Assembling a dressing room from drywall with your own hands. Plasterboard dressing room - design options and installation procedure Corner wardrobe for a plasterboard bedroom

Almost always when we go home, we immediately come across a pile of things that hang on a hanger in the corridor. Someone for these purposes in the same place in the hallway can have a wardrobe. Over time, all this begins to bring inconvenience - when leaving the house, things interfere with us, we hurt them, they fall.

Every day we start looking for a way out of this situation, and we want to make room in the hallway, but we don’t know where to put our coats, jackets and shoes. But there is a way out, and today the topic of our article is a do-it-yourself dressing room made of drywall. This design can help you free up space in the corridor, and store your belongings in a specially designated place.

The photo shows a typical example of a dressing room in an apartment.

We define goals and objectives

In the apartments of the old Soviet construction, it is not so easy to find a few square meters for such a design. Another thing is if you have a modern layout, you will always find quite spacious rooms and a couple of squares for a new dressing room.

The premises must meet the goals and objectives

But even in a small apartment it is possible to build a small room for things.

Before starting such construction, it is worth considering some rules that should be followed to achieve the result:

  1. Plasterboard dressing room, should become part of the room. It should not stand out against the general background and fit well into your interior.
    It is worth considering every centimeter of space for such a design, you cannot allow such a pantry to steal useful space in your room.
  2. Immediately think about how you position the entrance to the dressing room. You should take things with maximum convenience and put them in storage. If you make a mistake with the location of the doors, then soon your storage will be a mess, you just start to pile everything up.
  3. Spaciousness and versatility are also the main parameters of such storage. It is possible that along with things you want to put a vacuum cleaner there so that it does not interfere in the room.
  4. Well, the most important rule is the cost of such a wardrobe.. You should get a new drywall wardrobe, which financially should not make a hole in the family budget.

According to this principle, you can also build a pantry if it is not in your apartment.
Thanks to this simple design, you get a place to store household items that you need for everyday life, but there is nowhere to store them in your small room.

Design and site selection

The photo shows an example of a pantry drawing

Related article: The interior of the apartment is 48 sq.m.

Of course, first of all, you need to imagine what you want to get in the end. For this, a small sketch drawn on paper is best suited. You can also place future hangers and shelves here. Such a project will only help in construction, looking at it, you will not miss a single detail of your future dressing room.

Now it’s worth choosing the right place where you want to place the pantry. In panel houses during construction, according to the project, niches in the rooms were provided, if you have such a usable area, then this will be the most convenient and best option.

Of course, we do not know the layout of your apartment, maybe you have a more suitable place to build, the main thing is to fit into the interior in an original way and not to reduce the room.

Door: a very important element

Indeed, what kind of door should be made so that it is convenient to enter? and that she does not interfere? Basically, a compartment door is installed in drywall wardrobes, and as practice shows, this is a very convenient solution.

Swing doors require space to open

Experiment at your leisure, the swing door should open outward, it will not be inside our dressing room because of the small internal space. At least the door needs sixty centimeters of free space to open it.

The compartment door simply slides to the side, and you get free access to things, plus everything in your room, you can put furniture almost close to such a closet, which will provide additional space in the room.

Choosing a material for construction

Since we have a drywall construction in our project, we need all the components on this list, namely:

  • Rack profile and drywall guide profile, the size can be 40x50, 40x75 or 40x100 millimeters, it all depends on your needs and the planned door design.
  • Drywall sheets, you should pay attention to the moisture-resistant GL, although its price is slightly higher than usual, but the strength is much higher.
  • Styrofoam or mineral wool will help us insulate and soundproof the future room.
  • Putty for drywall, at the finishing stage we must finish the structure and prepare it for painting or wallpapering.
  • Electrical wiring, a switch, a socket, in any case, there should be lighting in the dressing room, from what you plan and the set of electrical equipment will consist.

Construction Materials

Petr Kravets

Reading time: 3 minutes


If it becomes too difficult to store seasonal items in the apartment, and there are not enough hangers at the entrance for all the clothes, then you need to make a pantry. This special storage provides for the placement of various items and equipment.

In most cases, the structure can be made of drywall, using part of the bedroom or corridor for this. Any square meters that can be separated by a partition are converted into storage. Consider how a do-it-yourself drywall pantry is made in an apartment or house and what needs to be prepared to start work.

After determining the place where the pantry room will be made, you need to figure out how much area can be allocated for the structure and what configuration it will be. This information is enough to start the refurbishment. It is important to follow a certain sequence of work in order to prevent flaws or miscalculations.

How to make a project?

Drawing up a project is one of the most important stages in arranging a pantry. At the slightest mistake, you can get unpleasant consequences that will lead to the demolition of the structure.

First of all, you need to sketch a compartment with a pantry. If there was already a storage at this place, then it is enough to measure the area and draw a diagram on paper. When decorating a room, the design is calculated to the nearest millimeter, and the optimal configuration is selected.

There should be about 80 cm left in the aisles for the movement of a person. Based on these data, a sketch is drawn up. If there are difficulties with choosing a configuration, you need to study typical projects or assemble your project from several design details you like.

Accounting for doorways

The presence of a door and the type of its arrangement significantly affect the entrance to the pantry, as well as the size of the opening. The door can be made as hinged doors or as sliding doors as in wardrobes.

For the installation of such systems, you do not need to hire specialists, since you can buy ready-made systems with rollers and guides for them. These components are installed in any door leaf and are made very quickly. In terms of cost, they differ in availability - only a few thousand rubles.

Increasing the reliability and durability of the rack is achieved by its careful fastening to the walls. If there is a finished project, then there are fixation points on it. Experts recommend making additional frame elements so as not to be afraid to ruin the wall or damage the rack.

You also need to pay attention to the loggia or balcony - in the case when there are two such rooms, one of them is usually given as a pantry. In this case, you can get additional usable space in the apartment for a comfortable stay without trash and unnecessary things.

Material selection

To install a structure made of plasterboard profile, you need to purchase a rack profile PS2 (50 * 50mm). This material is enough to equip a wall strong enough for a pantry.

The design of such a profile will not be very thick in width and will not take up much space. From the point of view of sound insulation and heat conductors, the dressing room does not need such parameters. The profile is attached around the entire perimeter and determines the location of the vault walls.

The structure is sheathed with drywall (GKL profile 12-15mm). There will be no loads on the partition, the humidity inside does not exceed the permissible values. It is pointless to choose a profile with increased resistance to water or moisture, as well as profiled gypsum fiber boards.

Mineral wool is stuffed inside the structure, which is necessary to ensure minimal thermal insulation. The microclimate inside the pantry, even in the absence of food, must be maintained in order so that things do not deteriorate. In this case, there will be additional soundproofing of the structure. The surface is finished with putty. For seams you need to use a grid. The base is reinforced with a primer.

The finish may be washable type paint. This option will be quite reliable and inexpensive, if necessary, the color can change. They make lighting, for this you need to buy a socket, wires, a switch in advance. To save energy, you need to choose LED-type light sources. Lighting will be reliable, durable and safe.

Shelving selection

Racks and shelves are selected from materials according to the project. Chipboard boards that fit any design will cost the cheapest. Color and texture, inexpensive price make the plates the best option.

The advantage is the ability to simply cut the material into pieces of the desired shape, which frees the owner from buying or renting expensive sawing equipment. Accessories are purchased, selected for a set of chipboard. Racks need to be assembled from already cut pieces, in which case the work will be of high quality, simple and fast. Assistance may be required to support parts during installation.

How to make a frame and wiring?

Consider the sequence of arranging a pantry from a drywall profile. First of all, you need a frame, which is quite simple to make. A partition is being built, markings are applied on the wall, floor and ceiling, holes are drilled for the guide profiles, the elements are fixed, racks are placed and the door with lintels is installed.


Using the building level, markings are applied under the guide profile. Marks are made with a pencil, masking tape can be glued in dark areas. In order for the marking to be accurate, they take chopping cords that are easy to use.

Holes are drilled to install dowels, while the profile is applied to the wall and marks are made in the holes. To fix, you need to take a dowel 6 * 40 ... 50 mm, then the installation will be quick. The drill should be 6.0 mm in diameter with a length greater than that of the dowel.

Profile fixing

You can fix a profile very quickly. A dowel is inserted into each of the holes, a screw is driven in, bursting the entire structure to be mounted inside the concrete surface. This mount is very secure. They do not drill in floors, especially wooden ones, since the guides are simply screwed with 30 mm self-tapping screws.

Vertical racks

Vertical racks are installed, which are inserted in increments of 0.6 m into the grooves (guides) and fixed with self-tapping screws. Experts call them bedbugs. In cases where the design has an angle, it is strengthened by connecting two profiles. A wall with such a mount will be more reliable.

At the door, the structure must be reinforced with additionally mounted jumpers. They are also made throughout the rest of the structure, especially in the places where shelving and shelves are attached. Horizontal jumpers are fixed at the desired level by connecting other parts to them during installation.

After the construction of the frame, wiring is made from the profile. It is laid inside the structure in corrugated type hoses. Strobes are made on the walls. To avoid damage to the finish, the wires can be laid in a box that is hidden behind the shelves. In this case, the pantry looks neat, since all communications are led to sockets and switches.

Structural sheathing

As soon as the wall frame is made, its sheathing begins. The sequence of actions is also not recommended to be violated. Drywall is fixed simply - the sheets are placed on the profile with edges and fastened with self-tapping screws with a fastening pitch of 20 cm.

Hats should not protrude above the surface of the structure, but also not go deep into it so that the sheets do not burst or crack. In places where the sheet cannot completely fit, it is cut into parts of the required size and installed in the same way.

All elements must be joined so that there are no gaps, but even the smallest must be sealed. Sheathing work is repeated on both sides, but mineral wool, cut into pieces of a suitable size, must first be laid inside the structure. The rest of the work is repeated.


First of all, you need to glue all the seams. To do this, you need a sickle - a self-adhesive tape that allows you to strengthen all joints and prevent cracks on a flat surface. All caps of self-tapping screws are checked, which should not protrude above the surface or sink too much into it. It is enough to run your fingers to feel where there are violations.

Putty is applied to the places of all joints, glossing over the caps of self-tapping screws. In corner places, a special putty corner is needed for evenness. It is placed and carefully covered with the same composition as the rest of the surface. The second layer should be thin, and after applying it, wait until it dries completely.

Using sandpaper, the surface is rubbed. In the case of multiple flaws, it is necessary to reapply putty until the surface acquires a smooth state. After that, a strengthening primer is applied, which will allow the base to absorb paint less and increase the adhesion of the layer. Finishing painting is carried out with a roller in two layers, so the work will be carried out quickly and with sufficient quality.

How to put doors and shelves?

As soon as the finishing work is completed, the doors are put in. When installed on ordinary hinges, the box enters the opening, then all work is carried out as when installing a conventional door. For sliding structures, you need to use the instructions in ready-made kits with guides. Manufacturers provide detailed information and diagrams to help you get the job done quickly.

Shelf installation

Storage systems are easy to install, but the detailed sequence depends on the configuration. Let's consider how to fix chipboard racks. Shelves are attached to vertical racks with screws and corners. Such options are reliable, but require special drills. When installing with screws, the durability of the fastening is much higher. When assembling from cut pieces, all ends must be glued from the outside.

Experts recommend using edges heated with an iron. Adhesives melt and stick to chipboard. It is important to avoid burns during the heating process. For hangers, rods made of metal pipes are installed specifically for furniture. They are fastened with flanges, since only this method is considered the most reliable fastening in the structure. It is important to monitor the wall thickness in the pipes - when loading with heavy things, there should be no deflections.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford a large and spacious dressing room, but everyone can make a compact and convenient version of it with their own hands. To do this, you need only a small share of skills and drywall.

Main functions and requirements for the premises

One of the main functions of a well-designed dressing room made of GLK is the orderly storage of things. In addition, with the help of a dressing room, you can get rid of the need to use a wardrobe, while clearing the room of clutter.

Another fairly obvious function is space saving, because by building a convenient structure for storing all kinds of things, you can save yourself from the need to use a large number of different shelves, bedside tables and drawers.

In rooms that are particularly “modest” in terms of free space, you can easily solve the problem of insufficient space by installing sliding doors instead of swing doors.

An important role in the installation of a drywall dressing room is played by the comfort factor of the room and its competent decor.

Advice. The facade of the structure can be additionally decorated with decorative elements that are combined with the rest of the interior, as well as a large mirror can be installed in the door, which will visually expand the space.

There are a number of requirements that a high-quality, albeit home-made dressing room must meet:

  1. The size of the structure must be at least 1x1.5 m. This amount of space is enough for a comfortable arrangement of basic wardrobe items and constant changing.
  2. The depth of the area intended for outerwear, dresses, etc., should be at least 1.5 m, and the area for storing short items - 0.5x1 m.
  3. The presence of upper shelves for storing hats, various equipment and other seasonal items.

Attention! The project should be created based on how many things will be stored: it is not necessary to equip a room with a “reserve” area.

Features of filling and choice of place

To equip a spacious and comfortable dressing room made of drywall, it is important to consider the presence of several basic elements:

  • The lower sections are designed for storing shoes;
  • Upper sections - suitable for hats and accessories. Here you can equip drawers or special partitions for baskets;
  • Crossbars - used to store sleeping bags, as well as hanging on hangers the top and any easily crumpled clothing.

Having decided on the size and content of the storage room, it is important to choose the best place for arranging a drywall dressing room:

Construction technology

Before starting installation work, it is necessary to prepare construction tools and purchase the optimal amount of material. So, for the construction of a drywall dressing room you will need:

  • Building level;
  • Perforator;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Putty knife;
  • Drywall knife.

Also, for work, of course, you need drywall, putty and a metal profile. If necessary (desired), mineral wool can be added to this list.

To your attention, step-by-step instructions for building a dressing room from drywall with your own hands:

    1. The first and, perhaps, one of the most important stages is the creation of a competent sketch of the future design. Before starting work, it is imperative to make a drawing of the room and the dressing room located in it with all the elements in the original dimensions.
    2. The second stage is the transfer of all the main nodes from the received drawing to the walls. To do this, you can use a regular pencil. The position of the profile is indicated using a conventional construction tape.
    3. Next, you need to fix the frame of the structure. First of all, the carrier bar is fixed. For this, dowels are used. Be sure to check the horizontality of the elements during this process using a level. Vertical profiles are inserted into special grooves in increments of 0.5-0.6 m and fixed. It is important to correctly fix the carrier profiles on horizontal surfaces (floor, ceiling). After fixing all the profiles, hooks and a crossbar are fixed on them with self-tapping screws.

  1. Drywall of the required size is measured and carefully cut off with a special knife. Sheets of material are fixed on the profile with self-tapping screws on the reverse side.
    The next stage is the sheathing of the outer side of the GKL profiles. If desired, you can fill the space between the sheets with mineral wool.
  2. Installation of electrical wiring is a very important stage, since not only the illumination of the room, but also the safety of the room during its operation will depend on this. If there is already an outlet in the wall where the structure is mounted, all the better. If there is none, you will have to tinker. Be sure to consult with a specialist regarding the possibility of mounting spotlights.
  3. The simplest option for lighting design is the use of LED strip.
    Door installation. As mentioned earlier, the best option for a homemade drywall dressing room is a sliding design. It is fixed with the help of special roller mechanisms. If you do not have experience in such a matter, you can simply replace the doors with a thick fabric curtain.
  4. Putty processing. After finishing the installation work, you can start finishing. The entire surface of the structure must be treated with putty. Then cover with a layer of primer. When the material is completely dry, you can proceed to the fine finish: painting, wallpapering, cladding with imitation wood, etc.

As you can see, creating a drywall dressing room with your own hands is not an easy task, but very interesting. And with a competent approach to work, the result will be spectacular and practical. Good luck!

Plasterboard dressing room: video

The most convenient, perhaps, a device for storing things is a dressing room. After all, it's really great when all the details of the wardrobe are in one place and you can immediately assess how well the set you have just chosen is combined, and not run from room to room - take it, try it on, see it. Moreover, you can make a dressing room in a very small area: the minimum is 1.5-2 square meters. Even in a small apartment, it is possible to shield such a space. Moreover, it has been noticed that it is more convenient to use them if the dressing room is assembled with your own hands. It's simple: no one knows your habits better than you and will not be able to arrange things in the right order. So, we proceed to the independent creation of a dressing room.

Dressing room sizes

Our realities are such that most people live in small apartments, where every centimeter counts. Therefore, size issues often play a decisive role. The smallest dressing room can have an area of ​​​​1.2 - 1.5 square meters. meters. This is a rectangle with sides of 1.5 * 1 meter or so. Also, a small dressing room can be corner - this option is even more spacious than a similar rectangular one: with an equal area, the length of the sides along which shelves and storage systems can be placed will be greater.

The smallest dressing rooms: 1.5 by 2.5 m and 2 by 2 m

A rectangular mini-dressing room with one-sided placement of things should have a width of at least 1.2 m, with a two-sided one - at least 1.5 m. The depth should be such that it is possible to “enter” there. In this, dressing rooms, basically, differ from sliding wardrobes, and also in the ability to install any doors.

Ventilation and lighting

Even in mini-dressing rooms, and even more so in large ones, ventilation is necessary: ​​in a closed room, a smell of mustiness quickly appears, which no perfume can mask. Therefore, even when planning, find a way to make ventilation in the dressing room.

The principle of its device is no different: in the upper part of any of the walls, preferably further from the door, an exhaust hole is made where the fan is inserted. The inflow is provided either in the gap under the doors or in special inlet openings located just above the floor level. They are covered with decorative bars. The outlet of the ventilation duct must be in the general ventilation system, it can be brought out into the street or under the roof of a private house with plastic boxes. The air exchange organized in this way effectively maintains the normal state of things.

Principles of organization of ventilation of the dressing room through the bathroom

When choosing a fan, you should pay special attention to the noise level. Since walk-in closets are often made in or close to bedrooms, noise should be kept to a minimum. It can be controlled by automation or turned on / off by conventional or.

Lighting should be bright. Firstly, it is necessary to quickly find things, and secondly, dressing rooms are often used as fitting rooms in order to immediately see how the selected items fit together. In this case, a mirror is usually placed on the door or mirrored doors are made. In this case, the light should be directed not only to the shelves and storage systems, but also to the fitting area.

You can use lamps of any type, but it makes sense to make them turn on from motion sensors. They opened the doors - the lamps lit up, there was no movement, they turned off. There is another option for swing doors, there are lamps with buttons that light up when the door is opened and turn off when they are closed.

Where to do

Even in small apartments there are “appendicitis” that cannot be used normally. Here in such a place you can make a dressing room.

Another popular option is storage. In this case, everything is generally simple. You remove everything superfluous, change the doors and install the appropriate content: racks, racks, baskets, shelves.

If there is nothing like this in the apartment, they fence off part of the room - the end or corner - you need to look at the layout. The corner dressing room is good because it allows you to use the most difficult areas to equip, namely the corners. Especially if there are closely spaced doors in two adjacent walls. This zone is considered “dead”: you can’t put anything there except for a small corner shelf: everything will interfere. Approximately the same option - two windows or a window and doors.

If the area turns out to be too small, it is possible to increase it a little, making the wall not even, but with the middle extended a little. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will not greatly decrease from this, but much more things can fit.

They are also made on the loggia - by making part of the glazing opaque or by building a wall. Only here you can’t do without warming - it’s unpleasant to put on cold things in winter.

The second option is suitable for wide loggias. In them, shelving can be placed along a long wall.

In the corridor or hallway, a corner or “appendicitis” is also blocked out, if the layout allows. Here everyone can decide only on the spot: there is a place for this or not.

Most of all, a dressing room is appropriate in the bedroom. It’s just the best place to store things: in the sense that it’s more convenient to dress here. Therefore, for these purposes, part of the room is fenced off. In this case, this technology is needed for a long time and has been worked out to the smallest detail. It won’t take much time even in the absence of experience: a maximum of two or three days for assembly and finishing.

If you make a partition from GKL or GWP in accordance with all the rules, you will need double cladding, and these are “eaten” centimeters, or even meters of area. Therefore, most often they are sheathed only on the outside, but with two sheets with overlapping seams. When assembling the frame, do not forget to make reinforced racks for fastening the door. With a single cladding, bare profiles remain inside, but it is convenient to hang shelves-baskets for things on them. If you plan to do so, then take them with a thick wall: so that they normally hold weight.

The partition can also be made from or, slabs. This is an option for those who do not like to mess with putty. But you need to choose a lamination that will fit into the interior without any problems.

Doors for dressing room

What is good about a do-it-yourself dressing room is that you can put any doors: sliding, like "coupe", accordion, ordinary hinged, hinged on rollers. You can even do with them completely bases. This option is called a wardrobe-rack, but then everything will have to be kept in perfect order: everything is in plain sight. The most budget option is thick curtains or something like a Japanese curtain.

If the front wall is large, part of it can be stationary, part - occupied by doors. In this case, stationary walls can also be used somehow. If desired, the doors can be made in full width, or consisting of fragments.

A dressing room option in the attic: a side part with a low ceiling is occupied under it. Full width doors for easier access

The design can be anything, as long as it fits into the look of the room. If desired, they can be made to match the walls so that it is not visible, or you can make them bright and conspicuous.

Arrangement: filling and storage systems

If the area is limited, it makes no sense to make furniture made of wood, MDF or chipboard in the dressing room. They take away precious centimeters of area, and even interfere with the movement of air. Another disadvantage: it is problematic to remake something.

Furniture of the "standard" type takes up too much space

Recently, the general trend is the installation of lightweight metal storage systems. They are modular, assembled on special racks. Racks can be attached in two ways - to walls or to the ceiling and floor: different manufacturers make different systems. And already on these racks they hang everything that is necessary.

Racks can have notches along the entire length, which makes it possible to install any element at any height. These are the most mobile systems that can be modified easily and simply - simply by hanging from one row of notches-hooks to another, changing the height of the shelves, baskets and other elements at random.

There are racks of rectangular section, with grooves cut on both sides. In these grooves, the necessary components are attached to the clamps.

Please note that there are different shelves and drawers - made of wood or wood materials, metal - chrome-plated or painted. They can be retractable, they can be placed one on top of the other or on shelves.

All these systems are sold: racks and a list of various components. But they are produced mainly in European countries, because the price "bites". An economy version of wardrobe equipment can be made independently from a round chrome-plated furniture pipe and various fasteners for it. It turns out that this furniture is not as mobile as we would like, but it costs significantly less.

Appliances for placing clothes

In addition to standard and not very drawers, shelves, there are interesting special options. For example - skirts or trousers. Special guides on which the cross bars are fixed, sometimes there are clips on them. They allow you to hang skirts / trousers evenly and not be afraid that they will fall. It is convenient if such a hanger extends, allowing you to inspect all the contents.

One of the options for filling the dressing room is a bracket for skirts or trousers.

This device can be replaced by a simpler, but much cheaper one - a hanger with crossbars located one under the other. This is not so convenient, but it allows you to organize your clothes just as well.

There is a retractable design for ties, only it, as a rule, is oriented differently and extends in length, although not everyone likes such a system, but rather folded into drawer cells.

There are several ways to place hangers. The simplest is pipes, more economical (in terms of space use, but not in terms of money) is tie-like retractable brackets.

Another device is a pantograph for clothes. This is also a pipe, but capable of descending. A kind of lift for clothes. Such a device allows you to use the space up to the ceiling, and not to the detriment of your comfort. It can be attached both to the side walls (the more common option) and to the wall. A rod-handle is attached in the middle of the pipe, pulling which you lower it to a horizontal position. The carrying capacity of such devices is usually small (up to 18 kilograms), therefore they are used for light - in terms of weight - clothing.

Furniture pantograph - for light (by weight) clothing

Shoe storage systems

Often there are problems with storing shoes: some of them have dozens of pairs, so it’s just right for them to arrange separate dressing rooms. But among the standard sets of equipment there are several interesting ones for storing shoes.

Let's start with the retractable system. She is in IKEA. Pins with modules for shoes, mounted on a movable frame. Convenient, compact.

There are mini chests of drawers that do not take up almost space, but are hung on the walls, there are hanging organizers that are easy to place on a horizontal pipe.

These are mini chests of drawers on the wall.

In general, there are many interesting ideas for shoes that allow you to place them compactly and at the same time conveniently. Some are in the photo gallery.

Such "swivel" drawers are very convenient not only for shoes, but also for small things and linen Way to store boots - on hangers with clothespins

There are some very inexpensive options. For example, seasonal, the one that is currently in use, can be stored on a grid with rearranged hooks or wire shelves. You've probably seen similar ones in stores. This is a mesh or perforated panel on which hooks / shelves are hung. Convenient: you can move under any type of block, make more or less distance.

Economy shoe storage option - mesh with hooks and shelves

Hanging such a grid is not a problem - even on a wall, even on the side surface of a cabinet or door. Hooks and shelves simply cling to the crossbars. This option is ideal when there is a shortage of money and space. If you like the idea but need something more presentable, make or find a perforated metal frame shield. Hooks are also inserted into it with a bang.

Modification - shield with hooks

In general, when arranging a dressing room and on a limited budget, it is worth looking for storage systems not in furniture stores - online or offline. It is better to look at sites that sell commercial equipment. There are many interesting devices that save space: stores also try to display the maximum amount of goods on the minimum area. For example, such here racks for footwear.

If you attach wheels to the first, you get an excellent retractable system. The price for such equipment is much less than for similar equipment, but which is sold in furniture stores.

Making a wardrobe project

There are a lot of ideas for equipment and storage systems, as you can see. But so that it does not turn out that the purchased excellent thing simply does not become part of your wardrobe, you need to draw a plan on which you indicate all the dimensions and dimensions. It is drawn to scale, then on it you mark out those parts that must be mandatory. They are drawn in the same scale. If everything “fits in”, armed with dimensions (you have them, or you can measure in the figure and, using the scale, calculate the real values), you can go to the store to choose systems.

There is another approach. Find out the dimensions of the devices and systems you like (mounting dimensions), cut them out to scale from cardboard or thick paper and try to combine everything. If it works, great, you can buy it. No, look for other options. As a result of your efforts, you should get approximately the same layout as in the photo.

To make it convenient to use the equipment and get things, it is necessary to maintain the following distances:

  • minimum distance from shelf to shelf:
    • when storing things - 30 cm;
    • when storing shoes (without studs) - 20 cm;
  • shirts, jackets, jackets - 120 cm;
  • pants:
    • folded in half - 100 cm;
    • in length - 140 cm;
  • compartment for outerwear - coat - 160-180 cm;
  • under dresses - 150-180 cm.

At the very top, we allocate space for clothes of a different season or rarely used things. Often there is a place for a vacuum cleaner below, and a built-in ironing board is made in one of the cabinets.

For those who like to work with their hands, here are a few diagrams with dimensions so that you can equip your dressing room with your own hands (at least partially).

Drawing shelves for shoes with dimensions

Shoe storage system made of plastic pipes…

Every girl, woman dreams of a fashionable dressing room in the apartment. This design is becoming popular. This is very convenient, even to some extent beneficial, because things will be in place, and the room will become more spacious, since additional cabinets and other pieces of furniture for things will no longer be needed.

There you can place the clothes that you use now, and those that the time has not yet come to wear. In addition to clothes, they store various accessories and shoes, as well as an iron and ironing board. All dresses, blouses and other things will be in one place, where you can change clothes. Dressing room does not take up much space

Dressing room can save space in the bedroom

How to build a dressing room from drywall with your own hands

If you are the owner of a small apartment, there is no reason to refuse a dressing room. It will help save a lot of space. Be sure to follow the rules, the result of the work done will please you. The dressing room is a small room that should fit into the overall environment, become an integral part of the room. Think carefully about where the door will be located to provide optimal access to things.

Capacity and versatility are important components when planning a dressing room. In it, if the apartment is small, you can store an ironing board, dryer, vacuum cleaner. The question of the cost of construction is very relevant. Everyone has different opportunities, and expenses should not undermine the family budget.

When creating a dressing room, follow the rules for organizing such a design.

The subtleties of wardrobe design: requirements for the space under the wardrobe

The minimum size of the dressing room should be 1x1.5 meters, but not less, with such a size it is quite possible to place the necessary. Ideally, if the area is larger so that there is enough space for changing clothes, but if the room does not allow you to arrange a large dressing room, this is also a good option.

To prevent things from absorbing unpleasant odors, it is advisable to equip ventilation. The area where outerwear and dresses will be located should be 50 cm deep and 1.5 m high, for short items: 50 cm deep, 1 m high. An auxiliary storage area can be equipped on top.

It is desirable to make ventilation in the dressing room

Interior furnishing options

When all the construction work is completed, you need to think about the internal content of the dressing room, how to place shelves, racks, brackets, additional drawers. The area for everyday clothes should be in an easily accessible place. The upper part of the dressing room is used for compartments for clothes on hangers. You can use a device that allows you to lower the sections.

If you want to store shoes in the same room, you will need lockers, preferably lockable. At the very top, you can place departments for things that you hardly use. If the area of ​​​​the dressing room allows, install a large mirror.

You can store shoes in the dressing room

It is important to think over everything correctly when organizing a dressing room in advance to determine the sectors for clothes, shoes, things and accessories, their location. This makes it easy to find what you need and increases the life of the items stored there.

A properly organized dressing room includes several compartments.

You can not do in the dressing room without all kinds of holders and drawers for clothes and accessories, bags and much more.

The issue of organizing space in the dressing room must be approached correctly

Things to consider before starting work

Before you start equipping the dressing room with your own hands, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  1. First, think about where the building will be located. It is easy to find a suitable place in a private house. In an apartment, this will be a little problematic. Well, if there is a pantry or a niche. Otherwise, you need to select part of the room.
  2. Secondly, decide on the area. The best option is 6-8 square meters. m, minimum 1x1.5 m. It all depends on what, besides things, you are going to store there.
  3. Thirdly, how to place the door correctly, whether it will be a compartment or a simple one. And you need to install it with your own hands correctly, otherwise problems will arise.
  4. Fourthly, the correct organization of the internal space of the dressing room. Everything needs to be thought out in advance in order to make changes later.
  5. Fifth, optimal costs. If financial opportunities allow, you can purchase a larger wardrobe or hire craftsmen. If you want to save money and also have certain skills, you can do all the work yourself, spend only on materials and accessories.

The organization of space in the dressing room must be thought out in advance

How to make it cheap and easy

Here are a few options for how to save money and simplify work when arranging a dressing room.

  • If you decide to design it in the corner of the room, you should choose a spiral hanger. Its cost is lower, and you can place a lot of things.
  • Another best option is a half-deep cabinet with conventional rods. Shelves are shortened, easy to keep things in order.
  • When arranging a dressing room, you can save money by using plastic or wire baskets, open shelves instead of drawers. For bed linen, use drawers without dividers. For ties and belts, a regular kitchen railing is suitable. For clothes, purchase universal coat hangers. In order to save money, backlighting is not needed.

We hope that these tips will help you properly distribute the family budget.

To properly organize the space in the dressing room, you can use the advice of experts

Drywall installation

How to make a dressing room from drywall with your own hands? If you wish, you can make a dressing room yourself, if you are familiar with the construction business, it will not be difficult for you, and for beginners it may not seem so difficult. Not everyone in the apartment has an extra room for dressing room equipment, but you can build it from drywall in any part of the room.

Having prepared everything you need, get to work. First you need to make a drawing, then transfer the dimensions to the walls. Those places where there will be guides are best marked with masking tape.

If you are familiar with the construction business, it will not be difficult to make a dressing room yourself.

The markup is done, start mounting the frame. We fix the support bar with dowels to the wall, so that it is even, we use the building level. We place vertical profiles in the recesses, they must be with brackets for hooks and shelves, and fix them. The distance between the profiles should be 60 cm. We mount guides on the ceiling and on the floor. In the grooves we place vertical racks. We fix the crossbar and hooks on self-tapping screws.

After the markup is applied, you can cut drywall

The next stage of work is cutting drywall sheets of the desired size. Then we fasten it to the screws inside the structure. We sheathe the GKL on the outside. We use mineral wool as insulation and place it inside the skin. A lamp is suitable as a backlight inside the dressing room, but if there is no socket inside, then use an LED strip or spotlights. For this design, the most ideal option would be a mirrored sliding door. This will visually expand the room, it will be brighter.

Now we process plasterboard sheets and seams with putty. Then we prime the surface. Let's dry well. We turn to the finishing of the wallpaper sticker, painting, can be sheathed with wood or other material. It all depends on your taste and, of course, financial capabilities. The main thing is that the finish is in harmony with the overall interior. Inside the dressing room, it is better to use calm tones.

After installing the structure, it is necessary to putty the joints

Tools and materials

Of the tools you will definitely need: a building level, a spatula, self-tapping screws, dowels (6x50 mm), a special knife for cutting plasterboard, a screwdriver with nozzles, a puncher.

What materials are needed for work:

  • drywall (permissible thickness is 15 mm, since the structure will not be subjected to loads, and the humidity is within the normal range, it does not make sense to spend money on auxiliary material properties),
  • profile PS-2 5x5 cm, guide profile, mineral wool (for room insulation),
  • putty,
  • primer,
  • Chipboard + fittings for drawers and shelves,
  • seam mesh,
  • door + accessories necessary for it,
  • everything you need for finishing,
  • wires,
  • lamps,
  • socket.

Before starting work, you need to prepare all the necessary tools

Finishing a new dressing room

What style, what color scheme will be in the dressing room is up to you, show your design skills. Here you need to take into account the type of dressing room, whether it is a separate room or it is located inside the room.

For finishing inside, choose materials that are suitable for style and suitable for wet cleaning. Do not use fabric as a finish because of its ability to absorb moisture and attract dust. Also, do not lay carpet. Materials suitable for the interior decoration of the dressing room are PVC film, plastic panels, wood or MDF, washable paint. So rely on your taste and financial capabilities, do not be afraid to experiment.

To finish the dressing room, use materials that do not absorb moisture and dust.

The flooring can be the same as in the room where the dressing room is located. You can use laminate, linoleum, parquet, it is better to refuse carpeting. Ceiling decoration is not so important, leave it unchanged or use wallpaper, panels, stretch ceiling, or even just paint it.

Any flooring can be used

Convenient dressing room in a niche: are the efforts justified?

Often in old houses, or rather, in apartments, the layout has such a design as a niche. How can it be used? One of the options is to equip the dressing room with your own hands. It will fit perfectly into the interior and you won’t have to reserve a place for it in another room, especially if the area does not allow it. A wardrobe in a niche will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses for its arrangement, and there is no need to buy a wardrobe that will take up this entire small area. It is better to spend money on the "loft" and "bowsery" - these special designs have mobile cabinets, which will simplify the work. When selecting wardrobe doors, be guided by where the niche is located so that they match the interior.

Video: Do-it-yourself dressing room from drywall

Video: How to make a drywall cabinet