Apartment renovation as a business: pros and cons. How to open an apartment renovation company: in detail

The market for renovation and design services is extremely saturated. Licensed companies that have the right to carry out this type of activity are faced with competition from numerous teams of coven workers, the cost of whose services are usually low, but the quality of their work is at the same level. The demand for construction services is stable, which means this business is profitable. Not everyone knows how to open an apartment renovation company, but there are many who want to start this one. And it’s not surprising: with a competent approach, this type of activity will bring considerable income.

Where to begin?

First of all, you need to decide on the right form of activity. There are two options here: if you plan to work mainly on your own or with a small number of assistants, then it would be wiser to register as an individual entrepreneur. If your plans are large-scale and your goal is to cover as wide a spectrum of the market as possible, then it is recommended to register as an LLC (limited liability company). This will make it possible to work with legal entities: conclude contracts and make payments both in cash and non-cash.

Next, you will need to take care of obtaining a license to perform repair and finishing work. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities" in the section "Finishing Works" the following list is indicated:

  • plastering and molding works;
  • decorative and finishing;
  • glass works;
  • facing;
  • installation of suspended (stretch) ceilings, panels and slabs with front finishing.

The license can be obtained for a period of 2 months and 5 years. This is not a difficult matter, you just need to collect the entire package of necessary documents. Large customers prefer to work with licensed companies, as this indicates their reliability and seriousness of intention to stay in business for a long time. As of October 2013, the cost of a license for the simplest type of finishing work (plastering) is 1,300 rubles. Another 1500 thousand rubles. you need to pay for a consultation with a specialist who will explain what documents you will need to provide and when to expect to receive permission to carry out the work. As the list of services provided increases, the cost of the license also increases.

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Search for personnel and formation of teams

In the early stages of establishing a company, you can get by with a minimum number of specialists. Just four are enough: plasterer, electrician, plumber, carpenter. It is highly desirable that half of them have higher education. The fact is that a mandatory condition for obtaining a license is the presence of such specialists on the company’s staff, and their number must be at least 50% of all company employees. There are also certain requirements for the qualifications of workers. If he is a young specialist, and no more than 3 years have passed since he graduated from university, then he does not need to confirm his qualifications. In all other cases, you will have to take courses to improve it.

In relation to the members of your team, you need to be a demanding, but at the same time democratic leader. It is considered bad manners to withhold money or skimp on workers' salaries. It should be understood that such an attitude will not give the company good reputation. And rumors about a dishonest manager spread quickly, and soon you may find yourself faced with the fact that only mediocrities and unprofessionals agree to work for you. A good specialist will not come to work for such a company. Therefore, from the very beginning, it is important to develop the right policy in relation to those who work for you, and to fulfill all promises regarding the payment of earned money.

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How to look for clients

The most effective way to find someone who needs repairs is to post advertisements directly at the entrances of residential buildings. It needs to be done regularly, as these pieces of paper tend to disappear quickly. To prevent the company from having any claims from housing and communal services companies, recently it has become possible to enter into agreements with them to place advertisements on special notice boards that are located at each entrance. The amount needed to pay for the permit will be small, but it will save a lot of nerves.

Another effective way to find clients is to rent advertising posters in public transport. This method of attracting people interested in home renovation services has two goals at once: finding a client and advertising your company. Over time, the name of the company will be remembered, and it will gain some fame. But you can’t rely only on apartment owners. There are many businesses and institutions that need cosmetic or major renovations. It makes sense to pay attention to schools, kindergartens, canteens, shops, offices. It will be more relevant to leave booklets and business cards there.

Apartment renovation is a popular industry, so income can be obtained at the very beginning. Where to start an apartment renovation business? First of all, a detailed business plan is developed.

Attractiveness of projects

Newbies in business often experiment with approaches to business. This involves researching the benefits of the chosen industry. Apartment renovation includes several significant advantages:

  • The initial capital for promoting activities is kept to a minimum.
  • Savings on the tax system.
  • Independent development of a repair plan.

The specifics of the work are based on the ideas of the business owner. The main thing is to consider all the pros and cons. There is considerable competition in this area; here an entrepreneur must correctly distribute his capabilities.

Important: business efficiency depends on the goals set and the correct organizational methodology.

Design issues

The activity takes place legally. Official registration will confirm the competence of the enterprise. There are several forms:

  • An individual entrepreneur runs a business independently and operates under a simplified taxation system. This type of activity involves a small staff and minimal investment.
  • Registration of a limited liability company provides for a large sector of activity. The company works not only with the population, but also cooperates with large companies and factories. This form of business is due to the small initial capital.

The provision of apartment renovation services is subject to the receipt of specific permits (license). A large number of companies operate without this document. If you want to earn a good reputation among clients, you should obtain the necessary certificates and receipts. A full license is valid for 5 years. You contact the government service and register. Several types of services are licensed separately:

  • Glazing.
  • Decoration.
  • Stucco molding and plastering.
  • Facing.
  • Installation of tiles and panels.

You should start a diversified business - provide services for various types of repair work.

Studying types of services

Where to start an apartment renovation business? First of all, a beginner in this field must take into account the experience factor. If you are not a repair specialist, you should analyze and study the types of services. This will ensure the correct recruitment in the future:

  • Cosmetic repair work.
  • Reconstruction of economy class apartments.
  • Renovation of business class apartments.
  • Working with luxury rooms.

Given the variety of repair services, you need to turn to specialists. These are workers who have different skill levels. If you plan to open a small business, hiring experienced specialists is not necessary. It is enough to recruit staff who can handle the renovation of economy class apartments.

Advice: the initial stage of business for beginners involves narrow specialization. This will ensure constant income and a stable flow of clients. It is not recommended to take on high-paying projects right away.

Finishing and repair work plan

Before opening a business, you should rent office space. This will allow us to receive customers and advise on the future repair plan. The next stage is the purchase (rent) of the necessary tools:

  • Set of keys and screwdrivers.
  • Hammer.
  • Spatulas of different sizes.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Roller.
  • Set of construction brushes.
  • Hammer.
  • Ladder.
  • Industrial dryer.
  • Protective headgear.

This list is incomplete; the remaining materials are purchased after the project is approved for the team.

Important: the purchase of a tool is carried out in accordance with the relevant standards. The quality of future repairs depends on good equipment and materials.

The apartment renovation plan is drawn up according to the customer’s requirements. You need to take care to carefully study the actions of employees:

  • Calculation of materials.
  • Measuring apartment area.
  • Costs for treating walls, ceilings, and floors.
  • Checking communications.
  • Developing a plan for completing tasks.

Types of repairs are made based on complexity, so pay close attention to every detail.

Sales optimization

Starting a company depends on a quality marketing plan. This will provide a large flow of customers and expand the entrepreneur’s opportunities in the repair services market. You work to achieve a leadership position. You need to stand out from the crowd. This approach involves learning the secrets of advertising:

  • We sell ourselves moderately - this means that you are focused on a positive result for the client. The cost of services should not exceed accepted standards.
  • Organizing an advertising campaign includes distributing price lists with types of services, advertising on the Internet, and creating a company website.
  • Providing information “directly” - posting advertisements on the doors of apartment buildings

Advice: you can avoid misunderstandings with utility services if you get permission to post notices on their boards.

Communications with other companies will ensure rapid career growth in the repair field. This business requires attention, so you shouldn’t skimp on advertising.

Initial capital

Before starting a interior decoration business, you should calculate the costs. Investments in workers' salaries are taken into account separately (preference is given to piecework payment for work). Spending plan:

  • Rental of premises – 50,000 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of inventory – 60,00 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising – 30,000 thousand rubles.
  • Salary to workers – 25,000 thousand rubles.
  • Registration of activities – 15,000 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses – 10,000 thousand rubles.

You can open a company with an amount starting from 300,000 thousand rubles.

Eliminating risks

Opening an apartment renovation company means drawing up a specific risk plan. The following secrets for removing negative situations will help maintain the liquidity of the company:

  • Difference of opinions regarding repairs with the customer. Situations arise when a client wants to save money and asks you to change the repair plan. In this case, if you are 100% sure that the company's strategy is successful, you can argue with the customer. The conflict is resolved through communication and consultation: explain to the client the possible losses when implementing his ideas.
  • Purchasing low-quality materials. The optimal solution is to formalize an agreement with a construction company and purchase inventory and parts only from trusted suppliers.
  • Completion of work within the deadlines set by the customer. This is the standard. If you do not have time to complete the repair (late delivery of equipment, careless crew), warn the client. Force majeure occurs unexpectedly, and the customer will meet you halfway.

We determine the cost of our services at the first stage, before opening a company. There are several forms of work that will immediately bring good money:

  • Dismantling the floor.
  • Visualization of apartment space.
  • Decoration of walls and ceiling.
  • Replacement of panels, baseboards, and laminate.
  • Reconstruction of window openings.
  • Troubleshooting plumbing and electrical problems.
  • Finishing of wall planes.

You can open and start your own business through consistency. Organization of apartment renovation work includes analysis of all the nuances and subtleties.

How to open an apartment renovation company: registration + 4 options for doing business + list of personnel + 4 solutions for attracting clients + financial calculations.

Capital investments in business: 330,800 rubles.
Payback period of the company: from 5 months.

How to open an apartment renovation company- The idea is good, although not new. However, to successfully enter the market, quickly gain clients and perform high-quality work, you need serious preparation.

Treat it with full responsibility!

Running this type of business without knowledge of the types of work, how to perform them, and building materials is extremely difficult!

Most likely, you already understand something about the topic of repairs, since the thought of your own business in such a difficult direction has come into your head.

Usually, people who have worked in blue-collar repair jobs, foremen, etc. come into this business.

But you need to understand that in addition to specialized knowledge, it is necessary to have an understanding of demand, that is, to conduct a market analysis.

Apartment renovations will also be required. And, of course, as experienced owners of apartment renovation companies say: “it spins and spins again.”

This article contains all the information that will help you get off to the right start.

Apartment renovation business: is it worth starting?

Let's look at the pros and cons of this business:

Relevance and market analysis

And immediately the good news is that the statistics are reassuring! Despite the crisis, housing is being purchased and built. The same statistics show that only 5% of people do repairs on their own. Others prefer to hire professionals.

Developers usually rent out apartments with bare walls or minimal finishing, which, of course, implies renovation.

And people buying a home most often include future renovations of a new home as expenses.

In addition to the renovations that are done after purchasing a home, they also carry out continuous renovations of apartments (on average once every 7-10 years). But all this is general information.

The analysis must be carried out based on the realities of the market in which you plan to work. If we are talking about large cities with a large population and constant construction, this is one thing.

A small regional center where there is no work is completely different.

Considering that the difference in the costs of starting an apartment renovation business in a big city and in the outback is small, we advise you to immediately focus on the “advanced” market.

So, when analyzing the market, pay attention to:

  • the number of the city's population and its solvency;
  • availability of primary housing under construction;
  • statistics for recent years in the field of purchase and sale (the easiest way to find such information is on the Internet resources of realtors in your region);
  • analyze competitors: their number, specialization, services provided, prices.

Detailed business plan for apartment renovation

1) Registration of an apartment renovation company

Since Soviet times, when business was banned, the habit of working “under the table” has remained. This trend is especially noticeable in the area of ​​apartment renovation.

This is also due to the fact that it is quite difficult for the tax service to monitor the provision of such services - cash simply changes hands.

The choice of organizational and legal form (individual entrepreneur or LLC) depends on whether you intend to carry out minor or major repairs.

To speed up the process, registering an apartment renovation company can be entrusted to intermediaries. Or do it yourself, which will save you several thousand rubles.

So the plan is:

2) Premises and equipment for running an apartment renovation business

You may need an office and warehouse for your business.

We suggest you consider the following options:

  • do without them - communication with clients and signing of documents can be carried out on the customer’s premises, and construction materials can be delivered to the site directly from the market;
  • negotiate with some company (perhaps one of your friends), and for a nominal fee bring your clients to them;
  • rent a small warehouse for tools and building materials, which will allow you to purchase them in bulk at better prices;
  • rent a room and use it as an office for organizing work, meetings with clients and a warehouse at the same time.

The situation with tools is approximately the same:

  • hire workers who have their own tools (and the payment for their work will be higher);
  • buy only consumables yourself: drills, crowns, etc.;
  • rent a tool (this is convenient for serious, expensive and bulky tools, such as a chipper, concrete mixer, etc.);
  • purchase everything you need.

The choice depends on your financial capabilities.

You definitely need a Gazelle car in your business. If you can’t buy it, there are options for renting or carrier services.

3) Personnel to carry out repairs

First, let's talk about you. What functions can you perform?

Usually, in a business that is starting to operate, the role of foreman, estimator, architect, designer and accountant is performed by the owner personally.

If your competence is not enough, you should think about hiring, at a minimum, a foreman.

They can be both universal, that is, perform different types of work, and specialists of a narrow profile.

Experienced businessmen advise mostly using the services of specialists. As a rule, the quality of their work is much higher and with a large number of orders it is easier to organize their work.

Hiring a staff (and this is at least 4-5 workers) and paying them a rate at first may not be profitable. Many owners of such businesses work by agreement, hiring workers for a specific facility.

While you develop a base of trusted employees, use the services of those whom your friends can recommend or read reviews.

At a minimum, specialists for your business will need:

  • dismantlers-loaders;
  • plumber;
  • electrician;
  • tiler;
  • plasterer.

4) Finding clients for a successful apartment renovation business

In a business like the apartment renovation business, advertising is a thankless task. The only 100% effective advertising is your satisfied customers.

The whole point is that people starting renovations approach the choice of workers with caution and look for them based on the recommendations of friends. So word of mouth is the best advertising.

If you have already received the object, give it your all! Provide the appropriate quality of work, commit to the agreed deadlines and, of course, do not deceive or shortchange the client.

But, nevertheless, you somehow need to develop a base. Which company promotion is better to choose?

  1. If you are focused on renovating apartments in new buildings, then flyers, booklets, and advertisements placed directly at the construction site work most effectively.
  2. It is possible to reach clients through real estate sales departments, but this will require excellent convincing skills. And be prepared to pay a kickback of 5-10% of the order.
  3. As with everything, now most people use the Internet to search for various services. So it would be useful to have a website for your company.

    But it will require serious investments in promotion, since the competition for sites like yours is great.

    There you can place a detailed price list, a list of necessary materials, services for calculating the cost and timing of apartment renovations.

  4. Consider cooperation options with housing offices, designers, companies installing metal-plastic windows, brokers, etc. Again, for a “reward.”

5) Capital investments and payback for opening an apartment renovation company

You should renovate apartments based on the decisions you made about organizing the work.

Only based on your specific costs and market prices is it possible to draw up an estimate. We can only offer you approximate figures for a general understanding.

So, we have calculated this option for an apartment renovation business: registering an individual entrepreneur in a simplified taxation system on our own, working without an office or warehouse, purchasing basic tools (we rent especially expensive ones as needed) and a car, attracting workers to a specific site without registering for a job , creating a simple website.

6) Start-up investment in an apartment renovation business

In this type of business, all regular investments (rental of tools, purchase of building materials, wages of workers, gasoline) can be made from the client’s prepayment.

7) Profit from the apartment renovation business

Let's estimate the average prices:

The cost of cosmetic repairs is 1,500 rubles/sq.m., economy class is 2,000 rubles/sq.m., luxury class is 3,000 rubles/sq.m. On average – 2,150 rubles/sq.m.

General repairs in a 2-room apartment will cost about 110,000 rubles. The number of orders per month from a regular apartment renovation company is on average 2 pieces.

And the average profitability is 30%.

Your profit is 66,000 rubles/month.

We deliberately considered not the most “rosy” option. Profits from an apartment renovation business can be much higher.

But we should not forget that without proper organization of work, it is also very easy to burn out.

So, the payback period for the business is 5 months.

The success of any business depends on the number of customers. You will learn how and where to look for clients for your business from the video:

Apartment renovation business– interesting and profitable if organized correctly. Take the time to analyze, strategize, and prepare.

By the time you conclude an agreement with a client, you should already have a clear understanding of the prices for your work, construction materials, cost estimates, professional workers ready to begin the project, contacts of tool rental companies.

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Despite financial problems, construction volumes in all cities not only do not fall, but continue to grow steadily. A person receives or buys an apartment in a new building, and this means that the premises have either minimal interior decoration or housing without it at all. Statistics show that a very small percentage of people undertake to do repairs themselves: in most cases, everyone is trying to find some proven workers.

How to make money on repair work: features and pitfalls of business

The competition among companies that are engaged in official renovation and decoration of premises is quite strong today. However, the demand for their services remains just as great, because not only apartments in new buildings need finishing or repair work. Very often, when buying housing on the secondary market, people also want to make either major repairs or minimal cosmetic finishing, based on their tastes and wishes. In addition, at least small routine repairs are necessary for any apartment every few years. So the apartment renovation niche - as a business - is very profitable and promising in the market.

Organizing the business itself requires certain preparation and knowledge, since it is always better to first study all the nuances and subtleties in order to avoid possible risks and not get burned.

You can simply be a private entrepreneur and hire teams of construction workers, but in this way you will work almost illegally, which will not allow you to develop or even increase the cost of your services. Moreover, “happy” work threatens with serious fines and other problems with government services. It is much better not to have any problems with the law, that is, to open an official company with a license to carry out certain work.

First steps or main stages of business

First of all, you will need to write a clear business plan for apartment renovation. This way you can distribute for yourself the main points that require timely completion, calculate possible expenses and income, etc.

  1. Conduct marketing research or analysis of the existing market to understand what services are in greatest demand, what is in short supply, what attracts customers from your competitors, and other important issues. Having studied the market, you can also set your price category (to begin with, it is better not to inflate the prices, because it is very important for you to develop a base. Stop at average prices, and you can increase the cost of your services after several successful projects, when they start vying with praise and inviting you) . Keep in mind that this work is still seasonal, that is, your services will be in maximum demand only at a certain time of the year (usually from spring to autumn). In winter, you will have to survive on rare orders, attracting business through special offers or promotions.
  2. Take care of the legal side of the matter by registering a company and obtaining a work permit. Decide on the financial side: how much you can invest, where you will get these funds, etc.
  3. Choose the type of repair you will specialize in. You can, of course, provide a variety of services, but at first you simply won’t have enough manpower for this, and you can’t afford to make mistakes.
  4. A small room may be needed to store building materials and equipment. If the volume of orders is still small, then there is no point in renting an additional warehouse. But it’s worth thinking about a personal truck (at least a used Gazelle). Because you simply cannot carry everything in your hands.
  5. Purchase of equipment and professional tools. Everything here will depend on the areas of your activity and the specifics of the work performed.
  6. Personnel (as in the previous paragraph).
  7. Advertising and searching for customers.

As you can see, if you decide to gain a foothold in this business seriously and for a long time, then you need to prepare significantly before starting your activity. Moreover, you are not looking for one-time jobs, but are going to build a profitable enterprise with a stable income and good prospects.

Ideally, if you yourself are a highly qualified specialist in some field. Otherwise, you will have to study on your own, since you must have a good understanding of all the intricacies of repair and finishing work: understand the entire technological process, know what tools are used during repairs and why, how this or that stage is carried out, etc. Since many clients want a full range of services, you must “keep up to date” with everything that exists in this market.

Apartment renovation business: where to start?

So that you can calmly purchase tools or equipment and look for potential clients, try to quickly register your business officially. The main point in completing the documentation will be registration with the tax office. You also need to get a license.

  1. or . The first option is simpler, but it will not give you the same opportunities as the second. In a word, if you are planning a full-scale activity with various development prospects, then it is better to register an LLC, but if for now you want to start a small business with the involvement of several assistants, then an individual entrepreneur will suffice.
  2. After issuing a tax registration certificate and registration, as well as paying state duty, select a taxation system (possible or simplified). If you are thinking of conducting non-cash transactions, you will also need to open a bank account.
  3. Think over and draw up a list of services that your company will provide. You will need to register them as types of activity (according to OKVED codes). A permit is issued for each of them. Among the most common works are: plastering, carpentry or carpentry, glass, painting, electrical installation, plumbing, flooring, wall finishing, design repairs, redevelopment of premises, etc. Remember that to obtain a license it is necessary that the employees of your company be specialists in the main declared areas, that is, they had a higher construction education and solid work experience.

It may take you several months to complete the package of necessary documents. But for the next 5 years, you will work completely calmly, without fear that the relevant authorities will come to check you. However, if regular complaints begin to be received about the quality of your work, then there is a risk of losing your license, so you must very carefully monitor how the workers work and personally check everything. Do not forget that your good name is the key to success; under no circumstances should you risk your reputation.

Organizing your own enterprise

To run a business renovating and decorating apartments, you don’t have to immediately rent or buy office space. If you still have a small company, then you can deliver materials directly from the market, purchasing them directly after the client’s order. However, if there is a lot of work, then it will be more advisable to purchase everything you need in bulk and store it in a warehouse. An office space with an administrator or dispatcher will be needed only at the stage of large business expansion, because at first (in order to save money) you can take orders yourself, and use a garage, storage room or other room to store everything you need.

As stated above, a car is something that will really be difficult to do without. If it is not possible to purchase it, then simply rent it.

What can you offer?

Before hiring employees or purchasing equipment, still decide what services you can provide to clients. The entire spectrum is divided into several main categories:

  • luxury renovation or VIP service (to carry it out you will need specialists of the highest category). You should not immediately focus on this segment, since only really rich clients can order such expensive repairs. In addition to the work of the team, the active participation of designers and architects is expected, as well as the use of the most exclusive and expensive materials;
  • Repairs that can be classified as “economy” class (maybe “business class”) are considered more accessible to all segments of the population and widespread. It is performed at a relatively inexpensive, even average price;
  • The simplest and cheapest repair option is cosmetic. During it, simple finishing work is performed (wallpapering, plastering, tiling, etc.).

It is better to focus on the “golden mean”, since it is quite difficult to predict the desires of clients. In any case, you should have the necessary minimum of various tools and special professional equipment in stock:

  • drills;
  • hammer drills;
  • levels;
  • screwdrivers;
  • spatulas;
  • screwdrivers;
  • hammers;
  • pliers;
  • brushes;
  • jigsaws, etc.

Maybe at first there is a reason to limit yourself to the minimum set, and buy more in the process, based on the wishes or orders of the client. It is most profitable to order and buy both tools and materials in bulk.

Who to hire?

A close-knit team of real specialists is an excellent guarantee of the success of your business. You need to hire different specialists to your staff who would be proficient in the main construction specialties (at least one person for each type of work): painter, plasterer, electrician, plumber, tiler, etc. To control how the work is performed and coordinate with the client will need all aspects of the repair or finishing process, another foreman will be needed, and an estimator will be needed to maintain estimates. You can simply collaborate with an architect and designer separately.

Experience shows that in this area piecework payment is considered more popular rather than fixed payment. However, you should negotiate with the workers in advance. Remember that they must have relevant qualifications, which need to be confirmed from time to time. If possible, take several young assistants and train them in the process: this way you can “educate” good specialists of your own.

If your team works quickly, harmoniously and efficiently, this will provide you with a good permanent income and an excellent reputation, which means more and more new orders. If there are a sufficient number of craftsmen, it will be possible to take on several objects at the same time, so that no one has downtime.

Search for customers and advertising campaign

Marketing research proves that in this area of ​​business all conventional means of advertising and attracting customers are ineffective. That is, many companies place advertisements about their activities in various newspapers, leaflets, printed publications, or paste them on poles and entrances of houses, but all this practically does not justify itself. Although, if you focus on new buildings, then it is quite possible to find a certain percentage of clients among residents who have just received their apartments.

You can, of course, create a website on the Internet: to some extent, such advertising has become more effective recently. Also a very good step to promote your activities would be a portfolio with examples of completed work.

However, about 80% of all your clients will be those who come based on good reviews or recommendations from their friends, family and acquaintances, to whom you have done quality repairs.

Work process

Be prepared for the fact that you will first have to do everything yourself and control everything. After the first call from a potential customer, try to meet with him, see the scope of work, assess the condition of the object, draw up an estimate and sign an agreement. It is better to purchase materials together with the customer, so that there are no additional problems later. Then work can begin. If it is planned to include any additional services, then the estimate is redone and the price changes.

Closely monitor the deadlines for the delivery of the object: if they are specified in the contract, then you will face penalties. Also, if there are shortcomings in the work or obvious mistakes of the builders, you should correct the mistakes at your own expense, otherwise you will irreparably damage your reputation.

A close-knit team can make cosmetic repairs to a one-room apartment in a couple of weeks. For a major renovation in a two-room apartment, it will take a month or two (depending on the type of work and the speed of drying of the materials). Well, a three-room apartment can take 3-4 months, especially if we are talking about designer renovations.

Of course, fulfilling quick orders is, at first glance, better, since you can make more of them, but take into account the fact that they are also cheaper. Construction companies also often cooperate with large organizations and enterprises: such a repair contract will provide your company with work for a very long time.

Instead of a conclusion

It is not easy to assess how profitable this business is, since it all depends on what areas of repair and finishing you are involved in. Don’t forget about other factors: seasonality, number of clients, etc. Experts say that profitability indicators can range from 20 to 50%.

Approximate costs

(prices are in rubles)

As you can see, the minimum entry threshold can be about half a million rubles. However, you can save on office rent, and do not purchase materials immediately, but only after orders and payment have appeared. For the business to pay off, it will take about a year of work (during this period you will need to complete at least 8–10 truly successful orders). It will be possible to calculate your income and net profit per month based on your types of activities and services provided, and of course, on how many orders you complete (on average).

By doing quality repairs, you will quickly acquire a sufficient number of clients who will advertise you to everyone around you. By gradually mastering this niche, you can create a stable and profitable business with good opportunities for various prospects.