Warm or merino. Merino wool: what is it, properties, what is it made of? Thermal underwear from merino

A special breed of sheep - merino sheep - has an interesting history. Spanish pastoralists bred this breed in the distant 13th century and kept it for five centuries, not allowing breeding in other places. Their export was even punishable by death. In the 18th century. Spain lost its power and was defeated by the British. Only then were they able to export several sheep to other European countries, as well as to Australia, which today is the largest producer of merino wool.

  • A large amount of fleece obtained by shearing 1 sheep. Compared to other wool breeds, 1 merino replaces 2 - 3 sheep.
  • Special properties of the rune: density and fineness.
  • Unpretentiousness and endurance.

Reference! In recent decades, a breed of merino has been grown, which has not only warm wool, but also dietary meat.

Why merino wool is considered elite

The main advantage of merino wool is their unique wool.

Features and quality characteristics

Fine-wooled... Sheep of this breed have very fine wool. Even a human hair is several times thicker than it, and the thickness of an ordinary sheep's fiber is twice that of a merino.

Reference! 1 kg of wool is used for the production of a large number of threads (1 kg - 600 km).

Therefore, among other fine-wool breeds, merino have an advantage.

Heat retention combined with hygroscopicity. The touch of fine merino wool creates a pleasant experience. Among its qualities are smoothness, silkiness and tenderness. At the same time, wool fibers do not absorb sweat odor, which makes them high quality.

Properties of the resulting fabric. The fabric, obtained from merino yarn, warms well, keeping the warmth of the human body. Such fabric is noticeably distinguished by its elasticity (5 times more elastic than cotton thread). At the same time, it is distinguished by softness (three times softer than natural), subtlety, and clothes made of such fabric do not look bulky, but stylish and elegant.

Advantages of merino wool

Thermal insulation. Elite fiber manages to create comfort in cold weather, they retain heat well. And at high temperatures, they are just as effective protection against heat.

Reference! Due to its high thermal insulation properties, merino fibers are considered one of the best fillers for blankets.

Hygroscopicity. Products made from elite sheep fibers absorb moisture well, keeping the skin dry, which makes it possible to use such bedding at any time of the year.

The ability to repel odors. Merino yarn has an important quality - it does not absorb odors, so products made from it do not retain the smell of sweat.

Resistant to dirt. The structure of merino fibers has curls that look like springs and have their properties. Therefore, dirt does not penetrate into the fibers, but remains on the surface and is easily shaken off.

Hygiene, antibacterial and environmental friendliness. The biological nature of fibers gives them valuable capabilities. They contain a special substance - creatine, which can prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and microorganisms. Fibers and insects are not afraid: they are frightened off by a natural repellent that appears on the surface.

Beneficial effects of merino wool on human health

Merino yarn and products made from it are hypoallergenic, do not cause irritation and can be used even for newborns. It can also be used by people suffering from bronchial asthma. In addition, the fibers, on the surface of which the animal wax lanolin is formed, have healing agents. Combined with the dry heat they create, the healing effect is enhanced.

Diseases for which merino products are especially useful:

  • colds and lung diseases (bronchitis, cough);
  • arthritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • back pain.

Reference! Without a cover, a merino blanket is able to perform micromassage of the back and other parts of the body, and it also does not prick.

The relaxing effect of merino wool is also known, which has a calming effect on humans.

The difference between merino wool and other animals (alpaca and cashmere)

Wool is not only cut from elite sheep. Also popular are alpaca - the fibers of an animal resembling a llama, as well as cashmere, which is obtained from goats living in the Indian province of Kashmir. Merino wool has a number of predominant differences from these types of wool.

Practical and durable. Merino yarn, unlike alpaca and cashmere, is more practical and easy to care for, does not require particularly careful handling during washing. Another difference is its durability and wear resistance.

Medicinal properties. Of different types of wool, merino has the highest hypoallergenic and antibacterial properties. It has no contraindications, on the contrary, it is used along with other therapeutic agents.

Color spectrum. Due to the fact that merino fibers are susceptible to any dyes, the produced yarns have different color shades.

Practical uses of merino wool

What is the merino fleece used for?

The properties of the fibers allow the use of merino textiles both for home textiles (blankets, blankets, pillows) and for outerwear, hats, as well as underwear for adults and children, starting from birth.

Sets for newborns, thermal underwear for children and adults, socks, gloves, hats, jumpers, vests, cardigans and merino sweaters are in demand due to the optimal combination of quality and elegance, fashion and comfort.

Who is recommended to wear merino wool

It is useful for everyone to have things of their merino in their wardrobe. They will reliably protect you from the cold and at the same time will allow you to look stylish and fashionable.

The use of elite wool is especially useful for such categories of consumers:

Children. If a child, starting from infancy, comes into contact with healing fibers, he becomes less susceptible to viruses and infections. You don't have to worry that a baby dressed in such things will overheat, and then get cold from a light breeze. This will not happen with merino clothing: clothing and heat transfer will create a comfortable atmosphere conducive to maintaining and strengthening health.

People with certain medical conditions. The healing properties make merino wool clothes necessary for articular, pulmonary and orthopedic diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The cost of merino yarn and merino wool products

Elite wool, which is highly valued in the world, comes to customers in the form of skeins of yarn for knitting original items, as well as in the form of ready-made items.

Reference! The cost of products and yarn depends on the country of origin. High-quality goods made in Russia are more democratic: their cost does not include delivery charges and customs duties.

Product price:

  • Yarn - from 200 rubles. (skein 50 g) up to 750 rubles.
  • Blankets - from 2500 to 15000 rubles.
  • Sweaters - from 4000 to 8000 rubles.
  • Thermal underwear, children's clothing - from 2000 to 4500 rubles.

Merino wool does not depend on time: comfort, coziness and practicality are always appreciated.

Merino is a breed of sheep that is primarily found in Australia. Their wool is prized for its high quality. The size of the animal is slightly smaller than that of an ordinary domestic sheep, but the main value of the merino is its wool.

Wool qualities

The length of the fiber is approximately 65-100 mm, the width is 24 microns (μm). There are several varieties of the merino breed. The yarn obtained from these sheep also varies:

  • wide or strong: its length is 23-24.5 microns;
  • medium or medium: length 19.6-22.9 microns;
  • fine or fine: about 18.6-19.5 microns;
  • very thin or superfine: 15-18.5 microns in length;
  • superfine or ultrafine: 11.5-15 microns.

Key Features

Let's list the main characteristics of merino wool:

  1. Super-fine wool is the most expensive, as the number of merino sheep is very limited.
  2. This type of yarn is perfect for weaving with several strands - in combination with cashmere, silk. By the way, manufacturers have invented a technology (it is very popular in New Zealand), thanks to which, as a result of production, super lightweight knitwear is obtained. For this, merino wool + opossum yarn are mixed.
  3. Wool has increased hypoallergenicity, it perfectly removes moisture from the body. Due to the air particles that are between the fibers, the yarn has a high thermal effect.
  4. The hygroscopicity of merino yarn is 30% of its own weight, after reaching this mark, the thread continues to wick excess moisture away from the skin, leaving the body dry. This diversion prevents the growth of bacteria and pathogenic organisms, which is excellent for skin with a high sensitivity threshold, as well as for children with skin diseases or allergic reactions.
  5. A distinctive quality that a merino has - its yarn is dirt-repellent to some extent. The fibers are so resilient that dirt does not stick to them. In order to clean the product, you just need to shake it.
  6. Wool has the ability to protect against unpleasant odors. Due to the special structure of the fibers, an environment unfavorable for the growth of bacteria is created inside, which prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the disadvantages, it can only be noted that natural merino wool is white, and threads of a different shade with 100% content of only merino wool simply do not exist. Accordingly, in order to obtain a different shade, the wool is dyed or other fibers are added. However, impurities from other threads only impair the quality of the yarn.

Another, rather a feature than a disadvantage, is that thick merino yarn is difficult to work with. The diameter of the fibers can be about 2 cm, which gives an additional load on the hands of the needlewoman and obliges the use of special working tools, since simple knitting needles are not suitable for work.

If you look in more detail, the thickest strands of wool are not yarn, but raw materials for its manufacture. If you look closely, this is a large number of hairs of wool, combed and laid parallel to each other by the factory method. This raw material is called tops (combed tape) and is similar in structure to cotton wool. In work, it behaves accordingly - it pushes, tears, stretches, wallows. Tops products are torn, do not keep their shape. In addition, untreated wool is not ready for direct contact with the skin, as it is not completely cleaned.

Large yarn, which contains 100% merino, is fibers, manually twisted into bundles, about 1-2 cm thick. This yarn already behaves completely differently during work, but it is still not fully prepared.

Yarn for work

Spun and processed yarns are heat-treated fibers that are completely ready to use. The fabric knitted from such wool does not fluff, tear or disintegrate. The fibers are resilient, keep warm well and remove moisture.

The thickness of the filaments can be from 5 mm to 2 cm in diameter. This yarn can be used to knit both delicate things - sweaters, sweaters, cardigans, and fashion accessories - blankets, bags, hats, scarves.

Care features

Merino wool produces very delicate yarns. When washing, the product must not be left in water for a long time. It is also not recommended to twist or wring things out of this yarn. Only light hand spin is allowed. For drying, the product is laid out on a flat surface. If it seems that the shape has been lost, then it is necessary to give the thing the parameters that were before washing. After drying, the yarn will regain its former elasticity and softness, and the product will return to its shape.

Non-spun wool cannot be washed as it is processed afterwards. After dry cleaning, things take on a different look and do not return to their previous appearance. This wool should only be used for garments that are not intended to be washed.

The wool produced by the merino yarn is perfect - high quality, warm, soft, delicate. It is quite difficult to adapt to such threads in work, but the result will be worth it. Products made from such yarn look unusual and perfectly emphasize the taste of their owner.

Merino wool is obtained from a special breed of fine-wool sheep. The name of the breed is derived from the Spanish word "merino". The largest population of this breed is in Australia.

The breed is of Spanish origin and its history dates back to the 12th century. Until the 18th century, the export of merino sheep from Spain was punishable by death. Only in 1723, several sheep were first exported outside the country.

In Russia, merino dogs appeared much later, and their breeding began only in the 19th century. Then several types of merino were bred: electoral, infantado, negretti, rambouille. These breeds were brought from other countries. And local sheep breeders bred such breeds as Russian Infantado, Mazayevsky and New Caucasian merino.

Characteristics of merino wool

The climate of Australia is unique, which favorably affects the quality of the merino wool bred on this continent.

Australian merino wool is distinguished by high quality combed wool, the fiber thickness of which is only 15-25 microns. Despite such a small indicator of thread thickness, this wool is particularly durable. In addition, it has a number of unique properties.

Firstly, merino wool is hygroscopic, that is, it has high moisture absorption. It is able to absorb so much moisture that its amount will be 30% of its own weight. At the same time, a merino wool product not only remains dry, but also continues to warm its owner.

Secondly, merino wool is surprisingly dirt-resistant. The structure of the fiber is so springy that it repels foreign substances and is cleaned with an elementary shaking.

Thirdly, the merino wool is incredibly warm. This is due to the fact that in structure it is twisted fibers, between which an air space is formed.

In addition, merino wool has the ability to build up protection against unpleasant odors. The creatine contained in its fibers has a destructive effect on bacteria, and in addition creates an unfavorable environment for the survival of microscopic insects and bacteria.

Merino wool types

Merino wool is usually distinguished by the thickness of the fiber. The cost of raw materials also varies from this indicator.

The thinnest merino thread is called “summer” and is marked as “Golden Bale”, which means “golden bale”. This is the most elite type of filament, its thickness is only 14.5-16 microns.

In second place is the wool of the line "Extra Fine", the so-called "graceful". It is also extra thin, but its thickness is 16-17 microns.

Closes the line with wool of the "Super Fine" brand, that is, the "thinnest" - its thickness is 18-19 microns.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Knitwear is always fashionable and popular; manufacturers offer products from different types of yarn. Viscose, lavsan, polyester - products made of it are affordable. Will faux-yarn sweaters replace natural ones? No, especially when it comes to valuable and expensive raw materials that sheep give us. Merino wool is a unique yarn, large and small knitwear is made from it, and not thick clumsy sweaters, but merino products are airy, comfortable and very warm.

What is merino wool

Merino is a special breed of sheep bred in Spain. It is distinguished from others by the properties of wool - thin and long fibers perfectly retain heat and protect against high humidity. Initially, the breed was cultivated in Spain, from where it was forbidden to export the merinillo. They later became one of the Spanish war trophies of the British, who successfully adapted the breed to wetter and cooler climates. Australia has achieved success in breeding an elite breed of sheep. Today it is the undisputed leader in the production of merino yarns.

The cost of merino yarn is high, but there are prerequisites for this:

  • wool has perfect thermal insulation;
  • hypoallergenic, recommended for children of any age;
  • easily cleaned of dirt, does not absorb foreign odors;
  • absorbs up to 30% moisture;
  • useful for arthritis, osteochondrosis;
  • looks expensive, wears a long time and never goes out of style.

Merino wool yarn

"Merino" is popular among lovers of felting and knitting. Thread thickness is approximately 20-22.5 microns for machine knitting and 28-30 microns for hand knitting. It is not very expensive to buy thick merino yarn. ExtraFine and SuperFine, "Summer wool" (thickness from 14 to 18 microns) are considered elite yarns, from which they make airy and warm shawls, summer knitwear, capes. Such a thread is much more expensive, but appreciated by professionals. Acrylic or polyester additives are allowed, but not more than 5%.

Price - 450 rubles. for a skein

  • easy;
  • warm;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • suitable for openwork products;
  • ideal for baby clothes.
  • if dried incorrectly, the product may lose its shape and elasticity.

Yarn Lana Grossa Cashmere 16 Fine, composition: 80% merino wool; 10% cashmere; 10% polyamide, made in Italy.

Lana Grossa Lace Merino Degrade yarn - 100% merino yarn, Made in Italy:

Price - 535 rubles. for a skein

  • easy;
  • warm;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • suitable for coats, shawls, scarves;
  • looks unusual and creates a volume of the product
  • not suitable for machine washing;
  • high price;
  • due to the presence of polyamide in the composition, it may slightly electrify.

Yarn Lang Yarns Donegal composition 100% merino wool, manufacturer Switzerland

Price - 745 rubles. for a skein

  • warm;
  • hygroscopic;
  • unusual tweed colors;
  • outerwear, suits, pullovers, jackets are knitted from it.
  • not suitable for machine washing;
  • high price;
  • high consumption of yarn per product.

Merino wool products

Merino yarn has been used for hand and machine knitting since Soviet times. Women knit scarves, hats, sweaters, shawls, even coats and suits. Products made from thick yarn are especially popular - these are bulky scarves, sweaters, capes. Especially popular are handmade blankets made of bulky threads, Russian and foreign production. Any thing from a merino fleece has unique properties of yarn:

  • hygroscopicity;
  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • ease of wear;
  • self-cleaning;
  • lack of allergens.


Merino wool blankets belong to the elite category of home knitwear. Classic - thin and very warm blankets from manufacturers from Germany and Sweden. New - hand-knitted blankets made of thick (about 5 cm in diameter) yarn. Super-large knit looks original and will decorate any interior. This is a great housewarming gift.

Plaid Flaum Ditta, composition 100% Australian merino

Price - 13857 rubles.

  • lightweight, weighs 700g .;
  • unusual ethnic design;
  • only hand wash with special products;
  • high price;

Woolie, coarse knit, composition 100% thick New Zealand merino yarn, manufacturer Moscow, Russia.

Price RUB 14,900

  • fluffy and warm;
  • handcrafted;
  • looks impressive.
  • many fakes, buy only from dealers;
  • high price;
  • hand washed, stretched dry on the floor.

Thermal underwear

Merino thermal underwear is highly valued for its hygroscopicity and ability to keep warm. It is put on the naked body and protects from overheating. Composition - merino wool and synthetic additives, which improve the quality of the product and extend the service life. In addition to standard sets (underpants and T-shirts), comforters, shorts and socks are produced.

Men's thermal T-shirt for hunting and fishing two-layer underwear of the Hunter series: 47% thermolight, 50% Australian merino, 3% lycra. Manufacturer - Norveg, Germany

Price - 3576 rubles.

  • wide range of temperatures for wearing;
  • the ability to absorb sweat and wick it away from the skin;
  • special fabric in 2 layers.
  • washing only with a special detergent;
  • high price.

Thermal underwear WOOLPOWER, made in Sweden. Composition 80% - merino, 10% polyamide.

Price: 3950 rub.

  • hypoallergenic;
  • can be worn on a naked body;
  • absorb moisture.
  • special care;


Jerseys made from 100% merino are not only warm but also beautiful. Sweaters and cardigans from Scandinavia and Italy are traditionally valued, it has one drawback - the high price. More democratic chain brands H&M, Uniclo offer a choice for every day, but not as high quality. Separately, we note children's merino clothing, these are chic products for any age.

Haukeli - composition 100% merino wool, manufacturer Norway

Price: 17600 rub.

  • warm;
  • soft;
  • long worn ..
  • special care;
  • high price;

Children's knitted sweater red Merri Merrini. Composition 100% merino, manufacturer - Great Britain.

Price RUB 4650

  • hypoallergenic.
  • absorbs moisture;
  • does not get dirty
  • special care;
  • high price;


Can a 2cm thick blanket keep you warm on a winter evening? Yes, if it's a merino blanket. Baby blankets, lorries and quilts will keep you warm and keep you warm. Russian products are not inferior to foreign ones and win in price, you should not discount them.

Nature "s Golden merino all-season wool. Manufacturer - Russia. Composition of the filler 100% merino wool.

Price - 3688 rubles.

  • suitable for any season;
  • light and warm;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • does not get dirty.
  • special care;
  • high price;
  • there is a slight smell of sheep's wool

Flaum Merino winter blanket, manufacturer Merino Wool, composition of merino thread - 80%, polylactide - 20%.

Price - 10500 rubles

  • warm blanket for the winter
  • does not cause allergies;
  • excellent thermoregulation
  • special care;
  • high price;

How to choose merino wool

Before purchasing any product made from merino wool, it is worth remembering that this yarn is one of the most expensive. Do not believe crazy promotions and profitable sales - many are trying to sell a fake. When buying, you should adhere to several rules:

  • touch - natural wool without pills, soft and does not creak;
  • throw on yourself - things made of merino wool are light and warm;
  • to smell - a specific smell cannot be confused with anything;
  • set fire to a thread - only when buying yarn in skeins, because no one will give you a blanket or blanket when selling.

The material from which our clothes are made can be not only comfortable and beautiful, the hero of our article, for example, knows how to heal. Merino is a unique wool of sheep of the same breed; no other raw material in the world has similar properties.


Merino wool - what is it? The material has a rich and very interesting history. The breed of sheep "Merino" was bred in Spain in the 13th century, and the Spaniards for five centuries did not allow the breeding of such sheep in other places, and this rule was so strict that its violation was punishable by death.

But, unfortunately for the Spaniards and fortunately for the rest of the world, after this country lost the war to Britain in the 18th century, several animals were still taken out. The British began to massively breed merino in Australia and New Zealand (these countries then had the status of British colonies).

However, even now it is New Zealand and Australia that are the main suppliers of merino wool in the world. The material is considered elite and many people know the answer to the question "100% merino - which animal is wool?"

Read more about this fiber from another animal.


What is merino wool and why is it so good? Sheep of this breed are distinguished by an incredibly thin fleece. For comparison, human hair is several times thicker. The result is a material that is incredibly thin, delicate and smooth. It is several times softer than natural silk and five times more elastic than cotton.

You can see what it is - a merino - in our selection of photos.


It is unlikely that you will find negative qualities in this natural sheep wool, but it has a lot of advantages.


Depending on the place on the animal from which the fleece was taken, on the age of the sheep and other important factors, several types of material are distinguished:

  • Extrafine
  • Virginia
  • Geelong and Super Geelong
  • Luster
  • Cashwall

Merino Extrafine, what it is, as well as a description of other species:

Extrafine merino wool, what is it? In this case, we are talking about premium material, by no means cheap, but very high quality. Fleece for this fabric is sheared only from Australian sheep, but this is far from the most important condition. The wool is sheared only from the withers of the lambs, which is why it is so delicate, soft and snow-white. In addition, woolen yarn undergoes an additional SUPERWASH treatment, which makes knitting and subsequent care of the finished product easier.

What is “extrafine” merino in translation? The name, if translated into Russian, sounds like "very thin". And this is so, because the thickness of the rune for this type of matter cannot exceed 15 microns.


This variety got its name, since the weaving fleece is sheared only from lambs raised in the Australian city of Geelong. A distinctive feature of this fiber is its softness and lack of shine.


Fiber that undergoes a special treatment, as a result of which it does not prick or fall off when worn