Do-it-yourself two-level plasterboard ceilings - installation and installation instructions. Two-level stretch ceilings - installation features and design of attachment points (80 photos) Two-level stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings are a modern and popular type of decoration. With this technology, you can give the room any desired look and shape. Most often there are bunk designs - they look stylish and elegant, while they are distinguished by an affordable price. In the presence of materials and tools, a two-tier stretch ceiling can be installed independently.

Features of bunk ceilings

Two-level stretch ceilings fully possess all the advantages of simple stretch structures; in particular, it is:

  • beauty and richness of colors;
  • the ability to hide communications, wiring and make built-in lighting;
  • no need to prepare and level the draft ceiling before installation;
  • durability, long-term preservation of color and texture.

These qualities are inherent in all ceilings, regardless of the material and texture.

The most popular PVC film ceilings among the consumer, in addition, have the following qualities:

  • water resistance and dust resistance;
  • antistatic surface;
  • ability to hold water during leaks.

With all these advantages, bunk ceilings take only 10-15 cm of height from the room, so the two-level design is most popular with designers, finishers and apartment owners.

Mount a two-tier ceiling in two ways: on a plasterboard base or on an aluminum frame. In the first case, the lower tier of the ceiling is made in the form of a box of GKL or GVL sheets, puttied and painted. Profiles for stretch ceilings are installed on the structure and the upper tier is fixed. This installation method is justified if it is necessary to install a massive chandelier or decorative elements, for example, plaster moldings.

The second method involves the installation of both tiers of the ceiling on special guides, while all planes (both horizontal and vertical) are formed from the stretch ceiling fabric. Such a ceiling is lighter and creates less load on the floors, is not afraid of moisture and does not require repairs for 10-15 years.

Stretch ceiling kit prices

stretch ceiling kit

Guides for stretch ceilings

The canvas of the stretch ceiling is attached to aluminum or plastic rails (baguettes), which are fixed on the walls, and in rare cases - on the ceiling.

Depending on the place of attachment, the profile can be:

  • ceiling;
  • wall-mounted;
  • connecting.

Ceiling is used for the upper tier of a two-level ceiling, while the gap between the floor slabs and the canvas is minimal. Wall-mounted at any level of a wall or drywall box. Connecting, which is also called separation, is used in cases where it is necessary to connect two canvases at the same level.

Ways of fastening the canvas

The most popular ways of fastening the canvas to the guides are harpoon and wedge. The harpoon system is usually used for PVC ceilings, while the harpoons are fixed at the stage of cutting and fabrication of the fabric according to the finished measurements. The wedge system is used when installing textile fabrics, it allows adjustment and tightening in place.

Installing a ceiling with a wedge system requires highly qualified installers, so when installing a two-tier ceiling with your own hands, a harpoon system is more often used. At the same time, the harpoon is brought into the groove of a pre-installed baguette, where it (the harpoon) snaps into place and is rigidly fixed. The slot in the guide is closed with a plastic flashing, which has a fairly elastic structure and allows you to hide small irregularities in the wall.

Important! For fastening the web on the harpoon system, high measurement accuracy is required. You need to measure the room with an accurate instrument, taking into account not only the length of the walls, but also the diagonals.

How to choose the shape, color and texture of the ceiling

Tiered ceilings are distinguished by a huge variety of shapes and colors. They can be plain or combine canvases of different textures and colors; this technique is often used in zoning. Designers use different shapes of tiers depending on the overall style and size of the room.

Geometric figures

Strict straight lines are usually used in classic style decoration. One of the tiers of the ceiling is made in the form of a symmetrical geometric figure. It can be located in the center of the room, against one of the walls or in the corner.

Prices for stretch ceiling "Starry sky"

Stretch ceiling Starry sky

  1. A rectangle, oval or ellipse, located across a narrow long room, and made of canvas in a contrasting color, visually expands it.
  2. A circle, square or polygon in the center of the ceiling lifts it, giving depth and spaciousness. They are usually made from a darker canvas of a similar or contrasting color, decorated with a chandelier or lighting, and sometimes with special effects and prints.
  3. The lower tier of the ceiling, located near the wall or in one of the corners, is used for zoning, highlighting a bed in a bedroom, a table in an office or kitchen.

Note! When choosing a symmetrical figure of the lower tier, built-in lamps are also better placed symmetrically.

Complex freeform shapes

They can be based on simple geometric shapes or have an abstract curvilinear design. Such ceilings are appropriate in the design of any premises, from the office to the nursery and bedroom. When choosing a form, you can not limit your imagination, while the main rule is to keep a balance in the size of the upper and lower tiers.

Popular abstract shapes are listed below.

  1. A blot or chamomile with arbitrary outlines will look great in a nursery in combination with a large pattern on the wallpaper. They, as a rule, are made of a glossy canvas of bright saturated shades, contrasting with the main tone. Additional illumination of the decorative tier is usually made from spotlights or LED strip.
  2. A lake or pond is a central element with curvilinear shapes, which can be either the lower tier or the upper one. The color, as a rule, is contrasting, in some cases the effect is achieved by combining the textures of the canvas in a single color scheme.
  3. An accordion or simka - a modified rectangle with cut corners and rounded lines will fit perfectly into a standard-shaped room, this design looks both in one color and in a combination of shades.

Note! Elements located in the center of the room in the form of an upper tier look very advantageous when framed by an LED strip. They can be additionally decorated with a chandelier with many diode lamps.

asymmetrical waves

A popular form of a two-tier ceiling, it can be used in rooms of any shape, size and purpose. With the help of a variety of wavy lines, you can compensate for the shortcomings of the room, expand and zone it. Despite the complexity of the frame, undulating structures are used very widely, both in plain and two-color ceilings.

Prices for fabric stretch ceiling

fabric stretch ceiling

  1. With the help of one wave, you can divide the room into two functional parts. In this form of ceiling, a combination of bright colors or a monochromatic design is appropriate, while one tier is highlighted with spotlights.
  2. The wave can go around the room along three walls or highlight one corner (this is how cozy seating areas are created).
  3. Very popular is the three-piece ceiling, which forms an irregularly shaped insert that runs through the entire room from wall to wall. At the same time, the central part is usually made of a dark glossy canvas, and the room looks taller and more spacious.

Note! Making bunk waves on the ceiling with your own hands is quite difficult, it is better to resort to the help of professionals.

In bunk structures, you can use a combination of different fabric textures, in particular:

  • the main tier is matte, elements located in the center are made of a mirror canvas;
  • a combination of two matte, satin or glossy canvases of the same texture, but in a contrasting color;
  • a completely plain ceiling of the same texture, in this case the zoning effect is achieved using the main lighting or backlight.

When choosing a material, it is better to listen to the advice of designers or look at examples of work that best suits the style of your apartment.

Installation of bunk ceilings: instructions

If you decide to mount stretch ceilings with your own hands, first of all, soberly assess your strengths: this work requires accuracy and accuracy. The installation of a simple ceiling is easier to order from a company, payment for work in the general price tag will take only a small part, the rest you will pay for the materials.

Significant savings from self-installation are obtained in two cases:

  • a two-tier structure has a complex shape with many joints and bends - the payment for these elements depends on their footage;
  • a design project involves the installation of a large number of fixtures and other built-in elements - for each of them, installers charge an additional fee, which together will result in a significant amount.

The sequence of work on installing a stretch ceiling includes the following steps:

  • room measurements;
  • production of a design project;
  • ordering a canvas in a company;
  • preparation of a draft ceiling;
  • installation of guide baguettes;
  • laying of electrical wiring and installation of lamp fittings;
  • canvas installation.

Most of the work can be done independently with the skills and the necessary tools. Step by step instructions are described below.

Room measurements and sketching

It is known that the walls and corners in modern homes are far from perfect. Therefore, in order to manufacture a canvas that completely repeats the contours of the room, it is necessary to measure not only the length of the walls, but also all possible diagonals.

In a simple rectangular room, this is quite simple, you need to follow the plan shown in the first picture. They draw a schematic plan of the room, designate the corners with letter symbols and mark on the sketch the results of measurements of all four walls and both diagonals. It is more convenient to make measurements with a laser tape measure.

To place a complex shape, there will be much more measurements. So, for a room with niches and ledges, it is necessary to draw lines on the plan connecting all possible angles, and then measure these distances.

If the walls have a curvilinear shape, it is necessary to draw rays coming out of one corner on the plan and measure the length of the segments.

After all the measurements, the room plan is already drawn to scale on paper or on a PC in any graphic editor. Symmetrical elements are drawn using the basic tools of a graphic editor, after which control points are marked on the drawing and the distances between them are measured.

Geometric figures on the ceiling - measurement methods

Asymmetric waves and other patterns can be drawn by hand or from a template. On the finished plan, it is necessary to mark the ceiling levels and mark other elements: lamps, pipe passages through the canvas, fire alarm sensors.

The finished sketch can be taken to a company for ordering a canvas with harpoons attached to it. They also choose the color and texture of the ceiling, while you can order other components: baguettes, flashings, lamp fittings.

glossy stretch ceiling prices

glossy stretch ceiling

Note! With independent measurements, the manufacturer is unlikely to take responsibility for their compliance with the size of your room. If you are not confident in your skills in measuring and preparing drawings, it is better to entrust this to specialists.

Preparing the draft ceiling and walls

Stretch ceilings do not require careful preparation of the draft ceiling or ceilings. It is enough to remove old crumbling paint or plaster from them and close up cracks and joints. If hemmed and suspended structures are installed on the ceiling, they are dismantled and the holes from fastening the guides and suspensions are sealed with putty.

When installing thermal insulation or noise protection, a structure holding them should be installed before laying electrical cables and installing luminaires.

Fine finishing of the walls can be performed both before and after the installation of stretch ceilings, but the work on leveling the walls must be completed before the start of measurements, so as not to introduce an error into the final result. It is better to finish painting the walls with interior compositions before stretching the canvas so as not to stain the ceiling. But wallpapering is carried out after installing the ceiling structure, so as not to inadvertently tear the wallpaper when installing baguettes.

Satin stretch ceiling - pros and cons

Read on for all of this. You may also be interested in material about which ceiling is better -.

Stretch ceiling installation

After preparing the room, ordering the guides and making the canvas, you can proceed with the installation of the two-tier ceiling.

You need to prepare the following tools:

  • drill or puncher, depending on the type of walls;
  • screwdriver;
  • metal scissors;
  • gas heat gun and cylinder;
  • mounting knife;
  • wiring tool.

You should also stock up on electrical cable, fittings and brackets for lamps, corrugated metal tube and terminals for connection.

Step 1. Level joints are marked on the ceiling. To lower the upper tier of the ceiling to the required height, a bar or metal frame is attached to the ceiling. In this case, it is necessary to use a level to avoid distortions. A baguette is attached to the bar at the height of the upper tier of the ceiling.

Step 2 Mark on the walls the level of both tiers of the ceiling. If the wall decoration is not completed, you can do it with a marker. Attach baguettes to the walls around the perimeter of the room. Lay an electric cable in a corrugated sleeve and bring it to the installation site of the fixtures. Install fittings on adjustable brackets to the ceiling.

The method of fixing the fittings to the ceiling is shown in the figure. The upper part of the racks is attached directly to the ceiling or to the bar. The lower part of the rack, equipped with a tread ring, must be strictly on the plane of the stretch ceiling.

ceiling. Part 1

For stretch ceilings, strongly heated lamps should not be used. The recommended power of various types of lamps is given in the table. For luminaires with a voltage different from the mains voltage, it is necessary to install a step-down transformer with a rectifier unit.

Step 3 Another bar is attached, forming a vertical plane and the corner of the lower tier of the ceiling. Its edge, on which the film will be stretched, is lined with a plastic corner so as not to tear the canvas. Small irregularities are filled with epoxy glue, after drying they are sanded with fine sandpaper to a smooth state.

Step 4 Install the fixture for the chandelier on adjustable brackets. The structure must be strong enough to withstand the load. Lead to the mount electrical cable.

Video - Installing a chandelier on a stretch ceiling

Step 5 The room is heated with a gas heat gun to a temperature of 55-75 degrees. In this case, the fabric of the stretch ceiling will soften and become pliable. The fastening of the canvas starts from the top level. First, the corners of the ceiling are set in place, then, using a special plastic spatula, the harpoons are carefully tucked into baguettes, making sure that the canvas does not warp.

They do the same with the canvas of the second level, if necessary, they heat the air in the room before that. After the room cools down to normal temperature, the canvas stretches and becomes elastic.

Important! When heating a room with a gas heat gun, the cylinder is placed in an adjacent room, on the street or on a balcony.

Step 6 When installing built-in lights, it is necessary to cut holes for them. To do this, you need to feel for the tread ring on the pre-installed fittings and glue the heat-insulating ring from below exactly along its contour. The canvas, which is in the center, is carefully cut crosswise and the excess is removed, after which the fittings of the fixtures are inserted.

Installation of a two-tier tension
ceiling. Part 2

Step 7 To hide the cracks in the baguettes, plastic flashings are installed. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the canvas, putting the groove of the flashing on the back tooth of the baguette. If the walls are not yet covered with wallpaper, this operation is postponed until the walls are repaired.

Video - Installation of bunk stretch ceilings

Bunk stretch ceilings are not only stylish, but also convenient: you do not have to regularly update the finish, because a properly installed canvas does not lose its luster and elasticity for 10-15 years. The original design and decent appearance will create a cozy atmosphere and comfort in the house.

A two-level stretch ceiling is a simple and convenient option for zoning a room. It helps to disguise engineering communications and provides sufficient lighting in the room. In addition, suspended cladding is an extremely bright and very beautiful interior decoration.

In this article, I will tell you in detail how to independently install a two-tier PVC film ceiling. I will not forget to remind you of the mistakes that you will need to avoid.

How to choose a canvas?

Stretch ceilings are a panel made of a film based on polyvinyl chloride. Moreover, it can have a different texture: matte, glossy, satin. The colors and patterns on the film are also varied. It is fixed on a frame made of metal profiles.

After installation, the material forms a flat, smooth and seamless plane. However, in fact, this polymer coating consists of several firmly welded panels.

Two-level ceilings look especially good in voluminous and high-ceilinged rooms. In them, you can not restrain your imagination and equip the coating of a complex, bizarre shape.

Important Benefits

  1. Restoration of a flat ceiling surface. In most cases, the floors in the apartments are uneven, with significant height differences.
    To get rid of this problem in the usual way - by plastering and filling the ceiling, you will spend a lot of time and effort. The stretch ceiling will perfectly level the base surface. At the same time, you do not have to spend money on additional building materials and remove mountains of garbage.
  2. The labor costs for installing a stretch coating with your own hands are relatively small. In addition, such a finish has such an important advantage as the speed of installation. You will spend one or two days on it.
  3. The ability to hide communications: electrical wiring, telephone, television cables, ventilation ducts, etc.

  1. High aesthetic appearance. Such a beautiful coating is liked by most people, regardless of differences in their tastes and preferences.
  2. Stretch ceiling 2 levels is universal. You can choose from a variety of shapes and colors to suit any interior style.

  1. Moisture and flood protection. In multi-apartment buildings, accidents are not uncommon, as a result of which those living above flood the lower neighbors. By mounting a two-tier ceiling structure, you protect the room from such a danger.

The PVC film will retain water and will not let it through further. You just have to drain the liquid into a basin, a bucket through a small puncture. And then re-stretch the sagging canvas with a heat gun.

Drawbacks to be mentioned

  1. Comparative fragility of the coating. If you touch the cloth with some object with sharp edges, you can damage it - pierce or scratch it.
  2. I do not recommend installing PVC ceilings in country houses and cottages. But subject to your seasonal residence there and the absence of heating in them in winter. Under the influence of low temperatures, the polymer web will become unusable.

In this case, I can recommend you to use the fabric version of the stretch ceiling. Textiles are not afraid of the negative impact of extreme temperatures. Therefore, it is the best solution for facing ceilings in an unheated house.

  1. Fairly high price. A tension structure, and even more so a two-tier one, is far from a cheap thing. However, the significant cost of such cladding is offset by its long service life and high level of aesthetics.

If you assemble such a coating yourself, then significantly reduce its price.

What to consider when designing a two-level false ceiling

It is the film stretch ceiling that is best suited for arranging bunk structures with complex configurations. Polymer fabric is flexible and plastic. Therefore, it makes it possible to implement the most daring design decisions.

Thinking about what your level 2 stretch ceilings should be, consider two determining factors.

This is the desired aesthetic and stylistic result, as well as the functional features of the coating.

  1. With the help of a two-level ceiling, you will be able to hide the irregularities of the ceiling, as well as provide the room with efficient and effective lighting.

  1. You can zone the space of the room without any special expenses. For this purpose, you will apply a combination of various shapes, colors and textures of the polymer panel. So you will be able to divide the room into separate functional areas, as well as visually expand it.

  1. When choosing a color design and configuration for a two-tier false ceiling, take into account the overall style of the interior of the room.
    For example, if it is minimalist in layout, design and colors, you should not mount a bright ceiling with a complex configuration, fanciful waves and curls. This design will “crush” the room with its appearance, as it will look much stronger than the rest of the interior elements.
  2. Separately, I want to say about panels with photo printing and 3D images. I do not argue - such a design looks spectacular and unbanal.
    However, too much emphasis on an unusually shaped ceiling with a bright color design will draw too much attention to it. Such a situation may be appropriate only in voluminous and high-ceilinged rooms.

If you want to use a stretch fabric with a pattern, be sure to take into account the ability of the glossy coating to glare, that is, to strongly reflect light. Try, as far as possible, to mount the material with images on the upper level of the bunk ceiling.

Preparation for work

A suspended ceiling should be installed at the final stage of construction, when all the dusty and dirty stages of it are completed.

Requirements to take into account

Before installing a stretch ceiling, consider:

  1. Frame profiles can be attached to brick, concrete, wood, plaster and ceramic tiles.
    Make sure the base ceiling coating is strong. If it crumbles, clean it first, and then prime it.

  1. Putting a two-tier film ceiling is not forbidden in a room with household equipment, furniture and other room utensils. However, please note that the gap from the ceiling to the top of the interior items should not be less than 0.7 meters.
  2. Be sure to draw a diagram of the electrical wiring, installation of lighting fixtures and communications where the stretch ceiling will be mounted. This will come in handy for future repairs.
  3. High-quality installation of a film structure is possible only with a certain heat transfer of electrical devices built into the coating. The equipment should not get hot.

The same requirement applies to climate control, fire extinguishing and ventilation systems.

Do not use light bulbs that get very hot in lamps.

They can cause the film to sag and even melt.

  1. The maximum permissible power level for incandescent bulbs and fluorescent analogues is 60 watts.
  2. For 12 volt halogen light sources, the maximum power should be 35 watts. For analogues at 220 volts, this figure should be 20 watts.
  3. For mounting 12 Volt LED spotlights, use 11.5 Volt step-down transformers.

Necessary tools

Prepare before work:

  • perforator for fixing the frame profiles to the walls;
  • screwdriver for screwing in self-tapping screws;
  • gas or electric heat gun for heating the room and PVC sheets;
  • pencil, padding and building level (laser, bubble or hydraulic) for marking the structure;
  • stepladder for high-altitude work;
  • special blades and spatulas for stretching and fixing PVC film in baguettes.

Required materials

Below are the basic materials and construction elements that you will need.

  1. Aluminum or plastic molding of ceiling, wall or connecting type. It is needed to fix the canvas to the box or ceiling.
  2. Stretch fabric already cut to fit the ceiling (and reduced by 7 percent for tension). If you chose the harpoon method of mounting the cover, then it should be bordered around the perimeter with a flexible plastic harpoon.
  3. Decorative strips masking mounting gaps between the film and walls.

  1. Metal profiles for arranging the frame of the second tier.
  2. Drywall, if you are going to make an additional level from it.
  3. Plastic dowels and screws.

Installing a bunk ceiling

Before the stretch ceiling is mounted, it is necessary to install a frame for it from metal profiles.

Arrangement of the frame

Please note that the plane of the stretch ceiling must be exactly horizontal.

  1. Use the laser level to mark each corner of the room. Next, beat off a solid line along them with a cord and pigment. It will indicate the level of installation of the frame for the second tier of the ceiling.

  1. Attach the U-shaped profile strips along this line with dowels and a puncher. Mount the same guides along the ceiling along the marked line ahead of time.
  2. The configuration of the box is straight or wavy, curvilinear.

To fix the profiles along a curved path, their shelves must be cut with metal scissors in increments of 4 centimeters. Do this so that the bar becomes possible to bend to the desired curvature.

  1. Screw downs made from pieces of rack profiles to the guides fixed on the ceiling. The lower ends of the racks should be located with the wall strips at the same level (horizontal).
    Together, these profiles form the lower of the planes of the two-tier structure. Fasten the racks in increments of 0.25-0.3 meters.

  1. From a pair of pieces of rack profiles and guide rails, mount the box. Screw them with self-tapping screws for metal, in such a way as to form a structure similar to a pipe with a rectangular section.
  2. Fix this box to the already mounted lowers. Perform fastening work with small self-tapping screws (they are called "bugs") using a screwdriver.
  3. Fix this structure to the wall profiles with a load-bearing (wide) profile.

Be sure to observe the exact correspondence of the verticals and horizontals of the frame. Check corners with a bubble level.

  1. As described, assemble the entire supporting structure around the perimeter of the room.
  2. Then you screw the fixing baguette for the PVC film to the box.

I want to warn you that the polymer sheet, cooling down, will create a strong tension. Based on this, the frame structure must have a high level of strength sufficient for such a load.

Plasterboard level installation

The next stage of installing a two-tier ceiling is laying the electrical wiring necessary for installing lighting and cladding the frame with plasterboard sheets.

  1. Cut pieces of drywall of the required size and mount on the box. Fix the GKL to the frame with self-tapping screws.

  1. Once you've installed all the drywall, reinforce all corners with perforated corners. You can fix them with gypsum-based putty.

  1. Next, putty all the joints and holes from the screws. When the putty dries, sand the drywall layer with fine sandpaper.

  1. Then mark the location points of the mounted lighting fixtures. After that, cut holes for them with a drill nozzle - “crown” or “ballerina”.
  2. Next, prime the surface of the tier and paint the selected one or paste over with wallpaper.

The second level of the false ceiling is ready. Next, you can proceed with the installation of the stretch fabric.

Film Fixing

Now about how stretch ceilings are mounted. The panel itself can be attached to baguettes by three methods: glazing bead, wedge and harpoon.

The latter types are the most common:

  1. The harpoon mounting system is the most popular due to the ease of installation and the need for special skills to work with it. In this case, a harpoon hook is welded around the perimeter of the canvas in the factory. It serves to tension and fix the film in baguettes.

Since the harpoons are already attached during the production of the panel, it is very important to accurately measure the dimensions of the ceiling. At the same time, I recommend that you take into account that it is necessary to order a film with dimensions that are 7-10 percent smaller than the overlap area.

  1. The wedge method of fixing the panel is more technologically complicated.

It requires certain skills to work:

  • however, the method has one important advantage, namely versatility, since there is no harpoon around the perimeter of the film. Thanks to this, you do not need to observe the exact dimensions of the canvas. It is possible to pull it many times, change the stretch, cut off the excess;
  • tension coating, fixed by the wedge method, you can quickly remove and return back during repairs or in case of leaks;

  • when choosing a wedge mounting system, the film often has an area larger than the ceiling itself. Based on this, first of all, accurately measure the canvas and, after tensioning it, cut off the excess.

The glazing system for fixing the coating is similar to the wedge method. But here the canvas is fastened in baguettes with the help of a special tape. This method guarantees good film tension.

Further, my instructions for installing a stretch film, that is, the first level of a two-tier ceiling. Please note that a competent installation technology for such a design provides for the preliminary preparation of its exact drawing.

It should show the dimensions of all its elements.

The film should be cut and sewn up only after measurements of the room:

  1. When fixing the tension material to the frame or drywall box, ensure that the baguettes are securely fastened. The tightness of the profiles to the structure to be equipped must be high. Please note that the appearance and durability of the suspended ceiling will depend on the fulfillment of these conditions.

  1. Before installing a PVC panel, it must be heated to + 60-70 degrees. Do this with a heat gun or a large building hair dryer. When heated, the film will become more elastic, and it can be stretched.
  2. The room itself, in which the installation of the tension web will be carried out, must also be heated. But up to a temperature of + 40-45 degrees.

  1. When the cloth is hot, first fix it with a spatula in one of the corners of the room. Then fix it on the opposite side. And only then attach the film to the remaining corners.

I warn you right away that in the last of them the canvas will be the most difficult to fix. However, do not be nervous, do everything carefully and do not damage the film.

  1. Next, tighten the cover into baguettes. Do this in increments of 8-10 centimeters. Thus, fix the panel with a spatula around the perimeter of the entire ceiling. At the same time, stretch it evenly.
  2. Cut off excess film if you have chosen a glazing bead or wedge fastening method.
  3. Warming up the panel with a hair dryer, straighten out all the folds and wrinkled strips on it.
  4. When the film cools to natural temperature, it will stretch. Thanks to this, the coating will be absolutely smooth and even.

  1. Next, along the perimeter of the tier, mask technological gaps with a decorative tape.

  1. Lastly, cut holes in the film for the lighting fixtures. To protect the canvas from heated lamps, stick heat-insulating rings on the holes.

If the lamps are placed inside the space between the base and stretch ceilings, then they will not touch the film. Therefore, it does not need to be protected from them.


As you understood from the article, it is quite possible to install a two-level stretch ceiling yourself. With relatively low labor and time costs, you will decorate your home with a beautiful coating that will hide all the flaws of the ceiling. The video in this article continues its theme. And you can ask questions in the comments.

The beauty and comfort of your home depends on many things. Every day, designers come up with new solutions that are not only fashionable, but also practical. Today we will look at what 2-level stretch ceilings are.

This is a complex structure, consisting of a special material with a baguette, a supporting frame, with an external finish of durable drywall grades. The features that 2-level stretch ceilings have give greater freedom of design and allow you to give them a different shape, and the variability of the plasterboard box has no limit.

2-level stretch ceilings, use various materials as a canvas, including fabric, matte, satin and PVC film sheets. The choice of canvas varies only by your own preferences.

An example of a two-level stretch ceiling

Advantages of 2-level stretch ceilings

Against the background of various design solutions for the ceiling, 2-level stretch ceilings take pride of place and have a number of key advantages.

  1. Aesthetic look. These ceilings are considered one of the most beautiful with the use of stretch fabrics.
  2. Design variability. 2-level stretch ceilings are practically unlimited in terms of design solutions. They allow you to combine shape, color and surface texture without restrictions.
  3. 2-level ceilings facilitate the functional breakdown of the living space.
  4. Breadth of application. These ceilings can be used in almost any room, from the living room to the bathroom. Restriction on such ceilings imposes only the height of the room.
  5. Functionality. Under the ceiling structure, you can easily hide even the most cumbersome communications.
  6. flood barrier. 2-level ceilings will not allow your neighbors to flood you unexpectedly. Their design is durable, and some types of canvas (PVC film) are able to withstand large volumes of liquid.

Ceilings can be used in almost any room

Design of 2-level ceilings

Before you become the owner of such beauty, you need to choose how your future 2-level ceilings will look like. The frame of the canvas and the material of its execution will depend on this.

The ceiling itself most often consists of a supporting plasterboard structure and a stretch fabric, but sometimes all levels are made of a stretch fabric.

A typical example of a classic plasterboard ceiling

2-level stretch ceilings have the following design options for the carrier box:

  • rectangular;
  • spherical;
  • box with curved lines;
  • combined.

At the same time, it is possible to embed backlight elements in the box, which are also very diverse.

There are practically no restrictions in the decoration of the ceiling, the main thing is to observe the combination of the color palette between the decoration of the box and the stretch fabric. Moisture resistant materials will be a plus when finishing.

When finishing under a box on 2-level stretch ceilings, they most often use plaster (with the possibility of painting), wallpaper, and plastic panels.

Options for choosing a canvas for stretch ceilings:

  • The canvas is monophonic, mirrored. Due to the reflection in the mirror canvas, the volume of the room visually grows. Such canvases have a large selection of colors.
  • Satin or matte canvases (plain). Such 2-level stretch ceilings are made of fabric panels. They can be velvet, leather, suede. Their color palette is not so diverse, but they have a chic texture.
  • Mother-of-pearl, metal fabric. These canvases have a glossy surface, and visually such 2-level stretch ceilings increase the volume of the room.
  • Starry sky. In such a ceiling, a special system of LEDs, light bulbs, and fixtures is used. The brightness and color of the glow can be adjusted using the remote control.
  • Printed canvases. 2-level stretch ceilings with such canvases contain any drawing or favorite photos.

Stretch ceiling designs are completely different

Installation of 2-level stretch ceilings

Having chosen the design you like, marking the appearance of the ceiling, you can start installing it. To do this, you first need to have a working tool:

  • level;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • square;
  • putty knife;
  • clamps for canvases;
  • air heater (for PVC film).

2-level stretch ceilings, the following materials are required:

  • stretch fabric;
  • drywall;
  • metal profiles;
  • self-tapping screws, dowels;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • baguette (fixes the canvas, aluminum is best);
  • lighting elements (if required).

Ceiling installation

Before installing the ceiling, you can familiarize yourself with the diagrams and sketches.

2-level stretch ceilings are installed in the following sequence:

  1. Preparation of the old ceiling. It is cleaned of ill-fitting plaster so that it does not crumble and damage the canvas. Possible foci of fungus and mold are removed. Communications are being carried out, the foundations for lamps and lamps are being prepared.
  2. Installation of the first level, drywall boxes. We measure the line of the future box using a level, as a rule, it is 14-21 cm lower than the old ceiling. We start laying the line from the very bottom corner of the room, then we use a laser level to facilitate work.

    Frame, design for a two-level stretch ceiling

  3. Installation of the main frame. A metal frame for 2-level stretch ceilings is attached to the wall along the marked markings with dowels, with a distance of 20 cm.
  4. Installing profiles. The remaining load-bearing elements of the box are attached to the installed frame, which are fastened together with self-tapping screws. If necessary, a ledge is made for future lighting.

  5. Plasterboard sheathing. Now the future 2-level stretch ceiling can be sheathed with drywall. Its sheets are given the necessary shape, for this they can be slightly moistened with water (wet drywall bends). Then the prepared sheets are attached to the box.
  6. Primer, putty. The resulting box is primed, puttied, cleaned.
  7. Lighting. We lay and mount communications for lighting.

    We prepare the structure and all the necessary profiles for the installation of a two-level stretch ceiling

  8. Installation of the second level. First of all, we fix the baguette on the box, taking an indent from the original ceiling. The baguette is fastened with self-tapping screws with a distance of 12 cm.
  9. We put up a canvas. We cling to the baguette using fasteners in the corners.
  10. Room heating. With the help of an air heater, we heat the room up to 41 degrees. This temperature makes the fabric more pliable.

  11. Canvas installation. Using a spatula, fill the canvas in a baguette. We start to do the work from the center, with a gradual shift to the corners.

    Stretch ceiling fabric

  12. Installing the fixing plate.
  13. Lighting installation. We install fixing rings on the stretched canvas in the place of future lighting, cut out the canvas inside the ring. We connect the power to the lighting fixtures.

Your 2-level stretch ceiling is ready!

An example of a finished two-level stretch ceiling

The cost of a 2-level ceiling

So, we figured out what 2-level ceilings are, how they are installed. And now it remains to find out the most interesting, how much does this beauty cost?

It is not possible to name a specific fixed cost. Much will depend on your choice of materials, floor space and design options. We present approximate prices for the most popular 2-level stretch ceilings.

Video: How to install a 2-level stretch ceiling

How often do we dream of having 2-level stretch ceilings, photos of which are found in magazines and the Internet, but things don’t go beyond dreams, because knowledge in this matter is limited. Thanks to our article, you will receive all the necessary information and you can even make the ceilings of your dreams with your own hands.

Advantages of 2-level stretch ceilings

Let's start with the fact that 2-level stretch ceilings are a complex ceiling structure, in which there is not only a stretch fabric with a baguette, but also a spatial frame with plasterboard sheathing. The difference in the levels of the stretch ceiling can be any, the shape and dimensions of the drywall box as well. As a stretch ceiling, both fabric satin or matte canvases, as well as PVC film canvases, can be used. The proposed photos show that the design of 2-level stretch ceilings can be the most diverse, it all depends on the style of the room and your wishes.

In the photo there are 2-level stretch ceilings in the bathroom and in the kitchen

2-level stretch ceilings have a lot of advantages that favorably distinguish them from other ceiling structures. The advantages of such systems include the following:

  1. High aesthetic qualities. Perhaps the most beautiful stretch ceiling is a two-level design using stretch fabrics.
  2. Unlimited design possibilities. If you look at the photo, you can see that the configuration, color, texture, style of such ceilings can be very different. Almost unlimited combinations of colors and textures of surfaces create a favorable field for the work of designers.
  3. Thanks to two-level stretch ceilings, it is easy to perform functional zoning of the room.
  4. Such 2-level stretch ceilings can be used in any room (kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms, offices). They are appropriate in offices, housing, public institutions. The only exceptions are rooms with height restrictions. As you can see in the photo, different types of ceilings fit a certain style of the room.
  5. Using 2-level stretch ceilings, you can hide any communications, even the most cumbersome ones, because the dimensions and shape of the plasterboard box can be adjusted to the required dimensions of communications.
  6. Any stretch ceiling systems guarantee you protection from flooding by neighbors from above, and 2-level stretch ceilings are no exception. True, flood protection will not be 100%, because a drywall box will not hold back water, but a stretch fabric made of pvc film, not made of fabric, which occupies most of the structure, can easily hold large volumes of water.

The choice of design 2-level ceilings

How to perform 2-level stretch ceilings, we will learn further. The first and most important thing to do before starting installation is to decide on the appearance, style and design of the future ceiling. Only after that it is possible to think over its constructive solution.

As you already understood, 2-level stretch ceilings consist of two structural elements:

  • plasterboard box;
  • stretch fabric.

Although it is not uncommon for a ceiling in which both levels are made of stretch fabric.

If we talk about the design of each of them, then the box can be of any shape:

  • traditional rectangular;
  • curved;
  • round;
  • mixed.

In the photo there are 2-level stretch ceilings in the office

In this case, the box can be with a niche for backlighting or without it. We'll talk more about backlighting later. As for the finishing of plasterboard structures, it can be anything, the main thing is to maintain harmony between the tension surface and the finish of the box. In addition, it is worth considering the features of the room, if wet processes take place there, then it is better to use a moisture-resistant finish. So, as a box finish, they most often use:

  • plaster with subsequent painting;
  • wallpapering;
  • sheathing with plastic panels.

Performing 2-level stretch ceilings (see photo), use the following fabric or film sheets:

  1. Monochromatic glossy panels. They are distinguished by a rich assortment of colors. The mirror surface of glossy panels visually increases the height of the room, adds space to it, especially if used. The use of two colors is carried out if they want to get a two-level ceiling with the possibility of zoning the room.
  2. Plain satin or matte canvases, such as Cerutti. Such ceilings are made using fabric panels. Their colors are not as varied and bright as those of gloss, but they are rich in textures. Leather, suede, velvet or stone ceilings - all this is the merit of fabric canvases.
  3. Ceilings with mother-of-pearl shades or the effect of a metal surface. Such unique ceilings are made using glossy panels, although if you take satin ceilings, they themselves have a slightly pearly hue that changes depending on the lighting.
  4. Ceilings "starry sky". Thanks to the use of special lighting, it is possible to obtain such wonderful 2-level stretch ceilings (see photo below). To obtain a star glow on the ceiling, different lighting devices can be used: LED strips, crystal lamps, fiber optic filaments. The glow can be one-color or multi-colored, adjustable using the control panel.
  5. 2-level stretch ceilings with photos or images printed on them. Thanks to large-format printing technologies and the use of special solvent inks, it is possible to apply any image on stretch ceilings. Special processing of images on the computer allows you to perform 3-D photo printing on the ceiling. A picture in the form of a three-dimensional image will enliven the ceiling, give the room space and depth.

As you can see, a wide range of colors, materials, textures and patterns allows you to create ceilings that are unique in their beauty. Thanks to this, you can create a 2-level stretch ceiling that suits your interior.

2-level stretch ceilings (photo): installation procedure

After looking at the photos of designer interiors and having decided on the appearance of the future ceiling, we can proceed to consider the most important question, how 2-level stretch ceilings are made. But first, let's prepare the necessary tools and materials. So, you will need the following tools:

  • building and laser level;
  • roulette;
  • pencil, square;
  • cutter;
  • drill with a perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • spatula with rounded corners;
  • needle roller (if the curvilinear shape of the box is assumed);
  • clamps for stretch fabrics;
  • heat gun (if a PVC film sheet will be used).

To make 2-level stretch ceilings with lighting, as in the photo, you will need the following materials:

  1. drywall;
  2. CD and UD profiles;
  3. self-tapping screws for metal;
  4. dowels;
  5. putty for plasterboard (finishing and starting);
  6. primer for GKL;
  7. tension fabric (pre-ordered from a specialized company);
  8. baguette for fixing the canvas;
  9. LED Strip Light;
  10. power unit.

Ceiling installation

We begin to mount 2-level stretch ceilings. Work must be carried out in this order:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the base ceiling. To do this, remove the crumbling plaster from it so that it does not damage the stretch fabric when it falls. Then, if there are places affected by the fungus, we treat them with antiseptic compounds. Laying electrical wiring for future fixtures. If required, we arrange special platforms for the installation of lighting fixtures.
  2. Now we carry out the fastening of the lower level, that is, the installation of the frame of the drywall box. To do this, from the lowest corner in the room, we set aside the distance by which our box will fall. Usually it is 15-20 cm. Then, from the obtained point, using a laser level, we make a breakdown of the frame attachment lines on the walls.
  3. To the lines marked on the wall, we attach the guide aluminum profiles of the frame. To do this, we drill holes in the walls in increments of 20 cm, hammer dowels there. We fasten the profiles with self-tapping screws in the dowels.

  1. After that, we install vertical and transverse mounting profiles. At the same time, do not forget to make a ledge in the lower plane of the frame for arranging a niche for cornice lighting (see photo). We fasten the profiles together with metal screws.

  1. Now we sheathe our frame with drywall sheets. Sheets are cut with a cutter. If it is necessary to make a curved section of the box, we prepare a strip of drywall. To do this, we go through one side of it several times with a needle roller. Then we wet the sheet with water and wait for a while. The softened sheet bends easily in an arc and does not break. Attach it to the frame.
  2. After the drywall box for 2-level stretch ceilings is ready, we prime its surface. Then we putty and clean it.
  3. We put the LED strip in the niche of the box, connect it to the power supply.
  4. Now they are installing the second level of ceilings. First of all, we mount the baguette with the chosen method of fastening on the vertical part of the box, stepping back from the base ceiling the required distance. It is better to choose an aluminum baguette, it is stronger. For pvc canvases, a baguette with harpoon fasteners is suitable. The step of self-tapping screws for fastening a baguette is 10-15 cm.
  5. We hang the canvas on clips to the baguette at the corners of the ceiling.
  6. Warm up the heat gun. When the air in the room warms up to 40 degrees, the canvas will become elastic. Let's start installing it.
  7. We begin to fill the canvas in a baguette with a spatula. We move from the center of the wall to the corners.
  8. After tensioning the canvas, we install a fixing bar on the baguette.
  9. We carry out installation of lamps. To do this, we attach a fixing ring to the canvas at the place of the intended installation of the lighting fixture. We cut the film inside the ring along its contour. We attach a light source to the platforms on the ceiling and connect it.
  10. Our 2-level stretch ceilings, as in the photo, are ready!

A useful video on the installation of 2-level stretch ceilings will dispel all your last doubts:

As you can see, it is quite easy to make 2-level stretch ceilings with your own hands. As for design issues and, then numerous photos from our article will help you.