Brick paths in the suburban area. How to make a brick walkway with your own hands? DIY garden paths from brick fragments

This issue can be easily solved using such a common material as brick. As a pavement, it is attractive in that you can make brick paths with your own hands and at the same time use those leftovers that were not previously used up during construction.

Advantages, disadvantages and types used

The main advantages of using bricks for paving walkways are ease of installation, accessibility and the ability to use leftovers after building a house, including broken fragments.

However, the pavement surface covered with outdoor wall material is not durable. After two or three years, under the influence of moisture and frost, an ordinary brick can collapse. To avoid this, we can recommend:

  • treat stones or waterproof varnish;
  • use a special clinker brick;
  • buy imitating paving slabs.

Treatment of ordinary clay bricks with a hydrophobic composition must be carried out at least twice with its complete immersion in liquid. This will ensure the resistance of the brick to moisture and increase its frost resistance.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the validity period of the water repellent is no more than five years. After this, the surface of the track must be processed again. The service life of the lacquer coating is determined by the intensity of operation of the brick track.

Scheme of a brick path.

Clinker bricks are practically impervious to moisture and therefore almost do not collapse over time. It is more expensive than usual, but the garden path from it will be durable and more beautiful.

A do-it-yourself brick path can be laid out in the form of:

  • longitudinal pattern with classic spoon dressing;
  • alternation of vertical and horizontal rows;
  • "Christmas trees" at an angle of 45 ° or 90 °;
  • single or double braid.

There are more complex patterns, but for do-it-yourself styling, it is recommended to use these.

Paving methods.

Required materials and tools

In addition to bricks, for the construction of the track you will need sand, crushed stone of the middle fraction, PC400 cement and non-woven waterproofing material.

Tool for work:

  • bayonet and shovel;
  • manual rammer or tamping machine;
  • container for mixing the mortar and preparing the cement-sand mixture;
  • measuring tape 5-10 m;
  • cord for marking;
  • pegs;
  • rubber and regular hammer;
  • construction worker.

For laying a broken brick path, you may need an angle grinder (grinder) with a diamond wheel to process uneven edges.


Marking and excavation.

Use pegs, cord and tape measure to mark future tracks and sites. They must be at least two meters away from the trees, as growing roots can lead to the destruction of the base. The garden path should be wide enough for two people to pass without leaving the pavement.

The cord on the pegs should not sag much. To do this, make the distance between them no more than 5 meters. Turns are recommended to be made smooth so that a wheelbarrow or trolley can turn on them. In places of turns, increase the number of pegs.

Substrate preparation and curb installation

Geotextile laying.

To equip the foundation of a brick garden path, it is necessary to remove 20-25 cm of surface soil in accordance with the markings. Sprinkle the bottom of the resulting trench with a layer of sand 2-3 cm thick and compact well. After that, lay out the geotextile along the entire width and length of the track. This will effectively remove moisture down, preventing it from entering the base. In addition, the non-woven fabric will prevent the growth of weeds through the base and brick coating.

On top of the geotextile, pour a layer of sand 2-3 cm thick, and 10 cm of crushed stone on it and tamp it well. Sand is necessary so that the sharp edges of the stones do not tear the canvas. The crushed stone layer will act as a drainage to remove incoming moisture and prevent the base of the track from being washed away.

Option using a sand base.

The drainage layer must be sprinkled with sand, hiding the rubble and putting another layer of geotextile on it. Install a curb along the edges of the path, which can be concrete, or made of brick laid on the edge. Fastening the curb material is done by hand using cement mortar or steel reinforcement stakes hammered into the ground.

Next, pour sand or a dry cement-sand mixture onto the geotextile. The surface is well compacted and leveled with a plaster rule or a flat wooden block, taking into account the provision of water runoff from the surface after laying. Dry cement-sand mixture provides increased strength and stability of the coating. With light loads on the pavement, you can use the basis of their pure river sand.

brick laying

The paving of the garden path is made in accordance with a pre-selected pattern.

Stones are placed on a sandy or cement-sand surface, tapping them a little with a rubber mallet to land in place.

The sagging elements must be removed and a little sand or mixture should be poured under them. Slopes for water drainage are checked with a building level, and a flat surface with a plaster rule or a wooden block. If a block is used, alignment can be done by lightly tapping on it.

After laying the brick, a little dry cement-sand mixture is poured onto its surface, and then it is brushed to fill the joints and the surface is spilled with water.

After 2-3 days, after the cement in the joints has set, this procedure must be repeated.


A brick garden path is an affordable solution for do-it-yourself landscaping. However, an ordinary wall brick requires pre-treatment with hydrophobic materials that will protect it from the damaging effects of moisture and frost. If you use clinker bricks, then pre-treatment of the material is not required.

It is very important to correctly make the base of the track - with the device of the drainage layer and the laying of geotextiles. In addition, all layers of the base must be well compacted so that in the future, during operation, subsidence and surface destruction do not form.

Each personal plot ideally has a system of paths and paths.

They must be clearly designed in advance, because it is the shortest path from one object to another that will make your stay on the territory as comfortable and cozy as possible.

At the same time, if the tracks are located correctly on the territory, then this can save a lot of personal time and effort.

When it comes to the beginning of work, most people immediately have a question about how to lay out the track, what materials to use, their main quality characteristics, how to correctly and competently make a breakdown. Therefore, everything should be told in order.

The main types of garden paths made of stone and brick

All paths, in a style decision, are of two types: landscape (that is, smooth, winding and rounded shapes, always asymmetrical) and regular (located in a straight direction or diagonally, symmetry in all directions is characteristic).

As for the materials that are used for their device, there are several main types.

Stone garden paths are one of the most popular, due to the many options for paving and device methods. Also, the decorative effect of such elements is very high.

Stone is considered a natural material. Due to its strength, the path will serve its owners for a long time. Due to some of its properties, such as special decorativeness, naturalness, beauty, strength and durability, this material has gained wide application not only for laying paths, but also in landscape design in general.

By texture, you can find a smooth surface, and rough, and quite rough. In the color spectrum, stone paving is widely represented (green, red, gray, black, and other colors). However, there are still disadvantages - this is the cost, weight. The most expensive include marble, granite, porphyry and basalt. For a budget option - sandstone and limestone.

If the cost of the second option is approximately 150-500 rubles / m 2, then the price of the first is on average from 1 thousand rubles / m 2, some copies can reach 14 thousand rubles / m 2.

Stone for paving paths can be of 2 types - processed or not subjected to such a process. Therefore, several types can be distinguished in shape: flat, round, decorative, due to the natural image. However, the tracks still turn out to be aesthetic and attractive.

Brick garden paths are constantly in competition with the first type in popularity, due to good technical and quality characteristics.

Brick for the device tracks has a specific name - clinker. Such material is generally not able to absorb moisture. And the laying technology is very simple, in three layers: pebbles, or crushed stone - concrete mortar - brick. All seams must be sealed with a special mixture. Lawn grass is often sown between them, which creates a special effect.

It can be argued that most people have such material in their plots. And therefore, using it, own funds will not be spent. A garden path made of old brick will last a long time, not succumbing to the negative effects of the environment. This option will also be very economical, from the financial point of view, and practical.

A path made of broken bricks requires laying out on a previously prepared sand cushion, followed by sealing all the cracks. Thanks to the presence of such material, you can not be afraid that on a rainy day it will become slippery and uncomfortable. Therefore, safety for movement in any weather will be ensured.

Concrete paths for the garden conquered their owners with strength and durability.

But aesthetics remains almost in last place, which indicates low performance, and additional work to decorate the element itself. This can be done by pressing various stones, glass pieces, resulting in a beautiful mosaic.

Combined garden paths allow you to make the site even more diverse and beautiful. This is achieved by combining several materials. For example, colored tiles with gravel, paving stones with bricks.

The number of options and combinations in paving garden paths is simply amazing. Therefore, any owner of a summer cottage will be able to make a path with his own hands, either from bricks or from stones. It will only be necessary to choose the right materials. The main thing is fantasy and skill.

Interesting design ideas:

Dry stream - this design is achieved by giving the path a winding and smooth outline. You can use gravel as a cover, and perennial flowering plants, cereals or some shrubs will look beautiful around.

Patterned path - you can create a design idea using multi-colored stones laid out in certain ornaments and patterns.

An interesting option is a garden path made of stones, neatly laid out, between which backfill is used (pebbles, wood chips, lawn grass can be sown, etc.).

Self-laying paths in the country

Some do not even realize that laying a path in the country can be a completely independent process that does not require a lot of time and effort. The main thing is to know the specific steps for improvement that will help to cope with this task.

Consider such a process using the example of paving stone paths. The most popular material is sandstone, which looks decent and its price is considered one of the most attractive. The main characteristics are frost resistance, density, durability and strength.

The appearance of the material is represented by plates of torn shapes, of various sizes. In addition, the following products are made from sandstone: paving stones and flagstone.

In order to get a beautiful stone path in the garden, you will need the following materials and tools: a rubber mallet, a cord, a shovel, a building level, a trowel, sand and gravel.


  1. From the very beginning, the contours of the future track are drawn, which is done with the help of a cord that beats off the boundaries.
  2. Digging up the earth on the bayonet of a shovel.
  3. The gravel is backfilled and compacted.
  4. Sand is poured on top, on which paving stones are laid, at the same time adjusted with a hammer.
  5. And only then is the building level used, which checks the evenness of the almost finished garden path.
  6. At the very end, everything is covered with sand to fill the cracks.

Here the path is ready, and in the presented video, you can learn more about the stages in the construction of a flagstone garden element:

The stone path in the garden, as well as brick, concrete, are the most popular, integral parts of any backyard territory. Therefore, its organization and arrangement requires a reverent and careful approach.

After all, it is worth constructing this element in the wrong place, at the wrong angle, as discomfort and inconvenience will immediately be felt. This also applies to the choice of building material, which will have to deal with for quite a long time.

If you apply all your ingenuity and creativity, then even the most modest summer cottage can turn into something unusual, fabulous and very beautiful.

It is difficult to imagine a garden plot without neat paths. They divide the site into zones, decorate it and, of course, provide comfortable movement. One of the popular garden path materials is brick. So, do-it-yourself brick garden path.

Not every brick is suitable for paving. Ordinary full-bodied ceramic or silicate do not tolerate water and repeated freezing and thawing. After a few years, these bricks will begin to crumble and crack. Therefore, it is better to purchase clay paving slabs or waterproof bricks.

There are many options for paving patterns. You can also lay multi-colored bricks.

First, decide on the route and width of the future track. When planning the path, keep in mind that it should not pass close to large trees. Their roots will easily damage it. The minimum distance is 60 cm. But the main threat is water. Therefore, plan a path with a slight slope. Also, on one or both sides, you can dig a trench to drain water. Now, with the help of pegs and rope, mark the future route.

Next, a layer of sand about 5 cm thick is poured. The thickness may be different, it all depends on your site. After that, the sand is spilled with water and rammed. Then use the guides to align it.

Now you can lay bricks. We put it in the right place and with the help of a rubber mallet we drive in with gentle blows to the required depth. Use the level to check.

If you go too far and drive too deep, just take out the brick, level the sand and set it again. Another laying option, more reliable, is when the extreme bricks are placed on the end. If you choose this option, start laying with them.

After that comes the stage of filling the seams. To do this, sprinkle the sand along the path and simply mark it with a brush.

The second option for laying bricks

For a more solid version of the track, we lay geotextiles on the bottom of the base. It will prevent the germination of plants. Another difference is the extra layer of gravel. The thickness of this layer will again depend on your site, its topography, and the type of soil. The minimum thickness is 5 cm, on average it is 10-15 cm.

When structuring a site, whether it be a garden-garden "cottage type" or near a decorative cottage, the owner is faced with the problem of structuring the space and facilitating access to the plants in the garden to care for them. Actual arrangement of wide, comfortable and beautiful tracks. In other words, the path should also decorate the site.

Anyone can lay a brick path with their own hands, and following the instructions on our website, you will do it quickly and beautifully from an aesthetic point of view.

We plan the location of the track and the scheme of work

When planning a garden brick path, you need to consider that:

  1. a loaded wheelbarrow should easily pass through it (sufficient width and smooth turns are needed).
  2. the path should provide access to all areas of the site, even in rain and slush.
  3. the path should run from the trunks of large trees at a distance of at least 3 meters: the roots will easily lift the cover.
  4. the path must be brought into line with, at least by setting the automatic watering nozzles so that water does not enter the path. Irrigation water, impregnating the material of the track, erodes and destroys it.
  5. it is necessary to adjust the slope of the soil or make diversion grooves.

Necessary materials

A garden path made of bricks can withstand the load only if you choose the right type of brick. Silicate and ordinary ceramic solid bricks are completely unstable. From water and constant freeze-thaw cycles, the brick cracks and begins to crumble after a few years.

Therefore, it is necessary to purchase waterproof bricks or clay paving slabs. They are more expensive, but more decorative and will last longer.

You will also need:

  • sand
  • cement
  • curb stone or boards
  • fittings for fixing limiters
  • mallet
  • tamper (conventional manual, or in the form of a drum filled with water)
  • shovel
  • mop
  • scoop

Marking and preparing the base for the track

We mark the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe track with pegs and a cord

The easiest way to mark a garden path is using pegs and a cord.

If you need an easy-to-dismant elevated walkway, then after marking, the soil is leveled, cleared of weeds, along the border of the track on one side, boards or curb blocks driven into the ground with reinforcement are installed and fixed. The area of ​​the path is covered with a membrane that does not allow plants to break through it, and covered with a layer of sand.

The required width of the track is gained with one row of bricks, after which a restrictive element is tightly placed on the other side of the track and is also fastened with reinforcement. When a track's width is determined, it is bridged within the bounds. Such a path serves for several years, then the boards and bricks become unusable and need to be replaced. However, it is easy, just like removing the path without harming the soil.

If you need a fixed track, according to the marking, they dig a trench-bed with a depth of 10-15 cm, tamp the bottom and pour gravel in a layer of 5-6 cm, then a layer of sand 5-6 cm (or a layer of granite chips), moisten and tamp. The thickness of the pillow depends on the site. If it is important that the finished path is above the soil level, put guide boards-limiters.

The board is impregnated with an antiseptic. After two years, the path will finally “sit down”, and the board can be removed, the voids can be filled with stone chips or pebbles.

Laying out the borders

In the role of a curb, it is appropriate to use an ordinary brick

After tamping the sand, a part of it is taken out along the guides in order to lay the side strips of brick or curb stone. An ordinary brick is placed on the edge, and with not strong sharp blows of a mallet they are driven into the sand in order to level it at the desired height. Having laid out the ribbons of the curbs, they begin to pave the field of the track.

If you need the most durable track, then the base is dried and covered with a dry mixture of sand and cement, or poured with cement mortar. Then they put curbs on it and pave the field.

Paving process

  1. Bricks are laid on a sand cushion, pressing and leveling.
  2. They check it with a board, laying it on bricks and tapping it with a mallet, then the brick sits “exactly”.
  3. If some brick sank, they take it out, add sand under it and level it again.

Many decorative styling methods (dressing patterns) have been created, for example:

  1. Spoon dressing
  2. Herringbone90°
  3. "Network"
  4. Pattern alternating vertical and horizontal rows of bricks
  5. Double "braid"
  6. Herringbone 45°

Final stage

Seams between adjacent bricks are rarely fixed with mortar. If you need to cement them, then a dry mixture of sand and cement is poured onto the surface of the track, rubbed into the cracks with a mop, and then watered. Although they are usually limited to filling the seams with sand and watering.

We will tell you a few tricks of landscape design, how ordinary garden paths, using optical laws and the rules of perspective, will help make your cottage more beautiful.

Long brick garden paths will not be so boring and dull if they are crossed by transverse lines. It can be wooden or concrete beams, brickwork in a perpendicular direction. The same result gives a combination of slabs and brickwork.

If a brick path expands near the porch of the house, then it seems shorter, if it narrows, it looks longer. The garden path, widening near the porch, creates the effect of a front platform in front of the house.

If you want to increase the space of a summer cottage, make paths in the country with a smooth bend. So even the smallest yard will look very impressive.

The correct forms in landscape design, such as circles and squares, visually greatly reduce the space. Therefore, try to avoid the correct forms for garden paths and areas if you have a small garden plot.

You can choose any trendy design for your garden path or front yard, but there are two important things you need to keep in mind - harmony with the main building and functionality. Pedestrian paths can be narrower, but not less than a meter, and do not require a massive, expensive cushion of gravel and sand. If you use the site in front of the house as a driveway, it must have a reliable foundation, otherwise, the brickwork may warp and crack.

There are several options for paving a garden path with bricks. In any case, a pillow for the path is first prepared: pegs with a cord are driven in along the contour of the path, the soil is removed, 10-15 cm of crushed stone is poured, the crushed stone is compacted, 3-5 cm of sand is poured on top, on top of which a brick is laid. The seams between the bricks are filled with wet sand, after which the surface of the path is leveled and covered with dry sand. Finally, the excess sand is washed off with water.

Very beautiful garden paths are obtained from a combination of brick and natural stone. In this variant of paving, laying is carried out on lean concrete. For such a path, it is necessary to make a 1-3% slope away from the building, because. the seams in this track will not be able to absorb and channel excess moisture. When laying on a prepared gravel-sand cushion, a layer of wet concrete is poured, bricks and slabs are laid, the masonry is watered. After that, all seams on the track are tightly sealed with a special solution.

However, there is a catch in the method of laying a garden path on concrete: some natural stones react with concrete and become covered with sloppy stains over time. Therefore, with this choice, consultation with a specialist in natural materials is necessary.

Special clinker bricks for paving garden paths have a beautiful natural shade and allow you to use not only the front side of the brick, but also the side when laying, creating room for imagination: this is paving with a spiral, squares, beautiful curves.