Why open a dispute on Aliexpress? Opening an AliExpress dispute: in what language to write a request to technical support

Did the seller on Aliexpress respond and offer a solution to the dispute? Make a positive decision or escalate the dispute!

At this stage, as in the previous steps, you will see buttons - “cancel dispute”, “escalate dispute”, “edit dispute”, “escalate dispute”. Aliexpress has done everything possible to protect its customers as much as possible!

ATTENTION! Pay attention at each stage to the amount in dispute, since it can be regulated by both the buyer and the seller. As a result, there is a chance to agree to a refund of $0. And a refund is promised, and there is no money...

The seller rejected the dispute on Aliexpress: what to do?

If the seller did not reach an agreement and rejected the dispute, you can escalate the dispute, or if the dispute is already closed (don’t despair), contact the administration. But in order to respond to the situation in a dispute in a timely manner, we recommend logging into your Aliexpress account once a day. This guarantees faster returns.

Video: How to open a dispute on AliExpress - How to get your money back if the seller does not accept the dispute

How to respond to the seller in a dispute on Aliexpress?

In order to respond to the seller in a dispute, you must write a message in the “Leave a comment for the seller” menu and click the “Send” button. The message can be written in your native language, and the seller will be able to translate it online if necessary.

How to respond to the seller in a dispute on Aliexpress?

Example of a dispute on Aliexpress

The author of this article is a big fan of Aliexpress and has ordered hundreds of products from this site. Not surprisingly, there are a few controversies in store.

In order to clearly understand how a dispute is conducted, we will show screenshots of an active dispute with one wonderful Chinese seller who sent the goods, but the parcel was lost on the road (no longer trackable at the customs of the recipient’s country).

The seller had previously seen that the buyer’s protection was expiring and the goods were not delivered and increased the protection by an additional 20 days, the time was running out, there was no parcel and the buyer could only open a dispute and request a refund.

In this case, it was indicated that the goods had not been received and the full amount was requested.

The seller said in a message that he was very sorry and offered to once again extend buyer protection. He also apologized and asked to go to a meeting, since the disputes affect his business (as mentioned above).

Please note that regardless of the correspondence, the timer counts down 5 days, after which the dispute will be transferred to the Aliexpress moderator.

And for clarity, another dispute, already closed.

The product was ordered in one size, but arrived in another. The correct size was indicated on the tag, but the wrong size was indicated below on the same tag. But in general, the difference in the volume of underwear was 10! more centimeters.

Dispute on Aliexpress: photo evidence in dispute

To confirm, the product tag was photographed and the reasons for the dispute were indicated. Also, not the entire amount was requested, but the amount that was requested from the studio to adjust the size; unfortunately, it turned out to be only 7 cents less than the cost of the goods.

The seller accepted the order, apparently double-checked the information, and on the same day, a few hours later, agreed with the dispute.

Dispute on Aliexpress: solution to the issue

By the way, over several years of active purchases from the author, such situations arose only a few times, most often with goods with a very low price, but the resolution in disputes was always in favor of the client.

Options for resolving a dispute on Aliexpress

If the first (and maybe second, third, etc.) dispute is opened, the question arises: will the dispute always be resolved in my favor?

If you constructively, describe in detail everything you disagree with, support it with photos and video evidence. Check the status of the dispute at least once a day and actively respond to the seller, if necessary, involve an Aliexpress employee - the success of winning the dispute is guaranteed!

But in practice there may be four options for resolving the dispute:

  • The seller will accept your terms, close the dispute and make a full or partial refund (as specified in the dispute);
  • The seller will not accept your terms and will reject the dispute, considering your demands unfounded;
  • The seller will reject your offer and offer his own terms;
  • The seller will ignore the dispute and after 5 days it will be closed automatically and a refund will be made.

Video: How to get money back on Aliexpress.com? All situations

How to understand that the dispute on Aliexpress has been won?

The status of the dispute at the end is “Dispute closed (dispute resolution).”

If you do not agree with the decision, contact the support service, perhaps the dispute will be resumed and the decision will be changed (if you provide new evidence or the Aliexpress moderator has not previously participated in the dispute).

Dispute resolution on Aliexpress

And in conclusion, I would like to add - a dispute is not bad, a dispute is an opportunity to dispute/return/request a part or the full amount for a purchase. And you must admit, this is often lacking on other foreign sites! Good luck to you and only successful shopping!

Video: How to respond to a seller in a dispute on Aliexpress?


Many Internet users are familiar with this foreign Internet site with inexpensive goods. A lower price encourages you to make a purchase, but sometimes sellers send the wrong product or it simply doesn’t arrive. Opening a dispute on Aliexpress will help you get a full or partial refund of the purchase amount.

When to open a dispute on Aliexpress

On Aliexpress, a dispute with a seller is a generally accepted format for clarification of relations if the supplier does not fulfill its obligations. This is direct communication, where you have the opportunity to express your grievances and provide evidence through a special form. Only you will participate in it, without third parties in the form of the site administration. You should open a dispute on Aliexpress if:

  • the goods have not arrived to you, and the end of the transaction is less than 2-3 days;
  • The package arrived, but the contents do not match the description on the website (wrong size, color).

If the goods are not received

On the trading platform, when purchasing, the delivery time for the goods to the buyer is usually indicated (the movement is often tracked by a tracker); it is often about 40 days. This is due to the fact that the warehouses are located in China, and the order has to travel a long way. It should be understood that parcels may be on the road almost until the end of protection. It is not recommended to open a dispute ahead of time; this should be done if there are only 24 hours left.

The order for residents of Russia indicates delivery within 2 months, but due to the peculiarities of Russian Post, you can request a full refund after 90 days. Sellers are familiar with the peculiarities of logistics and will not refund anything before this period. You can safely request an extension of time up to 3 months, only after 90 days you can start a dispute.

After receiving the goods

Sometimes a situation occurs when a purchase has reached you, but has not met your expectations. The Aliexpress administration ensures that all sellers fulfill their obligations in good faith and do not deceive buyers, therefore the description of the product on the website must correspond to reality. You have a reasonable right to argue for a refund with the seller for the following reasons:

  • defect, defect;
  • does not match the description;
  • fake;
  • mismatched item size (shoes, clothes);
  • damage;
  • low quality;
  • quantity mismatch (paid for 5, but received 2).

How to open a dispute on Aliexpress correctly

According to the rules of the service, you can open a dispute (dispute) 6 days after sending. In fact, the package does not go as much to the CIS countries. The deadlines for filing were described above: if the time is running out, you need to start a dispute. Instructions on how to open a dispute on Aliexpress:

  1. log in to your account;
  2. click the “My Aliexpress” tab;
  3. open the “My Orders” page with orders.

Here are all your purchases on AliExpress. The easiest way to open a dispute is from this window. Next to each product there are several options:

  • View Detalis – view order details, full information;
  • Confirm Order – confirm receipt;
  • Open Dispute – open a dispute.

Before opening a dispute on Aliexpress, make sure there are sufficient grounds for this. Click the appropriate button opposite the product. A standard form will open, in it you need to send:

  • reason for return;
  • type of compensation;
  • order details;
  • attach evidence.

It is not always clear to new users in what language to open a dispute on Aliexpress. The generally accepted option on the trading floor is English, and the dispute should be conducted in this language. To make a claim, you only need basic knowledge of the language; you can use an online translator. Some people do not open a dispute on Aliexpress for the reason that a couple of Russian characters slipped through the text (often the letter “s” or “o”) or the message exceeds the allowed number of characters.

What to write when opening a dispute on Aliexpress

Dialogue during a dispute is usually conducted in English, but sometimes the seller tries to write in Russian with the help of a translator. As a result, the sentences turn out awkward and sometimes lose their meaning, so it is better to use the generally accepted one. The form for filling out a dispute is simple - here are the main points that should be indicated:

  1. Opposite the line “Did you receive your goods?” (whether the goods were received) must be set to “Yes” or “No” (No).
  2. In the line “Please tell us your solution” you should assess the damage received. If the defect is minor or the discrepancy is only in color, then you can request a few dollars in compensation. When it is not possible to use the product, you should demand the full amount.
  3. The “Do you want to ship the goods back” option implies sending the goods back for replacement. Don't agree to it because you will waste a lot of time. It is much easier to win the dispute and get your money back. In addition, you will pay for return shipping.
  4. The “Please write your request detail” section provides the opportunity to write in more detail about the problem with the product, contact the seller (write everything in English).
  5. To attach evidence (photos, videos), you need to use the “Please Upload Attachments” item.

What evidence do you need to provide?

Every buyer who is looking for how to properly open a dispute on Aliexpress must understand that no one will take your word for it, you need to add evidence to the application. Photos or video materials can play this role. Always when opening an order from Aliexpress:

  • turn on the video camera on your phone (if you don’t have a regular one);
  • remove the box and the product from all sides;
  • inspect for defects, low-quality materials, and damage.

If you open a dispute and do not support it with evidence, in 99% of cases you will be denied payment. It is possible to open the parcel at the post office to check its condition. In case of damage, employees must draw up a report that would describe the condition of the order at the time of receipt, but no one uses this method. Don't forget to show the delivery address and other data from the box in the video.

Terms for consideration of consumer claims

After a dispute has been opened on Aliexpress, the seller is given 15 days to reach an agreement with you. A consensus must be reached that would suit both, otherwise the application will turn into a claim and will be sent to the site for consideration. The administration will study it from 7 days to 2 months. The process turns out to be lengthy, so it is better to negotiate with the seller and not waste time.

Sometimes they are in no hurry to respond to a dispute, you can wait 5 days, and if there is no communication from the supplier, you can escalate the request and change it to a claim. If your dispute is open, and the product has arrived and you are completely satisfied with its quality, it is better to close the return request and confirm receipt. Otherwise, you will receive a penalty to your buyer reputation on the site.

How many times can you open a dispute on Aliexpress?

Sometimes a situation arises when you need to know how to reopen a dispute on Aliexpress. This possibility exists, you have the right to do this the required number of times as long as the transaction is protected from the site. You can open a dispute even within 2 weeks after confirmation of receipt of the order. If you have accepted the seller’s terms and conditions regarding your complaint, then there is no longer an opportunity to file a complaint again. You will receive what was specified in your agreement.

Please note that if you frequently open disputes with different sellers and win them, your account may be blocked, especially if only you made such claims. Each profile has a “buyer rating” parameter. You may get "bad karma" for frequent complaints, and other sellers will avoid doing business with you. This is a kind of protection from “problematic” or unscrupulous customers.

Video: what does it mean to open a dispute on Aliexpress

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Every buyer, when ordering goods on Aliexpress, eagerly awaits the coveted package. But it often happens that the package does not reach the recipient or the package contains something completely different from what was expected. The indignant customer is in a hurry to open a dispute and throw out all his indignation on the seller and the trading platform. But it’s better not to get excited, but to make an informed decision and conduct the dispute correctly. How to do it?

Five tips on how to conduct a dispute correctly on Aliexpress.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the reasons when you can open a dispute. They must be justified, and the buyer must have direct evidence that he is right.

Reasons for starting a dispute:

  • The goods were not received (did not arrive).

If there are less than three days left before the end of the buyer protection period, and the order has not yet arrived, you can safely open a dispute. If the protection period has expired, you can have time to open a dispute within another 15 days.

  • Product is defective.

The order arrived, but with obvious defects. For example, seams on clothes are not sewn, chips on the surface of equipment, etc.

  • Not a complete set.

The order has been received, but some parts are missing. Also, if instead of three pairs of socks, you only received two, you can start a discussion.

  • Does not match the description.

Things arrived in the wrong color, wrong shape, wrong size. And this can also include receiving a completely different product from what was ordered. For example, we ordered a soft toy, and a transforming robot arrived.

  • Low quality.

The ordered smartphone does not work?! After careful washing, the dress has faded and stretched?! Does a children's wooden toy smell unbearably and leave splinters?! You can safely open a dispute.

  • Delivery method mismatch.

You paid for courier delivery, but the goods arrived in the standard way via Russian Post? The seller clearly saved money and is trying to deceive a gullible customer. In this case, opening a dispute will be absolutely legal.

Having decided on the reason, you need to indicate it in the appropriate section of the form to open a dispute.

To do this you need to open a dispute.

And select "return only"

Then on the page that opens you need to select the appropriate item.

If the item is not received:

And, if the goods are received, but there are complaints about them:

If there is no exact point describing the problem, then you need to choose the closest one, and describe in detail the reasons for the dissatisfaction in the description.

In order to conduct a dispute on Aliexpress correctly, you will need evidence of the seller’s mistake - high-quality and indisputable. Text alone, even if eloquent, will not be enough. Although you can’t do without text either.


All dialogues within the trading platform, both with the seller and with the administration, are conducted in English. If it is not possible to communicate in English, you can use online translators or the help of friends who are fluent in the language.

What evidence can and should be provided?

  1. It is best to arm yourself with a camera and a video camera (you can get by with a regular phone) from the moment you unpack the parcel. Capture the sender's information from the packaging. And take step-by-step photographs of the opening of the package and examination of the purchase.
  2. If any defects are found, you need to photograph them close-up from several angles.
  3. If the product does not correspond to the description or the wrong one arrived, you must also make a screenshot of the order, where the necessary items are indicated - equipment, color, size, etc.
  4. If the order has not arrived, then you need to make a screenshot that will show the end of the buyer protection period. In this case, the trading resource does not require photo and video evidence as mandatory, but if they can be provided, this will only be an advantage.

The reasons are determined, evidence is provided, the dispute is open. What do you need to prepare for, how to conduct a discussion and what scenarios are possible?

1. The seller will decide to concede.

If the seller turns out to be as honest as possible, and the situation itself is as transparent as possible, then he will simply accept the terms of the dispute and return the requested money.

And then in the “Order Management” tab, on the “Returns and Disputes” page

Information about a closed dispute will appear, with the clarification that “The Seller accepts the disputed issue” and the money will be returned to the account from which the order was paid.

2. The seller must respond to the claim within the first 5 days after opening a dispute. If no response is received during this period, the dispute will be closed automatically, in favor of the customer. The money will be returned to the account from which the order was paid.

A note will appear on the “Returns and Disputes” page indicating that the dispute has been completed.

3. The seller does not accept the terms of the dispute and offers his own ways to solve the problem.

Often sellers try to mislead buyers and offer the following options:

  1. Please wait some more time for delivery.
  2. Replace the product with a similar one.
  3. Get a decent discount on your next order.
  4. Return the money directly to the buyer's e-wallet (usually Paypal).

15 days are given to resolve the situation between the seller and the buyer.

If no compromise is found during this time, the dispute escalates. And then the Aliexpress administration joins the proceedings and considers the issue within 14 to 60 days.

The refund amount depends on the following options:

1. The goods did not arrive.

The entire amount paid for the purchase and delivery (if it was paid additionally) will be refunded.

2. The product arrived was of poor quality.

A portion of the paid amount is used for refund. The buyer himself determines how much money the seller owes him.

It is necessary to take into account how critical the discrepancies are, what damage there is, how complex the defect is and whether it can be somehow corrected.

The amount must be indicated in the “Refund Amount” column

The seller may reject the amount requested by the buyer, and he may offer his own option.

The best option to resolve the dispute is a full or partial refund. But an alternative is possible - returning the product or exchanging it.

To do this, when opening a dispute, you need to select “Return of goods and money”

If the seller confirms this decision, a page will open on which you will need to enter the parcel’s track code and the seller’s address will open. You will need to send the unsuccessful purchase to it. The seller, having received the goods back, is obliged to return the money or exchange the goods for an identical one. All data is saved on the dispute information tab.


The cost of sending an item to China is not cheap and can often cost more than the purchase itself. And the buyer must pay for the shipping.

You should resort to this method after carefully weighing the pros and cons, and if there is a really urgent need to return or exchange the goods.

Taking into account all the important nuances and following the basic rules, conducting a dispute correctly on Aliexpress will not be difficult and the result will be positive.

What is a dispute in general, in what cases to open it and how to conduct it, we will try to consider in detail in this article.

What is a dispute? The dispute is a tool with which we can get our money back. As we already know, Aliexpress is a trading platform with many different sellers. And it is the guarantor of compliance with the purchase rules between the buyer and seller. That is, a dispute is one of the tools of the transaction protection system.

If you have received your purchase, everything is fine with it and you like everything, you can calmly confirm receipt of the goods and leave a good review for the seller. But there are other cases. For example, the product arrived defective, of a different size, or not the one you ordered. Either you came across an unscrupulous seller who knowingly sent you a fake or a defective product. Also, sometimes the package is lost or does not arrive on time. In such cases, a dispute opens.

To open a dispute, Aliexpress provides us with a certain period during which we can dispute the purchase. To know remaining time until the order is automatically closed, can be found in the My Orders section.

Need to watch this time closely, because if this time expires and the dispute is not opened or the delivery period is not extended, the money will automatically be transferred to the seller. In this case, it will be difficult to do anything.

When can I open a dispute?

The opportunity to open a dispute appears approximately six days after the seller sends the goods. After its opening, you are given 15 days to coordinate your claims with the seller. If during this time you do not come to an agreement with the seller, the AliExpress administration will intervene in the dispute.

In what cases is a dispute opened?

  • The parcel was not delivered or the stated delivery period has expired.

AliExpress automatically extends the order protection period by 15 days. That is, if the parcel takes more than 60 days, or you accidentally confirmed receipt of the order, you still have the opportunity to open a dispute and return the money.

But still, it’s better not to wait until the timer ends and open a dispute 3-5 days before the timer stops (usually, if the goods do not arrive within 60 days, Aliexpress returns the money 100%). If the parcel is being tracked and you are sure that you will have it soon, it would be better to extend the delivery time (it is not always the seller’s fault, there may have been a delay at customs).

  • Parcel arrived, but not of the same quality, damaged, defective, or not at all as described. In such cases, you can return part of the money for the product, or the entire amount.
  • The parcel was lost in the mail. This happens rarely, but still (checked using the track number at the post office).
  • Premise is not monitored. This usually happens for inexpensive products. Since the track number is not cheap, the seller can indicate some wrong number.

How to open a dispute?

Opening a dispute is not difficult. To do this, go to My Orders and click the open dispute button.

Or click next to the order number more details and go to the order page. From here we can open a dispute and also extend buyer protection for that order.

If the order has already been confirmed, but you there is a need to open a dispute, the button to open a dispute can be found at the very bottom of the same page.

As soon as you open a dispute, you will be asked to choose what you want:

  1. Refund only. In this case, you will need to indicate how much you want to get back. If, for example, your purchase works completely, but say something is missing in the kit, you can demand partial compensation. Or we indicate the full cost if everything is really bad.
  2. Return of goods and money. In this case, you will have to return the goods, and the shipping is usually paid by the recipient. In some cases, this figure may be higher than the cost of the product. So it's better to choose return only.

Then you will be asked to choose whether the parcel was received or not. Select the refund amount. Reason for the dispute (in English. We use an online translator). And here you need to attach photographs or videos that will show the reasons for opening a dispute. How to properly receive parcels from Aliexpress can be found in this article.

That's all. The dispute is open. All information about the dispute can be viewed by going to the Returns and Disputes section.

I would only like to wish that you have to perform the actions described in this article as rarely as possible. And it’s even better that you don’t need it at all. Be very careful when choosing a seller and product. And perhaps this information will not be useful to you.

How to choose the right seller, read.

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All purchases on Aliexpress are covered by the Buyer Protection program. You have the right to open a dispute for a full or partial refund of the money spent on the purchase.

  • have not received the goods and the delivery period is coming to an end
  • received it defective or damaged - an example of a dispute in the article about
  • the wrong quantity arrived, the model was incomplete
  • poor quality
  • and so on

The trading platform thus tries to protect buyers from unscrupulous sellers.

If you provide evidence, then either the seller himself, or if the dispute escalates, the Aliexpress administration will return your money.

From my own experience, I will say that I won all the disputes - I either received a full refund or agreed with the seller on a certain amount. Most often, sellers themselves accept the dispute, but there are situations when it is necessary to involve arbitration. And then they decide who is right and who is wrong.

Let's take a closer look at how to properly open and conduct a dispute.

How to open a dispute on Aliexpress? Step-by-step instruction.

You have a certain time to open a dispute; you will find a counter for this time in “My Orders” or if you click on the order number itself in “Details”.

Sometimes it happens that the delivery time is coming to an end, but by tracking the parcel it is clear that it is definitely on its way (for example, it has the status of departure from China or has already arrived in your country), therefore, when ordering, you can ask the seller to increase the buyer protection period by desired number of days.

Sometimes they do it themselves. In general, you need to make sure that the deadline does not expire. Because then you will have little time to open a dispute. But I want to reassure you, Ali’s platform, 10 days before the end of the defense, will notify you by email about this, then resend letters 5, 3 and 1 days in advance. So it will be difficult to miss this moment.

When to open a dispute on Aliexpress

Let's look at the different cases in order to open a dispute.

Option 1.The seller gave you a tracking number, the parcel should begin to be tracked within 10 days, but it does not appear anywhere. Write to him about this, perhaps he made a mistake with the tracking number or can tell you on which website you can see the information on the track. If he is silent, open a dispute due to “No tracking information”

Option 2. The protection time is coming to an end, but the seller does not extend the protection period. Feel free to open a dispute for the reason “Order protection has already expired, but the parcel is still on the way”

Most likely, the seller will begin to ask to cancel the dispute, citing the following reasons: that the parcel will arrive soon, that it is already at the post office, that the transport company has problems. But until he increases the delivery time, do not cancel the dispute

I want to say that in each order there are icons and if you hover the mouse cursor over them, a pop-up window will appear in which information will be visible - in what period the store undertakes to deliver the goods.

And if the package is not delivered to you during this period, you have the right to demand your money by opening a dispute on aliexpress, even if the buyer protection period is far from over, since the seller can increase it without your knowledge.

Option 3. The parcel arrived on time, but there are problems mentioned above: poor quality, wrong quantity, color, model, etc.

There are 2 solutions:

Method 1. Write to the seller about the problem, add a photo to the correspondence. If the seller is good and values ​​the rating, he will solve this problem:

  • will offer to resend the parcel to you, while extending the delivery period for a sufficient period;
  • will offer to open a dispute and return the money through it.

Do not agree to a refund other than through a dispute on Aliexpress. No PayPal or money on the card. He will deceive you and you will never see the money

Method 2. You can immediately open a dispute by posting photos of the product and adding a video of the package being unpacked.

A parcel arrived with women's leggings, in the amount of 2 pieces: the quality of the fabric is very poor, the seams are poorly stitched, the fabric is very thin and glows, it looks like they are tights, not leggings. Therefore, 2 disputes were opened (one for each), for the entire cost, since this cannot be worn.

The video (via number 2) was temporarily not added, since it takes longer to load. And we knew from experience that the seller would only need photographs to return our money.

As you can see in the screenshot, he must give an answer within 5 days. If he does not react in any way, the dispute will be closed in our favor.

He can also:

  • Immediately agree with the dispute
  • Offer to return part of the amount, which would not suit us and we would escalate the dispute.
  • Offer to return the goods to him, and he will give us the money (note that shipping the parcel back to China will be entirely at the buyer’s expense, and it will take another month), I recommend avoiding this option
  • If he does not agree with our dispute, then it will be necessary to escalate it, or it will escalate automatically after 15 days, if we have not come to an agreement during this time.

After an escalation, the administration will begin to review it; they may request additional photos and videos. And based on all the facts, they will make their decision.

But in our case, the seller immediately accepted the dispute

and now, after 7-15 working days, the money will be returned to our account.

In order to avoid controversial situations, try to choose reliable stores and quality products, based on reviews from other customers. Then opening a dispute on Aliexpress will bypass you.

But as you can see, this doesn’t always help.

This was one example of conducting a dispute; in the future, more than one article will be published on this topic, since situations are different and I will certainly publish them. Follow the news. Best wishes.