How to fix the walls in the garage. Garage finishing from A to Z: basic information and nuances

For many, the garage is not of great value, it is most often considered a secondary, building and is simply forgotten. The garage, in addition to its main task - parking for a car - can be an excellent place to relax or a work area, equipped for the personal needs of the owner.

Finishing the garage will help to put it in order, thereby increasing the level of comfort and ensuring the durability of the structure. We will try to tell you what materials are best suited for cladding a garage, and why this procedure is necessary.

Cladding is an important component of a garage finish, both inside and out. The cladding material must withstand temperature extremes, and also prevent moisture from penetrating into walls, floors, and internal surfaces.

All of these requirements are expressed for each coating:

  • the floor must be able to support the weight of the vehicle, equipment, tools and possible furniture;
  • finishing material for walls and must have anti-nuclear properties to protect against mechanical damage;
  • the ceiling is best treated with silicate paint, which will help preserve the structure and protect it from dampness and moisture.

The cladding must be fire-resistant, resistant to chemical, thermal and abrasive influences. It should be possible to clean it, since the garage is a place where dirty work is often carried out.

Exterior finish of the garage

The facade of a building is an important element of the structure, since both the appearance and the overall strength of the structure depend on it. Facade cladding helps to repair damage, cracks, restore the rear and increase the level of thermal and waterproofing.

There are several finishing options than sheathing the garage outside:

  1. Plaster is a classic option, it is a balanced option in terms of price and quality.
    For finishing, concrete mix, acrylic components, silicone, brick or foam block installation are suitable.
  2. Siding is a cheaper but less durable option.
    The color fades quickly, and the materials are not highly durable, however, finishing the garage from siding will allow you to save a lot on cladding. Suitable for all types of walls, except metal.
  3. Decorating bricks or stone slabs are more expensive than plaster and require more time and effort.
    It is one of the best garage cladding options in terms of durability.

Materials for interior decoration of the garage

Materials for external and internal refinement of the walls of the building should provide optimal conditions for storing the car. Since dryness and warmth are the main criteria, all materials must be selected based on this criterion.

The materials should also be easy to clean, durable, moisture-proof and heat-retaining. Based on these characteristics, several ways have emerged that are used to sheathe the garage inside and out.

Concrete finish

Plastering walls and pouring concrete into the floor are classic options for finishing a garage. The concrete meets most of the cladding material criteria and adheres well to bricks, concrete walls or aerated concrete blocks. The advantages of the material are that concrete is fire resistant, strong and durable.

Decorating can be done by painting the walls alone. For this, silicate paint is used to protect against moisture and chemical attack.
But concrete also has its drawbacks:

  1. Time-consuming mixing of cement-sand mortar.
  2. Surfaces during the finishing process need to be leveled for a long time.
  3. If the interior decoration of the garage will be done by hand, then you need to have skills in construction, since the plaster, if laid incorrectly, can crack, swell, peel off and crumble in the very first winter.

The main problem of concrete finishing is the formation of puddles on the floor, therefore, during the installation process, it is important to create a small angle of the water slope. Working with concrete should include preparation - allocation of space for mixing the mortar, readiness for dirty work, and in the future - for large-scale cleaning.

Using drywall

Instead of plaster, you can choose a cleaner and drier cladding material - drywall. Gypsum fiber sheets (GVL) have two methods of fixing: on a special glue or using a metal frame.

The second option takes up a lot of free space, however, the frame can negate the unevenness of the walls, and insulation like mineral wool or foam can be placed in the gaps between the gypsum fiber board and the wall.

For wall decoration, moisture and fire-resistant drywall is usually used, which is marked with GKLVO. This is the most suitable type of drywall from a safety point of view.

Pros of plasterboard finishing:

  1. Low weight of sheets.
  2. Ease of installation.
  3. The decorating process is simple to perform.
  4. Affordable material price.
  5. Plasterboard sheets are flexible enough that they can be used in arched structures or in cladding of two-tier complex configurations.
  6. Gypsum, which is in the sheet, absorbs excess moisture from the air, and in dry rooms, on the contrary, it releases water into the environment.
  7. Plasterboard sheets allow you to cheaply divide the room into functional areas. To do this, you can install the sheets on the floor as partitions.
  8. On top of the gypsum fiber board, a decorative finish is made in the form of embossed plaster, silicone paint, or wallpaper is glued.

The main disadvantage of drywall as a material for wall decoration in the garage is the low impact resistance of the sheets. However, if a decorative finish in the form of ceramic tiles is fixed on top of the GVL, then this problem will become insignificant.

Drywall is an acceptable option for ceiling sheathing. With it, you can create a flat surface, but for this you need to fix the metal frame. By choosing this option, it becomes possible to create a mezzanine.

Finishing the garage with ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles are excellent options for wall and floor cladding, as they have almost all the qualities that are needed for cladding a garage space. The tile will be the most accurate cladding option of all presented, it is fire-resistant and waterproof, it lends itself well to dry and wet cleaning.

If laid correctly, the tiles will be able to withstand the weight of vehicles and will last no less than concrete surfaces.

For finishing the garage, it is recommended to choose clinker or porcelain stoneware finishing materials that are highly durable and have a matte, non-slip surface that will reduce the risk of injury. If you want to save money, you can choose ordinary ceramic tiles, which are also suitable for cladding garage surfaces.

A balanced option in terms of finance would be to finish the lower third of the walls with high-quality clinker-type tiles, and plaster or put ceramic tiles on the rest of the surface.

The disadvantages of this method are the high cost of the tiles themselves and the heavy specific gravity, which will complicate the installation work. Decorating walls and floors with tiles includes well-plastered surfaces and a well-equipped screed - without these points, cladding with this type of material will be of poor quality.

Since tiles are an expensive material, the best finishing option would be a combination of different types of decoration.

Decorating the walls of the garage with clapboard

Another popular option for decorating walls and ceilings in a garage is clapboard. It can be made of wood and plastic. Wooden lining is considered one of the most aesthetic types of garage cladding, and the plastic version is in no way inferior to the drywall version in terms of safety.

The positive aspects of finishing the garage with clapboard:

  1. Ease of installation.
    Can be mounted either on a bare wall or with a lathing.
  2. Aesthetics.
    Often, lining is used for room design, because finishing on top of the material is not required. There is a possibility of installation both vertically and horizontally.
  3. The design of the lathing makes it possible to create a space between the wall and the material in which insulation can be laid.

Since the physical and chemical data of a wooden trolley and a plastic one are different, their advantages and disadvantages should be considered separately. If the choice fell on a wooden lining, then it must be treated with fireproof and moisture-repellent impregnation.

Processed wooden lining has the following advantages:

  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation;
  • a wide range of wood types and colors.

However, there are obvious disadvantages, especially in the absence of wood processing:

  1. Increased hygroscopicity - wood absorbs moisture, which can affect the growth of mold and its premature destruction. To eliminate this factor, it is necessary to take care of the ventilation of the room and the waterproofing of the roof.
  2. Difficulty cleaning from oil and gasoline stains.
  3. High level of fire hazard.
  4. Exposure to biological effects in the form of insect pests.

In comparison with plastic clapboard, wooden one is more expensive. For the sake of saving money, it is recommended to purchase untreated wood paneling and mixtures of antipyretics along with antiseptics. It is better not to save on mixtures - the durability of the tree depends on it.

Also, when applying the mixture in 2-3 layers, it can be an excellent substitute for varnish.

PVC panels

Plastic lining is an artificial copy of a wooden type, therefore it has a similar name. When cladding garage surfaces, it is better to purchase a specially created material, since it is he who has the most suitable set of qualities for cladding utility rooms and the facade.

The main advantages of PVC panels are:

  1. Ease of dry and wet cleaning.
  2. Low hygroscopicity.
  3. Low susceptibility to temperature extremes.
  4. A wide range of shades and patterns.
  5. Does not require additional processing.
  6. High strength.
  7. Low cost of finishing.
  8. Ease of installation.

The disadvantages are:

  • weak fire resistance;
  • at extremely low temperatures, brittleness increases, which can lead to destruction.

Sheathing of walls and ceilings with OSB sheets

Instead of wooden lining, you can decorate the walls in the garage with an oriented strand board (OSB), which consists of small wooden sawdust stacked in several layers. Resins of coniferous trees, paraffins or formaldehydes are most often used as binders.

There is no need to worry about the evaporation of harmful substances, since polymerization and removal of chemically hazardous compounds from the plate occurs within 2-3 months after pouring.

OSB is divided into 4 types. The most suitable for wall cladding in accordance with the quality requirements for finishing are 3 and 4 types:

  1. OSB-3.
    Has a high level of strength and medium moisture resistance. To increase the protective characteristics, it is recommended to treat with moisture-repellent agents to prevent sheet swelling.
  2. OSB-4.
    The most durable type on the market. Facing a garage with OSB boards of this type can occur both from the inside and from the side of the facade. The material tolerates temperature extremes well and does not absorb moisture, which contributes to the preservation of the leaf structure from bacterial and chemical damage. It is the most expensive type of OSB. Its advantages also include the duration of the operating period, ease of installation due to the low weight of the plates, good sound and thermal insulation performance and factory treatment with impregnations, which will save you from unnecessary costs.

The main disadvantage of OSB, like other types of wood finishes, is a low level of fire safety.

By the way, if the plates are coated with a primer, then the surface lends itself well to wallpapering, painting and other types of decoration.

Floor finishing

The choice of flooring is just as important as how the foundation is created. The floor finish determines its resistance to stress, as well as the comfort of working in the garage and safety when entering.

The most popular are the following types of finishes:

  • covering the concrete floor with sealants and matte paint;
  • bulk mixtures;
  • facing with tiles;
  • PVC plates;
  • wooden slabs.

Floor covering with paint and sealants

Covering a concrete floor with matte paint and sealants will extend its life by improving its moisture-repellent properties. The same factors affect the aesthetics of the room, as well as the visual increase in space.

Less dust collects on the painted floor, it also withstands mechanical damage better. This method of finishing is a frequent choice of garage owners, as it is simple to perform, and finishing materials are the cheapest of the common ones.

By the way, parking spaces can be highlighted with paint if a place for several cars is planned in the garage.

Bulk mixtures

Inexpensive and easy to implement is the option of filling the floor with a special solution. Bulk mixtures consist of two components - polymer resin and hardener. Applying them to the surface in liquid form, an even layer is formed, which adds wear and frost resistance to the floor.

The thickness of the base of this mixture should not be less than 5 mm. With a thinner layer, the quality of thermal insulation and resistance to damage is minimized.

Bulk mixes come in different colors, which allows for a beautiful and modern design. There are self-leveling coatings with already created pictures and themes. By choosing several fill colors at the same time, you can create a semblance of a rainbow or other types of blotches.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles can be an alternative to concrete cladding. Ceramics used for cladding living quarters are not suitable for a garage. This is due to the fact that it will not withstand the mechanical stress and weight of the car. From the possible options, you should choose between porcelain stoneware or clinker tiles.

Each of their materials has a number of advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Porcelain stoneware - an alloy consists of granite mixed with clay and additional fillers that improve moisture-repellent properties.
    The material has strong anti-shock properties, is aesthetically perfect, but too expensive for finishing the floor in the garage.
  2. Clinker tiles are the same ceramics that have undergone a long processing process at high temperatures.
    Possesses good strength and frost resistance. The downside is the high cost and duration of installation.

Also, there is a subspecies of ceramic floor tiles. It is often used for exterior cladding, but it is also suitable for a garage.

Polyvinyl chloride

For cladding the garage from the inside and floor cladding, PVC plates are often used. They are made from chemically resistant and durable polyvinyl chloride. The material is resistant even to extremely low temperatures, which allows them to be used in unheated rooms, as well as outside the garage.

Other advantages of the material include high fire resistance, surface roughness contributing to comfortable movement, resistance to stress and vibration absorption. Installation of PVC plates does not require special preparation, it is a simple and quick procedure.

An additional advantage of PVC boards is the presence of specific locks that help lay out any surface without the use of glue.

Wooden floor

If environmental friendliness is an important factor, then it is recommended to cover the garage floor with wooden slabs. In terms of health safety, aesthetics, thermal insulation and noise absorption, it is the best choice. From the point of view of practicality and fire safety, other options are worth paying attention to.

By treating the wood with special solutions that protect the material from moisture and fire, the service life of such a floor will increase by 10-15 years, and due to the cheapness of the material, it is always possible to replace damaged boards with new ones.


Garage cladding is a complex multi-step procedure that requires consistency in actions. When planning the interior decoration of the premises, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the materials and correlate them with the requirements of the premises, as well as with the allocated budget.

It is recommended to start cladding from the ceiling, since good waterproofing affects the condition of other types of finishes and materials. It is important to remember that vehicles are stored in the garage, therefore the finishing should provide optimal conditions for their storage.

A metal garage serves many useful functions. Caring car owners put a car inside it for the winter, other people just keep their summer cottage harvest, and still others equip a box for some kind of workshop. All these goals will be successfully realized if the garage is well insulated from the inside.

The minimum temperature for such a room is -5 degrees; otherwise the vegetables will rot, work there will be cold, and condensation will form on the car, causing rust. Therefore, it is advisable to insulate the iron garage from the inside in order to effectively retain heat.

Suitable materials for insulation

Traditional materials and novelties, the quality of which has only been verified by a few, can significantly increase the temperature inside a metal garage. Examples of good insulation materials are:

  • foam (the most common material, characterized by low cost, ease of use);
  • penoizol (liquid form of the above, with a durability of over 40 years, good water resistance, fire resistance);
  • astratek (another liquid insulation; the material applied with a 1 mm layer is comparable in quality to a five-centimeter layer of mineral wool);
  • polyurethane foam (durable material with a minimum service life of 50 years);
  • mineral or basalt wool (soft, inexpensive insulation, second in demand after foam).

The listed materials almost do not differ in quality, and the demand for these or those is usually determined by the price. Therefore, the most popular are foam and mineral wool.

Having decided on the choice of material for insulating the garage from the inside, you can start preparatory work.

Required tools

It is advisable to insulate the garage during the warm season, but sometimes the situation forces you to perform work at sub-zero temperatures. Here there is a need to insulate the box quickly and reliably. To use your time efficiently, the following equipment is prepared in advance:

  • electric drill;
  • mask and gloves (protective);
  • welding machine;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • scissors for metal;
  • tape measure from 5 m;
  • staples and furniture stapler;
  • wooden bars for horizontal cross-beams of the lathing;
  • steel profile.

With the above, it's time to start insulating the garage from the inside.

Preparatory stage

With the internal cladding of metal structures, it is paramount to take care of anti-corrosion treatment. To do this, you need to clean off rust, if any, on the surfaces with a metal brush, if necessary, carry out a patch repair (of a specific small area), then paint the surface with a special anti-corrosion solution.

Sometimes the right question arises - how to insulate a metal garage for a long time if the surface is treated? The second important factor in ensuring a comfortable environment inside the garage is the creation of ventilation. She must take air out of the garage, replacing it with fresh. Otherwise, the accumulation of gases will cause condensation, which will negatively affect the supporting structure of the garage, car or stored food.

After waiting for 1-2 days of complete drying of the applied anti-corrosion solution, the insulation of the metal box begins from the inside. It is advisable to carry out the work in the following sequence - insulate the walls, then the ceiling, a gate with a wicket, and, if necessary, the floor.

Insulation of the walls and ceiling of the garage

The process is considered on the example of basalt wool. This material has the following characteristics:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • durability (from 50 years);
  • affordability;
  • preservation of qualities with increasing humidity inside the garage;
  • comfort in working with the material;
  • mold resistance;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • incombustibility.

The sequence of inner wall cladding with mineral insulation is as follows:

  1. The location of the lathing is determined, the amount of material required is calculated depending on the area of ​​the sheathing surface. For the frame, a steel profile is better suited, since the tree collapses faster when it interacts with moisture. Also, the latter material "leads" when slightly wet.
  2. Vertical guides are placed. The distance between them should be 1-2 cm less than the width of the insulation, so that it straightens out and rationally takes up space. To strengthen the structure, cross-members are placed horizontally every meter, which here can be wooden.
  3. The assembled lathing is surrounded by a membrane or other waterproofing material. The joints are glued with tape, and the film is attached to staples (a furniture stapler will do).
  4. The insulation is placed inside the lathing from the bottom up. There should be no gaps.
  5. A layer of vapor barrier material is applied over the insulation (roofing material, plastic wrap is suitable).
  6. The final stage is the sheathing of the lathing. Performed with non-combustible material; an example is steel siding or drywall.

It is important to take into account that when covering the garage from the inside, the space narrows. The insulation should not be too bulky.

When sheathing with foam, you need to take into account some of the features of the material. It does not expand like cotton wool, so there is no need to make the distance between the frame guides 1-2 cm less. It is better to create the crate in blocks, the dimensions of which exactly repeat the dimensions of the foam. Walls with defects should be pre-leveled. It is also advisable to use an L-shaped profile, and fix the sheets of insulation with glue.

Working with liquid materials will be inconvenient, so it is better to sheathe the top of the garage with Styrofoam. The fixing method is similar to that previously considered, but there is one caveat - you should take care of the absence of holes in the roof of the box. If you have these, welding will come to the rescue. As with walls, when insulating the ceiling, a layer of foam is located between the hydro and vapor barrier layer.

Entrance sheathing

Insulating the walls will not be beneficial if cold air flows through the slots of the entrance gates or wickets. The situation is easily solved by using a rigid insulation like expanded polystyrene. First, the gates are insulated, then a small entrance door to them. The sequence is as follows:

  1. The metal surface is treated with protective mastic. Expanded polystyrene is not afraid of moisture, however, when the gate is opened, drops of rain or snow can fall into the cracks between the material and the iron sheet. This should not be allowed.
  2. Fasten the battens around the perimeter of the gate.
  3. Fix the polystyrene plates on the mounting glue, on top of them it is advisable to apply penofol (foil-based material).
  4. Carry out a wooden lathing for the installation of the cladding. Provide a distance between the future clapboard / drywall / other cladding material and expanded polystyrene about 30 mm so that an air gap remains.
  5. Fix the cladding to the battens.
  6. Perform similar actions with the wicket.

Floor insulation

Sometimes there is a need to insulate the bottom of the garage. For example, in the presence of large gaps or the importance of the caisson (cellar). A suitable material will be polystyrene, on top of which a material is applied that prevents its destruction from human movement. Follow these steps:

  1. Smooth the surface, eliminate cracks and pits with putty.
  2. Prime the floor twice if it is concrete.
  3. Perform the crate from steel profiles.
  4. Lay a layer of waterproofing.
  5. Apply glue, put foam on top of it, press it to the floor.
  6. Screed the floor with a special mortar. Extracted granules are added to increase the strength.

Performing the operations described above will allow you to maintain an optimal microclimate inside the garage. Even a beginner is able to master the process, and the result will be the safety of the car, provisions or other items of value stored inside the box.

Have you already built your garage? If the foundation is ready, you erected the box and completed the interior decoration of the garage, then it remains to take care of its appearance from the outside. After all, this will be the business card of your garage. It should look presentable and tasteful. If you are not a supporter of external beauty, then we want to assure you that the outside decoration of the garage is done not only because of the appearance. Thanks to this finish, you can protect the walls of the garage from external influences and extend its service life for many years. Is this already interesting? If so, we suggest that you find out what materials you can sheathe your garage with.

Business is not limited to banal coloring or applying a fur coat. There are really a lot of materials for work and they all have their own characteristics. Let's take a look at each of them separately.

What is special about outdoor decoration

It is important to consider this issue so that the material of your choice does not lose its properties after a couple of months. What is the difference between the internal space of the garage and the external one? The differences are obvious. Outside, the finish will be constantly exposed to external influences. These are precipitation, and ultraviolet rays, and constant temperature drops, mechanical and physical stress. All this will negatively affect the finishing material, and if it is not of the proper quality and characteristics, then it will not serve you for a long time. Have you ever seen wallpaper being glued outside? That's funny. The same can be said for other materials.

Accordingly, the finish you choose should have the following characteristics:

  • high moisture resistance;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays and temperature extremes;
  • high rates of frost resistance;
  • strength and durability.

All materials must be for outdoor use. Only their manufacturers endow such qualities. Now let's take a look at what you can choose from.

Cheap and cheerful - painting the garage outside

It may sound trite, but wall paint is a simple and reliable way to protect them. The main advantage of paint and varnish coatings as a finish is cheapness. Materials are sold at an affordable price, and even an inexperienced person can work with them. To work, you need a minimum set of tools and materials:

  1. The paint itself.
  2. Brush, roller with a bath or spray gun.

Everything is elementary and simple. Among other advantages, I would like to note a huge assortment of goods, colors and shades. In addition, the paint can last for quite a long time (if you choose it correctly). You can paint plastered walls, wood trim, brick and concrete. The paint will protect them from moisture and external factors.

However, not all paints are suitable for work. Use special exterior finishes. It has all those positive qualities that we talked about above. What is required for outdoor painting?

  1. Prepare the surface, level it, clean it and apply a primer.
  2. The paint is applied in several layers, with a drying break. So, you will get a high-quality result and bright color.

Advice! For outdoor use I use acrylic, water-based or silicone paint.

In the photo you can see what the garage looks like after painting in order to evaluate the coverage.

Plastering garage walls

Plaster has always been the traditional way of finishing. Its advantage is that the material is not expensive, it is easy to work with, and the plastered walls can be additionally covered with a different finish. But the main task of plastering walls is to level them. And thanks to simple methods of application, you can create a certain structure and pattern. For example, when it comes to structural plaster (bark beetle, fur coat).

What is the technology for decorating the walls of the garage? As usual, the walls are prepared, all excess is removed and moistened. The primer does not need to be applied. You can putty the walls along the lighthouses that serve as a guide. Plaster mortar is made of cement and sand, in a ratio of 1: 6. Alternatively, you can use a ready-made mixture that is available in the store. For work, you will need a trowel and a set of spatulas. The plaster is applied in at least two layers. After that, everything is ready for further cladding of the garage.

We sheathe the garage with siding

It is one of the most popular outdoor materials you can use. Such a garage will look rich, beautiful and neat. Indeed, the appearance of the material itself is very good. The photo shows how pleasant the garage seems.

Siding can be of several types:

  • from vinyl (it is most often used);
  • made of wood (the second most popular option);
  • made of metal;
  • from cement.

Vinyl products have an affordable price, high performance and are easy to install. The material is made of polyvinyl chloride, and everyone knows that it is moisture resistant and durable.

If we talk about the other positive properties, then we note the durability of the cladding for the garage, fire safety, low weight of products, and a wide range of goods.

As for wooden products, they are environmentally friendly, capable of serving as a kind of heat insulator and are safe for health. Only the price for them is a bit high. It may be impractical to use such a siding for a garage.

Note! Metal products are much stronger than other types, resistant to temperature fluctuations and biological microorganisms. And to protect it from corrosion, self-tapping screws are used during installation, the head of which is rubberized.

But cement products are heavy. This puts additional stress on the walls and foundations.

How the siding of the garage is performed, you can see from the video:

Wooden lining

Oddly enough, the lining is also used for exterior decoration of the garage. For this purpose, a wooden lining made on the basis of coniferous and deciduous wood is suitable. The advantage of the lining is that it is environmentally friendly, has an attractive appearance, retains heat in the garage, protects the walls from impacts and is able to withstand temperature fluctuations.

Note! So that the lining for the garage does not deteriorate and does not rot, it must be treated with special compounds. This is the only way to ensure the longest possible service life.

It is worth paying attention to the lining classes. There are four of them:

  • class C - the cheapest, characterized by a large number of knots and defects;
  • class B - slightly better processed and has fewer knots;
  • class A is a good option for minor defects and flaws;
  • "Premium" class - ideal lining, but very expensive.

For the garage, you can use checkout A or B. Due to the method of fastening the spike in the groove, you can easily and quickly cope with its installation. For work, you need to make a wooden crate on the garage wall. Fixation is performed with small nails, clamps or staples. Here is a photo of a garage finished with clapboard outside.

One of the varieties of lining is a block house. Outwardly, it looks like a lining, but has an oval shape. Wood panels protect the garage and decorate the outside. And due to special impregnations, the cladding will last for many years.

Finishing the garage with corrugated board

Decking is a universal option that is used for various purposes. They block the roof, make a fence and even sheathe the walls. Metal has always been renowned for its strength and durability. And thanks to the technology for the production of corrugated board, it looks beautiful and is reliably protected from corrosion. The polymer coating serves as a protective layer and determines the color of the products. You can choose any option that you like.

What about the price? It is not high, so everyone can afford such a garage finish. The corrugated board will perfectly cope with atmospheric precipitation, temperature extremes and the influence of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, the coating is easy to maintain. The material can be simply washed with a water hose. He is not afraid of moisture and aggressive substances.

Is it hard to sheathe a garage with corrugated board? No. The material has a convenient size. You can order your sizes and sheathe the garage quickly and easily without any problems. The sheets are attached to the crate with an overlap by one wave and are fixed with special self-tapping screws with a rubberized head.

Advice! So that the self-tapping screws are not visible externally, buy them painted in the color that you chose for the sheets themselves.

Decorating the garage with stone

If you want a solid, durable and reliable base on your garage walls, then stone is your choice. It is not afraid of moisture, temperature extremes, resists mechanical damage and will serve you for many years. And natural stone looks noble and rich. It is clear that you will have to pay for such a pleasure. You can choose this finishing method with unlimited financial possibilities. Your garage will be unmatched in uniqueness.

If you save a little, then you can choose an inexpensive artificial stone. It is much more affordable, although not as high quality. But you will have a large selection of different types and colors of material.

As for the installation process, there are certain difficulties. It is not recommended to do the work yourself. It is better to entrust the process to an experienced specialist, given that the material is quite expensive. The stones are fixed using a special adhesive solution. It must also be of high quality so that the stones do not fall off over time.

It is worth noting that the stones will make the garage much heavier. If you have made a foundation that is not able to withstand such a massive structure, then this idea should be abandoned. Otherwise, you will face the destruction of the base and cracks in the walls. Such a garage will not last long. Therefore, before finishing the garage with a stone, it is worth finding out the bearing capacity of the foundation. Will he be able to withstand such a load. Otherwise, this is a good option to make the garage both beautiful and truly reliable. Such a fortress will be difficult to destroy.

Let's summarize

Making your garage beautiful and protected from the outside is not a problem. As you can see, there are many options for decorating a building. The good news is that everyone can choose the finish that they can afford, look beautiful and protect the walls of the garage. Only there is a small nuance - having chosen a certain type of finish, you should not buy cheap materials. They do not always differ in quality and have the worst characteristics. Better to spend money, but do everything for a long time.

For amateurs who spend all their free time at the car, the inner lining of the garage is of particular importance. The article offers an overview of popular materials suitable for decorating a garage inside, and the criteria for choosing wall cladding, floor and ceiling in a garage room. After reading the article, you can choose the material that is best suited for the conditions of your garage.

Garage often serves multiple functions Source

Finishing materials: 6 performance requirements

The modern construction market is overflowing with a variety of finishing materials, with a wide range of prices and characteristics. When choosing how to decorate the walls of the garage inside, it is important to remember that the garage is a technical building, therefore the cladding is selected in accordance with the specific use. Materials intended for interior decoration must meet the following performance requirements:

    Mechanical strength... Wall and ceiling covering should be maximally resistant to mechanical loads of any type, both to impacts and to deformations (weight loads).

    Resistance to the action of chemical agents... A garage is a place for storing and using a variety of fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants) intended for repair and car care. Most of them (acids, oils, greases, fuels) are reactive compounds and dirty the floor and walls more often than we would like. Resistance to chemical attack is an important condition for the choice of material.

Garage - a place for storing a variety of auto chemicals Source

    Fire resistance... Most of the products used for car maintenance are flammable substances. The logical step would be to choose the most fire-resistant cladding.

    Have resistance to temperature fluctuations... An especially important parameter if the owner does not plan to install heating. In this case, the cladding will have to withstand multiple fluctuations during one season, which is far from being possible for all materials.

    Ease of care... Severe contamination is not uncommon for a garage, so the low absorption of dirt, auto chemical products and odors, as well as ease of maintenance of the floor and walls (and sometimes the ceiling) surface, becomes a valuable quality.

    Easy to update... It is good if there is a possibility of updating or additional protection of the wall material with the help of paints and varnishes.

Finishing materials should not create problems when leaving Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building small architectural forms on a turnkey basis. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Wall decoration: choice of material

Despite the severe restrictions imposed on cladding, the question of what is the best way to finish the walls in the garage does not cause much difficulty. There is a considerable amount of materials that meet all of the above requirements, allowing you to design a garage not only practical, but also aesthetically attractive. Garage wall cladding can be done using the following materials:

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles optimally match the operating conditions in the garage box; among its positive qualities are the following parameters:

    Physical properties... Fire resistance, frost and water resistance.

    Strength... Tiled flooring withstands high loads with dignity.

    Easy care... Ceramics can be easily cleaned from contamination by dry cleaning and using detergents (including compositions with abrasives).

Tiling Source

    Wide choose... The best option is clinker (especially for flooring) or porcelain stoneware, the number of varieties of which is almost inexhaustible. The choice is limited to a matte (non-slip) material.

    Aesthetic appeal.

The use of ceramic tiles has its own characteristics:

    The weight... Ceramics is a fairly heavy material, so it is recommended to lay it on brick or concrete walls. The process of placing small piece material on a cement mortar stretches over time.

    The price of the material and its installation... The main limiting factor when choosing interior garage cladding.

    Savings Opportunity... High-quality clinker can be used as a floor covering, and for walls you can choose budget ceramic tiles (or make the lower, more vulnerable layer from clinker, and the upper one from porcelain stoneware). The walls are often finished with tiles to an incomplete height (1.5 m), above them they are plastered and painted.

Tiles of dark shades - a practical solution Source


When deciding how to sheathe a garage from the inside inexpensively, car owners sooner or later stop at the idea of ​​plastering. The method attracts with its efficiency and speed of implementation, and the surface of the walls acquires strength, fire resistance and durability. When choosing this method, the following features are taken into account:

    Walls... Best of all, the plaster adheres to the walls of concrete, brick, aerated concrete.

    Base selection... Preference is given to cement-sand based mortars.

    Dyeing... After the plastered surface is dry, it is painted in the selected color. It is recommended to use facade paints - they are dirt- and water-repellent, easy to clean and not susceptible to chemical agents.

The limitation of the method is the need for professional skills in its implementation. Otherwise, shortcomings in the work will appear at the first significant temperature drops (swelling, flaking and cracks on the surface).

Wall decoration with plaster Source


Paneling is a popular interior decoration method; it makes the room attractive, gives it a habitable look and is ideal if thermal insulation is needed. When you know how you will use the garage space, the choice of material becomes much easier. If your garage will combine the functions of a service station and a workshop, you will need corrugated board with its strength and non-combustibility. If you plan to carry out only simple maintenance yourself, you can opt for PVC. If the garage is a place of restoration of mental strength with a parallel glaze on an iron friend, there are no restrictions on the choice of material. The garage is decorated with the following types of panel materials:

Cladding with PVC panels

Interior decoration of walls and ceilings with PVC panels is widespread and suitable for many owners of major garages; its advantages include the following qualities:

    Availability... Nice price / quality ratio.

    Physical properties... The material is moisture resistant, does not require additional processing (painting).

Panels for every taste Source

    Easy assembly and unpretentious care.

    Light weight... Plastic cladding of the gate does not increase the weight of the leaves, does not load the hinges and the frame structure.

    Using the framework for fixing panels. It can be used for building insulation, for example, with mineral wool slabs.

    Cheap renovation in case of damage. It is easy to replace one part without disassembling the whole structure.

The disadvantages of using vinyl siding as a garage finish include:

    Low mechanical strength... The panel is easily deformed upon impact.

    Sensitivity to temperature extremes... You can purchase more reliable (and expensive) panels for facade work or special ones for the garage. Such material is designed so that the garage is often not heated, and therefore has improved characteristics.

Video description

About a non-standard approach to the design of tiled walls in the following video:

Wooden lining

The main raw material for the production of natural lining is coniferous wood, usually pine. Such material is cheap, easy to process, and safe for health. Sheathing of the garage with clapboard will justify itself if the wood has undergone preliminary protective treatment with an antiseptic and fire retardant. The positive qualities of wooden lining include the following properties:

    Ecological cleanliness and durability.

    Availability for a wide range of consumers.

    Simple and reliable installation... The lining is laid on a wooden lathing or on a plastered wall. The parts have a notch-ridge connection system, due to which they fit tightly to each other.

    Strength and frost resistance.

    Resistance to mechanical stress.

    Natural texture and a large selection of natural shades.

Clapboard sheathing Source

The disadvantages of wooden lining include the following features:

    High hygroscopicity.

    Biohazard exposure... Indoors with high humidity are more likely to develop mold and insect pests.

    Flammability... Decreases slightly after using a flame retardant.

    Difficult care... It can be difficult to clean the wall from oil stains, so it is recommended to cover the wood sheathing with a layer of varnish to prevent the wood from being absorbed.

Plasterboard sheathing

Thinking about how to sheathe the garage inside, many pay attention to drywall (dry plaster). For finishing the garage, it is recommended to use a material with improved moisture and fire resistance properties. Such sheets have the designation GKLVO, a characteristic gray-green color and red markings. The use of drywall has obvious advantages:

    Affordable price.

    Light weight material. The sheets are attached to a special adhesive solution or a metal frame. The second method is convenient when the walls are uneven or insulation is needed.

Video description

About decorating walls with wooden clapboard in the following video:

    Simple assembly with a minimum of construction waste (compared to classic plaster).

    Use as a basis... On the material (if it was used to level the walls), you can fix ceramic tiles or apply embossed plaster.

    Use as a partition... Drywall, fixed to the frame, is suitable if you want to allocate space in the garage for a mini-warehouse or changing room.

    Shape change... Drywall is suitable for the formation of not only a flat, but also an arched structure (after preliminary preparation).

Facing garage walls and ceilings with plasterboard installed on a frame has its drawbacks:

    Unprofitable for a small room. The frame reduces the already small free space.

    Low impact resistance of walls. If cladding with durable material (for example, ceramic tile) is planned over the drywall, the deficiency disappears.

Sheathing with moisture-resistant plasterboard Source

Sheathing with OSB sheets

As an option for finishing garage walls, you can find plywood and other chipboard materials. OSB (oriented strand board) sheets, which are made from a mixture of shredded wood and various binding additives, are well suited for the installation of insulated walls. For cladding garage walls (and ceilings), sheets marked OSB-3 or OSB-4 are the best option. OSB-3 material is the most common choice for finishing a garage. It is characterized by good strength and average moisture resistance, therefore it needs additional moisture protection treatment. OSB-4 is a more durable option with the following advantages:

    Long service life.

    Durability and resistance to temperature extremes.

    Good moisture protection... The material does not deform in high humidity conditions.

    Mold resistant(contains antiseptic additives).

Video description

About the varieties of garage floor coverings in the following video:

Interior decoration of the garage with OSB panels also has disadvantages:

    Material refers to the highest category of flammability(G4).

    Evaporation of harmful substances... The sheets contain formaldehyde resins, the evaporation of which is harmful to health, but, when ventilated, can be at an acceptable level.

Corrugated board

One of the options for practical and cheap cladding is corrugated sheet - a profiled steel sheet protected with a polymer or paint and varnish coating. Like the lining, it is convenient to mount it on a wooden crate. Decking has the following features:

    Durability and incombustibility.

    Resistant to temperature changes and to aggressive environments.

    Fast assembly provided with large material sizes.

    Main flaw corrugated board - susceptibility to corrosion.

    Replacement bent profiled sheet will cost expensive than repairing vinyl siding (PVC panels).

Sheathing with corrugated board Source

Floor and ceiling finishing

The roof for garages is usually flat. In this way, savings in money and effort are achieved, but along the way, the likelihood of leakage increases when water after rain is retained on a horizontal surface. Therefore, the decorative lining of the ceiling in the garage is started after its waterproofing. One of the most common ways is to plaster the ceiling with subsequent painting. Since the ceiling is not subject to damage, the choice is often made in favor of MDF or PVC panels. This is a popular and practical option that allows (when using a frame) to carry out insulation and hide communication systems.

Video description

About the intricacies of the self-leveling floor in the following video:

Special requirements are imposed on the floor covering in the garage, it must withstand significant and regular weight loads from the vehicle. The preferred flooring options are as follows:

    Painted concrete floor... A highly sought-after option that can easily support the weight of the vehicle. A concrete floor covered with a primer weakly absorbs spilled auto chemicals, does not collect dust and is resistant to abrasion. Although the process of setting up a concrete floor is not quick, many car enthusiasts stop at it due to the low cost and simplicity of the technology.

    Tile... The garage floor made of ceramic tiles (or ceramonranite) looks neat and often original. The coating is beneficial for its durability, easy maintenance and resistance to fuels and lubricants. The limitation of the use of tiles is its high cost and a rather laborious process of creating a tiled covering (including mandatory waterproofing).

Ceramic tile flooring Source

    Poured concrete... An impact-resistant coating with a perfectly flat surface, which is not inferior in strength to a classic concrete floor. One of the most successful coatings for garage premises, as it is frost-resistant and highly resistant to chemical environments. The disadvantage of the method is the high price of the composition, which is why the self-leveling floor cannot be called an economical option. Another subtlety is that the base for pouring must be perfectly flat, which is not always achievable.

    Wooden floor... The choice in favor of wood flooring (from a floorboard) is not often made, although the subfloor for such a floor does not need to be leveled. Many people believe that such a floor has more disadvantages than advantages - flammability, high absorbency and low strength. Proponents argue that working on a wooden deck is much more enjoyable and healthier; moreover, wood (unlike concrete) does not form dust.

Self-leveling polymer floor Source


Interior decoration is an important part of the arrangement of the garage space. Correctly selected finishing materials keep the car clean and tidy, and also help to extend the life of the vehicle.

For many car owners, the garage is not only a place for their storage and repair, but also a favorite place to spend their free time. The interior decoration of garages is not so much aesthetic as practical.
In the garage, first of all, it should be dry and warm, especially if there is a basement in which vegetables and preserves are stored. In addition, a high-quality floor and wall decoration inside the garage greatly affect its cost.
And this is a good reason to think about how to decorate the garage inside.

Before we start finishing the walls and floors, we pay special attention to the garage ceiling. It is from him that water often drips after a good rain.
In order to avoid this, and not to let the future finish down the drain, you need to take care of high-quality waterproofing.

  • This is especially true for those garages that have a flat roof. And she is just like that in typical concrete and brick garages located in garage cooperatives.
  • It is clear that if a person built a detached garage on the territory of his household, in which a pitched roof is provided, waterproofing was also carried out during the roofing work.
  • On flat roofs, water can stagnate, which leads to the need for fairly frequent replacement of the roll roofing materials used there. In order to avoid leaks inside the garage, it is better to take additional measures.
    And this can be done: both in the building under construction and in the operated one.

  • With the help of a waterproofing compound intended for seams, you process the joints of floor slabs and their abutment to the walls, with the capture of surfaces by 10-15 cm. Next, the joints are glued with reinforcing fiberglass tape.
  • After that, the entire surface of the ceiling should be treated with a universal penetrating primer. If necessary, walls and concrete base of the floor can be treated with the same composition.
    Such waterproofing is performed once, and it is enough for the entire service life of any structure, including a garage.
  • The composition can be ready-to-use, or dry, which will need to be diluted with water, as prescribed by the instructions. The cost of the dry composition is somewhat lower, it is better to purchase it if you have to process both the walls of the garage and the basement - that is, a large area.
  • Such waterproofing allows you to make any decorative coating. If there is no need to insulate the ceiling, you can simply trim it with panels.
    The simplest polystyrene tiles are also suitable, or you can choose a more expensive option - ceramics.

  • In the photo above, not only the ceiling, but also the walls and the floor are tiled with ceramic tiles. Concrete slabs have a sufficiently flat surface, so that there will be no problems with the gluing of the tiles.
    With the same success, the ceiling can be simply plastered and painted.

In the event that the ceiling needs to be insulated, it is better to choose any frame finishing method. Indeed, it is very convenient to mount insulation in the crate cells.
Usually in the garage, both the ceiling and the walls are sheathed in the same way. Therefore, how and what to decorate the garage inside, we will tell you in the next section of our article.

Wall decoration

Many garage owners prefer to do only with rough wall finishing. Most often, this is plastering.
If you have the skills to do this, everything is much easier. It remains only to purchase a dry plaster mixture and the necessary tools.

Note! For finishing any unheated room, including a garage, purchase a cement-based plaster. Plaster mixes used in residential premises are not suitable for this purpose.


  • If you will be doing plastering work for the first time, it is better to watch the video first. The garage is the very object where you can practice before starting, for example, renovating an apartment.
  • Usually the plaster is applied in two layers, each of which must be completely dry before further priming or finishing can be carried out. If you really don't want to paint the walls, you can give the walls a noble look using decorative plaster rather than ordinary plaster.

Interior decoration of the garage walls can be done with facade plaster. Fillers for such solutions are crumbs from various types of stone: quartz, sandstone, granite, marble.
It is usually sold separately and is added only to the batch that is made for the finishing layer.

Frame cladding

The order of performing this work for walls and ceilings will be the same, and she has the same selection criterion - the surfaces need to be insulated. And it is not at all necessary for the cladding of the ceiling and walls to choose the same material.


  • We have already completed waterproofing of surfaces. We proceed with the installation of the frame with our own hands - the decoration inside the garage will depend on its high-quality performance.
    Whichever type of cladding you choose, you can use both a wooden beam and a metal profile for the frame.
  • The only thing is that the tree must be treated with an antiseptic compound before installation. It will protect the timber not only from rotting, but also from the encroachment of rodents.
    The downside of wooden lathing is the fact that the timber is rarely even.
  • And if the wall is, for example, a brick wall, then it is not easy to level the crate, you have to put wedges under each dowel. It is much easier to mount an aluminum profile.
    On our site there are articles with step-by-step instructions for installing the crate.
  • The next stage of work will be the laying of insulation in the cavity of the frame. Thermal insulation material must be purchased in advance so that you know its width, and taking it into account, the lathing was carried out.
  • The distance between the bars should be a couple of centimeters less than this value. Then the insulation will fit tightly into the cell, it will be easier to carry out further work.
  • For insulation of walls and ceilings, it is more convenient to use not rolled, but plate materials. Just don't use styrofoam - it's too flammable, and there is always a fire hazard in the garage. Better to take penoizol, expanded polystyrene or fiberglass wool.

  • On top of the insulation, it is necessary to glue foil, or ordinary plastic wrap. This vapor barrier layer will prevent condensation from collecting on the insulation.
    And only after that you can proceed directly to the cladding.

  • Finishing the garage inside with clapboard and chipboard differs from plastic panels in that they require additional finishing in the form of antiseptic treatment and staining.

  • In this regard, plastic is easier to use, but it is too fragile, and the panel can be accidentally broken. Therefore, many people prefer to use aluminum siding panels in the interior decoration of garages.

Not all people look at garage decoration only from the practical side. Some people think about design too.
And here's an example for you: on the front wall of the garage, there is a panel of ceramic tiles. We advise you to follow an example!

Garage floor device

If your garage does not have a viewing pit or basement, the base subfloor will be tamped soil. In this case, the number one task is to make the concrete screed.


  • To begin with, the base must be leveled horizontally as much as possible, by adding fine gravel or sand to the right places. For this, beacons are set according to the level, and the cord is pulled.
    If there is a need to raise the base a little higher, the backfill layer can be made thicker.
  • On top of the sand pillow, lay an overlapping roofing felt, with a slight grip of the wall. It will not allow moisture from the concrete solution to be absorbed into the soil.
    Further, a metal reinforcing mesh is laid on the base, which will give the structure additional strength.
  • M300 concrete can be purchased ready-made, or you can knead it yourself... This will require cement of the appropriate grade, crushed stone with a fraction of 8-9mm and sand.
    For one part of the cement, add two parts of sand and three parts of crushed stone.
  • Add water until such a consistency is obtained that the solution is convenient to lay and tamp. Concrete is poured in strips between lighthouses, and it is advisable to do this continuously.
  • The thickness of the concrete screed must be at least ten centimeters. After setting, the surface is carefully smoothed and left to cure for 28 days.
    Floor concreting work is usually combined with a blind area along the outer perimeter of the garage - it is needed to drain storm water from its walls.
  • Some may find that a concrete screed is enough for the garage floor. But keep in mind that this material will absorb moisture.
    Any spilled oil will surely leave a stain on the surface. There are several ways to give a concrete surface a noble look.
  • The simplest of them can be considered a screed made of marble chips. The ingredients for such a solution are sold separately: cement M400, fine particles, acrylic and polyurethane plasticizers.

  • It is the plasticizer that makes the mortar elastic, and the surface of the screed smooth. How much it needs to be added to the solution will be indicated on the package. The ratio of the remaining components is as follows: three parts of crumb and half of water are added to one part of the cement.
  • If you want to lay tiles on the floor, then a fairly flat concrete base allows you to do this without problems. First, you just need to treat it with a primer, which will not allow the concrete to absorb moisture from the adhesive solution.

  • Clinker tiles are a great option for your garage floor, but they are quite expensive. Porcelain stoneware is practically not inferior in strength to clinker, and its price is much lower.
  • If you consider it necessary to insulate the garage floor and make a boardwalk, wooden logs are mounted on top of a concrete screed or slab. The space between them is covered with expanded clay or polystyrene granules.
  • You can fill the bulk insulation with cement mortar and put a reinforcing mesh on top. Tiles can also be laid on such an insulating layer.
    Most often, it is performed when there is a basement in the garage, the ceiling of which needs to be insulated.

As you can see, nothing is impossible, and finishing the garage inside with your own hands is quite within the power of everyone. And we, in turn, really hope that we were able to help you understand this issue. We wish you success in achieving your goal!