DIY advertising stand. Making an information stand with your own hands

Before you start making a stand, you need to know its exact size. This is necessary for the most economical use of consumables.

What affects the cost of the finished stand, and accordingly your profit.

First of all, the size of the purchased material, its brand and interior printing resolution.

Let's start with interior printing; it takes away half the cost of consumables. The average cost of printing is 350-400 rubles. per square meter. Higher does not mean the quality is better.

There are different sizes of printing plotters, but the main sizes for interior printing are as follows: 105 cm, 125 cm, 140 cm, 160 cm.

Before ordering a print, make sure what size plotter the company has. What is it for? For example, you are printing a layout of 90x60 cm. But the printing company’s film is only 125 cm. They just don’t have another plotter. Therefore, you will also pay extra for a piece of film 35x60 cm. If the printing company charges strictly for square meters of printed material, then this point disappears.

PVC (polyvinyl chloride, PVC) is the most modern and most common material. PVC plastic is sold in different sizes, but we only need two sheet sizes 1560 x 2030 mm. and 2030 x 3050 mm.

Let's look at the example of the Zenon company. There is one like this in every city.

Foamed PVC plastic UNEXT Strong - 0.58 - 0.62 g/cm³

Size 2030 x 3050 x 3 mm - 6.2 sq. m. The cost of one sheet is 1970 rubles, and accordingly, a square meter is 318 rubles.

The second size is 1560 x 3050 x 3 mm. Cost 1517 rub. sheet. 319 rub. square meter.

Foamed PVC plastic UNEXT FRESH - 0.50 - 0.55 g/cm³ size 2030 x 3050 x 3 mm - 6.2 sq. m. costing 1833 rubles. or 296 rub. per one square meter. Prices, of course, change, but not so much, since Russian manufacturers have appeared.

For example, you bought a stand model measuring 120x150 cm and PVC plastic measuring 1560 x 3050 x 3 mm. and printed two stand layouts, placing them on one sheet of plastic. But you have a remainder of plastic 36 x 305 cm. From this piece you can make seven stands 30x40 cm. For example, a layout Classification of fires of this size, and by selling them for 180 - 200 rubles, you will earn an additional 1400 rubles.

The average price of a stand (one might say the minimum, depends on the region) 120x150 cm - 2790 rubles. Thus, the income from your sheet of PVC plastic will be 6980 rubles, and if the stands have pockets, then add another 3600 rubles from one PET sheet. Having spent 1-2 hours on rolling stands, depending on your experience, you will earn decent money.

Consider stands with pockets. The production of such stands takes longer, but the profit is much greater.

The pockets are made of transparent PET with a thickness of 0.75 to 1 mm. Transparent PET is mainly sold in one size: 1250 x 2050 mm. Let's look again at the example of the Zenon company.

ZENOPET PET sheet size 1250 x 2050 mm. and thickness from 0.75 to 1 mm., holds 36 pockets measuring 22x32 cm (vertically 32 cm - 4 pockets and horizontally 22 cm - 9 pockets.)

Thickness of PET for pockets is 0.75 mm, - cost per sheet - 460 - 540 rubles. The cost of one pocket is 13 rubles. If you add 5 rubles. (cost of adhesive tape), price of a pocket -18 rubles.

PET 1250 x 2050 mm. 1 mm., sheet cost - 630 - 770 rubles. The price of one pocket with tape is 24 rubles. The minimum cost per pocket included in the cost of the stand is 90-100 rubles. for the pocket. The purchase price of such a PET pocket from a third-party company is 60-100 rubles.

Now double-sided tape for sticking pockets comes in two types: 15 mm and 6 mm. width. In this case, the tape is 15 mm x 33 m x 1 mm. may cost about the same or not much more than 6 mm adhesive tape. However, using 15mm tape, you will cut it into three 5mm pieces. and you will already get 100 meters of length. This option also needs to be taken into account.

The main task of the information stand is to familiarize the general public with any information. At an enterprise this could be orders and instructions, at a store it could be information for customers, and at school it could be a schedule of subjects. Depending on how much information will be on the stand, its size is determined. In order for the stand to fit organically into your announcement corner, you need to choose the right stand on the website If you have the opportunity and desire, you can make it yourself and our material will help you with this.

Necessary materials

Everything you need for manufacturing can be found in the office or at home after the next renovation:

  • plywood;
  • PVC sheet of the color you need;
  • plexiglass or polyethylene film up to 1 mm thick;
  • any glue suitable for PVC and plastic;
  • metal ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • hacksaw for metal.

Base manufacturing process

First of all, you need to decide on the size of the stand to be made. To prevent it from being too small or too large, think about what information you want to place on it and how to optimally use this space. For a small company, a stand with 4 to 6 A4 size sheets arranged in two rows may be sufficient. Between the sheets, for a more aesthetic appearance and better perception of information, it is necessary to leave a gap of 20 - 30 mm. Don’t forget about the header of the information stand, which will “invite” people. For this, a space of approximately 100 mm wide must be left on top of the sheet.

When the dimensions are determined, you can begin marking using a metal ruler. We use a sheet of plywood or plastic as a base for the stand. When marking, do not forget about the corners. We control rectangularity using a square or measuring diagonals, the distance between which should be the same size. Having made sure that the markings are correct, we cut out the base along the intended contour.

The resulting workpiece must be given an aesthetic appearance. To do this, paint it in any suitable color. Using plastic in this regard is more profitable - it is already factory painted, and you can save time on this procedure.

Making pockets

The pocket is the main part of the stand, where the information itself will be located. There are several options for making stand pockets.

The most inexpensive and common is to use an ordinary office file for documents. Using glue or double-sided tape, it is glued to the base and the pocket for insertion is ready.

But if you want your information stand to have a more presentable appearance, then you need to put in a little effort. We will use transparent plexiglass as the material. We draw the outline of the pocket onto the sheet, which should be 10 - 15 mm larger than a standard A4 sheet and cut it out using a hacksaw. To make it easier to insert and remove paper, we cut off the corner of the pocket on one side.

From the same plastic we cut out strips of length equal to the size of the pocket and 5 mm wide. We glue them along the edges of the pocket, except for the top side, and then, in the designated places, to the stand. These strips will allow you to lift the plexiglass.

In the same way, you can make pockets from polyethylene film 0.7-1 mm thick, only they will be attached to the stand using double-sided tape.

The heading for the header of the information stand can be made using a stencil or letters cut out of colored plastic. You can also resort to large format printing services. Remember that the title is the business card of your stand and the more imagination you show, the more attractive your stand will look.

That's all - the information stand is ready, all that remains is to find a suitable place for it.

I decided to somehow make a couple of rotating stands, like in the photo. Typically these are used for hanging satin ribbons on reels. Height 220 cm, width 50 cm - so the thing is not small.

The stand must be rotating. I had to rack my brains a little. It was necessary to select a pipe, bearing and washer in such a way that together they would form a rotating unit (the design of the rotating unit itself will be presented later). At the beginning I thought that I could simply match them to each other “locally,” but very soon I realized the depravity of this path and went to study literature.

After considering different combinations, I chose the best option:

From "GOST 3262-75. Steel water and gas pipes." I chose a pipe - a “magpie” with an outer diameter of 48.

The frame of the stand is made from a 25x25x1.5 profile pipe. Pipe legs 20x40x2. Crossbars made of 7 mm rod.

From "GOST 7872-89. Single and double thrust ball bearings." I chose 8210 series bearings with an internal diameter of 50.

In "GOST 11371-78. Washers." I found d48 washers with accuracy class A and an internal diameter of 50.

But if there are no problems with the pipe and bearings, then M48 washers of class A accuracy are not a very popular product. Couldn't find any of these for sale.
I found Business Center Leirus LLC on the Internet, located in my city, which listed these washers in the price list on its website. I called the number provided, but their managers are strange. It was not possible to find out what the minimum order is, how many pieces are in a package, what the price is per package and what the delivery time is. I'm not even talking about what accuracy class their washers belong to according to GOST 11371-78.

I solved the problem with the washers simply - I turned to a turner, who turned them for 70 rubles apiece.

Unfortunately, I don't have pipe clamps. But it is important to accurately set the angles and distances between the frame elements. To do this, I cut out a template from plywood with the required dimensions and exact angles and simply fixed the profile pipes on it using clamps.

And there is no frame for the grinder yet either. Therefore, the cutting of parts is not always ideal.

But after welding everything falls into place. I cooked with Monolith 2 mm electrodes. Current 50 A with separation.

Thanks to a simple template, we managed to get good results

We clean the seams with a grinder.

Using the same template, I set up the vertical posts of the frame. It turned out not perfect, but acceptable.

One of the elements of the rotating mechanism is a washer, which is located in the lower part of the frame and which rests on a bearing. It is attached to four sections, which must be welded quite accurately. To do this, we first weld the first crossbar at the bottom of the frame.

Now we weld on the second crossbar

And having made the same cuts, we place the washer in the center

We fix the washer by welding.

At the top of the frame there is another crossbar with a piece of pipe welded perpendicular to it. This piece of pipe will also become an element of the rotating frame in the future.
Part of the future stand is ready. Let's call this part “Rotor”, because this is what will rotate.

Adjustable feet will be welded into the ends of the legs. I drilled the appropriate holes for them.

I made another template from the same plywood. It fixes the position of the legs relative to the bottom edge of the post and the angle of inclination of the legs.

It also fixes the position of the leg relative to the axis of the column.

Using a square, I set the position of the legs relative to each other

After work, the template was slightly charred in the weld areas, but still quite usable.

I welded a washer onto the stator at the bottom. The thrust bearing will rest on this washer, and the rotor washer will rest on it.

At the top of the stand, it was necessary to insert some kind of bushing into the pipe so that the thinner pipe could rotate freely in it. At the same time, I don’t have a lathe either. I had to rack my brains a little more.
As a result, to make the bushing I took a plastic coupling for 32 mm polyethylene pipes. It fits perfectly into the sorokovka water and gas pipe. The connection is tight, but can be disassembled by hand.

Using a drilling machine, I adjusted the inner diameter of the sleeve. Just in case, to prevent the plastic from melting and damaging the forstner drill, I set the machine to minimum speed - everything went smoothly.

I sawed off the excess parts with a hacksaw and that’s it - the bushing is ready

The rotating mechanism works perfectly - nothing hangs out, does not creak, works smoothly. This can be clearly seen in the video:

Now we need to make it all look presentable. The first step is to remove the rust.

Before painting, protect the adjustable legs and their threads from paint.

And finally, we paint. It was real torture. The fact is that parts of the stands took up all the space in the workshop. They had to be painted in parts and rearranged all the time, because it was impossible to approach them from all sides. As a result, in some places the fresh coating was damaged by an accidental touch, either with an elbow, or with the back, or with something else. The ubiquitous dust also added to the inconvenience.
Therefore, we had to expand the workshop a little and create another room for painting. More about this here:
Now painting work does not cause too many problems and does not take too much time.

Some difficulties arose when painting the crossbars. They are made from 7 mm rod. At the beginning, the strategy was as follows: lay them out on a plane, apply paint with a spray gun, and let them dry. Then turn them over on the other side and apply paint again with a spray gun. The third time, the rods should be painted on all sides. So it was in theory.

But in practice, the bars could not be turned to the other side. Because they are curved and this curvature always tends to take a lower position. Having applied the second layer and seeing that I was painting almost the same side, I decided to paint the rods by hand. Oh, what a tedious job this is! Two coats took almost two full working days.

It was no less tedious to install almost five hundred rod holders, screwing almost a thousand self-tapping screws with a drill into them. By the way, it was not easy to buy them. I had to wander around looking for the required number of identical rod holders.

After installing the rod holders on the frame, we perform the final assembly of the stands. At the bottom, the rotating mechanism consists of two washers separated by a bearing. This unit holds the entire vertical load.

At the top, the rotating mechanism consists of two pipes inserted into one another and separated by a plastic sleeve. This node holds lateral loads.

All that remains is to cut the crossbars

And install them in the rod holders

The rotating stands are almost ready.

One more detail remains. At the top of the stand there is a box, which is put on top and logos are applied to the walls. I decided to make it from 18 mm plywood, although Gamma, which served as a prototype, makes it from tin.

At the top of the box on the inside there is a protrusion with which it is held on the stand frame.

I painted the boxes in my new painter, the link to which is above in this article.
The first layer on wood always looks disgusting - bald spots, raised pile and other joys of a painter.
Therefore, I usually put two layers (and sometimes more) with intermediate sanding of the coating with an abrasive sponge. The first primer layer can be diluted more strongly with a solvent so that it is absorbed deeper into the wood.

The second layer goes on much better

The stands turned out wonderful. In some places even better than the prototype. In general, there is joy from a job well done))

If your child goes to kindergarten, or if you yourself go there as an employee of the teaching staff, then sooner or later you will definitely be faced with the problem of creating stands for kindergarten. The thing is that most kindergartens simply cannot afford ready-made stands. So parents and educators, led by the head of the preschool educational institution, have to somehow solve this problem on their own or at their own expense. And, let us note, many are very successful in this matter! And they find a completely predictable solution, namely, they make stands for the kindergarten with their own hands. How? And this is what we are about to find out.

Where to begin?

In fact, coping with this problem through the joint efforts of parents, children and educators is quite simple. The main thing is to generate ideas. However, our teachers, who work with almost sheer enthusiasm, have no problems with this. What kind of stands might a kindergarten need? These are informational or thematic stands. Information stands are intended primarily for parents, and thematic ones for children.

Information about the daily routine, menu, announcements and news is posted at the stands for parents. Stands for children are used as visual teaching materials. They help in the training and development of kindergarten students, and also play an important role in interior design. Therefore, depending on the purpose, stands can be made from different materials. And, of course, you need to start with the search for materials and the further implementation of the generated ideas.

Information stands

It turns out that information stands are much easier to make than thematic ones. The choice here is limited. What stands can be offered to parents for familiarization? “For you, parents”, “Menu”, “Our birthday people”, “Class schedule”, “Daily routine”, “Announcements” and some other standard information stands for kindergartens.

If the kindergarten is not able to purchase ready-made stands, then you can make them yourself. To do this, use any flat surface, starting from a wall and ending with panels made of chipboard or plywood. In addition, you will also need wallpaper or self-adhesive film, overhead letters cut out of cardboard or colored paper, and patch pockets made of transparent hard or soft materials. These can be purchased industrial pockets, homemade pockets made from the same plexiglass, or pockets made from a frame with a transparent film stretched over it.

In the end, you can use ordinary colored holders on needles (for wooden stands) or on magnets (for metal boards). In this case, it is quite possible to do without pockets by attaching sheets of information directly to the stand. You can do without pockets by also making frames from polymer building molding or ceiling plinths. Such frames (like letters or pockets) are attached to stands using double-sided tape and can always be easily replaced or moved to another location.

And as decor, you can use drawings cut out from wallpaper (with children's prints), decoretto film (decorative wall stickers) with thematic images, and printouts of drawings downloaded from the Internet or made in Photoshop. You can also decorate stands with available materials: braid or ribbons, appliqués, collages. However, this already depends on the individual abilities of parents and educators.

Thematic stands

Thematic stands are almost no different from information stands in terms of manufacturing technology. But there are much more possibilities for their design! The thematic stand is based on a shield, which should be durable, but light, since it will probably have to be moved when used for classes. Such a base can be a sheet of plywood or chipboard, plexiglass or ordinary ceiling tiles. The last option is not the easiest, but the cheapest. The tiles are firmly glued together to form a shield of the required size, and then this shield is covered with wallpaper or self-adhesive film.

You can use almost any materials that are safe for children to decorate your stands. These can be drawings, printouts, applications, fabrics, and natural materials (shells, cones, straws, etc.). For example, for an astronomical themed stand, you can use black glossy self-adhesive and dark blue or silver embossed wallpaper. The sun and planets can also be cut out of paper, textured wallpaper or the same ceiling tiles, covered with acrylic paints or gouache, or covered with multi-colored self-adhesive film. The orbits of the planets on such a stand can be laid out using colored cords or yarn, and for the “Seasons” stand the same mittens or sunglasses will be useful.

But the “My Motherland” stand will not require special efforts from teachers and parents in its design. For example, in the center of the stand you can place a map of the country, which can be easily purchased at a bookstore or printed on a color printer. The image of the coat of arms can also be printed. The words of the national anthem can also be printed out or typed in overhead letters. And the highlight of such a stand will be the flag - a real flag fabric made from real fabric.

The “Time of Day” stand can be made interactive with a real hour dial and moving hands. For the “Learning to count” stand, you can use a metal shield, decoretto film and ordinary refrigerator magnets in the form of animals, which will be used instead of numbers when learning to count. These magnets can also be made from salt dough or plastic.

In short, there are so many dreamers, so many fantasies! By the way, children turn out to be very useful helpers not only in the manufacturing process, but also at the stage of generating ideas. So don't neglect their help. After all, all this is done, first of all, for them, and these stands will be looked at by children's eyes, which see the world completely differently than adults.

What are information stands made of? This question is asked by those who, for one reason or another, need to make an information stand. In this article I will try to explain in detail what, and most importantly, how information stands are made.

So, let's begin. The main thing in an information stand is its basis. It determines how long the stand will last. The main material for the stand is PVC (sheet plastic). But not all plastics are the same! So, for example, plastics made in China have a more porous structure and, as a result, are more fragile than plastics (PVC) made in Germany, Hungary, and Israel. Recently, plastics (PVC) from Russian manufacturers have become very popular, the quality of which also leaves much to be desired. So what is the difference between “Chinese” plastics (PVC) and non-Chinese ones? Everything is very simple. The difference is in the quality of the plastic itself (PVC)! As is known all polymer-containing materials (materials made of plastic and plastics, including self-adhesive films) - cellular polycarbonate, PVC plastic, plexiglass, polystyrene can change their appearance under the influence of different temperatures. So, “Chinese” plastic (PVC) is the most susceptible to change. It is very brittle at low temperatures (from 0°C), and too soft at high temperatures (+25°C and above) and as a result, changes in appearance are very noticeable. If over time your stand has become “wavy” or a corner has broken off during installation, you should know that Chinese plastic was used in the production of your stand.

The second, no less important component of the information stand is the pockets (files) located on the base. The pockets are made of organic glass (PMMA), transparent polyethylene (PET) or transparent plastic (PVC), and are attached to the base with double-sided tape or special glue (depending on the purpose of the information stand). Today, the most popular material for making pockets (files) is transparent PVC with a thickness of 0.6 mm. This is a fairly durable material and at the same time is relatively inexpensive, for example, than a plexiglass pocket (PMMA). When designing an information stand, it is important to consider the size of the pocket, as it differs from the size of the sheet placed inside it! So, for example, a pocket for an A4 sheet (210x297) will have a size of (225x305) mm. Specialists of the Obavok company will be happy to help you in developing information stands to suit your needs!

The third component of the stand is its “header”, the name of the stand. The hat is made from PVC film of various colors using plotter cutting or large-format printing.

I would like to say that this is all, the stand is ready! But that's not true. The most important thing is ahead - making an information stand with your own hands!

First you need to make a sketch of the future stand, observing the dimensions and placement of pockets on the stand. It is important to consider the distance between the pockets and the distance from the edge of the base. It is recommended to make the distance between pockets 20 mm in horizontal and vertical rows. The distance from the edge of the base to the pocket is 30 mm. The stand header usually has a height of 100 mm.

Tools: metal square, stationery knife, felt squeegee (you can do without it), metal ruler.

Let's get started!

Using a square, we make markings on the sheet material, since it is important that the stand is “in the corner,” and we cut out the base using a utility knife and a metal ruler. To do this, apply a ruler to the marking and use a utility knife to make a cut. It is important not to try to cut the material the first time, otherwise you may ruin the base. Using smooth movements, move the stationery knife along the ruler, each time increasing the pressure on the blade. Then the cut will be smooth and neat. Repeat on four sides.

Next we apply (roll) the cap. To do this, place the cap (sticker) at the top of the base and secure it with a small weight, such as a small weight. At the same time, turn the base itself with its upper part towards you, for convenience. Using your left hand to press the sticker onto the base, gently lift the right side of the sticker away from the base to a distance of approximately 10 centimeters. Separate the backing from the sticker by 5 centimeters and fold it inward. Using a felt squeegee, roll the separated part of the hat onto the base. Next, gradually removing the backing, apply the cap to the base.

There are pockets left. We take a ruler and mark the location of the pockets based on the stand. Next, we place the pockets on the base, according to the markings. Pressing the pocket tightly to the base with your left hand, with your right hand we lift the edge of the pocket and remove the protective tape from the tape, after which we fix the edge of the pocket on the base by pressing the edge of the pocket with our right hand. The pocket is fixed. We do the same with the two remaining sides of the pocket and the remaining pockets on the stand!

That's all! Your stand is ready! All that remains is to place it indoors.

PS. The Obavok company uses sheet plastic (PVC) to produce stands of only high quality world brands! Also in our company you can buy sheet plastic for stands, pockets for stands and hats for them.

Now you understand what stands are made of for schools, information stands for hospitals, information stands for parents in kindergartens, information stands at enterprises, and stands for kindergartens.

If you want to order ready-made stands, please contact our company! We use only high-quality materials, and your stand can be made very quickly! In some cases, within a few hours!

I hope that this information was useful to you!