Grape brushes dry what to do. Why dry leaves grapes? Stains on grape leaves

Video: Diseases and pests of grapes. Fighting them. Grapes 2016.

The defeat of the vineyard of diseases and pests often inflicts serious damage. If the leaves dries on grapes, faded and dying shoots, for the grapeter it becomes severe loss. Twice a big trouble, when the brushes suffer, berries dry and a significant part of the crop is lost. Moreover, the drying process can begin both immediately after the berries tying, and already during their maturation, accompanied by symptoms inherent in cultural diseases, and flow without visible reasons.

Video: Grape berry. Sunburn. Grapes 2015.

Why did the berries dry on the grapes? The reasons for the loss of strokes are many. Most often, the grapes detect diseases caused by pathogenic mushrooms.

In the first place in harmfulness, there is a false mildew, striking not only ridges and brushes of grapes, but also a green mass, new and perennial shoots. Mushroom, embedded in plant tissue, prevents nutrition and moisture flow. Infected parts of the vine, including brushes and constructive berries, dry and die.

- This is not the only problem that threatens the loss of the harvest. There are other diseases of the berries of grapes, a photo with the action of which on the vine clearly prove the degree of danger and the need to combat them. Insect pests can cause serious damage damage, there is a risk of loss of berries and with insufficient care for the vineyard.

Supervision of grapes

Caused by mushroom EUTYPA LATA. The disease of the vine is widespread in all wine region, where winter cannot be called soft, and makes particularly big damage to the seasons with a high level of precipitation.

Video: Grapes solar burns on berries

Since the pathogenic fungus is able to penetrate the tissue not only grapes, but also many other garden and fruit crops, it complicates the struggle with the manifestations of the disease and its distribution. Half affects not only shoots and berries, in the photo of grape diseases are clearly visible changing wood caused by a mushroom. Especially strong the disease amazes adult bushes of grapes, age from 8 years, and the symptoms of sucks are becoming obvious when the plant at the beginning of summer gives an increase in 20-25 cm long.

Soothes and leaves are lagging behind in growth, oh, the size and color differ from healthy. The leaves dries on the grapes, and then necrosis affects and affected shoots. The rose berries dry out or stop in growth and remaining small until the end of the season of vegetation.

Spotted antimcan of vintage

One of the reasons why the berries of grapes dry can be an anznosis. The peak of infection with this serious disease falls on wet periods, and the pest is active not only in warm weather, and in the range of 2-30 ° C.

The manifestations of anthrand are often taken for mechanical damage to berries and shoots caused by hail. But the weather phenomena is not here.

Rounded necrotic spots with brown-black border - these are the penetration zones of malicious fungi. Such stains can merge, dried affected fabrics within them are destroyed, and young, drying the leaves on grapes seem undent.

Grow the vineyard on its plot - this is probably dreaming of many gardeners. But you will need to work a lot, because this plant must be treated in a timely manner from various infections and pests. Nevertheless, brown spots on grapes are not uncommon, even taking into account the conduct of timely feeding. Why rot and dry the berries of grapes, and how to prevent it - that's what you need to figure it out before you make your vineyard.

Main reasons

If dark spots appeared on the grape berries, the key factor that caused a similar result is not always the same. For example, if your vineyard was affected by infectious diseases, the pathogens can be fungus, viruses or pests. Much depends on the features of the care.

Frequent errors are able to become if not the key cause of the occurrence of a disease, at least it will contribute to him. We must not forget about possible mechanical damage to the branches and foliage of the plant, as well as the climatic conditions in particular your region. All this as a whole can cause the development of certain ailments. If points or specks appeared on the berries, it's time to figure out what exactly you are dealing with this time.

Infectious diseases

When pathogenic microorganisms fall on the foliage or grape berries, the disease begins to develop rapidly. In a short time, you will notice how small stains on the fruits increase in diameter, and the berries become sluggish, black and dry. What is interesting, ways to infection shrubs can be several. Optionally disputes are transferred from a patient plant to healthy.

Sometimes fungus and other malicious microorganisms fall on grapes with animals, human or water clothing. If the green grape fruits became black, be sure to consider the most common infectious diseases:

  • mildu or Falconic Rosa. These microorganisms can calmly fall in plant residues, and with the onset of spring, their disputes are spread by the wind. This ailment primarily causes serious harm to the berries of grapes. They soon begin to darken, and foliage twisted and can dry;
  • anthracnose. In the development of this disease, absolutely all parts of the shrub dry up and dry out. Initially foliage and shooting plants are covered with brown spots with a dark border. If the shrub stem suffered from the anthrax, all the affected places are recommended as quickly as possible to cut and burn. If this is not done, the plant will lose up to 70% of foliage;
  • black spotty. If the grapes spoke soon after the rain, obviously, the reason was exactly given. In the future, he will spread to foliage and shoots. You can correct the situation with a burgundy fluid. She spray shrubs.

Knowing what to do if dark spots appeared on the grapes, and the leaves have modified the color or dry, you can save your plants from death.

Non-infectious diseases

Suppose the berries of grapes began to black and dry. The reason is not always an infectious disease. Sometimes it turns out to be mistakes that you need to care for plants. For example, if excessively flexing the ridges of the shrub, it contributes to drying them. The lack of moisture affects the grapes in the most best. That is why watering plants during the vegetative period is obligatory.

Adverse factors also include heavy soils. If yellowish spots appeared on the leaves of grapes, it is possible that it is noncommunicable chlorosis. You will manage to eliminate the problem if mineral fertilizers in the soil are in a timely manner.

Grape treatment

When the reasons for drying the vineyards were clearly defined, it's time to start treating the ailment. The optimality of one or another method will depend on the disease itself. For example, if your shrubs were amazed by Mildew, they must necessarily farewell and then burn. Otherwise, the disease will spread to healthy grape bushes.

Suppose your vineyard suffered from black spot. In this situation, it is much easier and cheaper in a timely manner to proceed to the prophylactic treatment of the plant. For this, special fungicides are used that grapes spray at least twice a season. So that Black Spottedness does not become more of your problem, it is worth sticking to the key recommendation: unnecessary or damaged spoil shoots are immediately removed, and the sections are processed by a special means.

It is quite difficult to get rid of anthrax, so prevention is the best solution for you.

The spraying of bushes is recommended twice during the vegetative period (before the start of the flowering phase and in the process of fruit ripening). Do not forget that the treatment will be effective if you apply medicines after the rains. When it is time to collect a crop, with spraying shrubs it is better to postpone. But if the problem was not completely eliminated, in the autumn period, treatment is recommended to continue.


The blackened bunches of grapes are far from the most desirable result for any grape. However, if the infectious disease is already affecting the entire shrub, it is difficult to cure it. Therefore, experts are usually recommended to conduct preventive treatment in a timely manner. For this, special preparations or burglar liquid are used.

Watch out for the condition of its vineyard from the very beginning of the growing period. We regularly examine the borders and the foliage of the plant for the appearance of black dots, stains or dried parts. If you pay enough time, then you will not need to look for ways of treating infectious or non-infectious ailments. Save the berries of grapes from rot, and you can enjoy their taste.

Video "Grapes and Fighting with them"

From this video you will learn about grape diseases and how to treat them.

The defeat of the vineyard of diseases and pests often inflicts serious damage. If the leaves dries on grapes, faded and dying shoots, for the grapeter it becomes severe loss. Twice a big trouble, when the brushes suffer, berries dry and a significant part of the crop is lost. Moreover, the drying process can begin both immediately after the berries tying, and already during their maturation, accompanied by symptoms inherent in cultural diseases, and flow without visible reasons.

Why did the berries dry on the grapes? The reasons for the loss of strokes are many. Most often, the grapes detect diseases caused by pathogenic mushrooms.

In the first place in harmfulness, there is a false mildew, striking not only ridges and brushes of grapes, but also a green mass, new and perennial shoots. Mushroom, embedded in plant tissue, prevents nutrition and moisture flow. Infected parts of the vine, including brushes and constructive berries, dry and die.

Mildu is not the only problem that threatens the loss of the harvest. There are other diseases of the berries of grapes, a photo with the action of which on the vine clearly prove the degree of danger and the need to combat them. Insect pests can cause serious damage damage, there is a risk of loss of berries and with insufficient care for the vineyard.

Supervision of grapes

Caused by mushroom EUTYPA LATA. The disease of the vine is widespread in all wine region, where winter cannot be called soft, and makes particularly big damage to the seasons with a high level of precipitation.

Since the pathogenic fungus is able to penetrate the tissue not only grapes, but also many other garden and fruit crops, it complicates the struggle with the manifestations of the disease and its distribution. Half affects not only shoots and berries, in the photo of grape diseases are clearly visible changing wood caused by a mushroom. Especially strong the disease amazes adult bushes of grapes, age from 8 years, and the symptoms of sucks are becoming obvious when the plant at the beginning of summer gives an increase in 20-25 cm long.

Soothes and leaves are lagging behind in growth, oh, the size and color differ from healthy. The leaves dries on the grapes, and then necrosis affects and affected shoots. The rose berries dry out or stop in growth and remaining small until the end of the season of vegetation.

Spotted antimcan of vintage

One of the reasons why the berries of grapes dry can be an anznosis. The peak of infection with this serious disease falls on wet periods, and the pest is active not only in warm weather, and in the range of 2-30 ° C.

The manifestations of anthrand are often taken for mechanical damage to berries and shoots caused by hail. But the weather phenomena is not here.

Rounded necrotic spots with brown-black border - these are the penetration zones of malicious fungi. Such stains can merge, dried affected fabrics within them are destroyed, and young, drying the leaves on grapes seem undent.

The disease infects all overhead green organs of plants, including brushes. The greatest danger to the berry is grapes, in the photo, is before flowering when the whole brush is affected, as well as to the ripening of the harvest. As the disease develops, the spots characteristic of the disease are formed, after the growth of which the brush is all or partially fades.

Verticillese wadering of the vine

Verticillosis, namely the pathogen of this disease, the pathogenic mushroom Verticillium Dahliae, penetrates through the soil and, multiplying, violates the supply of shoots and vintage brushes. Grape berry disease, as in the photo, more often and strongers young plants, and its external manifestations can be visually noticeable only in a year or two after infection.

The strongest damage vineyard carries a high load on the bushes. It is more often noted with a lack of moisture, elevated air temperature and early ripening of berries. First, on the grapes dry leaves having a kind of burnt, then there comes a turn of shoots and covers. The brushes located in the lower tiers of the affected shoots dry, separate berries on the grapes dry, mummify and in this form remain on the bunches.

Not less harm than pathogenic fungi, landings are able to apply a buffalo cycard, increasingly attacing the vineyards.

The insect feeding on the juices of the plant, on shoots and ridges makes characteristic ring-like damage, length up to centimeter, as a result of which the shortcoming nutrition of the grapes dries, the shoots are fused and die away.

For the season, the pest gives one generation. In the stage of the larvae, the cycardium lives and feed on herbaceous plants under the bushes of grapes, and then adult insects rise to the vine and begin their malicious activity.

The abundance of pest contributes to the abundance of vegetation near the bustle of grapes. The measure of combating dangerous insect is the two-time treatment of plants with benzophosphate. Such a spraying must be carried out in June, and, in addition, the removal of weeds and landing near the vineyard of the beds with a bow and garlic, which scare the cycade will be good prophylaxis.

Envelope comb when ripening berries

The explanation, why the berries will dry on grapes, can become the ripening clusters themselves, under whose weight the bunches are driving, the supply of moisture and nutritional elements is violated and the fruits are wound.

The risk of crop loss for this reason is the greatest for varieties and hybrids forming heavy large clusters.

Avoid breaking the ridges and carriers of escapes, you can, if you grow a bush with a support on the arch or a gazebo. Walking down brushes are not constrained and developed well, and the branches are experiencing a uniform load and are not engaged.

Drying of ridges of grapes

If visible reasons, for example, the symptoms of grapes of grapes, as in the photo, was not detected, and the brushes are not poured, and the berries are mummified, it may be necessary to talk about drying the ridges.

This phenomenon, first noticed by a little more than a century, was not yet sufficiently studied, it was found out only that the peculiar paralysis, leading to a slowdown or stopping the development of Cunozda, is associated with metabolic disorders and is local. The disease has no infectious nature, is not transmitted to other plants and can be due to violation of moisture from the crest vessels to constructive berries. After all, it is in dry periods of paralysis, leading to a drying of grape berries, is most often manifested.

The symptoms preceding the dryness, in the form of bright dark spots on the branching places, become noticeable during the ripening period, when the berries accumulate from 7 to 12% sugar.

Fabrics under stains are affected to the depth of several cell layers, and the moisture deficit exacerbates the picture and necrosis covers all new areas. If the stain on the crest is flipped, the flow of moisture to the above brush stops, and the isolated berries of grapes dry, wrinkle and lose taste and commodity qualities.

The drying of the grapes is dangerous not only the loss of crop, but also the fact that mold and pathogenic mushrooms often settle in the affected areas, causing secondary contamination of culture.

The direct relationship between the drying frequency of the ridges, the growth region and the grape variety was not detected. But the experimental way was able to determine that the kingobic bushes are less likely to be amazed by this disease of grape berries, as in the photo than grafted plants, especially on heavy-sized flows.

Processing by paralysis of the bushes of fungicides or other plant protection products is ineffective. In some cases, when the berries of the grapes dry, helps spraying a 0.75 percent solution of magnesium chloride or 3 percent magnesium sulfate. Prevention starts approximately a month before the moment of the likely occurrence of paralysis, and then with an interval of 10 days there are two more spraying.

As effective prophylaxis, when the berries begin to gain color and gain juice, cluster and the nearby zone is treated with a five percent solution of magnesium sulfate.

However, the main means of struggle with drying grapes of gardeners consider compliance with the rules of agrotechnics. Only with the competent formation and trimming of the vine, the use of balanced feeding, including magnesium and moderate nitrogen, as well as with sufficient watering of the vineyard in combination with processing chemicals, you can talk about the exception of the paralysis of the ridge and savory savings.

When grape growing at home, often faced with sudden fading of the covers at different stages of the development of berries. In order to prevent the development of such a problem on the bushes, it is necessary to consider the main causes of the occurrence and possible ways to solve them.

Why fuse clutch grapes and what to do?

The reasons for withering the grapes of grapes can be very much, but most often allocated five main, which require detailed consideration for timely decision to save harvest.

Lack of moisture

Despite the fact that the grapes are well tolerates the absence of watering, sometimes excessive drought caused by the lack of precipitation may cause drying in grapes.
A plant that is constantly lacking in moisture, responds with a decrease in yield, a decrease in the density of berries, their fading and drying. Vintage during this period of time is threatened, as it is not possible to immediately notice the problem. Usually, on one cluster, all the grapes do not dry, it happens gradually, grapes behind grape.

Watering grapes is not necessarily only if at least 2 times a month abundant precipitation falls. When the air temperature is consistently high, and there are no precipitates or are weak short-term rain, then watering is carried out on their own.

Did you know? To prepare 1 l of wine, it will take about 600 grapes.

If the grapes began to fade from the lack of moisture, it should be pole immediately. Watering is recommended to water at room temperature, under the bush, in the amount of 20-30 liters at a time. Watering is better to exercise in the morning or evening, so that the moisture has a good root to the heat. As a rule, after such a procedure, the fiction process is suspended.


One of the most common causes of fading the covers is the influence of the sun on the plant. Summer grooves sunbeams sometimes adversely affect some bunches, unacted with leaves. The burn is manifested in different ways: strongly burned grapes acquire a brown shade, taste and fragrance resembles the boring berries, if the sun burn is light, then the berries are slightly faded, without changing the color, but the taste is very much spoiled.

To save the harvest from sunburn, create artificial shading. So that the grapes suffered from the lack of sunlight, the plant should only be dialed when the sun's rays are the most scorching.

Overload harvest

If there are many brushes on the plant, they are deleted in a timely manner, otherwise, during active growth and ripening, some clusters may not have enough nutrients for maturation, so the plant independently adjusts the amount of harvest, destroying most of the berries. The berries on the overwhelmed bush begins to fade and turn sharply, and without starting to ripe.

Usually, the overload of the harvest is possible on young bushes, when there are still not enough thick branches on the plant and the root system is poorly developed, the adult copies of such problems are not observed. To prevent overload, remove extra bunches better on your own. On a young bush (up to 4 years old), you should leave only 5-6 formed covers, the rest - to delete.

Fungal diseases

The diseases of the fungal nature of origin, which can cause the grinding of grapes to dry by Mildu and Oidium.

Milday in a short time is striking all the bushes of grapes on the plantation. You can identify the disease on light yellow oily spots of small size on the leaves of the plant.
If you do not start to fight the problem on time, fungi spreads to the vine, brushes and berries. The activation of the dispute of Mildew occurs in the spring, when the air temperature warms up to + 10 ° C. Especially quickly defeating the plant occurs in warm and wet weather.

The stains initially appear on green grapes and cause drying it. If the fungus develops already on the spine of grapes, the berries will dry and fall off. Milday treatment is necessary to carry out a mixture of copper sulfate and lime fluid. The concentration of copper sulphate depends on the degree of development of the bush: before the kidneys are revealed, it should be sprayed with a solution of 3%, the entire period of time is 1% solution.

Did you know? The oldest vineyard is located in the city of Maribor, Slovenia, which is more than 400 years old.

The preparation of the solution must be made as follows: in 5 liters of boiling water to dissolve 100 or 300 g. For a lime solution, an oversized lime (75 g) and water (10 l) are used. Two funds obtained should be mixed, strain and spray a bush, good irrigated amazed elements.

Spraying is carried out in a windless dry and warm weather. You can repeat the procedure 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days to achieve maximum effect. Among the effective preparations in the fight against Mildy, "downtown" and "kidnoksat", which are used according to the instructions on the package.

Oidium affects the ground part of the plant, covering crowns, leaves and berries with white butter, which will eventually raise, so often the disease is confused with sunburn. Mass lesion of berries occurs at high humidity of air and warm weather conditions.

At this time, grapes can start dramatically or burst. In the treatment of the plant apply sulfur, which gives a good result. For the preparation of the means they buy sulfur powder (100 g), which is mixed with 10 liters of water.

Suitable weather conditions for spraying - dry and heat, air temperature is not less than + 20 ° C. Spraying spend every 10 days before the complete cure of the bushes.

Important! The resulting treatment with the treatment is carried out only in the morning or in the evening, during the smallest solar activity, as they can greatly burn the part of the plant.

To cure a strongly affected plant, such drugs as "topaz" and "Fundazole" are used, according to the instructions on the package.


Sometimes, the cause of grapes from the bush becomes damage to pests. The common pests causing a similar reaction of the plant include a paustic tick, underground phylloxer and OS.

The web tick first strikes the deciduous part of the plant, provoking twisting, withering and drying the leaves. Almost at the same time, after twisting the leaves with their drying, the berries are wilting.

At this time, the defeat of the bush is already quite strong and save the crop will not succeed, so further measures are sent to the salvation of the plant from death. In order to prevent the death of the crop, the processing is carried out, finding the first signs of the vital activity of the web tong - the appearance of a thin web at different parts of the plant and the resulting ends of the sheet outwards.

The underground phylloxer settles on the root system of the plant, sucking juice and nutrients of the plant. On damaged roots, growths are formed, which prevents the normal development and nutrition of the plant. Grape growth stops, shoots, the leaves are falling, the berries are fading and trembling. After grazeing the roots, the plant completely dries out.

It is very difficult to determine that the plant struck the philloxer is very difficult, as the insect lives at a depth of 0.5 m. The main danger of underground philoxers is that it can spread to the roots of bushes located near, and there are no drugs for the treatment of the plant.

There are only means to destroy the philloxer, together with a bush, so they are used immediately, as soon as the defeat of at least one bush noticed, so that the pest would not have time to hit the neighboring. For the destruction of an insect, the volatile flammable servo carbon is used, at a concentration of 300 cm³ / m².

The wasps are common vintage pests damaging berries. After disrupting the integrity of the peel on grapes, they begin to fade and dry, thereby decreasing the quality and amount of crop. The wasps do not eat the berry completely, but damaging one, go to another.
The mass lesion of the crop of the axes is possible when placed near the bush of the Osin nest. The solution to the problem is aimed at the destruction of the OS nest in the dark time when the OS occurs at resting period. At this time, the spraying of the nest with poisoning substances is considered to be effective - "dichlofosoma", "rapener", according to the instructions.

Important! Processing the nest poison should be carried out in protective clothing, it is necessary to cover the face to protect it from massive bites, as the wasps are likely to try to protect the dwelling from the attack.

After 20 minutes, the nest is recommended to burn. If the lesion of the grapes of the axes occurs in the absence near the bush of the aspen nest, take measures to protect the berries, putting on the bunch of purchased bags. Special tissue bags can be purchased in stores specializing in the sale of gardening inventory.

Preventive measures

It is easier to prevent the drying of the grapes than to take measures to eliminate the problems that have arisen.

The general measures of prevention can be attributed to:

  • disembarking on a suitable area (with good soil aeration) in compliance with the recommendations for landing;
  • sustainable landing to common diseases and pests of varieties;
  • compliance with graphics prophylactic spraying against diseases and pests;
  • regular trimming unnecessary shoots, removing weak or damaged parts that reduce plant immunity;
  • regular fertilizationthat allow plant to saturate the plants with the necessary substances that stimulate the normal growth and development of all parts of the bush;
  • watering grapes during the period of severe drought;
  • preservation of Pasynkov In the area of \u200b\u200barrangement of brushes to protect the harvest from the scorching sun;
  • timely harvest, the destruction of plant residues that fell from the bush.

Thus, the bunches of grapes can be fucked by various reasons that require a careful study to make the right decision to eliminate them. To make it easier to resolve the situation, you can use useful recommendations in the article.

When Vine is healthy and gives a good harvest, the heart rejoices, but it happens when the plants nor with anyone begin to dry, starting with the leaves, and ending with the fruits. Here comes confusion, because often, especially novice gardes, have never come across such problems, and do not know what to take in these cases, and grapes are very sorry - so many works spent for its cultivation. So why dries leaves from grapes? This question remains relevant to many grapes.

The grape leaf bursts for many reasons that gardeners need to learn to recognize in order to reveal the problem in time that has suffered a favorite vineyard, and timely start its elimination. If the time is missed, then the plants may not be possible.

Grapes - dry leaves, what causes may be:

  • insufficient moisture;
  • all sorts of diseases and pests;
  • damage to the root system;
  • shortage in the soil of trace elements;
  • incorrect selection of varieties;
  • violation of cultural culture conditions;
  • poverty.

Lack of moisture

Although grape plants prefer hot weather, however, moisture for them is a prerequisite for normal growth and fruiting. If you do not spend timely by watering the vineyard, then you will begin to dry the leaves of grapes, then fade the fruits, the root system will get sick. As a result, the entire plant can perish. Eliminate this cause is very easy - regularly and on time to water the plants into specially prepared grooves for irrigation, and so that the moisture is not stood, it is more often to loosen around a bush, not hurt roots. If the space around the plants is meditated, then the liquid will not evaporate the liquid from the soil surface.

Fungal diseases and pests

Numerous diseases cause symptoms such as drying of grape plants. The main disease causing drying is chlorosis, which has several types.

The verticillosis also contributes to the fact that the leaves will dry by grapes. The disease first affects the roots of the bushes, as a result of which the process of food of plants is disturbed. Because of this, minerals are ceased to enter the plant itself and, dry leaves, first at the edges, and then completely, later disappear. It is terrible that this disease is manifested only on the second or third year after infection.

With grape disease, spotted mosaic, first on the leaves appear yellow bodies, then stains, and in the end the leaves will dry and fall off.

Grapes, why dry leaves? Mildew and Oidium can be the cause - the most famous victims of grape culture. It is very sad that not only adult plants suffer from them, but also grape seedlings.

Gray rot on grapes can also cause dry leaves. It spreads to wet and warm weather, striking, first the leaves, then fruit, and then - the whole plant is entirely.

Provocates the drying of the leaves is a disease such as the churchosposition, which is dangerous not only for leaves, but also for berries. It manifests itself on the lower side of the leaves in the form of olive raid, after the appearance of which the leaves begin to dying and disappear.

Infectious rubella, which arises with a strong heat, can cause changes in the sheet plate, which first changes the color to red, then the structure of the leaves changes - they become thicker, at the same time, their fragility increases due to the lack of potassium.

The main disease causing drying is chlorosis

Alternaria also manifests itself with hot weather. Grape leaves along the edges begin to dry, as with a lack of potassium, then covered with yellow spots and, with time, fall off at all.

Escoriosis or black spot is accompanied by drying leaves and shoots, the appearance of black spots, drying and dying with brushes. The disease is very dangerous, since the entire plant is striking.


Ride on a vineyard of a web tir can cause drying of grape leaves. This pest is so small that it is very difficult to notice with a naked eye. A sign of the lesion of the plant by pest is a piece of leaf with escape, a web. If the tower is noticed on time, it will still be possible to prevent the death of the plant.

Damage to roots

If the grape sheet is dry, then the possible reason is damage to the root system, which can occur due to improper soil looser, or unsuccessful shelter of the vine for the winter. Also damaging the roots can rodents - mice, mouse and arthropods.

Lack of trace elements

For grape culture, the content in the soil of such trace elements as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are very important. Their lack may cause problems, as a result of which the leaves of plants dry. First of all, it concerns nitrogen. Fix the situation is very simple - abundant making fertilizers containing nitrogen. The stores sell a huge number of different fertilizers on a nitrogen-based basis. One of the most popular urea is one of the most popular. You can apply ammonium sulfate for feeding, an ammonium saltper, aqueous sodium nitrate solution. From organic substances, a cow and horsepower is perfectly suitable, as well as chicken litter, diluted with water. The lack of potassium manifests itself with dry edges of the leaves, which, later, completely dry and disappear. In addition to nitrogen, it is also necessary to remember feeding grapes and other trace elements that are needed by plants for good growth. It is important to monitor so that it does not occur with minerals, which is also extremely harmful to the grape culture.

Wrong selection of varieties

If in the Cold Climate region, and the culture varieties are chosen such that do not tolerate cold weather, then they are most vulnerable to the incidence of various diseases, as a result of which leaves can die. The right choice of grape variety will reducing the risk of incidence and ensure the normal functioning of grape plants.

Violation of cultivation conditions

Grapes, dried leaves? Call such symptoms may be lack of sunlight and heat, lack of moisture, unsuitable for the variety of soil culture. Plants should be planted at such places so that they are as comfortable as possible - enough light, mineral components. It is worth protecting the vine from frosts, covering it for the winter, fencing from cold winds. It is necessary to process grapes from diseases and pests in a timely manner, and carrying off plants, follow the state of the soil under the grape bushes, and carry water and feeding on time.


Due to the fact that diseases can be transmitted from one plant to another, a massive infection may occur. If it is impossible to heal the sick bush of grapes, then it is better to destroy it, in order to avoid diseases of other plants.

What to do if drunk leaves grapes

It is necessary to examine the vineyard more often for the incidence and damage to pests. In the appearance of plants, any disease can be detected at an early stage. If the leaves began to dry, the disease has come too far.

So that the plants function correctly and were healthy, it is necessary to ensure their decent care. In the summer, in the heat, abundant and regular watering are needed. It is necessary to ensure that the water absorbed precisely under the root, and did not break down in different directions.

If there are signs of lack in the soil of trace elements, then appropriate fertilizers containing the necessary mineral plants should be made immediately.

Timely treatment with drugs from fungal diseases will help prevent the defeat of the vineyard with such dangerous diseases as Mildew and Oidium, and many others. Now there are many available drugs that will reliably protect your vineyard from various attacks. If the plant is already sick, and there has been a defeat of all its green parts, then, in order to avoid infection of the rest of grape bushes, it is worth digging and burn, and in its place to plant a new, resistant disease and pests of varieties. Many insecticides will help you against the pawor.

To avoid chlorosis, it is necessary to monitor the acidity of the soil, and in a timely manner to make the necessary fertilizers.