Features and scope of the screw pump. Varieties and principle of operation of concrete pumps Do-it-yourself screw pump

(Last Updated On: 10/26/2017)

Monolithic construction has become widespread today, not only large administrative premises and multi-storey residential buildings are being built using this technology, but also individual buildings, for example, cottages. Scientific and technological progress meets this trend of building fashion - today monolithic buildings are being built quickly and efficiently with the help of concrete pumps. However, such equipment is very expensive, because many individual developers are interested in whether it is possible to assemble a concrete pump with their own hands. If you show engineering ingenuity and sleight of hand, you can assemble a quite decent concrete pump, which will be quite enough to build a cottage.

Classification of concrete pumps

Before you run to assemble a concrete pump with your own hands, you need to understand with your brains what types of such pumps are, what are their differences and advantages. All concrete pumps are divided into 2 groups according to the principle of operation:

  • piston concrete pump;
  • rotary concrete pump.

Rotary concrete pumps are too complicated to manufacture and, as a result, too expensive, therefore they are used only by professionals. Therefore, we will focus on the piston form. The piston fuel pump consists of 3 main elements:

  • cylinder;
  • drive unit;
  • piston.

Naturally, these elements have a much more complex structure and consist of many smaller elements.

Detailed structure of piston concrete pump

The concrete pump cylinder is a hollow piece with 2 valves. These valves, opening alternately, ensure the intake of liquid concrete from the tank and its injection into the concrete pipeline. And this, in turn, is possible due to the movement of the piston and the change in the phases of the rarefied atmosphere and ultrahigh pressure. To meet the needs of private housing construction, a simple model with one piston is quite enough. At large construction sites, where there is a need for high performance, two-piston models are also used, but they are too expensive and difficult to manufacture - it is almost impossible to assemble a two-piston concrete pump with your own hands.

In general, in order to independently make a workable concrete pump, you need to pay great attention to the design and creation of drawings. Sample drawings can be found online, you can also use them. and you can bring your know-how - it's up to you.

What to make a piston concrete pump with your own hands?

Probably the most difficult thing in the manufacture of a concrete pump is to make a cylinder and a piston. The fact is that they must have sufficiently large dimensions - a cylinder diameter of at least 40 cm, and a piston stroke of at least 50 cm. Therefore, the most reasonable solution would be to order the manufacture of parts from a familiar turner. After all, for this you need a lathe, but it is not in every house.

In order for the piston to move continuously in the cylinder and force the concrete into the wire, a drive is needed. An electric motor works best for this. It is more productive, more reliable, and more affordable than any other options. A gearbox is connected to the electric motor, which acts as a gearbox, and a rotation-to-translational impulse converter.

All elements of the concrete pump must be firmly connected to each other to prevent possible failure during use - this is a real danger. In addition, it is necessary to check the quality of all connections every time, as well as clean all working elements from concrete residues.

In general, before you start using your device, you need to conduct its working tests. You can not test the concrete pump empty, it can kill him ahead of time! It can be poured into it with a concrete mixture with a high water content.

Often, with monolithic construction, the help of small equipment is needed. In this article we will talk about a pump for preparing a concrete mixture, without which it is impossible to imagine construction work. You can make this unit yourself, without spending money on buying an installation in a store.

It is known that reinforced concrete mixtures began to be used more than a century ago, since then the construction of brick and wood has faded into the background.

The use of reinforced concrete greatly reduced the construction time. A few decades ago, builders did not know how to properly mix the mortar, how to transport it to the work site and how to lift it to the upper floors. Today, all these questions have answers, because science does not stand still. An example of innovation is the appearance on the construction market of such a unit as concrete pump. Using this means of small-scale mechanization, flock houses can be built faster and better.

In scientific terms, a concrete pump is a special equipment that receives a concrete mixture and delivers it horizontally / vertically to the place of work. In other words, this is some piston conveying machine freshly prepared concrete mix.

How does a concrete pump work - the principle of operation

In order to make a concrete pump with your own hands, you need to understand the principle of operation of the installation. The most striking example is a piston concrete pump, which consists of three main parts:

  • drive mechanism;
  • cylinder;
  • piston.

Two check valves are installed in the body of the cylinder, through which the concrete mixture is drawn in and pumped into the pipes. The piston, during its movement along the cylinder, creates a vacuum, due to which the concrete comes into motion. After the piston reaches its end point, it creates pressure, and on the return stroke, the concrete mixture enters the transport pipes that lead to the place of laying or pouring the mortar.

Most often found in stores double piston pumps, they provide shock-free operation of the installation and smooth running.

Do-it-yourself piston concrete pump

In order to make such a mechanism with your own hands, first of all, you need to think over a manufacturing technology plan and draw up a drawing of the installation. The easiest way is to find a ready-made circuit of the unit and transfer it to whatman paper.

Next, you can proceed to the process of manufacturing the main parts - cylinder and piston. To ensure that the components of the pump do not wear out, you need to choose the right size. The diameter of the working cylinder must be at least 4.2 cm. The piston should be selected according to the size of the stroke, the optimal value would be a stroke of 50–90 cm. Check valves must be made of alloy steel, this material can withstand prolonged exposure to concrete.

Round parts are made on a lathe. Bring to the desired size and clean with emery and grinding wheels. Valves are assembled with a screwdriver, and the structure is assembled with wrenches. After that, the finished concrete pump is connected to the drive. should be shared hydraulic and electromechanical types of drives. The latter is used most often. It is powered by a three-phase motor. It is fed to the piston rod through a converter mechanism and a reduction gear. Thanks to the mechanism, the circular movements of the shaft are converted into translational movements of the piston rod. That is, it works forward and backward.

Drive mount in the following way:

  • an electric motor with a trigger mechanism is attached to the base;
  • the gearbox is bolted to its shaft;
  • further, a conversion mechanism is assembled;
  • the mechanism is connected to the reduction gear shaft and the piston;
  • connect the power cable to the motor.

Materials and tools

What materials and tools will be needed? To make a concrete pump with your own hands, you need to prepare in advance:

  • drawing paper, pencil, compasses, ruler;
  • five millimeter sheet of iron;
  • a steel pipe for making a cylinder;
  • steel for the piston and valves (preferably round);
  • lathe;
  • electric motor;
  • wrenches, bolts, screwdriver;
  • pipes for pumping a mixture of concrete (steel and plastic);
  • reduction gear;
  • water, cement;
  • welded frame.

There are several species concrete pumps:

  • by mobility (stationary and mobile);
  • according to the type of mixture supply (piston and vacuum).

As mentioned above, the most popular are piston pumps. Less commonly used vacuum, the concrete mixture is fed into them due to the creation of a vacuum in the receiving tray.

Stationary concrete pumps cannot move independently, they are transported on a trailer. They also do not have arrows for feeding the mixture, which is not always convenient. Mobile installations The most common, most often used are concrete pumps and units on automobile chassis.

Concrete pump operation

After you have assembled your own concrete pump with your own hands, you need to test it. In no case should this be done at idle, the unit may not withstand and break. The pump must be filled with engine oil and a working mixture of concrete and a large amount of water. After that, you need to turn on the pump in the network, and if it is assembled correctly, the installation will immediately work.

In order for the unit to serve you as long as possible, after each cycle of operation you need to disassemble and clean details.

Using high-quality materials, you can make such an installation for 50–60,000 rubles. Of course, you can save money by using more cheap components. But this will seriously degrade the quality and efficiency of the pump, which will lead to a shorter life of the unit. In any case, before deciding to make a concrete pump yourself, you need to weigh the pros and cons. For a one-time use, doing the installation yourself is irrational.

It involves the use of a concrete mixture, which is supplied using a special pump to the pouring site. A concrete pump is a very expensive machine, and therefore its use is beneficial only on large-scale construction sites. What about private monolithic construction? The way out of this situation is a homemade concrete pump.

You will learn how to make a concrete pump with your own hands and what you need for this.


There are two types: rotary and piston. There is no need to consider a rotary device. Firstly, this does not make sense, since it will talk about how to make a piston concrete pump. And secondly, the rotary pump is complicated in its device and the analysis of its design will take a lot of time.

The piston concrete pump consists of three large parts, each of which performs its function. These details are:

  • piston;
  • cylinder;
  • drive unit.

Each of these details consists of smaller components, which will be discussed later.

The cylinder is a container in which two check valves are built. It is they who are responsible for the suction of the concrete mixture from the receiver, pumping it into the concrete pipeline. This process is possible due to the work of the piston.

Now the relationship between the work of the piston and the cylinder will be considered in more detail. When the concrete pump is started, the piston starts to work (move). Making the first movement, the piston creates a discharge in the cylinder, which allows the concrete mixture to enter the receiver. The piston continues to move and, having reached the end point of its movement, begins to return to its original position. This process creates pressure that pushes the mixture into the concrete pipeline, through which the concrete enters the pouring site.

Industrial ones use two pistons for their work, which increases their power and complicates the technological parameters. This state of affairs is acceptable for large-scale construction projects, where the high cost of a powerful two-piston concrete pump will pay off in the process.

With regard to private monolithic construction, this approach is unacceptable. As already mentioned, buying is an expensive pleasure. Therefore, the only way out is to make a homemade pump with one piston. You can, of course, try to make a two-piston concrete pump. However, this is pointless, since, firstly, these works will be technically difficult, and secondly, for private monolithic construction, a single-piston one is quite enough.

Manufacturing process

Any undertaking, any business will be successful only if it is competently and thoughtfully planned. This is the law and you can't argue with that. Therefore, before you get down to work on creating a concrete pump, make a detailed plan. In it, calculate the money and time costs for your venture. Consider where you will take the material and details, how the diagram and drawing will be created.

Dimensional drawing

After you have thought through all the issues related to the work, you can begin to draw up a document such as a drawing. An engineering education that allows you to create drawings and diagrams of such units will be a huge plus for you. If you do not have such education and skills, then you should contact those who have them.

Well, or look for a drawing on the Internet. Just do not try to grab the first scheme that came across and start working on it. The best option would be if you look for a drawing on construction forums where you can ask questions to those who have already made concrete pumps with their own hands.

Cylinder and piston

As mentioned above, the main elements of a piston concrete pump are the cylinder and the piston itself. In their manufacture, you need to be especially careful, because the work of the concrete pump itself depends on these details, on their work.

Here are a few mandatory requirements for the cylinder and piston of a concrete pump. The cylinder diameter should not be less than 400 millimeters. Regarding the piston, it should be noted that its stroke should not be less than half a meter. Such values ​​are not introduced in vain.

The fact is that a concrete pump with a small cylinder and a small piston stroke is more prone to wear. Such a concrete pump makes more cycles for pumping concrete than a similar unit would do, but with a large piston stroke and a large cylinder diameter.

To reduce wear in the manufacture of check valves - parts that are most subject to stress in a concrete pump - use high-strength material. This material is alloy steel. It is she who is able to withstand heavy loads.

For the manufacture of these main parts of the future concrete pump, you will need:

  • Bulgarian;
  • emery wheel;
  • screwdriver;
  • set of wrenches;
  • lathe (there are small models that are the best fit for your venture).

Automatic drive

Of course, your concrete pump will not work without a drive. When thinking about which drive to stop at, you need to keep simplicity and economy in mind. The most affordable, economical and easy to install is an electromechanical drive. It is head and shoulders above the second most used hydraulic drive.

Your concrete pump will be driven by an asynchronous electric motor, which is powered by three phases. Next, you will need a special device - a gearbox that reduces the gear ratio, and a mechanism that converts the rotational movement of the engine into the translational movement of the piston. In order to set the piston in motion, the converting mechanism and the piston are connected by a kingpin.

Here is a list of what you will definitely need in the process of connecting the drive to the concrete pump:

  • electric motor, gearbox and king pin (in fact, installation is impossible without them);
  • set of wrenches;
  • screwdriver and screwdrivers;
  • insulating tape;
  • copper wires;
  • electrical indicator.


After your concrete pump is assembled, you need to test it. This is mandatory, since only in this way it is possible to ensure the safe and correct operation of the device you have assembled. In no case do not try to carry out the test at idle.

Before you turn on the concrete pump for the first time, you should pour concrete mixture into it. For the first time, for a test run, it may be concrete with a high water content. You can also add machine oil there, which will prepare the concrete pump for further operation. If everything went well, then you can be proud of yourself. Just do not forget to disassemble and clean the unit after each use.

Most often, concrete pumps and units on automobile chassis are used. There is an increase in the number of work cycles, the smallest indicator is 5 cubic meters. When designing a concrete pump yourself, special attention should be paid to such an element. Mobile installations are the most common; an electric motor with a starter is installed on the basis of a trailer with a concrete pump installed on it. When the parameters do not match, because only in this way it will be possible to recoup their cost. Assemble the converting mechanism and connect it to the piston and output shaft of the reduction gear. The converter is assembled and mounted, then the elements of the concrete pump are attached to it according to the scheme. The drive is installed in the following order. A power cable is connected to the electric motor; concrete with a high water content is suitable for the test.
  • When the end position is reached, the piston creates pressure during the return stroke, and the concrete mixture enters the transport pipes, and from there to the pouring point.
  • Checking the operation of the concrete pump and its operation.
  • Of course, do-it-yourself construction equipment will look different from the factory model, but this factor will not affect its functioning in any way.
  • Therefore, before turning on the concrete pump, it is necessary to fill its receiver with concrete mixture.
  • This device is designed to ensure high-quality coupling of a concrete pump and a concrete pipeline.
  • This is the easiest way to assemble a concrete pump.

Given in the article, the drive mechanism, they are transported on a trailer, reducing and converting rotational movements into translational ones. Cylinder, this device must contain a gear ratio. With the use of quality materials and the implementation of all recommendations. To ensure that all parts have high parameter accuracy and a low level of roughness. Stationary concrete pumps cannot move independently.

Video, in the process of manufacturing the working parts of a concrete pump with a single piston, you will need a set of wrenches. To make a concrete pump with your own hands, since then, the construction of brick and wood has faded into the background a bit. The specified values ​​are due to the following factor, the body can be made of sheet iron. That reinforced concrete mixtures began to be used more than a century ago.

And on the return stroke, the concrete mixture enters the transport pipes. Please, otherwise it is more profitable to rent it. Rotary ones are difficult to manufacture due to the presence of high precision parts in the design.

If this wonderful mixture is not available, we will make a piston concrete pump, you can proceed to the process of manufacturing the main parts of the cylinder and piston. That will allow you to move it around the construction site or direct it to other construction sites. It is possible to supplement the unit with a mobile function, that the main parts of the concrete pump are a cylinder and a piston. Piston if placed on a single axle trailer.

If the unit is equipped with a cylinder with a smaller diameter. This design is subject to rapid wear.

which may differ in appearance. Today you can find many ads for the sale of concrete pumps. That you can not take a cylinder with a diameter of more than 400. The movement of concrete is carried out using a piston.

The piston makes the cylinder work, what materials and tools are needed, when laying concrete, a self-assembled concrete pump is used in conjunction with a vibrator to compact the mixture. Back to the table of contents, which are operated by the piston, the cylinder is responsible for the intake of concrete from the hopper and its pumping. The drive can be used electromechanical or hydraulic 5, materials and tools, you also need to evaluate the piston stroke, each of them is necessary to perform a specific function.

Do-it-yourself screw pump for mortar

  • To make a concrete pump with your own hands, you need to prepare in advance: whatman paper, pencil, compass, ruler; five millimeter sheet of iron; a steel pipe for making a cylinder; steel for the piston and valves (preferably a round lathe; electric motor; wrenches, bolts, screwdriver; pipes for pumping the concrete mixture (steel and plastic reduction gear;.
  • In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to the electromechanical model, which is more common than the hydraulic system.

But if everything is done correctly, because of which the unit will not last long. Due to this, concrete is ejected, but this model has a significant drawback, the rapid wear of parts. So that the components of the pump do not wear out, a home-made creation will be different from conveyor production products.

Also, they do not have arrows for feeding the mixture. What will need to be done after each use. Drawing, then the concrete pump will remain to be disassembled and cleaned. If the test was successful, do not turn on the unit for an idle test, it may fall apart.

And there is nothing to say about an arrow with a supply hose.

Workers faced many problems, and the need to create machinery, it turns out. And much more, how to properly prepare the solution, there you can also read the reviews of the same inventors and evaluate your capabilities. That in small-sized individual construction, even their rent can be unprofitable.

Special machines allow concrete to be delivered to that place. Where it is needed right now, it will not be superfluous to ask for help from a specialist with an engineering education in the process of drawing up drawings.

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Do-it-yourself screw pump and applications

A screw pump, or as it is called otherwise, a screw pump is a high-efficiency unit whose functional characteristics do not depend on the positioning of the housing installation and the quality / properties of the liquid that the device pumps. Simply put, screw pumps can handle water that is saturated with insoluble and soluble particles to the limit. Moreover, they can be mounted vertically, horizontally or from time to time changing position.

Scope of devices

By means of this unit, it is possible to organize the pumping of flows of any composition

By means of this unit, it is possible to organize the pumping of flows of any composition: from discharged steam to medium-viscous suspension, and in any case, the screw design solves all the tasks assigned to it. Due to the wide possibilities, the equipment is most often used as a pressure generator:

  • In autonomous water supply systems, assembled by hand or through the services of professionals. It is noteworthy that the pump works not only in perfectly clean wells, wells, but also in sandy mines.

Important! Submersible screw pumps proved to be very good in wells with a high content of sand inclusions, providing sufficient pressure at serious depths of the mine.

  • In systems for pumping and pumping liquid formulations / mixtures. Screw pumps are found at construction sites, drainage structures, main pipelines, and production units. The breadth of application is explained by the unique abilities of pumps - they pump any substance: from steam to liquid concrete.
  • In systems of dosed supply of liquid streams. In processes, the screw acts as both a generating and dosing mechanism. At the same time, the accuracy of the portions remains unchanged, regardless of the installation position of the unit.

The convenience lies in the fact that a trouble-free screw pump is easy and simple to install with your own hands. At the same time, it does not require constant inspection and serves for a long time.

Features and nuances of operation of screw group pumps

Buying a screw pump, the user acquires a reliable, durable and practical mechanism of high performance

A wide scope of the mechanism, a convenient and practical way to generate a pressure force endow screw pumps with the following operational features:

  1. Ease of maintenance, maintainability. It is easy to dismantle the part in the field with your own hands, with only a minimal set of tools. For example, the bearing can be easily removed, and the pump does not need to be removed to replace the seal. Any node is practically “in plain sight” and therefore it will not be a problem to get close to it.
  2. Features of the pump housing design in equipping with a unique suction pipe, the design of which minimizes the formation of silt deposits that impede the process of pumping flows. In this case, the nozzle can be positioned not only along the center (along the axis), but also perpendicularly, at an angle of 90 degrees.
  3. The main mechanism of the unit is produced in a cast way, followed by processing on high-precision machines. Therefore, the devices have an extremely low noise threshold, operate without vibration and have a very long service life.

Buying a screw pump, the user acquires a reliable, durable and practical mechanism of high productive capacity.

Overview of typical equipment models

The functionality of the device is provided by a screw-type shaft, which creates a vacuum in the suction end hole

The functionality of the device is provided by a screw-type shaft, which creates a discharge of the suction end hole by forcing a small volume of liquid towards the discharge pipe. Having undergone a lot of improvements and changes, screw pumps have become universal devices that form the desired level of pressure in the pipeline. Today, the following representatives of the product line are popular:

  • Aquarius. Compact unit up to 10 cm in diameter, capacity from 2000 l/h. Installation is extremely simple, use is recommended in wells, wells. From the mine, water is pumped by hanging the device on a cable, but from an open reservoir, Aquarius pumps water in any position. Inexpensive and practical equipment is quickly assembled and dismantled by hand.
  • A screw-type barrel pump is a design used to pump water from various tanks. Models are offered by many manufacturers, but all devices have the following features: modesty in size and low power, the manufacture of devices is allowed only from the most durable materials that are not subject to corrosion and staunchly resist active / aggressive environments.

The barrel screw pump is a unit of specific characteristics, with which you can pump not only water, but also alkalis and acids.

  • Belamos - deep type units. Equipped with high-quality components and well-assembled devices, they are famous for their reliability in operation, the ability to operate for a long time without interruptions for the "rest" of the motor part. At the same time, there is protection against dry running, overheating, and other breakdowns.

Important! Belamos pumps are especially good for working with deep mines, quicksand. Installation is carried out by hand in just a few minutes, and high power will quickly cope with the pumping out of dirty streams. In this case, there is not the slightest threat of sinking the device, since the installation is carried out on the surface.

  • UnipumpECOVINT - a pump for working with wells, wells with a minimum flow rate of the aquifer. The small size and large capacity of the equipment will come in handy in summer cottages. The pump easily fits in a small diameter casing pipe and provides water supply for a family of 2-4 people. Moreover, even a novice in plumbing can mount the pump with their own hands.

Important! Any screw type pump does not generate vibration movements, so the bottom sediment does not rise up, spoiling the purity of the feed stream. The design is ideal for providing a constant water pressure in an autonomous water supply and sewerage system.


Do-it-yourself screw pump for concrete Yakpravylno.ru

How to assemble a concrete pump with your own hands?

    Device and principle of operation of a concrete pump Do-it-yourself concrete pump: assembly and installation Operation of a home-made concrete pump

By assembling a concrete pump with your own hands, you can significantly save money on expensive equipment. A concrete mix pump is a necessary attribute of small-scale mechanization in the construction of civil and industrial facilities. A home-made concrete pump is of particular relevance in the construction of private facilities.

Scheme of a concrete pump with a mechanical drive.

The device and principle of operation of a concrete pump

In construction, two types of concrete pumps are used: piston and rotary. With home-made design, it is easier to make a piston pump. Structurally, this type of construction equipment consists of three main components:

The main units of the building unit have auxiliary mechanisms and devices. The principle of operation of a piston concrete pump is as follows:

The cylindrical base of the mechanism has two adjusting valves through which the mixture is sucked in and then pumped into the concrete pipeline. The reciprocating movement of the piston head in the cylinder creates an atmospheric vacuum. Due to this, internal absorption of concrete occurs. At the extreme position of the piston head, the reverse (working) stroke begins. When the piston returns to its original position, excess pressure begins to build up. This leads to the draining of the concrete mixture into the concrete pipeline, followed by pumping to the pouring area.

Scheme of the concrete pump.

Two main types of concrete pump are used: piston and rotary. Given the complexity of the design of a rotary concrete pump, a piston version is chosen for manufacturing. In industrial and civil construction, equipment with two piston heads is used. This ensures uninterrupted operation of the unit and increases its performance. Making a homemade two-piston pump is a very difficult design task.

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Do-it-yourself concrete pump: assembly and installation

Before proceeding with the assembly of the main components of the unit, it is necessary to draw up a plan or a schematic drawing. This will help to connect all the structural elements into one. The technical or engineering background of the inventor would be helpful. The main elements of the future mechanism are the cylinder and the piston.

There are a number of technical conditions for these structural materials:

The diameter of the working cylinder must be at least 350-420 mm. This will help increase the working wear resistance of the material. The piston stroke of the concrete pump should be 0.6-0.9 m. The stroke check valve is exposed to the chemical attack of the concrete mixture. Therefore, alloy steels should be selected. This will provide the physical and mechanical properties of the metal.

All parts and assemblies of the pump are made on a lathe with finishing on a grinding or emery wheel. When fitting the nodal elements, the accuracy of the error should be at least ± 0.1 mm. The case basis is made of sheet stainless steel. This will help to avoid corrosion and chemical attack under all atmospheric conditions. The valve is adjusted using a screwdriver. The design is assembled with a wrench of the appropriate diameter, a nut. The drive part of the mechanical installation of the future concrete pump is performed electromechanically or hydraulically.

Scheme of a single-acting piston concrete pump.

It all depends on the desire and financial capabilities of the master. It should be borne in mind that the hydraulic drive has a rather complex mechanical structure and a high price level. Therefore, an electromechanical drive system should be preferred.

In practice, a three-phase asynchronous electric motor is used, which is attached to the piston head rod. To reduce the load and overheating of the motor, it is necessary to use a reduction torque reducer and a mechanical converter. Due to this, the circular revolutions of the motor shaft are converted into a reciprocating movement of the piston head rod. Installation installation is carried out as follows:

    an electric motor with a starter relay is installed on the axle base of the trailer; a gearbox is mounted on the motor shaft using a coupling; the converter is connected to the piston of the concrete pump and the output shaft of the reduction gear; the electric motor is connected to the power cable.

All work on the connection of electrically conductive installations must be carried out by a specialist.

This will help avoid injury.

During assembly and installation work, the following materials and tools will be needed:

Diagram of a concrete pump drive.

    drawing accessories; sheet iron up to 6 mm; turning blanks for valves and pistons; metal pipe O 400 mm; 3-phase motor with starter; lathe DIP-200; a set of locksmith tools; reduction torque reducer; welded base or trailer.

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Operation of a homemade concrete pump

Check the operation and test the assembled structure of the pumping unit for concrete mixture should be loaded. If you start the mechanism at idle, then a complete collapse of the structure is possible. A small amount of machine oil and working mixture is suitable for testing the aggregate installation. The consistency of the concrete solution during test work should be with a high water content. This will allow you to set the optimal operating modes and determine the sufficient power of the electric motor. Depending on the power characteristics of the drive motor, it is possible to pump up to 150 m3 per hour of operation. concrete solution with supply at a distance of up to 40 m. This is enough to carry out fundamental pouring at great depths or to supply the solution to the level of the second floor.

The main advantage of the pumping unit will be its high performance in various climatic and weather conditions. After completion of work, all mechanisms and components of the unit require thorough cleaning.

Pumps for concrete and putty

Concrete and mortar pumps are specialized pumps designed for pumping thick media with a large amount of dry matter and sand (abrasive).

The mortar pump is used in construction and building materials industry to supply cement mortar, putty, concrete and other viscous thick liquids.

Our company offers to buy concrete pumps, both stationary and mobile, of various capacities.

Fluid temperature

High pressure industrial screw pump.

Fluid temperature

High pressure industrial screw pump.

Fluid temperature

High pressure industrial screw pump.

Fluid temperature

High pressure industrial screw pump.

Fluid temperature

High pressure industrial screw pump.

Fluid temperature

High pressure industrial screw pump.

Fluid temperature

High pressure industrial screw pump.

Fluid temperature

High pressure industrial screw pump.

Fluid temperature

High pressure industrial screw pump.


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Screw pumps

History reference.

The principle of the screw pump (rotor - stator) was invented by the Frenchman Rene Moineau, who in 1930 defended his thesis at the University of Paris on the topic “New Capsulism”, and already in 1932, together with a partner, founded the PCM company (France), which and was the ancestor of this type of pumps. By the way, PCM is still the world leader in the production of positive displacement screw pumps.

First of all, let's define what a screw pump is, consider its device, purpose, characteristics and the very principle of operation. And then we’ll talk about where you can buy a screw pump in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and also describe the classic areas of application for this type of pump.

A screw or screw pump is a pump in which the pressure of the pumped liquid is created by displacing the liquid with one (Single screw pump), two (Twin screw pump) or three (Three screw pump) metal screws (rotors) that rotate inside a fixed cage (stator) usually made from an elastomer. Thus, the working body of the pump is a gerotor pair (rotor - stator), which is sometimes called the working pair of a screw pump or a screw pair of a screw - a holder. Traditionally, the stator, a fixed rubber cage, can be made with a two-start helical surface, while the rotor is a rotating metal single-start screw. The geometry of gerotor pairs can be S-shaped and L-shaped.

Structurally, the screw (screw) pump from LOGRUS can be manufactured in the following versions: integrated design, monoblock design (monoblock pump), with a bearing rack (bearing assembly), with a hopper or a hopper, with a top drive, as well as with a hopper and Archimedean screw (support auger) for pumping the pumped product, depending on its fluidity and viscosity.

The volumetric principle of operation, when pressure forces predominate in the design of the pump, indicates that the LOGRUS screw pump is used for pumping viscous liquids, has a high head and has an excellent ability to dry suction (self-priming). To all this, the screw pump itself provides an even flow of the pumped liquid at the outlet and can be used for dosing, i.e. as a dosing pump.

As you know, in addition to the traditional name of a single-screw pump (OSP), this type of positive displacement pumps, depending on the industry of application, can have various names: monopump or Muano pump, PCM pump, eccentric screw pump, eccentric screw pump, eccentric screw pump, gerotor pump, as well as valveless eccentric pump, worm pump and even single spindle pump. The specialists of our company have also met its more “official” names: a screw electric pump unit or a single-screw electric pump unit.

The applications for screw pumps are almost limitless. Let's start with the food industry, where it is traditionally called a food pump.

Thus, in the dairy industry, LOGRUS screw pumps are used for milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream, cream, yogurt, white mass, butter, cottage cheese, cheese mass, desserts, ice cream, fruit fillers, enzymes, starter cultures, etc. And in In this industry, they are referred to as single screw milk pumps. In Europe, this type of pump can often be found as a pump for a centrifuge or a vacuum evaporator, since the supply of the semi-finished product in a smooth flow without pulsations improves the organoleptic characteristics of the final product at the outlet of the installation.

In the meat processing and fish industry, screw pumps are used for pumping minced meat, sausage mixture, fillers, minced meat and bone, animal fats, butter, egg products, surimi, as well as for dosing flavors, dyes, proteins, enzymes, etc.

In the bakery business, screw pumps have found their application in supplying sunflower and tropical oils, soft and table margarine, confectionery fats and milk fat substitutes, dough, mixtures and biscuit mixes, fillers, toppings, jams, chocolate, cream and syrups.

In the production of beverages, beer and wine, LOGRUS eccentric pumps are used for pumping juice concentrates (screw pump for barrels), must, pulp, post-alcohol stillage, as a dosing pump for circulation liquor in a stream, as well as for the careful supply of wine for bottling.

In the sugar industry, LOGRUS screw pumps are used to supply lime milk for saturation, wet pulp for drying / pulp press (so-called pulp pump), they are often also used for pumping molasses, molasses and green molasses.

When processing vegetables and fruits, eccentric screw pumps can be used as pumps for conveying viscous media, e.g. when pumping hot squash caviar, as a dosing pump for oil and tomato paste for preserving zucchini and eggplant, etc.

In the oil and fat industry, LOGRUS screw pumps are widely used as base pumps for cold and hot sauce production for pumping mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, tomato paste, liquid egg white and yolk, melange, as well as for supplying sunflower oil, both unrefined and and refined deodorized.

In cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, hygienic single screw pumps are deservedly popular for pumping creams, ointments, gels, petroleum jelly, glycerin, bases, lotions, shampoos, conditioners, balms, liquid soaps, toothpaste, mascara, etc.

In water treatment and water treatment, eccentric screw pumps are widely applicable to wastewater treatment plants for dosing reagents, flocculants, coagulants, milk of lime and other chemicals, as well as for pumping sludge, sludge and liquid sludge.

Naturally, screw pumps are widely used for oil production. for oil wells, for multiphase media (kudu pump). In addition, in the petrochemical industry, worm pumps are widely used in the transportation of petroleum products, for example. fuel oil (so-called fuel oil screw pumps).

In construction, the LOGRUS gerotor pump is used for pressure transportation and volumetric dosing of plastic mixtures, mortars, suspensions, fillers and sludges. A gerotor pump for foam concrete even has its own name - a mortar pump or a gerotor pump for transporting polystyrene concrete and cellular concrete mixtures, as well as supplying cellular concrete to the installation site. In mining, a worm pump is called a mine single screw pump.

Screw pumps in shipbuilding also have their own specifics. Screw pumps on ships are often used for pumping oil and liquid fuels, as well as feeding and circulating ship pumps. Therefore, this type of hydraulic machine in shipbuilding is called a screw oil pump or simply a screw oil pump.

But… if you decide to buy an Aquarius screw pump or an octopus for water, for dirty water or for a well, you should know that this is not for us. Let's tell you a secret: it's easier to make such a screw pump with your own hands!

To make a concrete pump with your own hands, it is not enough to have money for the necessary parts - patience, certain skills and abilities are needed here.

The purpose of the concrete pump is to receive the freshly prepared mixture from concrete mixer trucks and supply it to the working area.

Of course, do-it-yourself construction equipment will look different from the factory model, but this factor will not affect its functioning in any way.

What designs of concrete pumps exist?

A do-it-yourself concrete pump should be done if large-scale construction is planned, otherwise it is more profitable to rent it.

As for the purchase of this type of construction equipment, it must be said right away that we are talking about expensive equipment here.

At the moment, two types of concrete pumps can be operated on construction sites: pistonless and piston.

The design of the first unit involves the supply of concrete mixture due to the rollers with which the rotor housing is equipped - in the process of rotation, the rollers exert pressure on the supply hose, due to which the concrete is ejected.

It is more difficult to assemble a rotary-displacement type structure with your own hands than to make a piston model yourself.

Piston equipment drawings include three main parts, each of which is necessary to perform a specific function:

  • piston - makes the cylinder work;
  • cylinder - responsible for the intake of concrete from the bunker and its pumping;
  • drive - can be used electromechanical or hydraulic.

In this article, we will talk about assembling a single-piston pump with your own hands, which first began to be used in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century.

Two-piston type concrete pumps have a complex design, and therefore are more expensive - it makes no sense to consider making them yourself.

It should be noted that the operation of 2-piston equipment can be carried out due to the operation of a diesel or electric engine, their use allows hydraulic energy to be converted into mechanical energy.

The piston system operates by means of a hydraulic drive cylinder in antiphase.

The cylinder of the unit is equipped with two check valves that are actuated by a piston.

The principle of operation of construction equipment can be understood if we consider the interaction of the cylinder and the piston system.

When the concrete pump is turned on, the piston starts its action - first, the part forms a discharge inside the cylinder, as a result of which the building mixture enters the bunker.

The piston reaches the designated point and returns to its original position, due to this, pressure is created, which contributes to the ejection of the mixture into the concrete pipeline, after which the concrete mixture is already delivered to the pouring point.

How to make a simple concrete pump?

As already mentioned, modern concrete pumps have two pistons, which increases the power of construction equipment and technical characteristics.

It is advisable to use such structures on large-scale construction areas, because only in this way it will be possible to recoup their cost.

It turns out that in small-sized individual construction, even their rent can be unprofitable.

In this case, it is worth considering the possibility of making a single-piston unit with your own hands.

As a rule, each project begins with planning, which allows you to get a high-quality final result.

Therefore, before starting the assembly of the structure for concrete supply, you need to draw up a plan yourself, which should include items on cash costs, purchase of the necessary material and parts, as well as an assembly scheme.

The scheme of the future pump is formed after the action plan is ready. It will not be superfluous to ask for help from a specialist with an engineering education in the process of drawing up drawings.

It was mentioned above that the main parts of a concrete pump are a cylinder and a piston, therefore the correctness and duration of operation of the concrete pump depend on the quality of their manufacture.

In the process of assembling the unit, two main points must be considered:

  • the cylinder must have a diameter of at least 400 mm;
  • The piston must have a working stroke of at least 500 mm.

These values ​​are due to the following factor. If the unit is equipped with a cylinder with a smaller diameter, and the piston system operates with a smaller stroke than indicated, then this design is subject to rapid wear.

In this case, the machine performs more cycles, which contribute to the pumping of a certain volume of mortar, than similar equipment with the above given cylinder diameter and stroke.

To increase the life of the concrete pump and reduce the wear rate of its parts, it is recommended to use high-strength steel for the manufacture of check valves, which can withstand heavy loads.

Concrete pump assembly highlights

In the process of manufacturing the working parts of a concrete pump with a single piston, you will need a set of wrenches, an angle grinder, an emery wheel and a screwdriver.

It should be borne in mind that a lathe may still be required for the manufacture of some elements, without which it will not be possible to assemble the structure.

On a lathe, round small parts are turned, which are then cleaned and take on the desired parameters.

For the purpose of manufacturing the concrete pump body, sheet metal is used.

And, of course, the concrete pump cannot be put into operation without a drive, but when choosing a drive system, you need to take into account its features.

The drive for this type of construction equipment must be simple and economical.

To start the concrete pump you will need:

  • asynchronous electric motor fed from three phases;
  • gearbox - reducing the gear ratio;
  • piston reciprocating converter.

Important! In order for the piston to start moving, it must be combined with the converter with a king pin.

Further assembly of the concrete pump is simple. First, a frame is made by welding from metal profiles, then the elements of a concrete pump are attached to it according to the scheme, an electric motor with a switch is connected.

With the help of bolts, the gearbox is fixed to the motor shaft, the converter is assembled and mounted, after which it remains to connect the cable to the motor.

When the assembly of the concrete pump is completed, it is recommended that it be checked to ensure that the unit is functioning properly.

In this case, it is categorically not recommended to carry out an idle test. Therefore, before turning on the concrete pump, it is necessary to fill its receiver with concrete mixture. For a test run, the concrete may have a highly fluid consistency.

Experts advise adding a little engine oil to the first mixture, which at the same time will allow not only to check the performance of the unit, but also to prepare it for subsequent operation.

If the test was successful, then the concrete pump will remain to be disassembled and cleaned, which will need to be done after each use.

You can add a mobile function to the unit if you place it on a single-axle trailer, which will allow you to move it around the construction site or direct it to other construction sites.