Fruit cakes are not bad for teeth. Why children are not recommended to give sweets

You probably remembered as a child that eating too much candy will instantly lead to problems with your teeth. As a result, you will have to go to the dentist often. In fact, in reality, things are somewhat different. The cause of tooth decay is not sugar, but bacteria that feed on sugar and other products, producing acid that is dangerous for enamel. Check out the list of these foods that are ruining your teeth.


It turns out that biscuits can be more dangerous for the teeth than candy. They are processed starch and contain genetically modified ingredients. It is a food with a high glycemic index that can quickly cause cavities. It is better to refuse such a product for everyone who wants to preserve the beauty of a smile.


The cracker also destroys your teeth. You probably noticed that when eating such cookies, a sticky mass appears in your mouth. This is extremely beneficial for bacteria: cookies get into the space between the teeth and become a source of food. As a snack, it is better not to eat crackers, but fruits, vegetables, nuts, or dark chocolate.

Dried fruits

As the fruit dries, all the water is removed from the fruit, so the naturally occurring sugar in the product is incredibly concentrated. Dried fruits act like sticky caramel on the teeth. They get into the space between the teeth and lead to the development of caries due to the fact that bacteria actively feed on them. Try to limit the use of such a product.

Cough lozenges

Cough drops have almost the same amount of sugar as candy, but the effect will be even more dangerous because you suck them for a long time. If you want to prevent the formation of cavities in the enamel, it is better to eat only sweets that can be swallowed quickly. Dissolving lozenges, even medicinal ones, is dangerous: the teeth are exposed to the influence of sugar and acids for a long time. It's worse than just eating a piece of cake.


Grapefruit is an extremely acidic fruit, which leads to the destruction of enamel. Eating grapefruit removes calcium from the enamel. Try better to eat other fruits and vegetables that will not have such a negative effect on the enamel.


Coffee contains tannins, which not only cause stains, but also destroy tooth enamel, which leads to cavities. The more coffee you drink, the worse it is for your teeth! The situation becomes especially difficult if you drink coffee with sugar.

diet soda water

Diet drinks are more dangerous for teeth than regular drinks. They contain more acid, which has an extremely negative effect on the enamel, causing the dissolution of calcium. Stay away from these drinks!

Bottled ice tea

A variety of tea drinks can be extremely harmful to the teeth. Ice tea has the same acid-base balance as vinegar. Regular use of such products will adversely affect the enamel. Safe for teeth products with a neutral pH level. For example, it is milk, water, tea without sugar. Ice tea is not one of them.

Foods with a high sugar content are attractive to most people - this is a scientifically proven fact. It's not about intemperance or promiscuity: we associate sweet food from infancy with a sense of peace and security - the baby experiences it when he absorbs mother's milk. In addition, when it enters the body, sugar enhances the production of “hormones of happiness”, which we all need so much. But the life of a sweet tooth is rarely cloudless: their favorite dishes cause too much damage to their health and appearance. Fortunately, the negative impact can be minimized. You just need to understand which sweets are the most harmful and how to replace them.

Sticky "goodies"

Traditionally considered childish, gummies, fudges, toffees and caramels with liquid fillings are much more harmful than other types of treats. It is their caring mothers and grandmothers who most often buy babies, mistakenly believing that such sweets are more useful than chocolate ones. Actually it is not. There are practically no natural ingredients in the composition of toffees and sweets, but there are many synthetic additives that not only have a bad effect on digestion, but are also addictive. For tooth enamel, there is nothing more harmful than the remains of a sticky "sweetie" - the most favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogens. Experts say that children accustomed to such sweets become victims of caries much more often than their peers, whose parents were more careful in choosing sweets.


The use of cookies, cakes, sweet rolls and cakes causes irreparable harm to the digestive organs, causes metabolic failures, worsens the condition of blood vessels. For lovers of such products, there is a high risk of developing hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes, liver damage, and many other serious ailments. At the same time, sweet flour products of industrial origin are the most dangerous. In an effort to get the maximum benefit, manufacturers use harmful ingredients for their manufacture, replacing butter with cheap margarine and other vegetable fats. In combination with sugar, these substances are a real time bomb, gradually destroying the internal organs.


Intrusive and misleading advertising is largely to blame for the harm that these kinds of treats can cause. Informing that bars are an excellent product for quickly satisfying hunger, she misleads the buyer. Eating another Snickers, a person really gets a significant portion of calories, but they are all contained in sugar (that is, they are fast carbohydrates) and a large amount of unhealthy fats. As a result, hunger quickly returns, and a lot of completely unnecessary substances enter the body. Many bars contain caramel and nougat, the use of which contributes to the destruction of tooth enamel. And the word "chocolate" in this case hardly corresponds to reality: the icing covering the bars contains almost no natural chocolate.


Our favorite prunes, dried apricots and other dried and dried fruits are also not entirely harmless, especially when consumed in large quantities. Of course, the vitamins and minerals that make up their composition are useful. But we must not forget that all substances, including sugar, are contained in dried fruits in high concentration. For example, dried dates are rightfully considered one of the sweetest foods on Earth. In addition, manufacturers often use preservatives and other additives that improve the appearance of such products. Therefore, dried fruits should be chosen carefully and consumed in moderation. Their uncontrolled use instead of the expected benefits can be harmful to health.


What to do if you still want sweets? It is worth replacing harmful “snacks” with safer ones. Nutritionists advise, for example, to buy sugar-free lollipops. They may contain sorbitol or other substitutes, but in small quantities, and the main ingredients are natural fruit and berry juices.

It is better to prefer bar chocolate of dark and bitter varieties to chocolate bars and sweets. It contains natural antioxidants and other beneficial substances, and there are very few harmful fats in it.

Some fruits (bananas, persimmons) also help to quench the thirst for sweets. In addition, bars sold in pharmacies and containing muesli, honey and dried berries are considered harmless. They have good taste and low calorie content.

Before the holidays, when it is difficult to do without sweets, it makes sense not to skimp and give preference to products that are more expensive, but of high quality. Choosing pastries or a cake in a well-known confectionery, you can find out exactly their composition and enjoy it calmly, without the risk of eating a huge portion of fats of dubious origin. But the most preferable is the use (of course, moderate) of homemade cakes, tasty and safe.

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Comments on the material (12):

Quoting Alexander:

I agree with you in essence, but in fairness I note that the article tells how to pamper yourself, excluding forbidden delicacies.

Quoting Alexander:

That's it, life is over!)) Almost all my delicacies are listed. How to pamper yourself? Turnip parena? :)
Friends, don't take this advice on faith just so seriously. There are many known sweet tooth who lived to a respectable age. True, there is one caveat. You can pamper yourself with anything if you do not sit on your butt 24/7 days, but work actively and know the way to the stadium. Quote: "I'll give any cutlet for a chocolate bar!" - V. Alekno, coach of the volleyball team.

Everything stated in the article is true as two times two equals four. If, after eating sweet and carbohydrate foods, you experience significant thirst and drink and drink and at the same time constantly run around small, then this is already a disease caused by these foods and their uncontrolled consumption.

Quoting Alexander:

That's it, life is over!)) Almost all my delicacies are listed. How to pamper yourself? Turnip parena? :)
Friends, don't take this advice on faith just so seriously. There are many known sweet tooth who lived to a respectable age. True, there is one caveat. You can pamper yourself with anything if you do not sit on your butt 24/7 days, but work actively and know the way to the stadium. Quote: "I'll give any cutlet for a chocolate bar!" - V. Alekno, coach of the volleyball team.

Everything is good in moderation :-) dark chocolate, honey, dried fruits - this is what you need! I dare say - if you immediately drink liters of heels of spring water, a fatal outcome is quite possible. :-). Toffees and Snickers, of course, are chemicals, but just wash dried fruits and move on. Life is motion!

Tatiana / 04 Feb 2017, 04:24

Quoting Gregory:

Have you checked your blood sugar levels on an empty stomach and throughout the day? Sounds like you have symptoms of diabetes. By changing the diet you have reduced their manifestation. However, I recommend checking your blood sugar.

Quoting Gregory:

And I gave up sweets. I have sugar = drug - my hands are shaking without it and my head is spinning, I walk all broken, depressed, and so on for 10 years. I haven’t eaten sweets for 5 days now, I’ve replaced everything, even removed white bread and flour - the mood now appears from ordinary communication or from a beautiful sunset, I live life, I can even run to the bus, and from the metro 30 minutes on foot is easy! So much time for a hobby, I began to cook all sorts of vegetables for a couple, then I’ll boil it, I bought honey for everyone, oatmeal fructose cookies, for the first time in my life all this lay for more than 1 day. So I advise everyone who has depression for no reason* and constant fatigue for no reason*, feel free to change your life, otherwise you are slaves to the refined sugar industry, which is killing you psychologically. Oh, well, I had 3 more teeth by the age of 17 fell out, but this is fixable :)

100%! WELL DONE!

Quoting Gregory:

And I gave up sweets. I have sugar = drug - my hands are shaking without it and my head is spinning, I walk all broken, depressed, and so on for 10 years. I haven’t eaten sweets for 5 days now, I’ve replaced everything, even removed white bread and flour - the mood now appears from ordinary communication or from a beautiful sunset, I live life, I can even run to the bus, and from the metro 30 minutes on foot is easy! So much time for a hobby, I began to cook all sorts of vegetables for a couple, then I’ll boil it, I bought honey for everyone, oatmeal fructose cookies, for the first time in my life all this lay for more than 1 day. So I advise everyone who has depression for no reason* and constant fatigue for no reason*, feel free to change your life, otherwise you are slaves to the refined sugar industry, which is killing you psychologically. Oh, well, I had 3 more teeth by the age of 17 fell out, but this is fixable :)

Eating fructose regularly in the absence of diabetes is extremely harmful. Sugar is less harmful to a healthy person.

Quoting Gregory:

And I gave up sweets. I have sugar = drug - my hands are shaking without it and my head is spinning, I walk all broken, depressed, and so on for 10 years. I haven’t eaten sweets for 5 days now, I’ve replaced everything, even removed white bread and flour - the mood now appears from ordinary communication or from a beautiful sunset, I live life, I can even run to the bus, and from the metro 30 minutes on foot is easy! So much time for a hobby, I began to cook all sorts of vegetables for a couple, then I’ll boil it, I bought honey for everyone, oatmeal fructose cookies, for the first time in my life all this lay for more than 1 day. So I advise everyone who has depression for no reason* and constant fatigue for no reason*, feel free to change your life, otherwise you are slaves to the refined sugar industry, which is killing you psychologically. Oh, well, I had 3 more teeth by the age of 17 fell out, but this is fixable :)

And I'm sugar free! And I'm cool! You look different right now! And by the way, those who don’t eat sugar look younger, so sweet lovers, if you don’t care about your appearance, take it easy, and I will look 45 at 70, like an Australian who hasn’t eaten sugar since 27 (who interesting google on the Internet). And I'm not yet 27, and I've already given up on it. Sugar is evil, it destroys the vessels of the brain and leads to aging, and worse than cocaine. The strongest drug in the world, so it's hard to give it up.

Quoting Annie:

Quoting Gregory:

And I gave up sweets. I have sugar = drug - my hands are shaking without it and my head is spinning, I walk all broken, depressed, and so on for 10 years. I haven’t eaten sweets for 5 days now, I’ve replaced everything, even removed white bread and flour - the mood now appears from ordinary communication or from a beautiful sunset, I live life, I can even run to the bus, and from the metro 30 minutes on foot is easy! So much time for a hobby, I began to cook all sorts of vegetables for a couple, then I’ll boil it, I bought honey for everyone, oatmeal fructose cookies, for the first time in my life all this lay for more than 1 day. So I advise everyone who has depression for no reason* and constant fatigue for no reason*, feel free to change your life, otherwise you are slaves to the refined sugar industry, which is killing you psychologically. Oh, well, I had 3 more teeth by the age of 17 fell out, but this is fixable :)

And I'm sugar free! And I'm cool! You look different right now! And by the way, those who don’t eat sugar look younger, so sweet lovers, if you don’t care about your appearance, take it easy, and I will look 45 at 70, like an Australian who hasn’t eaten sugar since 27 (who interesting google on the Internet). And I'm not yet 27, and I've already given up on it. Sugar is evil, it destroys the vessels of the brain and leads to aging, and worse than cocaine. The strongest drug in the world, so it's hard to give it up.

As I understand it, people who write here: "refuse sweets" are ordinary trolls. The people have less and less money, we cannot afford much, and hence the anger at the rulers. This is where pseudodoctors appear, who consider almost all products to be harmful and dangerous.)) Toffees are made from milk and sugar - this is "very harmful", which means that milk and sugar are also harmful! Eat grass, you don't need money at all!

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Having matured and already, as a rule, having received negative changes in our health, we remember parental warnings. Then we did not pay attention to this, rejoicing in the taste sensations, and now it’s really time to think about why teeth deteriorate from sweets and how to protect ourselves and our children from this.

How exactly do teeth deteriorate?

Eating a delicious bun and a bar of chocolate, we undoubtedly get pleasure, however, at this moment, processes begin to occur in the human body that are not associated with anything pleasant.

The food we eat can harm us in the following ways:

  1. For the digestion of various types of sugars, the body, among other elements, requires calcium.. The largest store of calcium in our body is dental tissue. It is from there that the digestive system takes the amount of this element necessary for digestion. As a result, with frequent use of chocolate, the teeth become thin and quickly destroyed;
  2. When sweets are consumed, sugar syrup remains in the mouth, in which bacteria quickly begin to grow and multiply. As a result of their vital activity, a fermentation process occurs and various acids are formed that destroy the enamel.

Thus, the negative impact of chocolate and other carbohydrate products has two main directions. They are united by the fact that a person can not notice anything and not feel anything for a long time until the loss of a tooth.

What foods are the most harmful?

Foods that are especially harmful to teeth containing refined sugar. In these sugars, the natural composition has been altered by chemical processing. Such products are harmful not only to the oral cavity, but also to the whole organism.

They increase the overall level of sugar in the blood, as a result, all vital processes fail.

  • All types of sugar (white, brown, powder);
  • artificial honey. As a rule, most of the shelves in stores are filled not with a natural product, but with a product obtained at the factory. As a result of processing, a huge amount of sugar is processed into a mass similar to honey in color and consistency;
  • Various syrups;
  • fruit juices;
  • Ice cream;
  • Cakes, waffles, cookies, sweets - everything that is customary to buy "for tea";
  • Jelly, jam, jam, pudding, yogurt;
  • Chocolate, including dark;
  • Bakery products;
  • Sweet carbonated water;
  • Bakery products;
  • Condensed milk;
  • Dessert wine.

Thus, if you care about yourself, then before buying a product, take a look at the packaging. Natural sugar is found only in milk, as lactose, and in fruits, as fructose. In all other cases, if sugar is indicated in the composition of the product, this is a harmful refined product.

If the product has information about the amount of sugar per serving, pay attention to the size and number of servings per package. It is unlikely that you or your child will be limited to only one serving.

Why does it cramp teeth from sweets?

If you know this feeling, then you probably wondered why it happens. The reasons may be the following:

  1. Microcracks have already formed in your teeth. The consumed sugar penetrates to the nerve endings of the molar and causes pain;
  2. You have a thin layer of tooth enamel, which may be the result of, among other things, a lack of calcium in the body;
  3. Caries;
  4. Inflammation of the gums;
  5. Damaged molar, with exposed nerve.

Thus, discomfort when eating sugar can indicate both the consequences of eating a large amount of refined carbohydrates, and the presence of dental problems and the need to visit a doctor.

What to eat to strengthen enamel

To help maintain and protect your teeth, eat the following foods more often:

  • Apples and carrots. These products perfectly clean the oral cavity from food debris and sugar syrup left in the mouth after eating them;
  • Cheese and milk contain a large amount of calcium, which is necessary to restore the calcium balance in the body after the digestion of sweet carbohydrates;
  • A lot of calcium in the composition of white beans;
  • Almond;
  • Green leafy vegetables.

With proper nutrition, you can make up for the missing substances in your body that your teeth need. However, if there is a reaction to sweets during consumption, a visit to the dentist cannot be avoided.

How to reduce the impact of sugar?

Sweet carbohydrates have a detrimental effect on the oral cavity, but it is worth developing some habits and the negative effect will be minimized:

  1. Eat sweet foods in small portions and infrequently;
  2. Read product labels;
  3. After eating sweets, rinse your mouth with water or eat an apple;
  4. Before eating a large amount of sweets, it is worth brushing your teeth to remove the already accumulated bacteria from there, which are waiting for a new portion of delicious;
  5. Replace sugar with natural honey;
  6. Instead of cookies, indulge in a fruit dessert;
  7. Introduce dried fruits and natural nuts into your diet;
  8. Brush your teeth twice a day. At the end of the day, be sure to get rid of all microorganisms in the oral cavity.

Obviously, the use of unnatural products has a detrimental effect on our body. But kids don't think about it. Therefore, it is in our power to tell children in more detail about why teeth deteriorate from sweets, to balance the nutrition of our children, and of course, to follow the suggested advice ourselves.

Video: how does sugar affect teeth?

In this video, dentist Elena Govorukhina will tell you exactly how sweets affect the deterioration of teeth and the development of caries:

Since childhood, people have been scared: “Don’t eat a lot of sweets - you’ll ruin your teeth!” - and in this, of course, there is truth. But how dangerous are sweets for dental health in reality? Is it true that every caramel tucked behind the cheek during a boring performance, every “Alenka” consumed with flower tea and gossip of colleagues, every piece of your birthday cake - every sweetness - is so harmless in appearance! - throws a coin into the "Caries" piggy bank?

In order to understand what is harm of sweets for teeth, you need to figure out exactly how sugar affects the teeth. The fact is that sugar is a substance that reacts with specific bacteria that live in the oral cavity and are somehow present on tooth enamel. Other foods - vegetables, such as rye bread or meat - these bacteria do not react, and in the presence of sugar, an organic acid formation reaction occurs. It is this acid that acts on the enamel, destroying it, leading to the development of caries. It works like this: you eat a cake - and organic acid immediately forms on your teeth, which attacks the enamel, activates the process of its destruction; in fact, it is a carious process. Saliva contains substances that fight organic acid, neutralize it, but these substances do not act constantly, that is, they do not provide full protection against.

There is also a circumstance that exacerbates the destructive effect of sugar on teeth - this is duration its impact. The longer (in time) you eat sweets, the greater the damage. In practice, it looks like this: if you sit down and eat your piece of cake for 10-15 minutes, this is, of course, harmful, but if you put a piece of candy into your mouth every half an hour during the day, which means you delay eating sweets for a few hours, then the damage increases several times. Organic acid in the second case is constantly formed on your enamel - and destroys it for hours, and saliva cannot neutralize it.

What sweets are the most harmful?

The harm of sweets for the figure and health in general is one thing, but slightly different characteristics affect the teeth. For example, if you take ordinary caramels, then they are relatively little harmful for the figure - compared to fatty high-calorie chocolates, and for teeth, on the contrary, they are more harmful than various truffles and marshmallows.

Top 3 most harmful sweets for teeth:

1. Butterscotch. And not only toffees, but also all sticky and viscous sweets: chewy sweets, toffee, soft sticky caramel. Such candies are the most dangerous for teeth for one simple reason: they stick to the teeth and get into the interdental spaces, and then destroy the enamel over time. A piece of toffee stuck to your teeth, which you don’t even feel, will slowly dissolve and “eat” at best by the evening, or maybe it won’t leave you even after if you are not careful enough.

2. Caramel. Caramel contains a record amount of sugar, often softens when consumed and, like toffee, sticks to teeth in hard-to-reach places. In addition, eating caramel takes a decent amount of time - and all this time your teeth are given "to be torn apart" by destructive bacteria and acids.

3. Lollipops. In terms of impact on the teeth, lollipops are similar to caramel, but they have another unpleasant property: they are very hard, therefore, hitting the teeth, they can leave microcracks on the enamel. And microcracks, as you know, not only increase the likelihood of developing caries in the future, but also lower the strength of the teeth, make them more fragile and vulnerable to injuries, chips, etc.

Separate conversation about effect on the teeth of dried fruits and fruits. On the one hand, these products are good for health and are an excellent substitute for sweets, but there are a few “buts” in this idyll:
Dried fruits, containing a high concentration of fructose, that is, natural sugar (which is no worse than refined can harm your teeth), you need to eat wisely. Very sweet raisins, for example, are viscous in the pulp and, like toffee, can stick to the teeth, get stuck in the interdental spaces. And candied fruits (dried pineapple, papaya, kiwi, etc.) generally contain refined sugar and, in terms of their effect on teeth, are no different from ordinary sweets and other sweets.
Some sour- especially for citrus fruits - contribute to the destruction of enamel due to the high content of fruit acids in them. That is why it is not recommended to bite into oranges and lemons with your teeth: when eating citrus fruits, you need to minimize the contact of the fruit with tooth enamel, and when drinking citrus juices, you should use a straw. By the way, acid is also often found in fruit-flavored candies, which is why sweets can be considered doubly harmful.

What is the right way to eat sweets?

So that sweets do not harm your teeth, it is best, of course, to refuse it. The advice is effective, but not very real: there are not so many people who are completely indifferent to sweets, and they often allow themselves to indulge in dessert or taste a festive cake for company. Therefore, to minimize the damage to your teeth from eating sweets, follow a few simple rules:

Rule 1: Prefer soft but not sticky sweets. For example, a cream cake is soft, does not injure the teeth in any way, but at the same time it is not sticky. The cream is easily removed with saliva or a couple of sips of tea, and even after rinsing your mouth there is no trace left of it. The same applies to pastries (except for very, very fresh, "just out of the oven" - it is also sticky), marshmallows, marshmallows, chocolates with fillings such as soufflé, liquor, jelly, etc.

Rule 2: Don't drag out the pleasure for too long. The best option is to eat your dessert in one sitting, in 15-30 minutes. The worst is to sit with him for hours, now and then take a bottle of sweet Coca-Cola, chew a 200-gram chocolate bar all day, drag chocolate cookies from the “tea basket” at work, make jam or honey every hour, with tea, and everything in this spirit.

Rule 3: After eating sweets, try to clean your teeth of sugar residues. If you are at home, brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with an elixir; if you are away, find a way to rinse your mouth with water, mineral water, or, in the worst case, warm green tea. Or chew gum. In general, remove, as far as possible, any residual sweetness from the interdental spaces and from the surface of the teeth.

Not so long ago, Austrian and British scientists jointly published a list of products that are most harmful to our teeth. Some positions not only surprised, but led into confusion and distrust. It turns out that even the most ordinary ripe fruit can cause damage to the teeth!

Muesli bar

One of the most harmful foods for our teeth. It contains literally all the enemies of healthy teeth- an excessive amount of sugar, a viscous base that gets stuck in the teeth and pulls out fillings, finally, chopped nuts - almonds or peanuts. If the tooth fairy dreams, it's likely that she dreams of muesli bars all the time.


It turns out that any citrus fruit is one of the most harmful products for our teeth. Citric acid has an extremely negative effect on tooth enamel. At the same time, you most likely know the folk recipe - use lemon juice for whitening. Under no circumstances should this be done! But it should also be remembered that citrus fruits are very useful for our body, just after consuming them, it is advisable to rinse the mouth.

viscous candy

Butterscotch and gummies are tooth enamel killers. The chewing process takes a long time, and all this time sugar, concentrates, flavor enhancers and other harmful substances contained in sweets affect the teeth. Toffee particles remain in the interdental spaces, stick to the enamel and often lag behind it along with a piece of tooth. Breaks down sticky, lingering sweets and fillings. These sweets remain in the oral cavity for a long time and actively destroy teeth until the next brushing.

Sweet soda

In carbonated drinks, you can find a whole "bouquet" of substances that have the most detrimental effect on tooth enamel. These are sugar, which provokes the development of caries and gum disease, and acids that can very quickly destroy the strongest enamel and increase tooth sensitivity, and a high concentration of carbon dioxide, which also destroys teeth. But that is not all. Almost all carbonated drinks contain dyes that quickly penetrate the layers of enamel and stain the teeth.

Poppy and sesame

These seeds have a lot of useful properties, but here they have an irritating effect on the oral cavity. Small seeds can not only get stuck in the interdental spaces, from where, in principle, they can be easily removed with dental floss. They can also penetrate caries (if there is one, of course). And by doing so, they aggravate the inflammatory process and create an environment conducive to the reproduction of bacteria, as well as irritate the gums and mucous membranes.


This product in any form is harmful to the gums and teeth. Boiled or raw corn is firmly stuck in the interdental spaces, causing inflammation. Canned seeds have the same properties, they are also dangerous because the preservatives contained in them destroy the enamel, and caries develops even faster than when using a fresh product. A everyone's favorite popcrone can not only damage tooth enamel, but also often contributes to the destruction and loss of fillings.

Foods with easily digestible carbohydrates

Rolls, cookies, pies and even an ordinary white loaf are products that are not only harmful to the figure, but also significantly increase the risk of developing caries. The remains of such food decompose very quickly, the microflora is disturbed in the oral cavity, an environment is created that is very favorable for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria that can destroy tooth enamel, provoke diseases of the gums and mucous membranes. It is better to avoid such products altogether., there is no benefit to the body from them. Or, at least, thoroughly brush your teeth after eating flour.

But if you want to make the most of your teeth, we advise you to pay attention to freshly squeezed vegetables and fruits (for example, carrots or apples), dairy products, green tea, foods rich in vitamins A, C and D.