What is the brick made of? Making your own bricks for building a house Making raw bricks with your own hands.

Brick is an artificial stone made in different ways from clay, sand, lime, cement with the addition of various pigments. Depending on the source material, as well as on the production technology, there are several types of bricks.

The most popular are clinker, decorative, ceramic, silicate, refractory, and facing bricks.

Types of bricks

Ceramic brick is the same classic red stone made from baked clay. This durable and versatile type of brick is widely used in construction, and modern technologies make it possible to get away from the red color and get stone of any other shade. Ceramic bricks can be hollow or hollow, which affects both the characteristics of the stone and its cost.

Sand-lime brick is an artificial stone originally white in color, made by autoclave synthesis from lime and sand. During the production process, the stone can be pigmented. Sand-lime brick differs from ceramic brick in its improved soundproofing characteristics.

At the same time, such bricks are not very resistant to moisture, so the scope of their use in construction is limited.

Refractory bricks are made from fired clay, called fireclay, with the addition of coke or graphite to give the stone greater strength. Such bricks can be carbon, quartz, alumina and lime-magnesium. Chimneys are made from refractory bricks, fireplaces and stoves are built.

Facing bricks are made from cement, with the addition of limestone and pigments. This material is strong, durable, looks great and protects facades well from moisture and temperature changes.

When making facing bricks, pressing technology is used, and this stone is used for finishing facades, restoring destroyed structures, decorating sidewalks, building fences, and so on. Facing bricks do not accumulate dirt and retain their original appearance for decades.

How to choose a brick?

First of all, they focus on the purpose of the stone. Depending on where it is to be used, emphasis is placed on specific characteristics. Manufacturers use special markings to indicate the strength of bricks. The load is indicated per 1 square meter - M100, M200 and so on. The higher the number, the higher the stone’s resistance to deformation.

When choosing a brick, you must also take into account its porosity, frost resistance, density, and thermal conductivity. Density is the ratio of the volume and mass of a brick. Frost resistance is the number of freezing and thawing cycles during which the stone will retain its original strength.

To mark frost resistance, use the letter F and numbers. In residential construction, as a rule, bricks marked F35 are used.

The most popular technologies

If the brick is made by firing clay, then before this process the clay is laid out in a concrete pit and filled with water. After three or four days, the clay is taken out and mechanical processing begins - at the enterprise, stones are removed from the clay composition, thoroughly mixing the mass.

After this, the clay goes into a belt press, where the bricks are cut according to a standard pattern. In a special chamber, the bricks dry under the influence of steam, and then they are sent to a tunnel kiln for firing. If the use of firing is not intended, then the brick is made by pressing.

The mineral components are welded under high pressure using binders and water. The finished substance is kept for up to five days, and after that it is mixed with cement in a concrete mixer. Bricks are then formed and allowed to rest for three to seven days.

There are many ways to improve the quality characteristics of bricks - add fireclay to the mixture, use vacuum pressing, tunnel dryers with recirculation.

It is believed that the highest quality bricks are obtained when fired in kilns running on liquid fuel or gas. Mineral additives and pigments help obtain the desired color. In order to improve the visual characteristics of the brick, its surface is subject to decorative treatment.

Brick is an artificially created stone intended for the construction of buildings and laying pavements. The parallelepiped shape and standard dimensions simplify the laying of walls. You can tell by appearance what the brick is made of. Dyes are used extremely rarely to improve color.

Natural materials are used for the production of artificial stone, and waste from metallurgical production is also used. The composition determines the brand of brick:

  • silicate;
  • ceramic;
  • refractory;
  • expanded clay;
  • facing;
  • cinder blocks;
  • adobe.

The standard shape is a parallelepiped with an aspect ratio of 1:2:4. The exception is wedge stone, intended for the construction of arches, semicircular vaults, domes, and wells.

Red brick

Ceramic brick has a composition based on red clay; popularly received a name corresponding to the color. Only sand-lime brick is more popular. Solid stone is used for the construction of load-bearing walls, supports, and columns. The hollow block retains heat well, and the masonry has a decorative appearance. Used for external walls and partitions. Clay building material is used to construct buildings up to two floors, garages and courtyard buildings. The house looks beautiful, the facade retains heat and dampens noise, as if it were made of wood.

The main composition of red brick is clay. To obtain the necessary qualities, sand, aluminum oxide, sawdust, shale and coal water can be added to the composition. These components improve the plasticity of the clay and its ability to form without cracking and dry with minimal shrinkage.

For industrial brick production, clay is mined in quarries. Its characteristics and compliance with the standard are checked in laboratories at factories. The quality of the building material is negatively affected by contamination with lime, plant debris and stone. The higher the plasticity - fat content of the material, the better it is.

Brick making technology

Red brick is produced in several stages:

  • geological exploration and analysis of clay deposits;
  • quarry development and extraction of raw materials;
  • laboratory research and calculation of additives;
  • grinding;
  • mixing with water and molding;
  • drying;
  • annealing;
  • checking for compliance with linear dimensions and technical specifications.

After preliminary geological exploration, quarries are developed. The clay is transported to a factory, where it is dried and crushed with special mills to a homogeneous powder. At the same time, the necessary additives are introduced. At the end of this cycle, water is poured in, kneading is done and molding is done.

To obtain high density, the resulting composition is pressed in special devices. After this, drying occurs under natural conditions for several days. The resulting semi-finished product can be used for laying partitions of external walls if the house will be additionally lined along the facade.

Unfired red brick is not suitable for building a basement

Unfired red brick is hygroscopic, absorbs moisture and quickly deteriorates. A house built from it is damp inside and becomes cold over time. It can be used with good isolation from soil water and precipitation. It is not suitable for building a basement. But it absorbs noise well and has low thermal conductivity.

Firing sinteres the clay, increasing its hardness, strength, and resistance to moisture. The pressed surface becomes glossy. A house made of such artificial stone looks beautiful. Burnt red brick is used for laying walls with light loads.

Finishing artificial stone

The facing material is a separate group. It is made from red-sintered and white-sintered clay with the addition of dyes and standard components. The requirements for plasticity are increased, since molding is carried out in presses under high pressure. After high-temperature annealing of more than 1300 degrees, a durable material with high hardness, a beautiful glossy surface and water-repellent is obtained.

The shape of the finishing brick can be different so that the house looks monolithic, without unnecessary joints. Flat stone is laid on walls, corner stone is created for finishing window and door openings, rounded stone is used for decorative masonry. Its color ranges from yellow to dark red. The high wear resistance of the facade made of finishing stone protects the house, gives it a beautiful appearance and extends its service life.

DIY red brick

At home, you can only get solid “raw” bricks. The clay annealing temperature starts at 1100 degrees. Such a furnace is built from refractory material. Gas consumption for heating is very high. The cost of equipment will be more than the cost of the house.

Unfired red brick is suitable for the construction of one-story sheds, garages and other light structures. To prevent destruction, it is necessary to plaster with cement mortar or paint.

Clay moistened with water is kneaded to a homogeneous mass and rolled into a ball. The sample is dried for 4 days. Then it is examined. There should be no cracks or signs of uneven shrinkage. Under dynamic load - hitting the ground, the ball should remain intact. Otherwise, the composition is adjusted with additives.

To give the clay the desired size, a wooden mold is made. One side of the box is removable, used for manual compression of the solution. Finished bricks should be dried until completely ready in the shade. A house from such bricks can be built with subsequent exterior finishing that has a waterproof composition.

Sand-lime brick

Consumers often call sand-lime brick white, based on its main color. It is made from quicklime and washed sand. A house made from such material is durable, resistant to temperature changes and moisture, and can be built on several floors. The large specific gravity of artificial stone requires a solid foundation for the house - a strip foundation. Sand-lime brick gets its name from the chemical name of its main component – ​​sand.

For construction in the northern regions, complex masonry is often combined with an outer layer of sand-lime brick and an inner layer of red brick. The space between them is used to interweave rows by laying bricks across the axis and with the end facing outwards. Such walls can be erected in strict accordance with the size of the artificial stone. Otherwise, the house will soon become covered with cracks and collapse due to internal stresses in the masonry.

Manufacturing technology

Main components of sand-lime brick:

  • quartz sand;
  • quicklime;
  • water.

The sand is checked for purity. It should be free of debris, plant residues, clay and earth impurities. For industrial production, washed sand from the shore and bottom of the river is used.

Lime is added in an amount of 6-8%, depending on its characteristics. Black limestone is crushed and annealed in thermal furnaces at temperatures of more than 1000 degrees until the crystalline bonds are completely destroyed, creating a new composition. After this, a white powder is formed, which releases a large amount of heat when dissolved in water.

To slak the lime and form a plastic mass, water is added to the silicate composition in exact accordance with the calculated volume. The formed block is processed under high pressure or in a centrifugal drum for up to 12 hours. Sintering of the components occurs during subsequent treatment with steam under high pressure. Sand-lime brick acquires hardness, strength and has the correct shape.

It is impossible to make sand-lime brick at home on your own. Manufacturing technology requires complex industrial equipment. The composition is prepared after laboratory tests and its proportions are calculated.

Choosing material when building a house

When planning to build a house or other building, analyze the requirements for it. Sand-lime brick is best used for load-bearing walls and supports. Its sand-based composition has high strength.

The outer walls will maintain the coziness and comfort of the house, made of annealed red brick. If you want a cottage with two or more floors, use sand-lime brick and make beautiful, fashionable siding.

Fill the foundation with concrete and lay out the base of cinder blocks. The strength and moisture resistance of this material is suitable for contact with the ground.

There are many advantages that make brick one of the most popular building materials. In addition to standard sizes and simple shapes, this artificial stone boasts strength, durability and beauty, which is why it has been used for a very long time and almost everywhere.

The technologies used to make bricks also deserve attention - as a set of processes that make it possible to obtain a material with all the characteristics the customer needs.

Composition depending on type

Among all types of bricks, the two most popular are ceramic and silicate, also called red and white, respectively.

They differ in the following features.

  • The main component of ceramic bricks produced by firing is clay. This material has an aesthetic appearance, dampens noise and perfectly stores heat in the room.
  • The composition of sand-lime brick, produced under high pressure and steam, includes sand and lime. Compliance with technology allows us to obtain durable and inexpensive products that can withstand changes in temperature and humidity.

It is also necessary to highlight refractory bricks made from fireclay with the addition of coke or graphite - components that significantly increase its strength.

Another current variety is facing, the production of which involves the use of cement, limestone and a pigment ingredient. Such bricks, made using pressing technology, have not only an aesthetic appearance, but also an impressive service life.

Considering the greatest significance of the red and white varieties, they are worth considering in more detail - which will be done further.


The main ingredient of this type of brick is ordinary clay. It is a mineral mass that:

  • becomes plastic when water is added to it;
  • keeps the shape during the drying process;
  • hardens as a result of firing, acquiring strength comparable to natural stone.

The origin of the clay used deserves special attention. Depending on the depth of its occurrence, it can have different properties - both suitable for brick production and those that do not meet the established requirements.

If we single out the component that most often forms the basis of clay, then it is kaolinite - one of the hydrous aluminum silicates. Also, the raw materials used may include montmorillonite, illite, quartz and other minor ingredients.

In addition to clay, ceramic bricks consist of other components, which are additives. They are used to impart certain properties to manufactured products, and the main ones among them are the following.

  • Weakening– ash, sand, slag. Promote better mass formation and less shrinkage.
  • Burnouts– sawdust, powdered coal or peat. They increase the porosity of the material, which naturally reduces its density.
  • Coloring– usually metal oxides. Give products the required color or shade.

In addition, it is worth mentioning iron ores and sandstone, the use of which allows you to effectively regulate the firing temperature.

Plasticizers can also be used - additives that minimize the likelihood of cracking of the ceramic material. The specific quantity of each of the listed ingredients is determined by customer requirements and/or manufacturer policy.


The production of white brick involves the use of three mandatory components, the list of which is as follows.

  • Sand. It can be of both natural and artificial origin. It is desirable that the grains used are uniform and have a size from 0.1 to 5 mm. The surface features of the sand grains are no less important (in the presence of sharp corners, they provide better grip). A prerequisite is the preliminary cleaning of the material from foreign matter.

  • Lime. To obtain this component, raw materials are used that have a high content of calcium carbonate (90% or more) - primarily limestone and chalk. Before firing at a temperature of about 1150°C, the prepared rock is crushed to a size not exceeding 10 cm. Upon completion of the above procedures, lime is added to the composition of the sand-lime brick (the optimal value is 7%).
  • Water. This ingredient is needed to solve two main problems - slaking lime and imparting plasticity to the formed mass. It is used at all stages of sand-lime brick production.

Often, the production of the described products involves the use of additional components necessary to give the product the desired characteristics.

  • Chemical compounds. An example is titanium dioxide, thanks to which sand-lime bricks remain white for as long as possible.
  • Components that increase frost resistance. Most often, to solve this problem, industrial processed products are used, which reduce the thermal conductivity of the material by 10-12%.
  • Dyes. They are used in situations where the manufacturer needs to give products a specific shade or tone.

Expanded clay sand also deserves mention - an additive that can simultaneously solve two problems at once. In addition to a noticeable increase in the thermal efficiency of silicate products, it gives them a beautiful coffee color, which makes them look more solid.

Production technology

Depending on the type of bricks being made, their production has its own characteristics. This is explained by the specifics of the ingredients used, which require the use of various technological processes.


There are two main methods for producing ceramic bricks - semi-dry molding and plastic molding. The latter, which is more popular, involves a step-by-step solution to the following problems.

  • Preparation of the main component – ​​clay. It is allowed to include additives in the mixture - no more than 1/3 of its total quantity. In this case, the fraction of the main ingredient should not exceed 1.2 mm.
  • Moving the prepared mass for further molding.
  • Dividing the total array into standard sizes.

  • Drying ceramic bricks.
  • Perforation of products (relevant in situations where products need to be made hollow).
  • Burning. This type of processing involves a smooth change in temperature in the furnace (first upward, and then vice versa). Following this rule allows you to avoid the appearance of cracks on bricks due to sudden temperature changes.

As for the production of ceramic bricks using the semi-dry molding method, it involves the following procedure:

  • preparation of raw materials and their grinding;
  • drying and re-crushing;
  • slight humidification with steam;
  • re-drying;
  • removing the last traces of moisture from ceramic products.

It is also reasonable to mention the production of red brick at home: in a similar way, it is quite possible to produce a full-bodied “raw” variety of this material.

To solve this problem it is necessary:

  • make a ball from a homogeneous piece of clay, previously moistened with water;
  • carefully inspect the sample after 4 days for uneven shrinkage and cracks;
  • provided there are no visible defects, the ball must be dropped to the ground;
  • If the sample does not pass the strength test, its composition must be strengthened with appropriate additives.

Upon completion of all preparatory procedures, the mixture must be distributed into molds made of wood. The finished ceramic products will be left to dry in the shade, after which they can be used for the construction of light one-story buildings.

To make surfaces more durable, it is advisable to cover them with paint or high-quality cement mortar.


One of the main features of the manufacture of sand-lime bricks is its complexity, which does not allow solving this problem at home. In particular, this is explained by the impressive list of necessary equipment - conveyors and conveyors, crushers and dispensers, mixers and autoclaves, cranes and loaders.

There are two main production methods for the products in question – drum and silo.

The technology for manufacturing sand-lime bricks involves the following steps:

  • checking and preparing the main components - sand and lime (the first is separated from large inclusions, and the second is crushed);
  • mixing components followed by settling in a bunker;
  • grinding the mixture and adding water to it;
  • lime slaking, carried out in a drum or silo (determined by the selected production method);
  • removing moisture from sand;
  • molding using a press;
  • steam treatment in an autoclave (recommended temperature – 180-190°C, pressure – 10 atmospheres).

At the final stage, the temperature and pressure are gradually reduced. Upon completion of all procedures provided for by the technology, the finished sand-lime bricks are packaged and sent to the customer.

Building a house is an expensive undertaking, and few people know that making red bricks from clay with your own hands is as easy as other piece materials, which you can read about in the pages of the Construction Review magazine in the near future. This will help significantly reduce construction costs, and especially if you yourself have an idea of ​​what to do next with this brick. Moreover, you can even set up your own small production, but to do this you need to read our instructions.

Red brick of own production: types, advantages, disadvantages and production features

When starting to build a house, you hire specialists who draw up an estimate of the work, buy tools and building materials. The lion's share of the funds goes directly to the materials used for construction, but you can save money if you understand how to make red brick at home. This is not difficult to do, and it will not require a lot of money, as you will see after reading this material.

Red brick is an ideal material for construction

Choosing clay

Before you begin the manufacturing process, you will have to spend a lot of time searching for clay that is ideal for this. It’s not even worth explaining what characteristics a piece building material should have, and in our case, strength largely depends on the quality of the “semi-finished product” . We will tell you how to choose the right clay and how to prepare it for further use.

Buying it today will not be difficult, and in some cases it is even lying under your feet, and you can even find it on your site. Now all that remains is to check the raw materials for fat content - the main quality indicator. You can make red brick with your own hands only if the clay has sufficient (not excessive) fat content. It’s easy to check, just dilute the clay with water, stir well and wait until it absorbs all the moisture. This will become clear when it does not stick to your hands.

Selecting clay for red brick production

After this, feel like a sculptor and mold a thin pancake with a diameter of 100 millimeters and a small ball with a diameter of 40-50 millimeters. Leave your “creations” to dry in the air, but under a canopy, avoiding precipitation and sunlight. After 3-4 days you can start testing the material. If the pancake is cracked, the clay is too greasy and you will have to add sand to it. You will also learn about the degree of fat content by tossing the ball - if it does not break, then the clay is suitable for us.

Clay with low fat content will also not crack, but material that is too dry should also not be used; in this case, it is better to make a mixture with richer clay.

Now you will have to experiment a little, adding sand and clay in small quantities, checking the quality of the material at different stages. Once you understand that you have received clay of the desired quality and consistency, you can begin production. It is not difficult to do this, and even interesting, and you will see for yourself.

Types of red brick made at home

Before answering the question of how to make red brick, you should understand what the material is like and what is needed to make it. You can make only two types of products at home, but this is enough to build a garage and even a two-story residential building.

  • Burnt, not inferior in quality to material prepared in industrial conditions, if you did everything correctly, of course. It is perfect for the construction of any structures.
  • Unfired, also called raw brick. Making it will not be difficult, and its cost is quite insignificant. Meanwhile, this type of material is perfect for constructing a garage, shed and other less significant objects, including.

After you have selected the necessary semi-finished product and decided what you will build, start production. The technology should not cause you any difficulties, and to put your idea into practice, you will need a little patience, and, as a rule, no outside help is needed.

Step-by-step instruction

Every builder knows that brick is the most popular material, without which not a single construction site can do. For example, it is a guarantee of strength and an indicator of the thoroughness of the owner who is building a house to last forever. You can also use it to build other structures, but first, let’s try to make our first brick. To do this, we will need several forms, for the manufacture of which we will need a board and thick plywood. Using a hacksaw, hammer and nails, you must assemble a mold, and our clay will be placed in it.

Making molds for red brick production

The mold must be made to the size of the future product, and the standard brick dimensions are 250x120x65 millimeters, although you can easily make a mold of any size. And one more thing: to speed up the process, there should be several such twin forms.

  1. Forming a brick.

We hope you understand what red brick is made from; if not, contact a hardware store, where they will help you choose ready-made material for construction. If everything goes according to plan, you can begin production. To make it of better quality and ideally adhere to the solution, conical protrusions must be made on the top and bottom lids. This way you will get the necessary technological holes. We put our clay into the resulting form and shake it, to avoid the formation of voids, remove excess clay with a trowel or trowel, then let it stand for a while and make a recess of the semi-finished product, which still needs to be dried.

Filling molds for making red bricks

It is better to moisten the mold with water or crush it with cement so that the finished product can be removed better!

  1. Drying is a process, although not complicated, but responsible. It lasts one to two weeks, and it depends on weather conditions. When the material dries, it decreases in size (up to 15%), but even if the size has stopped changing, this does not always mean that there is no water left in it, so there is no need to rush. For drying to be effective, you should avoid direct sunlight, and a draft under a canopy is just what the doctor ordered.
  2. Firing is a complex and often costly process. To do this, the material must be preheated, fired and controlled cooling must be performed. At the first stage, we get rid of excess moisture, while at the same time burning organic impurities. Next, firing occurs, which results in sintering of the clay (for low-melting clay, this will require 800-1000 degrees, and refractory clay is sintered at a temperature of 1200 degrees, as a rule). The technology involves further cooling, but it is not recommended to do this abruptly due to the risk of cracks. Once the oven temperature reaches 650 degrees, speed up the cooling.

We burn red brick in a homemade barrel

Yes, we almost forgot to say about the main thing - where will we burn? A large barrel (whichever you can find) with the bottom cut out is ideal for this. We install it on legs at the bottom of a hole half a meter deep, and light a fire under the barrel, lay bricks on special grates and close the structure with a metal lid. The fire will burn for 18-20 hours, so there should be plenty of fuel. After completing the process, slowly reduce the combustion temperature by reducing the heat. You can take out the brick only after our “stove” has cooled down. Now all that remains is to break the brick with a hammer and check how our baked goods are baked - if the fracture structure is the same, you have done everything correctly and can begin construction work.

Brick is one of the widely used materials that became known to mankind several thousand years ago. By its nature, it is a stone of regular geometric shape. The material is produced using non-firing and firing methods. Once you understand how to make a brick, you can make it yourself. You will have to work a little, but the savings will be very impressive.

The work of making bricks yourself is carried out in several mandatory stages. It all starts with the extraction or purchase of clay, then the dough is prepared, from which bricks of the appropriate quality can be made, molds are created and filled, after which the blanks are dried and, if necessary, fired.

Preparation of raw materials for making bricks

Before making a brick, you will need to prepare the required amount of raw materials. On average, 1000 products require about 2 m³ of raw material. If you prepare raw materials yourself, you will need the following tools:

  1. Shovel and bayonet shovel.
  2. Brush cutter.
  3. Forks with fine teeth.
  4. Pickaxes.
  5. Wheelbarrows for transporting material.

Select a suitable deposit, located as close as possible to the place of future brick production. The best option is a dry place, not flooded by atmospheric and groundwater.

Work on the procurement of raw materials begins with the removal of all unnecessary cover. Using hedge trimmers, the area is cleared of small trees and bushes. After this, you will need to arrange a convenient access road. To make extracting and transporting clay as convenient as possible, you need to dig a trench. Gradually, the trench will deepen to the base of the clay layer so that you can drive into and out of the quarry without unnecessary difficulties.

Frozen and dense clay is mined using a crowbar and a pick. To develop more loose layers suitable for mining, use semicircular or pointed shovels. Scoop shovels are used to load wheelbarrows with material. If the clay sticks to the tool, you can use a fork. To make it easier to transport clay to the storage site, form a flat surface from boards. It is enough to simply lay them on the ground. The material must be folded in a cone shape. The height of the cone should be no more than 1 m. It is better to make several small piles with a diameter of 1-1.5 m than one huge pile.

In the process of making bricks you will need the following:

  1. Shovels and clay.
  2. Sand and scoops for him.
  3. Flooring.
  4. Scraper or staple.
  5. It did.
  6. Tolkun (pestle).

Depending on the work being performed, the list of necessary tools may be expanded or reduced, but this is the basis.

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Step-by-step instructions for preparing brick dough

First you need to prepare the extracted raw materials for work. Preparation comes down to removing stones and other foreign inclusions. The material must be checked for fat content. Take a 0.5 liter jar, fill it with clay, then move the material from the jar into a bowl, add a little water and knead the dough with your own hands.

Knowing when the dough is ready is very easy. If it has absorbed all the water and begins to stick to your hands, you can stop kneading. Roll a ball with a diameter of 4-5 cm from thick dough and at the same time make a flat cake with a diameter of about 10 cm. They will allow you to study the properties of the raw material. It takes 2-3 days to dry the cakes and balls. If the cake becomes covered with cracks, then the clay is too oily. If there are no cracks, double-check with a ball. Throw it from a height of about 1 m. If the ball does not crack or fly apart, you can use clay for work. If necessary, adjust the composition by mixing clays or adding sand until optimal working dough characteristics are obtained.

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Making molds and drying blanks

To make forms, you will need sheet plywood and wooden boards 2-2.5 cm thick. The boards need to be laid on the plywood and secured so as to obtain cells of the same size. Keep in mind that during the drying process the raw material will shrink by about 15%, so the cells need to be made 15% larger than the standard brick size, which is 25x12x6.5 cm. Use long nails to secure the boards. In order for the dough to adhere better to the molds, you need to make conical protrusions in them. It is due to these protrusions that voids are formed in products. It is best to make projections in sheets of plywood used as removable covers.

Wet the inner walls of the molds with water and sprinkle with a small amount of cement. This will make it easier to remove the bricks in the future. The cells are filled with clay dough and shaken so that the material fills the corners of the cells. Remove excess material using a metal plate. Close the completed form with a lid. After some time, the molds will need to be opened, checked to see if the workpieces have hardened, and placed on racks to dry. Drying must be done in air; heaters and other similar devices cannot be used for this.

When drying, moisture from the workpieces will move to the outer layers and evaporate. Under the influence of surface forces, the outer clay layers will expand and contract the inner ones. Drying is carried out under a canopy. On the rack or leveled ground if there is no rack, you need to pour a couple of centimeters of straw and dry sand. This bedding will prevent the bricks from sticking to the surface and will facilitate their uniform drying. If necessary, you can move the workpieces, inspect them, etc.

Stock up on plastic wrap. You will need it if it suddenly rains. Drying takes an average of 1-1.5 weeks. Up to 85% of the moisture will evaporate from the workpieces. The remaining moisture will be removed during the firing process.

After the natural drying process is completed, the so-called raw brick is removed from the molds. In this form, it can already be used for interior work. Cladding with such bricks is not performed. Please also take into account the fact that such products have poor water resistance.

Walls built from raw brick must be additionally protected from moisture. This is done by tying the stitches. Window and door openings are located at a distance of about 1.5 m from the corner of the room. The roof overhang, which protects the walls from precipitation, is made from 60 cm in length.

To obtain facing bricks, the blanks must be fired. For this purpose, a temporary floor oven is used. The firing technology involves several main stages. First you need to prepare the unit for work.

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Preparing a brick kiln

An elevated site in a place inaccessible to groundwater and sedimentary waters is best suited for installing a furnace. The site must be thoroughly cleared of all plant layers, after which you can proceed to compaction and horizontal leveling. The minimum productivity of the furnace is 1500 bricks. This design will have dimensions of 2x1.6x1.8 m. Raw brick is used to build the walls. The walls are laid out 1 brick thick.

The overlap is performed on a metal frame. It is necessary that each row of the vault be laid on 2 rods or steel strips. In the middle, the vault should be 35 cm high. The hearth or firebox in such a stove is a through corridor measuring 50x40 cm. Along the entire length of the corridor, you need to make ledges 25 cm high. They are made on both walls. After this, if coal fuel is used, grates need to be installed there. If the stove runs on wood, you can dispense with the grates.

In the firebox you need to make a door 40x40 cm. Smoke channels are installed in the vault. The channel should have a cross-section of 28x25 cm. If the stove will operate on brown coal or peat, you need to prepare holes measuring 25x15 cm. In this case, they need to be additionally equipped with lids through which fuel will be supplied to the stove. The chimney is made of brick. The internal cross-section of the pipe is 40x40 cm, height – up to 5 m. The chimney is installed behind the stove unit and connected to the duct. The channel itself is installed in the rear wall. You need to leave holes in the middle of the wall for viewing. Later you will lay them with bricks.

The back and side walls, the chimney, the corners of the front wall and the vault are placed on an ordinary clay-sand mortar. The front part of the wall is laid without mortar. The part without solution will be disassembled for cutting the cage.