health, has high thermal insulation and a high level of sound absorption. Such material must be covered with an additional layer of vapor barrier.

A more serious insulation is reflective thermal insulation. The material consists of a layer of heat insulator, covered with a metallized film on top. Of the advantages - low thermal conductivity, excellent sound insulation, low weight, immunity to moisture. This material is easy to install. The disadvantage is that the material has been used not so long ago and all its properties have not been studied. It is only known that this insulation is susceptible to corrosion.

Basalt cardboard is a durable material that is highly resistant to temperature extremes, deformation and moisture. The material has low heat capacity and good sound absorption, is not afraid of fire. It is not cheap, but very high quality and will last for many years.

In addition, heat-insulating paint and “warm” plaster will help to insulate the garage.

Finishing outside the building should combine resistance to external environmental influences and have a presentable appearance. The modern market offers a wide range of options that meet these conditions. The simplest and cheapest ways are jointing, plastering, siding. More expensive ways are wooden lining, natural or artificial stones.

If the garage is two-story, the space between the first and second floors is covered with reinforced concrete slabs. It is desirable to do this with a hollow-core slab, because it is easier to install and low in price.

Roof covering materials can be divided into two groups: soft and hard. The former are suitable for a flat roof, and the latter for a gable roof.

The soft ones are:

  • Flexible tiles. The material serves up to 55 years, is resistant to corrosion and decay and can be of any color. It is better not to use the material in the northern regions - under the influence of frost, it becomes brittle.
  • Ruberoid. Service life - about 15 years. The material is cheap, resistant to frost and sun exposure.

  • The self-leveling roof serves 22 years, is easily and quickly installed, and can be repaired. The application surface must be perfectly smooth.
  • The built-up rolled roof (gidroizol, stekloizol) has been in operation for about 50 years. The material is durable, does not burn, it has good sound insulation, and is immune to temperature extremes. The only negative is the high price.

The hard ones are:

  • Reinforced concrete slab - has a long service life, suitable for flat roofs, can withstand a lot of weight. On such a roof, you can even set up a garden.
  • Flat slate - easy to install, inexpensive, does not lose its qualities in any climatic conditions. Its very easy to fix.

  • Polycarbonate - serves for about 25 years, does not burn and does not react with solvents, low in price. Such material is easy to install, resistant to temperature extremes, but under their influence it can slightly change shape.
  • Seam roof - does not require a powerful frame, durable, resistant to mechanical damage and temperature extremes. Cons of the material - high price, difficult installation, low sound absorption.

  • SIP-3 is used for overhead power lines;
  • SIP-4 is resistant to ultraviolet rays;
  • SIP-5 is suitable for temperate and cold climates, resistant to high temperatures.

For the storage and safe movement of building materials, wooden pallets are required. A good choice would be a pallet made of white acacia, birch or boxwood.

To save money, you can buy a used pallet, the main thing is good quality.

Construction process: main stages

After creating a drawing, choosing building materials and compiling step-by-step instructions, construction can begin.

"Penal" and "shell" do not require a solid foundation. First you need to make several separate sections and then assemble them.

Assembly steps:

  • it is necessary to drill technological holes in the structure;
  • cover the finished elements with an anti-corrosion agent and paint them;
  • assemble the segments into a common structure and fix;
  • protect and paint all welding defects.

Electricity is available in the garage. To do this, a lamp and two sockets are installed, then the wires are passed through the corrugation. For work, copper wires with double insulation are taken.

The construction of a more complex structure begins with the installation of a strong foundation. For a garage, options such as a monolithic slab, pile material, tape shallow or buried foundation are suitable. If a pit or cellar is planned, then the best choice is a recessed tape. A garage with a quality foundation will last a long time and will not bring problems, so more attention should be paid to this stage.

Separately, it is worth considering the construction of the pit. The size depends on the car itself. For a passenger car, a width of about 70 cm is suitable, for a truck, you need to add 20-25 cm to the standard size. The height depends on the height of the owner of the garage, but, in any case, it is better to make the garage a little deeper.

An important element is the plinth, its height ranges from 0.5 to 2 meters. There are two types of plinth: protruding and sinking. The first option is more elegant, but it will require the construction of an additional ebb along the protruding upper edge - this prevents moisture from entering. The second option is more practical and the building receives maximum protection from moisture.

When building walls, two methods are used, it all depends on the chosen material. The first way is block building. With it, the garage will not need to be heavily insulated, but additional finishing on the outside will be required. The second way is wireframe. The frame is made of a metal profile pipe or a wooden beam. The advantage of this method is the rapid construction of the premises.

The next step is preparing the gate for installation. First you need to take measurements. It is necessary to measure the opening, paying attention to the distance from the right edge to the left. It is also necessary to measure the height of the lintel.

There are various types of gates for garages: simple swing, sectional, automatic or manual. Most car owners prefer sectional. Such products are very comfortable, take up less space, sealed and strong. But they are high in price and have a complex device.

Before equipping the gate, you need to carefully read the instructions and properly prepare the opening. If the material is light, the opening is reinforced with a special metal frame. For a brick garage, such a frame is not required.

The room needs to be vacated, this will help to cope with the assembly and installation of the gate much faster and easier.

The next stage depends on the number of floors: if the garage is two-story, then it is necessary to overlap between the first and second floors with a reinforced concrete slab and re-erect the walls.

When building a roof, you need to be careful and observe safety precautions. The easiest way is a flat roof with a slight slope, about 15 cm. So it will be better to go down and drain the precipitation. The only disadvantage of such a roof is the lack of an attic.