Postinor instructions for use analogues. What is safer than postinor

Of course, if a woman is responsible for her health, she carefully considers the best way to protect herself from all the troubles associated with the intimate side of relationships. But it is impossible to foresee everything always. Life is multifaceted, and the surprises that it sometimes brings are not always pleasant and predictable.

It happens that
- The condom breaks or slips off;
- Coitus interruptus fails;
– Missing two or more oral contraceptive pills;
- There is unprotected sexual contact (due to various circumstances).

In all these cases, the risk of becoming pregnant is quite high. However, you should not panic. An unwanted pregnancy can also be prevented after sexual intercourse with the help of the so-called emergency or postcoital contraception.

This is a representative of the old generation of hormonal drugs. One tablet contains 0.75 mg of levonorgestrel (a synthetic hormone). It must be applied in two stages. The first tablet of Postinor should be taken within 72 hours after sexual intercourse, and preferably immediately after it. The next tablet is 12 hours after the first. The effectiveness of taking Postinor depends on how long after an unprotected act you took this remedy:
94% - if the tablet was taken within 24 hours after the act;
86% - if the tablet was taken within 25-48 hours after the act;
57% - if the pill was taken within 49-72 hours after the act.

After taking it, side effects are not uncommon:
Feeling nauseous
Feeling broken
Painful and unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands and in the lower abdomen
Temperature rise

Contraindications to taking Postinor are:
Severe liver disease (hepatitis (even previously transferred), cirrhosis).

Postinor can only be used by women with a regular menstrual cycle.

It can be used for a maximum of 96 hours from the moment of possible fertilization. Contains twice as much levonorgestrel (1.5 mg) so only one tablet is required. The risk of pregnancy is on average 1.1%. Contraindications and side effects are the same as Postinor.

Ginepriston or Agesta

However, according to the World Health Organization, the first choice for emergency contraception should be preparations containing the anti-hormone mifepristone. Currently available in pharmacies are Ginepristone and Agesta. Their efficiency is 98.8%. One tablet containing 10 mg of mifepristone should be taken no later than 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.

Ginepriston (Agesta) will practically not harm your reproductive system, but even after taking it, you may experience the following side effects:
Discomfort in the lower abdomen
Feeling weak
Headache attacks
Vomiting or nausea
allergic rash
Increase in body temperature
Failure of the menstrual cycle

You can not use Ginepriston (Agesta) for problems with the liver and kidneys, for changes and disorders of the hormonal background, as well as for some other diseases.

Frequent use of Ginepristone (Agesta) reduces the effectiveness of its action.

It is necessary to use drugs intended for postcoital protection against pregnancy strictly in accordance with the instructions. This is done on an empty stomach (at least 2 hours should pass from the moment of the last meal) and do not eat anything for 2 hours after the tablets are drunk.

If emergency contraception causes vomiting within three hours after use, the effectiveness of the drug is sharply reduced. You need to take an extra dose.

Remember that even after you have taken emergency birth control pills, after a while you need to contact your personal gynecologist:
To check for unwanted infections because these drugs do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases
To make sure that pregnancy still has not occurred (this is especially true when menstruation is delayed more than a week after taking the pills or with suspiciously meager menstrual flow).
So that the doctor, after observing your menstrual cycle for some time, prescribes, if necessary, treatment to stimulate ovarian function.

Means of emergency (urgent) contraception are not so harmless: they can cause hormonal failure and disruption of the reproductive system. In addition, their use is less effective than the regular use of conventional birth control pills or the careful use of condoms.

But it is better to use them than to risk them: the body will cope with the consequences of taking them pretty soon, and you will have to take care of a child born as a result of an unplanned pregnancy all your life.

What to do if a condom breaks?

So, if you suspect that you might be pregnant, it's best to take the necessary steps.

1. Decide which drug you will use. It is better to opt for Ginepristone or Agesta preparations. By the way, these drugs are cheaper than Postinor.

2. Go to the pharmacy as soon as possible. Better yet, use the phone and find out what and where is available. In the pharmacy, you can be advised in the old fashioned way by Escapel and Postinor, and for Ginepristone or Agesta, require a doctor's prescription. In any case, it makes sense to go first to the gynecologist. If Ginepriston or Agesta, in principle, is not in the availability zone, then buy Escapel.

3. If you are abroad, then there may be similar drugs under other names. For example, instead of Postinor, Plan B, Levonelle, NorLevo and others may meet. And if you are not ready to communicate, for example, in a Turkish pharmacy, then it is better to take an emergency contraceptive drug with you.

4. If you find yourself on a camping trip or in some place where the traces of civilization are barely visible, then it would be nice to take care of emergency contraception in advance. Otherwise, by hook or by crook, you should get regular birth control pills. Of course, they were not originally intended for such purposes, but in case of emergency they can be used, and very successfully. They, like the drugs described above, must be taken the sooner the better (the maximum period is 72 hours). They are used as Postinor in 2 doses (the second dose 12 hours after the first is taken) But the number of tablets in 1 dose, depending on the concentration and composition of hormones, may be different:
- Containing ethinylestradiol (MARVELON, MINISISTON, MICROGENON, FEMODEN, RIGEVIVIDON): dose - 4 tablets;
- Containing ethinylestradiol (NON-OVLON, BISECULIN, OVIDON, OVULEN, ANOVLAR): dose - 2 tablets;
- Mini-pills (MICROLUT, EXCLUTON, OVRET) contain the same active ingredient as Postinor, but in very small quantities, so the dose to achieve the effect should be "shock" - 20 tablets.

And now about some psychological aspects for the young and inexperienced.

1. Girls, finding themselves in such a situation, very often begin to worry a lot about their health. Believe me, this situation happens to many, and with some, 5-6 times during an active sexual life. Excessive nervousness will harm you more than any drug.

2. If you're still young and feel the false shame of buying emergency contraception, then visit a pharmacy in another area that you'll probably never visit again.

3. Of course, it is better to ask your partner to buy pills, but, as a rule, young people are also embarrassed to do this. If your man unconditionally agrees to take matters into his own hands, you can be sure that you can count on him in the future. If not, act on your own, and you will sort out your relationship later: now you have a more urgent matter.

4. If you don’t feel moral strength at all, call a friend as a “support group”. Perhaps she will even agree to buy the drug for you, but you should not abuse this: in the end, it is best to solve your problems on your own.

5. Emergency pills are relatively expensive, but that's no reason not to buy them. Money can be asked or borrowed
– With your partner (which is quite logical)
- At a friend's
- Mom, after all

For the last two, it is better to come up with a plausible excuse, and not name the true reason, however, this depends on the degree of closeness of your relationship.

In the event of an unplanned unprotected intercourse, Postinor will come to the rescue. The drug is designed to cleanse the uterine cavity and tubes from fertilized cells.

Tablets are not indicated for regular use. Read the instructions for use, about the features of the drug, and also what are the cheap analogues of Postinor.

Instructions for use

Hormonal medication works as a means to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The active substance is levonorgestrel.

Postinor is produced in the form of dragees, 2 or 4 tablets in a blister. The active ingredient is effective in 85% of cases.

However, there are several nuances that must be considered when taking:

  • The tablet should be taken within 3 days (72 hours) after possible conception.

    The shorter the gap between having unprotected sex and taking the pill, the more likely it is that the medication will work.

  • The second dragee must be consumed 12 hours after the first tablet, but no later than 16 hours.

Such hormonal drugs are now available only by prescription and are taken under the guidance of a gynecologist. The main action is abortive.

The active ingredient of the drug prevents the sperm from fertilizing the egg. In the case of a zygote already formed, the hormone prevents penetration into the uterus.

After a while, dead cells come out with menstruation.

Postinor can be prescribed to women who have a long delay in menstruation. For girls under 16 years of age, the medication is not prescribed.

The remedy is used at a young age in extreme cases, when a minor was raped, etc.

The list of contraindications also includes pregnant women and nursing mothers. Do not use the drug for liver and kidney failure.

The list of side effects is long. The most common violations include:

  • Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Bleeding from the uterine cavity.
  • Extreme fatigue, migraine.
  • The chest may hurt and the regular menstrual cycle may go astray.
  • After taking the drug, menstruation becomes less or more abundant than usual.

For severe discomfort and pain in the abdomen, consult a doctor. Sometimes there are reactions of individual intolerance to the components of the composition.

Cheap analogues of Russian production

The cost of the original is about 400 rubles for a small package. The Russian manufacturer offers its own pharmacological agents.

The most famous close substitutes for the domestic market are Genale and Ginepriston.

Compare the synonyms with the Hungarian generic:

  • Genale. It does not differ in composition and main active ingredient.

    However, if pregnancy persists after taking the drug, then the risk of giving birth to a sick child with many pathologies is high.

    The list of contraindications and side effects is almost the same as the original. However, it is better to check the dosage and dosage regimen with your doctor.

    The price does not differ from the cost of the Hungarian original, it depends on the number of tablets in the blister and ranges from 360 to 780 rubles.

  • Ginepriston. The drug is also prohibited for pregnant and lactating mothers.

    If it is necessary to take a pill during lactation, it is forbidden to breastfeed a child for two weeks until the active substance is completely removed from the body.

    Do not use the drug in patients who have a history of heart disease and dysfunction of the kidneys, adrenal glands and liver.

    Often there are violations of the digestive system after taking the pills, often there is pain in the abdomen and dizziness.

    With individual intolerance to the components, allergic reactions appear. The active substance is mifepristone. Ginepriston is in the price category from 250 rubles.

Russian generics differ little from Postinor. The list of indications, contraindications and side effects is almost identical.

Ginepriston differs in hormonal composition. However, the domestic manufacturer offers to purchase goods cheaper than the Hungarian original.

Other foreign substitutes

Imported substitutes have always been very popular among the population. It is believed that foreign goods are of better quality and action.

Check out the differences between imported funds from the original in the table:

Name Indications for use and description Contraindications Side effects Average cost per pack
Microlute German-made drug of similar action and composition This method of emergency contraception is not used during pregnancy, during lactation.

The drug is also prohibited for patients with diseases of the genitourinary system, should not be taken with individual intolerance to the components

The list of side effects has been supplemented: in some cases, due to hormonal failure in the body, hair loss, swelling, and even a mental disorder may occur. 300 rubles
Escapelle Does not differ in indications and composition with Postinor Children under 16 years of age, should not be taken by women during pregnancy and lactation.

Also, the drug is not indicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, with liver and kidney disease.

Abdominal pain may appear, the menstrual cycle may go astray, and the abundance of discharge will decrease. Headaches often appear, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed 450 rubles
Eskinor Indian analogue of the Hungarian contraceptive Do not use in children under 16 years of age, with heart disease, impaired liver and kidney function, as well as during pregnancy and lactation The list of side effects occurs with the same frequency 250 rubles

Among foreign generics, you can even find cheaper ones. The composition, indications, contraindications and even side effects do not differ from the original drug.

Check with your gynecologist for the scheme, dosage, and which medication to choose for emergency contraception.

Important! Read the instructions for use carefully.

1 tablet contains 750 mcg , as well as anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, potato and corn starch, talc, lactose monohydrate.

Release form

Tablets packaged in blisters of 2 pcs. The package contains 1 blister.

Contraceptive pills Postinor are flat, approximately 6 mm in diameter, with a chamfer, almost white, on one side they are engraved with the inscription "INOR".

pharmachologic effect

The drug helps to prevent pregnancy, causes effects in the body similar to the action of hormones of the corpus luteum of the ovaries, and also suppresses the effects caused by .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

What is Postinor?

Postinor is a remedy with a pronounced antiestrogen And progestogenic activity. These properties of the drug make it difficult to conceive at an early stage and help prevent pregnancy.


How Postinor works is not exactly known. Contained in tablets levonorgestrel prevents ovulation and fertilization of the egg if UPC (unprotected sexual intercourse) happened before ovulation (when fertilization is most likely).

Levonorgestrel also causes changes in the endometrium, which make it difficult for a fertilized egg to enter the mucous layer of the uterine cavity. In cases where the attachment of the fetal egg has already begun, the drug does not give the expected effect.

Wikipedia states that the mechanism of action levonorgestrel is most successful when the size of the dominant follicle is 17 mm. Best of all, the drug suppresses ovulation no later than three days before it.

The effectiveness of tablets

The probability of pregnancy after the use of Postinor tablets is 15-42%. The action after taking the better, the less time has passed after NPC.

If the drug was taken within 24 hours, its effectiveness is 95%, in the next 24 hours it decreases to 85%, on the third day - up to 58%. It makes no sense to take the drug later than 72 hours later.

Is Postinor harmful?


Absorption in the alimentary canal when ingested is rapid and complete. In the body, the drug binds to SHBG and albumin: approximately 65% ​​of the dose taken is associated with SHBG, only 1.5% is in the free form.

96 minutes after taking the tablet, the plasma concentration levonorgestrel reaches 14.1 ng/ml. Then there is a 2-stage decrease in Cmax.

The drug is well distributed in tissues and organs.

Its biotransformation is carried out in the liver. The resulting metabolic products (conjugated glucuronates) are pharmacologically inactive.

Levonorgestrel It is excreted from the body exclusively in the form of metabolic products. About half of the dose taken is excreted in the urine, the rest - in the faeces. The value of T1 / 2 varies from 9 to 14.5 hours.

With milk, about 0.1% of the dose enters the body of an infant when a nursing woman takes Postinor.

Indications for use

“Urgent” contraception in case of failure of the chosen method of contraception or after CPD.


A contraindication to the use of the drug is intolerance levonorgestrel or any of the auxiliary ingredients contained therein.

The drug is used in pediatric practice. Data regarding its use in girls under 16 years of age are limited, therefore, in adolescence, Postinor is not recommended to be taken without medical supervision.

Side effects of Postinor: why is the drug dangerous?

In the annotation to the drug, the manufacturer reports that the most common reaction to the use of levonorgestrel is an nausea .

In addition, the following side effects of Postinor were recorded during the studies:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • And vomit ;
  • nausea;
  • not related to the menstrual cycle ;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle (namely, a delay in menstruation after taking the pill for more than a week);
  • increased fatigue.

Post-marketing observations have shown that sometimes (quite rarely) the use of the drug may be accompanied by: hypersensitivity reactions ( , the appearance of rashes on the skin, skin itching), , pain in the pelvis and / or in the abdomen, swelling of the face.

What is harmful Postinor?

Reviews of side effects allow us to conclude that the most unpleasant, according to women, phenomena after taking Postinor:

  • bleeding (in some reviews it is mentioned that, not knowing how to stop the bleeding after Postinor, the woman was forced to seek medical help);
  • severe hormonal imbalance and severe cycle disorders (many cases have been described when, after taking Postinor, there are no periods for several cycles; it takes up to a year for someone to restore the regularity of menstruation).

This list can include the appearance of "male" signs, metabolic disorders And acne .

Sometimes the consequences of taking Postinor tablets manifest themselves in the form of miscarriage of subsequent pregnancies and infertility.

To minimize harm to the body, the drug should be used no more than 3-4 times a year.

Tablets Postinor: instructions for use

How to take Postinor?

The instructions for Postinor indicate that the contraceptive effect is provided by taking two tablets (provided that the first tablet is drunk in the first 3 days after the NPC). Between doses 1 and 2 doses withstand a twelve-hour interval.

If within 3 hours after the drug was drunk (regardless of whether 1 or 2 doses), you should immediately take another 750 mcg levonorgestrel (3rd tablet).

The tool can be used in any phase of the menstrual cycle. A prerequisite is the absence of a woman's delay in menstruation.

After taking the pills before the start of the next menstruation, it is recommended to use funds barrier contraception (cervical cap or condoms).

Taking the drug is not a contraindication for the continued use of hormonal contraceptives for regular use.

How to understand that the drug has worked?

The tablet begins to act immediately after dissolution and absorption in the intestinal tract.

The evidence that the drug "worked" is menstruation.

Bleeding after consumption excludes pregnancy in about 95-85% of cases if it begins 3-6 days after taking the pill.

What can the delay after Postinor indicate?

If there is no bleeding after taking the drug, or if the bleeding begins later than the indicated dates, the woman is recommended to do and undergo an examination by a gynecologist to exclude pregnancy.

It is worth consulting a doctor not only with a delay in menstruation, but also if, after taking Postinor, the consequences are expressed in the form of unusually strong bleeding for a woman. The causes of such bleeding may be an excess of the recommended dose and the negative impact levonorgestrel on the uterine endometrium .

Sometimes women note that they have brown discharge after taking it. The phenomenon is considered the norm if the discharge appears within a few days, thus completing the menstruation artificially induced by the pills. However, for some women, spotting can last up to a month.

Most likely, this is an individual reaction to severe stress for the reproductive system, but only a doctor can accurately diagnose the cause of the discharge.

Cause for concern are menstrual bleeding lasting more than 14 days, the absence of a full period, the appearance of clots or heavy brown discharge, pain.

When should my period start after taking the pills?

It is impossible to say exactly when menstruation will begin after the use of Postinor. The tablets contain a large amount levonorgestrel Therefore, even a single use of the drug does not pass without a trace for the body.

In most cases, after taking the remedy, the menstrual cycle remains the same. Sometimes bleeding may start earlier or later. Normally, the delay should not be more than 5-7 days. Otherwise, pregnancy should be excluded.

After taking levonorgestrel a woman is advised to visit a doctor who will help her choose the most suitable method of regular contraception.

Is it worth taking Postinor if NPK occurred during menstruation?

Women with irregular cycles are more likely to get pregnant even during their menstrual bleeding. The appropriateness of the use of "urgent" contraceptives, if the NPC occurred during menstruation, can be determined by the doctor.

How often can I take Postinor?

To the question “How often can I take emergency contraceptive pills?” doctors answer that Postinor-type drugs are not intended for systematic use. They are used only in emergency situations and no more than 3-4 times a year.


Clinical picture of overdose hormonal means emergency contraception not described. Most likely, the first signs of poisoning will be nausea and breakthrough bleeding.

Postinor does not have a specific antidote.


In combination with liver enzyme inducers, metabolism is activated levonorgestrel .

The effectiveness of drugs that contain levonorgestrel , may decrease with simultaneous use with:

  • barbiturates ;
  • preparations of St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum);
  • rafibutin ;
  • ritonavir ;
  • phenytoin ;

Women taking these drugs should consult a doctor before taking Postinor.

Levonorgestrel-containing drugs can lead to increased toxicity , which is associated with the possible suppression of its metabolism.

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Storage conditions

Tablets should be stored at 15-25°C.

Best before date

special instructions

Means of "urgent" contraception are intended for occasional use and do not replace the regular method of contraception.

“Emergency” contraception does not always prevent pregnancy. If there is any doubt as to the timing of CPP, or if an unprotected intercourse has taken place more than 72 hours during the same cycle, the possibility that a fertilized egg has already implanted in the uterine wall cannot be ruled out.

In this regard, the use of tablets at the next sexual contact may be ineffective. If the cycle is delayed by more than 5 days, if atypical bleeding develops on the day of the expected menstruation, as well as if there are other reasons to suspect the occurrence of pregnancy, the fact of pregnancy should be excluded.

After taking levonorgestrel there is a risk of developing ectopic pregnancy . The absolute probability of this is low, since the drug interferes with ovulation and fertilization.

Ectopic pregnancy may persist despite the occurrence of uterine bleeding.

most likely in women who noted fainting or severe pain in the abdomen, as well as in the presence of a history of surgery on the fallopian tubes, , or PID .

Based on this, patients at risk are not recommended to take Postinor tablets.

Taking pills can slightly change the nature of bleeding, but in most cases the next menstruation begins a maximum of a week after the usual date.

With a delay in menstrual bleeding for more than 5 days, it is necessary to exclude the fact of pregnancy.

The drug should not be used in women with serious liver pathologies. The effectiveness of tablets can be negatively affected by severe malabsorption (eg, granulomatous enteritis ).

For women suffering from similar diseases, before carrying out emergency contraception it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Postinor tablets contain lactose, which should be warned in patients with lactase deficiency And malabsorption of glucose and galactose .

The drug is ineffective as regular contraceptives and is not an alternative. It should also be remembered that this tool does not replace the necessary precautions related to protection against STD .

If a woman seeks repeated use of Postinor, the doctor should recommend that she use long-term methods of contraception.

Impact Studies levonorgestrel on the ability to drive a vehicle or work with mechanisms have not been carried out, but one should forget about the possibility of dizziness. levonorgestrel. Only in the first case, its concentration is 1.5 mg / tab., And in the second - 0.75 mg / tab.. That is Escapelle in the case of NPC, it should be taken once, and Postinor - in 2 doses with an interval of 12 hours.

Which is better - Genale or Postinor?

Active substance Jenale - synthetic antiprogestin . The substance is a derivative norethisterone and is used to terminate early pregnancy. Its content in each tablet is 10 mg.

Mifepristone is an non-hormonal agent , which reversibly and briefly blocks only peripheral PR (receptors progesterone ). Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, the drug prevents the release of luteotropin , delays or blocks ovulation and causes disturbances in the transformation of the endometrium, which, in turn, makes it difficult for the implantation of the egg.

WHO data indicate that the use of low doses mifepristone more effective and safer than emergency contraception using levonorgestrel .

In addition, it has been experimentally proven that the contraceptive effect mifepristone does not decrease with an increase in the interval between NPK and reception Jenale up to 120 hours. This is also a significant advantage of the latter over Postinor.

If necessary "urgent" contraception it is enough to take 1 tablet during the first 72 hours Jenale . The drug is used 2 hours before meals.

Which is better - Postinor or Ginepriston?

active substance Ginepriston is also mifepristone at a concentration of 10 mg / tab .. Thus, the drug has the same advantages over Postinor as Jenale .

The tool is highly effective, characterized by the absence of pronounced side effects and can be used for episodic contraception in women with an irregular sexual life.

In addition, the drug is more affordable than Postinor. Its price in Russian pharmacies is about 100-120 rubles lower than the price of Postinor.

Postinor and alcohol

Is it possible to combine Postinor tablets with alcohol? There are no recommendations in the manufacturer's instructions for this.

However, it should be remembered that alcohol is not compatible with the vast majority of pharmaceutical products.

The use of alcoholic beverages in combination with Postinor can cause a sharp expansion, and then an equally sharp vasoconstriction, which in turn will complicate the woman's condition when the drug provokes rejection of the uterine mucosa.

In addition, alcohol increases the level of liver enzymes, thereby speeding up the metabolism. Since biotransformation levonorgestrel carried out in the liver, the contraceptive effect of Postinor while taking alcohol can be very doubtful.

In the modern world, a woman is allowed to choose for herself whether to become pregnant or not. To do this, there are now many methods of contraception. However, in life there are different stories.

For example: unsuccessfully interrupted sexual intercourse, in which there is no certainty in the outcome. All this can lead to an unplanned pregnancy.

In order not to commit sins, I mean an abortion, and then not to suffer all my life with remorse or even worse - health problems, it is better to take the so-called "emergency contraceptive pills".

The most widely known and practiced by women is Postinor. It consists of two small white round tablets. The first tablet should be taken no later than 72 hours after intercourse. The second 12 hours after the first. It depends on how long you took the pill and the result of its action depends.

94% gives the drug intake no later than 24 hours;

86% within 48 hours;

57% within 72 hours.

Of course, it should be taken into account that these pills cause many side effects, up to fever and nausea, dizziness and a feeling of weakness.

But, modern medicine does not stand still and Postinor has been replaced by more benign analogues: Escapel, Ginepristone (Agesta), Genale.

These drugs consist of one tablet and have much fewer side effects.

For example, Escapel, which is an absolute analogue of Postinor, since its main component is also levonorgestrel, has an extended delay in taking up to 96 hours. Agree, a day is a lot in such situations. And the risk of getting pregnant when taking it is 1.1%.

No less reliable are Genale, Ginepristone or Agesta. They give 98.8% of the result. The tablet contains 10 milligrams of mifepristone, but it must be taken no later than 72 hours. These drugs have less effect on the reproductive system of women, but also have a number of side effects.

Please note that all drugs cannot be used alone for problems with the liver and kidneys, as well as irregular cycles. In such cases, it is better to consult with gynecologist. They should be taken orally on an empty stomach and do not eat anything for 2 hours. If you have had an attack of vomiting during these 2 hours, then unfortunately you need to take another pill, otherwise the risk increases significantly.

Remember: emergency contraceptives protect against unwanted pregnancies, not sexually transmitted infections; may affect your body; and do not relieve pregnancy if it has already occurred. You can take them no more than 2 times a month, and no more than 2 times a year.

They are expensive. But you buy them once, but you will have to live with the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy all your life.

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

Video review


Postinor, the instructions for use of which must be strictly observed, is a popular drug for women that can prevent unwanted pregnancy. Pills are a means of emergency contraception.

Release form and composition

Birth control pills Postinor are white. The size of one piece is about 6 mm, the color is white.

The active substance is levonorgestrel. The composition also includes anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide and other excipients.


If you need to apply Postinor, the instructions must be followed exactly as indicated on the package.

Indications for use are as follows:

  • unprotected sex;
  • use of unreliable contraceptives;
  • rupture or displacement of barrier contraceptives - condom, diaphragm;
  • skipping the daily intake of hormonal oral contraceptives;
  • error in calculating the days of ovulation;
  • forced sexual intercourse.

The manufacturer of the drug claims that the prevention of unwanted conception occurs in about 85% of all cases.

How does it work?

Postinor tablets are a means of emergency contraception, antiestrogen, progestogenic. It is based on levonorgestrel, an artificially synthesized hormone.

The action of the drug is as follows:

  1. Inhibition of the process of maturation of the egg, delayed ovulation. After taking the drug, the egg is not able to leave the ovary and go into the fallopian tube, therefore, conception becomes impossible.
  2. Creating an obstacle to the movement of spermatozoa. Male cells are deprived of the opportunity to reach the egg.
  3. Changes in the structure of the tissues of the internal cavity of the uterus. As a result, if conception still occurs, the embryo cannot implant in the uterus.

If there is a need to take Postinor tablets, the instructions for use state that they can be used on any day of a woman's cycle.

If a woman's menstrual cycle is irregular, it is first necessary to exclude the presence of pregnancy.


  1. Tablets are taken orally, washed down with water.
  2. The first tablet must be taken within the first 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.
  3. The second tablet is taken 12 hours after the first (it is important that this is no later than 4 pm).
  4. For maximum effect, both the first and second tablets should be taken as soon as possible after an unprotected relationship (no later than 72 hours).
  5. If, after the first or second tablet, the woman vomited, it is necessary to take another one.

After using this emergency contraceptive until the day of the next menstruation, a woman needs to be more careful and use barrier contraceptives for protection.


Estimates of pharmacists and reviews of women who used Postinor confirm the high effectiveness of drugs. It is possible to avoid undesirable consequences in 85% of all cases.

However, the success of an emergency abortion largely depends on when the first pill was taken after an unprotected intercourse:

  • taking the drug during the first 24 hours - about 95% of the effectiveness;
  • taking the drug within 48 hours - about 85% of the effectiveness;
  • taking the drug within 72 hours is about 58% effective.


There are contraindications to the use of birth control pills, which should be considered:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age less than 16 years;
  • diseases of the biliary tract and liver;
  • individual intolerance to individual components.

If there is a need to take medication for a nursing woman, breastfeeding should be stopped for one day, since levonorgestrel is excreted in breast milk.

Side effects

Even if you follow the instructions for using Postinor, the following side effects may occur:

  • bloody issues;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • diarrhea;
  • lack of menstruation on time;
  • allergic reactions.

Possible consequences

The consequences of Postinor can manifest themselves in different ways. And if in one case they are unpleasant, then in another they are dangerous for a woman and require urgent medical attention.

Possible scenario after taking emergency contraception:

  • . The active substance of the drug changes the endometrium in the uterine cavity. The reason is a sharp increase in the amount of progestogen in a woman's body. As a result, bleeding begins. Similar consequences are likely when the period of 12 hours between two tablets is not observed, as indicated in the instructions. When bleeding, medical attention is needed.
  • . The reasons are either in the conception that has occurred, or in the appearance of problems in the reproductive system. A doctor's examination is required.

Postinor should not be taken by pregnant women. But if emergency contraception was used and pregnancy nevertheless occurred, then according to the available data, there is no negative effect on the fetus and its development.


There are safe analogues of Postinor.

Preparations containing exactly the same active substance:

  • Eskinor-F;
  • Escapelle.

Other drugs that have a similar effect in unprotected intercourse:

  • Lactinet;
  • Genale;
  • Implanton;
  • Ginepriston.

These drugs can be used only after consulting a doctor.


How much does Postinor cost, a question that women often ask.

The price in a pharmacy starts from 300 rubles for one package, in which there are two tablets. The cost depends on the manufacturer and the policy of the pharmacy chain.

Despite the availability of the drug, it should be remembered that the drug can harm the body and reproductive health. In order to avoid negative consequences, it is worth visiting a doctor before taking the pills.

Video about emergency contraception