Energy consumption and saving. Lots of pictures

Not long ago I was struck by the idea of ​​organizing a competition on our blog for children’s drawings about how they see energy. Yesterday I found out that they beat me to it. Launched on the corporate website of Bashkirenergo children's drawing competition "Energy through the eyes of children". Unfortunately, only users of the corporate network can view and vote for their favorite drawings. I downloaded several drawings from there and decided to post them on our blog.

I hope that next year we will organize several similar competitions ourselves.

Most of the drawings that I looked at contained the basic “attributes of energy”: chimneys, smoke itself, light bulbs, wires, sockets, batteries and other things that are usually associated with light and heat. There are many drawings with congratulations on the day of the power engineer, with poems and words of gratitude for the light and warmth.

Polina, 11 years old

I think this is the boiler room.

Polina, 11 years old

Power facility on the shore of a crystal reservoir.

Polina, 11 years old

Home comfort and warmth.

Dasha, 4.5 years old

Mom, dad, I are a happy family.

Unknown author

Thank you for your congratulations. Great drawing.

Unknown author

The future of energy is wind power plants.

Unknown author

Energy planet.

Alexander, 10 years old

Day and night.

Unknown author

Beautiful drawing of a hydroelectric power station. It's a pity that the author is not indicated.

Unknown author

This is how energy drinks eat.

Valery, 4 years old

I didn’t understand what the child wanted to express with this drawing, but it turned out intricately.

Unknown author

This is precisely what brings us warmth and light.

Ulyana, 6 years old

Energy deficiency.

Adelina, 7 years old

New Year. We paint the power line support green and dress it up.

Unknown author

Hopefully we'll see you soon.

Unknown author Unknown author

Probably a drawing from life.

Pavel, 10 years old

Oh, if only chimneys actually released flowers into the atmosphere...

Unknown author

Evolution of lighting fixtures

Unknown author

Yes! Exactly this way and no other way!

Unknown author

Light and warmth in every home.

Camilla, 13 years old

It’s so nice when the house is warm and light!

Edward, 8 years old Gleb, 10 years old

Winners of the drawing competition “Energy through the eyes of children” 2011

Age group 1st place II place III place
36 years Fidan, 5 years old

Ulyana, 6 years old

Daria, 4 years old
7 – 10 years

Diana, 10 years old



To save energy in your apartment, you need to learn how to use it rationally. At the same time, in addition to significant savings in energy bills, you are making a very important contribution to solving global environmental problems.

Every year, electricity and heating costs increase due to higher tariffs and an increase in the number of electrical appliances used.

Since energy reserves are very limited, the cost of electricity increases every year and, accordingly, our payments for electricity also increase.

Therefore, more and more people are starting to think about how to save electricity at home.

In addition, saving electricity will reduce the consumption of natural resources and reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, and therefore make a feasible contribution to the preservation of our rivers, lakes and forests.

By saving 100 W of electricity, we can save 48 kg of coal, or 33 liters of oil, or 35 m3 of natural gas.

On average, a family of three living in an apartment of 50 m2 pays about 59% of the total amount of utility bills for energy resources, of which: 32% is heating and hot water supply, 15% is electricity, 12% is gas.

Tips on how to save heat in your home.

These tips are relevant for those who have heat meters or electric heaters.

1.Insulate door and window openings with special insulation.

After all, the main heat leaks occur through windows and doors.

2. Install new energy-efficient windows, preferably double-glazed ones.

If you have a balcony or loggia, then glaze them too.

This is the most effective way to save heat in the house.

3. It is necessary to properly ventilate the room.

Ventilate with the heating off!

Full ventilation for 2 minutes every 3-4 hours retains much more heat than constant partial ventilation.

In winter, 2-3 minutes of complete ventilation is enough. In spring and autumn - up to 15 minutes.

4. Do not cover batteries with curtains or decorative slabs and panels.

1. Check the integrity of the wiring in the house.

This will prevent electricity leakage (losses can be up to 30%)

and will reduce the risk of damage to household appliances and short circuits.

2. Turn off electrical appliances that are in standby mode - TV, stereo, DVD player.

Most devices work actively for several hours a day, and the rest of the time they are in standby mode, which wastes a significant amount of energy.

3. Organize proper lighting.

A. Make the most of natural light

(use light curtains, light colors for walls and ceilings, wash windows more often, do not clutter window sills.) This will make the room brighter.

b. Use the principle of zonal lighting - it is necessary to rationally use general and local lighting.

General lighting is intended for general lighting of the room (chandelier).

Local lighting (lamps, sconces) allows you to illuminate dark corners of the room. The combination of local and general lighting (combined lighting) allows you to use light more efficiently

Light only the area of ​​the room that we need.

As a result of the installation of combined lighting for a room of 18-20 m2, up to 200 kW/h is saved.

4. Replace traditional incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones.

They consume several times less electricity and last several times longer.

5. Turn off lighting and other electrical appliances that you do not need at the moment.

When leaving, turn off the lights.

6. Wash lamps and shades more often.

How to save energy in the kitchen and when preparing food

An electric stove is the most energy-intensive household appliance, accounting for more than half of all electricity consumed. By following simple rules and techniques when cooking, you can save a significant amount of energy.

1. When cooking in a saucepan, you need to turn on the burner at full power only until the water boils. As soon as the water boils, immediately switch the heating of the burner to the minimum position, in this case the energy consumption will sharply decrease and the cooking time will not increase.

2. Be sure to tightly cover the pan with a lid. When cooking in an open container, energy consumption increases by 2.5 times. Even if the lid is slightly open, this is equivalent to the fact that there is no lid at all, because... heat is lost with the escaping steam.

3. Use cookware with a bottom diameter that matches the size of the burner. The diameters of the bottoms of the pans must be greater than or equal to the diameters of the burners of the electric stoves on which they are placed

4. Do not allow water to boil violently on a burner turned on at full power, because boiling on a heated stove is sufficient at much lower power.

5. If you turn off the electric stove burner a little earlier before the end of cooking, you will save electricity due to residual heat.

6. When cooking vegetables, use a minimal amount of water in pans.

7. Choose pots that are the right size for the amount of food you need. If you need to cook a small amount of food, it is better to do it in a small one. saucepan on the smallest burner.

8. The bottoms of pots and pans must be smooth and clean so that there is close contact with the burners. Dishes with a crooked bottom or with carbon deposits require 60% more electricity.

9. When purchasing cookware, choose frying pans and saucepans with thick bottoms and glass lids.

10. Use pressure cookers. They save a lot of energy and time.

The cooking time in them is reduced by three times, and energy consumption is halved. This is achieved thanks to the tightness of pressure cookers and a special cooking mode - the temperature inside the cookware reaches 120 degrees due to excess steam pressure.

11. Stainless steel cookware with a thick polished bottom ensures good contact with the stove and saves energy. Aluminum, enameled, and Teflon-coated cookware are not economical.

12. The condition of the electric stove burners is of great importance. If one or two spirals burn out in a burner or the burner swells due to overheating, electricity consumption increases up to 50%. It needs to be changed urgently.

13. Use special electric heating devices (frying pans, pots, grills, coffee makers, etc.), in which the dishes turn out more tasty and of higher quality, and much less electricity is spent. Use an electric kettle, which itself saves energy by automatically turning off when water boils in it.

Boil only as much water as required at a time.

14. Timely removal of scale inside electric kettles can significantly reduce energy consumption.

15. Use thermoses or potters to keep water and food warm for long periods of time.

16. Do not use the switched-on electric stove burners to heat the room; this is uneconomical, ineffective and dangerous.

17. Use microwave ovens to heat and cook food; they will save you time and energy.

What we usually do uneconomically:

¦ choosing the wrong dishes - energy losses 10% -15%

¦ Do not close the dishes tightly when preparing food. - losses 2% - 6%

¦ We use too much water - losses 5% - 9%

¦ We use dishes that do not fit the size of the burner - losses 5% -10%

¦ We do not use residual heat - losses are 10% -15%

And to reinforce the material, here is a wonderful infographic from

United Energy Company.

By using these simple tips you can significantly reduce your energy costs and save money.

Let's repeat the basic rules:

The article uses materials from the Information and Consulting Center for Energy Saving (ICC).

Power consumption is one of the main characteristics of electrical appliances. Therefore, on any electrical appliance or in its instructions there must be accurate information about the number of watts required for its operation.

Of course, the amount of electricity consumed may vary. For example, the amount of energy consumed by a computer depends on the power of the power supply and the load on the computer. In the case of a refrigerator, it depends on its volume and the amount of food stored in it, and with a washing machine - on the washing mode, set temperature, weight of laundry, etc. The rating below shows the approximate power of household electrical appliances in descending order:

1. Electric oven - 17,221 watts
2. Central air conditioner - 5000 watts
3. Tumble dryer - 3400 watts
4. Electric oven - 2300 watts
5. Dishwasher - 1800 watts
6. Hairdryer - 1538 watts
7. Heater - 1500 watts
8. Coffee maker - 1500 watts
9. Microwave - 1500 watts
10. Popcorn maker - 1400 watts
11. Toaster oven (oven toaster) - 1200 watts
12. Iron - 1100 watts
13. Toaster - 1100 watts
14. Room air conditioner - 1000 watts
15. Electric cooker - 1000 watts
16. Vacuum cleaner - 650 watts
17. Water heater - 479 watts
18. Washing machine - 425 watts
19. Espresso coffee maker (espresso machine) - 360 watts
20. Dehumidifier - 350 watts
21. Plasma TV - 339 watts
22. Blender - 300 watts
23. Freezer - 273 watts
24. Liquid crystal TV (LCD) - 213 watts
25. Game console - 195 watts
26. Refrigerator - 188 watts
27. Regular TV (with cathode ray tube) - 150 watts 28. Monitor - 150 watts
29. Computer (power supply) - 120 watts
30. Portable fan - 100 W
31. Electric blanket - 100 W
32. Stand mixer - 100 W
33. Electric can opener - 100 W
34. Hair curling iron - 90 W
35. Ceiling fan - 75 W
36. Humidifier - 75 W
37. Incandescent lamp (60-watt) - 60 W
38. Stereo system - 60 W
39. Laptop - 50 W
40. Printer - 45 W
41. Digital video recorder (DVR) - 33 W
42. Aquarium - 30 W
43. Cable box - 20 W
44. Compact fluorescent lamp (energy saving
lamp) equivalent to 60 watt - 18 W
45. DVD player - 17 W
46. ​​Satellite dish - 15 W
47. VCR - 11 W
48. Clock Radio - 10 W
49. Portable stereo system (boombox) - 7 W
50. Wireless Wi-Fi router - 7 W
51. Mobile phone charger - 4 W
52. Cordless phone - 3 W
53. Answering machine - 1 W
The total power of household appliances is 47,782 W or 47.782 kW.

Given these data, 1000 watt-hours (or 1 kilowatt-hour) is enough to:
1. Receive 60,000 messages to your answering machine
2. Open 7200 cans with an electric can opener
3. Listen to 2143 songs on your portable
stereo tape recorder
4. Print 1333 pages on the printer
5. Prepare 400 cocktails in a blender
6. Knead 300 portions of dough with a mixer
7. Charge your mobile phone 278 times
8. Listen to 250 songs through the stereo system
9. Make 100 toasts in the toaster oven
10. Create 67 hairstyles using a hair curler
11. Cook 36 croutons in the toaster
12. Talk on the phone for 15 days
13. Use wireless
Wi-Fi router 6 days
14. Use clock radio 4 days
15. Record 45 movies on a VCR
16. Use satellite dish for 67 hours
17. Watch 29 movies on your DVD player
18. Use an energy-saving light bulb for 56 hours
19. Use the cable box for 50 hours
20. Use the aquarium for 33 hours
21. Use a digital video recorder (DVR) for 30 hours
22. Use a laptop for 20 hours
23. Use a 60-watt incandescent lamp for 17 hours
24. Use a humidifier for 13 hours
25. Use the ceiling fan for 13 hours
26. Use an electric blanket 1 night
27. Use a portable fan for 10 hours 28. Use a computer (system unit) for 8 hours
29. Use the monitor for 7 hours
30. Watch 13 episodes of a sitcom on a CRT TV
31. Watch 9 episodes of a sitcom on an LCD TV
32. Use the refrigerator for 5 hours
33. Use a game console for 5 hours
34. Use a dehumidifier for 3 hours
35. Watch 6 episodes of a sitcom
on a plasma TV
36. Use freezer for 4 hours
37. Heat 13 dishes in the microwave
38. Make espresso using
espresso machines 11 times
39. Iron 5 shirts
40. Create 4 hairstyles using a hairdryer
41. Pop 4 bags of popcorn in a popcorn maker
42. Wash clothes in the washing machine 3 times
43. Brew coffee in a coffee maker 3 times
44. Use the water heater for 2 hours
45. Cook 2 dishes on an electric stove
46. ​​Vacuum for an hour and a half
47. Use room air conditioner for 1 hour
48. Use a heater for 40 minutes
49. Bake cupcakes in the oven once
50. Use central air conditioning for 12 minutes
51. Use an electric oven for 3 minutes
52. Use the dryer for 18 minutes
(enough for 0.4 full drying cycle)
53. Use the dishwasher for 33 minutes
(enough for 0.3 machine cycles)
Let me note that watt (kilowatt) and watt-hour (kilowatt-hour) are two different units of measurement and they refer to different physical quantities. Due to similar names, these concepts are often confused in everyday use, especially when it comes to electrical appliances. Power is measured in watts (W) and kilowatts (kW), that is, the amount of energy consumed by a device per unit of time. A watt-hour (Wh) or kilowatt-hour (kWh) are units of measurement of energy produced or work performed by an electrical appliance, and are used primarily to measure household or economic electricity consumption.

These two quantities are related as follows. If a 1,000-watt air conditioner ran for 1 hour, it would require 1,000 watt-hours (or 1 kilowatt-hour) to operate. A 1-watt answering machine will consume the same amount of power in 1000 hours.

100 ways to save energy at home

The largest German energy company E.ON has proposed some ways and methods of saving energy that are applicable for domestic use within your home or apartment. They will help us reduce the emission of harmful combustion products and save our money. So, 100 tips on how you can save energy.


1. Size matters - never put a small frying pan on a large burner - it's a waste of energy and money.
2. Always cover the pan when cooking - this will save cooking time.
3. Use the inner ring of the burner if you have double burners on the stove - the dish will be cooked at the same speed, but with less energy consumption.
4. Make sure that your gas stove is set to the correct gas flow - if the flame is too high - you can save money here by reducing the flow.
5. Finely chopped products cook faster and therefore more economically.
6. Start using a double boiler - You will be able to cook several dishes at the same time using only one heat source.
7. Use energy-saving kettles to boil water.
8. Regularly descale the kettle - it is not only harmful, but also forces you to apply more heat to boil the same volume of water.
9. Don’t delay - many modern stoves have blower fans, thanks to which the heating process goes faster.
10. Use the entire space of your stove - you can simultaneously cook something that then only needs to be defrosted.

11. Use an electric toaster - it will prepare toast for you faster and more economically than any other device.
12. Use deep fryers - they are safer and more economical than cooking on the stove.
13. Try a pressure cooker - it cooks faster due to higher temperatures and pressure levels inside the pan.
14. Use a slow cooker - you can cook the entire dish in it.
15. If you are looking for a new stove, try an inductive one. They are more efficient, easier to clean and manage.
16. Grill if possible - this speeds up the cooking process and preserves the usefulness of the food.
17. Try avoiding simmering.
18. Keep the glass of your kitchen stove clean - this will allow you to control the degree of readiness of the dish without opening the door, thus not releasing precious heat from the oven.
19. Use microwave ovens - they work quickly, efficiently and economically.


20. Use energy-efficient light bulbs - they last 10 times longer and will ultimately save you a lot of money.
21. Use fluorescent lighting in the kitchen - they last longer.
22. When leaving the room, turn off the light, you lose money by leaving the light on where it is not needed.
23. Equip the lamps in the entrance and on stairwells with motion sensors - this will allow them to be used only for their intended purpose.
24. Try using low-power light bulbs - they will give you sufficient lighting, but will cost less and consume less.
25. Find an opportunity to install automatic switches for TV, computer and laptop.
26. Do not leave TVs, DVD players or computers on “Stand-by” mode, this wastes your energy, which means money!
27. Do not leave or leave electrical devices on charge for more than is necessary to fully charge the battery.
28. Use photovoltaic lights for your yard; they do not consume electricity.

Heat supply

29. Install a thermostatic valve on your radiator and you will be able to regulate the amount of coolant you consume.
30. Reducing the thermostat set temperature by 1°C throughout the house will save up to 10% on heating bills.
31. Use window ventilators for ventilation, do not open the windows - you lose the heat for which you pay.
32. Avoid installing heating devices in drafts.
33. Use a “warm floor” heating system to save on central heating.
34. Do not use heating appliances when you are not in the room.
35. Heat water using an electric boiler, it will be very economical.
36. Select the size of the heating device according to the size of the room. You should not be cold or hot.
37. Do not cover heating appliances with clothing or furniture - this makes them less efficient.
38. Avoid overheating your home at night while sleeping - a blanket will keep you comfortable.

39. Don't forget to have your heating system checked annually - this will help you make sure it is working efficiently.
40. Bleed air from heating devices (radiators) with hot water - this will allow the coolant to circulate fully.
41. Geysers lose their efficiency after 15 years of operation - think about replacing outdated equipment.
42. When replacing the boiler, you should also change the entire control system.
43. Leave internal doors open - this will allow heat to be evenly distributed throughout the entire volume due to natural circulation.

Hot water

44. Try washing your hands in cold water - this will save a lot of hot water.
45. If you take a bath, choose the optimal degree of filling.
46. ​​Install the sensor on a hot water tap - water will flow only when your hands are brought to the tap.
47. Use a bowl for washing dishes in the kitchen - this way you will spend much less hot water.
48. Shower instead of bath - A full bath uses three times more water than a full shower.
49. Use thermal insulation on exposed hot water pipes - this will conserve heat and protect them from destruction.
50. Boil water in an electric kettle if you need a small amount of hot water.
51. Sufficient temperature for hot water is +60°C, all sanitary standards will be met.
52. Remember to close taps when not in use to ensure no water is wasted.
53. Install thermostat sensors on your hot water supply system.

54. Consider using a solar hot water system - it starts paying for itself from day one.
55. Install meters for hot and cold water - this will allow you to clearly study the effectiveness of the saving measures you have taken.
56. If you are leaving, turn off the hot and cold water taps, your home and wallet will be safe.
57. Replace dripping taps - You lose a huge amount of water and nerves per year.
58. Remember - in order to prepare hot water in a boiler room, it is necessary to burn natural gas, which is in short supply, and its combustion products destroy the environment.
59. Use insulation for hot water pipes throughout the house and insulate tanks.


60. Insulate the attic with rock wool - it is estimated that 25% of the heat from a home is lost through the roof!
61. Don't forget about insulating the attic hatch.
62. Use a sealant spray on hard-to-reach areas, such as hot water pipes entering and exiting, to keep them from getting cold. Don't forget to use a mask.
63. 33% of heat is lost through walls that are not properly insulated.
64.Use extruded polystyrene foam or its modern equivalents.
65. A comfortable, thick rug will create a cozy atmosphere and minimize wastage through the floor.
66. The optimal insulation thickness for mineral wool is 250 mm. This is a real path to energy efficiency and comfort.
67. Eliminate drafts!
68. Think about replacing windows with modern, energy-efficient ones. Double glazing will reduce losses through window openings.
69. Install new windows at the same level as the outer wall of the house - this will eliminate “cold bridges”.

70. Use insulating tape on old windows - it's still cheap and effective.
71. When it’s cold outside, close the curtains - this will save heat inside the house.
72. Keep windows and doors closed to conserve heat inside.
73. Initiate the installation of a thermal energy consumption metering unit for each consumer - this will allow you to see the real result of your energy saving work.
74. Consider upgrading the ventilation system - this will allow you not to open windows for ventilation.
75. Recovering waste heat from the ventilation system and returning it to the room is a real way to save money.
76. The door to the outside of a house or apartment must be insulated from drafts and heat leaks.

Cold is also energy

77. Keep the back of your refrigerator and freezer clean - this is the most important rule.
78. Don't overload the refrigerator - cold air needs to circulate, and clutter will interfere with this.
79. Try to leave a quarter of the space in the refrigerator free - this will allow it to work efficiently.
80. Make sure that the refrigerator and freezer doors are closed tightly.
81. Place the refrigerator away from the stove, heaters, and direct sunlight. The laws of physics cannot be fooled - warm things will warm cold things.
82. Replace the refrigerator with a more modern - energy-efficient model of the “A” series.

83. Do not keep the door open longer than necessary. You lose cold, which means you have to generate it again using electricity.
84. Put a thermometer in your refrigerator - the optimal temperature is 0-5°C.
85. Allow hot food to cool before putting it in the refrigerator. Hot foods will make the refrigerator work harder.
86. Defrost your freezer regularly. Ice thickness greater than 6 mm causes the freezer to operate inefficiently.
87. Be careful when throwing away old refrigerators - they will probably be able to help you with this where you buy a new one.

Economical cleanliness

88. Do not use the dishwasher until it is completely full. This way you will save money.
89. Choose the dimensions of all equipment adequate to the size of your home.
90. Try a cold wash. 85% of the washing energy is spent on heating the water to the set temperature.
91. Don’t forget to wash by hand - this will save the quality of your items and your money.
92. Just try to wring or dry clothes outside the washing machine - this will significantly save energy.
93. An imperceptible difference of 10°C in the washing mode will allow you to really save money.
94. Use the “economy” mode when operating any home appliances.
95. Use a clothes dryer - You'll get the same results, but cheaper.
96. Heating radiators for heating, not drying clothes.
97. When purchasing new equipment, pay attention to the energy efficiency rating. Search with index "A".
98. Descale your washing machine; this will extend its life and improve the quality of its operation.
99. Promoting energy efficiency among your friends and colleagues is a real path to change.
100. Count how much energy you have saved. It can always be converted into money, oxygen or improved quality of life!

Be sure to try to “test for yourself” some of the listed points. You will be very surprised, but it really works! And having learned to save on “little things”, you will soon feel real savings on your family budget.

The most active participants were schoolchildren from Buturlinovsky, Verkhnekhava, Nizhnedevitsky, Pavlovsky, Ertilsky districts.

The children's creativity was assessed by specialists from the public relations department and occupational safety engineers from Voronezhenergo. First of all, experts paid attention to the originality of the ideas in the drawings.

First place in the “junior” category (grades 1-4) was taken by Yulia Klimova, a second-grader at the Mosal school from the Kashira district. Julia portrayed harmful mice, for whom playing with an electrical outlet became an instructive lesson: the rodents received a painful electric shock. For her work, the girl composed a poem that ends with the words: “You, baby, must remember: “Be careful with the socket!”

Second place went to Artem Chernyshov, a 1st grade student at the Uglyanskaya Secondary School (Verkhnekhava district) with his drawing “Uncle Tok.”

Third - second-grader Alina Lyashenko from Buturlinovskaya Secondary School with her work “Don’t play with electricity!”

In the category “Grades 5-8”, the jury awarded first place to Tatyana Sharapova, a sixth-grader from Voronezh secondary school No. 18, with her drawing “Don’t touch the bare wire!”, made in three-dimensional 3D format.

Second place was shared by Yulia Zatsepina from the Municipal Educational Institution “Nizhnevedugskaya Secondary School” (Semiluksky District) with a series of works “Electricity is not a toy!” and Irina Getmanova from the Poltava secondary school in the Bogucharsky district for the drawing “A charger left in an outlet can short-circuit!”

In third place is Katrin Nasoil from the Sokolovskaya Secondary School (MKOU) (Ertilsky district) with her work “Electricity is not a toy!”

The children's drawing competition was held as part of an agreement on the prevention of electrical injuries that Voronezhenergo concluded with the regional department of education, science and youth policy, said Ivan Kleimenov, Deputy General Director of IDGC of Center, Director of the Voronezhenergo branch.

“I would like to thank the head of the department, Oleg Mosolov, for the organizational support of our action,” added Ivan Kleimenov.

According to him, Voronezhenergo, like other branches of IDGC of Center, pays special attention to the prevention of electrical injuries among children. Voronezh power engineers regularly conduct open lessons on electrical safety in schools and children's health camps.