180 SME 2 Tank Rota. Entering troops

The beginning of hostilities in Afghanistan

By the beginning of 1980, the military-political situation in Afghanistan was unclear and contradictory. The input of the Soviet troops occurred without organized opposition from the formations of the Armed Afghan opposition. The Afghan army also did not have any resistance to the country parties and compounds of the 40th army. In addition, the National Armed Forces recently as a result of desertion on numerical composition decreased by approximately half.

At first, the situation was both in general and in general calm. In the early days of the New Year, the local population as if he was in a stupor. However, gradually the activity of the formation of the opposition began to increase. The first attacks on the columns of Soviet troops followed. The shellings on the side of the rebels of auto and armored vehicles of Soviet troops were celebrated on December 30-31, 1979. The first killed and wounded appeared.

However, what to do in the folding setting, parts and units of the 40th army was unclear. The command composition of the union was in some confusion. No intelligible tasks and instructions from the higher leadership did not receive. The generals and officers of the 40th army were convinced that their stay in the Afghan Earth is of exceptionally temporary. The compounds and parts prepared for the performance of some mythical combat missions. This can be judged on the basis of combat activities of the 108th MSS stationed in Kabul.

Recall, the 108th MSD fully made a march to Kabul to Kabul and to the outcome 29.12.79 ranked defense in the specified area (cover of the capital of Afghanistan), having a classic combat order in two echelon: 1st echelon - 180 SMEs with 1074 AP without ADN, 181 SMEs with ADN 1074 AP, 1/234 TP; 2nd echelon - 234th TP with Oedn.

Parts received the following combat missions:

- 180 SMEs with 1074 AP without adner Defense of Khadzhazak, Karga, Dekhmurathan, Chichilutun, concentrating the main efforts in the direction of Kabul Lagman, Kabul-Gardez with the task of blocking possible rebellious steps 7, 8 PD, 37 OP National Armed Forces Afghanistan and prevent their input to Kabul;

- 181 SMEs with ADN 1074 AP defend the site Kalaskla, Per. Roads (2032.2), Ot. 1877, Southeast Skats Garibgar. Focusing the main efforts in the direction of Kabul-Jelalabad with the task of blocking possible rebellious operations 4 and 15 of the samp of the National Armed Forces of Afghanistan and prevent their introduction to Kabul;

- 177 SME Defense Plot Dash, Chaugani, Per. Bugaine, Syndzhitak, focusing the main efforts in the direction of Bulle-Humry, Kabul, with the task of blocking the actions of the rebels from the north and prevent them in Kabul;

- 234 TP with Oedn Defense Section of LEP, Per. Dekhkeepak, Calaguli, Per. Khazarane Bahal, focusing the main efforts in the direction of Khazarain Bahal, with the task of blocking the input of rebels from the northern outskirts of Kabul;

- 1049 Zenap cover from a possible attack of KP MSD, ARD, 234 TP, Oedan OP in the Khazarain Bahal area;

- KP 108th MSD - 1 km Sev-Vost Ot. 1825.

That is, the speech about the possible reflection of the aggression of any external forces (than to a large extent and justified by the Soviet leadership, the input of troops in Afghanistan) did not follow. The 108th MSD was not resolutely prepared. In the recent days of December 1979, part of the division improved defense, dispersed the technique, the personnel in these areas. On January 7, 1980, KP 108th MSD visited the commander of the district's troops and a member of the Turkvo Military Council.

In early 1980, the 40th Army controlled all major cities (including 21 provincial center and airfields in Kabul, Bagram, Shindande, Kandahar, Kunduze, Jelalabad, Gardese, Gerat and Firebad) and Termez highways - Salang Pass - Kabul, Jalalabad - Gardes in the East and Cook - Herat - Shindand - Kandahar in the West. Gas processing plants in Jarcuduk and Shibargana, power plants in Surubi, brazling, bullets-Humry, Kabul, factory in Mazar-Sharif, and the tunnel Salang were taken under protection.

The first large battle of the parts of the 40th army was associated with the pacification of the 4th artillery regiment of Afghanistan in the town of Fakhrin.

Mount of artpolka

To suppress the anti-government performance of the 4th AP of the Sun of Afghanistan (about the very beginning of the rebellion, the 2nd SME of the 186th SME, enhanced by Tank Rota, ADN Regiment, 2nd MSR, were used in the following material. Tank platoon and battalion minbatr.

January 9, 1980 at 9.00 (local time) The battalion passed the initial point of Options. 525.0 and started nomination along the route: Airfoder Kunduz, Ishakun, Ishkashash, Bark, Fahrin. The 2nd MSR began movement at 11.00 9.1.80 g. (Two hours later) on the route: Baglan, Per. Shehjamal, Fahrin.

The head hiking quest of the 2nd SME, passing 4 km after the starting point, was shelled by a group of riders of 100 people. Accompanying column combat helicopters scattered rebels. However, this was not over. GPZ 2nd SME to 10.30 V. P. Icycchi met the resistance of a group of rebel numbers up to 150 people. (with three guns), whose firing positions were located on the southern outskirts of Icycchi. Organized fire GPZ, tank platoon and with the support of helicopters, the rebels retreated into the mountains and suffered losses to 50 people. killed. There were all three tools of ruffers.

The 2nd MSR to 11.30 came to Pass Shehdzhamal, where he met the block, covered by a group of rebels with two mountain cannons. By destroying up to 15 soldiers and both instruments, the company, clarifying the challenge, continued to extend.

By 15.00 9.1.80 GPZ 2nd SMEs again met on the northern outskirts of the rider of riders of up to 50 people. The company turned around and together with the infantry mouth of Afghans attacked the rebels and by 16.00 came to the southern outskirts of the scary. At 17.00, the 2nd SME went to the pass of goods (3 km. G. Fahrin), where it came across the challenge. Pass the pass from the go failed. Only after clearing the battalion continued to extend.

The 2nd MSR by this time went to the Assari area. Without meeting the resistance, the 2nd SME from the north, the 2nd MSR from the West by 21.00 came out in the town of Fashin and blocked the road from the city, surrounding the military town of the 4th Afghan army. During the night, the divisions were ready in case of reflecting the organized speech of the rebels of the 4th AP.

From 10.00 10.1, artillery unfolded on firing positions in readiness for the opening of fire on the Afghan military town. Under the cover of the fire helicopter fire, Soviet units, the BMP quickly moved to the barracks of the 4th AP, hurried and disarmed the garrison.

The loss of the 4th artpolka was: killed - up to 100 people, destroyed 7 guns and 5 cars. Losses of Soviet troops: killed - 2 people, wounded - 2 people, one BMP broke into a break on the pass. Trophies: 76-mm guns - 15 pcs., Ammunition to 76-mm guns - 500 boxes, to 122 mm Haubes - 75 boxes, to 82 mm mortars - 60 boxes, cars - 20, BTR - 2, 57-mm guns - 3 pcs.

The renovation of the insurgency in the city of Fahrin is the first organized battle of the 40th army almost in the ten-year-old Afghan war.

Unrest in Kabul

In the evening of February 21, 1980, mass demonstrations were held in Kabul. Thousands of people changing the slogans of anti-carmalist and anti-Soviet content came to the streets. On the morning of February 22, mass demonstrations of Afghans resumed. The number of their participants reached, according to different estimates, about 400 thousand people of the people filled all the central streets. Access to administrative buildings was blocked, the Soviet embassy was attached to shelling, as a result, Soviet citizens were killed. This is how it described the direct participants of those events.

In Kabul from 20.00 21.2 to 3.30 22.2.80, a manifestation of an anti-government and anti-signature was carried out. By the streets, there were crowds of people to several hundred people who, with the help of megaphones, shouted: "Down with Moscow!", "Leave from us!", Allah Akbar! " The crowd of Afghans showed a special activity at the stadium, where six police cars were burned, which were aimed at overclocking the demonstration. Demonstrators all night have burned torches, barrels, tried to make diligence on the streets. According to the patrols of the Soviet troops on the BTR, the demonstrators opened shooting. Police among demonstrators captured 9 Pakistanis. According to the detainees, 170 Pakistanians were in the city at that time.

From 9.00 February 22, 1980, demonstrations with flags in Kabul resumed. Stores in the morning were all closed. There are many armed people among demonstrators. In the city heard explosions and shots. Crowds of people were heading to the Soviet embassy, \u200b\u200bwhose guard came out explode 103rd Vdd. The demonstrators captured the elevator and the trolleybus park, which set fire. The 3rd MSR of the 180th SME was directed to the seizure of the elevator and overclocking the demonstrators in the area. When capturing the elevator, the fighter of the 3rd MSR was injured. In the television center, weapons are noticed by demonstrators. There was a platoon for BMD from the 103rd VDD. In this area killed Art. L-T VKOV 103rd. At the same time, many thousands of crowds were gathered at the distance from 6 to 20 km from the city, which began movement to Kabul. In this regard, a martial law was introduced in the city, strengthened the protection and defense of objects, patrol. Bridges through r. Kabul is blocked by Soviet and Afghan divisions. Joint Soviet-Afghan barrels were also exhibited at all major directions suitable for Kabul. Major General A. Kadyr is appointed commandant of the city.

Thanks to the measures taken, the crowd of demonstrators on the approaches to Kabul were scattered. It was not possible to penetrate into the capital of Afghanistan. The weapon was used twice - with the protection of the television bashing of the Mi-24 helicopters and on the elevator.

In total, it was attracted to the fight against the rebels in Kabul: Soviet troops - 24 companies (over 2 thousand people), 30 tanks, up to 200 BMP and BTR; From the NVS drive - 11 mouth (over 1 thousand people), 43 tanks, up to 40 BTR and BRDM.

To eliminate counter-revolutionary elements in the city and on the approaches to it, aviation flights at low altitudes were widely used. Soviet aviation performed 158 departures, Afghan - 49.

Losses of the 40th Army: Killed - 1, wounded - 2. In the NVS, the dummy is injured - 5.

Over 900 active participants in speeches were arrested. Some of them were in military uniform. By 18.00 22.2.80 G. (local time) The order in the city was restored. Divisions 108th MSD and the 103rd VDD carried out control and provision of order in Kabul. The 103rd VDD was scatched on the protection of the Soviet embassy. 3/180 SME was located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elevator and the trolleybus park.

On the night of June 22, 23.02 and in the morning 23.2 were excitement in N.P. Mirbacket (north of Kabul) and Karabag. In particular, attacks on local activists and police posts were committed. In the morning, 23.2 at minarets of mosques in Mirbachatka, powerful amplifiers were installed. The local population was called for the overthrow of the existing government of Afghanistan and the attack on Soviet troops.

Around 11.00 23.02 in Mirbachatka, the accumulation of armed people of about 200-250 people was noted, which moved through the streets, tried to start the physical destruction of local activists and residents supporting them. At this time there was an attack on the Soviet post on the southern outskirts of Mirbachagota (as part of the 1st MCV of the 2nd MSR of the 181st SMEs). Our post was opened a warning fire into the air, but it did not give the desired results. The fire from the rebel continued, as a result of which was injured in the bridge of Art. L-t Sathansky I.V.

About events in Kabul clearly show the reporting of Marshal Soviet Union S. L. Sokolov

From the report of Marshal Soviet Union S. L. Sokolova Marshal of the Soviet Union D. F. Ustinov (24.02.1980)

The country has retained a tense political situation. Military position in Kabul is not canceled. Troops are located on occupied positions. In the morning of 23.02.80, the reactionary forces in Kabul tried to organize anti-government speeches of the population. On several streets of a group of residents of 300-400 people. The anti-government slogans shouted and carried green (Islamic) banners. The efforts of the Tsarandoy, state security bodies and flights of aviation at small heights, the main groups were scattered. By 18.00 23.02 The situation in the city was mainly normal. Weapons with Soviet and Afghan troops were not applied. 24.02.80. The situation in the city remained calm. With the penetration of the group of rebels on the elevator, with a view to its undermining, 10 people are detained with weapons. Attempts to provoke anti-government and anti-Soviet speeches were celebrated in Kandahar, Shindande, Gerat and Sea. They were stopped by the police and the departments of the Afghan troops without the use of weapons. In the rest of the country, the situation is calm. NVS drive active hostilities did not lead. Aviation has exploited the city and its surroundings during the day and night. Part of the Forces was searching and destroying rebellious groups in Nangarhar and Lagman provinces. Detected several gangs for which strikes are deposited. Our aviation produced 224 departures, Afghan - 51, of which 23 combat. On the night of 02.23.80 g. Rota 31 GPP 9 GPA from the composition of the garrison of Chaukani (30 km of South-Zap. Asadabad) in the amount of 56 people with a weapon moved to the side of the rebels. At the same time, the company's commander and his deputy in political part were killed. The wanted list of companies and investigate the causes of what happened are organized.


From the report of Marshal Soviet Union S. L. Sokolova Marshal of the Soviet Union D. F. Ustinov (26.02.1980)

1. The situation in Kabul is gradually normalized, but remains complicated. At night, the arrests of active counter-revolutionaries and their accomplices are held, which in some cases have armed resistance to the regions of the Tsarandoy and the authorities of Afghan counterintelligence.

Soviet troops in these events are not involved, continuing to protect the most important military, administrative and economic objects. According to agent data, the rebels in Kabul at 29.02 are preparing armed performances against the government. In this regard, martial law in the city is preserved. The plan for the joint actions of the Soviet and Afghan troops in this case was refined.

186 OMP 27.02 of Charikar is put forward on Santa. ok. Kabul, and a battalion of 56 Odshbr from Dzhabal-Ussaraja to Charikar, ready to be actions in Kabul.

In other cities and provinces of the actions of major rebellious formations and anti-government speeches, the population was not observed.

There remains a complex setting in the province of Kunar, which is almost entirely under the control of the rebels. In the area of \u200b\u200bSchigal (15 km Sev-Vost. Asadabad) discovered several armed formations of up to 2.5 thousand people. Under the command of the former commander of 30 GPP, which passed on the side of the rebels, and others. The part of 9 GPDs deployed in the province of Kunar have low combat capability and independently solve the problem of the defeat of these formations cannot.

In this regard, on February 29-25, the fighting on the destruction of rebellious forces northeastern Asadabad with the involvement of two PDB 103 of the VDD (one on the BMD, the second as a helicopter landing), enhanced SMEs 181 SMEs 108 SME and 71 PP 11 PD with support The main air force of the 40th army.

2. The troops of the 40th Army and the NVS of the Dog carried the combat service, engaged in combat and political preparation according to plan. 353 AABR, making a march from Puli-Humry to Charikar, due to the deterioration of weather conditions (strong ice) before dawn, stopped on the approaches to the Salang tunnel.


From the report of Marshal Soviet Union S. L. Sokolova Marshal of the Soviet Union D. F. Ustinov (28.02.80)

The situation in Kabul without significant changes. All preparatory activities were carried out in case of the performance of counter-revolutionary forces 29.02. The interaction between the troops, the police ("Torando") and the state security bodies (HAD) was refined. At the strengthening of the Kabul garrison from the Charikar district, 186 OMD was derived, which is concentrated 1 km of Sev-Zap Kabul. Its actions in the city are planned, recalculated with communities of the divisions.

In the provinces Herat, Kandahar, Fayzabad marks increase in tension. Private shops are closed. The population for several days can not buy food. According to the intelligence, the leadership of the Islamic Party of Afghanistan it was decided to reprove the supply of food from Pakistan. Through threats and terror to force the owners of cars to stop the export of Soviet cargo from the ports of Highraton and Sherhan, to create economic difficulties for Afghanistan than to cause dissatisfaction with the government's policies.

Large hostilities were not conducted. The troops of the 40th Army and the NVS of the Dra carry combat service, engage in combat and political training according to plan.

122 SMEs changed 149 SMEs 201 MSD on the protection of the gas pipeline and the roads of thermez, Puli-Humry, having two SMEs in Shibargan, one SME - in Asiabad, the rest of the divisions - 16 km of Sez-Zap Tashkurgan. 149 SME 201 MSD decreases to the location of the permanent deployment - Kunduz.

4/56 Oddshbr focused in the Charikar district in readiness for nomination in Kabul at a special order.

353 AABR focused 2 km of South Zap Dzhabal-Ussaraj. Spring and Orts are completing overcoming the Salang pass and to the outcome of the day focused in the Bagram area.

48 DSB (intended for 66 MDMS), OIPTDN 108 MSS and the 40th Army OIPTDN. Continuation of Marsha - from 29.02.80.

The preparation of hostilities for the destruction of a large rebellious gang Sev-East Asadabad (Kunar Province) is completed. The troops are derived in the original area (8 km Sev-Vost. G. Jelalabad). The emergency group exploration is completed. Under favorable weather conditions for aviation, fighting will begin in the morning 29.02.80.

Aviation continued the air reconnaissance of the district of the upcoming fighting, as well as border areas in the interests of ensuring measures to close mountain passes and organizing the cover of the state border in accordance with the approved plan. Our aviation produced 109 combat departures, Afghan - 24.


The joint actions of the 1st MCV and part of the forces of the 2nd MCV 2nd MSR of the 181th SMEs under the command of the commander of the company of Captain Makovsky V.N. This group of rebels was scattered. At the same time, 22 armed oppositionist were destroyed. In addition, the transmitting center in N is crushed. p. Mirbachagot.

The rebellion in Kabul demonstrated that the state of the severity from the local population ended. Activated open co-opposition. Religious propaganda has sharply increased. The Afghan ruler openly branded as an agent of communism.

After the excitement in Kabul, the shelling of the Soviet autocolon on the highways of Thermaceous Kabul and Candagar, Kandagar accepted a systematic and organized character. Attempts to assign the rebels of small garrisons. The situation has worsened so much that the command of the 40th army did not have anything else, how to take appropriate measures. In response to numerous shelling of their garrisons and transport columns, parties and compounds of the 40th army began to carry out combat operations on the localization and defeat the armed formations of the enemy. The scale of the fighting over time is constantly expanding.

Show source

 Morozov Evgeniy Arkadyevich 4.01.55 - 12.11.85 Major Nazhornitsa G. Chelyabinsk. Russian. Higher education. Member of the CPSU. Married. Wife - Morozova Tatiana Emelyanovna. Daughters - Olga and Svetlana. In Afghanistan, the commander of the tank battalion (V / h PP 51884). In 1972, after graduating from high school No. 84, he entered the Omsk Higher Tank Team School, which graduated in 1976. From 1976 to 1985, the military service was held in the Red-stocky Central Asian Military District, in the 374th Motion Relo Shelf of the 155th Motorized Relocked Division of the 1st Army Corps in the posts of the tank platoon commander and the Tank Rota commander. From April 1985 - Afghanistan. November 12, 1985 died by performing a combat task. Awarded the medal "For military merit". Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was awarded (posthumously) the Order of the Red Star. He was buried at the Uspensky cemetery of Chelyabinsk. Morozova's wife E.A. With daughters Olga (1984) and Svetlana (1977) and Brother Evgenia, Yuri Arkadyevich, live in Chelyabinsk. Lieutenant Morozov began his hard officer's path to the commander of the tank platoon of the military unit 47165 in the Central Asian Military District. Together with him there was his wife Tatiana. They also born their daughters, Svetlana and Olga. He served Eugene honestly and conscientiously, as the Charter demanded, as his officer sense of duty required. His diligence was assessed by the command. After receiving the next military rank of "Senior Lieutenant", he was appointed to the post of commander of Tank Rota. And on April 8, 1985, he was sent on a business trip to Afghanistan. Captain Morozov E.A. He became the commander of the tank battalion of the military unit of PP 51884. It has repeatedly differed in carrying out combat operations and raids to destroy the bases of rebels. Especially showed itself Captain Morozov E.A. October 20, 1985 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Hijan Parwan Province. The tank company under his command cut off all the ways to waste a large grouping of armed rebels from the blocking area. As a result of a fierce battle, the entire grouping of bandits was liquidated, and Evgeny Morozov himself destroyed the eight rebels during the battle. For a well-organized and skillful combat operation, he was awarded the medal "for military merit" and he was awarded the Military title "Major". And on November 12, 1985, the commander of the tank battalion Major Morozov Evgeny Arkadyevich died near the city of Kabul, fulfilling the combat task of the command, a faithful military oath and international debt, showing courage, durability and heroism. Major Morozov E.A. was buried In Motherland, in Chelyabinsk. The marble monument is installed on the grave. His photograph, a description of the battle way and military merit in the Afghan war is available at the Museum of the Armenianist Museum of the Tractor-Plantsky District Office of the RSVA and in Trektorozavodsky RVK. Chelyabinsk. These data were taken from the All-Union Book of Memory of the Fallen: Morozov Evgeny Arkadyevich, Major, Comr Tank, Battalion, Rod. 4.01.1955 in Chelyabinsk. Russian. In army. Forces of the USSR with 1.8.72. He graduated from Omsk VTKU. In rep. Afghanistan from Apr. 1985. manifested himself a courageous and decisive officer. Commander Battalion, repeatedly participated in combat operas. 20.10.85, while in one of the tank, the mouth acting with us. Hinjan Parwan Province Point, skillfully organized her battle, as a result of which the waste of rebel detachments in the mountains were cut off. 11.11.1985 M. died in battle. Narch, medal "For military merit" and Horde. Red Star (posthumously). Buried on the Assumption Cemetery in Chelyabinsk. The commander of his eyes - the eyes of the Father, his meditation - the mind of victory, wrinkles hidden persons - the soldiers of the disadvantaged troubles. His words - fighters law, his smile - as a reward, and if he does not get tired, then rest and we do not need. His road is an example! His reward is our glory! We approve the rigor of the measures of the approved charter! Learn in the fields of field, which in the war it is necessary - all this in the thoughts of the young he secured irreversible. We are our homeland, like a mother, keep from malicious mismune, and if necessary - we can get under the bullets in the very center of battle! We will stand and go ahead, the width of the immense width, and the first commander will go, and we have been taught. And if the world suddenly will explode, we will prove in battle by law, - not in vain taught us the commander to love and protect the power! And to store us, leaving the reserve, bring us a long century the last combat order is to always be a person!

In the first days of December 1979, the USSR Defense Minister Marshal of the Soviet Union D. F. Ustinov brought to the leadership of the General Staff, information that in the near future may be decided to send Soviet troops to Afghanistan in the amount of up to 75 thousand. person.

The head of the chief of the General Staff of Marshal of the Soviet Union N. V. Ogarkova, as well as his attempts to prove that such a number of troops are not able to solve the problem of eliminating the opposition movement (if the troops are entered for this), especially since the Afghan army can resist Not anything led. Dmitry Ustinov was deeply confident that it was only worth appearing in Afghanistan by Soviet troops, as the rebels will immediately cease the fighting against official Kabul and the world will establish peace and calm.

Operational deployment and training of OKVS

December 10, 1979, i.e. Even before the final decision of L. I. Brezhnev (obviously, it was confident that he would not accept another decision), the USSR Defense Minister began to give the Director General of the order for the creation of the necessary grouping of troops.

December 13 (the day after the decision) to assist the command of the Turkway in the conduct of mobilization activities, the Operative Group of the USSR Ministry of Defense (OG MO of the USSR) was formed, headed by the First Deputy Head of the General Staff by the Army General S. F. Akhromeyev.

Later, this group was headed by First Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR Marshal of the Soviet Union S. L. Sokolov (urgently recalled from vacation). On the evening of December 14, 1979, the USSR MO arrived in Termez and began work.

On December 16, 1979, a disposal is given to the allocation from the management of Turkvo and the mobilization of the field department of the 40th Army. The commander of the army on operational intention was appointed First Deputy Commander of the Troops Tourkvo General Lieutenant Yu. V. Tukharinov.

Due to the fact that the General Staff did not have a plan for entering the troops to Afghanistan (the task of developing such a plan was not set), the general directive for the mobilization of troops was not given. The compounds and parts were prepared by separate orders after receiving the corresponding oral instructions by D. F. Ustinova.

In just three weeks (until December 31, 1979), more than thirty such orders were given. The rear and repair parts and the organs of the 40th and the last time (some already during the input of the troops began).

The compounds and parts of the 40th army are motorized rifle divisions of the type "B", the parts of the army set were mulched for 10-12 days before entering, and the formation of the landing assault brigade was still completed. The only personnel compound in the army was the 103rd VDD.

From the second half of January to mid-February 1980, the entire assignment composition was replaced by personnel units obtained from the compounds and parts of all military districts and groups of troops.

In the course of the creation of a grouping of troops, about 100 compounds, parts and institutions were deployed. More than 50 thousand officers, sergeants and soldiers are intended for the staffing of the troops, and soldiers and other equipment from the national economy.

Similar to the scale of mobilization events in Turkvo and Savo in the postwar period never been conducted. They revealed a number of serious shortcomings in the activities of local authorities, managers of enterprises, farms, military registration and enlistment offices and military units.

But especially intolerant of them were in the preparation of stock officers. 70% of the total number of intelligent officers in the army did not serve at all (were trained in military departments of universities). The overwhelming majority of them showed full unpreparedness and inability to command subordinate divisions or execute other duties put by the service.

Often motorized rifle, artillery, sperm plates, where the commander was the stock officers, on marchs and in battle were almost uncontrollable. About 20% of officers designed from the reserve, which were prepared with the parties from the number of sergeants, also did not have practical team skills. A completely unsatisfactory training was shown by officers of the stock of armored, autotractor services and the rear service.

The experience of mobilization, entering the troops and conducting hostilities during the first two months, while the stock officers were in the troops, convinced that their unpreparedness for the fulfillment of duties, at wartime is not a consequence of some individual, maybe even large drawbacks, and Large flaws in the general system of their preparation.

The experience of deploying the 40th Army in December 1979 showed that it is necessary to fully revise the entire system of training officers in the Armed Forces of the USSR. She was outdated in 1979 and did not even respond to the minimum requirements of the modern war. Specialists constructed in estimates - there can be no military officer and command subordinates if he did not serve in the army at all.

It became obvious that a new system of training officers was needed. It must be tested after the development and entered into action. However, by and large, not today in this area is very small. Changes to the better, unfortunately, minimal.

In the first days of mobilization on the quality of staffing, neither the military registration office nor military units paid any attention. Everyone was confident that there is a common check, which will end, as soon as the parts report to the completion of the acquisition. In this regard, the military registration and enlistment offices sought to send invalid resources faster, and military units - to quickly complete the divisions of the personnel and report on the instance.

After the arrival of the USSR MO and the orientation in the general features of the relevant commanders and military commissars about the possible implementation of serious tasks, the situation improved significantly. Began to replace the already designed and directed in the part of military-rich, not capable of performing combat missions. The replacement lasted 8 days (and in some parts or more).

When taking the troops, a disadvantage of many specialists was acute: mechanics-drivers of tanks and BMPs, operators of the FSDR and RLS, gunners, guns, artillery computers, radistians, etc. This is largely due to the fact that many military-ridicated Central Asian republics served in the construction troops.

The officers arrived from the reserve prepared at the military departments of civil universities in the overwhelming majority in the army never served and therefore did not have practical skills in the work in the specialty and, especially with people. Many of them were poorly owned by Russian. Extremely low physical training was characterized by all military-ridicated.

A large number of military battles were not found due to disorders of the passport mode during registration, the lack of information on the demolition of houses, confusion in the names of the streets, etc.

Significant, and sometimes unforeseen difficulties collided the military registration and enlistment offices and military units during the supply and admission of equipment from the national economy. The leaders of the AvtoBAZ in the mass quantity were not new, ascribed to the troops, and the old, which had a mileage of more than 500 thousand km of cars. Some of them arrived without spare wheels, driver's instrument, chant tools and repair kits. Many cars were not equipped for the transportation of personnel.

For several days, it was necessary to organize and carry out work on the replacement of cars or repairing machines already obtained and the acquisition of their tool directly in the areas of concentration of parts. These events were conducted both by obtaining property and material resources from civilian organizations and due to the reserves of the Military District.

In a word, the technical condition of the automotive equipment ascribed and the military enroll offices was clearly unsatisfactory. Thus, 20% of cars came with mileage up to 100 thousand km, 30% - up to 250 thousand km and 50% more than 250 thousand km. Up to 80% of the cars delivered were operating for 5 years or more.

Especially low technical condition had bulk cars. Of the 500 voltage car battalion submitted on the staffing, only 221 were selected, and the rest were returned for dissent. Up to 80% of the petrol workers delivered due to the lack of filling pistols, the meter meters are unsuitable for use. There was a lot of other flaws.

All this required the adoption of additional measures to find material and human resources and seriously made it difficult to fulfill the tasks on time.

In addition, when removing machines with long-term storage, a large number of faulty and unparalleled property of technology was turned out. Movable repair shops who arrived from the national economy were replenished with a tool, since he was almost completely absent in the workshops. In the preparation of troops to the nomination, the whole technique was subjected to an in-depth check, mercied, refused to be combustible, maintained maintenance No. 2, part of the equipment was tested by control runs.

Despite the necessary shortcomings in mobilization, the command of Turkvo and Savo, the commander of the compounds and parts, the military registration and enlistment offices managed to cope with the tasks set. On the outcome on December 24, 1979, the main forces of the 40th and were ready for action.

On December 24, 1979, D. F. Ustinov held a meeting of the leadership of the USSR Ministry of Defense, which was attended by Deputy Ministers, Commander-in-Chief of Ground Forces, Air Force, Air Defense Forces, Commander of the Airborne Forces, some supervisors of the main and central offices. At this meeting, the USSR Defense Minister announced a decision to introduce Soviet troops to Afghanistan. The hopes of generals and officers informed earlier about the possibility of such a decision that this will still not happen, finally dispelled.

On the same day, the USSR Defense Minister signed the Directive for the troops in which, in particular, it was said: "It was decided to introduce some contingents of Soviet troops stationed in the southern regions of the country to the territory of Afghanistan to provide international assistance to the friendly Afghan people, as well as creating favorable conditions for the reversion of possible antiafganic shares on the part of neighboring states. " This task for the commanders of all degrees was, just say, very uncertain.

The participation of the Soviet troops in hostilities in the territory of Afghanistan did not provide for the directive. Moreover, the procedure for the use of weapons even was determined for self-defense. It was meant that our compounds and parts would become garrisons and would undertake an important area and objects, thereby freeing the Afghan troops for active hostilities against the opposition, as well as against a possible external opponent.

A separate order of the Commander of the 40th and Lieutenant General Yu. V. Tucharinov was instructed to meet with the head of the Operational Department of the General Staff of the Army of Afghanistan, Lieutenant Babajan, and discuss issues with him on the deployment of Soviet troops in Afghanistan (Babajan received from X. Amina relevant instructions ).

The beginning of the state border crossing the USSR Defense Minister set 15.00 Moscow time (16.30 Kabulsky) on December 25, 1979 at the disposal of the commanders of all degrees for the organization Marsha remained less than a day.

On behalf of the Soviet leadership, on December 2, 1979, the Soviet ambassador informed X. Amin that the Soviet government was possible to satisfy his request and send two Soviet battalions to Afghanistan to enhance the protection of the residence of the head of state and airfield Bagram. In agreement with X. Amina on December 3 and 14, 1979, these divisions of the WTO aircraft were transferred to Afghanistan and began the protection of objects entrusted to them.

December 14, 1979 with one of the battalions at the airfield Bagram illegally arrived B. Karmala, where among the Soviet officers and soldiers he was before the end of the month. Several earlier (December 11, 1979) by the Soviet transport aircraft were transferred to Afghanistan from Moscow A. Vathandzhar, S. Gulyabsoy, A. Sarvari and Sh. Mazduryar - the "Four", which on the eve of the arrival of X. Amina was hidden in the Soviet embassy . In order to preserve their lives, they were in their time were secretly exported from the territory of the embassy in Kabul, and then from Afghanistan to Moscow - after the arrival of X. Amina arrived. The plan developed in Moscow began to be implemented. There is no documentary confirmation, but undoubtedly - B. Karmal and the Quartet participated in the development of the plan. In any case, they knew much more about him than the officers of the Soviet General Staff.

On 22 or 23 December 1979, the Soviet ambassador said X. Amina, that the Soviet leadership decided to satisfy his requests for the direction of troops in Afghanistan and December 25, 1979. Ready to start their input. H. Amin expressed gratitude for this decision and ordered to the General Staff in every way to promote its implementation.

Entering the grouping of Soviet troops in Afghanistan

In fulfillment of the instructions of the USSR Minister of Defense on the night from December 24-25, from the airfield of Fergana at the Kabul airfield, the remains of the 345th separate parachute regiment were transferred (two battalions of the part were transferred earlier and performed tasks for the protection of Kabul and Bagram airfields). From 9.00 on December 25, there was a transfer of parts of the 103rd airborne division to the parts of the 103rd airborne division.

Grouping Turkway for entry into Afghanistan looked like this - 40th Army (108th and 5th Guards Motor-Style Divisions, 56th Separate Assault Brigade, 860th Separate Motorized Rellen Shelves, 353rd Artillery Brigade, 2 - I am an anti-aircraft missile brigade; 103rd GW. VDD and 345th GW. OPDP; 34th Mixed Aviation Corps). In addition, as a reserve after unmobilization, you have: 68th MSD in the Emergency District and 201st MSD in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Termez.

Simultaneously with the beginning of the extension of the 108th MSD, the Termez direction was carried out by the Poland additive and its landing on the airfields: Kabul - 103rd of the VDD; Bagram - 345th PDP.

The input of Soviet troops in Afghanistan was envisaged to implement in two directions along the routes of Termez - Kabul - Gazni and Cookka - Herat - Kandahar with the task: placing the troops of the referrally on this ring in the most vital areas, to create conditions for stabilizing the situation in Afghanistan.

It was also meant in the northeast of the country to introduce the 860th OMP through Khorog to Fireabad.

Upon receipt of the instructions, now with specific deadlines, the calculations of the march were refined, the tasks of the connections, parts and units are clarified, the goals of entering the entire personnel are clarified. Organized control of troops when crossing the border and extending to designated areas, as well as appropriate control.

During an explanatory work with the personnel, the emphasis was applied to the fact that the commissioning of Soviet troops to Afghanistan is carried out at the request of its legal government, to provide international assistance in the fight against external aggression, which in the future may establish a threat to the southern borders of our Motherland. No other goals are being pursued. As soon as the intervention is expected to cease to the internal affairs of Afghanistan, the Soviet troops will immediately be withdrawn from the country. Such clarifications met an understanding from personnel.


A serious problem for troops in the Turkish direction was the organization of overcoming Amudarya - a capricious and wayward river, with a strong flow and constantly changing its channel. Her sand shores are easily blurred. All this is extremely complicated by the organization of both ferry crossings of troops, and the tip over the pontoon bridge.

Thus, one of the important tasks of engineering support for the input of the Soviet troops in Afghanistan was the equipment and maintenance of a flooded bridge in the thermosis, as well as the construction and content of the temporary high-water bridge in Ivanja.

By the time of entering the contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan to the territory of Turkvo by rail from the central military districts of the country to the termez district, three pontoon-bridge regiments were transferred.

After a long reconnaissance work and calculations conducted under the leadership of the head of the engineering troops of the district of Major's Queen, A. S., with the involvement of the specialists of the Military Engineering Academy caused from Moscow, was finally chosen, the place to guide the pontoon bridge.

The technology of its filing and consolidation of a strong current, as well as the necessary additional work on the consolidation of shores and unstable island, which fited into the construction of the bridge (between the shore and the island - several links of the pontoon-bridge fleet, on the island - concrete slabs and further - the bridge ).

This Woody 60-T Bridge from PMP Park was built within seven hours (the beginning of work - from 7.00 on December 25, 1979) in March 1980 due to the approach of the spring flood was replaced by a combined bridge from PMP and PPS parks.

To prevent the island's erosion and the destruction of its surface along the water rivation line in the bottom of the river, metal pins, protruding over the water per 1 m, are braided with reed and straw, after which the braid was fixed by clay intake. From the same material on the carriage of the island, a strip of a height of 1 m was dropped over, over the clay, reinforced concrete plates were laid.

With the fixing of the soil at the approaches to the river and on the island, the leaders of the Surkhandarya region Karimov A. K. and Mikhailov V. M., preliminarily allocating a significant number of reinforced concrete road plates from the factory and ensuring their export on special plastic carriers from the plant.

The bridge constructed had an output part, providing shipping on the river. Due to the strong current, there were great difficulties in the possession of the bridge, and especially in his retention, which explains such a long period of its guidance on December 25, 1979.

To duplicate the bridge in a thermomeness, as well as ensuring the construction of a temporary high-water bridge and bypass road to Tashkargan forces by the forces of another POMP in January 1980 in the area of \u200b\u200bAyvaj, the Wired 60-m bridge from PMP Park was hung.

In the future forces of engineering troops, in the shortest possible time - in 51 days in difficult hydrological conditions, a high-water bridge was built with a length of 588 m under loads up to 40 tons. Supports of the bridge - metal pipes with a diameter of 320 mm, the depth of the hub 20 m. As a span structure, tabletable bridges were used as a span structure. Sets of MLRM and Barm. The presence of two bridges made it possible to carry out preventive measures on them. Due to this, the continued operation of floors from the tablet parks with intensive movement was provided (up to 1000 units of technology per day).

March to Kabul

The first Soviet division, which passed the Soviet-Afghan border, was the 781st separate intelligence battalion of the 108th GW. motorized rifle division. In the Afghan coast, Soviet troops met the elder brother X. Amina - Abdalla Amin, who was responsible for suppressing the opposition movement in the northern provinces of the country.

The passage of the personal composition of the Soviet troops across the border was carried out by border bodies without customs inspection on pre-prepared lists, which were awarded border outfits before the departure of the divisions on the pontoon bridge. Lists of the personnel of the Airborne Forces were transferred to the border authorities at the airfields of the last refueling of aircraft.

At the command and observation point in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bridge, the commander of Turkvo-General General-Colonel Yu. P. Maximov, Commander of the 40th and Lieutenant General Tukharinov Yu. V. and Colonel-General Merimsky, who headed the Operational Group of the Ministry of Defense.

They watched, as at the time being, the 180th motorized rifle regiment on BMP, which is an advanced detachment of the 108th GW. MSD, and advanced echelon 103rd GW. A VDD crossed the state border with Afghanistan on Earth and in the air. On the KNP, the generals rivers stayed until the morning until the last column was crossed on the left bank.

Building a hiking order of the 108th GW. MSD on the march looked as follows: Intelligence - 781th Orb, head hiking ward - 180th SMEs (MSR and TV), movement detachment - 271st separate engineering and sperm battalion, avant-garde - 1/180 SMEs with Adner Shelf , 180th SME, Advanced Command Point (PCP) MSD, 234th Tank Regiment, Separate Jet Division, 177th SME, 1074th Artillery Regiment, KP MSD, Separate Rocket Division, 1049th Zenap, 181st SMEs, chemical protection battalion, rear control (TPU) and rear MSD.

Marsham length for the 108th division amounted to 510 km. Marsh was committed to two transitions. The first is a length of 300 km, of which 140 km - on the plain location, 160 km - on the mountain. The second - length of 210 km along the mountainous area.

The first transition march was spent 25 hours, including 4 hours on a large hat for refueling equipment. The second transition of the Marsham Intelligence and an advanced division detachment (SMEs on BMP) was overcome in 18 hours, the main forces of the Division in 21 hours.

The march was made by mixed columns with an average movement speed: on the plain at night - 20 km / h, in the afternoon in the mountains - 15 km / h. Fuel consumption from the norm on the march was 2.9 gasoline refueling, 3.0 - on diesel fuel.

The organization of the first transition march occurred in the original area, the first tasks were made by recovering the combat order. On the organization of the 1st transition was allocated for 20 hours, on the 2nd transition allocated 18 hours. The tasks were made by combat order. The control was with the PCP, which advanced for the advanced detachment.

It should be noted that a practically newly formed division made the most difficult six-hundred-meter march along a high-altitude route in winter conditions. Because of the wet snow and the coming frost, the road was found at night, the technique on the rages buxed, and the descents often walked in a yuz. The precautionary measures were very necessary - the precautionary measures were provided - the detachments of the movement with the margin of sand, tractors and road machinery, wooden lines under the wheels for each car, rigid coupling, etc.

A serious obstacle was the tunnel on the Salang passage of 2700 meters long, designed for the passage of single and small groups of machines with carburetor engines, but not diesel engineering - BMP, tanks. I had to pass through a tunnel with minor units at certain intervals between them.

All this has significantly affected the decline in the deposit of the division parts. And yet, to the appointed time, the advanced detachment of the division - the 180th SMEs was in Kabul, setting a connection with the parts of the 103rd GW. VDD. From the best party showed itself the commander of the 180th SME Lieutenant Colonel Kasymov T. E.

During the march, the combatival division did not led.

To the outcome 29.12.79 108th. The MSD took defense in the district of the capital of Afghanistan - Kabul. Division commanded Colonel Mironov Valery Ivanovich, just appointed to this position. In fact, Mironov took a division on the march, in extremely complex and harsh conditions.

It is necessary to honestly admit that the newly abused parts of the 108th GW. MSD outwardly little was reminded the victorious Soviet army. It was clearly not a demonstration of Soviet military power. The type of most designed fighters did not cause them special respect. Mobilized fathers of Large Uzbek and Tajik families have less like brave soldiers who arrived to provide international assistance to Afghans.

Division headquarters and some parts focused on the northern outskirts of Kabul in the village, nicknamed in Russian "warm mill", and motorized rifle shelves and tank regiment turned on the approaches to Kabul from all directions by creating a city defense ring.

Winter in Kabul 1979-1980. Gas outled frosty. In parts of the 108th GW. MSD lacked neither stoves or fuel. For cooking, heating tents and dugouts used any piece of wood. There were cases when decorative and even fruit trees were cut into fuel. This caused serious conflicts with local residents. They settled with considerable difficulties.

And another feature that was not taken into account with the rear services. Kabul - high-mountainous area. The preparation of food in open boilers was required almost 1.5 times longer than time and fuel than on the plain. In connection with this circumstance, there were a lot of problems.

Nevertheless, despite all the difficulties, the commissioning of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan continued.

Airborne Operation

And when the input of troops in Afghanistan became apparent, it was necessary to apply the 103rd airborne division, which was in the European part of the USSR for several thousand km from the border of Afghanistan (permanent deployment point - Vitebsk, Commander of the Connection - Major General Ryabchenko and F.).

In mid-December 1979, the 103rd airborne division was raised by combat alarm and with complete ammunition and reserves were removed into the original area, and then to the airfields of the take-off part of the WTO. The headquarters of the Airborne Forces and VTA by this time have already planned the transfer of division from Belarus and landing it to Afghanistan at Kabul and Bagram airfields.

For these purposes, almost the entire BT aircraft fleet was involved. An intermediate refueling of aircraft on the airfields of the Volga region, the Southern Urals and Kazakhstan was envisaged. There was also expected to feed hot food paratroopers.

All the preparation for the transfer and landing of the troops was held secretly under the guise of tactical teachings with practical landing. She began to bring parts into increased combat readiness.

Asiating (except for units designed to capture airfields in order to ensure the landing of the main forces of the landing) were planned to be placed.

Since the airfields of the source area were at a significant distance from the location of the division parts of the division, the nomination of troops to the airfield was carried out by a combined method: for the nearest airfields - their own move and railway transport, to the most distant - WTO aircraft.

To ensure secrecy, the combat task of parts and divisions was put preliminary and only for landing (without disclosure of areas and landing airfields). Personal composition received a task to prepare for landing and entering into battle immediately after disembarking.

Parts and subdivisions of the landing of several days were at the airfields of the source district. Arms and equipment were loaded into airplanes. On some airfields, they focused in field fleets grouped by airport groups. The eldest of each group knew the aircraft number, the parking lot and the surname of the crew commander. It subsequently provided fast loading and landing.

The personnel was equipped with winter. In addition to boots, each paratrooper had boots that dressed depending on the weather. Combat equipment included personal weapon, equipped with a backpack and other necessary property.

The technical and rear assurance of the landing in the original area was carried out by the forces and means of the airfield-technical parts of the Air Force. This contributed to the preservation of the reserves of material resources of the 103rd VDD. To maintain the combat readiness of the BMD and vehicles in low temperatures, the batteries periodically recharged. In airplanes loaded by military equipment, when they are in the parking lots, the proper temperature regime was maintained. Squadrils and WTO shelves, taking advanced target detachments to capture airfields, could take off 40-50 minutes after receiving the order.

Tentization of the 103rd GW. The VDD was carried out by landing method. The outcome of the advanced detachments was not required. Both airfield (Kabul and Bagram) by this time were taken under the control of the divisions of the 345th PDP.

The landing and take-off conditions of the close-up airfields of Kabul and Bagram identified the need to carry out groups by groups of 6-12 aircraft with the calculation of no more than an hour to land, unloading and take off the group. The unloading of one aircraft was spent from 15 to 30 minutes.

After landing, the commander of the parts received directly at the aerodrome a large-scale plan of the city and cards with printed military objects, a combat mission and a brief explanatory note. These documents were prepared in advance by the Airborne Group.

When performing combat missions, the main responsibility was assigned to the parachute shelves. They in December 1979 in the 103rd GW. The VDD was commanded: 317th PDP - Lieutenant Colonel Batyukov N. V., 350th PDP - Lieutenant Colonel Shpak G. I., 357th PDP - Lieutenant Colonel Litovik K. G., 345th PDP commanded Lieutenant Colonel Serdyukov N. I.

For the transport of personnel and military equipment, the 103rd VDD was made 343 flight-flights (including 66 flights An-22, 76 flights IL-76, 200 An-12 flights). A total of 47 hours spent on landing and divisions of the Airborne Union for two airfields (landing of the first aircraft in Kabul at 16.15 December 25, the latter - at 14.30 on December 27, 1979).

Airplanes landed during the day and night on average every 15 minutes. During this time, 7 thousand 700 people were delivered to Kabul and Bagram. personnel, 894 units of military equipment and 1062 tons of various goods.

Unfortunately, when transferring the landing units in Kabul on December 25, 1979 at 19.33 (Moscow time), an IL-76 aircraft crashed with a personnel and technique. The crew in the composition of 7 people (commander Captain Pozchatin V.V.) and 37 paratroopers died. The cause of the catastrophe is an error in piloting, the collision of the aircraft with a mountain height of 4662 m at a smoking room to the Kabul airfield (Captain Plycovin V.V. Saddowed on his difficulty, especially at night, the Kabul airfield for the first time). This catastrophe has opened a list of our losses in Afghanistan.

The concentrations of parts and divisions of the Airborne supplements were chosen in advance and were referred to as officers of the Airborne Inspection Group headed by Deputy Commander of the Airborne Forces, Lieutenant General N. Guskov, who arrived in Kabul on December 23, 1979.

From the morning of December 25, 1979, the Soviet military advisers and specialists who worked in the air defense of Afghanistan in order to eliminate possible hostile shares on the part of the Afghan servicemen during the landing of the Airborne Parts established control over all the anti-aircraft facilities and the storage places of ammunition. Some anti-aircraft plants were temporarily disabled (sights, locks, etc.).

During the exit and disembarking of our troops, the points appointed them sometimes arose difficulties. So, with the onset of darkness at the airfield, the Bagram suddenly turned off the lighting system for the landing system. At this time, the planes with the landing were already on the way. It turned out that the system was turned off by order of the head of the aviation garrison, which decided to prevent the arrival of the troops. Only decisive actions of Lieutenant General N. N. Guskova removed the tension, excluded severe consequences and ensured the task.

After disembarking the division of the 103rd VDD, there was an important administrative and other objects (NDPA Central Committee, the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Security Service, Ministry of Communications, the barracks of some parts) and strengthened them. In fact, the monitoring of Soviet troops was established above these objects. In some places, officers - opponents of X. Amin, not knowing why Soviet troops came, they tried to resist them, but were relatively disarmed relatively quickly.

To the new 1980, the placement of the regiments of the 103rd VDD in Afghanistan was completed. 317th gv. The PDP was stationed in the center of Kabul (on the Palace Territory Delkusha), the battalion of the same regiment was released on the guard of the Bubraca Karmal. 357th gv. PDP is located in the Fortress of Bala Hisar. 350th gv. PDP remained in tents on the outskirts of the airfield near the division headquarters. There are also an artpol and specialty division. Few capital buildings that have been delivered by paratroopers were terrible. Railed and swelling, they demanded great work and the cost of materials to adapt them under housing. In addition, they did not have heating.

In general, in December 1979, an unprecedented on-site and organization of the aerobral operation on the transfer of troops from one to another TVD to a range of about 4.5 thousand kilometers was carried out. With this operation, it is comparable, and only partially, the transfer of two airborne divisions in Prague and Brno during one night of August 1968, with the introduction of the United Armed Forces of the Warsaw Treaty in Czechoslovakia. As it turned out later, it was the last airborne operation of the Soviet Army.

First herat, then Kandahar

On the night of December 27-289, 1979 (at 3.00 local time), for the additional order of the USSR Defense Minister, another motorized rifle division entered Afghanistan - the 5th GW of MSS.

The connection made a march along the route: Cook - Herat - Per. Mir-Ali - Adraskan - Shindand. The length of the march was 280 km.

The division has advanced one route. The column of the main forces dismensted in depth to the columns of the regiments, which moved on the abbreviated distances. Between pieces - 2 km, between battalions - up to 1 km.

Such abbreviated distances led to a difficult move on the route, especially when overcoming passages. Educated congestion at the plots did not contribute to the rapid commitment of the march and reduced the average marching speed, which was for tanks - during the day - 20 km / h, at night - 15 km / h, BMP during the day - 30 km / h, at night - 20 km / h, Cars - During the day 35 km / h, at night - 30 km / h. When overcoming passages, the average speed was for the entire technique - 5 km / h.

The march organization occurred in the original area. Tasks to parts were made by the combat order of the commander of the Division of Major Major Shatalina Yu. V.

The headquarters of the MSD prepared all the necessary data for the decision-making by commander parts.

The decision was determined by the procedure for marsham, the number of hiking columns, the composition of the advanced unit and hiking, the order of action when meeting the opponent, building a hiking order and the distribution of forces and means in columns, the number of privals and their duration.

Tasks parts were delivered to the first daily transition.

Marche management was organized with PCP, KP and TPU. The total time spent on marsham was 28 hours, taking into account the privals and refueling techniques. Marsham was spent: Autobanzina - 188.5 tons (0.88 refueling); diesel fuel - 248.8 tons (0, 7 refueling).

To the outcome on December 28, the 5th GW. The MSD took areas of destiny south of the city of Herat and at the shindand airfield. The subsequent zone of the responsibility of the division expanded to Kandahar, where it was released by the 373rd SMEs, then transformed into a separate motorized rifle brigade (70th OMSBR).

Entering the 5th MSD was even more than (in comparison with the 108th MSD) and without serious deviations from the planned plan. Division commander Major General Shatalin Yu. V. During the nomination showed himself a mature and competent warlord.

Labor road to Fireabad

Especially it should be noted the unfavorable conditions for the extension of the 860th separate motorized rifle regiment from the Khorog region to Faizabad (Afghan Badakhshan Province). The regiment under the command of Lieutenant Colonel V. S. Kudnya long time was advanced almost under the continuous fire impact of small groups and opposition groups, restoring the road completely destroyed by militants - the only one in this mountainous area.
The rate of promotion of the shelf maximally accounted for up to 10 km per day. Obviously, the fact that a large number of former bass and their descendants lived here. Despite the difficulties and losses in personnel and military equipment, the regiment performed a combat challenge.

For example, we give several lines from the combat journal of the 40th Army.

11.1.80 G. - The 860th OMP without artillery and wheel transport focused in the Gulkhan area. The reconnaissance of the regiment in the four BMP stopped before the break in the KazDa region (23 km of Sez-Zap Gulkhan). The road from Gulkhan to KazDech is difficult for BMP - sheer cliffs. After passing the BMP edge of the roads sat down. There is a constant threat of a breakdown of tracked technology into the abyss. For wheel machines, the road is impassable. When trying to cleaned the breakfast, the fire of the rebel gang was opened. Began a shootout. During her, 2 officers of the 860th OMP wounded.

13.1.80 G. - 860th OMP is located in the Gulkhan area and Ishkashash. To the outcome of the day of the interlock and an advanced squad of the regiment, as part of the SME, was disassembled on the route a depth of 120 m. 15 km of Sev-Zap Gulkhan again met the destroyed section of the road. To overcome it could not. From morning 15.1, the regiment will begin restoration work and will continue exploration along the route. South Gulhan reconnaissance conducted to a depth of 12 km to Kislak Falahmadin. Further, the BMP could not pass, as the roads are available only for pedestrians and cooch transport.

16.1.80 G. - The 860th OMP continues to clearing the road in the Gulkhan district, ready to perform the task in the direction of Fireabad. It needs aviation support (helicopters) for intelligence and disembarking small units in order to protect hazardous areas of the road and reveal the actions of the enemy on the route.

20.01.80 G. - The 860th OMP continues to fulfill the task. At 15.30, the head hiking appeal was attached to shephering and walked all night. In the shelf there are wounded in the amount of 14 people (including 1 officer) and killed - 3 people. (including 1 officer).

To help the 860-MU OSP meets him from Kunduz, the divisions of the 56th Oddsbre (commander of the brigade Colonel is bad) were sent. However, the heavy brigade technique soon rested into a undermined bridge over one of the mountain gorges. The bridge over it was induced later from duralumin structures made according to the troops of Tashkent aircraft. Chkalova (director at the time - V. Sivets) delivered and mounted using Mi-6 and Mi-8 helicopters.


The Soviet aviation grouping in Afghanistan was created by mid-March 1980, taking into account the dislocation and conduct of hostilities by the general-known compounds and parts on the separated operations. The basis of the airfield of airfields was the airfield network of the Air Force of Afghanistan, which provided if necessary, carrying out aviation regrouping in order to increase its efforts in certain directions (areas).

At most airfields of Afghanistan, part of the Soviet and Afghan aviation were colated. This provided closer interaction between them, reduced the timing of the restoration of the combat capability of the aviation parts of Afghanistan and input them into battle.

To enhance the protection and defense of the airfields, each of them was allocated by one motorized rifle (parachute-landing) battalion (company).

On the content airfields, radiogencies of navigation and communications were additionally established, combined command posts on flight guidelines, combat management, as well as air traffic and Afghan aviation over the territory of Afghanistan.

Soviet aircraft with Afghans based on four airfields (Kabul, Bagram, Shindand and Kandar), on four airfields separately Soviet (Kunduz, Fireabad and Jelalabad) and Afghan (Mazar-Sharif) part.

Under the rearrangements of aviation, in the interests of the upcoming operations, virtually all available airfields carried out joint basing of Soviet and Afghan aircraft and helicopters.

The total staffing composition of the Soviet aviation group in Afghanistan (Air Force 40-y) included two aviation regiments and one squadron of combat aircraft, one mixed aviation and three separate helicopter regiment, three separate helicopter squadrons and one helicopter detachment. There are only 60 combat aircraft and 19 military transport aircraft, 253 combat and combat helicopters.

Taking into account the physico-geographical conditions and dislocations of the general-official compounds and individual parts of 40 A and assigned to them areas of hostilities Aviation group in Afghanistan (Air Force 40 A) was divided into four groups: "North", "Center", "South" and " West".

Group "North" - 181 OVPs with Squadron Helicopters 335 OVP and 146 OI 201 MSS, actions of hostilities - for the ridge of Hindukush in the Northern and Northeastern areas of Afghanistan (from Shibargan to Fayzabad). Basing airfields - Kunduz and Firebad. During the fighting for temporary basement, the Mazar-Sharif airfield and Puli-Humry, Baglan, Sari-bullets, Shibargan, Ishkash, Gulkhan, Jarm and others were used. The total number of combat composition "North" is an 81 helicopter, of which combat and transport and combat - 60.

Group "Center" - 50 OSAP, 263 UAETR, 115 GW. JEP, 262 OVE, 292 ORP. It was intended for action in the central and southeastern regions of Afghanistan (south of the Hindukush Range to the border with Pakistan). Basing airfields - Kabul, Bagram, Jelalabad. During the fighting, airfields were used: Gazni, Gardes, Chagacharan (all - only for helicopters), as well as platforms Baglan, Chuck, Urgen, Host, Asadabad, Asmar, and others. Total combat composition of the Center "Center" 26 combat aircraft and 114 helicopters (including 110 combat and transport-combat).

Group "South" - two squadrons of the 280th OVP and one squadron of the 136th apibration. I operated in the southern regions of Afghanistan (Zabol, Kandahar, Worrygan, Gilmend). Basing airfield - KandaP. During the fighting, Lashkaryg airfield was used, Girishke, Kalat, Tarinuncot and others. The total number of group is 12 combat aircraft and 26 helicopters (of them of transport and combat - 16).

Grouping "West" - 302rd OVE, one squadron of the 280th OVP and 136th apibration. The fighting area is the Western and South West Provinces of Afghanistan (Badgiz, Herat, Farah, Gilmennd).

Basing airfield - Shindand. When conducting hostilities, airfields of Herat, Memen, dilamar sites, Daulatabad, Zaranj, Flah, Chash and others were used. The total number of the "West" group is 12 combat aircraft and 32 helicopters (of which 30 combat and transport and combat).

In some cases, when carrying out large operations, individual aviation units from the named groups were attracted to actions in other areas, however, planning the fighting, we tried to avoid due to the difficulties of aviation regrouping.

With relocation to Afghanistan fighters and fighters-bobbing borderers at the airfields of Bagram (115th GW. IAP), Kandahar (136th apibration) and Shindand (217th, then AE 136th APIB) was introduced by combat duty of Soviet aircraft In the general air defense system of Afghanistan.

Completion of the input of the troops

By mid-January 1980, the entry of the main forces of the 40th and was mainly completed. On the territory of Afghanistan, two motorized rifle (108th and 5 gv. MSD) and one airborne division (103rd), a landing assault brigade (56th DSBR) and two separate shelves (345th PDP and 860 -Y MAC).

On February 2, 1980, another division was adopted in the 40th army - the 201st MSU (the former point of permanent deployment of the division management - G. Dushanbe) consisting of 149 GW. SME, 122 SMEs, 191 SMEs, 285 TP, 998 AP, 990 Zenap, 71 RED and other parts. Appliances and weapons, ammunition, fueling the fuel and fuel connection at the time of input was provided by 100%. The political and moral condition of the Division's personnel was noted as healthy. The 201st MSD was characterized by a combat-ready and ready to perform combat task with a compound.

To understand in what conditions the 40th army's troops sometimes occurred, at least a few examples should be given (lines from the magazine of the 40th Army, recording of January 20, 1980):

": The 186th SME continued to fulfill the previous task. The north of 21 km of Khishim, not reaching 800 m to the bridge, stopped. The bridge blown up with the rebels. The side of the rocks blossomed and enjoyed. The lounge was made on the road. From the road to the rock 2- 2.5 meters. The width of the road canvase can only be increased due to cutting into the mountains. The depth of the gorge in the area is more than 18 meters. Opportunities for the deployment of TMM and MTU (heavy mechanized bridges and tank bridges) Not. The task of exploration of workaround routes is south The main road and determining the scope of restoration of the destroyed bridge. "

Or at least one of the reports on the nature of the destruction of the road on one of the routes of the extension of parts of the 40th Army: ": the left half of the roadway on a plot of 10 meters is collapsed into the abyss. The driving part of the 1,5-2 m wide is left. Right - Monolithic Wall which hangs over the carriageway. Rock soil developing overhead charges and manually does not give in: ".

And, nevertheless, the challenges delivered by the parts and units of the 40th army were performed.

The management of the troops in Afghanistan was carried out by the Operational Group of the USSR Ministry of Defense (posted in the area of \u200b\u200bthe termez) directly or through the commander and headquarters of Turkvo. Her chief of the Marshal of the Soviet Union S. L. Sokolov controlled the promotion of troops, flying to them on helicopters with a group of officers.

In Kabul, the command of the troops assumed the operative group of the Airborne Headquarters headed by Deputy Commander of the Airborne Forces General Lieutenant N. N. Guskov. At first, it was he who introduced the entire grouping introduced into Afghanistan.

In the General Staff of the USSR, the Communist Party of Officers of the Main Operational Department, which followed the course of entering troops, changes in the situation in Afghanistan and around it, prepared reports and suggestions to the leadership of the USSR Ministry of Defense and the State. The duty shifts of this group were headed by the heads of the directions of operational management of GOU GSH of the USSR.

During the input of the troops, reconnaissance and other types of combat provision, technical and rear security were carried out by the full-time forces and means of injected troops, since the army bodies were not yet ready. The secretary of the creation of the grouping of troops was ensured by the time-stretched period of mobilization and alternately by bringing the compounds and parts into combat readiness, and the most important thing is that no one in the troops suggested that such a decision is generally possible.

The total number of Soviet troops in Afghanistan by the beginning of February 1980 reached 81.8 thousand people. (military personnel - 79.8 thousand, including in combat parts of the land forces and Air Force - 61.8 thousand people.

Changes and rename

In subsequent years (until 1986 inclusive), the combat composition of the grouping of the Soviet troops in Afghanistan the troops changed several times. It was re-formation of some parts in order to increase their fighting.

As a result, the final composition of a limited contingent of Soviet troops became as follows: Office of the 40th Army with parts of security and maintenance; divisions - 4; Brigades - 5; separate regiments - 4; individual protection battalions - 6; aviation regiments - 4; helicopter regiments - 3; brigade of collateral; Pipeline brigade; Medical, repair, construction, apartment and operational and other parts and institutions.

The maximum number of Soviet troops in Afghanistan was in 1985 108.8 thousand people. (servicemen - 106 thousand), including in combat parts - 73.6 thousand people. (The number of combat troops never exceeded a certain Soviet political leadership in December 1979).

In the first days of January 1980, the question arose about how to name the troops in Afghanistan. They continued to be in the troops of Turkvo and Savo and for this reason could not be called a group of troops. Call them 40th and was not quite legitimate. In addition to the 40th A, in Afghanistan there were division and a separate Airborne Regiment, an arranged assault brigade, several regiments of military air force Air Force, shelves of combat and transport helicopters, parts of the center of the center.

The political leadership wanted that the general name of our troops reflect their quantitative limitations and temporarys of their stay in Afghanistan. Ultimately, the name "Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces in Afghanistan" was approved (abbreviated - OCSV). From instructions in the title for the time of stay in Afghanistan, it was decided to refuse to not complicate the abbreviation.

The initial propaganda sense of the name, which, undoubtedly, had disappeared over time. This name began to be perceived by all as the official, open for printing and everyday communication,

Entering Soviet troops into the territory of Afghanistan by the Afghan population, especially the poor, was originally perceived benevolently. People willingly walked to contacts with Soviet soldiers, showed interest in life in the Soviet Union. The people sincerely hoped that our troops would help to end the war, help to establish peace and calm in the country. The word "shy" (Soviet) was uttered with special warmth.

During the march of troops, at their bus stops in settlements, improved rallies arose, which it turned out that the population of Kislakov adjacent to the highway knew about the upcoming arrival of Soviet troops. Particularly friendly to the Soviet Army, the soldiers of the Afghan army were tuned, as well as members of the Revolution Protection Committees. In speeches at rallies, Afghan servicemen thanked for the help of our soldiers and expressed their readiness for combat cooperation. Challenged slogans of Soviet-Afghan combat friendship.

At the same time, the wealthy layers of the population towards the Soviet troops were wary, they did not enter into contacts. There were also separate hostile manifestations. There were, in particular, cases of shelling some Soviet cars on the march (mainly retired).

There was also an attempt to prevent control of the control of Soviet troops over the Salang pass. A large group of rebels tried to strike at the Asian assault battalion of Captain L. Khabarov during their posts on the pass. This group had at its disposal of the BTRR and even the tank (as it turned out later, sacked from the Afghan part with the soldiers of the Afghanistan army with the soldiers). The battalion military reconnaissance watch under the command of Lieutenant N. Krotova discovered the rebels and reflected their attack. During the fight, Lieutenant N. Krotov was killed. It was one of the first died Oxv officers.

The Soviet troops introduced into Afghanistan in coordination with the Government of the country and together with the Afghan parts and divisions of the army, Torandoy (Ministry of Internal Affairs of Afghanistan), the security service performed a complex of various tasks. They were taken under the protection of all major road highways: Cook Herat-Shindand-Girishk-Kandahar; Thermal Bulley-Humry Kabul; as well as Kabul-Jelalabad and bullets-Humry Cunduz Firesabad.

Many objects of Soviet-Afghan economic cooperation were taken under protection, on which Soviet civil advisors and specialists lived and worked. Such objects belonged to the gas covers of Jarcuduk and Shibargang, the power plant in Surubi, brazling, bullets-Humry and Kabul, a nitrogen fertilizer plant in Mazar-Sharif, a tunnel and all the facilities of the Salang pass, some educational institutions in Kabul and others. Objects.

Protection and uninterrupted functioning of Kabul airfields (including its international part), Bagram, Kunduz, Firebad, Jalalabad, Kandahar, Shindand, Herat, Lashkaryah. The accommodation of Soviet garrisons was in every way and strengthened state authorities in 21 provincial and in many county and volost centers.

The important task of the Soviet troops was carried out in conjunction with the Afghan parts and units of hostilities of a different scale in the defeat of the most dangerous, aggressive detachments and groups of armed opposition, as well as the struggle with caravans delivered weapons and ammunition to Afghanistan from Pakistan and Iran. This task has been designated from March 1980 and became finally one of the main since 1981.

(Abbreviated - 108th MSS) - military unit of the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan. The division is formed from the 360th rifle Nevelsky Red Banner Division, which was formed in accordance with the Resolution of the State Defense Committee of August 13, 1941 and the order of the Commander of the Volga Military District of Lieutenant General Gerasimenko V. F. dated August 14, 1941.


The fighting path of the Division during the Great Patriotic War

The division began to form in the city of Chkalov (now Orenburg), and some of its parts and divisions are in the cities and villages of Chkalovskaya (now Orenburg). By October 1, 1941, the division was mainly equipped with a person. The combat route of the 360th Infantry Division began on 12 November 1941, when the first echelon, loaded with a person, appliances and weapons, moved to the West. As part of the troops of the Western Front, the part and division division occupied the second defense line, built defensive structures, where the first blows of the enemy took.

On December 25, 1941 by order No. 0508, the rates of the Supreme Command Division was included in the 4th shock army of the North-West Front.

January 29, 1942 Division began an offensive to the city of Velij. As a result of a two-hour battle, the first battalion of the 1193th rifle regiment attack from the right flank burst into the city and led street fighting. On the northern outskirts of the city came the 1197th rifle regiment. One of the divisions of the 1193th rifle regiment blocked the path of waste to the enemy and the approach of its reserves on the Nevelsky highway. By morning January 30, the 1195th rifle regiment with a blow from the southwest cut the Vitebsk highway, burst into the outskirts of the city and began to move towards the center. From the south-east, going the Western Dvina River on Ice, the fighters of the 1197 rifle regiment took the outskirts of the city. Thus, the enemy garrison in the city of Veligi was completely surrounded.

In the battles for the great bows, which continued from December 24, 1942 to January 14, 1943, the divisions of the division were destroyed by 23 guns, 72 machine guns, 5 six-solid mortars, 30 cars, 81 tank and 4 aircraft, up to 7,000 soldiers and opponent officers. The 205th infantry division of the Wehrmacht could not be sent to the aid of the surrounded garrison, could not break through to the city; The garrison was destroyed and partially captured. In the order of the Commander of the 3rd Shock Army of January 23, 1943, it was noted: "360 SDs with the task of the task. The opponent was hit and he was forced to collapse from the direction on which the 360th Infantry Division was a solid wall. " For skillful actions in the region of the Great Bow, the 360th Rifle Division was declared thanks to the Supreme Commander.

On October 6, 1943 after a two-hour battle, the division took possession of settlements of Wolf Mountains, Isakov, Gerasimov, Red Yard and cut the roadless road to the Nevel-Velie. On the highway, after the division, the 236th tank brigade was released and the sudden blow broke into the streets of the city of Nevel. To the outcome of the day, the division has completed the nearest and subsequent task; Passing with battles of 20 km, contributed to the mastering of the city of Nevel. Parts and divisions of the division defeated the 2nd Infantry Division and the 83rd of the enemy. In its order of October 7, 1943, the Supreme Commander announced gratitude to the personnel of the Division. Division was assigned the name "Nevelskaya".

On February 3, 1944, Division took an offensive towards Volkovo. As a result of numerous battles, by February 16 she took possession of settlements of Volkovo, Gorbachi, Bryli, Prudnaki and forced the Babyonka River. Until April 10, 1944, the division was fighting at various sections of the 1st Baltic Front.

On April 29, 1944, the Division passed on the offensive and took possession of the supporting points of Glyastinets, Tikhonov, Yasinovtsy. The Germans threw fresh reserves into battle. Division's divisions were charged on 6-10 counterattacks day. During the fierce battles, which continued from April 29 to June to June, the division was exhausted by the enemy and on June 27, 1944, going to a decisive offensive, took possession of the settlement of even, broke through German defense and began to move towards Polotsk. 3A Excellent fighting in battles for Polotsk Division received the third gratitude to the Supreme Commander and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

On July 27, 1944, scouts, and after them and the other units of the 1193rd Rifle Regiment broke into the streets of Dvinsk. For skillful actions in battles for mastering the city of Dvinsk - an important railway node and a powerful reference point of the Germans in the Riga direction - the division received the fourth gratitude of the Supreme Commander. The 1193 rifle regiment was assigned the name "Dvinsky". Until the end of 1944 and in January 1945, the division was fighting in the region of the Venta River (settlements of Zavkulma, Dangas, Sunas, Lica). As a result of persistent and fierce battles, the division forced the Ventu River and greatly advanced.

In 1944, the Division passed with battles from Polotsk to the Venta River Over 335 km, freed up to 500 settlements, including the city of Polotsk, Dvinsk, Driss, Volynts and others. The divisions of the division destroyed over 10,000 enemy soldiers and officers, 58 tanks, 74 self-propelled guns, 160 machine guns.

On May 7, 1945, the division forced the Vieseate River, knocked out the defenders of the 205th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht defeated the 205th Infantry Division and began to pursue the receding enemy. On May 8, the resistance of the Germans began to weaken, and to the outcome of the day more than 600 soldiers and officers surrendered. Pursuing demoralized parts of the enemy, May 8 division took possession of the city of Kandava, May 9 - the town of Sabile. The 1193th rifle regiment continued the offensive, took the city and port of Window (now Ventspils), went to the Baltic Sea. On May 9, the division began to disarma the capitulating parts of the enemy: the 205th Infantry Division, the 12th of the Tank Division, the 218th Infantry Division, Motomechbrigada, the Kourneda of the 24th Infantry Division, the 15th and 19th Light Infantry Divisions, 16th and 38th tank buildings.

For the period of the Great Patriotic War, the division with battles over 850 kilometers took place, with redeployments and maneurs made marchs with a length of 2500 km, freed more than 2500 settlements. During this time, over 50,000 Hitler soldiers and officers, 100 tanks, more than 200 guns and 650 machine guns were destroyed, more than 11,000 soldiers and opponent officers were captured; Captured 200 tanks, 250 guns, 800 machine guns and many other weapons and property. For excellent combat operations during the Great Patriotic War, the division received a total of five thanks to the Supreme Commander. The 1195th rifle regiment was awarded the Order of Suvorov III degree.

Division composition 1941-1945

    • Management (headquarters)
    • 1193th rifle regiment
    • 1195th rifle regiment
    • 1197th rifle regiment
    • 920th artillery regiment
    • 664th Separate Zenit Division
    • 419th separate motor discovery
    • 637th Separate Sapper Battalion
    • 435th separate company Chemicals
    • 472th separate author
    • 442th Separate Medical Sanitary Battalion
    • 221th Field Bakery

Post-war rank history

The division was part of the Leningrad Front and the Baltic Military District until October 1945, when it was replied to the city of Termez and began to treat the Turkestan Military District. By November 1, 1945, the division was located in military towns at a new location and by the end of the year he was engaged in combat and political preparation. In November, the second phase of older demobilization was held in Division; In November-December, part of the division was replenished, the divisions were created on new states.

Up until December 1979, the former 360th rifle, and now the 108th Nevelsky Red Banner Motion Treasury Division ensured the safety of the Soviet Union in the southern borders.

Fighting Division in Afghanistan

In December 1979, the war began in Afghanistan, and the 108th Nevelsky Red Banner Motorized Relice Division again turned out to be on fire fighting. By the time the division was "Cadried" - That is, with a partially unfolded staff. In a short two-week period, all parts of the division were completed by the officers, soldiers and sergeants - the so-called "Partizans" - residents of the Central Asian republics and the south of the Kazakh SSR. Exactly "Partisans" and will be up to 80% of the personnel of the division when entering the troops in Afghanistan.

On December 10, 1979, the Decree of the General Staff division was given in increased combat readiness, one motorized rifle and tank shelf - in full. On December 13, the whole division was presented in complete combat readiness. On December 24, the Minister of Defense signed a directive in the introduction of Soviet troops to Afghanistan, where the time of the Government's transition was determined - 15.00 on December 25. At 15.00 on December 25, 1979 108MSD He began crossing the pontoon bridge in the Kabul direction.

The first division of the Soviet Army included on land on the territory of Afghanistan became 781th separate intelligence battalion 108MSD. At the same time, the border was crossed by the BT aircraft with the portions of the 103rd Guards Airborne Division (previously stationed in Vitebsk), which was transferred to Kabul Airport. By mid-December 27, advanced parts were entered into Kabul 108th MSDwhich strengthened the protection of military administrative facilities. On the night of December 27-28, Afghanistan entered 5GV.MSD in the heratic direction. By mid-January 1980, the entry of the main forces of 40 army was mainly completed. By the spring of 1980 of all military personnel called from stock ( "PARTIZAN") In the personnel of the division, they replaced the military servicemen for arrivals from the USSR.

    • From 1980 to 1989, the Division performed tasks to ensure the safety of the column movement along the routes of Doshi Kabul, Kabul-Jelalabad, the protection of objects that are important (elevator, a warehouse of fuel and lubricants, a power plant in Kabul, Dam and HPP KNOT in SURUBI, airfield Bagram et al.)
    • The entire period of stay of the division can be divided into steps:

December 1979 - February 1980. Introducing the division to Afghanistan and the placement of division on garrisons, the organization of the protection of deployment points;

March 1980 - April 1985. Maintaining active hostilities, including large-scale, work on strengthening the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan;

April 1985 - January 1987. Transition from active actions mainly to supporting the Afghan artillery troops and improper units. Assistance in the development of the Armed Forces of the DRA and participation in the partial conclusion of the Soviet troops from the dra;

January 1987 - February 1989. The participation of troops in the Afghan leadership of the policy of national reconciliation, the continuation of the support of the Afghan troops, the preparation of parts and division divisions to the complete conclusion from the dra.

The steps of war in Afghanistan were not homogeneous and differed in various characteristics of the fighting. Thus, for the 3rd and 4th stages, the absorption of rebel forces is characterized, expanding numerous bases on the territory of Afghanistan, which led to more active combat actions.

According to the number of personnel, it was the biggest motorized Relo Division In the Armed Forces of the USSR for that period. Number of personnel 108th MSD At the time of the troops, there were 14,000 military personnel. She was the only one in their own in the armed forces on the structure, quantity and quality of weapons and military equipment. In its composition there were four motorized rifle shelf, each of which was listed 2,200 soldiers.

From the beginning of 1985 to the end of 1986 1074th Artillery Regiment (1074th AP) 108th MSD He was the only one artillery regiment The USSR SCSR at the same time, 6 types of guns at the same time.
The regular number of types of guns for such a part in the structure of the Soviet motorized rifle division did not exceed 3: 2-C and a reactive division of BM-21 "Grad" and 1-H division of self-propelled installations 2c3 "Acacia".
The leadership of the USSR Armed Forces decided in practical conditions to find out the effect of the use of large-caliber guns to destroy global buildings with thick walls, duvalov (global walls), caves and shelters of the structures of the stones used by Afghan Mujahideen.
To this end, in order of the experiment, it was decided to reorganize in the 1074th artillery regiment and in the 28th Army Artillery Shelf.

Merimsky V. - in pursuit of "Lv's Panjscher":

Thus, the army does not have means, except for fighter-bombarding aviation, to destroy global buildings from wall thickness to 2 m., Duvalov, caves, shelters from stones, etc., for which the rebels are hidden, because it needs artillery Caliber system no mene 152-mm.

The degree of firing defeat of the enemy decreased.

Next, it was proposed to conduct a study on the use of new large-caliber, high-precision long-range systems for solving various tasks in Afghanistan. To study, create an experienced organization and replace in one division of the artillery regiment 108th motorized rifle division 122-mm Moubitsa M-240 Moube Batteries "Tulip" and two batteries 152-mm guns "Hyacinth" ....

For the purposes of the specified experiment in the 1074th AP from the beginning of 1984 were reformed 2nd Gabble Artillery Division in 2nd Mixed Artillery Division. Formed 2nd cannon artillery batteries 152 mm towed guns 2A36 "Hyacinth" and 1-y mortar battery towed mortars M-240. From the beginning of 1985 to the end 1986 M-240 mortars were gradually replaced by their self-propelled option - 240 mm Mortar 2C4 "Tulip".
At the time of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, at the end of December 1988, the 1074th AP had 5 types of guns - 2C3 (18 units), D-30 (18 units), BM-21 (18 units), 2A36 (8 .), 2c4 (4 units).
On February 11, 1989, the division acting in the angroup of the 40th Army was derived from Afghanistan and focused on thermosis.

"Standing in Roach" - a situation with 682-M motorized rifle regiment

The critical situation in which was the personal composition of the 682th motorized rifle shelf from April 26, 1984 to May 25, 1988.

Loss of personnel 108th MSD in the Afghan War

For the period from January 1, 1980 until September 1, 1988 (for 4 and a half months before the complete withdrawal of troops) permanent loss of division ( killed who died from wounds and diseases who died as a result of accidents) amounted to - 2972-A servicemen.
For comparison, for the same period, the 5th GW. The MSD lost 1135th, and the 103rd GW.VDD - 902 servicemen.

Composition and location of parts 108th MSD in Oksva

Organizational and staff
781th separate intelligence battalion
108th motorized rifle division for autumn-1988

    • Division headquarters - Bagram Rn Prigodnod Kurugulay.
      • Agitoter.
      • Bakery.
      • Military fire team
      • 632th Feldgerer Station.
      • 545th Control Battery and Artillery Intelligence.
      • 581th Bath Laundry Item.
      • Commandant Rota
      • Field Establishment of the State Bank of the USSR
      • 113th Separate Flameless Rota (until 01.03.85 - 113rd separate chemical protection company).
    • 177th Dvinsky Motorized Rifle Regiment. G. Dzhabal-Ussaraj.
    • 180th Motorized Red Snimped Order Suvorov Regiment.

In everyday speech - "Court regiment" - Due to the dislocation near the headquarters of the 40th army, located at the Taj Beck Palace. Kabul Rn Darulaman.

      • 2nd motorized rifle battalion 180msp - Regular zone of airfield Bagram.
    • 181th motorized rifle regiment. Kabul, rn warm camp (Hairhana).
    • 285th Umansko-Warsaw Red-known Order Cutuzov Tank Regiment. Reformed from March 15, 1984 in 682th SME.
    • 682th Umansko-Warsaw Red-based Kutuzov Order Motilated Regiment. Until March 1984 - Bagram. From March 1984 - pos. Roha in Panjscher gorge. On May 25, 1988, Panzhecher was removed from the gorges and dispersed on the watchdogs around the "Charikar Zeryanka" with the headquarters of the shelf in Dzhabal-Ussarage.
    • 1074th Lviv Red Snimped Order Bogdan Khmelnitsky Artillery Regiment. Kabul rn warm camp (Hairhana).
    • 1049th Zenithel Artillery Regiment. December 1, 1981 the loss of the brought, in return arrived 1415zp.
    • 1415th Zenit Rocket Regiment. Kabul Rn Darulaman. Released on October 20, 1986
    • 781th Separate Order of the Red Star Intelligence Battalion. Bagram.
    • . Bagram.
    • 1003th Separate Material Battalion. Bagram
    • 808th Communication Battalion. Bagram
    • 333rd repair and recovery battalion. Bagram.
    • 100th Separate Medical Battalion. Bagram.
    • 738th separate anti-tank arthdivizion. Bagram.
    • 646th Separate Rocket Division. Released on September 1, 1980.

Supplement in composition 108th MSD in Oksva

Organizational and staff 108th MSD For September 1986

Organizational and staff1074th artillery regiment

108th MSD For July 1986

The inclusion and exclusion from the 186th motorized rifle regiment division]

In the initial composition 108th MSDintroduced into the dramed of the 186th Vyborg motorized rifle regiment ( 186th SME). Before input 186th SME Not entered in 108th MSD, and was appreciated from the 68th Novgorod Motor Store Savior Division.
After input 186th SME will be deployed in Kabul.
On March 1, 1980, the 66th separate motorized rifle brigade will be formed on the basis of the regiment (by reorganizing the standard structure of units and the inclusion in the brigade 48th separate assault storm battalion) And subsequently will be replicated in Jälalabad.

Rotation of tank regiments

Before entering the drama in the composition 108th MSD There was their regular tank Polk. - 281th tank regiment ( in / h 44077), which was formed in 1947 on the basis of 845th separate artillery self-propelled division (845th siege) Same 108th MSD. It remained in the territory of the USSR due to the fact that there was outdated weapons (T-34, T-44, BTR-152).
Instead of him on January 28, 1980 108th MSD From the composition of the 201th MSD, the 234th Percalcian-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov Tank Regiment ( 234th TP or h / h 71177).
In turn 234th TP It turned out to be part of the previously vaccinated 201st MSU, stationed in the territory of the Tajik SSR and who did not have his own staff tank Regiment, From the 58th Roslavl motorized rifle division deployed in the territory of the Turkmen SSR.
Besides 234th TP Submission to the 201th MSD before entering the troops will be transferred by the 2nd tank Polk. From the 60th Sevoras-Warsaw Red Banner Order of Suvorov Tank Division MVO - 285th Umansky-Warsaw Red-known Order of Kutuzov 3rd degree Tank Regiment ( 285th TP).
By September 1, 1980, deployed in Kabul 234th TP will be withdrawn in the USSR - 108th MSD Again will be without tank Regiment.
And in the period from December 30, 1980 to January 5, 1981, the 285th tank regiment (without 1st tank battalion Left on the strengthening of the 860th separate motorized rifle regiment in the city of Fayzabad) was replicated in the city of Parwan Province, and is reconnected from the composition of 201st MSD to 108th MSD.

Unmobilization of the 285th tank shelf, deploying to the states of military time, dunklement and input to the territory of Afghanistan:

285 TP (V / h 77755 Dzerzhinsk Gorky region) 60th TD G. Gorky.

From January 2, 1980. in accordance with the GS directive Sun USSR 285th TPAt the point of permanent deployment, it was transferred to new states, it was downtown to the full composition ... and in full, the Turk was subordinate to the submission of the 201st MSD. In, replacing in the division 234th TP...

By executing an order on December 30, 1980. - January 5, 1981 285th TP (without the 1st TB, the commander Mr. Kuksov remained to perform the task in the area of \u200b\u200bFayzabad, the airfield) made a march on the route Kunduz - Puli-Humry - Salang - Bagram, focused in the city of Bagram and moved into submission 108th MSD...

After withdrawing from Afghanistan

    • After February 1989, parts and divisions of the Division were posted for a permanent deployment in the cities and villages of the Surkhandarya region of the Uzbek SSR in the following composition:
    • Headquarters and management 108MSD - Termez
    • 180msp on BMP - Termez
    • 177msp on the BTR - the city of Termez (fortress)
    • 181msp on the BTR - pos. Studies
    • 285TP - Termez (Northern Gate of the city). Re-formed from 682msp.
    • 1074Ap - Termez (Northern Gate of the city)
    • 1415zp - Termez (fortress)
    • oRD
    • 738Pent - Termez (Northern Gate)
    • 781Ob - Termez (Northern Gate)
    • 808BS - Termez
    • 271Oisb - Termez
    • 100OMR - Termez
    • 1003Abmo - Termez
    • 333RVB - Termez (Northern Gate)
    • 113Other - Termez (Northern Gate)
    • Commandat Rota - Termez (fortress)
    • 720th training center (Subsequently 787th SMP).

After the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, parts and divisions of the division, using the experience of combat operations in the mining and deserted terrain, were stiguously engaged in combat training.
The provision of weapons, appliances, ammunition and military property of the Afghan army continued through the division. For example, on May 15, 1989, a column of 130 T-62 tanks was held through the Bridge of Friendship and other techniques, which in the river port Highraton were transferred to the recruitment of a tank brigade and a battalion of the MGB of Afghanistan. The technique prepared by the specialists of the Division successfully reached Kabul and took part in the battles against the anti-government forces.

Situation with combat knowledge

    • 108th Motor-Style Nevelskaya Twice Red Snimped Division In the period from the 60s to December 1993, the combat banner of the 360th rifle Nevelsky Order of the Red Banner of the Division was used as a combat banner, on the basis of which was formed.
    • 682th motorized rifle umansko-Warsaw red-known Order of Kutuzov Regiment 108th MSD From March 1984 to February 1989, a combat banner of the 285th Tank Uman-Warsaw Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Regiment 108th MSD used as a combat banner. which was formed.

Heroes of the Soviet Union of the 108th motorized rifle division

"For courage and heroism, manifested in the provision of international assistance to the Republic of Afghanistan, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the organizational warriors were awarded":

    • Aushev Ruslan Sultanovich. Site "Heroes of the country".
    • Kremenic Nikolai Ivanovich. Site "Heroes of the country".
    • Shikov Yuri Alekseevich. Site "Heroes of the country".
    • Greenchak Valery Ivanovich. Site "Heroes of the country".
    • Vysotsky Evgeny Vasilyevich. Site "Heroes of the country".
    • Anfinogenov Nikolai Yakovlevich. Site "Heroes of the country".
    • Shakhorostov Andrei Evgenievich. Site "Heroes of the country".
    • Sokolov Boris Innokentievich. Site "Heroes of the country".
    • Gromov Boris Vsevolodovich. Site "Heroes of the country".

Commanders of the 108th motorized rifle division

    • Kyzmin, Konstantin Aleksandrovich - in December 1979 introduced a division in the dram,
    • Mironov, Valery Ivanovich - 1979-1982
    • Straighteners, Grigory Ivanovich - 1982-1983
    • Loginov, Viktor Dmitrievich - 1983-1984,
    • Skoblov, Valery Nikolaevich - June 1984-October 1984
    • Isaev, Vasily Ivanovich - 1984-1986
    • Barynkin, Victor Mikhailovich - 1986-1988
    • Klyinkin, Yuri Andreevich - 1988-1989

108th MSD in the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan

Since January 1992, the Division is part of the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan.
In 1992-1993, the deterioration of the situation in Afghanistan continued, and civil war began in Tajikistan.
In the established conditions, the leadership of the Republic of Uzbekistan, following the Charter of the CSTO, sends parts 108th MSD and the 15th separate special-purpose brigade for joint, with 201SD The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, combat the task of destroying the paramilitary groups of Tajik opposition and Afghan Mujahideen in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan.
In December 1993, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in connection with the transition of the structure of troops on the brigade picking, 108th MSD was disbanded, and its parts and divisions after re-formation were included in 1st Army Corps (1st AK) With the deployment of the headquarters in SAMARKAND, some of them moved to the central submission.
The following reservation of regiments, individual battalions and divisions occurred 108th Nevelskoy Motor Store Division:

    • 180th motorized rifle regiment (180th SME) Reaffined in 7th motorized rifle brigade (7th MSBR) (V / h 11506), pos. Kokayti Surkhandarya region
    • 177th motorized rifle regiment Reaffined in 3rd MSBR (in / h 28803), G.Navoi
    • 181th motorized rifle regiment Reaffined in 21-MSBR (V / h 36691), Pos. Hayrabad Surkhandarya region
    • 285th tank regiment in 22nd ICCM (V / h 44278), Scherabad Surkhandarya region
    • 1074th Artillery Regiment in 23rd artillery brigade (in / h 54831), Yangor Surkhandarya region
    • 1415th zenith rocket regiment in 193th anti-aircraft missile brigade (V / h 25858), Scherabad Surkhandarya region
    • 271st Separate Engineering Sapier Battalion in 80th engineering and sapper brigade (V / h 93866), Yangor Surkhandarya region
    • 738th Separate Anti-Tank Division in 6th OPPDN (В / h 62387), Yangor Surkhandarya region
    • 333rd Repair Battalion in 101th Orv (in / h 49976), Scherabad Surkhandarya region
    • 781th Hotel Intelligence Battalion in 50th separate battalion intelligence and radio electronic combat (50th ObrReb or V / h 71308), Termez. Disbanded in 2001.

In 2000, as a result of the reform in the Ministry of Defense Republic of Uzbekistan, formed Southwest Special Military Districtwith headquarters in Karkshi. It is currently the formation of former 108th MSD.

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08.10.1965 - 02.07.1986
Chase, pursuit, chase ... in hot blood ...

The Afghan war, which is now somewhat arrogantly interpreted often as completely undeteid, devoid of any tactical, operational "raisins", actually gave a lot of new to the science of managing troops and organizing combat operations. One of these new products - mobile armorroups connecting armored vehicles, motorized rifle units, if necessary, artillery. The charter such groups are not provided, but in the context of the partisan war, they showed their indispensability. Possessing high mobility, maneuverability in combination with big firing power, these groups have become a viscosity of the Soviet command in the fight against the ubiquitous

Bands of Dushmanov. Many of our countrymen-Penzen residents became famous for such groups, among them Alexander Alonsons, the native of the district center Sosnovoborsk. For 14 months of the Afghan War - from April 1985 to June 1986 - he managed to participate in 17 combat operations! And in the years of frantically tense great domestic not every fighter has fallen such a load! And at first, it seems to be nothing and did not foresee Sasha Alonzov so extraordinary fate. He was born on October 8, 1965 in a prosperous working family. Education Average special, graduated from vocational school №36 with a specialty tractor driver. The army was called up on October 28, 1984. He studied on the mechanic-driver BMP, almost immediately after the "text" was sent to Afghanistan in 180 SMEs 108 MSS (Kabul), who took an active part in the hostilities. And twisted the young warrior Fire carousel War: Raid on the base of the Durban detachments, the maintenance of transport columns, but you never know what else! In these battles, during the fulfillment of tasks, the combat experience of our countryman-pine forest was grew, his military skills was attached. A few months later he was already an experienced soldier. This noted the command, appropriating the qualifications of the "Senior Mechanic-Driver".
What does it mean to fight in the mountains? This means that purely physiological factors are added to the usual voltage of battles. Due to the strong affairs of air - the lack of oxygen: twenty steps to the mountain, and before the eyes of the "white flies" are circling. Constant fatigue. Weed attention, slow motion reaction.

Moreover, the mountain is almost the complete inability to use heavy armored vehicles: it simply do not go through the paths for which the caravan of Ishakov is hardly moving. These are difficulties with the use of helicopters: Thinking devices often simply lacked the "ceiling" in order to maintain our parts, lead air intelligence among the jet of tensin, peaks, gorges, high-mountain plateau.
Support for armored vehicles and aviation Soviet fighters oh as needed: it is difficult to come up with a more convenient area for ambushes, sudden attacks, bypass maneuvers than mountains with their ridges, gorges, caves, narrow curly trails! Moreover, nearby there was a bet of "Panjshera Lion" - the legendary Ahmad Shah Masuda! Here with which opponent and under what conditions had to fight our Russian warriors. And they are their lives, and often the deaths argued that they were worthy of the glory of their ancestors - the heroes of the Great Patriotic and Imperialist, Japanese and Turkish wars.
... On June 2, 1986, the 180th motorized rifle regiment of the 108th division, which served Alexander, was put forward to the area of \u200b\u200bintense hostilities in the neighborhood of Faizabad Badakhshan Province. But during the march of the column of cars loaded with ammunition, fell under the shelling. "Perfume", seated on the surrounding vertices, beat from large-caliber machine guns. Pushing the shooting fighters to the ground, they are about to push the grenadeometers forward and destroy the column: it is easy to imagine what effect could cause one pomegranate, who favored in a box with projectiles! Not to mention the fact that the regiment, devoid of ammunition, at best, would be forced to abandon the fulfillment of the combat mission, providing the fate of those who went to the rescue.

The armorroup, which contained BMP Alexander Allons, rushed to cut off the Mujahideen from the autocolone. An experienced driver mechanic, Alexander, I appreciated the situation. Rounded the levers, removing the sprinkling post of dust and exhaust gases by armored vehicle on a favorable position, where the vendor-operator could, rebuild the trunk of the tower gun high up, "shave" the queues of the 30-millimeter shells of Bruisters of firepoints of dusts. Noticing the Loschka, in which one by one dived the chulls of the "perfumes", Alononov led his car there to, as our grandfathers in that great war, fire and caterpillars to give a subject lesson to the end of the enemy. Was this a solution to the error? Is it possible to foresee all and all? And for how many guys from the Russian depths of Obelisk, became a fire-black pillar of the torn Earth - the land in which Mina was credited?
The enemy once again has proved his cunning. Russians - their courage. For heroism, manifested in this battle, Alexander Alonsov was awarded the Order of the Red Star. Alas, posthumously. He was buried in his native Sosnovoborsk, such a similar and such a distant Afghan kishlaki.