King of wands tarot meaning. Tarot card meaning - King of Staves (of Wands)

This card shows a firmly held position in life. Represents generosity, optimism, creative energy. May indicate that the person is doing more of the principle, guided by pride and ambition. Foreshadows events that happen very quickly and change something in life. With the appropriate cards, he talks about receiving news of material benefits, about receiving an inheritance or a successful solution to a financial issue. Most often, the King of Wands gives a sign of a strong personality in the layout. If someone lends a helping hand, you can accept this help without hesitation, and hope for help from the patron.

The King of Wands is bold and energetic, he has enormous tasks in life, the fulfillment of which develops his inner strength. It expresses a spirit of fiery enthusiasm that makes a person, whether male or female, a true leader. It is the majestic, active and dynamic aspect of fire, which is the symbol of the creative imagination. His figure is the personification of male chauvinism, although such views are no less inherent in women. The King of Wands is the spirit of a fearless seeker of adventure, competition and difficulty, rejecting the delights of the quiet existence of the average layman.

Key words and phrases of the King of Wands card: Leadership, creativity, enterprise, responsibility, strength, inspiration, determination, negotiation, encouragement, passion.

The traditional meaning is a man, a decent man, a faithful partner, a villager, a representative of the older generation, father, husband, colleague, married man.

Inner Mind: I am bold and energetic.

When asked about relationships, the card indicates for a woman a partner, both a good, decent person, a good family man and a faithful friend, and a romantic and generous lover. Perhaps you have a crush, secret admirer.

Next to the three of swords, the King of Wands may indicate a love triangle, since the partner is likely to have a relationship on the side. Shows a connection with a married fan. In the scenario for men, personify the appearance of a rival or friend who will help or give good advice.

When asked about business, the King of Wands portends success in business. Gives a sign to a faithful partner and a decent work colleague. A person you can trust. A patron who will help you in some way. Career growth is possible. Business or negotiations will be successful.

Act decisively, with determination, and courage.

Impudence, intolerance, selfishness are the worst qualities for you.

King of Wands as card of the day.

You can move mountains today! You are overwhelmed with energy, and you can easily be able to inspire others with it. If you don't have concrete plans yet, set a goal as high as possible, and you will most likely achieve it. Difficulties that seem insurmountable to others, you will remove with one wave of your hand. However, no matter how great your enthusiasm and self-confidence, try not to go over your head. It is possible, however, that today you will just meet an interesting, temperamental man.

When describing a person, this card describes an ambitious, principled person, most often a man, friend, adviser. In the female scenario, it indicates a husband, lover, partner, or just a man. A representative of an older generation or a married man, a serious and educated person.
Often the King of Wands is an entrepreneur, businessman, wealthy man, patron. Merchant, lucky player.

As a council card, the King of Wands encourages you to act as a leader. Lead projects, businesses, creative activities, concentrating on the chosen goals. Behave like the King of Wands - bold, energetic, enthusiastic. He acts quickly and decisively, willingly takes risks, but, having made a mistake, he knows how to fix it. With his strong energy and natural talents, he inspires others with his example.

In the inverted form, the King of Wands symbolizes impatience, haste, intransigence, deceit and hypocrisy. Arrogance and hard temper. To achieve the goal, you need to work very hard to achieve it. Most likely, one cannot count on help. May indicate a subject who is passionate and can be wasted, or who does not tolerate objection and may turn out to be a tyrant. The father or husband who controls everything. If there are positive cards next to them, then this person is harsh, but fair. If there are negative cards next to the King of Wands, then expect unfair decisions, deception and hypocrisy from him. Gambling is unsuccessful.

Key words and phrases: Intolerance, imperiousness, fanaticism, prejudice, hypocrisy.

The traditional meaning is rival, deceitful relationship, harsh person, tyrant, liar, aggressive and unyielding man. Hard work, long negotiations, crash in gambling.

When asked about health, the King of Wands card indicates diseases that are characteristic of middle-aged people - heart problems, vascular diseases, chronic diseases.

When asked about a relationship for a woman, points to a person who can cheat, may indicate a fan who interferes with an existing relationship. Acquaintance with the treacherous subject. For men, it points to an opponent.

When asked about deeds, the King of Wands points out the long and arduous path to the goal. There will be no help from where. The negotiations will be difficult. The patron saint will not help. Routine work. If there are negative cards nearby, then it may indicate a deceitful partner or colleague who must be feared. An adversary or foe who will try to interfere with something by force.

If there are positive cards nearby, then the negotiations will end successfully, you can count on a profit. Scams will not do anything good.

When describing the personality, the King of Wands describes the boss as harsh and overly loving to control everything. This is often an elderly person. A deceitful, arrogant or fanatical man. One who suppresses his partners or colleagues. A selfish person, one who tries to deceive. Opponent. Enemy. Envious.

The King of Wands upside down:
Problems in communicating with people. An exaggerated tendency to criticize everyone and everything. Selfishness, desire to dominate everything, tyranny. Severity, stinginess, dogmatism, tightness. Powerfulness, stubbornness, emotional coldness. Losses due to dishonesty and dishonesty. Empty promises.

The King of Wands tarot card is the most stable card in the deck. The king of this suit is a retrograde, he is not inclined to succumb to changes and innovations. In terms of the situation, the King of Staves means that your affairs will largely depend on a person older than you in position, age or experience.

The King of Wands is a symbol of protector and patron. Patronage doesn't have to be selfless. With its help, you will be able to realize many of your talents and abilities.

In layouts, the King of Wands represents a person (or institutions) who can help you. Through his own active nature, he engages family members in adventures, energetically encourages and helps to advance their interests ...

The King of Wands is a good conversationalist, he knows how to negotiate. He is very competent, but at the same time principled, generous and majestic. He does business for his own pleasure. Sometimes he is aggressive, but everything he touches carries the stamp of perfection. He even directs aggression to the service of world progress. His passion and competence translates into many significant achievements and material gains. However, he is interested not so much in the results of efforts as in the struggle with difficulties. He has considerable power due to his merits, but is nonetheless interested in new projects, ventures and opportunities. So, the King of Wands recommends that you be open to new ideas and opportunities, be flexible and, if necessary, ready for change.

King of Wands upright:
A person who is trusted, energetic and has willpower, able to influence others. It personifies confidence and the ability to express thoughts, to show oneself from the good side. The card indicates ambition, the makings of a leader, and giftedness. Often on fidelity in friendship, communication skills, social activity. The King of Wands is generally a noble and generous man, usually married. This card often represents the father.

To behave like the King, you need to think about the energetic and powerful people you know. Try to perceive their attitude to reality, their way of acting. Experiment to recharge your batteries with energy and enthusiasm. Develop a broad optimistic outlook, then you can see opportunities wherever they are hidden.

The appearance of the King of Wands in the layout can also mean that when you are ready to start a new project or start solving a long-term problem, you need to ask influential people for help. Due to their busy schedule, it is difficult to contact them. However, when you meet with them, you will enjoy their support, of course, if you show pressure and enthusiasm.

The Inverted King of Wands says that you throw away your energy and forget about those who love you, being carried away by too many things. To cope with the challenges you face, continue to follow the ideas and ideals of the King of Wands, but loosen up and move more sedately, like the King of Cups does.

Instructive card advice:
Hold your Destiny in your hands. Show decisiveness. Move purposefully towards your goal. Be brave in action!


The sun in Leo as an image of independence and self-confidence.

Direct position:

King of Staves: honest, straightforward, conscientious person, possibly a leader. He is mature, wise, noble, generous. This card can also mean an event that has not yet become reality.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: severity, stinginess, dogmatism, arrogance.

King of Wands:

Characteristics: Fire Fire. A lion.

A dark-haired man with light eyes or a redhead with dark eyes. Very mobile, very temperamental (choleric). Honest, decent, truthful, creative.

Inherent qualities: decisiveness, openness, energy, nobility, generosity, ability to make the right decisions, passionate, sexy, strives for self-realization and self-expression; sports

Manifestations of will; lucrative acquaintances with influential people. Moral or financial support, success, patronage.

All actions are related to this.

Meeting with the King of Wands.

Business: expanding, capturing new spaces. Healthy competition. Execution of individual orders.

Occupation: businessman, politician, a person who occupies a high position in society and has authority. Leader, leader, organizer. Maybe a military man, a titled athlete, a traveler. Sometimes a judge or a teacher.

Health: Strong or fast recovery. May indicate pressure surges. A lot of effort was immediately invested in something, and now we need additional stimulation and support.

Relationship: hot, passionate. The man sets the tone. Often they mean the situation: the hunter is the prey (he catches it recklessly)

Advice: Take matters into your own hands, lead; to act decisively, purposefully, courageously.

Warning: do not get excited. Do not ask for trouble

And then". We'll have to lead.


Characteristics: recession period. Choked on his own initiatives.

Selfishness, "demagogic" claims, arrogance, to the point of ruthlessness. Inability to keep your word, broken promises. Imposing your will. "Narcissistic despot and oppressor" with painful ambitions, often resulting in bragging.

Events: waste of energy on unrealistic plans, enterprises; loss of interest in life; control released from the hands; lack of will; Lying

Meeting with the inverted King of Wands.

Business: problems associated with leadership that does not use the potential of the enterprise.

Occupation: tyrant - director

Health: apathy; temporary disability

Relationship: a very difficult partner. Strong pressure from the man.

Tip: seek advice

Warning: be firm in difficulties; you become obnoxious.

Result: "no"

Overall value:

The King of Wands is the masculine side of the element of fire, the strength and abilities of which can be imagined by remembering the French King - Sun - Louis 14. This is the personification of boundless faith in oneself, love for life and its joys: wealth, power, greatness. Moreover, these qualities are not selfish in the primitive sense of the word, this is not self-righteousness and not self-interest: such a person is generous and magnanimous with everyone who surrounds him. Thus, this card expresses will, confidence in one's own strengths, striving not so much for material as for spiritual growth, for full realization and disclosure of one's own personality. Only in isolated cases, when these qualities go to extremes, can they be expressed in narcissism, self-aggrandizement, vanity and bragging.


Here, this card personifies the ability to act decisively, confidently and convincingly, indicates energy and high motivation. She also indicates organizational talent, commitment to leadership, and sufficient qualifications for this. And, of course, to be more active, passionate about their work and a constant willingness to take risks. The King of Wands is the driving force, the motor of the whole team. If his sense of reality is weakened, this, unfortunately, translates into a hasty bustle, in a fruitless imitation of activity, about which the Bavarians say "all the steam goes to the scroll." The inability to calculate the time often turns out to be the weak point of the King of Wands: he sets aside the shortest possible time for the implementation of his plans, which is why sometimes many of his good intentions remain only intentions.


This card means the maturation process associated with the expansion of our horizons in the search for wisdom. Often this is expressed in strengthening willpower, moral principles and conviction in their views. For the King of Wands, life is a field in which we sow the seeds of our ideas and put our will and strength into them to sprout and fruit. It often marks a period when our value system or religious beliefs develop so much that they begin to determine all of our behavior, without losing that shade of subjectivity that helps us win the sympathy of others.

Personal relationships:

This card expresses warmth, generosity and sincere passion. The King of Wands here is liveliness, the spirit of entrepreneurship, the desire to be generous, to bring joy to your partner, which makes the person himself happy. Thus, the map shows that we are, in principle, proud of our partnership - or we are looking for a partner who would be a strong, worthy person.

King of Wands combined with other tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - a capricious, immature personality.

With the card "Magician" - a great combinator.

With the High Priestess card - professional knowledge.

With the Empress card - professional achievements.

With the card "Emperor" - the head of production.

With the card "Hierophant" - nobility.

With the card "Lovers" - a sincere relationship.

With the Chariot card - a professional approach.

With the card "Strength" - hide your rage.

With the "Hermit" card - self-centeredness.

With the card "Wheel of Fortune" - career advancement.

With the "Justice" card - be royally fair.

With the Hanged Man card - loss of interest.

With the Death card - adapt to new realities.

With the "Moderation" card - moderate views.

With the "Devil" card - throw pearls in front of pigs.

With the "Tower" card - a state of frustration.

With the "Star" card - an increase.

There are delusions with the Moon card.

With the card "Sun" - creative achievements.

With the "Court" card - help.

With the "World" card - pass hardening.


With the card "Ace of Wands" - the discoverer; it's in good hands.

With the card "Two of Wands" - foresight; global vision.

With the card "Three of Wands" - things are going uphill.

With the card "Four of Wands" - a celebration.

With the "Five of Wands" card - an expression of discontent.

Successful management with the Six of Wands card.

With the card "Seven of Wands" - a forced attempt to defend their rightfully occupied place.

With the card "Eight of Wands" - orders, orders.

With the card "Nine of Wands" - to express distrust; lack of approval.

With the card "Ten of Wands" - Monomakh's hat is heavy; loss of position.

With the card "Page of Wands" - the correct calculation.

With the "Knight of Wands" card - impatience, disobedience; the situation is getting out of control.

With the "Queen of Wands" card - agreement, poise, maturity.

King of Staff - Ethical-sensory extrovert (Hugo)

Other names for this card: Ethical-sensory extrovert (ESE), Hugo, Enthusiast, Salesman, Player.


Direct Map: large, strong, knocked down. Picnic addition. The face is often widened downwards, like a "pear". In men, the abdomen grows with age, but not soft, it is rather a hard "callus", women, practically not spreading in the sides, also grow "reserves" in front and behind.

Reversed card: lean, small in stature, with a strong bone. Large angular head, like a pear, but wide upward. Very agile. Normostenics, or hypersthenics, but never asthenics.

The king of staff is very emotional and even expressive. Talkative and loud. And if the volume of his voice is somehow regulated, then the volume of laughter is never. Laughs loudly, very tasty and infectious. He is benevolent, will always praise for the good, pay attention, notice. At the same time, he is very hot-tempered, while making a whole storm, it would seem, for a trifling reason. But this is not a matter of lack of culture or lack of restraint. It's just that the King of Staffs the whole world, he perceives all information through emotions, and if someone is completely calm and does not emotionally react either to goodwill or to laughter, then all that remains is to piss him off in order to achieve at least something. That is why our King is quick-witted - as soon as the opponent lost his temper and gave out the necessary information, the storm instantly subsides.

Great event organizers. The best toastmaster. He who loves delicious food, a lot and varied food, is very hospitable. He seeks to endow others with white-sensory pleasures and even happens to be immensely intrusive in this. He himself knows how to get comfortable everywhere, creating coziness from what is at hand. He is attentive and responsive to others, takes care of numerous relatives, the weak, the sick. Very often, someone who is temporarily in a difficult situation lives in his house. Women, and even more so, children, among other things, are also not indifferent to animals. And realizing that it’s impossible to help everyone, they still drag those who are “pitiful” so that they can heal and feed them and put them in good hands.

In business matters, they are quite fussy and scattered. And if women still somehow cope (often due to charm and emotional pressure), then men tend to overload themselves with all sorts of things, not trusting control to someone else. One gets the impression that by moving a lot and starting various deals, he is forcing himself to be businesslike. And looking outwardly a significant figure, with a high status, he really achieves everything in life himself, not counting on the help of others. By the way, about the assistants. He loves assistants, students and simply messengers on assignments.

Of course! Each king should have an entourage and it is not a royal business to run himself.

He also cares about these people, feeds, and most importantly - teaches. And the teacher from him is excellent, although, in my opinion, somewhat slow, but very solid.

Over time, our King is not friends. He hesitates for a long time before making a decision, even on the most simple issues, missing a favorable moment for starting. One acquaintance of the Queen, for a whole year, coming to my classes, was at least 15 - 20 minutes late, and each time - for a completely new reason. Another familiar King, wherever he went to visit or to a business meeting, came in an hour and a half. That would not be late. With the third, having agreed, for example, for six, one could safely approach seven and had to wait another 15 minutes until he finished with the previous client.

If you have to be torn between two equally close people, then he falls into a stupor for some time, and whoever he chooses then still worries, even if it's just a friendly party. He tries very hard to be in time everywhere and not to offend anyone, and therefore delays even more, because in spite of being late, he will definitely come.

Despite his status, the King of Staves is quite trusting. And he is often afraid of deception, reinsured, which scares away decent people from himself, but lazy. Enterprising crooks are drawn to him like flies to honey, for the King is compassionate. And he prefers to judge others by himself.

He is very attached to the order, which he requires from others. For it is when there are no ambiguities, everything is measured and orderly, everyone is in their place and everyone is busy with their own business, then the King feels calm and confident. By the way, the King of Staves is often quick in deeds, but long in thought. Some Logicians even consider him to be slow-witted. Perhaps there is some grain of truth in this, because the King, in order to understand abstract or simply not emotionally colored information, needs to be rigidly structured. By the way, he even dreams often with a pen in his hands - beautifully and harmoniously written sentences inspire him to new achievements.

She is happy to start new projects and support those who strive for something new and extraordinary. And somehow he is very childishly happy when it turns out that he is needed again, that he can do something for someone.

Can't stand rudeness and lies. It requires a little special deference to itself, although in communication it is simple. Yes, he does not like arrogance and pomp, and at the same time he can indulge in long rants about good manners, good manners and politeness. He is very respectful himself, demands even more respect for himself and is even ready to quarrel because of this, especially if someone allows himself to argue with him or disagree.

Usually soft, one might even say weak-willed, the King of Staffs defends his status very jealously.

It may seem that this person is very independent and independent. In fact, upon closer inspection, our King is very dependent on many things. He has a significant sense of duty, he tries to remain good for everyone. And these feelings are a great reason for manipulation. He becomes especially helpless in front of someone else's powerlessness and tears. And also before the willingness to stand your ground, regardless of the relationship.

It is also interesting that being a rather stubborn person who seemingly firmly defends his interests, at some point the King of Staffs suddenly changes his decision to the exact opposite. And it seems that in the discussion he, having already agreed with you, continues to argue by inertia. And when you, having waved your hand at everything, agree, he suddenly takes your position. For some, this is insanely annoying, but if you are prepared in advance for such a turn of affairs, you can find a kind of pleasure in such situations.

The Kings of staffs dress on the one hand - conservatively, on the other - very catchy. This is especially true for women. Here, originality and brightness are just on the verge of a foul. A little larger or brighter - and it would be too much. But the King is rarely altered by his natural taste. In any case, things are preferred solid, aesthetically consistent. Natural fabrics are especially appreciated - your shirt is close to the body. And the King spoils his body with pleasure and tries to use only the best. Let not the most fashionable, although the King jealously follows fashion, but certainly the highest quality.

It is better to see once than read a hundred times, so here is a list of movies and characters in them. Here, the actors not only played the role of the King of Staffs, but they themselves are the carriers of this glorious card. In the future, in the descriptions of other cards, this principle will remain unchanged, that is, we will only talk about those characters where the role card and the actor match

1. "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers" - an old Soviet film - two Kings of Staffs at once - Porthos (direct map) and D'Terville (inverted map)

2. "Crime Story" - France - psychoanalyst (straight map)

3. "Young Catherine" - Hollywood - King of Prussia (straight card)

4. "City of Angels" - a sick person who used to be an angel (direct map)

5. "Only old men go to battle" - Makarych

6. "Romeo and Juliet" - with DiCaprio as Romeo - Juliet's father and her nurse (straight cards)

7. "Taxi" - Chief of Police (inverted card)

8. "The Barber of Siberia" - Cadet Polievsky (inverted card)

9. With "fire and sword" - a Cossack who helps Helena escape from Bagun. (direct map)

10. "Genius" - the main character

11. "Formula of Love" - ​​a courtyard girl, the niece of a blacksmith.

12. "Sorcerers" - Farada in a cameo role ("Well, who builds like that!") (Inverted card)

13. "Blonde around the corner" - the main character.

14. "Chameleon" - the protagonist's neighbor

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The minor lasso of the surreal tarot deck - the King of Wands symbolizes a mature, respected person.

The person is passionate and generous, wise and judicious, successful and financially secure. To the questioner, the card shows his leadership qualities and well-deserved success.

Synonyms for the King of Wands:

  • Fire of Fire;
  • Pharaoh;
  • Lord of Wands / Sceptres / Staves;
  • King of the Fire Chariot.

Close-up on the map shows the overlord seated on the throne. With the right hand, the person holds a staff that matches her height. Columns with salamanders and lions are visible in the background. One small salamander is located right at the feet of the king. With a keen eye, the ruler surveys the territory belonging to him.

Divination on Tarot cards, where the King of Wands lies in a straight position with the central lasso, shows an adult man aged 40 - 45 years. His element is Fire, that is, it can be Aries, Sagittarius or Leo. In any case, this is a bright individual, carried away by higher matters. The man is the center of attention of the opposite sex and sets an example for others to follow.

Pharaoh's nature is decisive and noble. He successfully develops an entrepreneurial streak, becomes a famous athlete, a great commander or an authoritative politician. Paired with the Magician, the Fire of Fire determines the thoughtfulness of manipulations and foresight. The lasso's neighborhood with Justice symbolizes great responsibility and a developed sense of duty.

Basic meanings for the direct position of the Lord of Sceptres:

  • Confession;
  • Long-awaited news;
  • Activity;
  • Inheritance;
  • Generosity;
  • Career advancement;
  • Ambition;
  • Striving to achieve more;
  • Financial prosperity;
  • Loss in reality, fraught with irrational use of time.

Inverted interpretation

Falling into alignment in an inverted position, the imperious King of Staves turns into an initiative person. But he lacks the ability to translate ideas into reality. Also, the significator lacks organized action, and he achieves his goal through selfishness and ambition. Pharaoh doesn't give a damn about other people. A person does not know how to keep trusted secrets and does not fulfill promises.

Together with the Force, the King of Wands is interpreted as incontinence in anger. In the vicinity of Moderation, the Fire of Fire brings out extremism and informal views.

The main characteristics of the Lord of Wands in an inverted position:

  • Prejudice;
  • Despotism;
  • Recklessness;
  • Severity;
  • Awkwardness;
  • Bad news;
  • Irascibility;
  • Powerfulness;
  • Intolerance;
  • Misogyny;
  • Advice to avoid charlatans;
  • Success won't be easy, you have to work hard.

The inner meaning of the King of Wands card

By his appearance in the layout, the King of Wands personifies a rich respectable person, whose financial position is at its best. His humble background did not become a hindrance on the path to wealth and prosperity. The man achieved everything on his own, using his own mind and determination. The questioner is delighted with his position and knows the value of advice from a powerful figure.

For a man, the Tarot layout with the participation of the King of Wands can prophesy an opponent. Its hallmarks will be honesty and generosity. The lasso shows a woman a kind adviser in the person of a relative or family friend.

If Pharaoh does not personify a specific person, he describes a favorable situation for the Questioner and says that now is a good time to start a business and set up a financial flow.

The meaning of the arcana in relationships and love

In his personal life, the King of Wands broadcasts the dynamic development of relations, the couple's readiness to jointly solve problems, the equality of lovers. Arkan describes a warm, sincere relationship and confirms an excellent partnership. The second half of the Questioner has a warm heart and a pure soul. If we consider Pharaoh as “a person for life”, the marriage will be long-lasting and promising.

The inverted position of the King of Wands characterizes a demanding despot. The person establishes such restrictions that others cannot bear. Fire of Fire can symbolize incontinence and imbalance, which creates tension and leads to quarrels and breakdowns.

The value of the card in money layouts

Arkan promises prosperity, financial support, or patronage from a reliable partner. The King of Wands takes pride in any accomplishment, be it buying a car, a fashionable gadget, or expensive renovations in an apartment. The level of a person's capabilities at different times may be different, but he always strives to buy something “cool”, speaking in modern language.

Health status

Everything is fine with health when the King of Wands falls into the alignment. The interpretation of the lasso is varied. This is cheerfulness, and powerful energy, and high reproductive potential, and remarkable vitality.

If Pharaoh identifies a disease, he warns against professional burnout, overestimating one's own capabilities and performing work duties tirelessly, as the people say. And all this just to impress someone. For this reason, you should not strain yourself, otherwise the body will soon suffer from fever, heart attack or inflammatory disease.

Other interpretations:

  • Straight King of Staves - drops in blood pressure; fast recovery; consistently good health;
  • Inverted Pharaoh - apathy; indifference; temporary disability.

Significance in career and work

In the professional field, the upright position of the King of Wands Tarot card is favorable. The overlord describes an independent leader who is willing to work hard to achieve goals. A person is full of strength and energy and will certainly realize his plans.

The inverted character "The King of the Fire Chariot" is identified with an overestimation of possibilities, a disconnection from reality and an underestimation of difficulties. The reasons for this are impatience, arrogance and conflict of the significator.

Divination by personality and situation

In the King of Wands, the personal state is manifested by such qualities as:

  • Force;
  • Courage;
  • Perseverance;
  • A responsibility;
  • Dignity;
  • Independence.

Ancient treatises describe the Lord of Sceptres as a noble, dark-haired gentleman whose main virtues are honesty and decency. A courageous nature decides even for extraordinary actions. A completely independent person skillfully controls the flow of his own life, taking full responsibility for himself.

The Inverted King of Wands describes a selfish, arrogant and ruthless individual. He is a tyrant and a talker who divulges other people's secrets for his own benefit.

But as a card of the day, the minor lasso says that the fortuneteller is overwhelmed with energy, with which the King of Wands easily infects others. In the absence of ambitious plans today, you can set a big goal and gradually move towards achieving it. Even seemingly insurmountable difficulties today can be pushed aside with a slight movement of the hand. Or maybe fate has prepared for you a meeting with an interesting temperamental admirer.

King of Wands combined with other cards

In complex tarot layouts, the usual meaning of the King of Wands changes depending on its combination with other cards. Let's first consider all the options with the major lasso:

Jesteryour partner is narrow-minded, stupid and immature as a person
Magiciana frivolous person has his own plans for you
High Priestessextensive experience comparable to professionalism
The empresscareer advancement
nobility is manifested by actions
Loverspassion, sincere feelings
high level of professionalism
the significator's interests revolve around himself, this is a hint of selfishness
Forcedo not give vent to emotions
Wheel of Fortunecareer
Hangedfading out of interest in life
Justiceshow your best qualities
don't let emotions get the better of your mind
the world is changing rapidly, have time to adapt to the new
Devildo not waste time and energy on people unworthy of you, if possible, remove them from your environment
Peacewill be tested
Towerfear, excitement, inadequate perception of the real world
Starmeteoric career
errors due to lack of complete information
Courtget help
The sunsuccessful creativity

With other minor arcana, the King of Wands can be interpreted according to the following scheme:

  • - some person is considering a new field of activity;
  • Two of Wands - clairvoyance, well-developed intuition;
  • Three of Wands - business is developing successfully;
  • Four of Wands - defines ambition;
  • Five of Wands - describes dissatisfaction;
  • Six of Wands - circumstances will turn out well;
  • Seven of Wands - someone is thinking to "hook" you at work;
  • Eight of Wands - receive instructions from the leadership;
  • Nine of Wands - others do not approve of your actions;
  • Ten of Wands - the risk of losing a high position in society or position;
  • Page of Wands - correctly drawn up reports, correct solution of production problems;
  • - you have lost control of the situation;
  • Queen of Wands - success, balance, harmony;
  • Ace of Pentacles - financial stability;
  • Two of Pentacles - you have a reasonable boss;
  • Three of Pentacles - fruitful cooperation is outlined;
  • Four of Pentacles - you are led by a talented leader;
  • Five of Pentacles - fear and insecurity get in your way;
  • Six of Pentacles - sponsorship, material assistance;
  • Seven of Pentacles - the situation does not tolerate delay;
  • Eight of Pentacles - your professional sphere will be filled with new ideas;
  • Nine of Pentacles - prize, reward, praise;
  • Ten of Pentacles - positive and full of life;
  • Page of Pentacles - news;
  • Knight of Pentacles - organization, phased actions;
  • The Queen of Pentacles is a successful tandem;
  • King of Pentacles - long-term plans will acquire the material support of an influential person;
  • Ace of Cups - you will be captured by passion;
  • Two of Cups - personal wedding, job prospects;
  • Three of Cups - a career splash;
  • Four of Cups - you are dissatisfied with the work;
  • Five of Cups - beware of waste and loss of life;
  • Six of Cups - a meeting with the past, memories;
  • Seven of Cups - addictions;
  • Eight of Cups - change of workplace;
  • Nine of Cups - a dream come true;
  • Ten Cups - a successful partnership is on the horizon;
  • Page of Cups - take on a new position;
  • Knight of Cups is definitely a great deal;
  • Queen of Cups - loneliness blows you;
  • King of Cups - important meetings planned;
  • Ace of Swords - carefully considered decisions;
  • Deuce of Swords - communication with the enemy for the common good;
  • Three of Swords - you will come out of trust;
  • Four of Swords - stagnation;
  • Five of Swords - violation of laws, dishonesty;
  • Six of Swords - take on hard work;
  • Seven of Swords - insincerity of the significator;
  • Eight of Swords - narrow-mindedness and shortsightedness;
  • Nine of Swords - pangs of conscience;
  • Ten of Swords - disappointment, empty hopes;
  • Page of Swords - some person intrusively interferes with your life;
  • Knight of Swords - unwillingness to perceive the established order;
  • - alienation and coldness in a once intimate relationship;
  • King of Swords - biased judgments of the Questioner.

The meaning of the king of wands in an upright position

Courage, courage, generosity, order. Creativity, initiative, strength. The card very often means a happy marriage. The time has come for active action. This applies to all spheres of human life: business, real estate, finance, career, personal life. Success, luck and recognition are ahead.

The King of Wands of the Tarot is a man of wealth and status. Groom. Love of a very worthy person.

  • a man with great charm, witty, charming, decent and honest
  • person with power, reflections, cash income
  • decency, honesty, reliability, creativity
  • philanthropy, adventurism, happy marriage

The King of Wands of the Tarot, in the correct orientation, personifies a mature man with position and power, energetic, adventurous, very direct and honest. He is a good leader and an experienced judge, and in the latter capacity he can be involved in the life of the Client in order to resolve any dispute. The card also speaks of unexpected financial luck, probably inherited.

Tarot card The King of Wands is a man with wealth and status, friendly to the Questioner and ready to help him with money or advice. He is honest, intelligent and conscientious. If it is a rival, then it is fair and generous. If a friend, then it is better to listen to his advice. If the King of Wands of the Tarot does not personify a certain person, then the situation itself is conducive to honesty: everything looks as it is. There is also the possibility of unexpected good news regarding inheritance, career advancement, and the success of an existing or planned (usually business or financial) venture. Unexpected help or advice will help you in your endeavor.

The value of the king of wands in an inverted position

Quarrel, conflict, misunderstanding. Suspended state, lack of support under the feet.

An unbridled person, selfish, quick-tempered, stubborn, does not have enough life experience. Because of all these qualities, the card does not advise having a close relationship with him. Sooner or later, he may let you down, you should not rely on him. But there is no direct threat in sight, no one will harm you on purpose. But no one will help either. In personal relationships, the card means a lack of sympathy, a neutral attitude. The desire to suppress, to use you.

  • a man of strict rules, domineering and proud
  • domineering personality, intolerance, quarrels
  • selfishness, arrogance, snobbery

In an inverted position, the King of Tarot Wands has such qualities as intolerance, imperious severity, insecurity. He imposes his views and assessments on others, considering them the best, and does not take into account a different point of view. The card indicates an upcoming quarrel and recommends the Client to move away from it as soon as possible.

The inverted tarot card, the king of wands, represents a man of authority and wealth, stern but fair. He will not stray from his path to help you, but he will not unnecessarily hinder you and approve of the efforts you make to achieve your goal.

If this card does not represent a specific person, then you must work hard to achieve success, but the circumstances are generally favorable for you. You may not get help, but nothing and no one will try to stop you.

Internal meaning. It is given to understand the direct position of the card.

When the King of Wands tarot card appears in the layout, he must evoke the image of a person with wealth and status, successful in finance and business. He is a man of humble birth who has achieved success either through luck or through his own mind and determination. This is probably a person whose position and achievements the Questioner admires. And he deserves this admiration: his word is firm, and his advice can be trusted.

If the Questioner is a man, then the King of Tarot Wands can also personify an opponent, but generous and honest.

If a prediction is made for a woman, then the King of Wands is either a relative or a close friend of the family, but always a kind adviser.

If the king of wands tarot card does not represent a certain person, then it indicates a favorable or at least fair situation for the Questioner, as well as the most appropriate time to take actions related to business or finance.

Even if a person is very superficially familiar with the interpretation of symbols in layouts, he will be able to understand the basic meaning and inner meaning of the King of Wands lasso by carefully examining the image.

Arthur Edward Waite, author of the famous classic deck, described an adult, not old, not elderly, but a mature man in his prime, sitting on a throne. In his right hand he holds a staff (the length of which is much longer than that of the Knight of Staves, which hints at the superiority and strength of the King).

The man is dressed richly, there is an ornament on his chest, and a golden crown flaunts on his head - all this speaks of material well-being.

Astrological position: Sun in Leo as an image of independence and self-confidence.

The throne also deserves attention. Its back is adorned with drawings of lions and salamanders swallowing their tail. Sometimes, salamanders are depicted on the ground at the feet of the King. Lizards are also embroidered on the master's luxurious cloak. By them and the warm colors, one can judge the element to which the card belongs - this is Fire.

Of course, this rough description does not provide an accurate description. But, in order to find out and study the interpretation and meaning of the Tarot card King of Wands, it is advisable to use such symbolism - in the future it helps to decipher the alignment.

Common values

  • Politics;
  • law and law;
  • power and power;
  • hypocrisy and intrigue;
  • ambition, personal dignity.

Direct position

  • An early meeting with a dark-haired middle-aged man or a powerful and powerful person;
  • reliable assistant (partner), wise leader, father or other close adult relative;
  • meeting influential people who will bring benefits in the future;
  • support (material or moral) that brings success; patronage;
  • promotion to the top (self-development, career growth is not important, the main thing is that a person is moving forward);
  • financial take-off;
  • long-awaited news, inheritance.

Inverted position

  • Selfish and extremely narcissistic man, an early meeting with him;
  • recession, unjustified desires and actions, unfulfilled initiatives;
  • selfishness, ruthlessness and arrogance;
  • unfounded claims, broken promises, a person is not responsible for his words;
  • waste of energy on the impossible;
  • lack of will and interest in life;
  • there is a high probability that the fortuneteller is deceived and misled.


The element of fire also affects - the value of the King of Wands Tarot card in the layouts takes on a special meaning.

What kind of people is the King of Wands Tarot card? Fire is impulsiveness, desire, tremendous sensuality. Even a small flame can cause significant damage, it burns and incinerates everything in its path. You can easily put out a small fire, but it grows quickly and then it will be difficult to cope with it.

The fire is practically uncontrollable, it is difficult to control itself, and others can forget about attempts to tame it. But at the same time, the element gives warmth, it is able to transform objects and matter, thanks to which others get what they need.

To generalize, the element characterizes the following:

  1. Young people and adults (more often men, or women with a pronounced masculine character). Passionate, emotional, easily excitable. They just come into conflict.
  2. They are generous, have a sense of their own dignity, they enjoy being givers and saviors. At the same time, they do not notice mistakes behind themselves, they teach others, not seeing the beam in their own eyes.
  3. Smart and savvy. But they do not have much foresight, they calculate the situation a maximum of 1-2 steps forward.
  4. To achieve their goal, they are able to do anything. We are ready to destroy any obstacles, surrender only in extreme cases.
  5. Creative personalities. More creators than creators.

In the hands of relationships

King of Wands Tarot: The value in a relationship is quite favorable. But there are specific features that should be worked on.

Direct position

  1. Personality. Usually, the King of Wands in an upright position indicates an open person with his "cockroaches". He lets his partner into his own world, but he himself is not particularly in a hurry to open up. But this is a real warrior and hunter, he achieves the person he likes by all means. In the future, he sets the basic tone in the relationship. Important: it should be remembered that the card can mean other persons influencing the couple.
  2. Period. More often "candy-bouquet", the very beginning of a relationship, when passion and impulsiveness prevail.
  3. The senses. They are, the partner feels sincere sympathy, he is passionate and wants to stay close.
  4. Further development. It's hard to talk about the future on this map. It is imperative to pull out additional ones and make a forecast for them.
  5. Advice. It is worth remembering that the King of Staves should never be bored. On the contrary, the intensity must increase every day, otherwise he will get bored and go in search of new prey. Such a person is suitable for those who want to be "led", who are not annoyed by interference in all areas of their lives and who are 100% devoted to their partner.

Inverted position

The King of Wands in an inverted position increases all negative qualities several times. Such a person exerts tremendous psychological pressure, he is a tyrant and a despot.

The relationship itself lacks fire and drive: they have long died out. It is possible to save them, but the fortuneteller needs to do this as a last resort, when the couple still has feelings.

Work, upright position

The value of the tarot card is the king of wands when fortune-telling for work and deeds is the most positive.

  1. Relationship. There are rivals, but they do not interfere, but on the contrary give an impetus to development.
  2. Possibilities. Limitless. You should trust your intuition and set yourself almost any goal. Rapid rise, expansion for business, capture of new spaces. Additional orders.
  3. Current situation. Absolute stability, no cause for concern.
  4. Resources. There are (or there is a possibility of obtaining them in the near future) material and moral and psychological.

Inverted position

The Inverted King of Wands in a career speaks of the presence of a problematic leadership that does not listen to its subordinates. You should not take risks, go on the rampage and get involved in conflicts: all this threatens the loss of stability.


  1. Direct position. Complete prosperity. The fortuneteller (or the questioner) made every effort and a decent reward awaits him. The king of any deck of Tarot cards advises: you shouldn't spend all your money on entertainment, some of it is better to invest in your development.
  2. Inverted position. No status, no wealth. The financial situation is extremely unstable. If so far everything is in order for a person, he should be especially careful, as there is a risk of losing everything.

Interestingly, a direct position does not always correspond to wealth. She may mean that a person is able to find a solution that will improve his material status.


  1. Direct position. There are some problems with the pressure (it jumps) or everything is fine. The card promises sooner a recovery, but for this you will have to spend money on additional support. In general, these are athletes and physically strong people who are not worried about anything.
  2. Inverted position. There is a temporary disability or a strong indifference to everything.

Characteristics of a person

The King of Wands in the Tarot: the description of the person is as follows:

  1. Appearance. This is a man with dark hair and light eyes, or red-haired and brown-eyed.
  2. Character. Rather, it belongs to a choleric temperament. Determined, strong, smart, sexy. Desires to become better and strive for self-realization. Lucky, makes the right decisions. Noble and generous. Overly impulsive and arrogant.
  3. What it does. Authoritative, has a position in society. Businessman or politician. Rather, it occupies leadership positions. Sportsman, actor, military man or traveler. May be related to legal proceedings.

Personality characteristic

Psychological layouts are quite interesting and useful: they help to see the root of the problem and those shortcomings that prevent you from going forward at the moment. In such layouts, a different interpretation is used: King of the Tarot Staves - meaning at the level of consciousness.

  1. The questioner does not understand and does not listen to other people. He is only in his own world, where everything must obey his laws. Cynicism and long-standing prejudices interfere. Advice: you should learn to look at things with someone else's eyes in order to understand the motives of others.
  2. Perhaps the fortuneteller has not been engaged in creativity for a long time and this makes him sad. Even if a person at the moment is actively paying tribute to his hobby, you need to expand horizons and open up new directions in creativity. It will bring joy and comfort.
  3. The King of Wands is a ripening card. The perfect moment has come to become wiser, to strengthen your will, to outline moral principles and views. There is no need to waste a moment if a person realizes that he himself needs it.

Combinations with other cards

How to decipher the combinations of tarot cards? First, it takes practice to find the author's pairs of cards that will come across in certain interpretations most often. Secondly, you need to remember the meanings of some Arcana paired with the King of Wands and rely on them in the future.

Major Arcana

It is interesting that the King of Wands in combination with other cards of the major Arcana Tarot becomes less negative. Even in the upright position, some not very pleasant characteristics may remain, but in such pairs they are more often neutralized.

  • Jester: a person, although not too smart, is absolutely ingenuous, he will never deceive;
  • Priestess: you need to make a decision without relying on feelings;
  • Hierophant: it is necessary to follow the Law;
  • Wheel of Fortune: awaiting promotion;
  • Sun: you should be creative, there is great success ahead;
  • Judgment: the person will receive help;
  • Peace: all difficulties and trials are necessary for further growth.

Minor Arcana

The King of Wands in combination with the minor Arcana Tarot changes its meaning.


The King of Wands combined with the Arcana of the Wands Tarot cards (Staves):

  • 3 of Wands: changes and rethinking of old norms await;
  • 5 of Wands: it is necessary to be careful to express dissatisfaction;
  • 7 of Wands: you have to defend your interests;
  • 10 of Wands: a person is tired of power, dismissal is possible;
  • Lady of Wands: conflicts with power.


The King of Wands combined with the Arcana of the Swords Tarot cards:

  • 2 of Swords: do not try to bypass the rules and laws in order to achieve what you want;
  • 3 of Swords: you need to stop, an overly responsible position will lead to a crisis;
  • 7 swords: insincerity;
  • 8 of swords: there is that which binds.


The King of Wands combined with the Arcanum of the Pentacle Tarot Cards (Denarius):

  • 2 of Pentacles: the ability to organize;
  • 7 of Pentacles: Leadership Fatigue;
  • 9 of Pentacles: profit from political machinations;
  • Ace of Pentacles: financial success from the project.


King of Wands combined with Arcana Tarot cards Cups (Chalice):

  • 5 Cups: disappointment in the leader;
  • 8 Cups: getting into the highest political circles;
  • 10 Cups: the fortuneteller is the patriarch for family and friends;
  • Queen of Cups: negotiations.


Tarot cards help to avoid mistakes, choose the right landmark and weed out unnecessary options. To do this, you need to correctly interpret the alignment.

The King of Wands is a rather multifaceted card, although at first glance it may seem simple and straightforward.

Its interpretation varies greatly depending on the topic of the alignment and the nearby couple. Choose the correct interpretation, because the final result can be very different from the original version.

To avoid potential mistakes, check out the full interpretation of the King of Staffs. In this case, the fortuneteller will receive a clear picture with real factors, according to which he will draw the correct conclusion.