DIY light bulb vases. How to make a vase from a burnt out light bulb? What crafts to make for the holiday: a festive wreath

Often, old light bulbs burn out and have to be thrown into the trash. But the graceful shape of a light bulb can be simply amazing if given another chance to benefit people by decorating their lives. This time we will see a video tutorial on how to make a vase for a flower out of a burnt out light bulb. It will turn out small, just for one or three flowers. But this does not detract from its practical usefulness for the home.

So, what do you need to work on this craft?

In addition to the lamp, you will need a wire that is quite strong, but at the same time quite flexible. This is used to make clothes hangers. You can take it if you don't have another handy. Additionally, you can take another LED keychain. It will be the basis for decorating the vase. For safe work, the author recommends wearing gloves. In this he is well done, there should be a habit not to do everything at random, but constantly, in each case, to take care of your health. Useful setup.

Step-by-step instruction.

Having taken action, you need to take the light bulb in your hand with gloves, then break the central part of the base by piercing it with a thin screwdriver. Carefully break through the entire glass nest and take out the insides. All this must be done slowly and carefully so as not to break the main glass part of the future vase. Now there is a base - a blank for a decorative vase from a light bulb!

But that's not all, you need to take a hanger and straighten the wire from which it is made. Having chosen a piece 60 cm long, divide it into 5 equal parts, but do not cut the wire. You just need to bend it according to the marks into a triangle that will lie at the base, one segment will be vertical, and another one will become the holder of the vase. The latter must be bent in the shape of the neck of the lamp.

Now it remains to bring beauty, for this we take an LED keychain, take out spare parts from it, more precisely, batteries and an LED. We will use only the LED, since the batteries from it are too big. Having fastened the entire electrical circuit with adhesive tape, we carefully fill it inside the base so that, if necessary, we can close the contacts and illuminate our vase in the evening or at night, turning it into a night light.

Such an easy-to-make, but very interesting idea and shape flower bowl will be a good decoration for a living room or bedroom.

Many of us simply throw ordinary light bulbs into the trash, which have already outlived their usefulness. We want to show you good ideas that can be realized with the help of these useless little things. Why not make a beautiful little flower vase out of a light bulb? It will beautifully decorate your home, or will be a great decor element at a wedding or photo shoot.

How to make a vase with your own hands?

For such crafts, we need the simplest things that can be easily found at home. And so, let's prepare the necessary materials and tools:



Flowers are small.


Let's start our master class!

1. The most important thing in this craft is to very carefully remove the inside from the light bulb so as not to beat the main part. Take the pliers and gently begin to pull out the middle of the light bulb. Let's start this business from the very beginning. We remove the most extreme part.

2. Now we need to break the black part. Knock on it with pliers, and then bend it and break it out.

3. Very carefully take out the inside. We do everything slowly, in this case we should not rush.

4. When the entire inside is pulled out, carefully clean the hole with pliers to remove excess glass.

5 . And the last step - we take the rope and wrap it around the metal part, and also do not forget to make a loop so that we can hang our vase. We put flowers in our light bulb, and we get a beautiful decoration for the house!

This is what the end result looks like!

The lamp will give off some light. It will make a wonderful night light. To make this lamp, select a ceramic vase wide enough so that you can insert your hand into it through the neck. An ordinary rectangular vase is best suited for this purpose.

Purchase a cartridge and an energy-saving light bulb at the store. All this should fit in height inside the ceramic vase so that the light bulb does not stick out from the outside. You will also need a wire with a switch and a plug.

At the bottom of the vase, mark with a marker the point through which the wire will enter inside. You need to make a hole. For ceramics, use a special spear drill.

Beat the enamel in the center of the hole so that the tip of the tool does not slip off at the first moment. This can be done manually with the same drill. Then put it to the vase and start working at minimum speed. Do everything carefully, smoothly pressing the drill without effort. Periodically cool the vase and drill with water. If you use a cordless drill, you can do all the work right under the tap.

On the place where you plan to make a hole, stick a piece of plaster or masking tape. They will help keep the drill from sliding on the glossy surface of the ceramic vase.

Pull the wire through the hole and attach it to the socket. Glue the cartridge to the bottom of the vase. It must be well secured. After the glue has dried, screw the energy-saving lamp into the socket.

If the vase gets too hot with the light on, drill a few more ventilation holes at the bottom.

Table lamp from a vase

A table lamp with a lampshade, the base of which is a ceramic vase, can decorate your interior. To do this, take a stable volumetric vase with a narrow neck.

Drill a hole in the bottom of the vase. Gently touch it with your finger. If there are sharp burrs, sand them down. Otherwise, the wire may fray in this place.

Tie a string to the end of the wire. Insert it through the hole into the ceramic vase and turn it over. The string will fall out and you can easily pull the wire out with it.

Try on a cartridge for a vase. If it falls inward, measure the diameter of the neck and cut a ring out of the hard plastic. The outer diameter of the ring should match the top of the vase, and in the inner diameter the lower part of the cartridge must be fixed with transparent glue. Connect the wires to the terminals, coat the edges of the outer ring with glue and glue it to the neck of the vase.

Make a lampshade for a new lamp. You can decorate an already finished one, taken from an old lamp, or make a new one on a metal frame. Unscrew the cartridge and insert the metal frame into place. Screw on the cartridge and insert the light bulb.

Bulb- a household item that is in every home. When it expires, we usually throw it away. And we do it in vain. Because the "life" of a light bulb does not end after it burns out. She can "live" her second life with great benefit to its owner.

The light bulb will serve as a wonderful decoration for your home interior. So, for example, you can make a vase for flowers from a burnt out light bulb.

Let's first decide which light bulbs can be used to make a vase.

These can be standard household light bulbs, it is advisable to choose a light bulb made of transparent glass. The larger the lamp, the larger the vase.

The first way to make a vase from a light bulb

Carefully unscrew the lamp base. You can use pliers. We take out the internal structure of the lamp, and we have a glass bulb in our hands. She, in fact, will be a vase.

Since the bottom of the flask is spherical, our vase is unstable. We need to create a support to stabilize the vase. To do this, you can make a stand for a vase.

As a sample, you can take a stand for a round aquarium for fish. Since the light bulb is noticeably smaller than the aquarium, our supply for the vase will be smaller. Delivery material - thick wire. We wrap it around the bottom of the flask and at the same time create miniature legs with a wire shape.

You can also find a ring of a suitable diameter to create a vase support. It is better if it is made of transparent glass. In this case, it will not stand out and harmoniously fit into the design of the vase. The ring can be purchased in stores in the jewelry section.

The second way to make a vase from a light bulb

We do not unscrew the base. We will need it to create a support. We remove the insulator and the bottom contact of the light bulb.

To create a support, just like in the first method, we need a thick wire. We wrap the base with wire along its spiral with the help of pliers. We draw the remaining piece of wire along the length of the light bulb and then make a circle out of it, which will be the base, and at the same time, the support for the vase.

The third way to make a vase from a light bulb

The vase can not only be placed, but also hung.

This method is similar to the second. We also wind the wire around the base in a spiral, only we bring it out not under the support, but on the contrary, up, creating a kind of hook on which we will hang the vase.

Where can you hang a vase from a light bulb?

Perfect place- support for flowers. A vase from a light bulb can be hung between the pots. You get a very interesting composition.

The wire can be wrapped with multi-colored ribbon or rope. Additionally, you can wrap the wire with a string of beads, which will add sophistication to the whole composition. You can also stick butterflies on a ribbon, and ladybugs made of decorative material on a rope. Do not forget to combine the colors and textures of all materials.

Now, all that is left for us is to fill the cavity of the flask with water, and the vase for miniature bouquets is ready!