The degree of carbon monoxide poisoning. In a step from death: About my dating carbon black gas

Curly gas is a product allocated during carbon burning, accordingly, it can be poisoned by anyone. It is a special danger that for death, an insignificant amount of gas is needed, which has neither color or smell. The second aspect is the speed of the poison, often doctors simply do not have time to assist.

Curmarket gas (CO) is carbon monoxide, which is distinguished by burning together with carbon dioxide (CO2). True, in contrast to carbon dioxide, the CO content indoors requires much less in order to cause fatal poisoning. The poisoning of the toxin under consideration is one of the most common household intoxication, so it is so important to know its symptoms to prevent deployment.

CO poisoning is in the first place in Russia by mortality among household inxication. Every year in our country dies at least 100 people from. The death of poisoning occurs at the point of poisoning, doctors simply do not have time to provide victims. Therefore, it is so important to start taking measures to save as early as possible.

The physico-chemical properties of CO are such that it is a gas that has no color or smell. It is released in partial combustion of substances having a carbon in its composition. To answer the question about carbon monoxide, he is heavier or lighter than air, it is necessary to remember the school course of chemistry or refer to Wikipedia. With any of the options, we learn that it is lighter than air, and, therefore, in a fire you need to move, bending as low as possible to the ground.

It easily penetrates through thin walls and layers of loose soil. Not absorbed by materials with a porous structure, which makes useless gas mask filter type. Carbon monoxide has a fast overall toxic effect. So, when it is concentrated in the air, over 1.3% death occurs in 3-4 minutes.

CO is common everywhere. Consequently, the poisoning them comes quite often. It is possible to choose this gas:

  • under household fires;
  • on production, where CO (chemical industry, heavy metallurgy) is used as a reagent;
  • in case of insufficient ventilation in rooms with gas equipment, during leakage in gas cylinders (it has a characteristic smell due to the fragile substances specially added to it, pure CO does not smell);
  • with long combustion of kerosene and gasoline lamps;
  • in places of accumulation of exhaust vehicles of cars (large highways, garages), too, can also be poisoned by carbon monoxide.

Influence on the human body

Carbon monoxide, causing acute poisoning, is a hazardous chemical compound for a living organism.

The following groups of persons are especially susceptible to its damaging effects:

  • people with bad habits (alcoholics, drug addicts and smokers);
  • teenagers;
  • women during pregnancy;
  • children and teenagers up to 16 years;
  • people with the exhaustion of the body;
  • people with a diagnosis of anemia;
  • people suffering from chronic diseases of the respiratory system, for example, bronchial asthma and COPD.

So, a detrimental effect on the human body is based on the conversion of blood composition and damage to the respiratory system.

The main damaging factors of carbon monoxide include:

Locking transport processes

CO - blood poison, striking red blood cells (red blood cells). With the help of protein-hemoglobin, which contains iron cells tolerate oxygen. If the carbon monoxide gets into the body, the hemoglobin is faster than CO, forming a compound called carboxygemoglobin. Erythrocytes containing similar modified protein lose the ability to deliver oxygen to organs and tissues, as a result of which they begin to test oxygen starvation. That is, hypoxia develops.

The most sensitive to the lack of oxygen are nervous cells. Therefore, the initial signs of CO intoxication as once will be associated with disorders from the nervous system.

Disturbing of skeletal and heart muscles

In addition to hemoglobin, which is contained in the blood, CO is capable of contacting myoglobin, which is in muscle tissues. As a result, a compound is also formed, which loses the ability to perform its initial function of providing muscle fibers with oxygen. So, symptoms from the muscular and cardiovascular systems appear. These include: shortness of breath, increasing heart rate, threaded pulse, general muscular weakness.

Carbon monoxide is embedded in other biochemical reactions of the organism, disrupting the metabolic balance in tissues and organs.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning

In people relating to classes that risk obtaining CO death poisoning, manifestations and severity of intoxication are directly dependent on the concentration of toxic gas in the air and the time of stay in the poisoned air environment. They vary from non-hazardous to death.

CO concentration,% Time appearance of symptoms, h Manifestations and symptoms
< 0,008 3−5 The slowdown in psychomotor reactions, a compensatory increase in blood circulation in organs and tissues, chest pain and shortness of breath (with heart failure).
< 0,02 6 The performance deteriorates, headache appears, shortness of breath during exercise, violation of perception and vision, death in persons with heart failure and in the fetus.
0,02−0,055 2 The headache of the pulsating character, the confusion of consciousness, a violation of shallow motility, the inability to focus.
<0,07 2 Strong headache, vision, runny nose, vomiting.
0,07−0,095 2 Hallucinations, ataxia, surface rapid breathing.
0,1 2 Displacement, weakening of the pulse, convulsions and convulsions, tachycardia, rare surface breathing, comatose state.
0,15 1,5
0,18 0,5 The same as a concentration of 0.1%
0,2−0,3 0,5 Convulsions, cardiac and respiratory failure, a comatose state, a deadly outcome is possible.
0,5−1 0,08−0,1 Oppression of all reflexes, arrhythmia, threaded pulse wave, deep komatosis, fatal outcome
>1,3 0,01−0,07 Convulsions, loss of consciousness, vomiting, coma and death.

Early and Late Consequences of Poisoning

The carbon monoxide is cunning, and the symptoms that will show themselves after poisoning will still be disturbed by the victim. First of all, as we found out, the nervous and cardiovascular system suffers. So, from the side of the nervous system in the first days after poisoning will be manifested:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • reduction of sensitivity in limbs (due to damage to peripheral nerve fibers);
  • disorders of optic and auditory analyzers;
  • exacerbation of had mental illness.

To the late complications that appear in a week or even a month after intoxication include:

The emergence and early, and late complications are due to a single mechanism. The cells of the nervous system are most susceptible to the lack of oxygen intake. So, in hypoxia, there is damage to the white and gray substance of the head and spinal cord. There is also a direct poisoning effect. The violation of the peripheral nervous system is due to the binding of CO with proteins forming the myelin shell of the nerve fiber, which leads to a violation of the conductivity of the nerve impulse.

The consequences of the heart and blood vessels are also divided into early and late.

Early Late
Sudden death, violation of heart rhythm and blood circulation in the coronary vessels Myocardial infarction, myocarditis, cardiac asthma, angina.

The mechanism of occurrence is in the hypoxia of the heart muscle tissue when binding carbon monoxide with muscle protein - myoglobin and in the immediate poisoning of carbon monoxide on the heart fabric.

From the side of the respiratory system, a toxic edema of lungs may occur, and in the long run, the person's susceptibility to pneumonia of various origin will increase. This is caused by the weakening of the natural barriers of the body due to the poisoning effect of CO.

Assistance in poisoning

The outcome of intoxication depends on a plurality of factors, but it is correct and the measures taken on time are able to save a person life. The first thing to be done at the sight of the victim is to cause an ambulance brigade. It is necessary to do this, because, firstly, only a specialist is able to assess the severity of poisoning, secondly, external signs can mislead you that the injured light form of intoxication, thirdly, the initiative therapy begins to save life Man and prevent his disability.

In hospitalization need:

  • people with a medium and heavy degree of gravity, poisoning;
  • pregnant women (due to the risk of fetal death);
  • victims with cardiovascular diseases in history;
  • victims with body temperature below normal;
  • related with the loss of consciousness and other disorders from the nervous system.

After the emergency call, it is necessary to ensure the influx of fresh air to the victim. To do this, you need to get rid of the source of the CO or to leave a dangerous place. You can also wear an oxygen mask (if available) or a gas mask (not filtering type). This will provide termination of the flow of toxin to the body.

Then you need to provide free air circulation in the upper respiratory tract. To do this, all windows are opening in the room, the patient is released from shocking clothes and put a side. In the fresh air there is a decrease in the concentration of carboxygemoglobin in the blood, and the position of the body on the side will prevent the language of the tongue in the event of a loss of consciousness.

In case of loss of consciousness, it is necessary to give the patient to sniff out the ammonia alcohol, which stimulates the respiratory centers in the brain. You can confuse the chest and the back of the victim, put the mustard pieces. These measures will strengthen blood circulation in breast and brain arteries. After a person succeeded in consciousness, he can offer tonic drinks (tea, coffee), which contain substances that are stimulating the CNS.

If necessary, resuscitation activities are artificial respiration and indirect heart massage with cyclical cycling of 2 inhales and 30 pages on the chest in the heart area for one approach. This will help support the basic functions of the body before the arrival of doctors.

If it is in a stable state, it is necessary to protect it from excess energy costs. To do this, he needs to secure peace, wrapped up with his blankets, put a side schedule on the bed.

Arrived doctors will begin therapeutic measures:

  1. Oxygen therapy. 12-15 liters per minute for 6-7 hours. The procedure is carried out with an oxygen mask, oxygen tent or an IVL apparatus. Oxygen as it may compete with a poisonous gas for a place on hemoglobin. Therefore, the greater the oxygen molecules in the inhaled air, the greater the number of erythrocytes will be connected to it.
  2. Introduction Antidote. The antidote in this case is an acizol (ampoules 6%, 1 ml or in 120 mg capsules). 1 ml is introduced intramuscularly as early as possible. Re-administration - after 60 minutes. The drug is also used for prophylaxis. It is taken 20-30 minutes before the entrance to the potentially dangerous zone.

Azizol - means against poisoning CO. The drug accelerates the decay of carboxygemoglobin, helping to bring it out of the body, increases the affinity of hemoglobin with oxygen, reduces the toxic effect of gas on the fabric and organism organs.

Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the most common poisoning in everyday life, it is very dangerous and often leads to severe consequences and even a deadly outcome.

Co (carbon monoxide) is a product of incomplete combustion of organic substances. This gas is without color, taste and odor, does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes, so organoleptically not defined in the air. The source of this poison can be any flame running internal combustion engines, not adjusted furnace heating, damage to gas pipelines in apartments and other rooms.

More often, acute carbon monoxide poisoning is obtained in garages, apartments, fires, accidents in production. In such cases, the concentration of CO can achieve significant levels. So, in the exhaust gases of cars, it can exceed 3-6%.

Curmarket gas has high toxicity, which is determined by its concentration in the air. So, when a person is located in a room, where its concentration reaches 0.1%, for 1 hour, it develops acute poisoning of moderate severity; Heavy - at a concentration of 0.3% for 30 minutes, and a deadly - when a person inhales air from 0.4% CO for 30 minutes or 0.5% just 1 min.

The formation of carboxygemoglobin

The danger to people and animals occurs in the inhalation penetration of carbon monoxide into the body and is determined largely by affinity from iron-containing compounds: hemoglobin, mioglobin, cytochromic enzymes that form inverse complexes. In particular, the CO, interacting with hemoglobin, translates it into the carboxygemoglobin state (s). It is able to carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. Moreover, in the presence of sog, the dissociation of oxymemoglobin on O2 and hemoglobin decreases. This makes it difficult to transport oxygen in tissue and negatively reflects on the activities of organs and organism systems, primarily the brain and heart.

In persons who breathe air containing 0.1% CO, the level of song in the blood can reach 50%. A high level of this compound contributes to significant affinity (relationship) with hemoglobin, which is 220 times higher than the affinity of O2. Dissociation of carboxygemoglobin 3600 times slower than oxymemoglobin. Its stability in the body creates the basis for the development of hemic and tissue hypoxia.

Carbon monoxide antagonist in the body is oxygen. With an air pressure of 1 atm., T Co from the body is about 320 min, with inhalation of 100% oxygen - 80 minutes, and in the barocamera (2-3 atm) - decreases to 20 minutes.

Signs of carbon monoxide poisoning

Carbon oxide poisoning is very dangerous, since the emerging carbon monoxide does not smell and colorless. A person does not even understand what is subjected to fatal danger.
Signs of carbon monoxide poisoning are:

  • drowsiness,
  • problems with vision and hearing
  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • dyspnea,
  • noise in ears,
  • nausea,
  • indifference to danger,
  • loss of consciousness,
  • convulsions.

Symptoms of poisoning

The manifestations of intoxication of carbon monoxication are determined not only by the content of it in the air, but also the duration of action and the intensity of breathing. Inhalation of CO at a concentration of 0.05% for 60 min leads to the appearance of light headaches. At the same time, the concentration of songs does not exceed 20% in the blood. A longer impact or more intensive inhalation may contribute to an increase in the content of the Song up to 40-50%. Clinically, it is manifested by significant headache, confusion, bright red color skin and mucous membranes. At the concentration of CO in the air, 0.1% is the loss of consciousness, breathing is weakened. Death is possible if the duration of the action of the gas exceeds 1 hour. At the same time, the level of the Song can reach 60-90%. At the level of Song, less than 15% of the signs of acute poisoning are absent.
The severity of acute carbon monoxide poisoning increases when overwork, blood loss, hypovitaminosis, if the affected diseases have affected diseases, especially cardiovascular and respiratory systems, at high air temperature, reduce the content of O2 and increase CO2 in it.

The leading clinical signs of acute carbon monoxide poisoning are hypoxia and the appearance of symptoms in such a sequence:

  • a) psychomotor disorders;
  • b) headache and feeling of compression in the temporal area;
  • c) confusion and reduction of visual acuity;
  • d) tachycardia, tachipne, loss of consciousness, coma;
  • e) deep coma, cramps, shock and respiratory stop.

The degree of acute intoxication

There are 4 degrees of severity of acute carbon monoxide poisoning from: light, medium, heavy and lightning room.

Easy poisoning

Easy poisoning of CO comes when the level of the plant in the plasma reaches 20-30%. Headache appears, dizziness, feeling of gravity and squeezing in the head, pulsation in temples, noise in the ears, drowsiness and lethargy. Euphoria is possible with visual and auditory hallucinations, nausea, sometimes vomiting. Often develops tachycardia, moderate hypertension, shortness of breath. Moderately extended pupils react to light.

Medium gravity poisoning

The manifestations of acute poisoning of moderate gravity occur when the level of sogon increases to 50%. Clinically, this is manifested by drowsiness, sharp dizziness and headache, increasing weakness, disruption of coordination of movements, vomiting. Characteristic short-term loss of consciousness and memory, the appearance of convulsion, tonic reduction of chewing muscles (trism). As with light poisoning, the skin and mucous membranes remain bright red, heartbeat and shortness of breath increase, sometimes a comatose state is developing.

Heavy poisoning

When the content of songs in the blood exceeds 50% - the condition of the victims is sharply deteriorating (severe degree of intoxication). In patients, consciousness may not be recovered. There are such manifestations of TSN damage, such as hallucinations, nonsense, clonic-tonic convulsions, paresis and paralysis, decerebral rigidity, hyperthermia, meningitis symptoms, and from the side of the circulatory system - sharp tachycardia, arrhythmias, angina, tachipne. Breathing becomes pathological, type of Chein-Stokes.
Urination and defecation involuntary.

Depending on the circumstances, the clinical picture of sharp intoxication can be complemented by other manifestations. So, on fires there may be a burn of the upper respiratory tract, acute respiratory failure for aspiration-obturating type, sudden death (lightning degree of poisoning). The victims instantly lose consciousness. They stop their breathing, and after 3-5 minutes and the heart.

In addition, acute carbon monoxide poisoning in the toxicogenic phase may be complicated, edema of the lungs, myocardial infarction, and in the somatogenic phase - polyneuritis, pneumonia, damage to the trophic of the skin, acute deficiency of the kidneys.

On a pre-deputy stage, the diagnosis of acute intoxication is based on the results of clinical manifestations, anamnesis data, analysis of circumstances at the scene. 5 ml of blood is transmitted to the analysis laboratory (with 1-2 drops of heparin). Patients are evacuated to the hospital, preferably with a barocamera.

What to do with carbon monoxide poisoning

When we see a person in an unconscious state, first of all you need to appreciate what happened to him. In order to understand, the victim's environment should be studied.

If a person is unconscious to assume that he was poisoned by carbon monoxide, if:
1. The victim is in the garage when the engine is running engine.
2. The victim is in the furnace.

A man who poisoned carbon oxide will have difficulty breathing, as long as he is conscious.

What to do?
First of all, do not panic.
By moving the victim, you should always remember your own security. Therefore, try not to breathe air, exhaled victims and air indoors, where there is a gas leakage.
First step: Fresh air
If a person has lost consciousness, it needs to be taken out on fresh air. If it is impossible, provide fresh air in place (turn off the car, open the door of the garage, window).

Second step: assessment of the respiratory function of the victim
In the case of an unconscious state, after providing fresh air, it needs to carry out artificial respiration. In the case of anomaly, immediately call the ambulance, and then proceed to the grossing of the chest (30 compression and 2 breaths).

Third Step: Waiting for Help
If you managed to restore the correct breathing, we put the victim to a safe position and look forward to the arrival of medical care. During waiting, you can not leave the patient, you need to constantly check its condition. In addition, the patient should be covered - to protect against supercooling.

Emergency care for intoxication

Emergency care is to immediately terminate the further penetration of carbon monoxide into the body of the victim and ensuring its calm, warm and high level of ventilation. To do this, immediately take it out of contaminated room, to provide clean air or oxygen access. Laying to the nose with a mock moistened with the ammonic alcohol, grind your chest, to put the heating pads on your feet, to the chest and the back of the mustard, watering the affected hot tea or coffee.

When the respiratory is stopped, it is necessary to resort to artificial ventilation of the lungs in the hyperventilation mode, the introduction of respiratory stimulants (Lobelin hydrochloride 1 ml of 1% p-ra, cytionic 1 ml). The use of carbogen and methylene blue is contraindicated. It is also necessary to stop anti-kvuraltami cramps.

Pharmacological correction of heart rate disorders and prevention of threatening heart rate disorders and conductivity in acute carbon monoxide poisoning are carried out using unitiola 5-10 ml of 5% p-ra, sodium thiosulfate 30-60 ml of 30% R-ra, cytochrome from 25-50 mg Vitamin E 1 ml of 30% oily solution subcutaneously. Advocative infusion of 5-10% glucose with insulin, group vitamins, ascorbic acid, glucocorticoids, for example, intravenously 90-120 mg of the predisolone of hemisuccinate.

In the presence of hyperthermia, the analgin injections intravenously 2 ml of 50% solution and craniocerebral hypothermia are shown. With the appearance of Mesaton injection of 0.5-1 ml of 1% solution, ephedrine of hydrochloride 1 ml of 5% solution. The stratification of medical care is a victim from carbon oxide presented in the table.

Stages of medical care victims of carbon monoxide (according to P. Kondratenko, 2001)

Medical events Actions Medpers Medicinal preparations and manipulations
1 2 3
First and pretty help Remove the victims of fresh air In the event of a heart stop - an indirect massage of the heart and IVL: the breath of "mouth to the nose" or "mouth in the mouth"
First Distribution Help Delivery of the victim in the intensive care unit Cordiamin or caffeine, or Meston (1 ml of 1% solution intramuscularly). Acid ascorbic acid - 20-30 mg in 20-50 ml of 40% solution of glucose intravenously; 500 ml of 5% glucose with 50 ml of 2% of novocaine and with 20-30 ml of 5% ascorbic acid intravenously. Analgin or rope - intramuscularly, as well as glucocorticoids. When the heart is stopped - the indirect heart massage and IVL: the breath of "mouth to the nose" or "mouth in the mouth"
Qualified medical care IVL using devices in hyperventilation mode, using 100% oxygen supply. Cytochrome C - 15-60 mg / day. Antihypoxants (sodium oxybutyrate), tranquilizers or neuroleptics, antihistamines intravenously. Symptomatic therapy. Glucocorticoids.

The most effective method of treatment of acute intoxication of carbon monoxication is oxybarotherapy (under pressure of 2.5 atmosphere for 30-90 minutes), since the inhalation of O2 under pressure sharply accelerates the selection of CO from serum, contributes to the disappearance of hemocirculatory disorders, improving breathing and heart activities.

Chronic carbon monoxication

In chronic exposure with poisoning, most often found in a professional environment.

Main clinical manifestations

  • cerebrastic
  • deedzephalia
  • polyneurite,
  • stenicard attacks of voltage,
  • thyrotoxicosis
  • impotence,
  • pernicious anemia
  • polycithimera
  • splenomegaly and others. After severe poisoning, there are consequences - a deterioration in memory and intelligence.


The collection of history that caused acute poisoning, termination of contact with CO, symptomatic treatment, cerebroprotective treatment with glucose-insulin injections, vitamins of group B, enzyme preparations, physiotherapy, rehabilitation - physical and mental.

Curly gas: symptoms, first aid

Carbon monoxide poisoning annually lies with hundreds of people. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the number of victims in the winter period is significantly higher than in other times of the year.

The reason for this can serve many different factors, but in order to maximize themselves and their loved ones, first of all you need to know signs of carbon monoxide poisoningas well as possible consequences. In this article, you can find useful information regarding the interaction of the body with gas data, its further influence and the recommended precautions.

Danger of carbon monoxide

Places where there is an increased hazard of poisoning with

The main risk of carbon monoxide is that it is capable of even in small doses to quickly affect the human body.

Also, the carbon monoxide does not have the color color, smell and taste, so it is very difficult to detect it with a naked look. Because of this, many people often write off the first signs of gas poisoning On other factors without thinking about danger. You can face him absolutely anywhere, both in the home setting and workshop. And if we take into account that carbon monoxide, it is CO (carbon monoxide), formed by cars, and even a hookah with poor oxygen access, we contact him almost daily.

The effect of carbon monoxide on the body

Action CO per person

As soon as CO falls into the human body, it immediately begins to influence the blood circuit system. And if the dose exceeds the permissible standard, then the carbon black gas is actively connected to hemoglobin cells, turning into carboxygemoglobin, which is precisely preventing oxygen to the tissue cells. As a result, such an effect leads to hypoxia and a violation of the biochemical balance.
Also, muscle tissue and the heart itself suffer from this. Due to the lack of oxygen, human muscles begin to weaken, and the heart, without coping with the loads, is knocked off from the working rhythm. In trying to deliver oxygen necessary for tissues, the heart increases the pace, exhausting the poisoned organism. The result of such actions is quite simple - increased pulse and general weakness. And the more carbon monoxide affects a person, the faster its organism is self-disperse.

The main causes of carbon monoxide poisoning

The first and most numerous cause of CO poisoning occurs during a fire. Experienced firefighters know that carbon monoxide in some cases is much more dangerous than the destructive power of fire. The second reason, according to the deadly statistics, is a gas leak in closed rooms. The victim of this case is most often starting motorists who like to close the door in the garage and, at the same time, forget to turn off the car's engine or leave it for the operation of the heater.
Also with carbon monoxide, the owners of gas-wide equipment equipped with poor ventilation are often faced. This is mainly due to violation of safety equipment or disruption of the conditions for the construction of ventilation channels and chimneys. Larger gas equipment is used in production, where leakage can also occur, and as a result, the emergence of poisoning from service personnel. And now you already know how is a carbon monoxide poisoning.

The main symptoms and signs of manifestation

Signs of carbon monoxide poisoning

Symptoms of CO hit may differ significantly among themselves - it all depends on the amount of gas that penetrated into the body. Some of them may coincide with other diseases, and even get away for ordinary malaise. But the border between the moderate state and the mortal danger is very thin, since this gas is too active, and it is very easy for them.
To compile a more convenient classification, specialists divided the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning into three categories that may form: light, medium and heavy.

Light degree of influence:

  • high blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • knock in temples;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • dizziness and weakness;
  • breast pain and dry cough;
  • increased cardiac frequency;
  • tears and possible auditory hallucinations.

Average degree of influence:

  • partial or full paralysis;
  • enhanced noise in the ears;
  • drowsiness;

Heavy degree of influence:

  • muscle cramps;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • increasing pupils with minimal light reaction;
  • uncontrolled intestinal emptying or bladder;
  • labored breathing;
  • failure to face skin.

All these factors are the result of a dangerous carbon monoxide leakage. And if you felt any of these symptoms, and there is a gasified source nearby, we strongly recommend that you leave the room.

Atypical forms of poisoning

In contrast to conventional forms of carbon monoxide poisoning, nonypical forms depend on several factors. Often it can be either too big and fast gas release or a combination of a small concentration with the internal condition of a person.

Euphoric degree

It is characterized by a relatively small concentration of CO, which proceeds next to a person who is ending the nervous overwork. As a result, the victim could feel the state of Euphoria, but in the future simply losing consciousness.

Chronic degree

Under this category, people who face carbon monoxide in working production are most often falling. It can be like employees of boiler houses, plants, workshops, and so on. All this is accompanied by characteristic headaches, high heartbeat, rapid pulse, heart wear and organism as a whole, not only the entire period of work, but also after it.

Powder degree

The most rare category, since in this case the poisoning occurs with the help of explosive gases formed from the combustible powder. In this case, irritation of the mucous membranes, the pain in the nasopharynk and the respiratory system, tear and cough may occur.
As you see, these symptoms of these forms are somewhat different from the main classification of poisoning, but they are no less fatal.

Further complications in poisoning

Complications in poisoning with

Even if you were able to quickly determine poisoning and seek help, carbon oxide is not so easy to completely remove from the body. The consequences of carbon monoxide It can be very different - it all depends on the physical condition of the body, individual for each person, as well as the duration of exposure and, of course, the provision of PMP.
Mainly a person will accompany continuous weakness and frequent headaches. In some cases, a short-term cramp or light noise in the ears appears. If the effect of carbon monoxide to the human body was very large, the treatment may be accompanied by the occurrence of pneumonia and the death of internal tissues. The consequences of small doses are not so critical and are usually accompanied by headaches or high pressure within a few days.

First aid for poisoning

What to do in case of carbon monoxide poisoning

Now it's time to answer the question: what to do with carbon monoxide poisoning? If the victim is in the zone of the defeat, then it must be immediately taken out from there. As soon as you go to the safe distance, the victim is spread all the clothes that can make it difficult to breathe. If the victim is unconscious, then it is necessary to carry out artificial respiration, as well as cause ambulance.
It must be called with any symptoms of the average and serious degree of poisoning, since in such cases the poisoned person needs an oxygen mask, and also it is necessary antidot carbon monoxide- Amizol. Without the help of data, medium and heavy shape can cause a fatal outcome soon.

The end result of poisoning

The outcome of carbon monoxide poisoning depends on several factors:

  • duration of exposure;
  • gas concentration around the victim;
  • leak detection rates;
  • after what period of time, urgent assistance was provided for carbon monoxide poisoning.

Also, the individual human parameters and its health condition affect this. The victim can be separated by both light symptoms and symptoms of moderate gravity, with a further complication and a long rehabilitation period. Otherwise, inaction can provoke a fatal outcome.

Prevention of poisoning SO

At any enterprise, the formed poisoning gas should have access to the ventilation system, so all work must be carried out in well-ventilated halls.

If your home has a fireplace or oven, then you need to check the opening of the dampers on a regular basis.

Also before any contact with carbon dioxide, medical personnel strongly recommend taking an antidote "Amizol" 30-40 minutes before the impact of CO. As you see, the effects of poisoning with carbon dioxide can be very serious.
The reason for this can be a variety of factors. Compliance with safety regulations and rapid medical care will help keep health to you and your loved ones.


How to independently determine the step of carbon monoxide poisoning? What kind of help to provide the victim? These and other questions can be found in these videos.

Durger gas, or carbon monoxide has a chemical formula CO. He has no color, taste, smell. The characteristic smell that the non-specialists attribute to him is, in fact, the smell of impurities, which, as well as co, are released during the combustion of the organic matter.

Curmarket gas is formed when burning substances and materials containing carbon. In addition to wood and coal, they include oil and products of its processing, including gasoline and diesel fuel. Accordingly, the cause of poisoning can be staying in close proximity to the place of burning of carbon-containing substances, including next to the operating car engines.

The maximum permissible concentration of carbon monoxide in the atmospheric air is 33 mg / m³. By hygienic standards, the concentration should not exceed 20 mg / m³. The fatal outcome causes an inhalation of air, 0.1% of which is a carbon monoxide, within an hour. For comparison, the exhaust of the automotive internal combustion engine contains 1.5-3% of this toxic substance, therefore the CO refers to a 2.3 hazard class according to the international classification.

Causes of carbon monoxide poisoning

The most frequent causes of carbon monoxide poisoning:

  • long (over 5 hours) Finding in the immediate vicinity of automotive highways with a lively movement;
  • finding a non-ventilated room in which there is a combustion source, devoid of tapping of combustion products. It can be a bonfire, a working car, a stove with a closed chimney, etc.
  • neglect of security rules and instructions for used devices when using household and self-made devices involving the burning (burners, bourgear stoves and other heating devices).
The cigarette smoke also contains CO, but its concentration is too small to cause serious poisoning.

Fuses carbon monoxide and for gas welding, in which carbon dioxide is used. The latter, which is a carbon dioxide (CO2), while heating loses the oxygen atom and turns into CO. But when burning natural gas in good slabs and devices, it is not formed. If they are faulty, the carbon monoxide is allocated in a dangerous concentration.

Signs of carbon monoxide poisoning

At the concentrations of carbon monoxide, less than 0.009%, poisoning occurs only in cases of being in a ridicated place over 3.5 hours. Inxication flows in a light form and often remains unnoticed, since the symptoms of it are weakly pronounced: psychomotor reactions are slowed down, blood tide is possible to organs. In people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, shortness of breath and pain in the chest may appear.

With an increase in the concentration of CO in air to 0.052%, an hour of continuous impact is required to develop symptoms of intoxication. As a result, the symptoms are added to the above symptoms, the headache and disorder of visual perception is added.

When the concentration rises to 0.069%, there is enough hour so that the headache becomes pulsating, dizziness, nausea, disruption of coordination of movements, irritability, short-term failures in memory and visual hallucinations.

The concentration of C equal to 0.094%, within two hours leads to the occurrence of hallucinations, severe ataxia and tachipne.

The higher content of the CO in the air leads to the rapid loss of consciousness, coma and death. These symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning at its concentration in the inhaled air 1.2% occur after a few minutes.

First aid in charge of carbon monoxide

Durchable gas is a bat, quickly dissipating in the atmosphere. The victim should immediately leave the epicenter with the highest concentration of gas. Most often, it is enough to get out of the room in which the source is located if the victim cannot do this, it should be displayed (render).

It is impossible to independently appreciate the gravity of the condition of the victim, this can be done only according to the results of blood test. Therefore, even with minor signs of poisoning, it is necessary to seek medical attention. When a state of medium severity, even if the victim is capable of moving independently, you need to call an ambulance. When calling the dispatcher, you must inform accurate symptoms, the source of poisoning and the duration of being near it.

In anticipation of the arrival of physicians, it is necessary to ensure the victim of peace. To lay down by turning the head of the side, get rid of the clothes interfering with breathing (split collar, belt, bra), ensure a constant inflow of oxygen.

At the same time, the condition of the body undercooling is dangerous, and it should be prevented by applying the heights or mustard films to the legs.

When losing consciousness, it is necessary to gently turn the victim on the side. This posture will save the opened respiratory tract and eliminates the possibility of suppressing saliva, splices or the tongue.

Carrying gas poisoning treatment

The general principle of medical care in poisoning with this product is to saturate the body of victim by oxygen. At easy poisoning, oxygen masks use, in most cases this happens enough.

In more severe cases, apply:

  • forced lung ventilation (IVL);
  • subcutaneous administration of caffeine or labeline;
  • administration of caocarboxylase intravenously;
  • the introduction of acizol intramuscularly.

With severe poisoning, the patient can be placed in a hyperbaric barocamer.

Carbon monoxide poisoning in children

Most of children's carbon monoxide poisoning occurs as a result of games with fire. In second place - stay in premises with faulty furnaces.

At the very first signs of carbon monoxide poisoning, it is necessary to make a child for fresh air and call an ambulance. Use oxygen pillows in this case is not recommended. Hospitalization is necessary in all cases, even if the degree of poisoning is insignificant. Children have a high risk of serious complications, in particular, pneumonia.

Carbon monoxide poisoning in pregnant women

Pregnant women are more sensitive to elevated carbon monoxide concentration in the air than the rest. Studies conducted in 1993 by foreign scientists showed that the symptoms of poisoning can be observed at the maximum permissible concentration or even less. Therefore, the future mothers should avoid the potential risk places listed above.

In addition to conventional complications, carbon monoxide poisoning during pregnancy brings with me another danger.

Even minor doses of CO, which fell into the blood can lead to fetal death.

Complications and consequences

When breathing, carbon dioxide falls out of the lungs to the blood in the same way as oxygen does, and enters into a chemical reaction with hemoglobin. As a result, instead of normal oxymemoglobin, carboxygemoglobin is formed in the following proportion - with a ratio of CO and air 1/1500, half of the hemoglobin will switch to carboxygemoglobin. This compound is not only not able to carry oxygen, but also prevents the release of the latter from oxymemoglobin. As a result, oxygen starvation of a hemic type occurs.

The processes described above cause hypoxia, which negatively affects the work of all internal organs. Especially dangerous asphyxia for the brain. It can cause minor memory violations and thinking and serious neurological or even psychiatric diseases.

Recently, British scientists from the University of Leeds together with French colleagues found that even minor poisoning with carbon dioxide violates heart rhythm, which can lead to severe consequences up to death.

Prevention of carbon monoxide poisoning

The density of atmospheric air at altitudes characteristic of most of the territory of Russia is such that it is heavier of carbon monoxide. It follows from this fact that the latter will always be accumulated in the upper part of the room, and outside them rise to the upper layers of the atmosphere. Therefore, being in the smoked rooms, it should be left, keeping your head as low as possible.

You can protect your home from unforeseen emissions CO using a sensor that automatically determines the concentration of this substance in the air and gives an alarm when it turns out to be exceeded.

Garages, houses with furnace heating and closed rooms, where there are devices and devices that can serve as a source of carbon monoxide, you must check for at least once a year for compliance with safety regulations. So, in the garages should be regularly checking the ventilation system, and in houses with furnace heating - the health of the heating system, especially the chimney and the exhaust pipe.

When working with devices implying combustion (for example, with a gas burner or an apparatus for electric welding), in devoid of ventilation premises to use ventilation.

Conduct as little time as possible near the motorway with a lively movement.

With overnight stays in the garage or separately worth the car - ensure that the engine is turned off.

Video from YouTube on the subject of Articles:

Update: October 2018

Carbon monoxide poisoning refers to acute pathological conditions, which develops due to a certain concentration of carbon monoxide into the human body. Such a state is life-threatening and without qualified medical attention can end with death.

Durchable gas (CO, carbon monoxide) is a combustion product and enters the atmosphere with any kind of types. Without having smell and taste, the substance does not manifest about its presence in the air, easily penetrates through the walls, soil and filter materials.

Therefore, the concentration of CO can be detected only with the help of special devices, and in the worst case - according to the rapidly developing clinic. In the urban air, the main contribution to the concentration of this hazardous substance is made by exhaust gases from automotive internal combustion engines.

Action on the body

  • From 200 times faster than 2 enters the bloodstream and enters into an active bond with hemoglobin. As a result, carboxygemoglobin is formed - a substance with a stronger bond with hemoglobin rather than oxymemoglobin (oxygen in a hemoglobin compound). This substance blocks the process of transmitting oxygen with tissue cells, causing hypoxia of the hem type.
  • CO is associated with myoglobin (skeletal and heart muscle protein), reducing the pump function of the heart and causing muscle weakness.
  • In addition, carbon monoxide enters oxidative reactions and violates the biochemical balance in the tissues.

Where are the cases of poisoning CO?

  • On fires.
  • In production, where C is used in the synthesis reactions of substances (phenol, acetone).
  • In gasified rooms operating gas equipment (gas plates, water heaters, heat generators) with insufficient ventilation or insufficient amount of supply air required for gas combustion.
  • Garages, tunnels and other rooms with insufficient ventilation, where the accumulation of car exhaust gases is possible.
  • With long-term finding nearby businesses.
  • At the time of leakage of the luminaire gas at home.
  • When untouched (early) closed chicks of the home furnace, stoves in the bath, fireplace.
  • Long use of kerosene lamp in an unbelievable room.
  • Using low-quality air in breathing devices.

Risk groups (with increased sensitivity to CO)

Signs of poisoning depending on the concentration of

Concentration CO,% The time of the onset of clinical manifestations Signs
Up to 0.009. 3-5 C.
  • Reducing the speed of psychomotor reactions
  • Compensatory increase in blood circulation in vital organs
  • Breast pain and shortness of breath in persons with a pronounced degree of heart failure
Up to 0.019. 6 ch
  • Reduced performance
  • Nonal headache
  • Dyspnea during the physical exertion of moderate severity
  • Vision violation (perception)
  • In persons with a severe degree of heart failure and the fetus can cause death
0,019-0,052 2 C.
  • Pronounced headache of pulsating character
  • Dizziness
  • Emotional instability, irritability
  • Violation of attention and memory
  • Nausea
  • Violation of shallow motility
Up to 0.069. 2 C.
  • Strong headache
  • Vision vision
  • Confused
  • Total weakness
  • Rubble
  • Nausea and vomiting
0,069-0,094 2 C.
  • Hallucinations
  • Heavy Motoric Disorder (Ataxia)
  • Surface student breathing
0,1 2 C.
  • Fainting
  • Weak Pulse
  • Convulsions
  • Tachycardia
  • Rare superficial breathing
0,15 1.5 C.
0,17 0.5 C.
0,2-0,29 0.5 C.
  • Convulsions
  • Heart and respiratory depression
  • Death is possible
0,49-0,99 2-5 min
  • Lack of reflexes
  • Arrhythmia
  • Fitivoid pulse
  • Deep Coma
  • Death
1,2 0.5-3 min
  • Convulsions
  • Vomot
  • Death

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning

Easy poisoning:

Medium gravity poisoning:

Heavy poisoning:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • knock in the temporal area;
  • pain in the chest, dry cough;
  • tear;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • redness of the scalp, face and mucous membranes;
  • hallucinations (visual and auditory);
  • tachycardia;
  • hypertension.
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • muscle paralysis on the background of preserved consciousness.
  • loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • breathing disorder;
  • coma;
  • uncontrollable urination and defecation;
  • expanding pupils with a weak reaction to the light irritant;
  • significant formation of mucous and skin.

The mechanism of symptoms

Neurological symptoms

  • The brain and nerve cells are most sensitive to hypoxia, so headache, nausea, dizziness, etc. I am a signal that the nervous cells suffer from oxygen starvation.
  • Less neurological symptoms (convulsions, loss of consciousness) occur against the background of deep damage to nervous structures until irreversible.

Cardiovascular symptoms

The lack of oxygen begins to compensate for more intensive cardiac activity (tachycardia), but the emergence of pain in the heart suggests that the heart muscle is also experiencing hypoxia. Acute pain indicates a complete cessation of oxygen intake to myocardium.

Respiratory symptoms

Baking respiration also relates to compensatory mechanisms, but the defeat of the respiratory center in pronounced poisoning leads to superficial, inefficient respiratory movements.

Skin symptoms

Red-blue shade of the scalp and mucous membranes speaks of a reinforced, compensatory blood flow to the head.

The consequences of carbon monoxide

With light and medium degrees of gravity of patient poisoning, headaches, dizziness, reduction of memory and intelligence can be disturbed, and emotional instability, which is associated with the lesion of the gray and white matter of the brain.

Heavy complications most often are irreversible and often lead to death:

  • skin-trophic disorders (swelling with subsequent tissue necrosis);
  • subarachnoid hemorrhage;
  • violation of brain hemodynamics;
  • brain swelling;
  • polyneuritis;
  • violation of vision and hearing to full loss;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • heavy pneumonia complicating to whom.

First aid in charge of carbon monoxide

Proponial assistance in implies the cessation of the contact of the victim with the poisoning gas and the restoration of vital functions. First aid with carbon monoxide poisoning should exclude poisoning of one who is trying to provide this very help. Ideally, a gas mask should be put on and only then go to the room where the victim is located.

  • To withdraw or bear the affected person from the room where there is an increased concentration of CO. This is the event that must be fulfilled primarily because with each breath, pathological changes in the body increase.
  • Call an ambulance at any patient condition, even if he is joking and laughs. Perhaps this is a consequence of the action of CO to vital centers, and not a sign of health.
  • With a lightweight poisoning, you can heat the person with strong sweet tea, warm and ensure peace.
  • In the absence or confusion of consciousness - to put on a flat surface on the side, unzipped the collar, the belt, to provide the influx of fresh air. Give sniff with a vat with ammonia alcohol at a distance of 1 cm.
  • With the absence of heart or respiratory activities, make artificial respiration and sternum massage in the heart projection.

What to do when poisoning during a fire?

If it happened that people remained in the burning room, you can not try to save them yourself - this will lead to an increase in the number of victims of the emergency and no more! Should immediately call the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Even 2-3 inhalation of air poisoned from air can endally, therefore no wet rags and filtration masks will protect the person who has come to the rescue. Only the gas mask can protect against deadly CO!

Therefore, the salvation of people in such a situation should trust professionals - the Ministry of Emergency Situations Brigade.


If a person is in critical condition, ambulance brigade is carried out by a resuscitation set. In the first minutes, the antidote of acizol is administered by 6% by intramuscular injection in a volume of 1 ml. The patient is delivered to the hospital (resuscitation).

In the hospital conditions, the patient is ensured by a complete peace. It is organized with pure oxygen with partial pressure of 1.5-2 atm or carbogen (95% oxygen and 5% carbon dioxide) for 3-6 hours.

Further therapy is aimed at restoring the work of the central nervous system and other organs and depends on the severity of the state and the reversibility of the pathological reactions that occurred.

Prevention of poisoning SO

  • All works related to the risk of poisoning CO, exercise only in well-ventilated premises.
  • Check the flaps of furnaces and fireplaces. Never close them with incomplete combustion of firewood
  • Install autonomous gas detectors in rooms with the potential risk of poisoning CO.
  • With possible contact with with accept 1 acizol capsule for half an hour to probable contact with gas. Protection persists 2-2.5 hours after receiving the capsule.

Azizol is a domestic drug, fast and effective antidote against acute carbon monoxide poisoning in deadly doses. It prevents the formation of the carboxygemoglobin substance and accelerates the removal of CO from the body. As soon as possible, intramuscular administration of acizol affected significantly increases their chances of survival and increase the effectiveness of subsequent resuscitation and medical events.