The use of the insecticide "Karate Zeon": characteristics, advantages. Karate Zeon is an effective agricultural preparation of a new generation. Application of karate

A drug with a broad spectrum of action.

Karate is one of the most popular insecticides among gardeners. Contact drug. Possesses high efficiency in the fight against pests of potatoes and ornamental crops, as well as gall mites. Economical to use.

Purpose and action of the drug

The drug belongs to the class of pyrethroids. A drug against pests with a wide spectrum of action. In retail, it is represented by an emulsion concentrate (EC), packaged in 2 ml ampoules. each one.

Instructions for the use of Karate

The working solution is prepared in two stages. First, the contents of the ampoule are diluted with a small amount of water and mixed until a homogeneous consistency, after which water is added to the required concentration.

The culture Pest Drug consumption Number of processing Waiting period (days)
Peas Aphids, thrips, pea gnat, root weevils 1 ml 1 30
Cabbage Cabbage whitefish, moth, scoop; cruciferous fleas 1 ml
Corn Corn moth 2ml
Tomatoes Colorado beetle 1 ml
Potato Colorado beetle 2ml 2 20
Apple tree Ticks, leaf rollers, moths 5ml
Grape Ticks, leaf rollers 4ml 30
Processing of mother liquors
Raspberries Leaf rollers, aphids, spider mites 4ml 2
Strawberry 5ml
Gooseberry Sawflies, spider mites, aphids 3ml

Spraying should be carried out immediately after application of the solution until the foliage of the plants is uniformly wetted. A prerequisite is the absence of wind. It is advisable to handle the planting in the morning or evening.

10 liters of the prepared solution is enough to process 100 square meters of plantings.

Security measures

Observe safety measures when working with the drug.

Karate is a chemical preparation belonging to the 3rd hazard class. It is a moderately hazardous substance. It poses a serious danger to bees, which became the reason for its classification as hazard class 1 for this parameter.

The solution has a toxic effect on fish, which necessitates the protection of reservoirs from the ingress of the drug or the prepared working solution into them. To avoid contamination, the containers used for the preparation of the working solution and the processing equipment are washed away from sources of drinking water.

In relation to birds, Karate is a slightly toxic preparation.

In order to prevent poisoning, it is forbidden to graze animals on the territory processed shortly before. It is also unacceptable for the solution to enter the food of animals or harvested feed.

Compatibility of the insecticide with other drugs

Karate can be used in combination with other drugs. The inclusion of an insecticide in the composition of tank mixtures is allowed. The product shows excellent results when used together with other pesticides. It is worth noting that before mixing with any other product, be sure to carefully read the instructions and conduct compatibility testing.


From the moment of manufacture, the Karate preparation can be stored for 3 years.

Insecticide Karate Zeon is a rather popular agent in agriculture for combating various harmful insects, as well as for disinsecting grain and vegetable stores and adjacent premises. The insecticide is especially effective for protecting potatoes, fruit and berry plants and ornamental crops from pests.

The main parameters of the insecticide Karate Zeon

The active ingredient of the Karate Zeon insecticide is lambda-cyhalothrin, a substance that simultaneously has both insecticidal and acaricidal effects. Karate Zeon is a contact-intestinal insecticide. Once in the insect's body, the drug paralyzes the work of its nervous system, disrupts the metabolic processes of sodium and potassium.

The insecticide Karate Zeon is on sale in 5-liter canisters in the form of a microencapsulated suspension.

Benefits of Karate Zeon

  • Quickly penetrates the body of harmful insects (within an hour);
  • Double effect - intestinal and contact;
  • The death rate of pests is quite high;
  • It is used not only to protect crops from pests, but also as a disinfecting treatment of utility rooms;
  • Effectively acts against various types of insects, including spider mites;
  • Has a long protection period (35 or more days);
  • Shows resistance to a wide temperature range;
  • The drug is not flammable, moisture resistant;
  • Decomposes quickly in treated plants;
  • Can be used at any stage of plant development;
  • Recommended for use in complex programs;
  • It combines well with various pesticides, can be used to prepare tank mixes, however, it is recommended to carry out a compatibility test before mixing;
  • If the instructions are followed, it does not pose a danger to human health.


  • It is a highly toxic agent capable of causing a neuroparalytic effect for beneficial insects (bees, bumblebees, etc.), as well as for soil and water inhabitants.

Method of preparation of working agent

The preparation of the working solution is not particularly difficult. First, the required amount of insecticide is diluted in a small amount of water, the solution is thoroughly mixed. After that, the resulting substance is added to the sprayer container, which is filled with the required amount of water. Stir the solution again thoroughly.

To process a plot of 100 square meters, 10 liters of solution will be required. Leaving the solution the next day is not recommended.

Instructions for the use of Karate Zeon

To enhance the insecticidal effect of Karate Zeon, it is recommended to apply the solution evenly to the leaves of crops, while ensuring that the solution does not run off onto the soil. Spraying should be carried out in clear, calm weather, preferably in the morning or evening.

The developers of Karate Zeon recommend using the solution for preventive purposes for the treatment of seedlings of fruit and berry plants. The rest of the crops are processed if pest colonies or their larvae are found on them.

During the season, it is allowed to carry out no more than 2 treatments with the Karate Zeon solution.

Attention! Legumes can be processed only once per season.

Regulations for the use of the insecticide Karate Zeon

Cultivated plants

Harmful insects

Processing method

Insecticide consumption (g / m2)

Working solution consumption (ml / sq.m)

Protective period

Wheat, barley, corn

Drunkards, thrips, cotton scoops, flies, aphids, sawflies, corn bloodworms, bedbug, harmful turtle

from 0.01 to 0.03

Soybeans, peas and other legumes

Aphids, weevils, spider mites, thrips

When ticks or other pests appear

from 0.01 to 0.04

Rapeseed, mustard

Rapeseed beetle

Spraying is carried out in the event of pests

from 0.04 to 0.05

Fruit trees and shrubs

Sawflies, leafworms, spider mites, aphids, flower beetles, apple moth

Sprayed before flowering

from 0.01 to 0.04

from 80 to 150

Tomatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage

Scoops, whiteworms, moths, fleas, thrips, flies, leaf beetles

Spraying is carried out in the event of pests

from 0.01 to 0.04

Potatoes, sugar beets

Colorado potato beetle, meadow moth, leafhoppers, aphids

Spraying is carried out in the event of pests

from 0.01 to 0.02

, Alfalfa, Raspberry, Carrot, Pastures, Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Winter rape, Spring rape, Sugar beet, Warehouses, storages, Currant, Soy, Tomato, Apple tree, Winter barley, Spring barley

Appointment Pyrethroid insecticide for protecting crops from a complex of pests, including ticks, as well as for disinsecting granaries and adjacent areas

Preparative form Microencapsulated suspension

Active substance Lambda-cyhalothrin 50 g / l

Package Canister 5 l

Application features

  • Has a pronounced "knockdown" effect. Death occurs after 30 minutes and up to 2-3 hours after treatment
  • Protective action period: 2-3 weeks.
  • To prevent resistance, it is recommended to alternate the use of insecticides from different chemical groups that differ in their mechanism of action.
  • Hazard class for bees: 1 - pesticides highly hazardous for bees.

Application regulations

Culture, processed object Consumption rate of the drug, l (kg) / ha (t) Harmful object Method, processing time Waiting period (frequency of treatments)
Wheat 0,2 Bread beetles, thrips, fleas, leafhoppers Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption: for ground spraying - 200-400 l / ha, for aviation - 25-50 l / ha 40(1)
0,15 Bedbug harmful turtle, aphids, drunkards 40(2)
0.15 (A)
0,1 Cereal gall midges 40(1)
Barley 0,15-0,2 Flies, drunkards, leafhoppers, thrips, stem sawflies, aphids 40(2)
0.15-0.2 (A)
Corn (for grain) 0,2-0,3 Cotton scoop 40(1)
0.2-0.3 (A)
0,2 Corn moth 40(2)
Peas 0,1-0,125 Pea gnat, aphids, thrips, root weevils 30(1)
Soy 0,4 Spider mite 40(1)
Mustard 0,1 Rapeseed beetle 30(1)
Rape 0,1-0,15 20(2)
Apple tree 0,4 Fruit moths, leaf rollers, ticks Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 1000-1500 l / ha
0,1-0,15 Apple blossom beetle Spraying before flowering. Working fluid consumption - 800-1200 l / ha 20(1)
Cherry (mother plants) 0,4 Spider mites, aphids, leaf rollers -(2)
Strawberries (mother plants) 0,5 Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 300-500 l / ha
Raspberry (mother liquor) 0,4 Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 800-1200 l / ha
Currant (mother liquor) 0,3-0,4
Gooseberry (mother liquor) 0,3 Spider mites, aphids, sawflies
Cabbage 0,1 Cabbage scoop, cabbage whiteworm, cabbage moth, cruciferous fleas Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 200-400 l / ha 30(1)
Tomato Colorado beetle
0,4 Cotton scoop 30(2)
Onion 0,15-0,2 Tobacco thrips 25(2)
0,3-0,4 Onion fly
Carrot 0,1-0,2 Carrot lily 30(1)
0,2-0,25 Carrot fly Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 200-300 l / ha
Barren gardens, forest shelter belts 0,2-0,4 American white butterfly Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 1000-1500 l / ha. The waiting period for picking wild mushrooms and berries is 30 days -(2)
Fiber flax 0,1-0,15 Fleas Spraying seedlings. Working fluid consumption - 100-200 l / ha
Alfalfa 0,15 Bed bugs, aphids, weevils, leaf beetles, alfalfa Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 200-400 l / ha 30(2)
Sugar beet Beet fleas, weevils Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 100-200 l / ha 20(1)
0,15 -0,2 Meadow moth Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 200-400 l / ha 20(1)
Pastures, locust infested areas, wild vegetation 0,1-0,15 Locust Spraying during the development of larvae. Working fluid consumption: for ground spraying - 200-400 l / ha, for aviation - 25-50 l / ha. The waiting period for picking wild mushrooms and berries is 30 days -(1)
0.1-0.15 (A) Locust gregarious (young larvae)
0,2-0,4 Locust gregarious (larvae of older instars
0.2-0.4 (A)
Unloaded warehouses and equipment of grain processing enterprises 0.4 ml / m 2 Stock pests Spraying. Consumption - up to 50 ml / m 2. Admission of people and loading of warehouses 3 days after processing -(-)
The territory of grain processing enterprises and grain storage facilities on farms 0.8 ml / m 2 Spraying. Consumption - up to 200 ml / m 2
Grape 0,32-0,48 Leaf rollers, pincers Spraying during the growing season. Consumption - 800-1000 l / ha 10(2)
Potato 0,1 Colorado beetle Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 200-400 l / ha 7(2)
0,2 Aphids and leafhoppers - carriers of viruses 7(1)
Pasture 0,2-0,3 Meadow moth Spraying during the growing season. The term for picking wild mushrooms and berries is 30 days. Working fluid consumption - 200-400 l / ha -(1)

Karate Zeon - great strength in small capsules

KARATE ZEON is a pyrethroid insecticide that protects crops from a huge list of pests, including ticks, and is also used for disinsection of granaries and areas adjacent to them.

Pros of using an insecticide

Karate Zeon is a drug that effectively copes with a wide range of pests at all stages of their life, from larva to imago

Convenient microencapsulated suspension; providing protection from UV rays; the flash point is high; no smell; preparative form - microencapsulated, fast-release, one-of-a-kind (according to the ZEON technology, the capsule size is 0.1–10 µm, according to the usual - 20–50 µm)

Economic efficiency is high

Excellent photostability and rain resistance contribute to an increase in longer protection even under unfavorable conditions, due to which, in combination with a low cost and biological efficiency of a hectare norm, a high economic return can be guaranteed.

Purpose of the drug: protection of cereals, vegetables, industrial, fruit, as well as some other crops from a number of sucking and leaf-eating pests, including ticks. With the help of the KARATE ZEON insecticide, unloaded warehouse premises, as well as adjacent areas, are also treated against a number of granary pests. It is permissible to include the drug KARATE ZEON in programs for the integrated protection of agricultural crops.

Karate Zeon instructions for use, the observance of which is mandatory.

The culture Processed against Consumption of the drug (norm), l, kg / ha Waiting time, days (number of treatments)
Processing method; * terms of release for mechanized and manual work, days
Grape Ticks, leaf rollers 0,32–0,48 10(2)
Processing during the growing season. Consumption - from 800 to 1000 l / ha.
Cherry (mother plants) 0,4 -(2)

* 10(4)
Peas Aphids, root weevils, pea gnats, thrips 0,1–0,125 30(1)

* 10(4)
Mustard Rapeseed beetle 0,1 30(1)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Strawberries (mother plants) Aphids, spider mites, leaf rollers 0,5 -(2)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 300 to 500 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Cabbage Cabbage moth, Cabbage whiteworm, cabbage scoop, cruciferous fleas 0,1 30(1)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Potato Colorado beetle 0,1 7(2)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Cicadas and aphids - carriers of viruses 0,2 7(1)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Gooseberry (mother liquor) Aphids, spider mites, sawflies 0,3 -(2)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 800 to 1200 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Corn (for grain) Corn moth 0,2 40(2)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Cotton scoop 0,2–0,3 40(1)
Processing during the growing season. Consumption of working solution: for ground processing - from 200 to 400 l / ha, with aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha.
* 10(4)
0.2-0.3 (A) 40(1)
Processing during the growing season. Consumption of working solution: for ground application - from 200 to 400 l / ha, for aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Fiber flax Fleas 0,1–0,15 -(2)
Seedling treatment. The consumption of the working solution is from 100 to 200 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Onion Onion fly 0,3–0,4 25(2)

* 10(4)
Tobacco thrips 0,15–0,2 25(2)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 300 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Alfalfa Aphids, bedbugs, weevils, alfalfa beetle, leaf beetles 0,15 30(2)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Raspberry (mother liquor) Aphids, spider mites, leaf rollers 0,4 -(2)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 800 to 1200 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Carrot Carrot lily 0,1–0,2 30(1)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 100 to 200 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Carrot fly 0,2–0,25 30(1)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 300 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Equipment for grain processing plants and unloaded warehouses Stock pests 0.4 ml / m2 -(-)
Spraying. Consumption - maximum 50 ml / m². The presence of people and loading of warehouses is allowed after 3 days after processing.
* -(-)
Protective belts, barren orchards American white butterfly 0,2–0,4 -(2)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 1000 to 1500 l / ha. Waiting time for picking wild berries and mushrooms is 1 month.
* 10(4)
Pasture Meadow moth 0,2–0,3 -(1)
Processing during the growing season. The collection time for wild berries and mushrooms is 1 month. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Locust infested areas, pastures, wild vegetation Locust 0,1–0,15 -(1)
Processing during larval development. Consumption of working solution: for ground application - from 200 to 400 l / ha, for aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha. Waiting time for picking wild berries and mushrooms is 1 month.
* 10(4)
Locust gregarious (young larvae) 0.1-0.15 (A) -(1)

* 10(4)
Locust gregarious (larvae of older instars 0,2–0,4 -(1)
Processing during larval development. Consumption of working solution: for ground application - from 200 to 400 l / ha, for aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha. Waiting time for picking wild berries and mushrooms is 1 month.
* 10(4)
0.2-0.4 (A) -(1)
Processing during larval development. Consumption of working solution: for ground application - from 200 to 400 l / ha, for aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha. Waiting time for picking wild berries and mushrooms is 1 month.
* 10(4)
Wheat Cereal gall midges 0,1 40(1)
Aphids, bug, harmful turtle, drunk 0,15 40(2)
* 10(4)
0.15 (A) 40(2)
Processing during the growing season. Consumption of working solution: for ground application - from 200 to 400 l / ha, for aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Leafhoppers, thrips, bread beetles, fleas 0,2 40(1)
Processing during the growing season. Consumption of working solution: for ground application - from 200 to 400 l / ha, for aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha. * 10 (4)
Rape Rapeseed beetle 0,1–0,15 20(2)

* 10(4)
Sugar beet Meadow moth 0,15–0,2 20(1)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Weevils, beet fleas 0,15 20(1)

* 10(4)
Aphids 0,15 20(1)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 100 to 200 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Currant (mother liquor) Aphids, spider mites, leaf rollers 0,3–0,4 -(2)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 800 to 1200 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Soy Spider mite 0,4 40(1)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
The territory of granaries in farms and grain processing enterprises Stock pests 0.8 ml / m2 -(-)
Spraying. Consumption - maximum 200 ml / m2.
* -(-)
Tomato Colorado beetle 0,1 30(1)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Cotton scoop 0,4 30(2)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Apple tree Leaf rollers, moths, ticks 0,4 20(2)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 1000 to 1500 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Apple blossom beetle 0,1–0,15 20(1)
Processing before flowering. The consumption of the working solution is from 800 to 1200 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Barley Pjavitsa, flies, leafhoppers, stem sawflies, thrips, aphids 0,15–0,2 40(2)
Processing during the growing season. Consumption of working solution: for ground application - from 200 to 400 l / ha, for aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha.
* 10(4)
0.15-0.2 (A) 40(2)
Processing during the growing season. Consumption of working solution: for ground application - from 200 to 400 l / ha, for aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha.
* 10(4)

Compatibility with other types of plant protection products (agrochemicals): It is well combined in tank mixtures with most fungicides, insecticides and herbicides, the terms of application of which coincide with this period. But in each individual case, it is worth checking the compatibility of the pesticides being mixed.

Time of protective activity: 2-3 weeks (depends on the timing of application, weather conditions and the type of pests).

Speed ​​of action: insecticide KARATE ZEON is characterized by a pronounced "knockdown" effect. The onset of death occurs in half an hour and up to 2-3 hours after spraying (depending on climatic conditions, physiological state and type of pest).

The possibility of developing resistance: if you strictly adhere to the recommendations from the manufacturer, there is no. To avoid the development of resistance, it is advisable to alternate the use of insecticides from different chemical groups, the mechanism of action of which is different.

Method of application: Before starting protective work, check the cleanliness of the tank, tips and main pipelines. After that, the amount is set and the uniformity of the water supply through the nozzles is checked, comparing with the calculated data regarding the consumption of the working solution per 1 hectare. Processing is carried out in the morning or in the evening, when there is no wind, in order to prevent the drift of the pesticide on neighboring crops. When it is necessary to destroy adults or larvae of older ages, or when the number of pests is high, the insecticide KARATE ZEON, ISS is used at the maximum consumption rate. The consumption of the working solution must be sufficient to completely cover the entire leaf surface of the culture, but it must not be allowed that the drug drips from the treated surface. After finishing work with the preparation, thoroughly rinse the spraying equipment and sprayer.

Method of preparation of working solution: fill half of the sprayer tank with clean water. Start the mixer, add the measured pre-calculated amount of the drug and, without stopping the stirring, continue to fill the sprayer tank. Do not stop stirring during processing to ensure homogeneity of the working mixture. Applying the tank mix KARATE ZEON, MKS with other agrochemicals, add plant protection products to the sprayer tank into the water in the following order: * SP> VDG> SK> KARATE ZEON> EC (* - when used in the tank mix of a component in a water-soluble package, it is dissolved first in the sprayer tank). Each new component is added only after the previous one has completely dissolved. The working fluid must be used on the day it was prepared.

Storage conditions of the product: Store in a dry warehouse for pesticides at a temperature (–5 ° С - + 35 ° С).

Expiration date: 3 years from the date of production.

Actions of the drug

Lambda cyhalothrin works fairly quickly. The substance easily enters the insect through the cuticle, disrupting nerve conduction by acting on the sodium channels that the membranes of nerve cells have, which is why it is constantly activated. As a result, there is a depolarization of the nerve cell and a rapid loss of control over muscle activity.

Food activity ceases within a couple of minutes from the moment the active ingredient enters the insect's body, after which the pest paralyzes and dies. Secondary physiological changes and death from dehydration occur over the next day.

The ongoing research and considerable experience of commercial use have shown that, when compared with other pyrethroids, lambda-cyhalothrin shows a higher activity and is characterized by a wider spectrum of action even when very low consumption rates are used. Sublethal doses of the insecticide scare away insects and prevent them from feeding on plants, thereby prolonging the protective activity and preventing damage from pests.


Third class of hazard: the pesticide is slightly toxic to birds, toxic to bees and fish.

It is not permissible to use it in the sanitary zone around fishery reservoirs at a distance of up to five hundred meters, inclusive, from the flood border, when the flood water is at its maximum, and at a distance of up to 2 km from the existing banks.

Do not allow contamination of drinking water sources and reservoirs with residues of agrochemicals and water that was used to wash equipment and containers. The insecticide must not get into feed and food.

First class hazard for bees: pesticides highly hazardous to bees.

It is important to comply with the following environmental regulations:

Treat plants in the evening when the sun has gone down

· When the wind speed does not exceed 1–2 m / s

· Border protection zone of summer for bees - from 4-5 km

· Limitation of the summer of bees - from 4-6 days

In Russia, it is profitable to buy Karate Zeon in the Technotorg48 company, since the price we offer is optimal.

This agrochemical is able to solve several problems at once in a garden plot, reliably protect plants from pests. According to experts, it increases the effectiveness of the fight against the Colorado potato beetle several times.

The drug has been known on the market since 1982. The agrochemical is marketed under various trade names. The labels on the packages are different: "Karate", "Karate KE", "Karate Zeon".

The substance belongs to the chemical class of pyrethroids, with the active ingredient lambda-cyhalothrin (50 g / l). For large agricultural enterprises, the liquid is packaged in 5 liter canisters. In its preparative form, the agent is an odorless microencapsulated suspension. Insecticide Karate is photo-resistant, has a long-term protection.

It is more convenient for owners of home gardens to use a suspension in capsules. The chemical is water-soluble. Each package indicates the consumption of the substance to obtain 10 liters of the finished mixture. This facilitates the preparation of working solutions.

After spraying crops with Karate Zeon insecticide, no additional chemicals are required. Let the mixture dry. The active ingredient of the agrochemical begins to act only at this stage of processing. After 2-3 hours, the result of the spraying becomes noticeable.

It is prohibited to use an arbitrary amount of insecticide in excess of the recommended consumption.

Advantages and disadvantages

The high potency of the insecticide guarantees excellent results after every application. The main advantages of the drug are:

The main disadvantage of such a tool is the negative impact on the fauna of the ecosystem. The chemical belongs to the III class of hazard for people.

The insecticide is slightly toxic to birds, but it poses a great danger to bees. Use is permissible no closer than at a distance of 6 km from the honey collection zone.

The chemical is also harmful to fish. If protective solutions flowing down from the leaves of crops fall into a pond or lake, mass death of the inhabitants will begin. The insecticide is not used near fish farms.

In people prone to allergic reactions, the drug provokes a deterioration in well-being. Even with minimal consumption rates, such people are advised to start taking medications - "antidotes" in advance.

The chemical should be used only with special equipment (clothing, gloves, glasses, respirator). It is important to follow the rules indicated on the packaging.

Instructions for use and consumption rates

Culture name How to handle, drug consumption
Legumes Spraying should be done no later than the growing season. Consumption: 200 - 300 l / ha. Spraying frees plants from root weevils, thrips, aphids.
Cabbage Processing begins with the onset of the growing season. Product consumption: 200 - 300 l / ha. The drug "works" against cabbage whites, cruciferous fleas, cabbage scoops and moths.
Berry bushes and fruit trees Processing is carried out no later than the growing season. Consumption: 700 - 1300 l / ha.

The working mixture acts on spider mites, sawflies, leaf rollers, aphids, moths, apple blossom beetles.

Cereals Crops are treated while the growing season lasts. Consumption during ground pollination: 200 - 500 l / ha.

If the plants are sprayed from an airplane, less working solution is spent: from 30 to 60 liters per hectare. The drug destroys aphids, cereal gall midges, thrips, bread beetles, flea beetles, scoop, grasshoppers.

Houseplants Small portions of the working mixture are used (0.3 ml per 1 liter of water). Each plant requires 50-55 ml of solution. One treatment per year is enough.
Greenhouse plants Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers are sprayed once a month. The concentration of the working solution is 0.02%. Consumption: 70 - 130 ml for 1 sq. m greenhouse area.

Greenhouse greens are pollinated with a solution having a concentration of 0.01%. The consumption of the working mixture is up to 80 ml per square meter.

Use against the Colorado potato beetle

These pests are not indifferent to nightshade crops. Colorado beetles harm potatoes the most. They are also found on bell peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes. To destroy dangerous insects, you must:

  1. Dilute 2 ml of the product in water (1 l).
  2. Dissolve the resulting mixture in a bucket of water, stand for an hour.
  3. Spray the liquid over the affected plants.
  4. Repeat processing in a month.

Spraying is best done during the growing season. Consumption: 200 - 400 l / ha.


The drug has good compatibility with many agrochemicals. The main condition for compatibility is the coincidence of the terms of application of other formulations with the time of using "Karate". Most similar drugs have the same consumption rates.

Experts advise testing each variant of the combination with another agent in practice, using the minimum dosage. Good results are obtained by the alternation of insecticidal preparations belonging to different chemical groups.

Precautionary measures

The product must not be used near water bodies, wells, springs. It is unacceptable to prepare and use the drug next to animal feed, food.

Experienced farmers know how important it is to comply with special regulations when working with this composition:

  • spray crops in the evening;
  • choose calm days for processing;
  • maintain the distance necessary for the health of bees and fish to the area of ​​application of "Karate".

All equipment, containers from working solutions are thoroughly washed after processing the site. Care should be taken in advance to select a room suitable for such a procedure.

Toxicity and first aid

Despite the weakness of the effect of the chemical on people, there are cases of poisoning with this agent. The most common reason is the excess consumption of the suspension per unit area of ​​the site.

Signs of defeat are:

  • the appearance of muscle weakness;
  • fallen eyelids;
  • nervous tic;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • tongue falling out of the mouth.

With such symptoms, you should immediately call a doctor. Before the arrival of doctors, it is advisable to bring the victim to consciousness, give him a drink of clean water to flush the stomach and intestines. Suggest to take adsorbents (activated carbon, rehydron).

If the poisoning has occurred with sprayed toxins, you need to give the victim a soda inhalation. After that, you can give the patient drugs expectorant action.

With a tactile nature of the lesion, problem areas should be lubricated with zinc ointment. You can make a compress from a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Protective period

This agrochemical has a "knockdown" effect on most garden pests. The rate of death of insects depends on their type, concentration of the agent. Most often, the effect is noticeable after 30 minutes. after the start of processing.

It is impossible to increase the permissible consumption rates of funds to enhance the power of exposure.

The duration of protection depends on the shelf life of the drug, weather conditions. Various modifications of "Karate" ensure the preservation of crops for a period of time from 2 weeks to 2-3 months.

Storage conditions and shelf life

"Karate Zeon" remains active for 3 years from the date of manufacture indicated on the package. When storing an agrochemical, it is impossible to allow high humidity in a room, the temperature range should be: from -5 to +34 degrees.

All chemicals should be kept away from children and animals.

Similar drugs

Many farmers use other highly effective means to protect crops. The procedure for preparing the working solution for each composition is indicated in the instructions on the package.

The alternation of "Karate Zeon" with insecticides of a different composition prevents arthropods from adapting to the drug.

Each gardener and gardener independently determines the means for pest control on the site. Most often, preference is given to agrochemicals of a wide spectrum of action, which do not damage the health of people and plants. Such as "Karate Zeon".

This composition is used to get rid of pests, prevention, treatment of premises before laying fruits, grain for storage. It is important to observe the dosage of working solutions used on crops, not to neglect safety rules. Competent actions of the farmer, correct consumption of the suspension will provide not only a bountiful harvest, but also preserve the healthy state of the ecosystem on the site.