Legendary Slavic princes before Rurik. What was the state before Rurik and other secrets of Kievan Rus & nbsp

All roads lead to Kiev

If it is possible to question the reliability of the "Legend of Slovenia and Ruse", then the fact of the existence of the "Northern Archons" is recognized by historians. So the Byzantines called the recalcitrant land-states located in the Northern Black Sea region, which in the 6th and 7th centuries were a serious threat to Constantinople.

Excavations in central Ukraine have confirmed the existence of formerly developed and densely populated areas here. These proto-state formations were united by the concept of "Chernyakhovsk culture". It has been established that iron-working, bronze casting, blacksmithing, stone production, as well as jewelry and minting of coins, developed on these lands.
Historians note the high level of management and active trade of representatives of "Chernyakhovskaya culture" with large ancient centers. According to Academician V.V.Sedov, the main population of these places were the Slavs-Antes and Scythian-Sarmatians. Later, somewhere in the 5th century, it was in the center of "Chernyakhovskaya culture" that Kiev began its rise - the future capital of the Old Russian state, the founder of which, according to the "Tale of Bygone Years," was Kiy.
True, the historian N.M. Tikhomirov pushes back the founding of Kiev to the 8th century. Although other researchers object and find a new date in the IV century, citing one of the medieval chronicle sources as an example: "It was founded in the year from Christ 334".

A supporter of an earlier version of the founding of Kiev, the historian M. Yu. Braichevsky, relying on the works of the Byzantine writer Nikifor Grigora, claims that Kiy, like many rulers of neighboring countries, received a symbol of power from the hands of Constantine the Great. In the text of Grigora there is a mention of the "ruler of Russia", to whom the emperor handed the title of "tsarist kravche".

So, having received the go-ahead for reign, Kiy became at the origins of the ruling dynasty of the young state with the capital in Kiev. In the "Veles Book" (which, of course, cannot be considered a reliable source), Kiy is described as an outstanding commander and administrator who, having united a large number of Slavic tribes under his command, created a powerful state.

Polish historian Jan Dlugosh, noting the role of Kyi in the formation of the ancient Russian statehood, believes that the Kiev prince founded a line of dynastic succession: “After the death of Kyi, Schek and Khoriv, ​​the heirs in a straight line, their sons and nephews dominated the Rusyns for many years, until the succession passed to two brothers Askold and Dir. "
As we know from the "Tale of Bygone Years" in 882, Rurik's successor Oleg killed Askold and Dir and took possession of Kiev. True, in the "Tale" Askold and Dir are called Varangians. But if you rely on the version of the Polish historian, then Oleg interrupted the legitimate dynasty coming from Kyi, and laid the foundations for the rule of a new dynastic branch - the Rurikovichs.

In such a surprising way, the fate of two semi-legendary dynasties converges: the Novgorod dynasties, originating from Sloven and Rus, and the Kiev dynasties, originating from Kyi. But both versions reasonably suggest that the ancient Russian lands could have been full-fledged states long before the "vocation of the Varangians".

Miniature: Ivan Glazunov. Fragment of the triptych "Grandsons of Gostomysl: Rurik, Truvor, Sineus"

The history of Russia is usually taken from the "vocation of the Varangians", about the same thing that was before Rurik came "to volunteer with us" in textbooks it is rarely said. Nevertheless, there are many facts that statehood in Russia existed even "before Rurik".

Before "calling"

Official domestic historiography says that statehood in Russia arose in 862 after the Rurik dynasty came to power. Recently, however, many researchers have questioned this point of view. In particular, political scientist Sergei Chernyakhovsky argues that the beginning of Russian statehood should be postponed at least 200 years into history. And not unreasonably. Many sources say about the centralized Russian state before the Rurikovichs, in particular the "Joachim Chronicle", published in the 18th century by Vasily Tatishchev. scattered Slavic tribes, and a people who had an idea of ​​centralized power. However, if we accept the idea of ​​the historian Boris Rybakov that Rurik began to reign after the conquest of Novgorod, then in this case, too, we see possessions subordinate to a single capital.


In Greek and Latin sources, large cities are called, around which the ancient Russian population was concentrated. In addition to Kiev and Novgorod, Izborsk, Polotsk, Belozersk, Lyubech, Vyshgorod, which are now half-forgotten, are mentioned there. For example, the Bavarian geographer of the 9th century counted up to 4,000 cities among the Slavs! One of the signs of statehood is the existence of writing. It is now clear that it was in pre-Christian Russia. For example, the 10th century writer Ibn Fodlan speaks about this, as an eyewitness who claimed that the Rus always wrote the name of the deceased on the grave pillar, as well as the prince to whom he obeyed. The Byzantines and Scandinavians not only mentioned that the Slavs have their own letters - the initial letter, but also called them an educated people.Moreover, in the Byzantine sources, when describing the life of the Rus, clear signs of their state structure were reflected: the hierarchy of the nobility, the administrative division of lands, small princes, over whom stood "kings".

Lost dynasty

According to the generally accepted version, the first ruling dynasty in Russia was founded by Rurik. However, modern researchers suggest that the Rurikovichs overthrew or, at least, replaced the dynasty that already existed here. The historian Alexander Samsonov speaks of the close continuity in Russia of other developed cultures - Scythian and Sarmatian, from where the first princes of Russian lands could have come. "The Legend of Slovenia and Ruse" tells about two brothers - the sons of Scythian, who moved up from the Black Sea lands in search of new territories. They reached the banks of the Volkhov River, where they founded the city of Slovensk, which later became known as Veliky Novgorod. Further, as it is written in the annals, “Slovens and Rus live among themselves in love, the great, and the prince of Tamo, and took possession of many countries of the local regions. Likewise, their sons and grandchildren to the princes are by their knees and have climbed to themselves eternal glory and riches many with their sword and bow. " The sources also mention the close ties of the state of Slovenia and Rus both with barbarian peoples and with the developed countries of the West and East. The evidence of the authenticity of this story can be proved by the Arab-Persian sources of the 12th century, who wrote about the Rus and Slavs, referring to the eponyms of Rus and Slovenia. Byzantine Simeon Logofet in the 10th century also mentions Rus as the ancestor of the Russian people. And the Greeks, calling these lands "Great Scythia", in fact, confirm that the descendants of Scythians ruled here. Based on the chronicles, the lands of Slovenia and Rus were repeatedly desolate, but the ruling dynasty survived. Gostomysl became a descendant of the first princes, who, after the death of four sons, turned out to be the last in the family. The Magi, having explained one of Gostomysl's dreams, predicted that the new ruler in Novgorod would be the son of his daughter Umila and the Varangian prince Godoslav. This son is the legendary Rurik, who was called to change (or continue, given the relationship) the Novgorod dynasty. However, historians are ambiguous about this version of dynastic succession. In particular, N. M. Karamzin and S. M. Soloviev questioned the reality of Gostomysl. Moreover, some archaeologists are not sure of the very existence of Novgorod until the 9th century. Excavations of the "Ryurik settlement" confirmed only traces of the late Scandinavian and West Slavic presence in these lands.

All roads lead to Kiev

If it is possible to question the reliability of the "Legend of Slovenia and Ruse", then the fact of the existence of the "Northern Archons" is recognized by historians. So the Byzantines called the recalcitrant land-states located in the Northern Black Sea region, which in the 6th and 7th centuries were a serious threat to Constantinople.

Excavations in central Ukraine have confirmed the existence of formerly developed and densely populated areas here. These proto-state formations were united by the concept of "Chernyakhovsk culture". It was established that iron-working, bronze casting, blacksmithing, stone production, as well as jewelry and coinage developed on these lands. Historians note the high level of management and active trade of representatives of the "Chernyakhovskaya culture" with large antique centers. According to Academician V.V.Sedov, the main population of these places were the Slavs-Antes and Scythian-Sarmatians. Later, somewhere in the 5th century, it was in the center of "Chernyakhovskaya culture" that Kiev began its rise - the future capital of the Old Russian state, the founder of which, according to the "Tale of Bygone Years", was Kiy. True, the historian N.M. Tikhomirov pushes the time of Kiev's foundation to the 8th century ... Although other researchers object and find a new date in the IV century, citing as an example one of the medieval chronicle sources: "It was founded in the year of Christ 334." Nicephorus Grigory, claims that Kiy, like many rulers of neighboring countries, received a symbol of power from the hands of Constantine the Great. In the text of Grigora there is a mention of the "ruler of Russia", to whom the emperor handed the title of "tsarist kravchego." In the "Veles Book" Kiy is described as an outstanding commander and administrator who, having united a large number of Slavic tribes under his command, created a powerful state.

Polish historian Jan Dlugosh, noting the role of Kyi in the formation of the ancient Russian statehood, believes that the Kiev prince founded a line of dynastic succession: “After the death of Kyi, Schek and Khoriv, ​​the heirs in a straight line, their sons and nephews dominated the Rusyns for many years, until the succession passed to two brothers Askold and Dir. "As we know from" The Tale of Bygone Years "in 882, Rurik's successor Oleg killed Askold and Dir and took possession of Kiev. True, in the "Tale" Askold and Dir are called Varangians. But if we rely on the version of the Polish historian, then Oleg interrupted the legitimate dynasty coming from Kyi, and laid the foundations for the rule of a new dynastic branch - the Rurik dynasties. Thus, in an amazing way, the fate of two semi-legendary dynasties converge: Novgorod, originating from Sloven and Rus, and Kiev, originating from Kiya. But both versions reasonably suggest that the ancient Russian lands could have been full-fledged states long before the “vocation of the Varangians.” Miniature: Ivan Glazunov. Fragment of the triptych "Grandsons of Gostomysl: Rurik, Truvor, Sineus"

Egor Klassen's theory

Before Catherine II, Russia knew well the history of Ancient Russia up to the time of Rurik.
Even Lomonosov recognized the deep antiquity of Russian history. But Lomonosov did not write a thorough work on this topic.
But at the time of Catherine II. Russian historical science was headed by three people - Miller, Bayer, Schlözer (Germans), who did not like ancient Russian history, which was older than German. They began to destroy all facts about the history of Ancient Russia up to the time of Rurik, and it was they who imposed a modern understanding of Russian history on Russian historians.
But he was a state councilor and trustee of the Moscow Academy. Klassen, in contrast to his brilliant predecessor, managed to write a special scientific work "New materials for the ancient history of the Slavic-Rus." And he wrote this in 1854.
Klassen showed: the Novgorodians did indeed invite the Varangian princes to reign, but this was an internal affair of the Russ themselves, for in the north of Western Europe, right up to the Elbe-Laba, there was a highly developed Slavic civilization and it was called Pomor Rus. "The Varyag-Russ are tribal to the Russ of the Novgorod region," Klassen writes. The Varangians are naval warriors, "who were called Varangians for the purpose of boiling (sailing) on ​​the seas," guarding our trade routes from sea robbers. The invited Varangian princes were from Pomeranian Rus, and not from Scandinavia. But in Scandinavia there was also a small territory of Russia, which can be seen from Klassen's book and what followed from the research of the traveler-scientist Thor Heyerdahl, who, having carried out excavations near the city of Azov in 2001, told the press: “... according to ancient sources, there is evidence that the Vikings served as mercenaries in the troops of the Russian principality, which included part of the southern territories from Azov to Sochi. " His working hypothesis is that, frightened by the Romans, the Vikings left for Scandinavia.
Heyerdahl also suggested that "the Vikinis were the ancestors of the Cossacks."
But here the opposite conclusion has the same right to exist: the Cossacks were the ancestors of the Vikings. Part of the Cossacks in the YI-YII centuries. went to Scandinavia, where they became the Vikings-Normans. The Cossacks destroyed the "bases" of the local sea robbers and conquered a foothold for the fight against pirates and Vatican Christians. This explains the logic of the behavior of the Normans in medieval Europe.
The name of the Russ, known from ancient times as Slavic not only to all the Asian tribes, but also to the Israelites from the time of their coming to the promised land. And among them the Russ are at the head of not only the Romans, but also the ancient Greeks - as their progenitors.
Indeed, the Slavs-Russ as a people, previously educated by the Romans and Greeks, left behind in all parts of the Old World many monuments testifying to their stay there and their ancient writing, arts and enlightenment. Monuments will remain forever incontrovertible evidence; they tell us about the actions of our ancestors in a language that is native to us, which constitutes the prototype of all Slavic dialects, merging in it as in its common source.

Take the Icelandic sagas for example. We find in them the names Valland (Gaul), Danmork (Denmark), Gotthiod (Gotland), Rin (Rhine), Attii (Attila), Holmgardr (XonMoropbi), Vana (Veneda). These are all names that undoubtedly belong to history. Many of their words will also be explained, in which they add the letter g at the end, like aesir, diar, iatnar or iotar, thursar or thussar, vanir, vanaheimr, Skalogrimr, etc. Subtract the final letter g, it will be: aesi, dia, iatna or iota , thursa or thussa, vani, vanaheim, skalogrim (basics or demigods, spirits or gods, Jutes or Getae, Furses or priests, Vans or Venets, Venetia or the land of the Venets, Skalogrom is a Slav who moved from the Baltic Sea to Norway under the Norwegian King Ha -ralde, and from there he passed with his neighbors to Iceland and made up its first population). These names are all taken from real life. The most ancient writers, such as Ethel-ward, Albericus, Snorro, Torfey, Saxon Grammaticus, also argue that all the names found in ancient Scandinavian legends are taken from historical persons and peoples, but transferred to deities and supernatural beings.
The name Slavs has existed for a long time. The main tribe of Mizia and Macedonia consisted of the Slavs. Their country was called Slavinia. The very first settlers of this country were the Pelasgi, who, according to the undoubted arguments of Mr. Chertkov, in the study of the Pelasgo-Thracian tribes, also turned out to be Slavs.
Further confirmation that the Macedonians were really Slavs, let the following serve: after the fall of the Macedonian kingdom, part of the Macedonians, about 320 BC, moved to the Baltic Sea and founded their new dwellings called Bodrici, which preserved the coat of arms of Alexander until the fall of their Macedonian, depicting bucephalus and vulture. And soon after that, one part of them again moved to Ilmen and Lovat

And that the Slavs had literacy not only before the general introduction of Christianity between them, but also long before the Nativity of Christ, is evidenced by the acts that elevate the literacy of the Slavs-Rus from the tenth century ago - to deep antiquity, through all the dark periods of history, in which from time to time here and there, but the element of the Slavic-Russian people with its characteristic type is clearly visible.
Let's start our arguments:
1) Chernorizets the Brave / who lived in the 10th century, says: Slavs of trash (i.e. idolaters) with features and cuts of chtyahu and gatahu.
2) Constantine Porfirodny says that the Croats immediately after adopting Christianity, therefore, before they could learn to read and write, with their own signatures confirmed their oath to the Pope not to fight other nations.
3) Titmar, describing the temple of Retra, says that there were idols inside it, and each of them had his name written on it. - Subsequently, the photographs from these inscriptions were published in print many times.
4) Massoudi, when describing the Slavic temple in the golden meadows, says that there were signs on the stones that indicated future affairs, i.e. events predicted.
5) In the contract between Igor and the Greeks, it is said: "They ate the seals of" evil, a rocTie are silver: now your Prince has taken away, send a letter to our kingdom: let us send a letter to our kingdom, like the ambassadors a village ship ... ".
6) A place in Oleg's contract with the Greeks, which says: “About those who work in Gretsekh Russia with the Christian Tsar: if anyone dies without having settled their estate, they don’t have qi and return the property to their small neighbors in Russia. If you want to open the harness, you can take it up, to whom you will inherit the estate, and you will inherit. "
In the 6th century, the Byzantines already speak of the northern Slavs as an educated people who have their own letters, called a drop cap. The root of this word has survived to this time in the words: letter, primer, literally and even in the second letter of the alphabet (beeches).
The Scythian king called Darius with an abusive letter to battle as early as 513 BC. That the ancient Russ really wrote on wooden tablets is confirmed to us by Ibn-El-Nedim, who attached to his essay a photograph from a letter from the Russ, which he found in a Caucasian inhabitant's place, carved into a white tree.
From everything deduced here, it is clear that the Slavs had a literacy not only before all the Western peoples of Europe, but also before the Romans and even the Greeks themselves, and that the outcome of enlightenment was from the Russ to the west, and not from there to them.
Let us now consider which Slavic tribe the Trojans belonged to.
In the Trojan domain there was the Rsa or Rasa river. Wherever the Russ were sitting, we find the river of this name. The present Arake is the ancient Rsa; according to the geography of that time, they mean here the people of Ros and the country of the same name, later called the Scythians. Arake was called Arabs El-Ras, Mongols - Orsay and Raskha, Greeks - Rasa and Oros. The Volga was also called Rsoy when Russ and Unna moved towards it from behind the Caspian Sea; the same name was retained by the river Rusa or Porusye in the Novgorodskaya province, where the ancient Alaunskaya Rus was sitting; the Ros river, which flows into the Dnieper, where the Dnieper Rus or Porosians sat; Russian Sea or Black Sea, where there was black Russia; the Rusa river in Moravia, where the Rusnyaks still sit; the river Rusa, which constitutes the right branch of the Memel or Neman, called, as the legend says, by this name from its very source, along which Rus Alaun, along its entire course, moved from the old dwelling to a new place, finally reached the seaside and spread along it to the left to Rusnya, which is now Frisch-Gaf, and to the right, probably up the entire bay, where it is called Pomorskaya.
The author of Igoriada recognizes Ilion not only as Slavic, but even Russian as a truth, long known and undoubted. That Troy and Russia were occupied not only by one and the same people, but also by one of its tribes; therefore, the Russ were Trojans or the Trojans were the Russ. But as a huge tribe of Russ could not combine everything in Troy, and part of the Russ could build Ilion, moreover, the nicknames: Troyans, Darda-ne, Tevkra, Thracians and Pelasgi are not the proper names of the people, but only common nouns, as we saw above, therefore, Russ is the tribal name of the people who inhabited Troy.
Iornand wrote about Novgorod in the 6th century. He also says that in 350, Novgorod was conquered by the Gotami. This city has existed for 500 years before the vocation of the Varangians. Procopius and Iornand say that the Slavs built strong wooden houses and fortified cities; the former tied them to the ground, and the latter served as a defense against enemies.
Tacitus in 60 AD says that the Germans do not know cities yet; The Slavs, on the other hand, build strong wooden houses and fortified cities for defense against enemies.
Even Herodotus describes the significant city of the Slavs - Budinov - Gelon, and this was almost 500 years BC. If at that time the city of Gelon was already glorious, then its construction should probably date back to at least the same time as Rome, if not earlier.
What kind of people lived at that time in present-day northern Russia, when the Scandinavians called it Gaardarikr, i.e. a state consisting of cities? We know that Gaard means a city, Gaarda means cities, rikr means a kingdom. The Scandinavians themselves answer that this is Ryszaland, i.e. land of Russ. What surprised the Scandinavians when they were in Rhizalandia? Many cities and fortifications, i.e. what they themselves did not have, or lacked; for if they had as many cities as in Rhizalandia, then there is no need to give it the epithet name Gaarderikr. Consequently, when Scandinavia did not yet have cities, or even had, but very few, then Russia plentiful them already beyond measure, so that in their eyes it deserved the name of a kingdom consisting of cities.
More than twenty Slavs were enthroned of Rome;
we will mention the names of at least some: Justin I, Claudius, Caesar-Sever and Valentius - Illyrians; Justinian, Justin II, Prob, Maximian and Valentinian are Pannonians; Diocletian is a Dalmatian; Constantine-Chlorine -Rusin. The Slavic origin of these emperors is recognized by everyone, and according to the testimony of Hamza and Gennesius, the emperor Basil was also a Slav. In a word, the greatest Roman emperors of recent times were the Slavs, and the legions of their fatherland played a major role in Rome and Byzantium, making up the best army. After that, it is quite clear that Tsar John Vasilyevich could have had a reason to deduce his kinship with the Roman emperors. And how many kings of Slavic origin were there in Denmark, Sweden and Norway?

The inhabitants of the Baltic Sea coast of the Veneta-Slavs in 216 BC, strongly pressed by the Goths, had to give them their amber mines and most of their homes and, willingly and unwillingly, move somewhere.
Although subsequently, and in the 166th year according to RX., The Russ (Roxolani, Roxalani), who came to the amber shores, drove the Goths from the seaside (Ptolemai), but the settlers on Ilmen and Lovati for almost four centuries had already adopted places, did not look for their former dwellings, but remained where, probably, the trade had already rewarded them with many benefits. The Ilmen settlers built a city whose name Novgrad (forcing us to unwittingly look for Stargrad), we learn only in the 4th century, when it was crushed by the Goths, under their ataman Erman (251, in turn, once again displaced and moving into Russia.
In Ptolemaya Alane they are called Scythians, in Markian - Sarmatians, and in Georgian history - Rossi. Ammian describes them as Russov. But in addition, we note that the river, now called Somme, which once irrigated the fields of ancient Alania, which existed there, was called Samara at that time, and the city built on both of its banks, the current Amiens, bore the name Samarobregi (the banks of Samara). - These two names are enough to say in the affirmative that Alans were Slavs; for as Samara is a Slavic name, so Bregi is a Slavic word.

1) The Scythians of Anna Komnenoy, Lev the Deacon and Kinnama spoke Russian.
2) The Tavroscythians of Constantine Porphyrogenitus spoke Russian.
3) The Great Scythians of Greek writers, according to Nestor, spoke Russian.
4) Sarmatians (Russ) Halkokondils spoke Russian.
5) Alana (Rossi) in Georgian history - of course, Russians.
6) The Sarmatians of Pope Sylvester II spoke the Venetian language, and the Venetian language is a Slavic dialect.
7) Sarmatians (Yatsigi and Pannons) Am. Martz. and bliss. Jerome spoke the Slavic language.
8) Sarmatians (Anty), recognized by all for the Slavs, spoke, of course, the Slavic language.
9) Sarmatians (Serbs) Pliny and Anton now speak the Slavic language.
10) Sarmatians (Veneds) Peutinger. tab. Procopius and Ptolema, as occupying the same place with the Sarmatians of Pope Sylvester, spoke, of course, the same language with the latter, therefore, Slavic.
11) Sarmatians (Slavs) of various historians - Slavic.
12) All in general Sarmatians Apendini - Slavic.
13) Alane (Anty) - Slavic.
14) Alane (Slavs) - Slavic.
15) Alana in northern France - Slavic.
Consequently, all the Scythians, Sarmatians and Alans cited here spoke, if in different dialects, then still Slavic.
The main feature of the mythology of these peoples:
According to Herodotus, the Scythians worshiped a sword in the form of a god of war.
According to Clementius of Alexandria, the Sarmatians worshiped a sword in the form of a god of war.
According to Nestor, Russ worshiped a sword in the form of a god of war.
According to Ammianus Alan, they worshiped a sword in the form of the god of war - Water.
According to Helmold, the Slavs worshiped a sword in the form of the god of war - Water - to which a special temple was built in Retra.
Of course, we find with them some difference in other idols; but when there are schisms between Christians in one common truth, given to us by the revelation of God, then how not to have it among idolaters who built idols for themselves at their own will and gave them names and attributed actions to them according to their imagination.
Needless to say, according to this conclusion, all the above-mentioned peoples should be of the same tribe?
But when the Hindus speak of God as Incomprehensible, as a beginningless, infinite and eternal Spirit, then he is called Vishnu (the Most High, the Most High), i.e. The highest spirit, incomprehensible to creatures! - Vishnu and the Vyshny make up the same word in the subject matter implied by them among the Hindus and among the Slavs.
So surely we read from the earliest Greek writers that
in upper Italy sat the Geta-Russ, whom later historians converted first into Getruscans, and then into Etruscans. Stephen of Byzantium speaks in his geographic
“We are ashamed, Russians, that we do not bother to trace all the chronicles ourselves, in order to be able to completely amaze and discard the forged Russian history compiled by the Germans, written without reference to sources, solely for the glorification of the Germans, and thus wean these world historians from habits not to sit in your sleigh! " this is how Yegor Klassen finishes his work.

Klassen's theory seems to me to be the true history of Ancient Ruri, if he considered the beginning of Russian history from the 3rd century BC, then the famous researcher and ethnographer Demin the beginning of the history of Ancient Russia from 2300 BC, from the time of the construction of the ancient city of Slovensk
(this is on the site of modern Veliky Novgorod). While studying this theory, I found many interesting facts useful for my book. Although there are some points with which I do not quite agree, but time will tell (maybe I'm wrong).

The history of Russia is usually taken from the "vocation of the Varangians". About the same thing that was before Rurik came to "volode us" in the textbooks is rarely said. Nevertheless, the presence of statehood in Russia and "before Rurik" confirms the abundance of facts.

When the Russians got a state

Official domestic historiography says that statehood in Russia arose in 862 after the Rurik dynasty came to power. Recently, however, many researchers have questioned this point of view. In particular, political scientist Sergei Chernyakhovsky argues that the beginning of Russian statehood should be postponed at least 200 years into the depths of history. And it’s not unreasonable.

Many sources speak about the centralized Russian state before the Rurikovichs, for example, "The Joachim Chronicle", published in the 18th century by Vasily Tatishchev.

If we assume that the Varangians were "summoned to reign" in the Russian lands, then the conclusion suggests itself that there were not scattered Slavic tribes, but a people who had an idea of ​​centralized power. However, if we accept the idea of ​​the historian Boris Rybakov that Rurik began to reign after the conquest of Novgorod, then in this case, too, we see possessions subordinate to a single capital.

In Greek and Latin sources, large cities are called, around which the ancient Russian population was concentrated. In addition to Kiev and Novgorod, they mention the now forgotten Izborsk, Polotsk, Belozersk, Lyubech, Vyshgorod. For example, the Bavarian geographer of the 9th century counted up to 4,000 cities among the Slavs!

One of the signs of statehood is the existence of writing. It is now clear that it was in pre-Christian Russia. For example, the writer of the 10th century Ibn-Fodlan speaks about this, as an eyewitness who claimed that the Rus always indicated the name of the deceased on the grave pillar, as well as the prince to whom he obeyed. The Byzantines and Scandinavians not only mentioned that the Slavs have their own letters - the initial letter, but also called them an educated people.

Moreover, in the Byzantine sources, when describing the life of the Rus, clear signs of their state structure were reflected: the hierarchy of the nobility, the administrative division of lands. Minor princes are also mentioned, over whom the "kings" stood.

Who ruled Russia before Rurik

According to the generally accepted version, the first ruling dynasty in Russia was founded by Rurik. However, modern researchers suggest that the Rurikovichs overthrew or, at least, replaced the dynasty that already existed here. The historian Alexander Samsonov speaks of the close continuity in Russia of other developed cultures - Scythian and Sarmatian, from where the first princes of the Russian lands could have come.

The "Tale of Slovenia and Ruse" tells the story of two brothers - the sons of the Scythian, who moved upward from the Black Sea lands in search of new territories. They reached the banks of the Volkhov River, where they founded the city of Slovensk, which later became known as Veliky Novgorod.

Further, as it is said in the chronicle, “Slovenian and Rus live among themselves in love, the great, and the prince tamo, and took possession of many countries of the local regions. Likewise, their sons and grandchildren to the princes are by their knees and have climbed to themselves eternal glory and riches many with their sword and bow. " Also, the source mentions the close ties of the state of Slovenia and Rus both with barbarian peoples and with the developed countries of the West and East.

The evidence of the authenticity of this story can be provided by the Arab-Persian sources of the 12th century, who wrote about the Rus and Slavs, referring to the eponyms of Rus and Sloven. Byzantine Simeon Logofet in the 10th century also mentions Rus as the ancestor of the Russian people. And the Greeks, calling these lands "Great Scythia", in fact, confirm that the descendants of Scythians ruled here.

Based on the chronicles, the lands of Slovenia and Rus were repeatedly desolate, but the ruling dynasty survived. Gostomysl became a descendant of the first princes, who, after the death of four sons, turned out to be the last in the family. The Magi, having explained one of Gostomysl's dreams, predicted that the new ruler in Novgorod would be the son of his daughter Umila and the Varangian prince Godoslav. This son is the legendary Rurik, who was called to replace (or continue, given his kinship) the Novgorod dynasty.

However, historians are ambiguous about this version of dynastic succession. In particular, N. M. Karamzin and S. M. Soloviev questioned the reality of Gostomysl. Moreover, some archaeologists are not sure of the very existence of Novgorod until the 9th century. Excavations of the "Ryurik settlement" confirmed only traces of the late Scandinavian and West Slavic presence in these lands.

All roads lead to Kiev

If it is possible to question the reliability of the "Legend of Slovenia and Ruse", then the fact of the existence of the "Northern Archons" is recognized by historians. So the Byzantines called the recalcitrant land-states located in the Northern Black Sea region, which in the 6th and 7th centuries were a serious threat to Constantinople.

Excavations in central Ukraine have confirmed the existence of formerly developed and densely populated areas here. These proto-state formations were united by the concept of "Chernyakhovsk culture". It has been established that iron-working, bronze casting, blacksmithing, stone production, as well as jewelry and minting of coins, developed on these lands.

Historians note the high level of management and active trade of representatives of "Chernyakhovskaya culture" with large ancient centers. According to Academician V.V. Sedov, the main population of these places were the Slavs-Antes and Scythian-Sarmatians.

Later, somewhere in the 5th century, it was in the center of the "Chernyakhovskaya culture" that Kiev began its rise - the future capital of the Old Russian state, the founder of which, according to the "Tale of Bygone Years," was Kyi.

True, the historian N.M. Tikhomirov pushes back the founding of Kiev to the 8th century. Other researchers object and find a new date in the IV century, citing as an example one of the medieval chronicle sources: "It was founded in the year from Christ 334".

A supporter of an earlier version of the founding of Kiev, the historian M. Yu. Braichevsky, relying on the works of the Byzantine writer Nikifor Grigora, claims that Kiy, like many rulers of neighboring countries, received a symbol of power from the hands of Constantine the Great. In the text of Grigora there is a mention of the "ruler of Russia", to whom the emperor handed the title of "tsarist kravche".

So, having received the go-ahead for reign, Kiy became at the origins of the ruling dynasty of the young state with the capital in Kiev.

In the "Veles Book" (which, of course, cannot be considered a reliable source) Kiy is described as an outstanding commander and administrator who, having united a large number of Slavic tribes under his command, created a powerful state.

The Polish historian Jan Dlugosh, noting the role of Kiy in the formation of the Old Russian statehood, puts forward the thesis that the Kiev prince founded a line of dynastic succession: “After the death of Kiy, Schek and Horeb, the heirs in a straight line, their sons and nephews dominated the Rusyns for many years, until the succession passed to two siblings Askold and Dir. "

As we know from The Tale of Bygone Years, in 882, Rurik's successor Oleg killed Askold and Dir and took possession of Kiev. True, in the "Tale" Askold and Dir are called Varangians.

If we rely on the version of the Polish historian, then Oleg interrupted the legitimate dynasty coming from Kyi and laid the foundations for the rule of a new dynastic branch - the Rurikovichs.

So, in an amazing way, the fate of two semi-legendary dynasties converge: the Novgorod dynasties, which originate from Sloven and Rus, and the Kiev dynasties, which originate from Kyi. Both versions reasonably suggest that the ancient Russian lands could have been full-fledged states long before the "vocation of the Varangians".

Evgeny Smirnov

The history of Russia is usually taken from the "vocation of the Varangians", about the same thing that was before Rurik came "to volunteer with us" in textbooks it is rarely said. Nevertheless, there are many facts that statehood in Russia existed even "before Rurik".

Before "calling"

Official domestic historiography says that statehood in Russia arose in 862 after the Rurik dynasty came to power. Recently, however, many researchers have questioned this point of view. In particular, political scientist Sergei Chernyakhovsky argues that the beginning of Russian statehood should be postponed at least 200 years into history. And it’s not unreasonable.

Many sources speak about the centralized Russian state before the Rurikovichs, in particular the "Joachim Chronicle", published in the 18th century by Vasily Tatishchev.

If we assume that the Varangians were "summoned to reign" in the Russian lands, then the conclusion suggests itself that there were not scattered Slavic tribes, but a people who had an idea of ​​centralized power. However, if we accept the idea of ​​the historian Boris Rybakov that Rurik began to reign after the conquest of Novgorod, then in this case, too, we see possessions subordinate to a single capital.


In Greek and Latin sources, large cities are called, around which the ancient Russian population was concentrated. In addition to Kiev and Novgorod, Izborsk, Polotsk, Belozersk, Lyubech, Vyshgorod, which are now half-forgotten, are mentioned there. For example, the Bavarian geographer of the 9th century counted up to 4,000 cities among the Slavs!
One of the signs of statehood is the existence of writing. It is now clear that it was in pre-Christian Russia. For example, the 10th century writer Ibn Fodlan speaks about this, as an eyewitness who claimed that the Rus always wrote the name of the deceased on the grave pillar, as well as the prince to whom he obeyed. The Byzantines and Scandinavians not only mentioned that the Slavs have their own letters - the initial letter, but also called them an educated people.
Moreover, in the Byzantine sources, when describing the life of the Rus, clear signs of their state structure were also reflected: the hierarchy of the nobility, the administrative division of lands, minor princes are also mentioned, over whom the "kings" stood.

Lost dynasty

According to the generally accepted version, the first ruling dynasty in Russia was founded by Rurik. However, modern researchers suggest that the Rurikovichs overthrew or, at least, replaced the dynasty that already existed here. The historian Alexander Samsonov speaks of the close continuity in Russia of other developed cultures - Scythian and Sarmatian, from where the first princes of the Russian lands could have come.
The "Tale of Slovenia and Ruse" tells the story of two brothers - the sons of the Scythian, who moved upward from the Black Sea lands in search of new territories. They reached the banks of the Volkhov River, where they founded the city of Slovensk, which later became known as Veliky Novgorod.

Further, as it is written in the chronicle, “Slovenian and Rus live among themselves in love, the great, and the prince tamo, and took possession of many countries of the local region. Likewise, their sons and grandchildren to the princes are by their knees and have climbed to themselves eternal glory and riches many with their sword and bow. " The sources also mention the close ties of the state of Slovenia and Rus both with barbarian peoples and with the developed countries of the West and East.

The evidence of the authenticity of this story can be provided by the Arab-Persian sources of the 12th century, who wrote about the Rus and Slavs, referring to the eponyms of Rus and Sloven. Byzantine Simeon Logofet in the 10th century also mentions Rus as the ancestor of the Russian people. And the Greeks, calling these lands "Great Scythia", in fact, confirm that the descendants of Scythians ruled here.

Based on the chronicles, the lands of Slovenia and Rus were repeatedly desolate, but the ruling dynasty survived. Gostomysl became a descendant of the first princes, who, after the death of four sons, turned out to be the last in the family. The Magi, having explained one of Gostomysl's dreams, predicted that the new ruler in Novgorod would be the son of his daughter Umila and the Varangian prince Godoslav. This son is the legendary Rurik, who was called to replace (or continue, given his kinship) the Novgorod dynasty.

However, historians are ambiguous about this version of dynastic succession. In particular, N. M. Karamzin and S. M. Soloviev questioned the reality of Gostomysl. Moreover, some archaeologists are not sure of the very existence of Novgorod until the 9th century. Excavations of the "Ryurik settlement" confirmed only traces of the late Scandinavian and West Slavic presence in these lands.

All roads lead to KievIf it is possible to question the reliability of the "Legend of Slovenia and Ruse", the fact of the existence of the "Northern Archons" is recognized by historians. So the Byzantines called the recalcitrant land-states located in the Northern Black Sea region, which in the 6th and 7th centuries were a serious threat to Constantinople.

Excavations in central Ukraine have confirmed the existence of formerly developed and densely populated areas here. These proto-state formations were united by the concept of "Chernyakhovsk culture". It has been established that iron-working, bronze casting, blacksmithing, stone production, as well as jewelry and minting of coins, developed on these lands.
Historians note the high level of management and active trade of representatives of "Chernyakhovskaya culture" with large ancient centers. According to Academician V.V.Sedov, the main population of these places were the Slavs-Antes and Scythian-Sarmatians. Later, somewhere in the 5th century, it was in the center of "Chernyakhovskaya culture" that Kiev began its rise - the future capital of the Old Russian state, the founder of which, according to the "Tale of Bygone Years," was Kiy.
True, the historian N.M. Tikhomirov pushes back the founding of Kiev to the 8th century. Although other researchers object and find a new date in the IV century, citing one of the medieval chronicle sources as an example: "It was founded in the year from Christ 334".

A supporter of an earlier version of the founding of Kiev, the historian M. Yu. Braichevsky, relying on the works of the Byzantine writer Nikifor Grigora, claims that Kiy, like many rulers of neighboring countries, received a symbol of power from the hands of Constantine the Great. In the text of Grigora there is a mention of the "ruler of Russia", to whom the emperor handed the title of "tsarist kravche".

So, having received the go-ahead for reign, Kiy became at the origins of the ruling dynasty of the young state with the capital in Kiev. In the "Veles Book" (which, of course, cannot be considered a reliable source), Kiy is described as an outstanding commander and administrator who, having united a large number of Slavic tribes under his command, created a powerful state.

Polish historian Jan Dlugosh, noting the role of Kyi in the formation of the ancient Russian statehood, believes that the Kiev prince founded a line of dynastic succession: “After the death of Kyi, Schek and Khoriv, ​​the heirs in a straight line, their sons and nephews dominated the Rusyns for many years, until the succession passed to two brothers Askold and Dir. "
As we know from the "Tale of Bygone Years" in 882, Rurik's successor Oleg killed Askold and Dir and took possession of Kiev. True, in the "Tale" Askold and Dir are called Varangians. But if you rely on the version of the Polish historian, then Oleg interrupted the legitimate dynasty coming from Kyi, and laid the foundations for the rule of a new dynastic branch - the Rurikovichs.

In such a surprising way, the fate of two semi-legendary dynasties converges: the Novgorod dynasties, originating from Sloven and Rus, and the Kiev dynasties, originating from Kyi. But both versions reasonably suggest that the ancient Russian lands could have been full-fledged states long before the "vocation of the Varangians".

Miniature: Ivan Glazunov. Fragment of the triptych "Grandsons of Gostomysl: Rurik, Truvor, Sineus"