How did the tulips bloom, what to do with them. Secrets of excellent care for tulips after flowering

Bright tulips are one of the first flowers to bloom in spring. They will captivate with their beauty, and in Holland they are even considered a symbol and pride of the country. These delicate plants need careful regular care. Flower growers pay special attention to feeding, weeding, watering and transplanting tulips. But not everyone knows that at a certain stage after flowering they need pruning. It is very important to know what to do with tulips after they bloom.

In early spring - in April - you can see the first leaves of tulips. Plants begin to bloom a little later - in the last spring month. However, there are early varieties of tulips that are full of colors already at the end of March, and late ones - only in the second half of June.

Tulips can be admired forever, but their flowering period is very short. Flowers begin to fade and the question arises of what to do with them next.

After the tulips have faded, they need to be cut and transplanted, or the bulbs must be dug up for winter storage. Tulip pruning is definitely needed, so every gardener should know how to properly go through this process.

How to prune tulips after flowering

After the flowering of tulips is over, certain chemical reactions still occur in the leaves and peduncle. It is these parts of the flower that nourish the plant with useful substances so that new bulbs develop well. Therefore, completely wilted leaves and inflorescences should be cut off after flowering.

If you do this earlier, then the chances are high that the bulb will disappear. Some drooping flowers themselves shed wilted leaves and peduncle.

After flowering, cut off the heads of tulips. When the flower withers, the plant produces seeds, and this is not very good for the bulb, because it becomes weak. The process goes like this:

  • using scissors, you need to separate the head of the tulip from the stem;
  • the stem remains in place until the leaves turn yellow. This will happen in about a month and a half;
  • it is necessary to cut the foliage at ground level and remove everything that is above the ground;
  • the location of the flower should be marked in some way so as not to lose the bulb.

You should not carry out such manipulations with varietal tulips, but breed them with seeds.

It is recommended to cut and dig up the flower bulbs 3-4 weeks after the tulip has faded. It should be noted that tulips cannot all bloom in the same way on the same day. This is a long and time consuming process, so you need to be patient.

Tulip bulbs are stored under certain conditions

There are one-year-old tulips that will not germinate in the second year. Parts of these tulips, including the bulb, are discarded after flowering. Many gardeners like these flowers because they are inexpensive, easy to grow and do not have to think about what to do next.

After digging the bulbs, they must be stored until spring. Bulb storage rules are as follows:

  • remove debris, earth from the surface of the bulb;
  • note the date of collection of the bulb and the variety of the tulip;
  • put the bulbs in a wooden container (box);
  • store in a dark, dry place, warm (up to +17 degrees) and without drafts.

In the spring, the bulbs are planted in the ground after a thorough check for rot and damage.

Tulips during flowering are very beautiful, but this period does not last long. Literally after a few days, the flowers begin to fade and look no longer so attractive. Not all flower growers know how to care for tulips after flowering, and make annoying mistakes when trying to immediately cut or dig up the bulbs.

What to do after tulips bloom

Caring for tulips after flowering is quite simple. The main rule is that the flowers cannot be cut or dug up immediately. For several weeks, it is recommended to water and feed the plant well. This feature is due to the fact that when the flower fades, tulip bulbs continue to accumulate nutrients for about three weeks. Premature digging deprives them of this opportunity, so next year the flowering of tulips may be less plentiful.

After the final withering, the peduncle is carefully removed. This will allow the plant not to waste energy on the need for seed ripening. It is impossible to cut the leaves immediately, because when they are removed immediately after flowering, the development of the bulbs lags behind. It is necessary to provide tulips with sufficient watering and fertilizing with fertilizers.

Many gardeners at this time have a desire to remove yellow leaves, but this should not be done. Experienced gardeners recommend simply pressing them to the ground or planting perennials along with tulips to give the flowerbed an aesthetic look during this period. You can decorate the flower garden during this period by first planting daffodils or phloxes with tulips.

Within a few weeks, the tulip leaves will naturally wither and be ready to cut. In order not to lose the place for planting flowers after the leaves have dried, it is recommended that you first make guide notes by which you can easily find it.

Do narcissists need a haircut?

Diverse in shape, size of flowers, color, and also resistant to adverse conditions, unpretentious daffodils inhabit many gardens near Moscow. Exuberant May flowering pleases gardeners, but what to do with the leaves after it ends? Cut or not?

We start from the nature of the plant. The root system of narcissus is perennial. The roots live at the expense of the bulb, which grows from the inside and on which, in turn, children appear, giving life to a new plant. The more nutrient reserves the bulb retains, the more strength the plant will have for flowering next year. And this process of accumulation of nutrition is directly related to the leaves. While the leaves remain green (sometimes even until August), there is an accumulation of nutrients in the scales of the bulbs.

Hence the conclusion: it is impossible to cut the leaves of daffodils immediately after flowering. For a better future, you will have to endure a not-too-pretty present. Moreover, try to keep the soil moist both during the formation of buds and during flowering, until the leaves wither.

So that drying leaves do not spoil the harmony of your flower garden, consider this feature of the bulbs even when planting and combine daffodils with other perennials: daylilies, hostas, geyhers, astilbes and brunners, which, growing by the summer season, will cover withered foliage with their green "wings".

There is an interesting and very effective design technique: slightly drooping narcissus leaves that have fallen apart to the sides are collected like hair in a bun and braided “braids”, which are then laid on the ground. And the beauty of the garden, and the benefits of the plant.

When to prune daffodils after flowering for the winter?

When the plants bloom, they need to be fertilized. Choose a fertilizer with a high percentage of phosphorus and potassium. Now you need to wait until the leaves are completely dry, then remove them and loosen the soil. There is an opinion that daffodils are unpretentious and do well without covering before winter, but it is erroneous. In particular, plants need this if they were planted in the 2nd half of September. This is a late planting, because, before the onset of cold weather, the flowers do not have time to fully adapt and may not survive in a frosty snowless winter.

The most vulnerable to frost are varieties of daffodils with large flowers. To protect them from freezing, cover the flowers with dry fallen leaves, peat, dry grass, wood ash or special mulching materials (for example, agrofibre). The soil needs to be mulched before frost hits. How to properly mulch the soil, you can learn from the article: "Rules for mulching the soil." It is possible to remove the mulch layer only in the spring, when there will be no sudden changes in temperature and the risk of frost on the street.

Belated flowering is demonstrated by neighboring tulips in the spring, and mine are almost ready to jump out of the snow. I just always knew that it was necessary to dig them out every year, well, at least varieties and hybrids.

I’m not gloating, maybe they don’t have enough time for flowers, maybe everything suits them anyway, but it’s more pleasant for me to see early arrows and lush buds. The riot of colors of the tulip meadow cheers up and confirms that these flowers are grateful for the care.

I often hear the question of what to do with tulips after they have faded. Many gardeners, after falling off the petals, are in a hurry to quickly cut the leaves to zero. Let's see why it's a bad idea to interfere with the natural course of things.

Advice! To disguise fading tulips between the rows, you can place annual flowers or bring flowerpots on a stem in which ampelous plants grow: petunia, lobelia, nasturtium.

When almost all the petals are dropped, you can cut off the head, but not the peduncle itself. The fact is that after flowering in the bud, the seeds ripen, and all the nutrition will rush to these needs, but we don’t need it. For us, it is more important that certain processes begin in the bulbs.

There is an accumulation of nutrients for the next year and the laying of kidneys for future children. Therefore, the above-ground part of the plant is simply vital to the one that is underground. And in general, tulips need more care after flowering, while they are sitting in the open field.

Watering and feeding faded tulips

Within 10-14 days, after flowering, we water the bed intensively, help the bulbs to activate the work of accumulating useful ingredients from the soil. If it is depleted, it is necessary to feed.

Tulips like fertile loose soils, so do not refuse the annual application of humus and wood ash. But when a dormant period begins after flowering, mineral fertilizers will not interfere with planting.

They should contain phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, manganese, iron, boron, zinc - all the elements necessary for respiration, growth, and nutrition. Make sure that the nitrogen in the list is in small doses, its increased indicators are needed only before and during flowering.

Should I prune and when?

Leaves may or may not be removed. If you choose the first, then wait until the stems become soft and turn yellow. This is the optimal time for cutting or breaking off the leaf part, and it comes 20-30 days after flowering.

Dig up to plant again in the fall

According to science, it is recommended to dig bulbous tulip plants: varietal plants every year, and “simple” ones after 2-3 years. What happens if this is not done? Very scary - nothing, the flowers will not disappear, except that the hybrids will begin to shrink and degenerate soon.

But we don't need this. So we dig up tulips to maintain varieties (in vain they bred, bought), and also in order to avoid the consequences of the following plan:

  • The bulbs, multiplying, take away space and nutrition from each other, because of this they become smaller;
  • Every year they go deep into the ground by several centimeters, you won’t notice how the bayonet of a shovel is not enough to dig them out - and this slows down the forcing of a flower;
  • Sick, rotten onions infect neighboring ones, and in general may one day not come out in the spring;
  • And finally, the main thing: for the formation of buds during the dormant period, tulip bulbs need at least 20-25 degrees. Naturally, there are no such conditions in the earth.

We start digging with early varieties, and then move on to late tulips.

What to do with bulbs during storage

Dug onions in a brown-yellow skin are laid out under a canopy for ventilation, where it is warm and there is no access to direct sunlight. After a few days, you can lightly peel off the earth and the fallen skin (you don’t need to specially tear it off). We leave it like that for another 20 days.

Then the storage temperature drops a little, well, this is what happens, because August is in the yard. During this time, and before planting is still far away, you need to sort the planting material. We lay out large, medium and small onions in different containers. By sorts, they are already divided, probably. What is it for?

The fact is that when planting, we will plant bulbs of different calibers at different depths: large ones below, and small ones - superficially.

Advice! Planting bulbs of different sizes in separate rows will ennoble the beds, give them an aesthetic appearance, because the flowering of a single-caliber material will occur simultaneously.

By mixing large and small tulips, you will delay the flowering of the latter, if it occurs at all due to lack of lighting.

Bulbs lie in summer storage and drying until planting, which is carried out in September-October.

Planting tulips in autumn

A bed for tulips can be prepared in advance by adding humus, a little ash or fertilizer (superphosphate, potassium salt) for digging. It is better to choose another place, but if it is permanent, then it's okay, we dig up and fertilize the land every year.

The day is chosen dry, the weather is already cool, and the soil temperature should be 8-10 degrees.

We mark the rows, for bulbs of different sizes they differ. Between the rows of large onions, the distance is 20 centimeters, small - 10-12 cm. The planting depth is selected based on three sizes of the bulb. So we make trenches according to the size of the calibrated material.

We water the holes, put tulip bulbs in them and sprinkle them with earth on top. Additional watering will have to be done in 4-5 days, because intensive rooting begins. And before frost, you can mulch plantings with humus, peat or compost.

Tulips do not need shelter, the bulbs of a frost-resistant culture will undergo stratification (hardening) during the winter, in order to wake up and start growing with the first rays of the spring sun.

What forms give landings

Tulips can be planted in rows, where small bulbs will grow in front, and large ones in the background. Plantings also have peculiar nests: several large bulbs are placed in the middle, and small ones are planted around the perimeter.

The beds look beautiful in spring if tulips are planted according to varieties and flowering periods, because there are both early and late plants, and there is no counting of color and hybrid diversity.

Tulips - one of the very first and most beautiful Not without reason in Holland is a national symbol that serves as a source of pride. Countless varieties of these flowers have been bred. They differ in color, bud size, petal shape. Some of these plants are so unusual that it is difficult to classify them as tulips. These plants are quite unpretentious, but in order for them to please the owners for several years, you need to know how to properly care for tulips. The fact is that these flowers are classified as plants with a short one. This means that the annual life cycle of a tulip is short. He wakes up in early spring, blooms, pleasing to the eye, and then falls asleep again. But the plant is a perennial, and the bulb will continue to live until it's time to wake up and bloom again. Therefore, it is important to know after flowering. After all, it depends on how strong the bulb wakes up by next year. And how beautiful the flower will please the owners.


Usually these plants begin to produce their first green leaves in April. And the flowering itself begins in May and lasts about a week. And then the question of how to care for tulips after flowering becomes relevant. Very often, flower growers ask if the flower needs to be cut when the petals have dried up and crumbled. Experts believe that it is imperative to remove the peduncle (the head that remains after the flower). Otherwise, it begins to take on a significant part of the nutrients in order to form seeds. In this case, the bulb is significantly depleted. And the seeds of tulips, as you know, are not used for reproduction. Therefore, when answering the question of how to care for tulips after flowering, it should be noted that the main thing is to allow nutrients to be preserved and accumulated. To do this, the head is cut off, and the green leaves and part of the stem are left.

Care for tulips after flowering

If the soil dries up, it must be loosened. When deciding how to care for tulips after flowering, it must be borne in mind that plants do not need top dressing during this period. Regularly weed the area where tulips grow to prevent weeds from sprouting. These seemingly harmless herbs can deplete the soil. But if some weed has become too large and has taken a deep root, you should dig it out carefully, otherwise there is a danger of damage to the tender tulip bulb. After flowering ends, and the green leaves grow old and dry, the bulb can be dug up for storage. They are often left to bloom the next year.

Caring for tulips that have finished flowering is a simple matter. But, like any work in the garden, it should be done regularly. Then the plants will delight the owners with lush flowering next year in the early spring months and can become a real source of pride.

  • Tulips after flowering - useful tips
  • Video: what to do when the tulips have faded

Tulips after blooming: what to do with tulips after they have faded. As soon as the tulips have faded, the question arises of what needs to be done with them next. So that flowering is not limited to one season, let's figure out the procedure for flowering

What to do with tulips after flowering?

After the tulips have finished flowering: they also require attention. In order for tulips to delight you with colorful blooms next season; you need to follow certain steps, namely:

  • abundant watering after flowering;
  • top dressing;
  • digging bulbs;
  • proper storage.

Tulips after flowering - watering and top dressing

Tulips have faded, the petals have fallen off, but this does not mean that the flower does not require special actions. It is necessary to create favorable conditions for the formation of a good bulb for the next year.

  • First, after the petals have dried up and crumbled, you need to cut off the peduncle. If at this moment you cut off the entire ground part of the tulip, then the bulb will not form for flowering next season. It is necessary to wait until the leaves turn yellow and dry on their own - this will be a signal that the bulb is ripe. If the peduncle is not cut off, then the bulb will give nutrients to the ripening of seeds, and the bulb will be depleted.
  • Secondly, tulips need abundant watering for several weeks after cutting the tulip heads. It is also necessary to loosen the soil and remove weeds.
  • Thirdly, faded tulips must be fed with phosphate-potassium fertilizer. Do not use fertilizers based on nitrogen and chlorine.

Tulips after flowering - digging up the bulbs

After the leaves of the tulips turn completely yellow, dig the bulbs out of the soil, adhering to the basic recommendations:

  • we dig up the bulbs, preferably on a sunny, warm day, so that they dry out in the sun;
  • we wield a shovel carefully so as not to damage the bulbs and roots of tulips;
  • after we dig the bulbs, we carefully examine them. We throw out rotten and not germinated bulbs;
  • in rainy weather, we wash the dug out bulbs and dry them well;
  • we clean the dug out bulbs from the stems, the roots of the surface scales, the earth;
  • if you notice that the bulb is affected by a fungus, then it must be treated with a fungicide;
  • tulip bulbs can not be dug up for several seasons.

Tulips after flowering - storage of bulbs

Following how the dug out tulip bulbs have dried, we proceed to their sorting. We put the sorted bulbs in mesh boxes in 1-2 layers. This is necessary so that the bulbs do not rot. For the proper development of the bulbs, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime of storage:

  • in July at 24-26 degrees;
  • in August at 20 degrees:
  • in September at 17 degrees;
  • in the following months before disembarkation, gradually lower the temperature to 12-15 degrees.

Compliance with the required temperature during storage is very important, because at this time the processes of bud formation, the laying of leaves, a flower take place. Also periodically look at the bulbs and throw away the missing ones. You can store the bulbs in the cellar, basement, pantry.

  • To propagate a tulip variety, as well as to grow a large bulb, it is necessary to cut off the flowering head on the 4-8th day of flowering. This will help increase the mass of the bulb.
  • Fallen petals, yellowed leaves must be removed from the garden so that they do not rot.
  • Plant tulips in special containers or plastic baskets, this will greatly facilitate the work of caring for them. You can dig containers with faded tulips and rearrange them in a secluded place for the bulbs to ripen.
  • In order to understand whether the onion is ripe or not, dig one and carefully examine it. If brown spots on the scales appear on the bulb, then the bulb is ripe.