Powerful of this world: the most influential people in the world. The richest people in the world, Russia and in history Top 100 richest people in the country

One of the most authoritative American financial and economic magazines - Forbes has published its annual ranking of the richest people in the world. The list includes 1826 tycoons, of which 290 people were included in the ranking for the first time. PEOPLETALK invites you to take a look at the twenty richest dollar billionaires, according to Forbes.

The American billionaire, Microsoft founder Bill Gates (59) has taken the leading first place for 21 years in a row - $ 79.2 billion.

Mexican businessman Carlos Slim Elu (75). The main asset of the billionaire is the holding company Grupo Carso, which controls a number of large Mexican companies. Net worth: $77.1 billion

American billionaire, economist, professional investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffett (84) is in third place with a net worth of $72.7 billion.

In fourth place with $ 64.5 billion is the Spanish entrepreneur Amancio Ortega (78), the former chairman of the board of directors of Inditex. The company owns 5,000 stores in 77 countries, including the world famous Zara.

David Koch and Charles Koch are the owners of Koch Industries Corporation. Each is worth an estimated $42.9 billion.

Christy Walton (58) got the seventh place in the Forbes ranking. Her fortune, most of which is concentrated in the Wal-Mart retail network, is estimated at $ 41.7 billion. Walton inherited such wealth in 2005 after the death of her husband in a plane crash. Christie also owns a small share of the revenues of First Solar, a company that manufactures sunglasses.

Behind Christy Walton is Jim Walton (66), another heir to the multi-billion dollar fortune of Wal-Mart and chairman of the board of directors of Arvest Bank. His fortune is estimated at $40.6 billion.

Liliane Bettencourt (92) is the heiress of L "Oreal, whose fortune of $ 40.1 billion made her the richest woman in Europe.

Rounding out the top ten is another Wal-Mart heiress, Alice Walton (66). Her $39.4 billion is ranked tenth by Forbes.

$37.2 billion is owned by the owner of a 46% stake in LVMH (Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton) Bernard Arnault (66).

Former New York City Mayor, Bloomberg LP founder and CEO Michael Bloomberg (73) − $35.5 billion

American entrepreneur, Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos (51) - $34.8 billion

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg (30) - $33.4 billion

Chinese entrepreneur and owner of Hutchison Whampoa, Li Ka-Shing (86) - $33.3 billion

American businessman and the richest Jew in the world, Chairman and CEO of Las Vegas Sands Corporation Sheldon Adelson (81) - $ 31.4 billion.

Who are they - people whose names do not leave the pages of Forbes, and whose rapid career is admired by millions? Who this year promises to break records in terms of well-being and who should we, “mere mortals”, be equal to? We bring to your attention the TOP 10 richest people in the world 2018 of the year.

10 Michael Bloomberg

Opens the ranking of the richest people in the world in 2018, the former mayor of New York, American Michael Bloomberg with a fortune of 47.5 billion dollars. The main source of his income is the Bloomberg LP corporation, which provides information services. Like the vast majority of the world's richest people, Bloomberg is actively involved in charity work and donates funds to various causes.


The brother of a person who is one step higher in our rating. The amount of capital of a 76-year-old man is 48.3 billion dollars. The main source of profit is the same Koch Industries holding, established in 1940.
Both brothers are members of the Republican Party, which they actively sponsor. They do not spare money for education, in every possible way supporting gifted students who come from poor families.


The eighth place in the list of the richest people in the world in 2017 according to Forbes is the American Charles Koch, whose fortune was estimated at 48.3 billion. Together with his brother, this 81-year-old man owns Koch Industries, a diversified holding company that has grown into a tiny oil refinery founded by his father. In addition to business interests, the billionaire, despite his advanced age, is interested in politics and regularly donates funds to charity.

7 Larry Ellison

The 72-year-old American has multiplied his wealth by $13.3 billion over the past year, bringing his net worth to $61 billion.

Mr. Ellison is a well-known software developer who, despite his talent, never managed to graduate from university. He was made a billionaire by Oracle, which is now focused on improving cloud services.

Ellison's hobby is sailing, in which the richest man on the planet willingly invests money. He does not spare money for charity: last year, the businessman promised the University of California $ 200 million for the creation of an effective cure for cancer.


Another representative of the ranking of the richest people in the world in 2017 is a Mexican billionaire with a capital of $65.1 billion. The main source of income for this 77-year-old man is Telecom. In addition, Mr. Slim invests in Mexican development, mining, and consumer goods. He also owns a 17 percent stake in The New York Times.

5 Mark Zuckerberg

One of the youngest billionaires in the world, whose net worth is $72.9 billion. The source of such an impressive amount is the world famous social network Facebook, which Mark created at the age of 19, almost 13 years ago.

Today, the billionaire is actively involved in the management of his offspring and oversees major acquisitions of other Internet giants. Not so long ago, the Zuckerberg couple became parents, in connection with which they promised to donate 99 percent of their wealth to charity.


The 80-year-old Spaniard boasts a fortune of $76.4 billion, which has increased by $4.3 billion in the last year alone. Retail has brought serious prosperity to this man, and he receives the lion's share of his capital thanks to his ownership of shares in Zara, which he, together with his late wife, established back in 1975.
From dividends alone, Ortega makes $400 million a year, successfully investing the money he earns in real estate.


The third position in the list of the richest people in the world in 2018, according to Forbes magazine, belongs to businessman Warren Buffett with a fortune of $ 85.6 billion. The source of the billions of the 86-year-old man is Berkshire Hathaway. Buffett Holding owns a certain percentage of the shares of more than 60 companies. The billionaire, who made his first investment at the age of 11, invests in companies such as IBM, Wells Fargo, Coca-Cola and others. Together with Bill Gates, the man founded the Giving Pledge company, to which he promised to donate 99 percent of his capital.


By the end of 2017, Bill Gates, for the first time in 4 years, lost the title of the richest man on the planet, taking second place in the Forbes ranking. His fortune is estimated at more than 90.8 billion dollars. The 61-year-old owner of the IT giant Microsoft created his offspring 40 years ago, and today he owns 3 percent of the shares of his native corporation. His other investments include the Canadian Railroad, a well-known American engineering company, Republic Services (a waste management company), and the famous car dealer AutoNation. However, Mr. Gates considers the work of a charitable foundation to improve the state of affairs in the healthcare system and help overcome hunger in third world countries as a priority for his activities.

1 Jeff Bezos

The fortune of this successful man is estimated at 98.6 billion dollars. He is the founder of Amazon, whose stock was the fastest growing last year. Due to the rapid rise in prices, the businessman's assets increased by 33.8 billion. Due to the large increase in the capital of the Internet retailer, Bezos rose in the ranking from third to first place, becoming the richest person in the world in 2017-2018.

The 53-year-old billionaire, among other things, owns a company that develops rockets. The man dreams in the future of launching the production of space shuttles that will be engaged in passenger transportation in space. Bezos's hobby is raising the wreckage of NASA spacecraft from the depths of the sea.

Forbes magazine publishes a list of the most influential people every year. Among the first there are always the names of politicians and representatives of big business. Sometimes the top three do not change for a long period. It's no secret that big politics is done behind the scenes. Strategic decisions are also important, the geopolitical game that has always been played in the world.

Forbes ranking 2020

Forbes analytics is based not only on politically important decisions and reshuffles in the political arena, they also study the ranking list of the American Time magazine, which in the spring of each year publishes a list of the 100 most influential people in the world in order to answer the question of who is making history today.

1. Xi Jinping, President of China

China's leader comes from a difficult family. His father was an ally of Mao Zedong, held important posts, so Xi Jinping formally belongs to the intra-party clan of princes called taijidan. In the 60s, the family fell under repression and was expelled from the capital. Knowing what deprivation and poverty are, the future leader of China managed to rally the people around him.

The most powerful person in the world is the leader of China

He managed to change life in his own country in many ways. On the wave of economic and income growth, the President of the People's Republic of China skillfully carries out reforms, the specifics of the internal policy of the Communist Party are officially included in the Constitution.

2. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia

From 2013 to 2016, Vladimir Putin took the first line of the rating. The period from the beginning of 2000 to the present day is called the Putin era in Russia. He significantly strengthened the country's role in the foreign policy arena, strengthened the army and increased weapons. Under him, the borders of the Russian Federation expanded due to the annexation of Crimea.

President of Russia V. Putin

Western politicians consider him one of the most influential persons in the political arena, and there is currently an active rivalry for Russia's zones of influence. Speaking of Vladimir Putin, it is impossible not to touch upon the topic of interference in the US presidential election, which is being actively discussed.

3. Donald Trump, President of the United States

Nobody believed that Donald Trump, one of the richest men in the US, would become president. Rumor has it that there was some outside interference, but no one has voiced direct evidence. Running the richest and most powerful country in the world obliges Trump to take decisive action.

Trump is a unique figure in politics

Despite the difficulties, he pursues an active economic policy and tries to improve the lives of ordinary Americans.

4. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany

Today, many have begun to forget that Mrs. Merkel is the first female chancellor in German history. She received approval for her work and in 2012 was re-elected to 4 lines. Today it is obvious that Angela Merkel's popularity among politicians and citizens is falling. The reason lies in the unstable situation with migrants and the dual foreign policy, with which not everyone agrees.

The era of Angela Merkel is coming to an end

Nevertheless, the period of her administration fell on the strengthening of Germany's position in Europe.

5. Jeff Bezos, head of the American company Amazon

In 2018, Forbes named the founder of Amazon the richest person on the planet. His fortune is estimated at 135 billion dollars. Bloomberg puts the figure at 150 billion. Bezos is actively expanding the scope of his economic interests, increasing the zone of influence not only in the United States, but also in the world.

Today Bezos is the richest man on the planet

6. Pope Francis

After Francis became the new pope, he launched the process of reforming the Catholic Church. He believes that the community lives too conservatively. Actively involved in political life, meeting with prominent figures and supporting campaigns to reduce violence in the world.

The Pope tries to clearly articulate his position on every issue.

Resolutely opposes euthanasia, abortion, legalization of same-sex relationships. He criticized the clergy who denied single mothers the baptism of their children.

7. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft

Philanthropist Bill Gates actively helps those in need and has earned respect in American society. He is referred to by those around him as a modest person, but the entrepreneur lives in a huge house worth more than $125 million without the value of the land.

Bill Gates has long retired, but continues to be in the spotlight

Considered the most respected person on the planet.

8. Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia

The de facto ruler of the largest country in the Arabian Peninsula and the youngest Minister of Defense in the world. In politics, he actively supports the US position on most issues.

Main contender for the throne of Saudi Arabia

Currently, the issue of a change of power in Saudi Arabia is acute. Part of the elite is in favor of the removal of the crown prince, but this can only be done after the death of the king. Whether Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud retains power in his hands, time will tell.

9. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India

The seventh place in the top is occupied by the leader of India. It is noted that he is a controversial figure in politics. Despite the excesses, he is supported thanks to the country's rapid economic growth.

Narendra Modi at one of the meetings

In foreign policy, he acts cautiously, India under him is systematically building up weapons, building a fleet.

10. Larry Page, co-founder of Google

As a scientist and entrepreneur, Page amassed a fortune of $40.7 billion. Previously, for several years in a row, he occupied higher positions on the Forbes list. Larry Page is not just a wealthy man, he has regained his powerful position as CEO of Alphabet, the holding company that controls Google platforms.

Larry Page is an influential business person

TOP 10 most influential people in Russia

1. Vladimir Putin

The first line, of course, is occupied by the president himself. Both foreign and domestic policy depend on it. Recently, he has often been criticized for raising taxes, the retirement age and other unpopular reforms.

President, Chairman of the Board of OJSC Sberbank of Russia German Gref

The head of the largest commercial bank in the country is an influential businessman. He is very careful in his actions, so the bank successfully operates both in the CIS and in Europe.

Miller's annual income exceeds $17 million. The Chairman of the Board of PJSC Gazprom actively influences the position of the domestic market and the external position of the country.

Working visit to Turkmenistan

The list of "most influential people" includes the executive director of Rosneft. For a long time he worked in the Presidential Administration. He was the only representative of Russia in the list of 100 most influential people on the planet according to Time magazine.

One of the most influential figures in Russian politics since 2000.

The Prime Minister of Russia occupies the fifth position. From 2008 to 2012 he served as the President of the country. Unpopular reforms in the country are attributed to him, including the latest increase in VAT to 20%.

YES. Medvedev in 2008

6. Vladimir Bogdanov

Vladimir Leonidovich took a long time to get to his position, he has been engaged in drilling all his life and knows perfectly well the specifics of managing an oil and gas company. Controls OAO Surgutneftegaz.

The head of Surgutneftegaz has strengthened its position by 2018.

Honored Economist of Russia, before joining the Bank of the Russian Federation, she worked as an assistant to V.V. Putin. He advocates a model of the economy based on private investment in competitive areas.

8. Alexander Bortnikov

The general and head of the FSB is an influential person in any country. He was not included in the US sanctions list and visited the country several times.

Alexander Bortnikov

9. Oleg Belozerov

Statesman, head of Russian Railways, replaced Vladimir Yakunin. With his arrival, the companies began to actively fight corruption. Recommended as a contender for the post of Minister of Transport.

Head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov

10. Vagit Alekperov

The co-owner of the Lukoil oil company is engaged in social and scientific activities, is considered the main industry magnate in the country. He is a collector of rare coins.

Vagit Alekperov

Top 100 most influential people in history

The book by American-born astrophysicist M. Hart presents his own version of hundreds of the most influential personalities in the world history of mankind. From the writer's point of view, it looks like this:

  1. Prophet and central figure of Islam Mohammed;
  2. scientist Isaac Newton;
  3. the central figure in Christianity, Jesus Christ;
  4. spiritual teacher in Buddhism, Buddha;
  5. Chinese philosopher Confucius;
  6. the supreme Apostle Paul;
  7. the Chinese dignitary Cai Lun, who may have invented paper;
  8. German printer Johannes Gutenberg;
  9. Christopher Columbus, explorer and navigator who discovered America for Europe;
  10. physicist A. Einstein;
  11. microbiologist Louis Pasteur;
  12. Italian scientist Galileo Galilei;
  13. ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle;
  14. mathematician Euclid;
  15. Jewish prophet Moses;
  16. English naturalist and traveler Charles Darwin;
  17. the first emperor of China, the founder of the Qin dynasty, Shi Huangdi;
  18. ancient Roman emperor Octavian Augustus;
  19. Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus;
  20. first chemist Antoine Lavoisier;
  21. Roman emperor Constantine I;
  22. engineer and mechanic James Watt;
  23. physicist Michael Faraday;
  24. scientist J. Maxwell;
  25. Christian theologian Martin Luther;
  26. the first President of the United States, George Washington;
  27. German sociologist and economist Karl Marx;
  28. aircraft designers Orville and Wilbur Wright;
  29. Mongolian Khan Genghis Khan;
  30. economist Adam Smith;
  31. poet William Shakespeare;
  32. naturalist John Dalton;
  33. commander Alexander the Great;
  34. Emperor of France Napoleon I;
  35. inventor Thomas Edison;
  36. the founder of microscopy, Anthony van Leeuwenhoek;
  37. dentist William Morton;
  38. radio engineer Gugliermo Marconi;
  39. Fuhrer of the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler;
  40. philosopher Plato;
  41. revolutionary Oliver Cromwell;
  42. scientist Alexander Bell;
  43. penicillin inventor Alexander Fleming;
  44. philosopher John Locke;
  45. pianist and creator of his own works Ludwig van Beethoven;
  46. one of the creators of quantum mechanics, Werner Heisenberg;
  47. chemist Louis Daguerre;
  48. the independence fighter Simon Bolivar;
  49. mathematician Rene Descartes;
  50. sculptor Michelangelo;
  51. Pope Urban II;
  52. companion of the prophet Umar ibn al-Khattab;
  53. Indian ruler Ashoka;
  54. Christian Aurelius Augustine;
  55. medic William Harvey;
  56. creator of nuclear physics E. Rutherford;
  57. reformer and theologian John Calvin;
  58. a monk who was actively involved in botany and studied heredity G. Mendel;
  59. head of German science Max Planck;
  60. English surgeon Joseph Lister;
  61. inventor Nikolaus Otto;
  62. conquistador F. Pizarro;
  63. conquistador Hernan Cortes;
  64. US President Thomas Jefferson;
  65. Queen Isabella I of Spain;
  66. leader of the USSR Joseph Stalin;
  67. commander Julius Caesar;
  68. William I the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy;
  69. psychologist Sigmund Freud;
  70. physician Edward Jenner, who invented the smallpox vaccine;
  71. physicist V. Roentgen;
  72. composer Johann Bach;
  73. the founder of Taoism Lao Tzu;
  74. poet and educator Voltaire;
  75. astronomer Johannes Kepler;
  76. physicist E. Fermi;
  77. Swiss mathematician L. Euler;
  78. thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau;
  79. philosopher Nicolo Machiavelli;
  80. economist Thomas Malthus;
  81. US President John F. Kennedy;
  82. researcher Gregory Pincus, creator of oral contraceptives;
  83. founder of Manichaeism Mani;
  84. the man who made the world believe in the power of revolution, Vladimir Lenin;
  85. Chinese emperor Sun Wen-di;
  86. navigator Vasco da Gama;
  87. Persian king Cyrus II;
  88. emperor Peter I;
  89. Chinese politician Mao Zedong;
  90. philosopher Francis Bacon;
  91. industrialist Henry Ford;
  92. philosopher Mencius;
  93. founder of the ancient religion Zarathustra;
  94. Queen of England Elizabeth I;
  95. the first president of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev;
  96. unifier of Egypt Menes;
  97. King of the Franks Charles the Great, who received the nickname during his lifetime;
  98. poet Homer;
  99. Emperor of Byzantium Justinian I;
  100. preacher Mahavir.


  1. The most powerful people in the world according to Forbes are Xi Qinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin and US leader Donald Trump.
  2. The list of the most influential people in Russia is headed by President V. Putin, German Gref and Alexei Miller.
  3. According to the book of the same name published twice, the first three of the 100 most influential people in the history of the world look like this: the prophet of Islam Muhammad, Isaac Newton and Jesus Christ. These people have changed the world.

Whatever they say about modern Russia in other states. Many foreigners are seriously surprised when they enter our country and do not see bears, felt boots and samovars on the street. Fortunately, the modern world dictates new rules, and today in our country you can meet a huge number of people who are not only educated, but also wealthy. Not surprisingly, in an article recently published by Forbes magazine, the richest people in Russia flaunt on the front page!

How many rich people are in Russia?

Every year in our country, data on the wealthiest citizens are published. At the same time, publications choose a variety of variations of these lists. For example, an article was recently published where only the richest young people in Russia were mentioned. It is worth noting that in order to achieve a certain financial weight in modern society, you need to spend more than one year of your life. The 100 richest people in Russia are mostly successful businessmen and politicians who have been able to achieve high results over the years of hard work. According to experts, the same people are almost always included in the list, only the positions of millionaires change. At the same time, it should be noted that the number of accumulated billions for each of the submitted applicants is only increasing every year. The TOP of the richest people in Russia are famous personalities and people about whom practically nothing is known to the public. Although there are those surnames that have long been included even in the colloquial use of our citizens, for example, Roman Abramovich. In order to talk about each representative who occupies a certain step in the hundred financial leaders of our country, you need to spend a huge amount of time. Therefore, here will be a list of the 10 richest people in Russia.

Place 10. Vagit Alekperov. Wealth: $14.8 billion

I would like to start this list from the last step and introduce a billionaire who ranks 10th in the ranking. Vagit Alekperov is a person who works with the most valuable thing in our state - oil. Despite the fact that the future billionaire was born in Azerbaijan, he was lucky enough to become one of those who today occupy leadership positions in our country. This contender for the title of "The Richest Man in Russia" began his career as a simple engineer, working at the Caspmorneft enterprise. It is worth noting that Alekperov began his career back in the time of the USSR, he held important positions at various enterprises, and in the 1990s he was appointed Deputy Minister of the Oil and Gas Industry. Immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Vagit Alekperov went into private business and by 1993 became the general director of the well-known LUKOIL concern. And despite the fact that scandals and gossip constantly rumble around this person, he has managed to significantly increase his fortune over the past ten years, bringing it to the mark of 14.8 billion rubles.

Place 9. Vladimir Potanin. Wealth: $14 billion

The penultimate place in the ranking of the 10 richest people in Russia is Vladimir Potanin, who managed to earn about 14 billion dollars during his career. This person may be known to those who are somehow familiar with the Interros holding, because it is in this organization that the billionaire holds the position of president. Potanin began his journey in government organizations, immediately after he graduated from the university. Having gained valuable experience while working at the Ministry of Foreign Trade, Vladimir Potanin begins to actively work with the private business sector. Unlike the previous representative of the richest people in Russia, Potanin prefers to engage in various types of business. He owns the largest holding Prof-Media, as well as a number of the most popular publications in Russia. But the main source of his income is still considered to be the direction that is associated with the energy resources of our country. Potanin is actively working with the export of raw materials, using the Norilsk Nickel and Interros companies.

Place 8. Mikhail Fridman. Wealth: $16 billion

The list of the richest people in Russia also includes a man who is a native of Ukraine. Mikhail Fridman was born in Lvov. All his adult life, the billionaire, who occupies the 8th place in the ranking of the most successful people in our country, has lived in the Russian Federation. Here Fridman was educated and took his first managerial position at the Elektrostal plant. By the 1980s, Mikhail Fridman began to actively engage in entrepreneurial activities. It turns out quite successfully for him and brings the first fruits, which years later will make him one of the richest people in Russia. Just like the previous representatives of the rating, Friedman prefers to export raw materials. This is not surprising, because, according to statistics, this is the most valuable thing in our state. Over the years of his activity, the billionaire managed to found a company called Alfa Group. Mikhail Fridman is also actively involved in the political life of Russia today.

Place 7. Suleiman Kerimov. Wealth: $16.5 billion

This person, unlike other representatives who are included in the rating of the richest people in Russia, earned his fortune on investments. Suleiman Kerimov rightly took the 7th place in the list of billionaires of our country, because he went to his goal throughout his life. Kerimov was born and raised in Derbent in an ordinary family. Educated in Dagestan, graduating from the Faculty of Economics. The first job of the future billionaire is the Eltav plant in Makhachkala, where he worked for a long time as an economist in his specialty. But by 1995, Kerimov began to quickly climb the career ladder and held the position of deputy director of the Soyuz-Finance enterprise, and not just anywhere, but already in Moscow. Thanks to the analytical mindset, Suleiman can easily work not only with documents, but also with securities of the main enterprises of our country. Today he is a major shareholder. In his investment portfolio, you can find securities of such enterprises as Gazprom, Sberbank, Nafta-Moscow and other large companies.

Place 6. Alexey Mordashov. Wealth: $17 billion

The list of the richest people in Russia also includes a man who earned his fortune through active cooperation with the West. The future billionaire began his career in St. Petersburg, where he studied at the Engineering and Economics Institute. By a happy coincidence for Mordashov, Anatoly Chubais taught at this educational institution during this period. It was this person who influenced the further development of events in the life of Alexei Mordashov and helped him make a brilliant career as an entrepreneur. Immediately after the future billionaire graduated from an educational institution, he began his work at a metallurgical plant in the city of Cherepovets. Without much difficulty, after a couple of years, Mordashov was able to become a director at this enterprise, however, by this time the organization had been renamed Severstal OJSC. Today, this enterprise is highly valued and considered one of the most profitable in our country, but during the period when Mordashov was its leader, the situation was far from being so rosy. For this reason, the future billionaire began to actively develop a scheme of cooperation with Western countries, which brought him his current fortune.

Place 5. Roman Abramovich. Wealth: $17 billion

This surname is widely known in our country and abroad, as mentioned above, and many believe that the richest man in Russia is Roman Abramovich. Despite the fact that this billionaire in 2014 took only 5th position in the list of "lucky ones", he is considered one of the most successful businessmen in the Russian Federation. The oligarch was born in the city of Saratov, but did not spend much time in this city. Together with his family, Roman Abramovich actively moved from place to place until he finally settled in Moscow. Oddly enough, the future oligarch did not want to receive an education, and immediately after the army he actively went into business. Trade - that's what attracted Abramovich. Initially, he worked in various directions, until he settled on oil. One of the main achievements of this man was the creation of the Sibneft oil company, which brought profit to its owner for many years. The oligarch was also interested in political life, but the Russians fell in love with him not for his active work, but for his personal life, which was always full of bright shades of luxury and wealth.

Place 4. Oleg Deripaska. Wealth: $19 billion

Surprisingly, the richest people in the world (Russia in particular) are always engaged in business related to the resources of our planet. Fourth place is occupied by a billionaire who earned his capital with the help of aluminum. Oleg Deripaska is the name of a man who deserves a place of honor in the top ten richest people in our country, but among the people he is called the "aluminum king". The future oligarch, unlike his predecessors, was born and raised in a small farm with the symbolic name Zhelezny. After Deripaska graduated with honors from the university, he began to actively engage in investment. It is worth noting that the future oligarch was well versed in this area and from the mid-90s he actively invested in the metallurgical field. Building his successful career, Deripaska managed to work as the general director of an aluminum plant in Sayanogorsk, take part in the development of the Siberian Aluminum company, and also become the general director of RUSAL.

Place 3. Alisher Usmanov. Wealth: $20 billion

The honorable third place is occupied by a person whose biography is as entertaining as the directions in which he works today. The contender for the title of "The richest man in Russia", who takes third place in 2014, was born and raised in Tashkent. Alisher Usmanov is the name of a person who was able to achieve his success using the most unexpected directions in business. Despite the fact that the future businessman grew up in the family of a prosecutor, immediately after graduating from MGIMO with a degree in International Law, Usmanov was convicted of extortion. The future oligarch spent almost 6 years in prison before it turned out that all the evidence for this crime was fabricated. Perhaps it was the fact that Alisher Usmanov spent so much time in prison that influenced the choice of business in which he began to engage. In Kazakhstan, Usmanov organized extreme hunting for people who could afford it. Having achieved some success, the future oligarch decided to conquer Russia as well, which he did very well. Today, one of the richest people in our country is a major shareholder and owner of the popular publication Kommerasant.

Place 2. Mikhail Prokhorov. Wealth: $22 billion

The ten richest people in Russia, considered by us in this article, could not do without the presence of Mikhail Prokhorov, who ranks second in the ranking. This man became known to the Russians largely due to his perseverance. Of the entire list presented, perhaps only this person can be considered a native Muscovite. Prokhorov was born and raised in the capital, where he was educated and served in the army. The career of this billionaire is directly connected with Vladimir Potanin, because it was with him that the future oligarch owned the securities of Norilsk Nickel. According to experts, Prokhorov could have shown himself to the maximum in the position of general director, but in 2005 business partners began a lengthy litigation to divide property. After the career of a successful businessman ended in failure, the billionaire actively engaged in political activities. He was the leader of the Right Cause party. At the same time, it should be said that almost all information about this oligarch is hidden, although a number of articles have been published in the media that cover events from the life of Prokhorov related to international scandals.

Place 1. Vladimir Lisin. Wealth: $24 billion

So our conversation reached the first place in the rating, which is occupied by the well-known billionaire Vladimir Lisin. The richest man in Russia, at least in 2014, began his career as an ordinary electrician. According to leading experts, this man has done a great job, going from the simplest steelworker to a billionaire. Trans Commodities - this company interested the future oligarch back in the distant 1980s, when few people thought about profitable investments. After Lisin earned his capital, he invested it in the shares of the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works. Like all rich people, the billionaire leads a largely closed lifestyle, so it is not easy to get any information about such an important figure in our country. It is known that he prefers to lead a quiet life. This confirms the fact that for the entire time of his career, Lisin did not become a defendant in a single scandal.

Forbes magazine regularly publish lists of the richest people of our time. However, they are not absolute champions in terms of savings.

In this article, the richest people in the world in history, with a recalculation of their fortune at today's rate.

1. Mansa Musa

The ruler of the empire of Mali in the Middle Ages managed to accumulate more than $ 400 billion in his life. Musa was born in 1280, and already in 1312 he became king. He made his fortune by selling livestock, hides and salt. In addition, he created one of the largest gold mining enterprises in history.

The king loved luxury, so his throne was upholstered in ivory, and the fans were silk umbrellas. In 1324, Mansa Musa went on a pilgrimage to Mecca. The ruler was accompanied by 60 thousand servants, several hundred slaves and dozens of camel caravans loaded with jewelry.

Legends say that his generosity to the poor along the way provoked a financial crisis in Europe: Musa gave away 12.5 tons of gold, crashing the precious metals market.

Mansa returned to his homeland a year later, and was no longer the richest man: he got into debt and was deceived by the Egyptians. But acquaintances with European scientists and artists helped him to strengthen the influence of Mali and make the country a center of culture.

Musa died in 1337, almost immediately his descendants squandered the royal inheritance. The son of Mansa renounced Islam and marked a new era in the development of the country, associated with a return to paganism.

"Father of the oil world", Rockefeller Sr. became the first dollar billionaire in history. He was born in 1839, worked and saved from the age of 7 (putting money in a piggy bank that he received for working in a neighbor's garden). At the age of 13, he gave loans to farmers at interest, and at the age of 20 he opened a trading company, borrowing money from his father (also with interest).

In 1863, John made the first oil distillation plant, he launched the rest of the enterprises together with his brother William. By 1880, the Rockefeller Company controlled 90% of US oil production. The entrepreneur donated a lot to charity, supported medical research and Baptist churches.

Rockefeller died in 1937. He left behind 16 railroad companies, 6 steel mills, 9 real estate businesses, and several other shipping companies, orange farms, and banks. The capital of John Davison was $320-400 billion.

Steel magnate and major industrial businessman of the 20th century. Born into a poor family in Scotland in 1835. He got his first job in the USA. He became a "bobbin caretaker" at a weaving mill for $10 a month. In 1853 he got a job in a railway company and quickly rose to the manager.

Carnegie invested a lot. At 20, he left his mother's house on bail and bought railroad shares for $500. In 1889, he opened a steel manufacturing business and became a dollar billionaire. He also founded Carnegie Mellon University. Andrew's fortune at the time of his death in 1919 was equal to $310-370 billion.

Nikolai Aleksandrovich was born in 1868 and grew up in a religious family. Having inherited the throne at the age of 26, he married. He had 4 daughters and a son, with whom he was under arrest during the 1917 revolution. A year later, Nicholas II and his entire family were shot in Yekaterinburg. There are versions that part of the imperial money still lies in secret accounts in Germany and France.

According to various estimates, the last ruler of the Russian Empire had $ 255-300 billion. Nicholas II inherited all his fortune (including silver, gold and the royal flotilla) from another representative of the Romanov family and his father, Alexander III. Half went to charity (especially during the First World War), maintenance of hospitals, palaces and assistance to relatives.

5. William Henry Vanderbilt

William Vanderbilt is not inferior in status to his father, Cornelius, although he had 13 children. The businessman was born in 1821 and brought up in harsh conditions. The father sent William to the farm because of his incompetence in the management of family affairs. But the economy went uphill, the leadership qualities of Vanderbilt Jr. were noticed.

In the 1840s reorganized the Long Island Railroad. In 1877, the railroad company passed entirely to his son after the death of Cornelius. William Henry himself died in 1885. However, in a short time he managed to double the family inheritance: his fortune is estimated at $ 240 billion.

Osman Ali Khan - the ruler of the principality of Hyderabad and Berar (territory of India) in the first half of the 20th century. Over the 37 years of his reign, he built a reservoir in the country, launched electricity, air and rail communications.

Osman made a fortune through the diamond trade, being a global monopoly in the market. In the 40s. he was the richest man in the world. He had a large collection of Rolls-Royce, and during the Second World War he donated several destroyers to the Navy of Great Britain and Australia. He died in 1967. He left 7 wives, 40 concubines and a fortune of $ 230 billion.

The capital of this American industrialist of the XIX century is estimated at $ 185-199 billion. Ford was born in 1863 in a family of migrant farmers. At the age of 16, he ran away from home and became an assistant machinist in Detroit, servicing steam engines.

In 1891, he took a job as an engineer at the Edison Electric Company. At the same time, he completed the development of his horseless crew, which he nicknamed the “Ford ATV”, and even earlier he assembled a car.

In 1903 he founded a car manufacturing company. At first it was the Ford A model cars, and from 1908 the Ford T models, which brought Henry worldwide fame. This is the third attempt to create your own business: the first companies in which Ford was a co-owner either went bankrupt or moved away after conflicts with partners. The entrepreneur was not stopped by failures.

Ford brought about the industrial revolution. He developed an automobile assembly line, and paid workers unimaginable money at that time - $ 5 per day. Henry died in 1947 from a cerebral hemorrhage, but his car brand has been successful ever since.

The state of the American banker at the time of his death was $ 188 billion. Mellon lived a long time. He managed to be a businessman, industrialist, US Treasury Secretary and US Ambassador to England.

Born in 1855 in Pittsburgh, he worked from the age of 20 in the family banking company. In 1882, the business passed to him by inheritance. Mellon began financing corporations in the fields of oil refining, metal manufacturing, and shipbuilding.

In the 1920s Andrew Mellon was considered the richest man in America. He managed to live up to 82 years.

The commander in ancient Rome, who lived from 115 to 153 years. BC. He had about $ 170 billion. Hardworking, vain, stingy - despite his complex nature, Crassus turned Rome from a modest Republic into an Empire. This general crushed the Spartacus uprising.

He was born into a wealthy family, so he did not experience any needs from childhood. He made a fortune at the expense of a specific business: he bought at a low price the houses of people who suffered from military fires or fell into proscriptions (lists declaring citizens outlaws), and then resold them.

Engaged in transactions for the sale of slaves who worked in the silver mines of his family. There are suggestions that Mark Licinius himself set fire to houses, and specially trained his slaves in fire skills. The greed and cruelty of Crassus played a cruel joke on him: the commander was executed and molten gold was poured into his mouth.

This American businessman of the 19th century had more than $165 billion. Cornelius was born in 1794 into a modest farming family, but at the age of 11 he found his first job, having left school for this. While working on the ferry, Vanderbilt borrowed $100 from his mother and at the age of 16 he founded an independent business of ferrying people on barges. A year later, he earned $1,000, which he proudly returned to his family.

By the age of 18, Cornelius signed a contract with the American government for the sea delivery of goods during the war between England and the United States. When the war ended, Vanderbilt maintained an entire fleet and switched to organizing the railroad business. In 1846 he became a millionaire. Vanderbilt died of natural causes in 1877, when he was 83 years old.