Reading the syllables with the letter f. Reading words and syllables with the letter f

Novikova Anna Andreevna
Position: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MBOU SOSH № 2
Locality: Khabarovsk Territory, Amursk
Name of material: Abstract lesson
Subject: "The consonant sounds [f] and [f ']. Reading symbols and words with the letter F."
Publication date: 14.03.2016
Section: primary education

The subject of the lesson: "The consonant sounds [F] and [F ']. Reading syllables and words with the letter

I-organization of the beginning of the lesson. Motivation to educational activities.
The call loudly called. The lesson begins. Our ears are on the top of the eye, the eyes are wide open. We listen, remember, do not lose a minute. Guys, today we will go on a journey through the Magic Forest and learn a lot of new and interesting. And so we go down. Oh, guys, quieter, quieter, something strange I hear: someone's guest is in a hurry and as if he whistles. "Guess the riddle and tell me what the name is our guest: when light, hiding in the hollow, I fly at night, scare mice. (Filin.) Filin, guys are a bird wise, knows a lot of things. And he is the guard of the magic forest. Do we want to go to the magic forest? Will we guess his tasks? Filin closed the gate to the locks. And we must earn all the keys, performing the tasks of Filin.
II-actualization of knowledge and fixation of the difficulty in the study


Filin, wants to see what we are smart and how we will handle with his tasks. Look at the desk. On the board pictures: lantern, torch, violet, - name items that are depicted in pictures. - how do we call these items? (With the help of words) -What is the word? (The word is a combination of sounds that matters.). Cope with the task?
What did you remember? Filin gives the key from the first castle.
Filin is pleased.
And we need to go further.
3. Building an exit project from difficulty. (goal, topic, plan).

Lawn phonetic warm-up
Filin offers another task. -In the fact that choir these words again. -What is common between these words? (They all start with the same letter.) "Take these words to groups: I-group- New Sound Solid II Group- New Sound Soft (Signal Card Check.) And what do you think we have the topic with you? lesson today? ("The consonant sounds [f] and [f '], letter-f.). What should we learn today? - new sounds; -Cake with the letter-F; - To read the syllables, words, sentences with a new letter. (i.e. it is a plan) Well done guys, Filin, looked, what are you smart. And we got the second key. Open the gate key on
1. Sound characteristic. -
Phonetic warm-up.
Guys, how do you like the Yozh? (FR-FR-FR) And how does the cinema sings a song? (Fly-Few \u200b\u200bFue) And how does porridge puff? (PF-PF-PF) Recall what kind of sound is the cat at the time of danger? ("F-F-F-F-F). What new sound do we hear? [F].
Describe the sound [f] more. - Explain it. Children pronounced and say. (With the pronunciation of [F], the air meets the barrier. So the sound [F] is consonant. And now, the guys close the ears and say only noise [F] - when it is pronounced only noise. So sound [F] - deaf. When pronunciation is pronounced Firmly. So the sound [f] is solid. And now the guys let's return to the words that we distributed into two groups and pay attention to the second group. What is the first word. (violet) -What do you hear the first sound? (I consonted, Deaf, the vowel sound "and" gives a soft sound. So sound [F '] - soft. And what do you think the guys have a couple? (yes) and he still pair, guys his couple [in] and [in' ]. Who can give a completely sound characteristic?
2. Individual work
- Color the sound.
3. Parach
-What-alphabetic analysis. Title the scheme with words. (Work in pairs, one student at the board.) On the board 4 schemes and 4 words. (Lantern, violet, what kind of task was performed? (distinguish new sounds) [f] and [f ']. Fizminutka (superfing) What are you great, guys. You coped, with this task and Filin opens our gate, and we get on " Polyanka letters. "(Third key).
4. Acquaintance with the letter.
On the board depicted letters and among them there is a new letter. - Find it. What is it called? (EF) -n what does she look like? Everyone is known without tiping the letter - EF as a key of a fairy tale
We never take it to Karabas. Name words with the letter EF (at the beginning, middle in the end of the word.) - Fill, sweaters, wardrobe.
5. Individual work:
Type the letter EF on sound. Now I will read the fairy tale you, and you listen carefully and remember words with the sound [F] and [F '].
What did you study? What work do we fulfill with you? (I got acquainted S.

new letter and sounds)
Picture letter-f. Left to the right, left, forward, back.
Skirt! Filin is very pleased with you you and smart and sports. Guardian hands us the fourth key from the gate. And we need to go further. Filin is watched, not letting us. He prepared for us a very difficult task.
4. Primary consolidation with progress in external speech.
And we got with you on
"Slave clearing."

Reading syllables. Working with a textbook. P. 140.
Look at the tutorial on the top line and tell me what will help us learn to read? (reading the syllables) Why will we learn further? 1variant-reads in the eye of the syllables to his neighbor, and then on the contrary (work in pairs) -the in the lines are a pincible
Fuy-Fium-Fium-Fu here are cabinets, Fu-Fu-Fu Printer I am in the closet, Fet-Fet-Feta I will buy candies, Arp-Arf-Arf - I put on the scarf. Fucking fun, read children ... - (Fa).
Survived the progress about, read the children ... - (FO). Survived the stubborn y, read the children ... - (Fu). Survived grimy, read children ... - (FA). I came running Znowka E, they read the children ... - (Fe). Baby came running and, read children ... - (fi). Tikhonya si, they read the children ... - (Fhu). -What work performed? Filin is very pleased with you. He hands us the key from the fifth castle. - We are in the dense forest. - And we should also get to the clearing
Well done, Filin Zorko watches us. Now, guys, in order to fulfill his task, we will work in groups.
5. Summary with self-test, mutual test.

- Find words with solid sound- [f]
- animal world,
Rod Boxes with Glasses for Derzhan Fire, Light

- Preferably warm native clothes, closing the body and hands.
Apparatus for transmitting and receiving sound,
- type of lamp capable of providing continuous intense light outdoors in every weather.
-. a large number of ships assembly with general purpose; Typically, a military fleet, but may be merchant.
- Male parade evening costume costume: the jacket is short front, with long narrow faldami (floors) from behind, pants with satin lamps.
- Military system ranks.
- Find words with soft sound- [f ']
- This flower, finish, cafe, coffee, candy,
- Small mugs from multi-colored paper, which shove each other on the balas, carnivals, etc. , Figure. -What words are unclear? -And among these words the name of the colors. (violet, ficus)
"How much attention on 2 columns What is the difference between these words?" What is too much and why? (Capital letter, officer is a soldier man.)
- Read the offer. (Verification of proposals) - We have a sentence - what are we doing now? (learned to read syllables, words with a new letter) We have passed the tests, we are time to class, and for this you will perform the task.
Filin you really liked. He gives us the key, open the castle, we are on the clearing

7. Couples in pairs:
What sounds indicates the letter-f? Choose suitable features and emphasize the consonant vocabulary solid- soft ringing-deaf pair-nonpartier check which sound f? Checking signals. Consult - vowels? (consonant) in the word "surname" - firm-soft? In the word "profession" - firmly soft? Deaf- ringing? (deaf) pair-nonpar (pair ([in] [in ']). Well done guys! Give the sound characteristic F.
8. Reflection of educational activities. Outcome.
So we finished a journey through the magic forest. Pleashes closed, we believe before 5. Opened eyes. We are in the classroom. Filin, very satisfied with you and he has a great mood. He asks: "What was your mood during travel?" Take the smiley and show. The lesson is over. Thanks to all!!!

Teacher: Stepanova I. A.

Topic: Sounds [F], [F '], letter F.

Reading words, proposals and texts with studied letters.

Goals and objectives : summarize, systematize students 'knowledge of the sounds [F], [F'], letter F;form reading skills, working with text; work on the clarity of diction, expressive speech, formulation of logical stress; educate the interest of children to learning activities, conscious discipline and increase legal culture; Forming skill understand the learning tasks of the lesson, to solve the study task under the guidance of the teacher; Control your actions in the process of completing tasks, develop the ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice; develop the ability to work in pairs; develop the ability to justify your answers, find and correct your own mistakes; Develop the ability to listen and analyze the answers of classmates,evaluate your achievements.

Expected results:

Subject: Formation of the skill of reading words, proposals, texts with studied letters; Receiving knowledge according to the rules of the road.

Communicative: The formation of the ability to work in pairs, in the team, justify your point of view

Regulatory: Show responsibility for your own choice and results of your activities.

Personal: Mobility, independence, tolerance, the ability to take a point of view of another student.

Cognitive: Formation of the ability to build speech statements, work with information, reflexivity.

Forms of organization of work of children: Frontal, in pairs, in a group, individual, work with computers.

Forms of organization of work teacher:organizational, regulating, controlling.

Equipment used: Board, Magnetic Board, TV, Computer, McBooks, Cards with Migration Madject, Blanks for traffic lights, Signal circles, Pictures depicting letters F and items, in the name of which there is a letter F, picture with the image of the traffic light, drawings and crafts of students on traffic traffic rules , Audio recording of the story B. Zhitkov "Lightforward", presentation "Letter F", cards for symboling sounds.

1. Calculation

Loudly ranked a call -

We start our lesson.

Our ears on the top of the top

The eyes are well open.

We listen, remember,

Not a minute not losing.

I will ask you to check your jobs. We remember how to sit down, follow posture and proceed to work.

What mood is we starting a lesson?

2. Actualization of knowledge

We will start a lesson with a small workout. Let's first repeat a little.

What two groups share all the sounds?

What can I say about vowels?

And about consonants?

Reading letters and sounds on the board on the board:

In [p] [p '] z n [k] [s'] m [b'] u [f]

3. Determination of the theme and lesson purposes

And what we will be engaged in the lesson today will help us identify your classmates. They make you riddles, and you answer the choir.

(Mamedova A., Abramova U., Troitsky A., Tangiyev L.)

Who gets out of hats

Zaita everyone is surprising?

Speech decorate

In the circus performance? (magician)

Calachik curled around the neck

From frost kids will hide. (scarf)

Who will find out the magician?

Over the earth she flies.

Miracles are able to create

Everyone will help everyone ... (Fairy)

Pear, apple, banana,

Pineapple from hot countries.

These delicious products

Together, everyone is called ... (fruits)

What unites all the words - the departs?

What other words with this letter do you know?

Table "Letter F"

4. Systematization and repetition.

Work with a presentation

1 Slide

... sails to native land,

... on each ship.

Read the entry and think what words you need to insert into these suggestions? (Tip: We read them yesterday). Let's check (the correct answer is highlighted).

2 Slide

Letter F, sounds [F], [f ']

And now we repeat everything about the letter F

Who will help me ask questions?

What sounds means? (Pronounce)

Vowels they or consonants?

Deaf or ringing? (Deaf) - we prove, pronounce and listen to the sounds, closing your ears.

Sound [f '] what? (soft)

What color will we denote it? Show.

When will it be soft? (tip on tape letters)

Sound [F] What? (solid)

What color will we denote it? Show.

When will the sound be solid?

Paired these sounds or unpaired?

3 Slide

Faked your cheeks

Or got his hands in Boki.

Children read the poem, get up and depict the letter F.

4 Slide

Fu Fa Fo Fo

Fe Fi Fy.

Reading syllables. Why are there no characters with all vowels? What are you at the top? (solid) What are the bottom? (Soft) Why?

5 Slide

Ball - balls photo

Scarf - Factory Scarves

Focus - Phone Phone

Flag - Asphalt Flags

West a word with the letter F.

What are the words in the first column differ from each other?

6 Slide

Let's look at the picture. Maybe we forget some words with the letter f?

5. Recreation of new knowledge

1). Trade

And now the mystery:

He has three eyes

Three on each side

And although it is never

He did not watch everyone immediately -

He needs his eyes all.

He hangs here for a long time.

What is this? ...

Traffic light

2) .Bested

What do you think this word sounded in class?

To visit us, this boy came to visit - the lighting machine (the picture is postponed). He will observe you with his own eyes. And how much eyes do he have? What and what? Indeed, the traffic light is a very important object on the road. What is it needed for? No wonder you, almost everything, the traffic lights were depicted on their competitive drawings on traffic rules.

3). Historical reference

What do you think when the first traffic light appears?

The first traffic light was installed in London on December 10, 1868. It is 146 years ago. In Russia, the first traffic police found on January 15, 1930 in St. Petersburg.

four). Poems about the traffic police (Zhukova E., Baby K., Abramov M., Mkhitar I.)

And now the guys will tell you how the traffic light for pedestrians is important.

Look at traffic lights

The device is serious.

He says for a long time:

"Be careful!"

Red light - dangerous light,

If it burns: people stand!

No stroke!

The path for everyone is closed!

Yellow Sun shines,

Looks affectionately in the window,

All people warn:

"Wait a second two."

But but green gently

Smiles to you:

"You can pass the guys!

Believe people, only me! "

Need pedestrians traffic lights? What for?

5). Work on the textbook (p. 72)

Reading poem V. Berestov

Now we will read another poem. It is not about pedestrians, but about drivers.

Children read the poem of the poem "Three colors ..." (2 times). There is a work on expressive reading.

6). Subject to the read text

Need a traffic light driver?

On the next page, the story, which is also called the "traffic light", but we will read it later.

Children include computers (in front of the Piz. McBooks to boot up)

6. Phys. Minute "Light Signals"

Charging will help us to spend a traffic light. Green light - we walk. Red light - sit down. And the yellow light is standing in place.

7. Primary consolidation of knowledge

1). Work with computers

Children work in pairs, gain the word "traffic light" in the Open Office program and paint letters (red, green or blue). To check, one of the computers connects to the screen.

2). Work with schemes

Children collect the word "traffic lights" on the desktop. Check at the board

(2 people).

Children put emphasis, divide the word on the syllables.

How do we determine the number of syllables?

8. Opening of new knowledge

one). Acquaintance with the text B. Zhitkov "Traffic light": listening to audio recordings (the first meeting with the traffic light of the boy and his mom). Children, after exploring the story, will have to answer the question:

What are the tracks of the heroes of this story compare?

2). Support

What was the traffic light like? (on a flashlight)

What letter starts this word?

From whose name is the story?

9. Primary consolidation of knowledge

one). Reading text learners. Work on expressive reading.

Task: Determine the actors of this story.

2). Reading text on roles.

3). The conclusion about the need to know and observe traffic rules.

10. Reflection

Take the circles. If you liked the lesson, and you think that we worked well - show yellow. If you think we worked well, but they could even better - green. If you think that we have worked badly, and it was completely uninteresting - red.

11. Systematization and repetition

I see that everyone liked the lesson. And what letter did we help to learn a lot of new and interesting?

Let's repeat everything about this letter.

12. Total lesson

one). Litterformer for memory.

Children from circles make a bookmark - the lighting machine, which should serve as a reminder of this lesson and traffic rules.

2). Children get memos on traffic rules, read and also leave for memory with the recommendation to once again read these rules at home.

S. Mikhalkov

"Stepping carefully ..."

Motion is full city:
Run cars in a row.
Colored traffic lights
And day and night are burning.
Stepping carefully
Behind the street watch
And only where it is possible
And where the day of the trams
Rushing from all sides
It is impossible to walk yawning,
You can not consider raven!
Stepping carefully
Behind the street watch
And only where it is possible

Learn learning lesson

In grade 1.

Theme lesson : Reading words with the letter F (fix)

The purpose of the lesson :

Education : shape reading skills, working with text,
characterizes consonant on solidness-softness, durability, unpalarness, deafness-bells, introduce the rules of the street transition; Secure the idea of \u200b\u200bsigns (characters), their role in communication.

Educational: educate the interest of children to learning activities, the desire to fulfill the safety rules on the roads,

Developing: develop oral speech, logical thinking, attention,
ability to compare, analyze and draw conclusions,

Planned results :


The ability to set goals to the lesson;

understanding the meaning of the word "letter", "sound"; The ability to read, to comprehend read, is formed; build speech statements and use studied safety rules in specific life situations.


work in the group, listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue;

negotiate the distribution of roles in joint activities;

show activity in cooperation in the game to solve communicative and informative tasks.


choose actions in accordance with the task;

evaluate yourself, the boundaries of their knowledge and ignorance;

produce independence and personal responsibility for their actions, adequately perceive the proposals of the teacher ..


Show interest in learning the topic, awareness of their success in the lesson,

development of benevolence, trust and care to others.

Basic concepts : sound, letter, traffic light, start, finish

Organizing time .

The bell rang fun

We will start a lesson ready.

Easy to go beautifully,

Greeted the courteous

We will listen, reason

And to help each other.

Everything is pulled away,

Graduate learning lesson Let's start

- Guys, at the beginning of our lesson, give a smile to your comrades. And I give you my smile. We continue our journey for new knowledge. But at first let's remember the basic rules of work in the lesson:

- work together and actively;

- be able to listen to each other;

- respect each other;

- carefully treat each other;

- Listen to the answers of the guys

- work successfully (slide number 2)

Goaling and motivation ..

    Setting a problematic issue .

Today the guest came to us on the lesson. Who you will learn if you guess the riddle.

Stick out of the mound

Emerald eye

So you can do the street

Go now (traffic light) (slide number 3)

That's right, it is a traffic light. What is a traffic light? How did you guess what is the traffic light? Now the guys will read us how the dictionary of Ozhekova explains to us the meaning of the word Lightforward and how the meaning of the word on the Internet is explained. (children's responses). Traffic light (from light and Greek. Phorós - carrier), light alarm means that serves to regulate the road and move moving composition on railways. (the Internet)

The traffic light is a light signaling device for controlling movement on the streets, automotive and railways (Dictionary of Ozhegov).

Our guest wants to know if you knowwhat does our road safety depend on? ( children's statements). What will we talk about in a lesson?

    The game "Live Sound". Work in parach

What word scheme is depicted? (Slide number 4, in children on leaves)

(traffic light)

Remove letters from the word scheme in this order: the letter that is indicated by shock vowels; letters that are indicated by unstressed vowels; Letters that are indicated by 1,2,4,8 by consonants. What letter remained?

What theme of our lesson? We will read syllables, words and text, where there are words with the letter F.

Actualization of knowledge .

And now our traffic lights wants to check how you mastered the material on

last lesson.

    I do not believe the game "

In the desks you have red, green and yellow color. If you agree, then show the green circle, if you do not agree, then you show a red circle.

The letter "F" indicates a vowel sound. - Which one then? Why?

Sound [F] - deaf.

The letter "f" can designate both solid and soft sound.

In the word dates, the letter "f" refers to a solid sound.

In the word fuffy only one letter "f"

What do you know about the letter F? (denotes the consonant, deaf, sound, can be soft and hard)

2. Passing the pair by deafness and sounding of sounds [F], [F ']; [B], [in']. ( slide)

Look at the letters tape. (Slide number 5) Locate the letter F. What else can you say about her? (Pair). Why did you decide? What letter is the letter F? In Russian, very often in words there is a sound [F] indicated by the letter in, so when writing you need to be very attentive.

3. Reading syllables on p.72. (Slide number 5)

Fa - Slog Merge of a soft deaf consonant [F] with a vowel sound [e]

Ve - syllable merging gently ringing consonants [in] with vowel sound [e], etc.


Traffic light wants to check your attention. Very often kids confuse sounds

[B] and [f], as they are paired on the bells and deafness. Let's play the game "Call - deaf".

If in the Word there are sounds [F], [f '], then clamp, if not, squatted.

Branch, light, Fedya, sweater, Filin, Busthan, fuffy, factory, willow, traffic light, firm, car.

Work on the lesson .

1 . Reading a poem V. Berestov, p.72 .

How can you be entitled? Why?

How many colors have a traffic light?

What does each of them mean?

What light can you go by car? Can not? What is the yellow light light?

Do you perform traffic lights?

2. Movefort brought us riddles. (Slides number 6-13 )

House on the street goes,

To work everyone is lucky.

Not on the courier legs

And in rubber boots. (bus)

Worry and shoots

Grumbling patter.

I will not get sick to the tram

Behind this tarantor. (motorcycle)

Does not fly, not buzz

Beetle on the street runs.

And burn in the eyes of the beetle

Two shiny lights. (Car)

Spill behind the window

Knock, and ringing, and cattle.

On direct steel tracks

Going red houses. (Tram)

I go around the city,

I will not fall into trouble.

Because firmly know -

I execute the rules. (A pedestrian)

Drinks gasoline like milk,

Can run far away

Cars loads and people.

Be careful with her. (A car)

Look, stronghold what:

On the go of one hand

Stop accustomed

Five-tailed truck. (Adjuster)

Hey, driver, carefully,

It is quickly impossible to go

People know everything in the world -

In this place go ... (children)

Read the words - Raddle. What can you say about these words? Read words that denote transport. Read words that denote animated objects. Find the word where the letter is written in , and the sound is pronounced [F] (slide №14)

3. The test of the "traffic lights" B. Zhitkov, p. 73.

What surprised the boy and his mother?

What answered them the driver?

How did the boy guess, what does each signal of the traffic light indicate?

4. Work in groups. Reading in persons .

What else can you do with this text? (Children's statements). We can read it in the faces.

5. Street transition rules . Work in parach .

You have a text on the leaves. Offers in it are not completed. You also have the ends of these proposals on the cards. You must choose an end to each suggestion and glue it into text.

Before moving the road, find ... (place for transition).

Stop at ... (sidewalk)

Look carefully in ... (both sides), there are no cars.

Move the road to ... (zebra).

That's how you learn to go ... (road)

The outcome of the lesson.

Reading couples words with antonyms with. 72 (slide)

What is the start? Finish? What are these words called?

The end of our lesson approached the finish.

What new learned? What did you learn?

Reflection .

You have a model of traffic light and geometric shapes on the table. (Appendix). How are they called? (Circles) How many of them? Compare them. (The size is the same, different color). What do mugs mean? If you enjoyed it in the lesson, then burn green light on the traffic light - you can go further for knowledge. If not liked, burn the red light - you need to stop and think about how to fix your mistakes. If I liked something, and I did not like something - lit the yellow light of the traffic light. (children stick mug to the model of the traffic light)

What does our road safety depends on? (Compliance with traffic rules). What do you want to say to our traffic lights? (Promise to perform traffic rules)


Sections: Primary School

Class: 1


  • form the skill of conscious, correct, expressive reading;
  • develop spelling dorms when reading texts Phondematic hearing, speech, thinking, memory;
  • educating careful attitude towards nature, the ability to see the beauty of nature.


  • V. G. Goretsky, "Russian Alphabet", individual syllable tables, cards with words, a poster with proposals,
  • baby-baby with verses about snowdrop and violet, drawing of snowdrop and violet, painting "Spring Forest", Hatts "Snowdrop", "Skzorets", "March",
  • audio recording P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. March ", models for the compilation of the word scheme, cards with letters: f, l, k, and, and, and,
  • cards with inscriptions "Well done" with missing elements.


1. Organizational moment.

Today, early in the morning to me in the window suddenly someone knocked. It was a little cinema. She began twitter ringing. The bird invited us to the forest, saying that spring wonders will occur there.

Do you want to go on a journey?

Read the motto of our work, which is recorded on the board.

Motto of work: We love each other, we understand and help.

No wonder these words were the motto of our lesson. Only the friendly guys will be wisched the road, ready to help each other.

2. Setting the purpose of the lesson.

What new letter did we meet yesterday in the lesson? (With the letter "f")

What sounds indicates the letter "f"?

Describe these sounds.

Children: [F] - consonant, solid, deaf, pair (pair [in] - [f]

[f] - consonant, soft, deaf, pair (pair [in] - [f])

Teacher: Today we will continue to learn from you right and beautifully read. Recall the fact that we taught about sounds and letters. We will learn to draw up offers and stories.

3. Actualization of knowledge.

I want to replenish your knowledge of the letter "f".

In Russian, along with "active" letters, which are found in books very often, there are "passive", which are rarely used. Such is the letter "F". Does this happen? Why is it so? The fact is that in Russian, the words with the letter "f" are mainly borrowed from other languages, no wonder, in the Kuban show, there is still a letter "F" is replaced by two Russian letters "Holy" or simply "x": instead of Fedor, for example , Torn the trotor, apron - Khvartuk, shoes - rotten.

Repeating what we learned, go on a trip. But how do we get into the forest?

It seems I know who can help us. You will also learn this if you read the poem in the "ABC" (p. 196).

The magician in the frak is dressed,
Torch turned into a bouquet.
Fairy will pop up from there.
Focus Is this or a miracle?

What words in this poem call animated objects? (Who?) Magician; (Who?) Fairy.

What sound indicates the letter "f" in each word? (In words: a magician, a frak, a torch, the focus of the letter "f" means the sound [f] in the word Fairy letter "f" means sound [F,]

Fairy and her friend - a magician ready to help us. But first they want to make sure you know how to work together.

Work on reading technique.

a) Work on the patter:

Warm up
We repeat the patter.

In the garden Feda Akhala Yes Okhala,
The coarse loose was not in the garden - about.

Then the children say the beginning of the previously learned patter, the whole class of the choir continues (patters learn at each lesson).

b) work on the syllated table:

N. on the but well us n. not nya not nu
FROM sA sO su. s s. ce sia syu s.
TO ka ko ku kia ki. ke. kia ko. kyu
T. tA that t. you t. those drag those t.
L. la lo lu. lies lie le. la lE. liu
R r. rO rU fish r. re rose ryu. ru
IN v. in wu. you in and ve v. v. vu
P pA by pU py. p. pE pET py. pU
M. ma. mO mu we mi. me. me moya mu
Z. per zo zause zy. zi ze. zy. zea sump
B. ba. bo boo would be b. b. bia boe bill
D. yes before d. dy di de dA dyu du
G. h. gGO g. gI g. g. gay gyu. gyu
C. cha cho chu - chi. che - che -
Sh w A. sho shu. - shi shoe - shy. -
J. m. jo zhu - libery same - just -
H. x A. ho hu. - chill he. - - -
C. c A. tso. cSU tSI q. tse - - -
Sh sTI A. sho schu - soup so - shy -
F. f fO fu fS. f. fe fia. fU fU

Workout continue
Sluts are fun read.

Children work in pairs by options: one option reads, the other checks the correctness of the work performed. Readiness is shown by traffic lights.

Game "I'll start, and you will continue

Equipment: arrow card.

Description: The teacher calls the original syllable (or conditions for finding the source syllable) and the arrow indicates the direction: up, down, left or right. Children in pairs read, starting with it, syllables on the table in the specified direction.

Find syllables located in the syllable table between the syllables and read the fragment of the syllable table by arrow:

c) Make up words on the syllable table: (the teacher calls the word, students must compile it according to the syllable table. For example: F-la-g, feather-l-, ko-n-ta)

4. Physical workout.

I think we can go on the road.

I am going and you go -
One two Three.
I sing, and you go -
One two Three.
We go and we sing -
One two Three.
Very friendly we live.
One two Three.

5. Speech development.

But the road was blocked by a snowdrift. This winter does not want to put us in the forest. What do we do? But Fairy suggested what to do.

Cut the game "Guess the Word"

The teacher "picks up" the word table, sequentially showing the pointer of the syllables. Children

carefully follow the movements of the pointer, silently read the Word and on the call of the teacher call him.

(On the set canvas after the answers of children are set cards with words).

With each of these words, we will make a sentence so that it turns out a story.

After answering children on the board, a poster appears on which proposals are recorded

The warm spring came. Sveta shines in the sky. Poultry sing in the forest.

Determine the "dangerous" place in words spring, (c) forest, sing.

Why in the word of the bird after the letter "C" we write the letter "s"?

Find the basis in the last sentence.

That's so a miracle of miracles!
We fell into the forest with you!

A picture of the spring forest appears on the magnetic board, but without colors.

6. Reading a poem.

Now, children, we will see a miracle. This is the appearance of the first spring flower.

And what flower the spring opens, you will learn by reading the poem.


Snowfall came running
In Martov Lesok,
Snowdrop looked out
In a clean rod.
And see himself,
Shouted: "Here are those on!
I did not notice
That Spring has come. " (L. Kudryavskaya)

What flower first came ran into the March forest?

Which of you guessed why this flower is so called?

It will not have time to melt the snow, and from under the snow, the blue sill head appears.

A snowdrop drawing is attached to a spring picture.

Choose related words to the word snowdrop.

Snowdrop, snowy, snowball, snowflake.

7. Staging the poem of the Kuban poet I. Varavva.

And now look at the stage of the poem of the Kuban poet Ivan Zaravva, which the guys prepared.

Why do you, Snowdrop, came out?
- Skworets sang, and I heard.
- And why, the starlings, you sang?
- To us in the village of Martose!
- What are you, March, brought with him?
- Sun, blue sky!

8. Relaxation exercise (performed to the music).

In addition to the sun and the blue sky, March brought with him soft green grass.

The tension flew ...
And the whole body relaxed ...
And the whole body relaxed ...
As if we are lying on the grass ...
On green soft grass ...
Heats the sun now ...
Hands warm with us ...
Breathing easily ... smooth ... deep ...
Lips slightly open ...
Everything is wonderful relaxing ...
It is clear to us what
The state of rest!

9. The game "The word crumbled."

Snow melted. Coming streams, and another spring flower appears.

Guess his name. (In children in desks letters)

Kilaf - Violet

Make a scheme of this word (work with individual collapsible schemes)

The pattern of violet is attached to the spring picture.

Do you like the transformations that occur in the spring forest? But they occur with your help.

10. Reading a poem.

On the solar downtown
The violet bloomed.
Purple ears
Quietly raised.
In the grass she bursts,
Does not like to climb forward
But all her worship
And carefully take. (E. Serov)

Where can I see a violet? Prove it with reading lines from poem.

How do you understand, the expression "in the forest she bursts"?

Fun, Fly! - Bird sings.
And the violet blooms,
And the earth looks at us
Million blue eyes.

11. Work with a deformed proposal.

The violet can be found not only in the forest. There are still indoor violets.

If you handle the next task, then a surprise awaits you.

On the magnetic board there are cards with words: beautiful, Faina, on, flourished, y, violet, window

Are these individual words or suggestions?

What is the offer? (This is one or more words that are connected in meaning and express the complete thought).

Make up the words from these words. Fainain on the window bloomed a beautiful violet.

Name two main sentences. ( The beginning of the sentence is written with a capital letter. At the end of the offer put the point).

What other word is written with a capital letter? Why? (This is the word Faina. This is your own, the name of the girl. The names of people are written with a capital letter).

12. Total lesson

The class includes fairy (grade 4).

Hello guys!
Hello, friends!
On the day of Spring Rada
I see you.

Did you like the journey today?

What interesting work did you perform today at the lesson?

My friend's fobcite handed over for you a card. Extract the letters and you guess the word.

The word record is given on the card with the missing elements. Children pronounce the writing of these elements and read the Word: Well done!

The teacher thanks children for the lesson.